Programming Fundamentals 1 - C
(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) A particular code that specifies the integer representing each char value
Input/Output Function
A C function that performs an input or output function
Preprocessor Directive
A C program line begging with # that provides an instruction to the preprocessor
A collection of useful functions and symbols that may be accessed by a program
A combination of English phrases and C constructs to describe algorithm steps
Control Structure
A combination of individual instructions into a single logical unit with one entry point and one exit point
A condition assumed to be true after a function executes
A condition assumed to be true before a function call
Selection Control Structure
A control structure that chooses among alternative program statements
A control structure that repeats a group of steps in a program
A diagram that shows the step-by-step execution of a control structure
Structure Chart
A documentation tool that shows the relationships among the subproblems of a problem
Void Function
A function that does not return a value
Cohesive Function
A function that performs a single operation
Compound Statement
A group of statements bracketed by { and } that are executed sequentially
Counter-Controlled Loop (Counting Loop)
A loop whose required number of iterations can be determined before loop execution begins When Used: We can determine before loop execution exactly how many loop repetitions will be needed to solve the problem. 'while' 'for'
Prompt (Prompting Message)
A message displayed to indicate what data to enter and in what form
A moving place marker that indicates the next position on the screen where information will be displayed
A name associated with a memory cell whose value can change
Constant Macro
A name that is replaced by a particular constant value before the program is sent to the compiler
Top-Down Design
A problem-solving method in which your first break a problem into its major subproblems and then solve the subproblems to derive the solution to the original problem
Data Type
A set of values and operations that can be performed on those values
A symbol beginning with % in a format string that indicates where to display the output value
A system program that modifies a C program prior to its compilation
Syntax Error
A violation of the C grammar rules, detected during program transition (compilation)
Standard Identifier
A word having special meaning but one that a programmer may redefine (but redefinition is not recommended)
Reserved Word
A word that has special meaning in C
Address of
Decision Step
An algorithm step that selects several one of several actions
Run-Time Error
An attempt to perform an invalid operation, detected during program execution
Logic Error
An error caused by following an incorrect algorithm
Representational Error
An error due to coding a real number as a finite number of binary digits
Arithmetic Underflow
An error in which a very small computational result is represented as zero
Cancellation Error
An error resulting from applying an arithmetic operation to operands of vastly different magnitudes; effect of smaller operand is lost
Arithmetic Overflow
An error that is an attempt to represent a computational result that is too large
An expression that is either false (represented by 0) or true (usually represented by 1)
Logical Expression
An expression that uses one or more of the logical operators && (and), || (or), ! (not)
Actual Argument
An expression used inside the parentheses of a function call
Mixed-Type Expression
An expression with operands of different types
Formal Parameter
An identifier that represents a corresponding actual argument in a function definition
Nested 'if' Statement
An if statement with another if statement as its true task or its false task
Input Operation
An instruction that copies data from an input device into memory
Output Operation
An instruction that displays information stored in memory
Assignment Statement
An instruction that stores a value or a computational result in a variable
Unary Operator
An operator that has one operand
Unary Operator
An operator with one operand
Binary Operator
An operator with two operands
Bitwise Negation
Application of the ~ operator to an integer produces a value in which each bit of the operand has been replaced by its negation
Input Arguments
Arguments used to pass information into a function subprogram
Output Arguments
Arguments used to return results to the calling function
Bitwise Negation
+=, -=, *=
Compound Assignment
? :
Type Cast
Converting an expression to a different type by writing the desired type in parenthesis in front of the expression
Data type used to represent and individual character value, a letter, a digit or a specific symbol
Data type used to represent real numbers (with decimal)
Function Argument
Enclosed in parentheses following the function name; provides information needed by the function
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Format String
In a call to printf, a string of characters enclosed in quotes (""), which specifies the form of the output line
Print List
In a call to printf, the variables or expressions whose values are displayed
Indirection or multiplication
Program Documentation
Information (comments) that enhances the readability of a program
Left Shift
Less than
Less than or equal to
Logical and
Logical or
Executable Statements
Program lines that are converted to machine language instructions and executed by the compiler
Removing errors from a program
Right Shift
Variable Declarations
Statements that communicate to the compiler the names of variables in the program and the kind of information stored in each variable
Hand Trace (desk check)
Step-by-step simulation of an algorithm's execution
Short-Circuit Evaluation
Stopping evaluation of a logical expression as soon as its value can be determined
Text beginning with / * and ending with */ that provides supplementary information but is ignored by the preprocessor and compiler
Bitwise and, xor, and or
The bitwise operators & (and), ^ (xor), and | (or) all take two integer operands that are viewed as strings of bits. The operators determine each bit of their result by considering corresponding bits of each operand.
Newline Escape Sequence
The character sequence \n, which is used in a format string to terminate an output line
Sequential Evaluation
The comma operator, evaluates its two operands in sequence, yielding the value of the second operand as the value of the expression. The value of the first operand is discarded.
Logical Complement
The complement of a condition has the value 1 (true) when the condition;s value is 0 (false); the complement of a condition has the value 0 (false) when the condition's value is nonzero(true)
The conditional operator '? :' takes three operands, ' c ? r1 : r2 The value of an expression using the conditional is the value of either its second or third operand, depending on the value the first operand.
Mixed-Type Assignment
The expression being evaluated and the variable to which it is assigned have different data types
The part of the program that tells the compiler the names of memory cells in a program
Shift Operators
The shift operators << (left) and >> (right) take two integer operands. The value of the operand is the number to be shifted and is viewed as a collection of bits that can be moved.
Loop Body
The statements that are repeated in the loop
Return Statement
Transfers control from your program to the operating system
Unary minus or subtraction
Unary plus or addition
Sentinel-Controlled Loop
When Used: Input of a list of data of any length ended by a special value. 'while' 'for'
Endfile-Controlled Loop
When Used: Input of a single list of data of any length from a data file. 'while' 'for'
Procedural Abstraction
a programming technique in which a main function consists of a sequence of function calls and each function is implemented separately
ANSI C Reserved Words
auto double int struct break else long switch case enum register typedef char extern return union const float short unsigned continue for signed void default goto sizeof volatile do if static while
data type is used to represent integer in C