Project Management

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Define a project. What are five characteristics that help differentiate projects from other functions carried out in the daily operations of the organization?

1. An established objective 2. A defined lifespan with a beginning and an end 3. Usually, the involvement of several departments and professionals 4. Typically, doing something that has never been done before 5. Specific time, cost, and performance requirements

What are the eight elements of a typical scope statement?

1. Project objective 2. Product scope description 3. Justification 4. Deliverables 5. Milestones 6. Technical requirements 7. Limits and exclusions 8. Acceptance criteria

Project risks can/cannot be eliminated if the project is carefully planned. Explain.

Project risks cannot be eliminated even if the project is carefully planned because there are too many uncontrollable variables. Uncontrollable variables such as team members getting sick, weather/natural disasters, issues with the supply chain restricting or delaying necessary resources can occur regardless of how carefully planned the project is. Even different contingency plans are in place those are also able to be negatively affected by undesired events/problems.

Reducing the project duration increases the risk of being late. Explain.

The bottom line is that the compression of projects with several near-critical paths reduces scheduling flexibility and increases the risk of delaying the project. Slack reduction in a project with several near-critical paths increases the risk of being late. The practical outcome can be a higher total project cost if some near-critical activities are delayed and become critical; the money spent reducing activities on the original critical path would be wasted. Sensitive networks require careful analysis.

What are the major differences between managing negative risks and managing positive risks (opportunities)?

Essentially the same process that is used to manage negative risks is applied to positive risks. The major difference occurs in the responses. Instead of avoiding negative risks, project managers often try to exploit positive risks by taking action to ensure that the opportunity occurs. Instead of transferring risks to another party, project managers often share positive risks to increase the likelihood the opportunity can be exploited. Instead of mitigating negative risks, project managers will take action to enhance the likelihood the opportunity will occur and/or increase the positive impact of the opportunity. Finally, project managers will often choose to accept both negative and positive risks but be prepared to respond if either occurs.

What is the difference between risk mitigation and contingency planning?

Mitigating a risk is a proactive approach that involves taking action to reduce the chance of the risk from happening or the impact the risk will have on the project. Contingency planning is a reactive approach that involves having a planned response if the risk occurs and is then implemented if that risk occurs.

What kinds of projects is Agile PM best suited for and why?

a. Agile PM is best suited for projects with high levels of uncertainty. A good example of this would be software projects because software projects are notorious for having unstable scopes in which end user requirements are discovered not defined up front.

The portfolio of projects is typically represented by compliance, strategic, and operations projects. What impact can this classification have on project selection?

a. Each classification of project provides a different value for a company. A company must ensure they prioritize these projects so that they do not hurt themselves financially or legally.

Discuss the pros and cons of the checklist versus the weighted factor method of selecting projects.

a. Pros for using the checklist are that it allows great flexibility in selecting among many different types of projects and are easily used across different divisions and locations. Cons include that it fails to answer the relative importance or value of a potential project to the organization and fails to allow for comparison with other potential projects. Pros for weight factor method include allowing the comparison and ranking of potential projects as well as self-evaluation. A major con is that power and politics are exposed.

Explain the role projects play in the strategic management process.

a. Strategy is implemented primarily through projects. Successful implementation of projects means reaching the goals of the organization and thus meeting the needs of its customers.

What are five common reasons for crashing a project?

1. Time to market pressures. a. Intense global competition and rapid technological advances have made speed a competitive advantage. 2. Unforeseen delays. a. Getting back on schedule usually requires compressing the time on some of the remaining critical activities. 3. Incentives for early completion. 4. Imposed deadlines. a. For example, a politician makes a public statement that a new law building will be available in two years. Or the president of a software company remarks in a speech that new advanced software will be available January 22nd. Such statements too often become project objectives without any consideration of the problems or cost of meeting such a date. The project duration time is set while the project is in its "concept" phase before or without any detailed scheduling of all the activities in the project. 5. Pressures to move resources elsewhere. a. There are times when it is important to reassign key equipment and/or people to new projects. Under these circumstances, the cost of compressing the project can be compared with the opportunity costs of not releasing key equipment or people.

Present six reasons scheduling resources is an important task.

1. leaves time to assess availability and time for considering reasonable alternatives. 2. allows multiple projects to be worked on concurrently if they share some/all of the same resources. 3. Resource schedules provide the information needed to prepare time-phased work package budgets with dates. 4. they provide a quick means for a project manager to gauge the impact of unforeseen events such as turnover, equipment breakdowns, or transfer of project personnel. 5. Resource schedules also allow project managers to assess how much flexibility they have over certain resources. 6. allow project managers to control costs: for certain resource-constrained projects, money can be a resource. Ex. Lead time or shipping costs can be reduced if adequate slack is given to procurement activities. One may reduce shipping costs by requesting Ground delivery as opposed to Air Freight. allow Project managers to assign work to human resources

How does resource scheduling reduce flexibility in managing projects?

Because when resources are considered, computer routines use slack to get an "efficient" schedule. When slack is used up, flexibility is lost and the risk of delaying the project increases. If the resource conflict occurs on the critical path, the project is delayed.

Why are lags used in developing project networks?

A lag is the minimum amount of time a dependent activity must be delayed to begin or end. The use of lags in project networks occurs primarily for two reasons: FINISH-TO-START START-TO-START FINISH-TO-FINISH START-TO-FINISH When activities of long duration delay the start or finish of successor activities, the network designer normally breaks the activity into smaller activities to avoid the long delay of the successor activity. The use of lags can avoid such delays and reduce network detail. Lags can be used to constrain the start and finish of an activity.

What is the difference between avoiding a risk and retaining a risk?

Avoiding risk is changing the project plan to eliminate the risk or condition. Retaining risk occurs when a conscious decision is made to accept the risk of an event occurring. Some risks are so large it is not feasible to consider transferring or page 226reducing the event (e.g., an earthquake). Transferring risk to another party is common; this transfer does not change risk. Escalating risk occurs when the project encounters a threat that is outside the scope of the project or the authority of the project manager. In such cases, the response should be to notify the appropriate people within the organization of the threat.

Why is it important to assess the culture of an organization before deciding what project management structure should be used to complete a project?

Because the culture of an organization can largely determine which structures will be successful and which will not. Research suggests there is a strong connection among project management structure, organizational culture, and project success.

Why bother creating a WBS? Why not go straight to a project network and forget the WBS?

Because the project network diagram cannot be created effectively without a proper WBS and because the WBS is an integral part of planning activities in the project.

Why is scheduling overtime a popular choice for getting projects back on schedule? What are the potential problems of relying on this option?

By scheduling overtime, you avoid the additional costs of coordination and communication encountered when new people are added. If people involved are salaried workers, there may be no additional cost for the extra work. there are fewer distractions when people work outside normal hours. Sustained overtime work by salaried employees may incur intangible costs such as divorce, burnout, and turnover. Turnover is a key organizational concern when there is a shortage of workers. Furthermore, it is an oversimplification to assume that over an extended period of time a person is as productive during her eleventh hour at work as during her third hour of work. There are natural limits to what is humanly possible, and extended over time may actually lead to an overall decline in productivity when fatigue sets in.

Explain the difference between contingency reserves and management reserves.

Contingency reserves are set up to cover identified risks; these reserves are allocated to specific segments or deliverables of the project. Management reserves are set up to cover unidentified risks and are allocated to risks associated with the total project. The risks are separated because their use requires approval from different levels of project authority. Because all risks are probabilistic, the reserves are not included in the baseline for each work package or activity; they are only activated when a risk occurs.

What kinds of information are included in a work package?

Defines work (what). Identifies time to complete a work package (how long). Identifies a time-phased budget to complete a work package (cost). Identifies resources needed to complete a work package (how much). Identifies a single person responsible for units of work (who). Identifies monitoring points for measuring progress (how well).

What are the likely outcomes if a change control process is not used? Why?

If a change control process is not used, budgets and plans will self-destruct quickly. Tracking changes facilitates control and accountability of budgets and time. In addition, change control allows for coordination of changes further on in the project.

Other than culture, what other organizational factors should be used to determine which project management structure should be used?

Factors that should be used to determine which project management structure should be used include: Size of project Strategic importance Novelty and need for innovation Need for integration Environmental complexity Budget and time constraints Stability of resource requirements

Explain the risks associated with leveling resources, compressing or crashing projects, and imposed durations or "catch-up" as the project is being implemented.

Flexibility is decreased and the risk of delay is increased. For example, slack is used up and may cause other bottlenecks later in a sequence of activities. Having time buffers at merge points before the project begins could help avoid some of the need to crash activities. Decoupling critical activities can help to cut time if decoupling is possible and resources can be shifted; however, the risk is typically reduced only slightly.

What is the difference between free slack and total slack?

Free slack is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying any immediately following (successor) activity. Or free slack is the amount of time an activity can exceed its early finish date without affecting the early start date of any successor(s) Total slack tells us the amount of time an activity can be delayed and not delay the project.

What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the functional, matrix, and dedicated team approaches to managing projects?

Functional Pros: No change, flexibility, in-depth expertise, easy post transition Cons: Lack of focus, poor integration, slow, lack of ownership Matrix Pros: efficient, strong project focus, easier post transition, flexible Cons: conflict, infighting, stressful, slow Dedicated Team Pros: simple, fast, cohesive, cross-functional integration Cons: expensive, internal strife, limited technological expertise

What is a hammock activity and when is it used?

Hammock activities are used to identify the use of fixed resources or costs over a segment of the project. A hammock activity is a grouping of subtasks that spans over a segment of a project. They may also be used to aggregate sections of a project and facilitate getting the right level of detail for specific sections of the project.

How does a communication plan benefit the management of projects?

Having a robust communication plan can go a long way toward mitigating project problems and can ensure that customers, team members, and other stakeholders have the information to do their jobs. The advantage of establishing a communication plan is that instead of responding to information requests, you are controlling the flow of information. This reduces confusion and unnecessary interruptions, and it can provide project managers greater autonomy. Why? By reporting on a regular basis how things are going and what is happening, you allow senior management to feel more comfortable about letting the team complete the project without interference.

Under what conditions would it be advisable to use a strong matrix instead of a dedicated project team?

If a company cannot afford to completely lose specialist to a project but a project has a high priority and those specialists can devote a good bit of their time, then I would advise a strong matrix. The culture of the organization must also support dual authority.

It is possible to shorten the critical path and save money. Explain how.

In these cases, it is prudent to examine the direct costs of shortening the critical path versus the overhead cost savings. Usually, there are opportunities to shorten a few critical activities at less than the daily overhead rate. Critical activities are searched to find the lowest direct-cost activities that will shorten the project duration. Total costs for specific project durations are computed and then compared with the benefits of reducing project time—before the project begins or while it is in progress.

Identify four indirect costs you might find on a moderately complex project. Why are these costs classified as indirect?

Indirect costs generally represent overhead costs such as supervision, administration, consultants, and interest. Indirect costs cannot be associated with any particular work package or activity, hence the term. Indirect costs vary directly with time. That is, any reduction in time should result in a reduction of indirect costs.

Why is it critical to develop a time-phased baseline?

It is critical to develop a time-phased budget because they are necessary for good project schedule and cost control. Other systems don't measure the amount of work accomplished for the money spent. Time-phasing cost to match project schedule is a prerequisite to having reliable information for control purposes.

When would it be appropriate to create a responsibility matrix rather than a full-blown Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?

It would be appropriate to create a responsibility matrix on smaller projects when the size and scope do not warrant an elaborate WBS.

How does the culture of an organization influence the quality of estimates?

Organizations vary in the importance they attach to estimates. The prevailing belief in some organizations is that detailed estimating takes too much time and is not worth the effort or that it's impossible to predict the future. Other organizations subscribe to the belief that accurate estimates are the bedrock of effective project management. Organizational culture shapes every dimension of project management; estimating is not immune to this influence. In some organizations, padding estimates are tolerated and even privately encouraged. Other organizations place a premium on accuracy and strongly discourage estimating gamesmanship.

What do you believe is more important for successfully completing a project—the formal project management structure or the culture of the parent organization?

Personally, I think the culture of the parent organization is more important for successfully completing a project. Culture impacts behavior and can help compensate for weaknesses of the structure. Like we've learned in the chapter, a formal structure may not mean anything at all if it does not align with the culture.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of reducing project scope to accelerate a project? What can be done to reduce the disadvantages?

Probably the most common response to meeting unattainable deadlines is to reduce the scope of the project. This invariably leads to a reduction in the functionality of the project. For example, a new car will average only 25 mpg instead of 30, or a software product will have fewer features than originally planned. While scaling back the scope of the project can lead to big savings in both time and money, it may come at a cost of reducing the value of the project. If the car gets lower gas mileage, will it stand up to competitive models? Will customers still want the software minus the features? The key to reducing project scope without reducing value is to reassess the true specifications of the project. Often requirements are added under best-case, blue-sky scenarios and represent desirables, but not essentials. Here it is important to talk to the customer and/or project sponsors and explain the situation—"you can get it your way but not until February." This may force them to accept an extension or to add money to expedite the project. If not, then a healthy discussion of what the essential requirements are and what items can be compromised in order to meet the deadline needs to take place. More intense reexamination of requirements may actually improve the value of the project by getting it done more quickly and for a lower cost.

How are WBS and project networks linked?

Project networks are developed from the WBS. Work packages from the WBS are used to build the activities found in the project network. The project network is a visual flow diagram of the sequence, interrelationships, and dependencies of all the activities that must be accomplished to complete the project. An activity is an element in the project that consumes time—for example, work or waiting. Work packages from the WBS are used to build the activities found in the project network. An activity can include one or more work packages. The activities are placed in a sequence that provides for the orderly completion of the project. Networks are built using nodes (boxes) and arrows (lines).

How does resource scheduling tie to project priority?

Resource scheduling are tied to project priorities as the tasks in a project are ranked and determined basis priority of completion. Post that, resources are assigned to each task basis importance and completion time. Once the resource completes a task, they are assigned other task in the priority list.

Why is slack important to the project manager?

Slack tells us the amount of time an activity can be delayed and not delay the project Because it is very rare that things don't change while working on a project. Without slack time it will be very challenging to be able to manage the project in a flexible way without causing tasks to be stuck or not have time to handle urgent things that were introduced.

The chances of risk events occurring and their respective costs increasing change over the project life cycle. What is the significance of this phenomenon to a project manager?

The chances of a risk event occurring are greatest during the early stages of a project. This is when uncertainty is highest and many questions remain unanswered. As the project progresses toward completion, risk declines as the answers to critical issues are resolved. The cost impact of a risk event, however, increases over the life of the project. For example, the risk event of a design flaw occurring after a prototype has been made has a greater cost or time impact than if the flaw was discovered during the planning phase of the project.

What distinguishes a weak matrix from a strong matrix?

The main difference between the three is how much power/responsibility the project manager has with the name defining how much. For example, a weak matrix means the project manager has some responsibilities while the functional manager has the majority whereas a strong matrix means the project manager controls most aspects of the project.

What are the major types of costs? Which costs are controllable by the project manager?

The major types of costs are Direct costs, Direct project overhead costs, and general and administrative overhead costs. Direct costs are controllable by the project manager.

How can a cost-duration graph be used by the project manager? Explain.

The project cost-duration graph is valuable in comparing any proposed alternative or change with the optimum cost and time. The project manager can use a cost duration graph to compare additional cost alternatives for benefits. More importantly, the creation of such a graph keeps the importance of indirect costs at the forefront of decision making. Indirect costs are frequently forgotten in the field when the pressure for action is intense. Finally, such a graph can be used before the project begins or while the project is in progress.

How does the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) differ from the project network?

The project network is the tool used for planning, scheduling, and monitoring project progress. The network is developed from the information collected for the WBS and is a graphic flow chart of the project job plan. Work packages from the WBS are used to build the activities found in the project network. An activity can include one or more work packages. The activities are placed in a sequence that provides for the orderly completion of the project. Networks are built using nodes (boxes) and arrows (lines). The network depicts the project activities that must be completed, the logical sequences, the interdependencies of the activities to be completed, and in most cases the times for the activities to start and finish along with the longest path(s) through the network—the critical path. The network is the framework for the project information system that will be used by the project managers to make decisions concerning project time, cost, and performance. Networks provide the project schedule by identifying dependencies, sequencing, and timing of activities, which the WBS is not designed to do. The network is easily understood by others because the network presents a graphic display of the flow and sequence of work through the project. Once the network is developed, it is very easy to modify when unexpected events occur as the project progresses. For example, if materials for an activity are delayed, the impact can be quickly assessed and the whole project revised in only a few minutes with the computer. These revisions can be communicated to all project participants quickly.

What questions does a project objective answer? What would be an example of a good project objective?

The project objective answers the questions of what, when, how much, and at times where. An example of a good project objective is "to design and construct a portable hazardous-waste thermal treatment system in 13 months at a cost not to exceed $13M."

Why is it difficult to estimate mega project (e.g., airport, stadium) costs and benefits?

The sheer complexity and long-time horizon make it impossible to accurately estimate costs and benefits. Other studies suggest promoters use deception to promote projects not for public good but for personal gain, political or economic. Deception may be deliberate, or may be the product of overzealousness, optimism, and ignorance. In some cases, promoters rationalize that nothing great would ever get built if people knew in advance what the real costs and challenges involved were.

How can outsourcing project work alleviate the three most common problems associated with multiproject resource scheduling?

The three most common problems associated with multi-project resource scheduling are overall schedule slippage inefficient resource allocation resource bottlenecks Companies may hire temporary workers to expedite certain activities that are falling behind schedule or contract project work during peak periods when there are insufficient internal resources to meet the demands of all projects. The ability to more efficiently manage the flows of project work is one of the major driving forces behind outsourcing today.

How are the work breakdown structure and change control connected?

The work breakdown structure and change control are directly linked. Any change from the baseline developed from the work breakdown structure needs to be recorded. The link allows management to trace changes and problems directly to deliverables and the organizational unit responsible. Every approved change must be identified and integrated into the plan of record through changes in the project WBS and baseline schedule. The plan of record is the current official plan for the project in terms of scope, budget, and schedule. The plan of record serves as a change management benchmark for future change requests as well as the baseline for evaluating project progress. If the change control system is not integrated with the WBS and baseline, project plans and control will soon self-destruct.

Why are accurate estimates critical to effective project management?

There is substantial evidence suggesting poor estimates are a major contributor to projects that have failed. Inaccurate estimates lead to false expectations and consumer dissatisfaction. Estimates are needed to support good decisions. Estimates are needed to schedule work. Estimates are needed to determine how long the project should take and its cost. Estimates are needed to determine whether the project is worth doing. Estimates are needed to develop cash flow needs. Estimates are needed to determine how well the project is progressing.

What does it mean if the priorities of a project include Time-constrain, Scope-accept, and Cost-enhance?

This would mean that the project cannot be allotted anymore time, it must be completed on time. Although not encouraged, the performance or scope can be reduced in order to meet the time requirement and reducing costs is a main priority.

What are the differences between bottom-up and top-down estimating approaches? Under what conditions would you prefer one over the other?

Top-Down estimates/ approaches _______________________________________________________________ usually are derived from someone who uses experience and/or information to determine the project duration and total cost. However, these estimates are sometimes made by top managers who have very little knowledge of the component activities used to complete the project At the strategic level, top-down estimating methods are used to evaluate the project proposal. Sometimes much of the information needed to derive accurate time and cost estimates are not available in the initial phase of the project—for example, the design is not finalized. In these situations top-down estimates are used until the tasks in the WBS are clearly defined. Bottom-up estimates/ approaches ________________________________________________________________ the process can take place after the project has been defined in detail The use of several people with relevant experience with the task can improve the time and cost estimate. The bottom-up approach at the work package level can serve as a check on cost elements in the WBS by rolling up the work packages and associated cost accounts to major deliverables. Similarly, resource requirements can be checked. -------------------------------------------------------------- Conditions When Top-down is preferred: 1. Strategic decision making 2. High Uncertainty 3. Small Project 4. Unstable scope When Bottom-up is preferred: 1. Cost and time important 2. Fixed-price contract 3. Customer wants details

Define a white elephant in project management. Provide a real-life example.

When a project is over budget and under value and the cost of maintaining exceeds the benefits received. A "white elephant" suggests a valuable, but burdensome, possession, which its owner cannot easily dispose of and whose cost is out of proportion with its usefulness. The textbook gives a good example of a white elephant. In 2015, the FIFA scandal brought attention to the hidden costs of hosting the World Cup. South Africa built six new world-class stadiums for the 2010 competition. None of the post-World Cup revenue generated from these stadiums exceeds their maintenance cost.

How can project management offices (PMOs) support effective project management?

a PMO is a centralized unit within an organization or a department that oversees and supports the execution of projects. PMOs support effective project management by: 1. track projects 2. provide training 3. institutionalize lessons learned.

Why does the priority system described in this chapter require that it be open and published? Does the process encourage bottom-up initiation of projects? Does it discourage some projects? Why?

a. An open, published priority system ensures projects are selected on the basis of their contribution to the organization. Furthermore, the priority system scoring model is required that it be open and published because if it is, some discipline and credibility are attached to the selection of projects. Each member can self-evaluate their project idea against priorities - and so can everyone else in the organization so yes, it does encourage bottom up; it allows organization members to evaluate projects in a fair manner. To some, this approach may look intimidating but rarely is in practice, it does discourage projects that clearly will not make positive, significant contributions to the organization vision.

What are some of the key environmental forces that have changed the way projects are managed? What has been the effect of these forces on the management of projects?

a. Compression of the product life cycle i. Speed has become the competitive advantage; more and more organizations are relying on cross-functional project teams to get new products and services to the market as quickly as possible b. Knowledge Explosion i. Growth in new knowledge has increased the complexity of projects because projects encompass the latest advances. c. Triple Bottom Line i. Businesses can no longer simply focus on maximizing profit to the detriment of environment and society. Efforts to reduce carbon imprint and utilize renewable resources are realized through effective project management. The impact of this movement toward sustainability can be seen in changes in the objectives and techniques used to complete projects. d. Increased Customer Focus i. There's a premium on customer satisfaction. Account executives and sales reps are assuming more of a project managers role as they work with their organization to satisfy the unique need and requests of clients

Why should an organization not rely only on ROI to select projects?

a. Even though financials help evaluate a project return, pure financial models fail to include projects where financial return is impossible to measure. Companies need to be disciplined in saying no to potentially profitable projects outside of the realm of their core mission because maintaining core competencies must be considered. It is best to use a multiple screening criterion to evaluate projects.

Describe the four phases of the traditional project life cycle. Which phase do you think would be the most difficult one to complete?

a. The four phases of the traditional project life cycle are: i. Defining stage 1. Specifications of the project are defined; project objectives are established; teams are formed; major responsibilities are assigned. ii. Planning stage 1. Plans developed to determine what the project will entail, when it will be scheduled, whom it will benefit, what quality level should be maintained, and what the budget will be. iii. Executing stage 1. Physical product is produced. Time, cost, specification measures are used for control. iv. Closing stage 1. Delivering of the product, redeploying project resources, and conducting a post-project review. While I believe each stage is important, the most difficult phase in my opinion would be the executing stage. During this stage the majority of the work takes place and will largely determine the success of the project. Defining, and planning are no good if you are unable to execute according to those plans.

Describe the major components of the strategic management process.

a. The major components of the strategic management process are i. review and define the organizational mission ii. analyze and formulate strategies iii. set objectives to achieve strategies iv. implement strategies through projects. Strategic management requires strong links among mission, goals, objectives, strategy, and implementation. The mission gives the general purpose of the organization. Goals give global targets within the mission. Objectives give specific targets to goals. Objectives give rise to the formulation of strategies to reach objectives. Finally, strategies require actions and tasks to be implemented. In most cases the actions to be taken represent projects.

How are projects linked to the strategic plan?

a. The most important criteria for selecting a project is that the project will fit with the organization strategy. Organizations need to maximize the use of their resources by allocating resources to projects that will contribute to the strategic plan.

The technical and sociocultural dimensions of project management are two sides of the same coin. Explain.

a. They are two sides of the same coin because managing projects involves balancing the technical and sociocultural dimensions of the project. The first dimension is the technical side of the management process, which consists of the formal, disciplined, purely logical parts of the process. This technical dimension includes planning, scheduling, and controlling projects. The second dimension is the sociocultural side of project management. In contrast to the orderly world of project planning, this dimension involves the much messier, often contradictory and paradoxical world of implementation. It centers on creating a temporary social system within a larger organizational environment that combines the talents of a divergent set of professionals working to complete the project. Some suggest that the technical dimension represents the "science" of project management, while the sociocultural dimension represents the "art" of managing a project. To be successful, a manager must be a master of both.

You manage a hotel resort located on the South Beach on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. You are shifting the focus of your resort from a traditional fun-in-the-sun destination to eco-tourism. (Eco-tourism focuses on environmental awareness and education.) How would you classify the following projects in terms of compliance, strategic, and operational? Test and revise disaster response plan based on new requirements.

i. Compliance Compliance projects are typically those needed to meet regulatory conditions required to operate in a region; hence, they are called "must do" projects.

You manage a hotel resort located on the South Beach on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. You are shifting the focus of your resort from a traditional fun-in-the-sun destination to eco-tourism. (Eco-tourism focuses on environmental awareness and education.) How would you classify the following projects in terms of compliance, strategic, and operational? Update all the bathrooms in condos that are 10 years old or older.

i. Compliance Compliance projects are typically those needed to meet regulatory conditions required to operate in a region; hence, they are called "must do" projects.

You manage a hotel resort located on the South Beach on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. You are shifting the focus of your resort from a traditional fun-in-the-sun destination to eco-tourism. (Eco-tourism focuses on environmental awareness and education.) How would you classify the following projects in terms of compliance, strategic, and operational? Renovate the horse barn.

i. Operational Operational projects are those that are needed to support current operations. These projects are designed to improve the efficiency of delivery systems, reduce product costs, and improve performance.

You manage a hotel resort located on the South Beach on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. You are shifting the focus of your resort from a traditional fun-in-the-sun destination to eco-tourism. (Eco-tourism focuses on environmental awareness and education.) How would you classify the following projects in terms of compliance, strategic, and operational? Convert the pool heating system from electrical to solar power.

i. Operational Operational projects are those that are needed to support current operations. These projects are designed to improve the efficiency of delivery systems, reduce product costs, and improve performance.

You manage a hotel resort located on the South Beach on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. You are shifting the focus of your resort from a traditional fun-in-the-sun destination to eco-tourism. (Eco-tourism focuses on environmental awareness and education.) How would you classify the following projects in terms of compliance, strategic, and operational? Build a four-mile nature hiking trail.

i. Strategic Strategic projects are those that directly support the organization's long-run mission. They frequently are directed toward increasing revenue or market share. Examples of strategic projects are new products, new technologies, research, and development.

You manage a hotel resort located on the South Beach on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. You are shifting the focus of your resort from a traditional fun-in-the-sun destination to eco-tourism. (Eco-tourism focuses on environmental awareness and education.) How would you classify the following projects in terms of compliance, strategic, and operational? Change hotel brochures to reflect eco-tourism image.

i. Strategic Strategic projects are those that directly support the organization's long-run mission. They frequently are directed toward increasing revenue or market share. Examples of strategic projects are new products, new technologies, research, and development.

You manage a hotel resort located on the South Beach on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. You are shifting the focus of your resort from a traditional fun-in-the-sun destination to eco-tourism. (Eco-tourism focuses on environmental awareness and education.) How would you classify the following projects in terms of compliance, strategic, and operational? Convert 12 adjacent acres into a wildlife preserve.

i. Strategic Strategic projects are those that directly support the organization's long-run mission. They frequently are directed toward increasing revenue or market share. Examples of strategic projects are new products, new technologies, research, and development.

You manage a hotel resort located on the South Beach on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. You are shifting the focus of your resort from a traditional fun-in-the-sun destination to eco-tourism. (Eco-tourism focuses on environmental awareness and education.) How would you classify the following projects in terms of compliance, strategic, and operational? Launch a new promotional campaign with Hawaii Airlines.

i. Strategic Strategic projects are those that directly support the organization's long-run mission. They frequently are directed toward increasing revenue or market share. Examples of strategic projects are new products, new technologies, research, and development.

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