PRT 2207 Final

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Systems approach is characterized by all of the following except: -Recreation, parks, and leisure services viewed on a macroscale -Recreations, parks, and leisure services viewed on a microscale -Subsystems interconnected in a hierarchy -A finite number of behavioral outcomes

A finite number of behavioral outcomes

A city general plan or comprehensive plan is a statement of development policies that is best described as A plan specifically related to land use, circulation, housing and open space elements. A statement of developmental policies in the form of text, maps and diagrams explaining objectives, standards, growth issues, environmental concerns and alternative development proposals. A plan which includes policies that address concerns of the population nation-wide. All the above.

A statement of developmental policies in the form of text, maps and diagrams explaining objectives, standards, growth issues, environmental concerns and alternative development proposals.

The desire to be with others as well as to be associated with a cause that provides meaning, value, or structure to one's life is known as __________.


The 4 areas of competency for managers/leaders include which of the following? (mark all that apply) Attention through Vision Meaning through Communication Trust through Positioning Deployment of Self


Codes of conduct and ethical standards provide the guidelines by which managers: Carry out their human-social responsibilities in the day-to-day operations of the agency Carry out their community responsibilities in the day-to-day operations of the agency Carry out their environmental responsibilities in the day-to-day operations of the agency All of the above

All of the Above

Industrial society created social reform concerns including: - Child Labor - Immigration - Class Distinction - All of the above

All of the Above

The CAPRA program includes 10 categories of standards which include: - Human Resources - Agency authority, role and responsibility - Program and services management - All of the above

All of the Above

Recreation, parks, and leisure professionals must be prepared to: -provide community leadership -meet basic needs -understand community values -all of the above

All of the above

Vision statements in parks, recreation, and leisure services: -enable organizations to document their ideas, intensions and values -establishes a philosophical direction for an organization -come from the spiritual or intuitive and cognitive dimension -all of the above

All of the above

Which of the following strategies can be utilized for empowering leadership within a recreation, parks, and leisure service organization? Delegating Creating community Liberating a spirit of enterprise All of the above

All of the above

The agricultural era was known for:

An authoritarian approach to leadership

This type of organizational design is based on the assumption that authority rests at the top of the organization and flows downward.


Within Modern Management Theory, the following management implications are representative of which management technique: - Division of Work - Centralized Authority - Rules - Rational Personnel Policies - Records

Bureaucratic Form of Organization

A pattern of shared basic assumptions learned by a group to address and solve problems.


Which strategy for motivating employees is represented by the following? -Creating opportunities for empowering employees. -Match authority and responsibility in assignments.


Programs that benefit youth act as catalysts in addressing related social problems which include all of the following except: -family concerns -racism -employee performance -homelessness

Employee Performance

Policies that make it possible for organizations and individuals to pursue goals and accomplish objectives affect employees by:

Enabling Behavior

This type of motivation is the tendency to engage in activities in order to gain some type of known, external reward.

Extrinsic Motivation

Locating maintenance functions administratively under a superintendent of parks is under which function of centralization/decentralization?

Functional units within the organization

These form the basis of community and internal strategic planning processes. They are broadly defined, articulated values.


Ethical standards established for dealing with people are referred to as:

Human-Social Responsibility

The elements that characterize network organizations include:

Importance of leadership at the center, establishment of smaller teams, and entrepreneurial individuals with ideas of improving participant satisfaction

An ethical dilemma in recreation, parks and leisure services includes situations where:

Individuals are called to engage in actions that are not always clear

The following are characteristics of which era in the history of social transformation? Globalization Rapid Discontinuous Change Use of Technology More highly educated and aware individuals Need for New Approaches to technology

Knowledge Era

These types of plans typically include text, maps, and diagrams associated with development policies and proposals for growth.

Master Plan

Recreation, parks, and leisure service organizations develop a vision statement that will first identify values of importance relating to all of the following except: -broader societal values -narrowly focused clientele -community values -participant values

Narrowly Focused Clientele

This type of organizational design involves creating teams made up of frontline professionals with entrepreneurial leadership ability.


According to Drucker, (1999), the first practical applications of management theory took place in:

Nonprofit and government agencies

Paradigms may be defined as all of the following except: - A model - A Framework - A simple process - A scheme for understanding reality

Paradigms ARE NOTE A simple process

The five approaches that provide a theoretical base for recreation, parks, and leisure service managers include:

Scientific management, human relations management, management science, human resources, and contemporary management

This type of plan is appropriate for every organization to engage in, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and commercial businesses.

Stategic Plan

Individuals who wish to work for organizations that are perceived to be excellent and are held in high esteem by the public or the profession are motivated by _________.


Identifying internal and external strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as identifying future trends, trends, opportunities, and potential issues, is associated with which of the following?

Strategic Plan

Three areas of skill that Katz identified as necessary to the management process include:

Technical Human Conceptual

Three broad classifications in which persons who manage leisure services can be categorized include:

The Supervisor The Bureaucrat The Manager

In the United States, in 1964, the acquisition and development of parks and other open spaces was enhanced dramatically by:

The passing of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act

Over the past 150 years, the number of social movements and institutions that have emerged include:

The rise of management, the way we view and conceptualize work, and substantial improvement to the population in improving its basic quality of life

True or False, it is possible for an organization to be mechanistic in relation to some tasks and procedures, and organic in others, depending on the situation.


Integrating, coordinating, or fusing, the needs of the individual with the goals of the organization is known as:

Work Alignment

Howard and Crompton's book, Financing, Managing, and Marketing Recreation and Park Resources, published in 1980, emphasized:

a focus on financing and marketing

The rise of modern management that emerged in the industrial revolution emphasized:

command and control in management

Formal policies are usually expressed as written documents that:

delineate the purposes, aims, goals, objectives, principles, procedures, and rules

The recreation, parks, and leisure profession responds to the values of society and of individuals through all of the following except:

development of informal societies

Values and ethics that promote a strong land ethic are referred to as:

environmental responsibility

The process of policymaking is carried out in three phases including:

formulation, implementation, and evaluation

One's ethical compass is developed from:

one's personal value system

Mission statements for recreation, parks, and leisure service organizations are:

short and direct and focused on specific services, markets and benefits

Two of the most important points in determining an employee's ethical behavior are:

the employee's personal code and the behavior of the boss

Characteristics of a motivating environment include: Shared view of organizational goals and contributions Support of management Ensuring that employees feel worthwhile All of the above

All of the above

How is the culture of an organization transmitted? (mark all that apply) -Observed behavioral regularities when people interact and the norms that evolve in working groups -The way individuals interact with participants and each other -Organizational values and philosophy -Rules, procedures, and methods -Feelings conveyed from the physical environment

All of the above

Managers: - Are directly responsible for much of the success or failure of an organization - Have the responsibility and authority for providing direction - Have the ability to move an organization toward its goals and objectives - All of the above

All of the above

Nurturing an ethical environment requires the recognition of standards by: Management Staff/workers Volunteers All of the above

All of the above

Successful managers do which of the following? (Mark all that apply) - Recognize various factors that affect delivery of services - Identify and manage critical interfaces within the work-related environment - Allow employees to "fight it out" to see who emerges as victorious - Limit the amount of interaction that employees have with one another

Recognize various factors that affect delivery of services Identify and manage critical interfaces within the work-related environment

Going forward, contemporary managers will need to fill which of the following roles? (mark all that apply) -Facilitators -Authority Figure -Visionaries -Order Issuer

Facilitators Visionaries

Policies that outline routine procedures that must be followed affect employees by:

Regulating Behavior

This step toward creating a motivational environment is to figure out what motivates employees and moves them to action. 1. Identify Needs 2. Create Opportunities 3. Assess Ability 4. Provide Reinforcement

1. Identify Needs

The step toward creating a motivational environment is to ensure that employees have opportunities to meet their needs. 1. Identify Needs 2. Create Opportunities 3. Assess Ability 4. Provide Reinforcement

2. Create Opportunities

This step toward creating a motivational environment is to identify individual capabilities in terms of skills, training, and knowledge in relation to tasks they may be asked to perform. 1. Identify Needs 2. Create Opportunities 3. Assess Ability 4. Provide Reinforcement

3. Assess Ability

This step toward creating a motivational environment is to nurture both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. 1. Identify Needs 2. Create Opportunities 3. Assess Ability 4. Provide Reinforcement

4. Provide Reinforcement

Essential features and ideas that should be reflected in local recreation, parks, and leisure services plans include all the following except: Plans based on local community values which reflect different community values and needs. A plan that includes only the favorite leisure activities of the director. A plan which reflects broad public participation to reflect local values and standards. A plan which considers data on local recreation program and facility usage.

A plan that includes only the favorite leisure activities of the director.

Strategic management planning includes all the following except: A process for identifying internal and external strengths and weakness within the organization. A process for identifying future trends, opportunities, and problems, internally and externally. A process for identifying and focusing primarily on current trends and opportunities. A process for identifying a means to innovate and create opportunities in management and service provision.

A process for identifying and focusing primarily on current trends and opportunities.

Without these, recreation, parks, and leisure service organizations are vulnerable to budget reductions, reduced scope of services, unwanted partnerships, and ultimately, failure.

Accountability and Honesty

Managers fulfill this type of policymaking role in organizations when they help create policies that represent the practical means and technical knowledge needed achieve organizational values, goals, and objectives.

Administrative Role

The social reforms that led to improve conditions involved a creation of social institutions including: - Parks and open spaces - Recreation Centers - Settlement Houses - All of the Above

All of the Above

Involving citizens, decision-makers, and business leaders in order to develop a plan focused on citizens and community leaders is associated with which of the following types of plans?

Community Plan

Ethical standards established for dealing with the relationships between the organization and the people its serves are referred to as:

Community Responsibility

The 21st century is going to present:

Complex and interconnected value systems

The five important characteristics of successful policies are:

Comprehensiveness Coordinative Ethical Clarity Flexibility

This category of Work Motivation Theories advocates the use of positive reinforcement to condition desired behaviors.

Contemporary Theories of Motivation

This category of Work Motivation Theories is focused on the factors or elements that individuals identify as motivating.

Content Theories of Motivation

These are often stated in the mission or vision statements adopted by organizations.

Corporate or Institutional Values

Processes of strategic management developed by leaders and planners include all of the following except: Develop a process to identify internal and external strengths and weaknesses. Develop a process for identifying future trends, opportunities, and issues. Develop a process for decision making that uses only other program leaders. Develop a process for innovation.

Develop a process for decision making that uses only other program leaders.

Assumptions that Guide Manager's actions in a strength-based approach include which of the following? (mark all that apply) -Each Person's talents are enduring and unique -Each person's greatest room for growth is in the area of his or her greatest strength -Managers need to be strong in order to approach modern issues -Employee weaknesses are unimportant and can be ignored

Each person's talents are enduring and unique Each person's greatest room for growth is in the area of his or her greatest strength

Human relations management in the 1930's was defined by:

Hawthorne studies, human factor, employee satisfaction

The ability of a manager to motivate people by working with and through them to achieve organizational goals is an example of which type of skill? -Tehnical -Human -Conceptual


Within Modern Management Theory, the following management implications are representative of which management technique: - Raised Awareness of the importance of Human Variables in Management - Linked Employee Satisfaction and Performance - Managers Create Satisfactory Interpersonal Relationships

Human Relations Management

Within Modern Management Theory, the following management implications are representative of which management technique: - Promoting the involvement of human resources - Enabling Self Direction - Enable Self Control - Allowing for greater creativity in pursuing organizational goals - Merging human resources with behavioral sciences

Human Resources Management

This managerial competency has to do with the processes that move people to action, such as communicating, motivating, and working with groups.


Policies that describe prohibited activities affect employees by:

Inhibiting Behavior

The most important characteristics that a manager must demonstrate.

Integrity and Ethics

Contemporary management in recreation, parks and leisure services includes the major concepts of:

Quality and excellence, organizational change, and information technology

The process where Recreation, Parks, and Leisure service organizations interact with factors in the environment is called:


This type of motivation is the self-desire to seek out new things and new challenges, to analyze one's capacity, to observe, and to gain knowledge.

Intrinsic Motivation

Key considerations for deciding how to structure an organization include all of the following except: -Is the organization more mechanistic or organic? -Is the training budget of adequate size? -Who is involved in assignment of tasks? -How is the organization interlinked with other environmental contingencies?

Is the training budget of adequate size?

The Industrial Model of organization is characterized by all of the following except: - Ideas such as task differentiation and specialization - Less order and stability within organizations - Hierarchical Control - Insistence on loyalty to the chain of command

Less order and stability within organizations

Which strategy for motivating employees is represented by the following? -Promoting the idea that expertise is based on knowledge as much as position. -Encouraging individuals to use knowledge to guide the work of the organization. -Empowering individuals to bring talent, skills, and competencies to solve organizational problems.

Liberating a Spirit of Enterprise

Within Modern Management Theory, the following management implications are representative of which management technique: - Creating a Framework for Objective Decision Making - Using Mathematics and Probability statistics in decision making - Focusing on the application of analytical methods to forecast and allocate resources

Management Science (Operations Research)

This is short and direct. It can identify target populations, focus on specific services, and reflect concerns for quality and excellence.

Mission Statement

The four distinct factors defined as elements in the environment which influence motivation in individuals include a function of

Needs Opportunity Abilities Reinforcement

These are specific, narrow, and measurable. Examples include market standing, productivity, profitability, performance, and attitude.


This type of structure is ideal for organizations that produce a variety of goods and services, are able to deal with rapid changes, lack hierarchical form, and require employees to be flexible and fulfill multiple roles.


The Fan of Values Model is based on the idea that people select leisure activities to participate in and support based on all of the following except: -Emotional Values -Political Values -Economic Values -Social Values -Cultural Values -Organizational Values

Organizational Values

This managerial competency is defined as the process of visualizing the future, setting goals, determining objectives, and developing action plans.


The levels of organizational hierarchy for the Bureaucratic Model of Organization include:

Policy Administrative Supervisory Individuals who create or distribute products and services

Four key elements reflecting the characteristics of any organization include:

Power centers Goal Seeking Interlinked with other environments Assignment of tasks

The characteristics of organic organizations include:

Problem resolution through interaction with others, flexible task assignments, and expertise dependent on individual knowledge

The characteristics of mechanistic organizations include all of the factors except: -Appropriate in stable environments -Prepare standard responses to problems -Work is fixed, routine, and systematic -Produces a variety of goods or services for large, diverse population

Produces a variety of goods or services for large, diverse population

Problems that may arise from public involvement in the policy process include all of the following except:

Public involvement can become unexpectedly expensive.

The two major responsibilities of public recreation, parks, and leisure service agencies to the community include:

Public policy and decision-making and the conduct of public programs

Within Modern Management Theory, the following management implications are representative of which management technique: - Focused attention on use of standards - Incentive systems - Task specializaiton - Employee/employer cooperation

Scientific Management

Environmental Constraints that managers must be aware of that can affect the delivery of leisure services include the participants':

Social, Political, Physical, and Economic factors

Organizing tasks and setting priorities, goals, and objectives are associated with this type of plan.

Strategic Plan

The management of recreation, parks and leisure services in the Depression and the War Years (1930-1950) involved:

Structural reform and reorganization in the park and recreation field

Ethical guidelines that employees need to follow to insure that they are fulfilling human-social responsibilities prohibit all of the following except: Accepting gifts, favors, concert tickets, etc. Using one's position to enhance the employment of relatives Using public employment for personal gain Using technology that is freely available

Using technology that is freely available

As organizations become more diverse, these become increasingly important for managers to monitor and understand.

Value Systems in Organizations

According to Hitt (1988), the optimal style of managerial leadership combines visionary skills with the ability to make things happen. This is best represented by which of the following equations? Skills + Ability = Performance Vision + Understanding = Optics Vision + Action = Managerial Leadership Managerial Leadership + Action = Success

Vision + Action = Managerial Leadership

This establishes the philosophical direction for an organization. It can be grand and bold, encompassing spiritual, intuitive, and cognitive dimensions.

Vision Statement

Good, ethical decision making can be based on asking oneself all of the following questions except: -Is it the truth? -Is it fair to all concerned? -Will it build good will and better relationships? -Will it be beneficial to all concerned? -Will it be the easiest or most convenient course of action?

Will it be the easiest or most convenient course of action?

The key features of the federation concept of organization include all of the following except: -specialized groups work cooperatively toward a set of common goals -specialized groups are autonomous, independent, and self-sufficient -an authority structure that lacks coercion -precise task assignments with defined rights, obligations, and methods

precise task assignments with defined rights, obligations, and methods

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