PSB quiz 15

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Hemispheric specialization is also known as


Which of the following best describes the Wernicke-Geschwind model of aphasia?


The official term for "punch-drunk" is

dementia pugilistica.

In most split-brain patients, words presented to the left visual field

cannot be repeated verbally

In boxers, the devastating effects of repeated blows to the head are evident in the development of a progressive cognitive impairment called

chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

Damage to the connections between Wernicke's area and Broca's area lead to _______ aphasia.


In nonhuman primates, the brain regions in which electrical stimulation elicits vocalizations seem to be those involved in

defense, attack, feeding, and sex behaviors.

An exciting, but controversial future treatment for brain injury may be the use of _______ to replace the damaged neurons in the brain and spinal cord.

embryonic stem cells

Childhood hemispherectomy is often followed by

extensive functional recovery.

In infants, the left planum temporale is larger than the right; this suggests that

humans have an inborn neural mechanism for language.

Astereognosia is the

inability to identify objects by touch or manipulation.

Aphasic patients may produce nonsensical or meaningless words called


The sounds that make up a language are called _______, and the system of rules for producing sentences is called _______.

phonemes; grammar

Birdsong is similar to human speech in that

proper expression of the FOXP2 gene appears to be crucial.

Prosopagnosia is the inability to

recognize faces.

People with conduction aphasia are unable to

repeat words or sentences.

The goal of constraint-induced movement therapy is to encourage stroke patients to use the afflicted arm by _______ the unaffected arm.


Cortical mapping of the brain of an individual while they are speaking their native language indicates that

slightly different patterns of activation may be seen among speakers of two or more languages.

Finding your way to your biopsychology class requires

spatial cognition.

Mirror therapy has been shown to be useful for rehabilitation after brain injury as it a. forces the patient to challenge the way the stroke has changed their physical

tricks the brain into thinking they are moving the paralyzed arm.

The angular gyrus links the

visual region and Wernicke's area.

A patient who produces seemingly fluent but largely unintelligible speech and has poor comprehension of verbal material is most likely suffering from _______ aphasia.


Which area of the avian brain is crucial for song production?

High vocal center (HVC)

Which symptom would not be a likely result of extensive damage to the right fusiform gyrus?

Impairment in recognizing the voices of coworkers

_____ is an anatomical abnormality of developmental dyslexia that is associated with excessive cortical folding in areas such as the temporoparietal junction.


Which feature of birdsong suggests it is analogous to human speech?

Some birds require early exposure to species-typical birdsong in order to develop their characteristic song.

______ dyslexia is a form of acquired dyslexia in which the patient has difficulty with the details and sounds of letters.


Disturbance in reading is called


Noninvasive stimulation mapping using transcranial magnetic stimulation has revealed that the _______ area of Broca's area is important for semantic processing, while the _______ area of Broca's area is important for phonological processing.

anterior; posterior

TMS brain mapping has shown that _______ regions of Broca's area are important for _______ processing.

anterior; semantic

According to some studies, stroke patients given _______ therapy can show about a 75% return of normal use of a paralyzed arm within a relatively short period of time.

constraint-induced movement

Unusual groupings of cells in the outer layers of the cerebral cortex have been seen in postmortem studies of


In general, brain injury suffered _______ has less severe consequences than brain injury suffered _______.

in childhood; in adulthood

A left-ear advantage for verbal sounds can be observed

in right-handed individuals

A prominent structural asymmetry in the brains of typical humans is apparent in the _______, which is located on the superior surface of the _______ lobe.

planum temporale; temporal

Bilateral damage to the fusiform gyrus results in


All the following may aid in stabilization and reorganization after brain damage except

reverse transcription.

One of the interesting findings of DTI tractography is that

the arcuate fasciculus is shorter than was once thought.

Wernicke's aphasia is usually associated with lesions of

the left posterior temporal region.

Nonverbal visual stimuli, such as faces or shapes, are recognized more accurately if they are presented to

the left visual field.

A symptom of aphasia called "paraphasia" is characterized by

the substitution of words by sounds, phonemes, or unintended words.

In patients with aphasia following a stroke, the greatest amount of language recovery is likely to be achieved _______ after the episode of brain damage.

within 3 months

Children show evidence of sensitivity to the "rules" of language by the age of _______ months.


According to research, what percent of right-handers have a clockwise whorl of hair on the crown of the scalp?


Which of the following is correct about the word "unbreakable"?

Able is a morpheme.

Which symptom has not been reported in the brains of people with dyslexia?

Asymmetrical planum temporale

Which of the following has not been used for language training in apes?


A large frontal lesion in the left hemisphere can produce _______ aphasia.


A patient who has difficulty speaking but has good comprehension of verbal material is most likely suffering from _______ aphasia.


Patients with _______ are likely to have right-sided weakness or partial paralysis; those with _______ are likely to experience right-sided numbness.

Broca's aphasia; Wernicke's aphasia

Because chimpanzees seem able to learn a version of American Sign Language (ASL), some researchers have concluded that they are able to acquire language. Those who disagree, however, offer which criticism of this conclusion?

Chimpanzees may only be imitating the gestures of trainers.

_______ dyslexia is a form of acquired dyslexia in which the patient incorrectly reads a word as another semantically-related word.


Which region of cortex is crucial for face recognition?

Fusiform gyrus

Which statement about childhood aphasia is most true?

Language abilities impaired by childhood brain injury are usually restored by adulthood.

Which statement about the evolution of languages is most accurate?

Languages are being lost or absorbed as a result of increasing globalization.

Which symptom is not one of the forms of brain pathology associated with long-time boxers?


In ERP studies of normal subjects, it has been found that a grammatically correct sentence containing a word whose meaning does not fit into the sentence provokes a(n) _______ wave from the _______ lobe.

N400; temporal

Which feature is not a defining sign of aphasia?


Under which circumstance would a doctor request that a patient undergo a Wada test?

The patient may need to undergo neurosurgery

Which statement best illustrates the motor theory of language?

When we listen to speech, we process the speech sounds using the same neural systems that we use to make those sounds.

Apraxia is

an inability to execute a learned sequence of movements.

Phonemes are the

basic sounds of a language.

The human brain shows a clear _______ during which exposure and practice with language must occur in order for language skills to develop normally.

critical period

In the Wada test, anesthetizing the right hemisphere interferes with a subject's ability to recognize


The _______ hemisphere plays a major role in the perception of music. The _______ hemisphere plays a major role in prosody.

right; right

In humans, TMS of Broca's area indicates that the anterior portion of the region is responsible for

semantic processing alone.

In monkeys, stimulation of the _______, but not of the _______, results in vocalizations.

subcortical regions; cortex

A native English-speaking person with _______ dyslexia would have great difficulty reading the title The Tough Coughs as He Ploughs the Dough.


Split-brain individuals are those who have undergone surgery to _______ as a treatment for _______.

the corpus callosum; epilepsy

Williams syndrome provides evidence for

the heritability of language.

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