PSB4240 Exam #3

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The ability to do arithmetic, mentally rotate and manipulate an object, and accurately reach for a moving object all depend on representation of:

"mental space" in the posterior parietal cortex.

The MOST posterior Brodmann area in the parietal lobe is area _____.


Broca's area MOST closely corresponds to Brodmann area:


In von Economo's mapping system, area PE MOST closely corresponds to Brodmann area(s) _____.

5 and 7

A patient who is only able to pay attention to one object at a time and misreaches for things nearby is MOST likely suffering from:

Balint's syndrome.

A patient who cannot identify her fingers nor complete arithmetic problems is MOST likely to be diagnosed with:

Gerstmann syndrome.

Brain implants of fetal tissue are currently in experimental use for the treatment of:

Parkinson's disease

After completing an evaluation of a patient who experienced a stroke in the left hemisphere and has possible aphasia, you have determined that some aspects of language have been spared. To what would you attribute this finding?

Some language functions may be mediated by the right hemisphere.

The lateral parietal lobe is demarcated ventrally by the _____.

Sylvian Fissure

Performance on the _____ would be expected to be below average in a patient with damage to the left parietal lobe.

Token test

Sugita found that properties of neurons in area _____ changed following monkeys' adaptive changes to prisms.

V1 and V4

A person who, after a parietal lobe stroke, reports being touched on the right arm even though the touch was to the left arm is exhibiting:


The first stage in recovery from contralateral neglect is termed _____.


Regions of the orbitofrontal cortex that are active in response to unpleasant environmental stimuli are MOST strongly connected to the:

amygdala and hypothalamus

The study by Andersen and colleagues found that neuronal activity in the monkey PRR could predict:

an intended move to a spatial target.

The two-point discrimination test would be MOST sensitive to damage to the:

anterior parietal lobe

Which of the following regions of the frontal cortex is characterized by the presence of multimodal neurons?

area 46

The principal location of frontal-lobe damage that results in perseveration on the Wisconsin card-sorting test appears to be:

area 9

Which of the following is a behavioral phenomenon BEST associated with parietal lobe damage?


Contralateral neglect is MOST likely a result of impaired:

attention to one side of space.

A subject who, after sustaining a closed-head injury, has difficulty remembering significant personal details and feeling emotional connections to formerly close friends is suffering from a problem with:

autonoectic awareness

Patients with damage to the prefrontal cortex are likely to:

be distracted by external cues

Impairments in the ability to understand proverbs are MOST pronounced in subjects with:

bilateral lesions of the prefrontal cortex

Cytochrome oxidase rich areas of V1 are called _____.


Ischemia often results in a sequence of events that include the entry of toxic levels of _____ into the affected neurons.`


Which of the following is more likely to be seen in subjects with right parietal lobe lesions?

contralateral neglect

The line bisection task is considered a sensitive test for diagnosing:

contraleteral neglect

There are significant differences in the nature of cognitive deficits exhibited between patients with frontal lesions versus those with posterior damage, such that those with frontal damage have difficulty with all of the following EXCEPT:

convergent thinking

Frontal injury severely disrupts:

copying facial movementws

Teuber has proposed that the reason the world does not appear to move when we voluntarily move our eyes is because of a(n) _____ that is produced along with the signal that actually produces the eye movement.

corollary discharge

Nudo and colleagues found that the size of the area regulating the hand near where they had lesions _____ in the absence of rehabilitation.


Poor temporal memory is a common symptom of damage to the:

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

The prefrontal cortex is defined as that region which receives projections from the:

dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus.

Teuber found, in his study of brain-damaged vets, that the poorest recovery rates were in those soldiers who suffered:


Sensory feedback that indicates the actual outcome of intended movements is known as the _____ copy.


There are specialized regions of the visual cortex for processing all of the following stimuli EXCEPT:


The broad ability to implement appropriate behavioral strategies in response to internal and external cues is known as:

executive function

_____ reflects brain changes that are necessary to modify neuronal ensembles that are already present.

experience-dependent plasticity

Which of the following factors does NOT increase cell proliferation of hippocampal granule neurons?`

exposure to stress

Research suggests that for rehabilitation of brain-damaged patients, practice in the use of the affected body parts should be:


Ramachandran and Hirstein found that following hand amputations the cortical map of the hand could be detected by stroking the:`


Kindling has been demonstrated to occur in the:


The ability to voluntarily direct one's gaze to select environmental stimuli depends on connections between the _____ and the _____.

frontal eye fields; posterior parietal cortex

Which is NOT part of the sequence of recovery from motor-cortex damage over a period of days or weeks?

functional improvement of the primary sensorimotor cortex

LTP was first found in the:


A person with damage to the right parietal lobe would have the MOST difficulty recognizing a:

house from an aerial view

Left temporal-lobe patients showed improvements in memory after they were taught to use a strategy involving:


In the amnesic H.M., his basic IQ scores _____ with long-term follow-up exams, and his amnesia _____.

improved; remained unchanged

The capacity for recovery following a stroke declines as the size of the stroke _____ and age _____.

increases; increases

The supramarginal gyrus and angular gyrus make up the:

inferior parietal lobe.

Patients with left parietal lesions typically have difficulty distinguishing between:

left and right

When analyzing facial features, visual attention is directed more toward the:

left visual field

After a series of higher-than-normal stimulations followed by a rest period, a baseline stimulation to a neuron elicits a greater excitatory postsynaptic potential from another neuron that receives its projections. This phenomenon is known as:

long-term potentiation

A person suffering from anosognosia:

may deny even obvious signs of illness.

Which of the following is more likely to be seen in subjects with left parietal lobe lesions?

more mistakes in Weigl's sorting test

One characteristic common to MOST posterior parietal neurons in the monkey brain is that they are responsive to _____.

movements of the animal's eyes or arms toward a stimulus

The sensory system MOST affected by an orbital lesion appears to be that of:


Impaired olfactory discrimination is typically found with damage to the _____ area of the frontal lobes.


According to a study by Hsu and colleagues, decision-making tasks that are high in ambiguity activate the:

orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala.

The ability to perform complex mental transformations such as object rotation, at least in males, varies with the:

organization of white matter in the posterior parietal cortex.

Difficulty in solving the "tower of London" task after frontal-lobe damage suggests impairment in:


For which of the following are you MOST likely to engage your prefrontal cortex?

plotting a chess move

Tests measuring finger-tapping speed and grip strength BEST measure the function of the:

precentral gyrus

There is a close functional relationship between the parietal cortex and the _____, which probably has an important role in the control of spatially guided behavior.

prefrontal cortex

The area that has been proposed as crucial for the programming of movement sequences is the:

premotor cortex

A subject who is asked to learn an arbitrary stimulus-response association would exhibit relatively more activity in the _____ than in the _____.

premotor cortex; supplementary motor cortex

In experiments with nonhuman primates, damage to the _____ has been found to produce a deficit in spatial working memory.

principal sulcus

Cortical regions immediately posterior to the central sulcus are largely involved in:

processing somatosensory information.

Which of the following factors increase(s) cell survival of hippocampal granule neurons?


Damage to the posterior parietal cortex would MOST interfere with:

reaching toward a briefly presented visual target.

Which of the following activities BEST exemplifies temporal memory?

recalling which of your assignments you most recently worked on

Twitchell describes recovery from hemiplegia (inability to move the contralateral limbs) as following an orderly sequence, the first step of which is:

return of reflexes

A subject's inability to produce more than a few minor variations on an initial design, after being asked to make as many novel designs as possible, would lead you to suspect:

right frontal-lobe damage

Abnormalities in the dopamine-containing projection from the brain stem to the frontal cortex are believed by many scientists to be involved in:


According to Posner, an important contribution of the parietal lobes to attentional processes is disengagement, which is the ability to:

shift attention from one stimulus to another.

Based on the predictions from the work of Jacobs et al., which of the following occupations would you NOT expect to correlate with an increase in the size of the associated brain region?

singer;language representation

The tendency of patients with frontal lesions to engage in inappropriate behaviors may be attributed to difficulties in guiding behavior using:

social context

A vitally important additional treatment for an aphasic receiving daily speech therapy is:

social interaction.

Activity within the human medial parietal region is important for:

spatial navigation ability

Following damage to the left supplementary speech area and medial frontal cortex, subjects would have great problems:

speaking spontaneously

The variable NOT influencing recovery from brain damage is:


Neurons in the _____ sulcus are active during the perception of biologically relevant motion.

superior temporal

Visual processing in humans continues beyond the occipital lobes to the:

temporal, parietal, and frontal lobes.

If you wished to evaluate your patient for response inhibition, which of the following tests would be MOST useful?

the Stroop test

The size of the brain area representing the musical scale in musicians correlates with:

the age at which they began to practice

Polysensory neurons in a monkey's posterior parietal cortex have been shown to increase their firing rate when::

the animal attends to a target object or moves toward it.

The primary visual cortex is associated with which of the following anatomical landmarks?

the calcarine sulcus

On the basis of electrophysiological studies of monkeys, the ability of humans to judge which of two objects was seen most recently would be expected to be associated with selective activation of:

the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

Milner and Goodale base some of their model of vision beyond the occipital lobe on the finding in monkeys that many neurons in the posterior parietal lobe respond to visual stimuli only if _____.

the monkey reaches for the stimulus

Which of the following does NOT appear to receive significant cortical input from the parietal lobe?

the occipital lobe

Which of the following brain regions is primarily dedicated to visual processing?

the occipital lobes

With which region of the frontal cortex are the anterior temporal lobes MOST closely connected?

the orbitofrontal

Which of the following is a subdivision of the prefrontal cortex?

the orbitofrontal cortex

The work of Nudo and colleagues underscores the importance of _____ in recovery from brain damage.

the use of affected body parts

The role of the dorsal stream is:

the visual guidance of movement.

Visual object recognition is most specifically a function of processing in the _____ stream.


The percentage of subjects showing defective performance is higher for subjects with right frontal damage than for subjects with left frontal damage, for all but one of the following tests. Which is the test that does NOT belong?

verbal fluency

The parietal reach region (PRR) is involved in:

visual guidance of grasping motions.

Dominant (alpha) male monkeys subjected to prefrontal cortical damage _____ when returned to their social group.

were unable to maintain their previously dominant role

Teuber's study on the long-term improvement of soldiers with brain wounds in the Korean War suggests that recovery is greatest in those soldiers who were _____ at the time of injury.


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