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27. For which is the Scrum Master responsible? 1. The Scrum process being adopted and used properly. 2. Keeping track of resource allocation 3. Managing the performance of the Scrum Team 4. The meetings and the objectives that a Scrum Team sets for itself.

Answer: 1

32. How often should Development Team membership change? 1. As needed, while taking into account a short term reduction in productivity. 2. Every Sprint to promote shared learning. 3. Never, because it reduces productivity. 4. As needed, with no special allowance for changes in productivity.

Answer: 1

13. A Scrum Team is only allowed to meet with stakeholders during Sprint Review. 1. True. 2. False.

Answer: 2

she can work with the CEO.

Answer: 4

36. If two Scrum Teams are added to the development of a product that previously had only one Scrum Team, what will be the immediate impact on the productivity of the srcinal Scrum Team? 1. Its productivity is likely to decrease. 2. Its productivity is likely to stay the same. 3. Its productivity is likely to increase.

Answer: 1

78. When is implementation of a Product Backlog item considered complete? 1. At the end of the Sprint. 2. When the item has no work remaining in order to be potentially released. 3. When all work in the Sprint Backlog related to the item is finished. 4. When QA reports that the item passes all acceptance criteria.

Answer: 2

8. A properly functioning Scrum Team will have at least one Release Sprint and may well have several. 1. True. 2. False.

Answer: 2

84. When multiple teams work together on the same product, each team should maintain a separate Product Backlog. 1. True. 2. False.

Answer: 2

18. Choose two responsibilities of a self-organizing Development Team. 1. Increase velocity. 2. Do the work planned in the Sprint Backlog. 3. Report daily progress to stakeholders. 4. Pull Product Backlog items for the Sprint. 5. Reorder the Product Backlog.

Answer: 2,4

14. An important pillar of Scrum is the management principle of s elf-organization. Select two ways that time-boxing promotes self-organization. 1. Time-boxes eliminate politics and bureaucracy. 2. Time-boxes help everyone focus on the same problem at the same time. 3. Time-boxes do not allow enough time for stringent processes or meeting overhead. 4. Time-boxing protects the Development Team from the Product Owner so developers can actually focus. 5. Teams can determine on their own how much overtime is acceptable for a time-box, generally expressed as a percentage of the time-box. 6. Time-boxes encourage the people who are closest to the problem to create the best possible result in the time allotted, given the current context.

Answer: 2,6

47. The Product Backlog is ordered by: 1. Risk, where safer items are at the top, and riskier items are at the bottom. 2. Size, where small items are at the top and large items are at the bottom. 3. Items are randomly arranged. 4. Importance, where the most important items are at the top at all times.

Answer: 4

56. What activities would a Product Owner typically undertake in the phase between the end of the current Sprint and the start of the next Sprint? 1. Update the project plan with stakeholders. 2. Work with the QA departments on the Increment of the c urrent Sprint. 3. Refine the Product Backlog. There are no such activities. 4. The next Sprint starts immediately after the current Sprint.

Answer: 4

77. When is a Sprint over? 1. When all the tasks are completed. 2. When the product Owner says it is done. 3. When all Product Backlog items meet their d efinition of "Done." 4. When the time-box expires.

Answer: 4

82. When many Scrum Teams are working on the s ame product, should all of their increments be integrated e very Sprint? 1. No, that is far too hard and must be done in a hardening Sprint. 2. No, each Scrum Team stands alone. 3. Yes, but only for Scrum Teams whose work has dependencies. 4. Yes, otherwise the Product Owners (and stakeholders) may not be able to accurately inspect what is done.

Answer: 4

83. When might a Sprint be abnormally terminated? 1. When the sales department has an important new opportunity. 2. When it becomes clear that not everything will be finished by the end of the Sprint. 3. When the Development Team feels that the work is too hard. 4. When the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete.

Answer: 4

87. Which best describes the Product Backlog? 1. It provides just enough information to enable a Scrum team to start the design phase of a product. 2. It is baselined to follow change management processes. 3. It contains all foreseeable tasks and requirements from which the Scrum team can develop and maintain a complete project plan. 4. It is allowed to grow and change as m ore is learned about the product and its customers.

Answer: 4

88. Which does a self-organizing Deve lopment Team choose? 1. Product Backlog ordering. 2. Sprint length. 3. Stakeholders for the Sprint Review. 4. How to best accomplish its work. 5. When to release, based on its progress

Answer: 4

she removes Impediments. 4. The Development Team is responsible, and may need help from the Scrum Master.

Answer: 4

12. A Scrum Team has been working on a product for nine Sprints. A new Product Owner comes in, understanding he is accountable for the Product Backlog. However, he is unsure about his responsibilities. Which two activities are part of the Product Owner role according to Scrum? 1. Describing features as Use Cases. 2. Creating detailed functional test cases. 3. Ensuring that the most valuable functionality is produced first, at all times. 4. Interacting with stakeholders. 5. Providing the Development Team with detailed specifications.

Answer: 4,5

2. A Development Team is required to deliver a done Increment by the e nd of a Sprint. Select two statements that explain what 'done' means. 1. Whatever the Product Owner defines as quality. 2. Ready for integration 3. All work the Development Team is willing to do 4. No work left from the definition of 'Done' 5. All work to create software that is ready to be released to end users.

Answer: 4,5

51. The purpose of a Sprint is to produce a done Increment of product. 1. True. 2. False.

Answer: 1

42. Scrum is a methodology that tells in detail how to build software incrementally. 1. True. 2. False.

Answer: 2

80. When is the Sprint Backlog created? 1. During the Sprint. 2. At the beginning of the project. 3. During the Sprint Planning meeting. 4. Prior to the Sprint Planning meeting.

Answer: 3

37. In accordance with Scrum theory, how should a group of 100 people be divided into m ultiple Development Teams? 1. Check with the allocation department to see who has worke d together before and make these the first teams. 2. Understanding the product, the product vision and the rules of the Scrum framework, the group divides itself into teams. 3. Create a matrix of skills, seniority and level of experience to assign people to teams. 4. It doesn't really matter because you can rotate the teams every Sprint to spread knowl edge.

Answer: 2

54. The time-box for a Daily Scrum is? 1. The same time of day every day. 2. 15 minutes. 3. Two minutes per person. 4. 15 minutes for a 4 week sprint. For shorter Sprints it is usually shorter. 5. 4 hours.

Answer: 2

67. What is the recommended size for a Development Team? 1. At least 7. 2. 9. 3. 3 to 9.

Answer: 3

69. What is the tactic a Scrum Master should use to divide a group of 100 people into multiple Development Teams? 1. Ask the Product Owner to assign the people to teams. 2. Create teams based on their skills across multiple layers (such as database, UI, etc.). 3. Ask the developers to divide themselves into teams.

Answer: 3

81. When is the Sprint Backlog created? 1. During the Sprint. 2. At the beginning of the project. 3. During the Sprint Planning meeting. 4. Prior to the Sprint Planning meeting.

Answer: 3

92. Which of the following are true about the Scrum Maste r role? 1. The Scrum Master is responsible for updating the Sprint Bu rndown. 2. At the Sprint Review, the Scrum Master identifies what has been "done" and what has not been "done". 3. The Scrum Master helps those outside the team interact with the Scrum Team. 4. The Scrum Master teaches the Development Team to keep the Scrum meetings to their tim e-box. 5. The Scrum Master assigns tasks to Development Team members when they need work.

Answer: 3,4

86. Which are NOT appropriate topics for discussion in a Sprint Retrospective? 1. Team relations. 2. Definition of "Done". 3. Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint. 4. How the team does its work. 5. The value of work currently represented in the Product Backlog.

Answer: 3,5

79. When is it most appropriate for a Development Team to change the definition of "Done"? 1. Prior to starting a new project. 2. Prior to starting a new Sprint. 3. During Sprint Planning. 4. During the Sprint Retrospective.

Answer: 4

1. A Development Team asks their Product Owner to re-order the Product Backlog. The team is waiting for an external supplier to deliver a specific softw are component. Without that component there won't be enough work in the next Sprint to occupy the full team. The Product Owner asks the Scrum Master for help. What would be good advice to give the Product Owner? 1. Tell the Product Owner to re-order the Product Backlog so the work involving the external component can be planned in a separate sprint. 2. Tell the Product Owner that the Product Backlog should be ordered to maximize utilization of the Development Team. 3. Tell the Product Owner that his primary concern is the flow of value reflected in the ordering of the Product Backlog.

Answer: 1

39. Multiple Scrum Teams creating the same product work from the same Product Backlog. 1. True. 2. False.

Answer: 1

53. The Sprint Goal is a result of Sprint Planning, as is the Sprint Backlog. 1. True. 2. False.

Answer: 1

71. What three factors are best considered when establishing the Sprint length? 1. The ability to go to market with a product release. 2. The frequency at which team formation can be changed. 3. Sprints must have the same length throughout an organization. 4. The risk of being disconnected from the stakeholders. 5. The level of uncertainty over the technology to be used.

Answer: 1,4,5

28. How do you know that a Development Team is cross-functional? 1. There are no conflicts within the Development Team. 2. Development Team has all the skills to create a releasable increment by the end of every Sprint. 3. A few of the Development Team members pair program and do Test Driven Development. 4. Every member of the Development Team is able to perform every task.

Answer: 2

11. A Scrum Master is working with a Development Team that has members in different physical locations. The Development Team meets in a variety of meeting rooms and has much to do logistically (for e xample, set up conference calls) before the Daily Scrum. What action should the Scrum Master take? 1. Set up the meeting and tell the Development Team that is how it will be done. 2. Ask the Development Team members to alternate who is responsible for meeting setup. 3. Inform management and ask them to solve it. 4. Allow the Development Team to self-manage and determine for itself what to do.

Answer: 4

62. What enhances the transparency of an Increment? 1. Reporting Sprint progress to the stakeholders daily. 2. Updating Sprint tasks properly in the electronic tracking tool. 3. Doing all work needed to meet the definition of "Done" 4. Keeping track of and estimating all undone work to be completed in a separate Sprint

Answer: 4

65. What is the accountability of the Product Owner during Sprint 0? 1. Determine the composition of the Development Teams so they have the capacity to deliver the completed forecast. 2. Make the complete project plan to commit date, budget and scope to the stakeholders. 3. Gathering, eliciting, and analyzing the requirements that will be inserted into the Product Backlog. 4. There is no such thing as Sprint 0. 5. Make sure enough Product Backlog items are refined to fill the first 3 Sprints.

Answer: 4

66. What is the main reason for the Scrum Maste r to be at the Daily Scrum? 1. To make sure every team member answers the three questions. 2. To gather status and progress information to report to management. 3. To write down any changes to the Sprint Backlog, including adding new items, and tracking progress on the burn- down. 4. He or she does not have to be there; he or she only has to en sure the Development Team has a Daily Scrum.

Answer: 4

7. A Product Owner wants advice from the Scrum Master about estimating work in Scrum. Which of these is the guideline that a Scrum Master should give? 1. Estimates are made by the Product Owner, but are best checked with the Development Team. 2. Estimates must be in relative units. 3. Scrum forbids estimating. 4. Product Backlog items must be estimated in story points. 5. Estimates are made by the Development Team.

Answer: 5

30. How much time is required after a Sprint to prepare for the next Sprint? 1. None. A new Sprint starts immediately following the end of the previous Sprint. 2. Enough time for the Development team to finish the testing from the last Sprint. 3. Enough time for the requirements for the next Sprint to be determined and documented. 4. The break between Sprints is time-boxed to 1 week for 30 day Sprints, and usually less for shorter sprints. 5. All of the above are allowed depending on the situation.

Answer: 1

46. The Development Team should have all the skills needed to: 1. Turn Product Backlog items into an Increment of potentially releasable product functionality. 2. Do all of the development work, except for specialized testing that requires additional tools and environments? 3. Complete the project within the date and cost as calculated by the Product Owner.

Answer: 1

64. What is included in the Sprint Backlog? 1. Tasks. 2. Tests. 3. User Stories. 4. Use Cases. 5. Any of the above (or others) which are a decomposition of the selected Product Backlog items.

Answer: 1

72. When a Development Team is having trouble delivering a working Increment because they don't understand a functional requirement, what should they do? 1. Collaborate with the Product Owner to determine what is possible and acceptable. 2. Defer the work to a more appropriate Sprint. 3. Add a specialist to the Development Team. 4. Partially complete the functionality, and discuss the remaining work at the Sprint Review.

Answer: 1

73. When can a Development Team cancel a Sprint? 1. It can't. Only Product Owners can cancel Sprints. 2. When the Product Owner is absent too often. 3. When functional expectations are not well understood. 4. When the selected Product Backlog items for the Sprint become unachievable. 5. When a technical dependency cannot be resolved.

Answer: 1

85. Which answer best describes the topics covered in Sprint Planning? 1. What can be done and how to do it. 2. How conditions have changed and how the Product Backlog should evolve. 3. What to do and who will do it. 4. What went wrong in the last Sprint and what to do differently this Sprint? 5. Who is on the team and what team member roles wil l be?

Answer: 1

94. Which of the following is required by Scrum? 1. Sprint Retrospective. 2. Release Planning. 3. Sprint Burndown Chart. 4. Members must stand up at the Daily Scrum. 5. All of the above.

Answer: 1

91. Which of the following are true about the Product Owner role? 1. The Product Owner is accountable for ordering the Product Backlog. 2. The Product Owner can be influenced by a committee. 3. The Product Owner is one person. 4. The Product Owner role can be played by a committee or a team of people. 5. Multiple people can share the Product Owner role on a Scrum Team.

Answer: 1,2,3

59. What are three ways Scrum promotes self-organization? 1. By being a lightweight framework. 2. By removing titles for Development Team members. 3. By preventing stakeholders from entering the development room. 4. By the Development Team deciding what work to do in a Sprint. 5. By not allowing documentation.

Answer: 1,2,4

she has been able to resolve only a small portion of the impediments. Which three techniques would be most helpful in this situation? 1. Alerting management to the impediments and their impact. 2. Prioritizing the list and working on them in order. 3. Arranging a triage meeting with all project managers. 4. Consulting with the Development Team.

Answer: 1,2,4

61. What are two responsibilities of testers in a Development Team? 1. Scrum has no "tester" role 2. Verifying the work of programmers 3. Everyone in the Development Team is responsible for quality 4. Finding bugs 5. Tracking quality metrics

Answer: 1,3

89. Which of the following are roles on a Scrum Team 1. Development Team. 2. Users. 3. Scrum Master. 4. Product Owner. 5. Customers.

Answer: 1,3,4

58. What are three benefits of self-organization? 1. Increased creativity. 2. Increased rule compliance. 3. Increased self-accountability. 4. Increased accuracy of estimates. 5. Increased commitment.

Answer: 1,3,5

16. As the Sprint Planning meeting progresses, the Development Team se es that the workload is greater than they can handle. Which two are valid actions? 1. The Development Team ensures that the Product Owner is aware, starts the Sprint, and monitors progress. 2. Cancel the Sprint. 3. The Development Team works overtime during this Sprint. 4. Remove or change selected Product Backlog items. 5. Recruit additional Development Team members before the work can begin.

Answer: 1,4

17. At the end of a Sprint a Product Backlog item worked on during the Sprint does not meet the definition of "Done". What two things should happen with the undone Product Backlog item? 1. Do not include the item in the Increment this Sprint. 2. Review the item, add the "Done" part of the estimate to the velocity and create a Story for the remaining work. 3. If the stakeholders agree, the Product Owner can accept it and release it to the users. 4. Put it on the Product Backlog for the Product Owner to decide what to do with it.

Answer: 1,4

her. 4. A shared understanding of the most important work to be undertaken next to achieve the best possible progress toward the Sprint goal. 5. An update of completed tasks and of the remaining work so the Scrum Master can plan the next day.

Answer: 1,4

35. If burndown charts are used to visualize progress, what do they track? 1. Accumulated cost 2. Work remaining across time 3. Individual worker productivity 4. Accumulated business value delivered to the customer.

Answer: 2

38. If burndown charts are used to visualize progress, what does a trend line through a release burndown chart indicate? 1. The evolution of the cost spent on the project. 2. When the work remaining will likely be co mpleted if nothing changes on th e Product Backlog or the Development Team 3. When all work will be completed so the Scrum Team can b e released for other work. 4. When the project will be over if the Product Owner removes work that is equal in effort to any new work that is added.

Answer: 2

4. A member of the Development Team takes the Scrum Master aside to express his concerns about data security issues. What should the Scrum Master do? 1. Go check with the testers. 2. Ask the person to share the issue with the team as soon as possible. 3. Add security to the definition of 'Done'. 4. Create a Product Backlog item for security. 5. Tell the Product Owner to stop further development of features until the issues are fixed.

Answer: 2

40. Of the following choices, what is the most effective way a Scrum Master can keep a Development Team working at its highest level of productivity? 1. Keep high value features high in the Product Backlo g. 2. Facilitate Development Team decisions and remove impediments. 3. Ensure the meetings start and end at the proper time. 4. Prevent changes to the backlogs once the Sprint begins.

Answer: 2

44. Sprint burndown charts are an efficient tracking tool because they show: 1. How many Product Backlog items remain? 2. An estimate of the total work remaining for the Sprint. 3. How many hours have been worked by each Development Team member? 4. How much effort has gone into a Sprint?

Answer: 2

52. The Scrum Master observes the P roduct Owner struggling with ordering the Product Backlog. What is an appropriate action for the Scrum Master to take? 1. Suggest that the Development Team does the ordering to be sure that it is a feasible ordering of work. 2. Offer the Product Owner help in understanding that the goal of ordering the Product Bac klog is to maximize value. 3. Present the Product Owner with an ordered Product Backlog to use. 4. Encourage the Product Owner to work with the Development Team to see which items technically are fastest to implement. 5. Suggest the Product Owner extend the Sprint, so he can have mo re time to order the Product Back log.

Answer: 2

6. A product Increment must be released to production at the end of each Sprint. 1. True. 2. False.

Answer: 2

68. What is the role of management in Scrum? 1. To continually monitor staffing levels of the Development Team 2. To facilitate the Scrum Teams with insights and resources that help them improve 3. To monitor the Development Team's productivity 4. To identify and remove people that aren't working hard enough

Answer: 2

70. What is the time-box for the Sprint Planning meeting? 1. Whenever it is done. 2. Monthly 8 Hours for a monthly Sprint. 3. 4 Hours for a monthly Sprint.

Answer: 2

74. When do Development Team members take ownership of a Sprint Backlog item? 1. Whenever a team member can accommodate more work. 2. Never. All Sprint Backlog Items are "owned" by the e ntire Development Team, even though each one may be done by an individual Development Team member. 3. During the Daily Scrum. 4. At the Sprint planning meeting.

Answer: 2

76. When does the second Sprint start? 1. After the customer completes acceptance testing of the first Sprint. 2. Immediately after the first Sprint. 3. Once the architectural changes for the second Sprint have been approved by the senior architect. 4. After the Product Backlog for the second Sprint has been selected.

Answer: 2

3. A Development Team selects a set of Product Backlog items for a Sprint Backlog with the intent to get the selected items "Done" by the end of the Sprint. Which three phrases best describe the purpose of a definition of "Done"? 1. It controls whether the developers have performed their tasks. 2. It defines what it takes for an Increment to be ready for release. 3. It guides the Development Team in creating a forecast at the Sprint Planning. 4. It provides a template for elements that need to be included in the technical documentation. 5. It creates transparency over the work inspected at the Sprint Review. 6. It tracks the percent completeness of a Product Backlog item.

Answer: 2,3,5

15. As the Development Team starts work during the Sprint, it realizes it has selected too much work to finish in the Sprint. What should it do? 1. Inform the Product Owner at the Sprint Review, but prior to the demonstration. 2. Reduce the definition of "Done" and get all of the Product Backlog items "done" by the new definition. 3. As soon as possible in the Sprint, work with the Product Owner to remove some work or Product Backlog items. 4. Find another Scrum Team to give the excess work to.

Answer: 3

26. Every Scrum Team must have a Product Owner and Scrum Master. 1. False. A Scrum Master is only required when asked for by the Development Team. 2. True. Each must be 100% dedicated to the Scrum Team. 3. True. Outcomes are affected by their participation and availability. 4. False. A Product Owner can be replaced by a business analyst in the Development Team.

Answer: 3

29. How is management external to the Scrum Team involved in the Daily Scrum? 1. Management gives an update at the start of each Daily Scrum. 2. The Product Owner represents their opinions. 3. The Development Team self-manages and is the only management required at the Daily Scrum. 4. The Scrum Master speaks on their behalf.

Answer: 3

31. Development Team membership should change: 1. Every Sprint to promote shared learning. 2. Never, because it reduces productivity. 3. As needed, while taking into account a short term reduction in productivity. 4. As needed, with no special allowance for changes in productivity.

Answer: 3

33. How should a Development Team deal with non-functional requirements? 1. Assign them to the lead developers on the team. 2. Handle them during the Integration Sprint preceding the Release Sprint. 3. Ensure every Increment meets them. 4. Make sure the release department understands these requirements, but it is not the Developmen t Team's responsibility.

Answer: 3

34. How should Product Backlog items be chosen when multiple Scrum Teams work from the same Product Backlog? 1. Each Scrum Team takes an equal number of items. 2. The Product Owner should provide each team with its own Product Backlog. 3. The Development Teams pull in work in agreement with the Product Owner. 4. The Product Owner decides. 5. The Scrum Team with the highest velocity pulls Product Backlog items first.

Answer: 3

50. The Product Owner must release each Increment to production. 1. Without exception. 2. Whenever the product is free of defects. 3. When it makes sense. 4. To make sure the Development Team is done every Sprint.

Answer: 3

55. User documentation is part of your definition of "Done." However, there aren't enough technical writers for all teams. Your Development Team doesn't have a technical writer. W hat should you do? 1. Form a separate team of technical writers that will work on an on-demand basis fo r the various Product Owners. Work order will be first in, first out. 2. Wait until you have a technical writer on your Development Team to take care of this. 3. Your Development Team is still responsible for creating user documentation. In this case, the Dev elopment Team members will write it. 4. Let the user documentation remain undone and accumulate until after the last development Sprint. It will be done by any available technical writers.

Answer: 3

75. When does the next Sprint begin? 1. Immediately following the next Sprint Planning. 2. Next Monday. 3. Immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint. 4. When the Product Owner is ready.

Answer: 3

93. Which of the following best describes an increment of working software? 1. A decomposition of all Product Backlog items into tasks for future Sprint Backlog lists. 2. A new user interface design for functionality delivered in previous iterations. 3. Additional features in a useable state that complement those delivered in previous iterations. 4. UML diagrams that describe how to deliver functionality in future iterations. 5. An automated test suite to verify functionality delivered in previous iterations.

Answer: 3

she feels about the situation. 2. Comply with the decision of the self-organizing team. 3. Begin facilitating productive and useful retrospectives. 4. Call a meeting between the Development Team and senior management.

Answer: 3

43. Several Sprint into a project, the Product Owner te lls the Scrum Master that a key stakeholder just started using the product. The stakeholder is unhappy with the slow performance. What are two good options for the Scrum Master? 1. Wait to bring this up until the Sprint Retrospective. 2. Explain to the Product Owner that it's up to the Development Team to decide on acceptable performance standards. 3. Coach the Product Owner on how to talk with the Development Team about this concern. 4. Encourage the Product Owner to put performance on the Product Back log and express the stakeholder's concern to the Development Team. 5. Bring the concern to the testers to improve how the system is tested.

Answer: 3,4

57. What are the two primary ways a Scrum Master keeps a Development Team working at its highest level of productivity? 1. By keeping high value features high in the Product Backlog. 2. By ensuring the meetings start and end at the proper time. 3. By facilitating Development Team decisions. 4. By removing impediments that hinder the Development Team.

Answer: 3,4

60. What are two good ways for a Scrum Team to ensure security concerns are satisfied? 1. Postpone the work until a specialist can perform a security audit and create a list of security-related Product Backlog items. 2. Delegate the work to the concerned department. 3. Have the Scrum Team create Product Backlog items for each concern. 4. Add security concerns to the definition of "Done". 5. Add a Sprint to specifically resolve all security concerns.

Answer: 3,4

63. What is a Development Team responsible for? 1. Reporting productivity. 2. Selecting the Product Owner. 3. Organizing the work required to meet the Sprint Goal. 4. Resolving internal team conflicts.

Answer: 3,4

90. Which of the following are true about the length of the Sprint? 1. Sprint length is determined during Sprint Planning, and should be long enough to make sure the Development Team can deliver what is to be accomplished in the upcoming Sprint. 2. The length of the Sprint should be proportional to the work that is done in between Sprints. 3. All Sprints must be 1 month or less. 4. Sprint length is determined during Sprint Planning, and should hold the time it will take to code the planned features in the upcoming Sprint, but does not include time for any testing. 5. It is best to have Sprints of consistent length throughout a development effort.

Answer: 3,5

49. The Product Owner is not collaborating with the Development Team during the Sprint. What are two valuable actions for a Scrum Master to take? 1. Nominate a proxy Product Owner. 2. Stop the Sprint, send the Product Owner to a co urse and restart. 3. Inform the Product Owner's functional manager. 4. Bring up the problem in the Sprint Retrospective. 5. Coach the Product Owner in the values of Scrum and incremental delivery.

Answer: 4,5

48. The Product Owner determines how many Product Backlog items the Development Team selects for a Sprint. 1. True, accordingly to what was committed to the stakeholders. 2. True, but only after confirmation by the resource manager that the Team has enough capacity. 3. True. 4. False, the Scrum Master does that. 5. False. 6. False, capacity and commitment are the Project manager's responsibil ity.

Answer: 5

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