psy 101

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K+ moves out of the cell


Na+ channels open more positive


- Rogers -Maslow -free will - good in humans - aspects of human experience


- any factor that influences towards one side -ex. placebo effect experimenter bias distortions in self report - want experiments to have no bias

other mental health professionals

- clinical social worker - psychiatriac nurse

clinical psychologist

- dianosising and treating physcological disorders - anxiety - depression - tests - interviews - talk therapy

correlation methods

- does not have cause and effect - predict behavior, do these associate together - no random assignment - no IV - no intrepretations - do not know direction of relationship - not controlled


- freud -adler -jung - unconscious behavior - focus on things we aren't aware of - internal conflict

experimental method

- manipulates a variable - controlled environment - observes if any change occur to the other varible - cause and effect - random sample - need IV - want as much data as can get

non practicing psychologist

- not all practice in the mental health field 1. research 2. teaching 3. other areas.


- organized explanation of information - based on observations

experimental group

- receives the treatments in regard to IV

definition of psychology now

- science - behavior - physiological processes - cognitive processes


- simon -piaget -chomsky - thoughts - mental processes - decision making -leanring - how do people develop their thoughts


-biophsyiological - understanding all contributing factors -ex. biological - physiological - social -cultural

Themes of Psychology

-elaborate on the basic ideas of studying psychology 1. it is empirical (should be studied through observation) 2. it is theoretically diverse 3. evolves in sociohistorical context

Watson, Skinner, Pavlov

Behaviorism- directly observed

theoretical perspectives

different orientations that psychologists take to understand behaviors and mental disorders


dim light

control group

does not receive treatment does not receive IV - what they compare to

manipulate interneuron communication

drugs mess with neurotransmitters and how they communicate - synthesis of neurotransmitters - mess with receptor sites - can mess with reuptake process and destruction process of neurotransmitter

lock and key method

each neurotransmitter has its own receptor

action potential

electrical current traveling down an axon all or none response


a testable prediction based on your theory. - tentative statement about the relationship between two variables.

General Hierarchy

features are components and then objects

selective attention

focusing on one stimuli eventhough our senses are exposed to more at one time

proximal stimuli

formed by sense organs

distal stimulus

from outside world

complementary senses

help each other out -hearing and vision - smell and taste


helps focus waves of light curved surface


how do we know we are measuring psycology correctly

health psychology

how does exercise affect our mind, how does being healthy help our mind, - how it helps treatment of illness

biological psychology

how our body can help us understand people's thoughts

experimental psychology

leanring motivation sensation perception why do we do what we do


light waves pass through

bottom-up processing

individual sensory pieces to find out whole

social psychology

interactions - relationships - how society changes the way people think or act

feature analysis

is the process of detecting specific elements in visual input and assembling them into a more complex form - figure to letters to words

left hemisphere

language, math, logic, analytics, communication

ganglion cells

last layer of neurons in retina axons of gangloion cell carry stimulus from eye to brain= optic disk

somatosensory cortex

located behind motor cortex touch receptor


memory learning memories

Cognitive Psychology

memory, making decisions, planning, intelligence, info processing

Conflicting senses

messes with your brain - motion sickness - visual says you are moving - somesthetic says you are staying still - brain is confused

reticular formation

monitors environment - what we should pay attention to and what we can ignore


mood and depression

counseling psychology

more everyday problems - diagnosis - treat - therapy - marriage - family


movement not enough dopamine = parkinsons cocaine

motor cortex

movements in PNS


muscle, lets more light in

electromagnetic spectrum

cant see whole thing

light and shadow

closer objects appear brighter, reflect more light


complete figures that are incomplete


concious thought - break down elements - investigate - see how relate


conscious thought - purpose or function of thoughts


nearness, closeness - if something is near something else we consider them together

feture detectors

nerve cells in the brain that respond to specific features of the stimulus, such as shape, angle, or movement

superficial clusters of lymph nodes

neurons in brain that fire only if they collectively indicate a stimulus with a combination of specific features

zero correlation

no relationship between variables

correlation coefficient

numerical representation on how two variables are related - when closer to -1. or 1 that means they are more related doesnt matter if negative that determines direction


sleep, cousiousnes, staying awake


statistically combining results of same variable from different studies

terminal button

stores neurotransmitters

clinical psychology

studies disordered thoughts and behaviors - WWII

developmental psychology

studies the development of people over life span - how the mind changes

definition of psychology early on

study of the mind

glial cells

support to neurons - provide myelin sheath


take light waves, focus them and project them onto retina


talk therapy - ph.d, masters, ed.d, psy.d

depth perception

the ability to perceive the world in three dimensions

binocular disparity

the difference of info going to your left and right eye

figure-ground perception

the focus of a picture background of the picture

single-blind study

the participant doesnt know what condition they are in dont want thoughts to affect their actions ex. drinking


the process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energies from our environment detection


the process by which the eye's lens changes shape to focus near or far objects on the retina

vestibular sense

the sense of body movement and position, including the sense of balance


the tendency to perceive things that look similar to each other as being part of the same group

Gestalt Psychology

the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

height in plane

things higher are farther away in a picture


timing things that occur close in time we think they go together ex. thunder and lightening

somesthetic senses

touch, pressure, temperature, pain

positive correlation

two variables move in same direction - both increase or decrease together

perceotual constancy

understand that if proximal stimulus changes then distal stimulus cahnges

educational psychology

understanding how people learn best ways to teach

personality psychology

understanding pattern of behaviors - how personality develops

top-down processing

use preexisting knowledge to figure out sensory details

postive psychology

uses research to understand the postive aspects of humans. - creative -fulfilling aspects of human nature

negative correlation

variables move in opposite directions ex. lower number of absences= higher test scores

occipital lobe

visual info

texture gradient

we can see the texture of something if we are closer rather than farther away


we like minimal change in direction - smooth - continuous pattern

third variable problem

when there is not a correlation between two variables but by another variable

interposition / overlap

when things are blocked we see them as farther away

relative size

when things are closer we see them as bigger

corpus callosum

where left and right hemisphere communicate if damged cant communicate with each other


who you apply the results to entire group want to apply results to

School Psychologist

work in schools - any problems in school - evaluates learning - helps with lesson planning

right hemisphere

regonizing people, spaitially oriented, processing info


repeating the research study want to make sure there was not a fluke

verification of results



sense for identifying where our body parts are in space


signals sent throughout the body - info prosessing - make decisions - trigger responses


skeletal muscle attention arousal

random assignment

everyone has an equal chance of getting put into a group

sceintific method

- system of measurements - relationship between theories and observations

dependent variable

- variable that is measured -affected by independent variable - depends on IV

evolutionary psychology

-Buss - wilson - evolutionary behavior in animals and humans - natural selection - adaptive problems -how we think about people in certain ways

independent variable

-manipulated variable - variable that is being changed - varies to see impact on other variable - experimenter controls

Select Sample

-represents the population - collection of subjects selected for observations

bachelors's degree in psychology

-research - human resources - why we make choices


-skinner -watson -pavlov - only directly observable - helps understand people's actions - effects on environment have on the behavior of humans and animals.

interneuron communication

-synapse - neurotransmitter traveling across synaptic cleft

Steps of the Scientific Method

1. Identify problem, 2. Form Hypothesis, 3.Collect Data, 4. Analyze Data, 5.Form Conclusions

Goals of Psychology

1. describe behavior 2. explain behavior- cause and effect 3. predict- can show relationships and make an educational prediction 4. control or change

types of perceptual organization

1. form 2. depth 3. perceptual consistency

functions of cerebrum

1. localized- what lobe is this funciton taking place 2. lateralized- which hemisphere

what happens after neurotransmitter is used

1. reuptake= can be sucked back up and used again 2. destruction= washed out as waste

two components of correlation coeffcient

1. strength 2. direction


A binocular cue for perceiving depth; the extent to which the eyes converge inward when looking at an object


A chemical that mimics the action of a neurotransmitter.

William James



Light sensitive layer of the eye; contains rods and cones




The selection, organization, and interpretation of sensory input

perceptual set

a mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another - could depend on a setting - when you are expecting to see something - experiences influence how we precieve

Industrial Psychology

analyzing topics in business setting

research methods

approaches that social scientists use for investigating the answers to questions - have different approaches

temporal lobe

auditory, taste

current theoretical perspective



blocks neurotransmitter ex. drugs

double-blind study

both the experimenter and participant do not know what condition the participant is under. - could influence the perspective the researcher has on a person, this is why this is done

Precieving patterns

bottom up and top down


brain can change


bright light, color

research results

data you collect for your theory


depolarizes more positive


depression sleep waking up

descriptive methods

describe catagorize behavior

inattentional blindness

failing to see visible objects when our attention is directed elsewhere


hyperpolarization more negative

parietal lobe

identifying and precieveing

cerebral cortex

outer layer, densely packed with neurons

linear perspective

paralell lines converge when farther away


prescribes meds


prescribing meds - M.D


psyche and logos


psychoanalysis- unconscious thought

sodium potassium pump

resets concentration

colateral processing

right hemisphere----left side of the body

where is left visual field processed in

right side of brain

correlative methods

see if there is a link between variables

practicing psychologist

see patients


self observation of conscious thought

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