PSY 101 - Chapter 6

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deviation IQ score

100 plus or minus (15 x the number of standard deviations the person is from the raw score mean for their standardization group)


Alexandra firmly believes that intelligence consists of multiple independent abilities, including such intelligences as spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, and intrapersonal. Alexandra's belief is MOST consistent with the theory of intelligence developed by ___

means-end, working backward

The Tower of Hanoi problem (reconfiguring disks on pegs) is best solved using the ___ heuristic, whereas the water lily problem (determining when the pond is half covered) is best solved using the ___ heuristic

person-who reasoning, belief perseverance

questioning a well-established finding because you know an individual who violates the finding is to ___ as clinging to your viewpoints despite evidence to the contrary is to ___

person-who reasoning

questioning a well-established research finding because one knows a person who violates the finding

the g factor, specific mental abilities

regarding theories of intelligence, Charles Spearman believed that ___ was (were) MOST important and Thurstone believed that ___ was (were) MOST important.

mindless behavior, insight

rigid habitual behavior in which we fail to carefully attend to the details of the present situation is to ___ as a new way to understand a problem that immediately gives you the solution is to ___


the process that allows test scores to be interpreted by providing test norms


the processing of information to solve problems and make judgements and decisions

belief perseverance

the tendency to cling to one's beliefs in the face of contradictory evidence

confirmation bias

the tendency to seek evidence that confirms one's beliefs

mental set

the tendency to use previously successful problem-solving strategies without considering others that are more appropriate for the current problem


to determine if a test is internally consistent, which measure(s) of reliability would be appropriate to use?

functional fixedness

unable to find a needle and thread, Kim doesn't consider using a stapler to temporarily fix the hem of her skirt. her failure to consider the stapler BEST illustrates ___

the correlation decreases

what happens to the modest correlation between the intelligence test scores of adopted children and their adoptive parents as the children get older?

to permit interpretation of scores against norms

what is the purpose of standardization?

belief perseverance

what is the tendency to cling to one's beliefs in the face of contradictory evidence?

illusionary correlation

what is the tendency to erroneously believe that two variables are related when they actually are not?

calculating miles per gallon on a long-distance trip you just completed

what would be an example of an algorithm?


T/F? a test can be reliable but not valid


T/F? abstract reasoning is one of Gardner's multiple intelligences


T/F? determining the number of square feet in your bedroom before purchasing carpet is NOT an ill-defined problem


T/F? interpersonal is one of the three types of intelligence proposed by Sternberg


T/F? the linguistic and spatial intelligences of Howard Gardner's theory of intelligence seem to fit best with other definitions of intelligence in terms of mental abilities


T/F? the predictive validity of intelligence tests varies for different groups


T/F? we judge categorical probabilities differently than we recognize patterns

diagnose children who were subnormal and likely to experience problems in school

Binet and Simon developed an intelligence test for the French school system to ___

nurture, nurture

Binet is to ___ as Wechsler is to ___


Brenda received high scores on her SAT; however, when choosing her courses for the semester, she doesn't look at the requirements for her major but selects courses based on their closeness to her dorm room. according to Keith Stanovich, Brenda is demonstrating ___

using the representative heuristic

Carol judges the probability of category membership by how well an object resembles a category. Carol is doing what?

inhibit, less

Casey is trying to find a creative solution to a problem she is having with her roommate. because research suggests that frontal cortex activity may ___ insight, when she "thinks outside the box," Casey would likely be ___ successful at solving the problem than would a patient with frontal lobe damage

displaying the conjunction fallacy

David judges the joint occurrence of two uncertain events as being more likely than the occurrence of either of the events alone. David is doing what?

smaller, anchoring and adjustment

Elliott's credit card bill includes a minimum payment amount. compared to a situation in which a minimum payment amount is not provided, it is likely that Elliott will make a ___ partial payment, reflecting his use of the ___ heuristic

confirmation bias

Greg believes that female drivers make more careless mistakes on the road than do male drivers, so he watches female drivers more closely than male drivers. Greg's behavior BEST illustrates ___

if Kevin lives in a high-quality environment

Kevin's reaction range for intelligence (IQ) is between 90 and 130. which of the following factors would predict that Kevin might reach the upper limits of his reaction range?


Larraine always takes the 8:10 p.m. train when she has to work late because she finds there are typically a sufficient number of waiting passengers to keep her feeling safe. according to Sternberg's triarchic theory, Larraine is demonstrating ___ intelligence.

bodily-kinesthetic, spatial

Mariska is skilled at handling objects but has difficulty visualizing how puzzle pieces fit together. based on Gardner's conceptualization of intelligence, it is likely that Mariska would score high on ___ intelligence but low on ___ intelligence

Gardner, interpersonal

Scott is particularly skilled at understanding other people. it is MOST likely that he would score highly on ___measure of ___ intelligence


Susan's deviation IQ score is 115; therefore, her deviation IQ score is ___ standard deviation(s) above the mean for her age group


T/F? "mental telepathy is an extension of our sensory abilities" is an example of an erroneous belief that may arise from subjective, informal hypothesis testing?

working backward

Tim is trying to solve a maze that has 10 paths from the starting point, only one of which leads to the goal. for this type of problem, what is the BEST approach?

functional fixedness

Trevor did not think to use the plastic bag he was carrying as a raincoat when he was caught in a downpour, BEST illustrating ___

reliability, validity

___ is concerned with consistency whereas ___ is concerned with predictability

well-defined, well-defined

a board game, such as Monopoly, is an example of a(n) ___ problem and determining the number of square feet in a room before purchasing carpet is an example of a(n) ___ problem

anchoring and adjustment heuristic

a heuristic for estimation problems in which one uses his or her initial estimate as an anchor estimate and then adjusts the anchor up or down (often insufficiently)

availability heuristic

a heuristic for judging the probability of an event by how available examples of the event are in memory (the more available, the more probable)

representativeness heuristic

a heuristic for judging the probability of membership in a category by how well an object resembles (is a representative of) that category (the more representative, the more probable)


a new way to interpret a problem that immediately yields the solution

ill-defined problem

a problem lacking clear specification of either the start state, goal state, or the processes for reaching the goal state

well-defined problem

a problem with clear specifications of the start state, goal state, and the processes for reaching the goal state

working backward heuristic

a problem-solving heuristic in which one attempts to solve a problem by working from the goal state back to the start state

means-end analysis heuristic

a problem-solving heuristic in which the distance to the goal state is decreased systematically by breaking the problem into subgoals and achieving these subgoals


a problem-solving strategy that seems reasonable given one's past experience with solving problems, especially similar problems, but does not guarantee a correct answer to a problem

factor analysis

a statistical technique that identifies clusters of test items that measure the same ability (factor)


a step-by-step problem-solving procedure that guarantees a correct answer to a problem


a test in which the test scores are consistent is said to have a high degree of ___


a test that measures or predicts what it is supposed to is said to have a high degree of ___


a(n) ___ is a step-by-step procedure that guarantees a correct solution to a problem

societal changes, which led people to get smarter in abstract, scientific thinking

according to James Flynn, which of the following has likely contributed to the increase in intelligence test scores that has occurred over the past century?

availability heuristic

after learning that the parents of both of her roommates were divorced, Meghan began to overestimate the divorce rate. Meghan's conclusion BEST illustrates the misuse of the ___

the availability heuristic

after several highly publicized instances of deadly shark attacks, many people stopped swimming in the ocean. it appears that vivid media coverage prompted people to use ___ to judge the probability of death by shark attack


an index of the degree that variation of a trait within a given population is due to heredity


an individual with a deviation IQ score of -2 on the WAIS would have an IQ score of _____

people do not use the correct strategy

as per the text, why is the OTTFFSS series problem difficult?

two forms, different times

assessing alternate-form reliability involves giving ___ of a test to the same sample at ____

solving the problem, interpreting the problem

mental set is to ___ as fixation is to ___

degree of variation in a trait within a POPULATION that is due to heredity

heritability is an index of the ___

the average correlation increases as genetic similarity increases

how is the average correlation between intelligence scores related to genetic similarity?

is greater than 100

if a child's mental age is greater than the child's chronological age, then the child's IQ ___

been given to a representative sample of the relevant population

if a test has been standardized, it has ___

content validity

if your psychology test included material that was not assigned or covered in class, you could MOST reasonably argue that the test lacked what?


imagine a base rate of 1% for a disease, a false positive rate of 10%, and a sensitivity rate of 90% for the screening test for the disease. using natural frequencies, what is the closest estimate of the conditional probability that a person actually has the disease given a positive test result?

heuristics, algorithms

in an effort to quickly solve puzzles we might use ___, but to guarantee solutions we should use ___

either 8-10-12 or 4-7-9 could be used to disconfirm the hypothesis

in the British researcher Peter Wason's "2-4-6 task," Zach thought the rule was "numbers under 10 that increased by 2." to attempt to disconfirm this hypothesis, which sequence(s) should he test?

100, 15

in the standardization distribution of deviation IQ scores developed by Wechsler, the mean is set at ___, and the standard deviation is set at ___

gambler's fallacy

incorrectly believing that a chance process is self-correcting in that an event that has not occurred for a while is more likely to occur

conjunction fallacy

incorrectly judging the overlap of two uncertain events to be more probable than either of the two events

intelligence quotient (IQ)

mental age/chronological age x 100

the tendency to use previously successful solution strategies without considering others that may be more appropriate for a current problem

mental set is ___

the E and the 2 cards

suppose you are given the following problem: "There are four cards showing E, J, 2, & 5. on one side of each card is a letter, and on the other side is a number. consider this rule: "If a card has a vowel on one side, then it has an odd number on the other side." select the card or cards that you definitely must turn over to determine whether the rule is true or false for the four cards indicated

representative, committed the conjunction fallacy

talking about his acquaintance Doug who is really "into" technology, Dave says that it is more likely that Doug has both a Blu-ray player and a flat screen TV than just a Blu-ray player. apparently influenced by the ___ heuristic, Dave has ___

a rule of thumb that the more easily we remember an event, the more probable it is

the availability heuristic is ___

Binet, nurture

the development of mental orthopedics by ___ was consistent with his view that intelligence was influenced primarily by ___

illusory correlation

the erroneous belief that two variables are statistically related when they're actually not

the confirmation bias

the errors made when trying to determine the rule for Wason's "2-4-6 task" BEST illustrate what?


the extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure or predicts what it is supposed to predict


the extent to which the scores for a test are consistent

the Flynn effect

the finding that average intelligence scores have increased over the past century in the United States and other industrialized countries illustrates what?

Flynn effect

the finding that the average intelligence test score in the US and other industrialized nations has improved steadily over the last century

reaction range

the genetically determined limits for an individual's intelligence


the inability to create a new interpretation of a problem

functional fixedness

the inability to see that an object can have a function other than its typical one in solving a problem

use the anchoring and adjustment heuristic

when Olivia and Amanda met for the first time, Olivia's first impression was that Amanda was rather unfriendly. although subsequent meetings indicted that Amanda may really be friendly, Olivia failed to substantially change her initial impression. this tendency to cling to an initial impression is similar to processes that occur when people ___

anchoring and adjustment heuristic

when asked to quickly estimate the product of 8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1, people give a much larger answer than when asked to quickly estimate the product of 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8. this BEST illustrates the dynamics involved in using ___

a heuristic

when solving the anagram LOSOGCYHYP, humans place letters next to each other based on their knowledge of the English language. this represents using ___ to solve the problem

Francis Galton

which intelligence theorist assumed that more intelligent people would have more acute senses and faster reaction times?

factor analysis

which statistical technique helped Thurstone identify seven primary mental abilities?

to determine which clusters of intelligence test items measure the same ability

why would a researcher use factor analysis?

selective reproduction to enhance the mental capacities of the human race

with respect to intelligence, eugenics is ___

commit the conjunction fallacy, representative heuristic

with respect to the "Linda" problem in the textbook, people judge that it is more likely that Linda is a bank teller and active in the feminist movement because they ___ and misuse the ___

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