PSY 202 Final Exam Study Guide

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Statistics show that _____ of homeless adults living in shelters experience mental illness


Which person was most interested in studying learned behavior?

B.F. Skinner

The ________ stage is when children can think and reason about abstract ideas and hypothetical situations.

formal operational

The ________, which is still developing during adolescence, is a part of the brain responsible for judgment, impulse control, and planning.

frontal lobe

Constant worry is a key feature of

generalized anxiety disorder

Which perspective within psychology emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all people?


Deondra is a psychologist who prefers to listen to her clients and help them identify conflicts and feelings without offering them advice. She probably practices ________ therapy.


Which of the following describes bipolar disorder?

mood states that vacillate between sadness and euphoria

Which of the following topics are included in the biological domain of psychology?


Mahdi locks the door before she goes to bed at night, then checks it exactly 10 more times before she can actually fall asleep. This may be a sign that Mahdi suffers from

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Correlation means all of the following EXCEPT that ________.

one variable causes another

What are the big five traits measured in the five factor model of personality?

openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism

Susanna's parents give her an allowance every day that her bed is made and her room is picked up. Her parents are utilizing principles of

operant conditioning

Jarl makes several minor mistakes during his conversational French class. Instead of thinking, "everyone makes mistakes sometimes," he thinks, "I am so stupid." What kind of cognitive distortion is this?


Dissociative identity disorder is controversial because the rates of the disorder suddenly skyrocketed in the 1980s and then rapidly declined and also because

people may fake symptoms to avoid punishment

________ emphasizes early childhood experiences and internal forces.

psychodynamic therapy

Crystal is friendly, compassionate, and sincere nearly all of the time, but if she is in an unfamiliar situation with no one she knows, she can be cold and unfriendly. This less consistent trait is considered a ________ personality trait.


According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following is a way to access the unconscious mind?

seemingly innocent slips of the tongue

If Maria conducts a study and discovers the results seem consistent enough to not have been caused by chance, she can conclude that her findings are ________.

statistically significant

Which is an example of overgeneralization?

Shiloh didn't get asked to the Homecoming dance and instead of thinking that it was just the first dance and she is still adjusting to her new school, she thinks, "I am such a loser. No one wants to even be my friend."

If a person experiences mood states that vacillate between depression and mania, they may have ________.

bipolar disorder

Ramona heard screams in the subway station, and fearlessly jumped onto the tracks to rescue a young boy who had fallen onto the tracks. Ramona's behavior is an example of ________.

bystander intervention

Which school of thought emphasized how people process information?

cognitive psychology

The strength and direction of the relationship between two variables is expressed by the ________.

correlation coefficiant

Jonas wants to understand the relationship between head size and intelligence. What type of study might he perform?


According to the text, psychology students are most likely to benefit from exposure to

critical thinking skills and the scientific method

Pierre has had a difficult childhood. He fled a civil war in his home country before settling in France, and has a unique perspective about the importance of his extended family. A psychologist working with Pierre should be aware of his situation and background in order to provide the best possible treatment. This awareness is known as

cultural competence

For a few hours after the accident at work, Anna couldn't remember who she was. She was found wandering the streets, and when she was found, her family reported that she was acting really strangely. Anna was experiencing ________.

dissociative fugue

The pattern of variation in data is called the


You are now totally tired and drained of all energy and the body is more vulnerable to illness. Your energy may deplete to the point that you do not have the desire or the drive to go to work or school. You are also vulnerable to extreme health issues that may include heart diseases, high blood pressure, and stroke. Which stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is this?

exhaustion stage

What is it called if a particular experience is so engaging and engrossing that it becomes worth doing for its own sake?


If an experiment can be easily replicated by another researcher and provide similar results, it is considered


________ are mental or behavioral acts that reduce anxiety in social situations, such as wearing bland, neutral clothes to avoid drawing attention to oneself.

safety behaviors

________ is a subtype of depression in which a person experiences the symptoms of major depressive disorder only during a particular time of year.

seasonal pattern

If Dana's management team wants to avoid falling prey to groupthink, they should

seek outside opinions on group decisions

High unemployment, family background, recessions, and lack of educational opportunities are all ________ factors of why people may be in poverty.


Those who examine external forces on behavior take the side of ________, while those who focus on internal factors take the side of ________.

situationism; dispositionism

Perhaps the most surprising result from Milgram's study was that

so many of the "teachers" continued to provide shocks because they were told to do so

Janica recently started hanging around two different guys: Michael and Devarius. She likes them both a lot and can't decide who she would rather date. She makes a list of pros and cons and attempts to decide which relationship would provide the most benefits. Her reasoning is in accordance with the

social exchange theory

Wendy is a good runner. In her last half marathon, her speed improved at every mile marker, where people were there to cheer her on. Her improved performance can be explained by

social facilitation

The behaviors by the prison guards in the Stanford prison experiment coincided with expected ________; the guards gave orders and expected the prisoners to follow them.

social roles

A person's conscience and voice of reason and goodness is the


Historically, psychological disorders were often viewed as ________.

supernatural phenomenon

If you receive a telephone call from someone asking that you explain your preferences for certain kinds of products, you are the subject of a ________.


Rosa. who is wealthy, may experience better health than her cousin, who is poor, because research shows that the more affluent

tend to believe that they can personally control and manage their reactions to life's stressors

The influence that a group has on the judgment of an individual is called

the Asch effect

What is the abstract of a scholarly article?

the section with a summary of the whole article

When Catherine landed a big contract for her firm, she accepted the credit for her hard work and smart "wheeling and dealing." When she failed to get the contract in another situation, she blamed the sneaky and dishonest tactics of the competition. What is this an example of?

the self-serving bias

Personality tests can be checked for validity, meaning they test what they are supposed to test, in a variety of ways. Which is an example of convergent validity?

the test results in similar scores with other personality tests of similar traits

When children develop ________, they come to understand that people have thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that are different from their own.

theory of mind

Skinner said that language is learned through reinforcement, while Chomsky said that children are born with a language acquisition device. Who is correct?

they are both right- language is the result of nature and nurture

What best describes the purpose of the IRB?

to review proposals for research that involves human participants

The peripheral route to persuasion

typically results in less permanent behavior changes

Stage theories hold that the sequence of development is ________.


Which of the following is a sign of borderline personality disorder?

unstable emotions

If an experiment measures what it is supposed to measure, it is considered ________.


________ is a disorder that is characterized primarily by inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.


The rational and reasonable part of personality is known as the


Which organization reviews research conducted using animal subjects?


The concept of "types of desserts I like" is an example of ________.

a schemata

Which institutions were created to house, and remove, people with psychological disorders?


Which kind of therapy involves a therapeutic orientation that employs principles of learning to help clients change undesirable behaviors?


Which of the following is a major risk factor for developing a social anxiety disorder?

behavioral inhibition

Jovie began wearing a fitness monitor that lets her track her heart rate. She is prone to anxiety and is now working to monitor her heart rate to keep it below 110, unless she is exercising. If her heart rate goes over 110, she takes time to meditate. This is an example of ________.


The ________ perspective of mental illness attributes psychological disorders to genetic factors, chemical imbalances, and brain abnormalities.


Johnson often recommends lithium to her patients with bipolar disorder. This exemplifies ________ therapy.


Etiology is another word for ________.


Using cold, hard facts to sell a computer is an example of the ________ to persuasion.

central route

Behavior therapy focuses on ________, while psychoanalysis focuses on ________.

changing behaviors through learning; resolving unconscious conflicts

If Emily is terrified of elevators because she was once stuck inside of one at the age of 5, then ________ might explain how she developed her phobia.

classical conditioning

Pavlov is to ________ and B.F. Skinner is to ________.

classical conditioning; operant conditioning

A psychological disorder is a ________.

condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Erik Erikson proposed that at each stage of development, there is a/an

conflict that needs resolution

The efforts used to manage problems relating to stress are ________.


Research that compares multiple segments of the population at the same time is known as ________.

cross-sectional research

The minor irritations and annoyances that are part of our everyday lives, or ________, were found to be more strongly associated with physical health problems than were life change events.

daily hassles

________ led to fewer mentally ill patients going to asylums and instead getting treatment in their own homes and communities.


Hans Selye defined stress as the response of the body to any ________.


When Jack heard others talking about terrorists attacking New York City, his first reaction was, "No way, that can't be happening." Where does Jack's response fit in Elizabeth Kübler-Ross's stages of grief model?


Which of the following statements most closely aligns with humanism?

each person is inherently good and motivated to be a healthy functioning individual

What is Erikson's primary developmental conflict of middle adulthood?

generativity vs stagnation

________ psychologist Kurt Koffka is known for saying "the whole is other than the sum of its parts."


Which variable is manipulated by the experimenter?

independent variable

If Dr. Zavidah meets with her patient, Petra, once a week in one-on-one appointments for an hour, she is conducting ________.

individual therapy

People who live in ________ cultures tend to believe that independence, competition, and personal achievement are important


Research by Hamlin, Mahanjan, Liberman, and Wynn found that

infants seem to make moral judgments

In America, who is most likely to receive mental health treatment?

jenny, a 40-year old white female

In Martin Seligman's famous study on learned helplessness, how did the dogs who had received electric shocks react when they were eventually given the opportunity to escape?

most dogs remained where they were

Axel tends to look on the bright side of things. His tendency towards ________ is a good predictor of positive health outcomes.


If Regina has a high score in extroversion and a low score in conscientiousness on the Big 5 personality test, she is likely to be

outgoing and disorganized

A ________ is a short period of extreme worry sometimes manifested by an accelerated heart rate, sweating, trembling, choking sensations, hot flashes or chills, dizziness or lightheadedness, fears of losing control or going crazy, and fears of dying.

panic attack

Which of the following statements is correct regarding social exchange theory?

people are motivated to maximize the benefits of social exchanges, or relationships, and minimize the costs

If Christina feels good about the her capacity to influence and shape outcomes in her life, then she has a high level of

perceived control

Which of the following are major areas of interest in cognitive psychology?

perception and language

Celebrity endorsements of produces utilize the ________ to persuasion.

peripheral route

According to the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), which life event requires the most adjustment, of the following options?

personal injury or illness

The process of changing our attitude toward something based on some kind of communication is called


If you participate in a study and find out that the medication you received did not contain actual medication inside, then that pill is considered a(n) ________.


Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

poor hygiene

Positive engagement with your surroundings and states of being such as joy, alertness, enthusiasm, and confidence are considered

positive affect

Which type of psychology could be considered the psychology of happiness?

positive psychology

When a person says he or she would break the law and then confess to the authorities to save someone's life, this person's moral reasoning is at the ________ level.


Ageism is ________ and discrimination toward individuals based solely on their age.


________ appraisal involves judging whether a stressor is either a threat or a challenge.


A person will be less likely to fall prey to the Asch effect if there is at least one other dissenter in the group, if the group is small, or if responses are made in ________.


Identifying ________, or minor symptoms of psychosis, such as unusual thought content, paranoia, odd communication patterns or delusions is an helpful in determining which factors and events lead to schizophrenia.

prodromal symptoms

Unconscious processes and hidden thoughts or desires are tested through ________ personality tests, such as the TAT.


Which theory says that in each stage of development, a child focuses on a specific pleasure-seeking area of the body?


Which type of psychology degree focuses more on the clinical practice and less on research?


Drugs like Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft are ________ that alter levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine.


Serotonin and norepinephrine levels in the the brain are altered by drugs like Prozac and Zoloft. These are known as


If Trey has a high score in neuroticism and a low score in extroversion on the Big 5 personality test, he is likely to be

anxious and quiet

Which area of psychology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and other problematic patterns of behavior?

clinical psychology

Wilhelm Wundt's usage of introspection to measure the workings of the mind is known as


What measures the effects of the independent variable?

dependent variable

The good kind of stress known to promote health and motivation is called ________.


The unconscious part of personality responsible for drives like sex and aggression is the


Following a group of kindergarteners every other year until they graduate and evaluating their performance is an example of ________.

longitudinal research

Parents who believe it's important to be friends with their children and are set very few rules for their behavior are considered to have a ________ parenting style.


Prahlad has experienced mild, ongoing sadness and loss of interest for the past few years. Prahlad is most likely to be diagnosed with ________.

persistent depressive disorder

________ typically lasts a ________ time and is less severe than major depressive disorder.

persistent depressive disorder; long

Researchers who administered the blirt test wanted to check its reliability by giving students the test another time. Which of the following graphs show the most reliable results (the x-axis shows the original text scores, and the y-axis shows the re-test scores).

positive correlation

Carrie was the first responder at a horrific car accident that happened right in front of her on the road. She's had flashbacks to the accident almost daily and has been tense and irritable since then. She likely has

posttraumatic stress disorder

Hamlin, Mahanjan, Liberman, and Wynn found that if a young child has a preference for green beans and is shown a puppet that prefers graham crackers, then when they watch a show with a puppet stealing a ball from the graham cracker-loving puppet, the child will

prefer the puppet that took the ball away from the graham cracker-loving puppet

Destinee failed three of her classes during her first semester of college. She decides to set things in order and visits a school counselor, arranges for tutoring, and adopts better time management strategies. What type of coping does Destinee demonstrate?

problem focused

Abraham Maslow is best known for

proposing a hierarchy of human needs in motivating behavior

________ tends to take a long time, even several years, while ________ therapy is relatively brief.

psychoanalysis; cognitive-behavioral

________ designed a personality test where each of 16 personality traits was scored on a continuum from high to low.

raymond cattell

Devin was convinced that people were following him. He started hearing voices, and would stare out the window for hours without moving. He eventually dropped out of school and lost his job because of the paranoia. Devin most likely has ________.


Jacob's thoughts and perceptions are distorted, and he has a hard time functioning in normal life due to his insistence that he has superpowers. He most likely has ________.


A person's knowledge about the appropriate behavior and sequence of events to follow in a new situation is called a/an ________.


Confidence in our own abilities is something Albert Bandura called ________.


Jamal is placed in the remedial reading class at school and labels himself as a bad reader, thereby causing him to read less and not improve his reading. This is an example of the

self-fulfilling prophecy

Intrapersonal things focus on topics like emotions, attitudes that things that affect the ________, whereas interpersonal things examine topics like prejudice, discrimination, relationships, and ________ behavior.

self; group

________ is the view that our behavior and actions are determined by our immediate environment and surroundings.


________ is the study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others


The Stanford prison experiment mostly showed that

social roles have an impact on behavior

The soothing impact of friends, family, and acquaintances is known as ________.

social support

A social role is defined as a

socially defined pattern of behavior that is expected of a person in a given setting or group

A group of operating room nurses were asked about their beliefs and best practices in the operating room. When a doctor ordered some things during a procedure, all of the nurses obeyed, even if that meant doing things they previously said they would not do. This behavior is supported by

stanley milgram's obedience studies

X'zavia was diagnosed with major depressive disorder five years ago. Her mother was also bipolar and X'zavia worries her kids might get the disorder as well. Why should she be concerned?

studies show that mood disorders have a strong genetic and biological basis

The most important takeaway from Freud's theory of psychosexual development is

that childhood experiences can shape personality

Which of the following is the correct order for the stages of prenatal development?

zygotic, embryonic, fetal

According to a review of studies with over 300,000 participants, those with strong social connections have a ________ greater chance of survival when compared with those who are lonely.


What percentage of those who commit suicide have a mental disorder?`


Which disorder includes symptoms of inattentiveness and impulsive behavior?


Melissa and Brian are going to marriage counseling, as they have had a difficult time getting along and supporting each other since their daughter was born. Which therapeutic method is likely used for their treatment?

cognitive-behavioral therapy

If a research team wants to test the validity of their new personality questionnaire, which of the following would you recommend?

compare their test results with other similar personality tests to see if they get similar kinds of results

When a person makes a moral decision based on wanting to make sure that the decision is acceptable in the community, the person's moral reasoning is at the ________ level.


Renee Baillargeon's study with infants and their awareness of objects disproved Piaget's previously held belief that babies could not understand objects until they gained more experience. In her study, Baillargeon found that infants ________ at the impossible situation of a truck rolling through a box, which demonstrated an awareness of the properties of objects.

looked longer

Jarred Younger's research showed that

looking at images of a romantic partner or holding hands with a romantic partner was helpful in reducing pain

According to the frustration aggression theory, what would you expect to happen after Mekayla bombs her performance at the piano recital?

mekayla kicks her cat

Dissociative amnesia involves ________.

memory loss following stress

If Miguel wants to replicate Sara's study, which section of Sara's research article will be most valuable to him?


________ designed the obedience study to test if subjects would give "learners" electric shocks when they missed test questions.


Meditation, yoga, and attention to physical experiences to reduce stress are all techniques used in


Oscar is being treated for depression. His therapist, Annalise, encourages him to notice his unpleasant thoughts and feelings without trying to avoid them or judge them. She then encourages him to meditate daily. This is likely an example of:

mindfulness based therapy

What is groupthink?

modification of the opinions of members of a group to align with what they believe is the group consensus

Briggs is interested in whether there is a difference in the way males and females carry objects such as backpacks and computer cases, so she sets up a hidden camera on the main mall of the college and videotapes students at various times throughout the day. Which type of study is this?

naturalistic observation

Which is a defining symptom of antisocial personality disorder?

no regard for other people's rights or feelings

If Dr. Marshall quietly watches Mateo play in the corner with toys in order to observe his behavior and make a diagnosis, he is utilizing

nondirective play therapy

Sam, a 17-year-old high school student, has just moved to a new city and enrolled in a new school. At his old school, there were strong social norms against teenagers smoking cigarettes. At his new school, several of his friends regularly smoke and say that "It's no big deal." As a result, Sam begins smoking also. Which type of conformity is this?

normative conformity

Those who argue that the environment and culture have the strongest influence on development emphasize ________.


Dream analysis and transference are techniques used in ________ therapy.


Edith is a psychologist who has her patients talk about their childhood, dreams, and other things that come to their mind in the moment. She practices ________ therapy.


If a psychologist does little talking during his appointments and typically has his patients talk about their past, childhood, and whatever else comes to mind at that moment, he probably uses the ________ therapy approach.


Using a p-value of .05 means that there is a 95% chance that the results of a study are truly statistically significant. This means that there is still a 5% chance those results are due to chance. This, combined with ________, are two main contributing factors to the reproducibility crisis.

publication bias

The saying, "I scratch your back, you scratch mine." best fits with the concept of


Lia hasn't had alcohol since her rehab program for over 2 years, but then starts drinking again after the death of her mother. This is known as ________.


Meditation and relaxation combined form the ________, which has been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure.

relaxation response technique

The body tries to return to a state of homeostasis (attempts to return to previous levels of functioning). As such, the body will keep fighting the perceived danger. Towards the end of the stage, levels of exhaustion, weariness, and anxiousness may occur as the body is becoming physically exhausted. Which stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is this?

resistance stage

If a caregiver demonstrates inconsistent responses toward their child, then the child may develop ________ attachment, becoming both clingy and upset with their caregiver.


In Hamlin and Wynn's study of infants, they found that babies even as young as 5 months old prefer a puppet that

returns a bouncy ball to another puppet

Which personality researchers would claim that personality is also formed by individual choices and not determined by biology?

rogers and maslow

Recent economic problems combined with a refugee crisis has led many countries to blame refugees for taking jobs and inciting terrorist activities. In this example, refugees are victims of ________, as they are blamed because of frustration experienced within an in-group.


Lionel is visiting a new church for the first time. Because he has been to other churches, he understands the appropriate sequence of events that he should follow, also known as a ________. He greets a few people around him before sitting quietly for the service.


Low levels of ________ are linked to depression, aggression, impulsivity, and suicide.


A theory is a(n) ________.

set of ideas that propose an explanation for observed phenomena

Which is an example of jumping to conclusions?

shiloh didn't get a date to homecoming and thinks in extremes like "I will die alone"

Winning the lottery results in ________ changes in happiness levels.


Who developed the theory of psychosexual development?

sigmund freud

Jermaine is out with some friends when they decide to play a prank on one of their other friends. According to Bandura, Jermaine's desire to participate is influenced by his thoughts and beliefs about the prank, the likelihood of being socially rewarded, and ________.

situational factors

As a sprinter on the track and field team, Shaun knows that the way he visualizes and thinks about his race can have a major impact on his performance. His coach encourages him to talk to the

sport psychologist

A newborn baby knows how to nurse from her mother because of the ________.

sucking reflex

Alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs are all examples of ________ that cause damage to a developing baby.


When other experimenters attempted to replicate the results of the McCabe and Castel study about the effect of an image on the perceived quality of research article, they found ________.

that the results did not replicate

Research finds that chronic stress may activate one's biological or psychological stress response system over an extended period of time, which is related to an increased risk of major depressive disorder. This is consistent with ________.

the diathesis-stress model

Sam sees a woman stumbling and clumsily tripping over her feet on her way to her car. She looks like she is either drunk or ill in some way. Sam wants to help, but has groceries in his hand and sees other people who are closer to her car and will probably step up to help. This failure to act is called

the diffusion of responsibility

Joe Banks is running for mayor. First, he has a team walk through neighborhoods to handout buttons and small fliers. A week later, another team goes by to ask if people would be willing to put small signs in their yards. Two weeks after that, he goes through the neighborhood to ask for help on voting day. He is using methods of ________.

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon

The most accurate definition of psychology is the scientific study of ________.

the mind and behavior

Hamlin, Mahanjan, Liberman, and Wynn found that if a young child has a preference for green beans and is shown a puppet that also likes green beans, then

they will like it when good things happen to that puppet

Which researcher was more likely to use recording devices and objective measures to examine the mind?

william james

In an experiment where participants had to complete stressful tasks either alone, with a stranger, or with a friend, participants had the lowest blood pressure when tested

with a friend

According to the ________, the source, content, and audience will all influence the persuasiveness of a message.

yale attitude change

Racism is both prejudice and ________ toward another group because of their skin color.


Kids of abusive parents often display ________ attachment, and may run away from their parents in the Strange Situation experiment.


McCabe and Castel conducted experiments to assess whether a brain image influenced the way students perceived the quality of a scientific article. Across three experiments, they found that students rated the quality of scientific reasoning higher when a brain image was present. Their research would indicate that the study ________.

does replicate

Which of the following situations is an example of instrumental aggression?

john really wants his toy back from evan, so he pushes him out of the way

Which of the following is an example of behavior consistent with someone who has autism?

joshua has a hard time relating to others, is an expert on bugs, and gets angry if the drive to school takes longer than the normal 10 minutes

Which of the following is a behavior associated with depression?

loss of interest in usual activities

Dani and Sona have been married for five years, and lately Dani has noticed changes in Sona's behavior. Sona says she is constantly tired, and lacks the energy to shower and groom herself on a daily basis. She hasn't changed clothes in days, has lost her appetite, and is losing weight. She hasn't been bicycling in weeks, though she used to do so every day. What best describes what Sona is experiencing?

major depressive disorder

Which best describes the basic steps of the scientific method?

make an observation, ask a question, form a hypothesis, do an experiment, analyze the results, prove or disprove the hypothesis

Typically, an adjunct psychology professor will have a

masters degree in psychology

Some researchers have suggested that happiness consists of the pleasant life, the good life, and the ________.

meaningful life

ADHD is triggered ________ by genetic and neurological factors and ________ by social or environmental ones.

more; less

Babies who show the ________ will spread their arms and quickly pull them back if they feel like they are falling.

moro reflex

If every person in a population has an equal chance of being chosen to participate in a study, then it is considered a ________.

random sample

Our temperament is influenced by ________, or how we respond to new or challenging environmental stimuli and ________, our ability to control our response.

reactivity; self-regulation

According to the research, which person is likely to be the happiest?

reina, the married dental hygienist who makes $75,000 a year

Around ________ of those who complete suicide have a diagnosis of at least one mental disorder, with mood disorders being the most frequent.


Robert Williams developed the first culturally specific projective test designed to reflect the everyday life experiences of African Americans. This is known as the


Ryan notices that a lot of people he sees avoid making eye contact while they walk by him on their cell phones. He develops a tentative explanation that people are too focused on their conversation to be distracted by an outside passerby. Ryan's observation is an example of a


Jade plans to major in business then continue on to study ________ so that she can work as a consultant for businesses interested in improving employee motivation and increasing productivity.

I-O pyschology

Who proposed a theory of moral development with three distinct levels, with each level representing a different degree of moral reasoning?

Lawrence Kohlberg

The unconscious and early childhood experiences are emphasized by the ________.

Psychodynamic School of Psychology

Kitty Genovese was brutally murdered in front of several eyewitnesses who did not intervene or call for help. According to social psychologists, this failure to assist Kitty was due to ________.

a diffusion of responsibility

Treatment for patients with mental disorders has come a long way since medieval times, when mental illness was seen as

a madness resulting from being possessed by demons

There is ________ correlation between the number of hours of sleep a person gets and how tired they feel.

a negative

Pluralistic ignorance occurs when

a person relies on other people to gauge whether help is needed, and then decide to do nothing

What is a critical factor in determining the success of psychotherapy?

a person's relationship with the therapist

Why do so many people believe there is a link between autism and the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine?

a prestigious medical journal published a paper, which was later retracted, that identified a link

A condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is called

a psychological disorder

Which best describes a generalized anxiety disorder?

a relatively continuous state of tension and apprehension

Believing that old people think slowly is an example of ________, but refusing to hire a person because they are advanced in age is an example of ________.

a stereotype; discrimination

Jackie's landlord told her she has to pay her rent by the 1st (instead of the 5th) this next month, or she will be evicted. Jackie is worried about how she will get the money on time. This demand is ________ for Jackie.

a stressor

Rae grew up learning that Pluto was a planet. Since it was later reclassified as only a dwarf planet, Rae was forced to adjust her concept of what a planet is, and create a new concept for dwarf planets to include Ceres, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake. What process would Piaget say took place in Rae's mind?


While behaviorism focused on only observable behavior, cognitive psychology

acknowledges the existence of internal mental states

Miguel signed up for because he thought it might actually be a good way to meet a nice girl who shares his interests, but he assumes his roommate only signed up because he is shallow wants to look through all the pictures and profiles. This is an example of the

actor-observer bias

Physical changes that occur during puberty include the maturing of the ________ and the ________ glands.

adrenal; sex

If someone cuts Stevie off on her drive to work, she gets angry and has a hard time getting over it. This is an example of the ________ component of an attitude.


Which of the following best fits the acceptance stage of Elizabeth Kübler-Ross's stages of grief model?

after battling cancer for 4 years, Steve has come to the realization that he will most likely not survive the illness. he spends time organizing his financial papers, and he meets with friends for the last time

Maxwell's research group is conducting a study on the relationship between daytime toddler naps and dinnertime appetite. Some groups are assigned to a 1 ½-2 ½ hour afternoon nap, some to a 30-60 minutes nap, or some to no nap at all. The amount they eat for dinner is recorded. In this study, the ________ is the dependent variable and ________ is the control group.

amount of food eaten; no nap

In the famous Harry Potter books, one of the main characters is Voldemort. This individual kills at will, thinks only of his own needs, and manipulates people into doing his bidding. He even uses magic to destroy anyone who gets in his way! If Voldemort were seeing a psychologist, which diagnosis would be the most appropriate?

antisocial personality disorder

A panic disorder is a type of ________ disorder characterized by panic attacks, along with at least one month of worry about panic attacks or self-defeating behavior related to the attacks.


A panic disorder is a type of ________disorder characterized by panic attacks, along with at least one month of worry about panic attacks or self-defeating behavior related to the attacks.


Using existing records to try to answer a research question is known as ________.

archival research

Inferences that we make about the causes of our own and others' behavior are termed ________.


Infants who do not show distress when the mother leaves the room and are indifferent when the mother returns exhibit which pattern of attachment?


Once Jane heard of her daughter's diagnosis, Jane began to tell the doctor, "I'll do anything if you can help my daughter get well." Where does Jane's response fit in Elizabeth Kübler-Ross's stages of grief model?


Dominic doesn't want to contribute to polluting his city, so he rides his bike to school each day instead of taking his car. This is an example of the ________ component of an attitude.


Which school of thought emphasized observable behavior and objectivity?


You spend weeks teaching your new dog how to roll over. The rewards and reinforcers you use to shape her behavior are based on which early school of psychology?


Piper is diagnosed with agoraphobia because she experiences intense fear and anxiety of ________.

being outside the home alone

Older adults generally perform ________ than young people on vocabulary tests and ________ on tests of working memory and information-processing speed.

better; worse

Which of the following are the main psychological domains?

biological, cognitive, developmental, social and personality, mental and physical health

According to the ________ model, health and illness are determined by psychological, biological, and social factors.


One day, Betty felt lethargic, hopelessly sad, fatigued, and had no interest in anything. A few days later she was feeling extremely euphoric and powerful, engaged in risky sexual exploits, and spent money irresponsibly. Betty could be diagnosed with:

bipolar disorder

While we are born with all of the brain cells we will ever have, there is a period of rapid neural growth, called ________, which occurs during the first few years of life, which is followed by ________ through the rest of childhood and adolescence.

blooming; pruning

A psychologist who is interested in finding out about the lives and experiences of blended multi-racial families wants to know how such individuals are viewed by their families, friends, and co-workers and how they view themselves. He conducts a series of structured interviews with the various individuals and asks specific questions based on ideas he has that he thinks will be important for understanding this particular life experience. What type of study is this?

case study

Josh exhibits clingy behavior, submissiveness, and feats of separation. Jean suffers from a pattern of pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation. Both Josh and Jean have personality disorders categorized in ________ of the DSM-V.

cluster c

JoJo believes firmly that abortion is wrong and that life begins at conception. This is an example of the ________ component of an attitude.


Zoe is planning to apply to graduate schools next semester, but isn't sure which field of psychology she likes the best. She enjoyed learning about learning, children, and language, but is most of all interested in the way people approach and solve problems. Which field of psychology would you recommend she study?


________ psychology is the field within psychology that focuses on studying thoughts and their relationship to our experiences and our actions.


Scott has always strongly believed that it is wrong to cheat. But after he cheats on a physics test, his attitude toward cheating becomes significantly less harsh. What best accounts for this attitude shift?

cognitive dissonance theory

Diego teaches third grade and has heard that one of his students, Farrah, is coming to his class next year. She's supposedly a big troublemaker who likes to talk back to teachers, so Diego is not surprised when she talks back to him on the second day of school. He didn't recognize that she had been obedient and respectful o the first day, however. This experience is an example of ________.

confirmation bias

If you are studying depression rates during the cold winter months, a potential ________ could be the stress of the busy holiday season.

confounding variable

According to Carl Rogers, we find ________ when our thoughts about our real self and ideal self are very similar.


________ describes development as a cumulative process, whereas ________ views development as taking place in unique, specific stages.

continuous development; discontinuous development

If you are studying the impact of a new type of teaching curriculum in the psychology classroom, the classroom where the old curriculum is still taught is considered the ________.

control group

At the ________ level, people focus on laws and the importance of obeying authority, whereas at the ________ level, the focus is on ethics and universal moral behavior.

conventional; postconventional

Julie majored in Psychology for her undergraduate degree, then pursued a masters degree in early childhood education to become a teacher. She credits her background in psychology with helping her as a teacher as she communicates with the children, better understands their behavior, and also teaches them ________, such as making observations and judgements with skepticism.

critical thinking skills

An older person's "wisdom" can be described by the term ________ intelligence.


________ intelligence tends to increase with age, whereas ________ intelligence decreases with age.

crystallized; fluid

A psychologist who understands the role that race and ethnicity play in providing treatment demonstrates

cultural competence

The ________ approach seeks to test Western ideas about personality in other cultures to determine whether they can be generalized and if they have cultural validity.


In a study about anxiousness, researchers have participants either read a story about a girl who is stressed about her final exams and other work and family commitments or a classic fairytale. Before the study, they plan to have students self-report on their levels of anxiety, then re-test them after the study to see if the anxious story increased anxiousness levels. In this example, the students' reported anxiousness after reading a story is the

dependent variable

________ research is generally preliminary and non-experimental research intended to gather information.


Psychologists use the term ________ to refer to the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that occur during life.


If Marco is interested in changes in reasoning and thinking that occur during adolescence, he should specialize in ________ psychology.


Which psychological domain would include a study of learning and conditioning?


The study of cognitive skills, moral reasoning, and social behavior across the lifespan is known as

developmental psychology

Which classification system is used by most mental health professionals in the United States of America?

diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

The ________ view of mental disorders integrates biological and psychosocial factors.

diathesis-stress model

Which questions would a biopsychologist most likely address when studying depression?

does stress or lack of exercise affect the nervous system and hormones to either cause or prevent depression?

An overabundance of ________ is linked to schizophrenia and may be the cause of delusions and hallucinations.


Based on the effectiveness of drugs used to treat schizophrenia, researchers believe that the neurotransmitter ________ has a primary role in the disease.


Who led the reform efforts for mental health care in the United States?

dorothea dix

When both the researchers and the participants do not know which conditions the participants are assigned to, the research design is known as ________.


Daniel excitedly yells from the backseat of the car to his mom, telling her to look at the bug crawling on his seat. He doesn't yet understand that his mom can't see his carseat while she's driving. This inability to see from another perspective is known as


Yesenia applied for a summer internship that she was really excited about and was not selected. Although she was stressed about the lack of income, she reminded herself that she could really enjoy her summer and now she could plan that exciting road trip she had wanted to do with her friends. Which type of coping approach is Yesenia using?

emotion focused

Cole spends a few weeks being treated for major depressive disorder. He eventually stops exhibiting symptoms, but a few months later they reoccur. Once again the symptoms dissipate, but a few months later they reoccur. Cole's major depressive disorder is ________?


________ psychology seeks to study the ultimate biological causes of a behavior.


Anxiety disorders are generally characterized by

excessive, persistent fear and anxiety

One effective tool in regulating stress that can even prevent telomere shortening is


If a researcher wants to understand if eating more bananas causes increased irritability, what type of study should they perform?


Informed consent means clearly explaining all of the following EXCEPT

explaining the hypothesis to the participants

Too much cortisol can result in ________.

fatigue and depression

Which of the following is a sign of borderline personality disorder? (2)

fear of abandonment or separation

If Jolene drinks alcohol while pregnant, particularly during the sensitive period of prenatal development, then it is possible that her baby will be born with facial deformities or other delays characteristic of

fetal alcohol syndrome

Which of the three stages is the longest?

fetus (fetal)

Which concept was developed by Walter Cannon to explain the physiological reactions that come with strong emotions?


________ focus on the muscles in our fingers, toes, and eyes, and enable coordination of small actions.

fine motor skills

Jerome had bipolar disorder. While eating lunch with some friends, he abruptly changed the conversation topic and went off on irrelevant tangents. He is showing signs of ________.

flight of ideas

Georgette was practicing her saxophone and got so involved improvising on a song that she completely lost track of time. She described it as exciting and awesome and was proud of the creativity in what she played. This is an example of


A young adult, compared to an elderly adult, will probably be superior at learning the ins and outs of the latest online social media networks (like Facebook and Twitter), because the younger adult will tend to have stronger ________ intelligence than the older adult.


Which type of persuasion may account for the fact that Jane is willing to drive her friend an hour to the airport after her friend first agreed to only drive her to the store?


Which type of psychologist may be involved in mediating a custody battle?

forensic psychologist

Which type of psychologist would most likely be asked to serve as an expert witness during a court case?

forensic psychologist

Bobby performed poorly during his soccer game, and gets in a fist fight with his brother later that night. According to the ________, Bobby became aggressive because of is disappointing performance.

frustration aggression theory

The focus on how mental activities help a person adapt to his or her environment is known as


Which school of psychology was more likely to focus on the operation of the entire mind instead of specific parts?


Matt lost his job two months ago when his company downsized its operations; despite his efforts, he has not yet found another job. One of his neighbors stated that Matt is just like most unemployed people -- irresponsible, unmotivated, and basically lazy. Matt's neighbor is demonstrating which concept?

fundamental attribution error

Miguel worries excessively about things beyond his control, and his worries often interfere with his life. He avoids driving because he worries about car accidents. He calls his parents twice a day because he worries they are dead. He checks his credit card statement three times a day because he worries about identity theft. Miguel probably suffers from ________.

generalized anxiety disorder

Pharrell feels like he is continuously worried about trivial things, so much so, that he feels restless, tense, and irritable. He could possibly be diagnosed with

generalized anxiety disorder

Two people may look at the identical image but perceive different things. This phenomenon is studied by

gestalt psychologists

The early trait theorist, ________, found 4,500 words to describe people and then organized these into different trait categories.

gordon allport

If you put your finger inside of a newborn's hand, they will probably hold on tight because of the

grasping reflex

Traumatic events that involve harm by others (e.g., combat, rape, and sexual molestation) carry ________ than do other traumas for developing posttraumatic stress disorder.

greater risk

Jamal, at age 6, is already an excellent athlete, fast runner, and accomplished gymnast. He has excellent ________.

gross motor skills

Cedrick is the floor manager at a restaurant. He calls a meeting with his staff to discuss scheduling, and he gives his idea first. Everyone quickly agrees with him and his new idea is implemented. This is an example of


Ryan is conducting an experiment on the type of breakfast eaten by high schoolers and their wakefulness and alertness during the day. Which is the best way for Ryan to prevent experimenter bias?

he should not know what the students ate for breakfast

Humanistic therapy aims to

help people become more self-aware and accepting of themselves

Genetic influences are represented by a measure that estimates how much of some behavior is due to genetic influences; this measure is referred to as ________.


A popular, new personality test consistently yields the same results when given to the same people over a period of several months and when administered to similar people. The test asks so many cultural questions, however, that many think the test does not accurately measure personality. This test has________ reliability and ________ validity.

high; low

According to a study done by Sarah Master and her colleagues, which was most helpful in reducing pain?

holding hands of a loved one

________ is considered the "third force" in psychology because it rejects the notion that childhood experiences (psychoanalysis) or other forces in the environment (behaviorism) dictate a person's personality.


In which type of therapy might a therapist not give advice or provide interpretations to her client?


Griffeth wants his clients to discover their own inner conflicts and feelings. He acknowledges, restates, and clarifies what the client expresses through active listening. What kind of psychotherapeutic orientation is he using?

humanistic therapy

A(n) ________ is a testable prediction that is arrived at logically from a(n) ________.

hypothesis; theory

According to Erikson, adolescents are in the ________ stage of development.

identity versus role confusion

In the short-run, the fight-or-flight response and the release of cortisol can ________, but the extended release of cortisol can ________.

improve the immune system; weaken the immune system

LaToya's friends drop by her house and insist she join them while they go prank some of the kids at their rival school. She knows she shouldn't go, but she hops in the car anyway. Her ________ behavior is better understood if you know about the developing adolescent brain.


When is electroconvulsive therapy shown to be effective?

in treating those with severe depression

Aarush is a psychologist from Sri Lanka who developed a personality test that he believes fairly represents and measures the types of traits important to the people in his country. This follows the ________ approach to the study of personality.


Before registering for the next semester, Karen asks her friends about a professor she doesn't know. They all say the professor is a great teacher. Consequently, Karen assumes that this person is a great teacher and enrolls in the course. Which type of conformity is this?

informational conformity

The group we identify with and feel a part of is known as our ________.


The initial meeting when a client and therapist meet to discuss the client's immediate needs as well as practical things like fees and insurance information is known as ________.


Which of the following is eclectic therapy?

integrating more than one approach to psychotherapy

Which factors influence health, according to the biopsychosocial model?

interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors

Fatuous love includes passion and commitment, but is lacking in


What is Erikson's primary developmental conflict of early adulthood?

intimacy vs isolation

Sternberg argues that the healthiest relationships have consummate love, which includes

intimacy, passion, and commitment

Random assignment is important in grouping participants in a research study because ________.

it balances out the differences that might naturally exist between participants

Which of the following is a benefit of group therapy?

it can decrease a client's shame and isolation about a problem

Which of the following statements is TRUE about obsessive-compulsive disorder?

it involves intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviors

In order for an experiment to be considered falsifiable, ________.

it should be able to be disproved

In order for an experiment to be considered predictable, ________.

it should make assumptions about future events

The ________ is the belief that people get the outcomes they deserve.

just-world hypothesis

Zoe believes that homeless people deserve to be homeless because she thinks they don't work hard enough. Her belief is an example of the

just-world hypothesis

If a researcher found a correlation coefficient of -.85 between amount of exercise and weight, this would indicate that the more people exercise, the ________ they weigh.


Holmes and Rahe's Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) measured

life events requiring significant changes in a person's normal routine

Which of the following correctly defines an important symptom of antisocial personality disorder?

little emotional empathy or remorse toward others

If Kayla is interested in personality psychology, she is most likely to study

long-standing traits and patterns that propel behavior

Jamela has a localized surgery approaching, and her friend tells her about some research conducted by Sarah Master and her colleagues that may help reduce her pain levels during the procedure. Her friend recommends that for the most helpful, pain-reducing effect, Jamela should

look at a picture of her boyfriend during the procedure

Francis is studying the relationship between personality traits and drug abuse. If she determines that there is a significant relationship between these two variables, that means her study would have a p-value of ________ or less.


If two different variables are not related at all, they probably have a correlation coefficient of ________.


According to the reading, in any given year, nearly ________ of U.S. adults experience mental illness.


Which childhood disorder is characterized by deficits in social interaction and communication and repetitive patterns of behavior or interests?

autism spectrum disorder

Two-year old Eva doesn't want any help getting dressed in the mornings. According to Erikson's psychosocial stages, Eva is dealing with the struggle between

autonomy vs shame/doubt

If Henry gets help for his alcoholism and is given the drug Antabuse to take before drinking. He gets uncomfortable and sick every time he drinks, which is teaching him to dislike alcohol. This is an example of

aversive conditioning

Scientific theories

are supported by evidence

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