PSY 203 ch. 1, 2, & 3

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Health and wellbeing

Current health professionals recognize the power of lifestyles and psychological states in individual


Edgar has recently retired and is struggling to come to terms with his new situation. Although he is in good health, he is experiencing a decrease in strength, and this bothers him. In terms of developmental periods, Edgar is in ______ adulthood.

Normative age-graded

Nick's mother and mother-in-law are both in their 50s and are currently both experiencing menopausal symptoms. This would be an example of a _______ influence.

stability and change continuity and discontinuity nature and nurture

Select the issues of development among the following.

The maximum human life span has not changed since the beginning of recorded history.

Which statement about the human life span is TRUE?


encompasses the behavior patterns and beliefs that are passed from generation to generation.

is constructed mainly for young people.

According to Laura Carstensen, the a challenge facing the world is that it

Epigenetic view

According to the ______, development reflects an ongoing, bidirectional interchange between genes and the environment.

the interchange between genes and the environment.

According to the epigenetic view, development is influenced by

No age period

According to the lifespan perspective, __________ is most important in its impact on the life course.


Because development is ______, the capacity of most individuals to acquire second or third languages as they age decreases.

Functioning capabilities of a person's vital organs

Biological age is determined by the


Culture, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status are ______ components of life-span development

begins at conception and continues through the human life span.

Development is the pattern of movement or change that:

normative history graded

Events or trends (such as social or economic trends) that are common to members of a particular generation are known as ______ influences.


In 2017, ______ of children under 18 years of age were living in families with incomes below the poverty line.


Life expectancy in the United States is approximately ______ years of age.

Biological Cognitive Socioemotional

Select the three areas of development.


True or false: Developmental science is multidisciplinary because researchers from different disciplines are interested in studying development across the life span.


True or false: Health and well-being is heavily influenced by lifestyle and psychological state.


True or false: Life-span development focuses mostly on the rapid growth and development that occurs during childhood.


True or false: Malnutrition and chronic illness are NOT developmental issues related to parenting and education.

Fourth age

When adults reach their ______, health and well-being decline for many individuals.

Gender is one of the most important influences on our identity and relationships. Gender refers to the characteristics of being male or female.

Which of the following statements about gender are true?

Development is influenced by nature, nurture, stability, change, continuity, and discontinuity.

Which of the following statements best reflects the position of most developmentalists?

As children age, they may spend more time playing games with rules, but less time engaging in creative play.

Which of these illustrates the multidirectional nature of human development?


______ age refers to an individual's ability to adapt to change as compared to other people who have lived the same amount of time.

thought intelligence language

Cognitive processes refer to changes in which of the following areas?


David is establishing economic independence, pursuing a career, and is considering getting married in the near future. David is very likely in the ______ adulthood stage of life.


Dr. Kim is adding short review quizzes for his students to complete in class each day. He predicts that this will lead to increases in their exam grades. This prediction is a(n)


Mike lost a friend in a car crash during his senior year in high school. This would be considered a(n) _______ life event, because it made a major impact on Mike, but not everyone.


Rajiv is 21 years old, and is very much still exploring and experimenting with his identity. He is most likely in the stage of ______ adulthood, a term used to refer specifically to the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

parenting education social policy

Select all of the following that are a focus of life-span development.


Seven-year-old Amanda is imagining what it would be like to be a police officer. This is an example of a ______ process.

Early childhood

Sharon is becoming more self-sufficient and can follow instructions. She is even learning to identify letters. She is in the ______ period of development.


Some developmentalists believe that biological inheritance and early childhood experiences are crucial to development and that early traits and characteristics persist throughout life. These developmentalists have a ______ perspective on development.


The term ______ comes from the Greek word for "nation."


True or false: Technology influences human development and is used at all points in human development.

integration of the Internet into everyday life

Which of the following is an example of a normative history-graded influence?


is an interrelated, coherent set of ideas that helps to explain phenomena and make predictions.

Live alone

Compared to decades past, older Americans today are more likely to

Early adulthood

The ______ period of development is typically a time of establishing personal and economic independence, career development, and, for many, selecting a mate.


The ______ period refers to a time frame in a person's life that is characterized by certain features.

At conception

When does the prenatal period of development begin?


A ______ life event is an unusual occurrence that has a major influence on a person's life and may not occur for other people at the same time.

A person's capacity for change

A central focus in developmental research is plasticity, which refers to ______.


A developmentalist who emphasizes _____ would be most likely to focus on the continuity of development.


A key aspect in the study of the human life span is how development in one period is ______ to development in another period.


A person's _____ age refers to connectedness with others and the roles that individuals adopt.


A recent study revealed that happiness ________ as adults aged.


A researcher who emphasizes the role of ______ in human development would point to influences such as family, schools, nutrition, accidents, and pollution, among other things.


A scientist who emphasizes the role of ______ in human development would stress the importance of genetically programmed growth tendencies common among humans


A(n) ______ is a setting where development occurs, such as in the family, peer group, or place of employment.

violence mental health issues lack of education

According to a UNICEF study, which of the following are the main global concerns facing women worldwide?


According to a recent 150-country study, in those aged 58 and older, which was the best predictor of life satisfaction?

It is not relevant to the understanding of a person's psychological development.

According to life-span experts, which of the following is true of chronological age?

Oldest old

According to research by Baltes and Smith, cognition loss is most prevalent among the

normative history graded influence

Adele and Bettina shared the experience of the Cuban missile crisis during their senior year in high school. This is an example of a

chronologically psychologically biologically Socially

Age has been conceptualized in which of the following ways?


An older adult with which of the following personality traits is most likely to be psychologically young?

who we are how we will age how we came to be this way

By studying life-span development we learn information about ourselves, including which of the following?


Development is _______, which means that researchers in many fields share an interest in unlocking the mysteries of development through the life span.


Developmental cognitive ______ explores the connections among development, cognitive processes, and the brain.

Interact as people develop

Developmentalists believe that biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes


Developmentalists believe that life-span development is Blank______ because it consists of interactions of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional factors


Dr. Kostel believes that development takes place in stages. This belief is consistent with the __________ perspective.

Compares multiple cultures

If a study is "cross-cultural," this means that it

Happier than younger people

In general, research on happiness has found that older people in the United States are

Healthcare costs and access

In general, which of the following is the biggest policy concern for older adults?

Distinct stages

In terms of development, which of the following is/are an example of discontinuity?


In the life-span perspective, no age period dominates development. This highlights the view that development is considered to be


Increasingly, many developmentalists refer to the four ______ of life-span development.

His relationship with his parents is changing. He is nervous and excited about asking a date to go with him to the dance.

Jeremy is 14. Which of the following are examples of socioemotional processes that he might be experiencing?

Middle childhood

Julie has mastered the basic skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic, and very motivated to do well in school. Julie is most likely in the developmental period of:


Life-span development is considered to be a _____ process and does not end at any particular age.


Life______ is the average number of years a person born in a particular year can expect to live.


Madeline is a 50-year-old woman who has become very active in a number of political and social organizations. She is very passionate about mentoring young people. Madeline is probably in the development period of ______ adulthood.

parenting and nurturing the next generation of children

Marian Wright Edelman, a children's rights activist, believes that ______ is our society's most important function and needs to be taken more seriously than it has in the past.

Development is plastic at all ages

Max, age 65, learned to play the piano at a local senior center. Max demonstrates that __________.

Life span development

Melissa is intrigued by how people change from infancy through late adulthood. She would learn about this subject by studying the field of human development called:

normative age-graded influence.

Most children in the United States start school when they are 5 or 6 years of age. This occurrence is an example of a


On benchmarks that evaluate how well children are doing in a particular society, the United States places at or near the lowest rank among industrialized nations.

Nonnormative life event

Patrick's mother died when he was 7 years old. This major impact on his life is best described as a

The unconscious

Psychoanalytic theories of development place heavy emphasis on the role of


Tasha's psychological functioning peaked in her mid-forties, remained stable through her early sixties, and then declined modestly through her early eighties. According to K. Warner Schaie, this developmental pattern is described as ______ aging.

A biological and genetic perspective

The "nature" part of the nature-nurture issue in development can be described as ______.

An environmental perspective on how people develop

The "nurture" portion of the nature-nurture issue in development can be described as


The ______ pattern of aging characterizes people who maintain their functioning longer than for most other elderly adults.


The degree to which development involves either gradual change or distinct stages is described as a debate between


The roles that each of the following play in development are debated, EXCEPT


The term ______ describes someone whose gender identity is different from the one they were assigned at birth.

18 months to 3 years

The term toddler is often used to describe a child that is about ______ of age


The upper boundary of the human life span (based on the oldest age documented) is _____ years.


True or false: Some studies have indicated that the lowest levels of life satisfaction may occur in middle age.

biological age psychological age social age

Venita is extremely active and in great health; she likes to swim, go out with her friends, and attend concerts, among other things. She adapts easily to new situations and can generally find something positive in any situation. Her grandchildren joke that she doesn't act like a grandmother and is more daring than they are. She is 70, but much younger in terms of which conception(s) of age?


What term do Baltes and Smith use to describe adults over about age 85, who show considerable losses in physical and cognitive functioning?

Older people have years of experience in problem-solving. Older people have better relationships. There is less pressure to achieve for older people.

Which are possible reasons for the finding that happiness increases as people age?

It begins when people are aging into their sixties or seventies. It lasts until death. It may involve new social roles and decreasing strength and health.

Which of the following are characteristics or components of the late adulthood period of development?

Older adults tend to be more satisfied with what they have. Older people have more satisfying relationships. Older people have more free time.

Which of the following are reasons why happiness typically increases as people age?

psychoanalytic cognitive behavioral and social cognitive ethological ecological

Which of the following are theoretical orientations to development?

Early childhood experiences are most important for development. Positive experiences in adulthood typically cannot override the negative experiences from childhood. Heredity plays an important role in development.

Which of the following are views of developmentalists who emphasize stability in human development?

It involves growth and change. It occurs throughout life.

Which of the following correctly describe life span in the study of human development?

effects of divorce child care early childhood education

Which of the following developmental issues are related to parenting and education?

Asian American

Which of the following is the fastest growing, percentage-wise, ethnic group of children in the United States?

Mosque Family School

Which of the following may include the contextual settings that affect our development?

Cultural heritage and language are aspects of ethnicity. Ethnicity can include race and religion. There can be diversity within ethnic groups.

Which of the following statements about ethnicity are true?

Women are more likely to face violence, receive an inadequate education, and struggle with mental health problems.

Why are so many cross-cultural researchers focused on the conditions of women around the world?

Biological; psychological

______ age is a person's age in terms of physical health, while ______ age refers to a person's adaptive capacities as compared to others of the same chronological age.


______ policy is a government's course of action designed to promote the welfare of its citizens.


______ refers to the characteristics of people as males and females.


__________ influences are irregular and do not follow a predictable timetable.


What developmental period lasts from birth to approximately 18 to 24 months?

Relationship with a caring parent

What of the following characteristics would be most likely to increase the odds of resilience in children?


______ status refers to a person's position within society based on occupational, educational, and economic characteristics.


Amanda is engaging in much more logical and abstract thought than she used to, and she has become quite idealistic. She is far more interested in spending time with her friends than with her family. Amanda is most likely in the developmental period of

the interaction of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes

Ana is an 8-month-old girl who has started to crawl all over the place. This has allowed her to learn more about her environment, and changed her relationship with her parents (because she is now more demanding of their attention). This example illustrates ______.


As adolescents develop romantic relationships, their time with friends may decrease. This is an example of the ______ of development.


As people enter into middle and late adulthood, development tends to involve ______ and regulation of ______.

maintenance regulation of loss growth

Baltes and his colleagues believed that what three goals of human development (which correspond to the three broad stages of life) often conflict and compete with each other?


Biological processes can influence cognitive processes and vice versa, which is a reflection of the fact that they are

nonnormative life events influences normative age-graded influences normative history-graded influences

Both individuals and contexts are always changing and are influenced by which of the following?

Many of America's older population are going to need society's help. The number of older adults in the United States is growing dramatically.

Which two of the following facts heighten the concerns over the well-being of older U.S. adults?

the interaction of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes

Sylvia is a 29-year-old top professional tennis player. Sylvia is no longer winning as many games as she used to. Her body is no longer at its physical peak. It makes Sylvia sad and worried to imagine a future in which she is no longer a top tennis player. This example illustrates ______.


The ______ adulthood stage of development is typically the longest.

middle and late childhood

The ______ period is the developmental period from about 6 to 11 years of age, approximately corresponding to the elementary school years.


The ______ period of development is a time of transition between infancy and early childhood.


The ______ processes refer to the changes in an individual's physical nature.

a co-construction of biology, culture, and the person.

The brain plays a role in shaping culture and culture plays a role in shaping the brain. This is pointed to as an example of how life-span development is


True or false: Research using the life-span perspective is not relevant to social policy issues.


True or false: The life-span perspective involves sociocultural and individual factors, but not biological factors.


True or false: The percentage of children living in poverty in the United States is much higher than in other industrialized nations.


True or false: The sociocultural context of the United States has become less diverse in recent years.


Waylon is extremely dependent on his parents and is just beginning to develop language and symbolic thought. Waylon is in which developmental period?

faith higher socioeconomic status self-confidence

What are some characteristics that tend to increase the odds of resilience?


What term describes the beliefs, customs, and general behavior patterns of a group of people?

Early childhood

Which developmental period in childhood involves learning to be self-sufficient, caring for the self, developing school readiness skills, and playing with peers?

gender socioeconomic status ethnicity culture

Which four of the following concepts are particularly useful when studying the sociocultural context?

Science, technology, and social expectations have not kept pace with the increase in people's life expectancy.

Which of the following accurately represents the view of Laura Carstensen with regard to the increase in life expectancy?

It is multidimensional. It is multidirectional. It is lifelong.

Which of the following are characteristics of the life-span perspective of development?

genes inherited from parents brain development cardiovascular decline hormonal changes of puberty weight gain

Which of the following are examples of biological processes that affect development?

A 16-year-old learns to drive. A 90-year-old finds that her physical health is declining.

Which of the following are examples of normative age-graded influences?

A 22-year-old graduates college during an economic downturn. A 6-year-old is affected by the changing role of technology in schools.

Which of the following are examples of normative history-graded influences?

It is a period of expanding personal and social involvement, career achievement, and responsibility.

Which of the following characterizes the middle adulthood period of development?


Which of the following contemporary topics is the most recent and has had a dramatic influence at all points in human development?

A U.S. researcher compares the labor and delivery experiences of women in the United States versus Nigeria.

Which of these would be an example of a cross-cultural study?

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