psy 260 #4

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The ________ effect refers to the situation in which a group of female mice that are housed together show a slowing down and then a termination of their estrous cycles.


Which of the following terms belong together?

Müllerin system; fallopian tubes

The prefrontal cortex is ________ by ________ projection neurons.

activated; serotonergic

Aggressiveness is reduced in adult rodents by castration whereas injections of testosterone reinstate adult male rodent aggression. These effects are an example of a(n) ________ hormone effect.


Female sexual behavior is suppressed by

damage to the ventromedial hypothalamus

a general function of the prefrontal cortex may be to

dampen or inhibit emotional reactions

The key factor that determines whether the undifferentiated gonads develop into testes is the

gene Sry located on the Y chromosome

Twin studies suggest a major role for ________ in antisocial behavior.


If findings from the prairie vole can be applied to human pair bonding, you would expect that a monogamous couple may show ________ than do promiscuous couples.

greater brain levels of vasopressin (males) and oxytocin (females)

An example of an activational effect induced by the hormone estradiol would be

growth of the uterine lining during the menstrual cycle

An individual with androgen-insensitivity syndrome will

have female external genitalia

Some careers involve daily exposure to dangerous situations, which can lead to emotional burnout. A person with damage to the amygdala would have a selective advantage for a career as a

high-wire artist working on the 4th of july in a rainstorm

Impulsive aggression may reflect ________, which can be treated with ________.

impaired serotonin prefrontal activity; fluoxetine

An example of an environmental effect on testosterone secretion would be when a. castration reduces sexual aggression.

losing a tennis match results in lowered blood levels of testosterone

Studies of hormone status and antisocial behavior in U.S. military veterans suggest that higher levels of antisocial activity are noted in

low socioeconomic status men with high testosterone levels

Imagine that all members of your class have been tested to determine the level of the serotonin metabolite 5-HIAA in their cerebrospinal fluid. Which of the following would you predict using this information?

male classmates with low 5-HIAA levels are unlikely to be alive ten years from now

Intermale aggression will be reinstated in castrated male rats after implants of testosterone into the

medial preoptic area

Which of the following is true of pheromone action in humans?

men rate T-shorts worn by women during their fertile phase as more pleasant than T-shirts worn during their non-fertile phase.

Which of the following is true of the hormone oxytocin?

oxytocin release can induce the ejection of milk in a lactating female

Which of the following pairs represent an example of a primary sex characteristic and an example of a secondary sex characteristic?

penis; beard growth

A key indicator of the likelihood that a person will engage in adult homosexual behavior is

self report of homosexual feelings

The Whitten effect and the Vandenbergh effect are induced in a female rodent by exposure to ________ from a(n) ________.

urine; intact male rodent

The ________ cortical region plays a key role in the analysis of social situations.

ventromedial prefrontal

Functional imaging studies of the brain during decision-making suggest that personal moral dilemmas strongly activate the

ventromedial prefrontal cortex

Phineas Gage, who was injured when a steel rod was accidentally driven through his skull, exhibited capricious, emotional behavior (in part) as a result of widespread damage to his

ventromedial prefrontal cortex

The expression of emotional responses is inhibited by inputs from the

ventromedial prefrontal cortex

Exposure to ________ will automatically produce a fear reaction in most species.

loud unexpected noises

Ovulation involves a surge in ________which in turn ________.

lutenizing hormone; ruptures the ovarian follicle and releases an ovum

Aggressive behavior is most strongly related to


Humans report fear upon electrical stimulation of the


Imagine that you have developed a new pheromone that induces male subjects to approach females. You create a perfume laced with this pheromone, name it Passion, and then begin your marketing plan. Which of the following actions would you take as you introduce your pheromone-laced perfume to the market?

you would not hand out free samples during the cold and flu season*

the enzyme ________ converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.

5-alpha reductase

which of the following is true of threat behaviors

Threat behaviors resolve conflicts without hurting the involved organisms.

an example of a secondary sex characteristic is

a deep voice

A key difference between rodent and human females is that

a female rat can only mate during estrus

In experiments on classically conditioned emotional responses in rats, the conditioned stimulus is

a loud tone

Which sequence of hormone treatment is most likely to restore sexual receptivity in an ovariectomized female rat?

a small dose of estradiol followed by a progesterone dose

Sexual behavior in a female rat is ________ after removal of the ________.

absent; ovaries

Alzheimer's disease patients who show degeneration of the ________ are more likely to forget emotionally traumatic events such as the Kobe earthquake in 1995.


The emotional components that comprise fear are integrated by neurons within the


A person suffering from untreated androgen-insensitivity syndrome would exhibit

an inability to have children

Sexual behavior in a female rodent would by reduced or prevented by

an ovariectomy

Which of the following is the current conclusion regarding the role of androgens in female sexual activity?

androgens amplify the effects of estradiol

The growth of pubic and axillary hair is promoted by

androgens secreted from the adrenal cortex

Most of the research on emotions has focused on

anger and fear

A human female is more likely to initiate sexual activity with her partner

at a point in the menstrual cycle when estradiol levels are highest

A female rat is ovariectomized and then injected with testosterone immediately after birth. In adulthood, this rat is injected with testosterone and placed in a cage with a receptive female rat. This female rat will

attempt to mount the female

the major components of an emotional response include

behavior, autonomic activity, and hormonal secretions

Rats previously exposed to a tone followed by a brief intense electrical shock will show ________ when subsequently exposed to the tone (without shock).

behavioral arrest (freezing)

A brain that is exposed to androgen during prenatal development will not show female sexual behavior in adulthood. This effect is referred to as

behavioral defeminization

Infusion of excitatory amino acid glutamate into the central nucleus of the amygdala of a rat would be expected to elicit

behavioral signs of fear

Which of the following is true of the impact of testosterone on aggressive behavior in males?

castration of sex-offenders may reduce aggressive sexual attacks

Behavioral, autonomic, and hormonal emotional responses are elicited by activation of the

central nucleus of the amygdala

a pheromone is a

chemical that is released by one animal that affects the behavior of another animal of the same species.

A novel female will elicit another bout of sexual behavior in a sexually satiated male rat. This is referred to as the ________ effect.


A hormone that prevents the prenatal development of the Müllerian system is said to have a(n)

defeminizing effect

Electrical stimulation of the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter in the cat produces

defensive rage behavior

the prenatal development of the external male genitalia requires the presence of


Neurons within the amygdala are activated by

detection of emotionally relevant stimuli

A female mouse given daily injections of ________ for two weeks is not more likely than a placebo-treated female to fight with a strange female mouse.


A proposed function of lordosis is to

facilitate intromission by the male rat

An adult rodent that was NOT exposed to prenatal androgens is injected estrogen and progesterone as an adult. You would expect that rodent to display

female sexual behaviors

The drug ________ would be expected to inhibit aggression.

fluoxetine (prozac)

In experiments by LeDoux and others on classically conditioned emotional responses in rats, the unconditional emotional response is elicited by

foot shock

Which of the following is a key function of the hormonal secretions that accompany an emotion?

formation of glucose within the muscles

A species-typical defensive response for a rat would include

freezing of motor movements

Studies using primates suggest that alcohol promotes aggression but only

in dominant male monkeys during the mating season when testosterone levels are high

A formal definition of aggressive behaviors

includes those behaviors involved in predation

Rats primed with estradiol followed by progesterone injections show

increased activity in single neurons in the VMH during lordosis

Menstruation is triggered by

increased serotonin of estrogen and progesterone from the corpus luteum*

prenatal exposure to androgens

increases aggressive behavior in all studied species.

The key effect of luteinizing hormone is to

induce ovulation

________ is sexual behavior displayed by male rodents.


The vomeronasal organ

is the receptive organ for pheromones

Female rhesus monkeys are more likely to engage in fights with other females

just prior to menstruation

the hormone _____ controls the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone


A person who suffers from androgen-insensitivity syndrome would be expected to

lack female internal reproductive structures*

An intact ________ is required in order for a conditioned emotional response to alter blood pressure.

lateral hypothalamus

the amygdala is

located within the temporal lobes.

The autonomic component of an emotional response functions to

mobilize energy for vigorous movement

Recent research suggests that emotions may play the most important role in the formation of

moral judgements

Female rhesus monkeys are more likely to engage in fights with male monkeys

near the time of ovulation

The formation of the ovaries during prenatal development is controlled by

no factor

A female rat is ovariectomized and then injected with testosterone immediately after birth. In adulthood, this rat is injected with estrogen and progesterone and placed in a cage with a male rat. This female rat will

not show female sexual behaviors

The capacity of early testosterone exposure to sensitize brain circuits for aggression is an example of a(n) ________ hormone effect.


The key distinction between an organizational hormone effect and an activational hormone effect is that

organizational effects are permanent

________ involves an attack by one animal on a member of another species in order to eat them.


Electrical stimulation of the ventral periaqueductal gray matter in the cat can produce

predatory behavior

The combination of inadequate activation of the ________ and enhanced activation of the ________ may result in excessive anger that results in harm to other persons.

prefrontal cortex; amygdala

The difference between receptivity and proceptivity is that

proceptivity reflects the eagerness of the female to copulate


produce testosterone


produces cortisol


produces estrogen


produces insulin


produces thyroxine

Nest building is facilitated by administration of


In the chapter vignette on violence and aggression, Steve

received a life sentence in prision

Lordosis is considered to be an example of ________ in the female rat.


Inactivation of the central amygdaloid nucleus results in

reduced blood levels of stress hormones

A human male who has a long record of assault, arson, and murder would be expected to show ________ levels of ________ in his cerebrospinal fluid.

reduced; 5-HIAA

The prenatal development of the internal reproductive structures of the female

requires no hormone

The text author suggests that serotonin exerts a controlling effect on

risky behaviors

Elevated brain levels of the transmitter ________ function to inhibit aggression.


The size of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is an indicator of

sexual identity

The adulthood psychological adjustment achieved by Bruce-Brenda-David, the male twin whose penis was ablated during a botched circumcision procedure at age 7 months, suggests that

sexual identity may not be easily shifted by the upbringing of a child

A male rat is castrated immediately after birth and then given injections of estradiol and progesterone in adulthood. This male rat would be expected to

show lordosis to another male

A female rodent exposed to high levels of testosterone while in the mother's uterus is likely to

show more interfemale aggression as an adult

The primary difference between peptide hormones and steroid hormones is

steroids bind to intracellular receptors, peptide hormones to membrane receptors


stimulates LH and FSH release


stimulates estrogen and testosterone


stimulates growth hormone


stimulates primary release of ACTH


stimulates sperm and egg development


stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce cortisol


stimulates thyroxine release

107. Both men and women appear to show increased secretion of ________ in anticipation of renewed sexual contact.


A female mouse given daily injections of ________ for two weeks is more likely than a placebo-treated female to fight with a strange female mouse.


Sexual behavior in a castrated male rat can be restored by infusion of ________ into the ________.

testosterone; medial preoptic area

Which of the following distinguishes predation from most types of aggression?

the aim of a predatory attack is to kill and consume a food source

What principle is demonstrated by the findings that mechanical stimulation of the genitals elicits sex-related behaviors in animals whose spinal cord has been cut?

the brain is not required for the sexual reflexes of erection and ejaculation

Based on the evidence cited in your text, which brain region would be considered as a key target for pharmacological modification to provide relief for a person suffering from overly intense emotional reactions?

the central nucleus of the amygdala

The genetic sex of a fetus is determined by

the father's sperm

A male mouse housed alone in a home cage will readily attack a male mouse placed into the home cage, but will not attack a female mouse. Which of the following is a key factor as to whether the resident male mouse decides to attack or not attack the strange male mouse?

the mouse must be able to detect male pheromones

The key event that starts sexual maturation at the onset of puberty is that

the pituitary secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormones

Which of the following is true of the rat estrous cycle?

the rat estrous cycle lasts 4 days

After ejaculation, a male rat will refrain from further copulation for a period of time. This is known as

the refractory period

twin studies indicate that

there is a genetic basis for homosexuality in males as well as in females.

________ is an example of a personal moral dilemma.

throwing another person onto grenade in order to save a larger group

In addition to partial paralysis after a stroke, Mr. V. showed a loss of

understanding of the long-term implications of his stroke

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