Psy ch 12

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243. The hindsight bias is also known as the ____ effect.

"I knew it all along"

Raymond Cattell used factor analysis to reduce a huge list of personality traits compiled by Gordon Allport to ____ basic dimensions of personality


227. The personality inventory developed by Raymond Cattell that describes an individual in terms of a limited number of personality source traits is the

16 Personality Factor Questionnaire.

The majority view among psychologists today is that most aspects of personality are derived from ____ basic traits


245. Which of the following personality theorists did not emphasize the influence of childhood experiences on adult personality?

Abraham Maslow

117. Professor Stephenson argues that personality is the result of reciprocal determinism, that is that internal mental events, external environmental events and overt behavior all influence one another and determine an individuals personality. Whose theory of personality is she presenting?

Albert Bandura

The humanistic perspective's emphasis on man's potential for personal growth is most similar to which other personality theorist's belief concerning man's primary motivation?

Alfred Adler

110. Which of the following is NOT a commonly accepted concept associated with psychodynamic personality theories? a.early childhood experiences can influence adult personality b.a person's subjective view of the world is more important than objective reality c.internal conflict often plays a key role in generating psychological distress d.unconscious forces can influence behavior


22. Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the five-factor model of personality? a.There are important traits that do not fit into the model. b.It overemphasizes the role of unconscious motivation in personality. c.There may be fewer than five primary traits. d.More than five traits are necessary to account for the variation seen in human personality.


Finding ways to meet instinctual needs and still take into account the conditions of the external, social world defines the ____, the basic operating theme of the ____. a.reality principle; id reality principle; ego pleasure principle; id pleasure principle; ego


199. Which of the following is NOT one of the main weaknesses in biological approaches to personality? a.conceptual problems with heritability estimates overly optimistic view of human nature


121. The occurrence of so-called copycat crimes where someone hijacks an airliner after seeing a movie about a hijacking provides anecdotal evidence for

Bandura's social cognitive theory.

129. Observational learning and self-efficacy are associated with

Bandura's social cognitive theory.

177. How is Hans Eysenck's theory similar to behavioral theory?

Both theories argue that conditioning influences the development of personality

107. Which of the following is one of the assumptions of the psychodynamic theories of personality that has NOT obtained considerable acceptance? a.Unconscious forces can influence behavior. b.Early childhood experiences can influence adult personality. c.Sexual and aggressive impulses are the driving force of behavior. d.Internal conflict can play a key role in generating psychological distress.


237. Which of the following does NOT belong with the others? a.the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory b.Cattell's 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire c.the Thematic Apperception Test d.the NEO Personality Inventory


90. The theorist who advanced the concept that the unconscious has two layers, the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious, was

Carl Jung.

153. Which theorist argues that people have a strong need for affection, love and acceptance from others?

Carl Rogers

89. Which of the following is NOT a psychodynamic personality theorist?

Carl Rogers HUmanist duh

the big five personality traits stand out as important dimensions of personality because those traits have significant adaptive implication is largely determined by an individual's genetic makeup... said by who

David Buss.

____ is a statistical procedure used by researchers to identify closely related clusters of variables

Factor analysis

184. Which psychologist's theory of personality uses conditioning principles and inherited differences in physiological functioning to explain how heredity is linked to personality?

Hans Eysenck

244. Which of the following statements regarding hindsight bias is LEAST accurate?

Hindsight bias is generally restricted to thinking about issues related to personality.

carli behaves impulsively and becomes extremely impatient if she can't have the things that she wants immediately. Shes dominated by her


A person who tends to be selfish, demanding and disregards the rights of other people would appear to have a stronger ____ than ____.

ID than superego

205. How, according to Terror Management Theory, does culture solve the existential crisis created by awareness of death?

It gives members a sense of being part of a enduring legacy by creating stories and traditions.

"I feel I need to make a fundamental change in my life if I am going to continue to grow as a person." Fred's actions are consistent with

Maslow's concept of self-actualizing individuals

228. Beatrix is planning a research study for her doctoral dissertation. As part of the study she wants to measure normal aspects of personality in each of the participants, using a measure that is objective and precise. The BEST measure for Beatrix to use would be the

NEO Personality Inventory.

Would frued ever say this? "Most of our behavior is rationally directed.

No f no

77. The idea that a male child desires his mother and fears his father illustrates the

Oedipal complex.

is a non-conformist who is daring and likes to try new things. He is extremely imaginative and has a wide range of interests. SCORE HIGH ON WHAT


224. Sigmund Freud's theory of personality was influenced to a degree by his reaction to the hostilities of World War I, a fact that illustrates which of the following unifying themes of your textbook?

Psychology evolves in a sociohistorical context.

223. The fact that there are literally dozens of insightful theories of personality illustrates which of the following unifying themes of your textbook?

Psychology is theoretically diverse.

146. The self or self-concept is the central focus of

Roger's person-centered theory.

he finds that each person who looks at the images sees something different in them. If Bess records the responses that each person provides she may find the answers are similar to those that would be obtained using the

Rorschach test.

236. Daryl is taking a personality test in which he is shown a series of simple scenes. He is supposed to tell a story about what is happening in each scene and suggest what the characters are feeling. The test that Daryl is taking is the

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT).

239. Which of the following is one of the main criticisms of projective tests?

There is inadequate evidence for the reliability of projective measures.

132. You are in a debate with your friend and he argues that people's behavior is much less consistent across situations than most theorists assumed. Whose theory of personality is your friend's argument MOST similar to?

Walter Mischel

135. Eric is a careful driver. He usually obeys the speed limit and abides by all traffic regulations. Today, however, as he is driving to Florida with some friends for spring break, he is driving 25 mph over the speed limit. Which personality theorist would be BEST able to explain this inconsistency in Eric's behavior?

Walter Mischel

definitions of "personality" best reflects the views of B. F. Skinner?

a collection of response tendencies that are tied to various stimulus situations

Colton doesn't really want to take the time to read each of the questions in detail. Instead, he simply disagrees with all the statements. Colton's method of completing the personality inventory shows

a negative response set.

55. If she is using the defense mechanisms of reaction formation, a mother who actually hates her son would MOST likely be both unaware of her hatred and

act in an extremely loving way toward her son.

214. Stefan is from the Czech Republic. Based on research using the Big Five personality traits, you would predict Stefan will be high in:


Janelle is suspicious and uncooperative. Shed probably score low in


The trait of __________ is less prevalent among people from higher socioeconomic levels.


these people tend to be sympathetic, trusting, cooperative, and modest.


185. The findings from twin studies indicate that identical twins are much more similar than fraternal twins on which of the following?

all the personality traits in the five-factor model of personality

139. Humanistic personality theories focus on

an individual's freedom and potential for growth.

106. Mark has been unsuccessful in using compensation to help him master life's challenges; according to Adler's theory Mark may exhibit

an inferiority complex.

75. Which of Freud's psychosexual stages did he see as society's first systematic effort to regulate the child impulses?

anal stage

95. Adler is to individual psychology as Jung is to

analytical psychology

92. According to Jung, one's collective unconscious contains

ancestral memories

50. According to Freud, unresolved unconscious conflicts often produce


150. According to Rogers, experiences that threaten a person's self-concept often result in the person experiencing


207. Terror management theory suggests that self-esteem serves a terror management function by reducing


70. Freud used the term "sexual" in his psychosexual stages of development to mean

any pleasure-giving urge.

103. Jung termed emotionally charged images and thought forms that have universal meaning in a wide variety of cultures


138. A strength of the behavioral theories of personality is that the theories

are based on extensive empirical research.

145. The major criticism humanistic personality theorists have concerning BOTH psychodynamic and behavioral theories of personality is that those theories

are dehumanizing and deterministic.

122. Rosalind is an impulsive child who seldom waits for her turn when playing with other children. Rosalind's father is also an impulsive individual who often seems to act before he thinks. The theorist who would most likely suggest that Rosalind has learned to be impulsive from watching her father is


134. Which of the following approaches to personality is MOST firmly rooted in empirical research?

behavioral approach

136. Which of the following approaches to personality is MOST likely to be criticized for denying the existence of free will and the importance of cognitive processes?

behavioral approach

111. Your psychology professor argues that personality is a collection of response tendencies that are tied to various stimulus situations. What theory of personality is she presenting?


54. If she is using the defense mechanism of projection, a mother who actually hates her son would MOST likely be both unaware of her hatred and

believe that her son hated her

172. According to Maslow, after people satisfy their physiological needs and safety and security needs they will next become concerned with

belongingness and love needs.

188. Research on genes and personality indicates that the heritability estimates for personality traits are approximately

between 40 and 60 percent.

182. Behavioral genetics, the evolutionary approach, and Eysenck's theory all approach the study of personality from the

biological perspective.

196. The evolutionary approach to personality suggests that ____ may have contributed to reproductive fitness.

both various personality traits and the ability to recognize the traits in others

83. Eysenck's theory of personality is based on all of the following except a. basic personality traits b. differences in physiological functioning c. differences in basic needs d. differences in ease of conditioning


166. Your needs to learn all you can about philosophy and understand the inner workings of our political system are examples of ____ needs.


119. Social cognitive theory differs from Skinner's approach in giving more weight to

cognitive processes.

128. Bandura extended Skinner's view of behaviorism to explain personality by adding an emphasis on

cognitive processes.

102. According to Jung, the ____ is a storehouse of latent memory traces inherited from people's ancestral past.

collective unconcious

220. According to the Featured Study, people from ___________ cultures seem to have greater self-insight than people from other cultures.


97. The sickly child who goes on to become a forceful, physically active adult is engaging in what Adler called


149. According to Rogers, children who experience ____ love or affection tend to develop an incongruent self-concept as a result of blocking from their self-concept those experiences that did not receive parental affection.


____ tend to be diligent, disciplined, well organized, and punctual.


195. According to the evolutionary approach to personality, humans have evolved special sensitivity to variations in the tendency to be reliable and ethical, which is closely associated with which of the following Big Five personality traits?


Tom and his friends exercise daily and never smoke or consume alcohol. It is likely that Tom and his friends are above average in


193. Recent research suggests that the size of brain structures that regulate planning and voluntary control are associated with people's levels of


His tendency to be a "class clown" in many situations relates to the ____ aspect of personality.


Which of the following is NOT one of the major contributions associated with the humanistic theory of personality? a. the importance of a person's subjective views b. focusing attention on what constitutes a healthy personality c. making the self-concept an important construct in psychology d. acknowledging the role that internal conflict plays in generating psychological distress


51. The largely unconscious reactions used to protect a person from unpleasant emotions such as anxiety and guilt are

defense mechanisms

241. Which of the following is NOT a weakness associated with projective tests?

deliberate deception

216. The American cultural conception of self results in children

developing an independent view of the self and defining themselves in terms of personal attributes.

217. The Asian cultural conception of self results in children

developing an interdependent view of the self and defining themselves in terms of the groups they belong to.

Baseball player got mad that he missed and went to dugout and hit chair. hes using the defense mechanism of


the overall combination of traits exhibited by that person is unique. is called


113. In explaining an individual's aggressiveness, Skinner would look for

early learning experiences and reinforcement history.

27. The component of personality that operates according to the reality principle is the


He constantly needs to find ways to meet the corporation's goals and objectives while taking into consideration factors such as laws and financial resources.... Uses which factor of personality


If Jason decides he will only go to the party after he finishes outlining the term paper, his decision reflects the functioning of his


What personality component engages in secondary-process thinking?


According to Freud, the ____ is "like a man on horseback who has to hold in check the superior strength of the horse."

ego obvi

72. According to Freud, a person may become fixated at a particular psychosexual stage because of

either excessive gratification or excessive frustration of needs.

186. Assume that personality researchers have isolated a new trait they called "prajna." If these researchers report that fraternal twins reared together are more similar in this trait than identical twins reared apart, it would indicate that

environment has a larger influence than genetics in the expression of prajna.

74. Graham is a 25 years old male who is extremely anxious about any type of sexual activity. According to Freud's view of personality development, this anxiety may have arisen from

excessive punishment during his toilet training as a toddler.

18. Evidence suggest that people high in openness to experience tend to.

exhibit less prejudice than others.

156. According to Rogers, for a child to develop a healthy personality, the parents must

exhibit unconditional love toward the child.

155. Rashad thinks of himself as an outgoing, sociable person. All his friends would agree; most of them think he is one of the most friendly, upbeat people they have ever met. According to Carl Rogers, Rashad is likely to

experience congruence.

154. Thomas describes himself as an open and relaxed individual, but people who know him well would describe Thomas as secretive and tense. According to Carl Rogers, Thomas is likely to

experience incongruence.

these people are characterized as outgoing, sociable, upbeat, friendly, and assertive.


these people tend to have a more positive outlook on life


247. Unconscious fixations and unresolved conflicts are to Sigmund Freud's theory of personality as ____ to B. F. Skinner's theory.

faulty learning is

104. If Tim is a typical young child, Adler would believe that Tim has

feelings of inferiority.

Failure to resolve conflict at a particular stage of psychosexual development may lead to failure to move forward psychologically, a phenomenon that Freud called


88. During the genital stage, sexual energy is primarily

focused toward peers of the opposite sex.

The variety of modern psychodynamic theories of personality all derive from the work of which of the following individuals


187. Assume that personality researchers have isolated a new trait they called "nescience." If these researchers report that identical twins reared together and identical twins reared apart show the same correspondence for this particular trait, it would indicate that

genetics has a larger influence than environment in the expression of nescience.

81. The Freudian period that begins with puberty is the

genital stage.

99. According to Alfred Adler, overcompensation may be found in those who

have an inferiority complex.

125. Carmen has always done well in her math courses and even though she has never taken a statistics class before, she is confident she will do well in the statistics course she has signed up for next semester. In this example, Amy shows evidence of having

high self-efficacy in math.

He tends to be rigid and inflexible and rarely allows himself to enjoy life. IS dominated by

his super ego

it has been argued that which of the following should be recognized as a fundamental sixth factor in personality?


142. Which of the following theoretical perspectives would be most likely to argue that a person's subjective view of the world is more important than the objective reality?

humanistic approach

140. The most optimistic view of human nature is found in the

humanistic approach.

141. Which of the following theoretical perspectives would be least likely to rely on animal research?

humanistic approach.

144. Dr. Linzle believes that it is necessary to understand each individual's personal, subjective experiences if you are to truly understand that individual's personality and behavior. Dr. Linzle's views most closely mirror those of the

humanistic perspective.

Primary process thinking is associated with the ____, and secondary process thinking is associated with the ____.

id; ego

Having a rather poor sense of self worth, Bruce attempts to make himself feel important by driving a European sports car,using the defense mechanism of


ID motto

if it feels good, do it

147. According to Rogers, the degree of disparity between one's self-concept and one's actual experience is termed


36. Freud's contemporaries were uncomfortable with his theory for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT his argument that

individuals are masters of their own minds.

176. According to Hans Eysenck, personality is largely


181. According to Hans Eysenck, people who condition easily are likely to be


105. According to Adler, compensation

involves efforts to overcome imagined or real inferiorities by developing one's abilities

she brings home a different friend from school. Ashley is showing behavior that is typical during Freud's

latency stage of psychosexual development.

82. The Freudian period in which the child's sexuality is largely suppressed and the child focuses on expanding social contacts is the

latency stage.

191. Research in behavioral genetics has shown the family environment shared by children growing up together has ____ impact on personality.


171. Which personality theorist stated, "It's as if Freud supplied us the sick half of psychology and we must now fill it out with the healthy half?"


Chris has a greatly inflated sense of self-worth, a sense of entitlement, and a constant need for attention. It is most likely that Chris has

narcissistic personality disorder.

206. One of the chief goals of terror management theory is to explain why people

need self-esteem

these people are are characterized as anxious, hostile, self-conscious, insecure and vulnerable.


these people tend to be more impulsive


123. Mr. Gorst is a very patient individual who always has time for any questions his children might ask. If Mr. Gorst's children grow up to be patient individuals, the development of this personality trait would be BEST explained using the concept of

observational learning.

109. Which of the following is NOT a common criticism of psychodynamic theories of personality?

over-emphasis on the importance of early childhood experiences

133. One of the major points Mischel makes about personality is that

people are much less consistent across situations than most theorists have assumed.

151. The personality theory of Carl Rogers is known as

person-centered theory.

93. Freud's concept of the unconscious is MOST like Jung's

personal unconscious.

An individual's unique constellation of consistent behavioral traits is known as


"I can't wait to grow up, so I can marry mommy." Samuel is most likely in the stage of personality development that Freud referred to as the

phallic stage.

78. Identification of oneself with the proper gender, male or female, would occur during the

phallic stage.

76. The stage of psychosexual development that runs from approximately ages three to six is


job that is extremely dangerous, but which pays him enough so that he is sure he will have enough to eat and he will be able to sleep in a warm place each night. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Jordon is probably primarily motivated by

physiological needs.

175. Which of the following criticisms can be leveled against BOTH the psychoanalytic approach and the humanistic approach to personality?

poor testability

114. Deirdre used to be shy and unwilling to speak out in class. Last semester she was in a class that involved a lot of discussion groups, and she found that her classmates were willing to listen attentively to her ideas, and often asked her for input when the discussion bogged down. Now Deirdre is more outspoken and confident during class discussions. Based on principles of operant conditioning, Deirdre's new outspoken, confident manner is MOST likely a result of

positive reinforcement.

Which level of awareness contains material just beneath the surface of awareness that can easily be retrieved?


someone brings up a concert you went to and you immediately think about the memories and how fun it was. What part of mind is this


if hal is scared of men because he thinks theyre going to hit on him but hes a repressed homo what defense mechanism is he using besides repression


234. A personality measure that asks you to respond freely to an ambiguous stimulus such as a picture or an inkblot is called a


240. The idea that ambiguous materials can serve as a blank screen onto which people impose their characteristic concerns, conflicts and desires is termed the

projective hypothesis.

108. Dr. Hewlett believes that early childhood experiences have a strong influence on adult personality, and that our personality is largely shaped by unconscious forces. Dr. Hewlett's views most closely mirror those of the

psychodynamic perspective.

83. According to Freud's theory, the developmental periods that leave their mark on adult personality are

psychosexual stages.

179. According to Hans Eysenck, ____ involves being egocentric, impulsive, cold, and antisocial.


115. Juan used to be a fairly generous individual, but it seemed that whenever he loaned things to people, they were never returned, or they were returned broken. Consequently, Juan is no longer generous. Based on principles of operant conditioning, Juan's lack of generosity is MOST likely a result of


52. When people give a false but plausible excuse to justify their unacceptable behavior, they are using


ohn worries about his tendency toward abusing animals, so he joins the Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

reaction formation

118. The term that Albert Bandura uses to refer to the assumption that internal mental events, external environmental events, and overt behavior all influence each other is

reciprocal determinism.

little boy has new brother. little boy starts peeing bed again and drinking from the bottle. Hes using defense mechanism of


56. Under stress, a college student cries and throws things. The behavior of the student is an example of


Mary scored low on neutoricism. She probably tends to be

relaxed and high in self-esteem

218. Parents in Asian cultures are MOST likely to teach their children to

rely on family and friends.

91. According to Jung, one's personal unconscious contains

repressed or forgotten information.

173. Evolutionary theorists have recently proposed a revision of Maslow's theory to emphasize

reproduction needs.

231. A systematic tendency to respond to questions on a personality inventory in a way that is unrelated to the content of the questions is called a

response set.

60. Defense mechanisms combat feelings of anxiety and guilt through

self deception

161. Abraham Maslow called the need to fulfill one's potential the need for


152. The collection of beliefs about one's own nature, unique qualities, and typical behavior is referred to as one's ____, according to Rogers.


124. The belief that one has the ability to perform behaviors that should lead to expected outcomes is referred to as


He scored low in the personality trait of psychoticism. This suggests Isaiah tends to be

sensitive and caring.

101. Both Carl Jung and Alfred Adler were especially critical of Freud's emphasis on


189. Research on the heritability of personality shows that ____ appears to have a surprisingly small impact on personality.

shared family environment

209. Increasing mortality salience leads people to

show more respect for cultural icons.

210. Mike has just lost a close friend to death and has begun thinking about his own death; as a result Mike is likely to

show more respect for cultural icons.

96. The central aspect of Adler's theory of personality is that people

strive to adapt and master life's challenges.

215. Research on national character using the Big Five personality traits found that

subjects displayed considerable agreement concerning what was typical of their culture.

61. Which of the following would be considered the most healthy defense mechanism?


58. Freud ascribed great importance to sexual and aggressive impulses, mainly because they

tend to be routinely frustrated.

Dr. Jack assumes that humans share an evolutionary heritage with other animals that includes instinctive drift drive for self preservation, but unlike animals humans have also evolved complex cognitive abilities that permit self-awareness. Dr. Jack's views are similar to the view of personality put forward by the

terror management theory.

According to Freud, which of the following is entirely unconscious

the ID

226. If you needed a personality inventory capable of measuring a person's degree of psychopathology, you would probably use

the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

233. The idea that a person's unconscious needs will determine how he or she perceives relatively unstructured stimuli is the basis for

the TAT.

94. When anthropologists compare ancient artifacts from South America, Europe, and Australia they often find similarities among the images that are depicted. Based on Jung's analytical psychology, some of these apparent similarities may stem from

the collective unconcious

238. Which of the following is considered a major strength of projective tests?

the difficulty in engaging in deliberate deception

137. BOTH the psychoanalytic and behavioral theories of behavior have been criticized for which of the following?

the failure to recognize the unique qualities of human behavior

242. The tendency to mold our interpretation of the past to fit how events actually turned out is called

the hindsight bias.

248. Your friend spends money like water. When you learn that he is from a poverty-stricken background, you attribute his spending patterns to his earlier deprivation. According to the critical thinking analysis, you are likely to do this because of

the hindsight bias.

130. Observational learning suggests that some models are more likely to be imitated than others. Which of the following characteristics of a model would be LEAST likely to result in a child's imitating the model's behavior?

the model is of the opposite sex

45. The superego is Freud's term for

the moral component of personality.

The superego is Freud's term for

the moral component of personality.

160. What need was Abraham Maslow expressing when he said that "what a man can be, he must be"?

the need to self-actualize

the id is

the primitive, instinctive component of personality.

131. In explaining behavior, social learning theorist Walter Mischel is most interested in the influence of

the situation.

116. Skinner would explain why one student responds positively to receiving a B on a test while another student responds negatively to a B by noting that

the students have different histories of reinforcement and punishment.

208. Terror management theory asserts that much of our behavior is motivated by our needs

to defend our worldview and preserve our self-esteem.

98. Natalie is eight years old. Her parents have always spoiled her and given her anything that she has asked for. Based on Adler's theory of individual psychology, this parental pampering may cause Natalie

to develop exaggerated feelings of weakness and inadequacy.

85. The crucial developmental task associated with the anal stage is

toilet training

192. Studies linking personality traits with specific genes have been difficult to replicate because

traits may be influenced by many genes.

Psychodynamic personality theories focus on

unconcious mental forces

148. According to Rogers, parents who give their children affection both when the children meet, and also when they fail to meet expectations, provide their children with

unconditional love or affection.

The evening news carried a flashback of the accident that happened 25 years ago, and Braden still didn't remember being at the scene when the accident happened.



we all have different personalities and experiences.

221. According to the Featured Study, there is often a discrepancy between

what people say and think.

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