PSY Practice Questions

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10. Besides being a student, Psi is also a construction worker. One day, he's at work and realizes that the cell body of a neuron is much like the foreman (organizer) at a construction site because the cell body a. collects and integrates information. b. controls the rest of the cell. c. collects neurotransmitters. d. controls the action potential.


105. Rutendo just returned from his second tour in Iraq and is looking for a therapist. He wants a therapist that only uses humanistic therapy. What is the MOST LIKELY reason he is unable to find a therapist with only this orientation? a. Humanistic therapy is not common. b. Humanistic therapy is not in use anymore. c. Many therapists use an eclectic approach. d. Many therapists use humanistic with psychodynamic.


108. Doug was diagnosed with schizophrenia right after an incident at his 50th birthday party. Which type of treatment is most effective for schizophrenia? a. Psychotropic medications b. Behavior therapy c. Deep brain stimulation d. Response prevention


12. Jenny Flint is worried about getting Botox because she knows that it inhibits the release of the same neurotransmitter responsible for motor control. Which neurotransmitter is she thinking of? a. Acetylcholine b. Epinephrine c. Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid d. Dopamine


13. Rose and Mickey are arguing about neuron communication. Rose states that the entire process is done by chemical signals, but Mickey states that it is by electrical charges. Which one is correct? a. They are both correct-neurons use both chemical signals and electrical charges. b. They are both wrong- neurons use chemical changes of elements. c. Rose is right- neurons use chemical signals. d. Mickey is right-neurons use electrical charges


18. Dr. Susan L. Ackerman, a US neurogeneticist, wants study how genes affect the brain development. She wants to try to eliminate the effect that environment has on people with similar genes. What type of study would be most effective for her? a. Adoption b. Twin c. Generational d. Longitudinal


2. Danica, a grandmother of five, enjoys watching her grandkids play at the park across the street. She likes to observe them playing cooperatively and sometimes keeps track of their cooperative behaviors. Danica is likely employing ______. However, to be confident about her conclusion that the more cooperative behaviors she sees the better time her grandkids are having she must use ______. a. empiricism; the scientific method b. the scientific method; empiricism c. the scientific method; descriptive methods d. empiricism; experimental methods


21. Sharon is a lighting designer who works for the fashion industry. She has been asked to create a lighting design that has high intensity of color. What property of light would Sharon most want to focus on to get this effect? a. Saturation b. Amplitude c. Wavelength d. Vibrancy


27. J.W., who has split-brain, is reading a magazine. In his left visual field he sees a picture of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. In his right field of vision he sees a picture of the newest Batman movie. If you were to ask J.W. what he was seeing at that moment, how is he likely to respond? a. "I'm looking at the new Batman poster and it looks awesome!" b. "I'm looking at a picture of the beautiful couple, Brad and Angelina!" c. "I'm looking at the newest actor playing Batman, Brad Pitt!" d. "I can't see anything, but I know that I'm holding a magazine."


29. Phoebe is so excited about using the things she read in Freud's Interpretation of Dreams to help her friends understand their dreams better. According to Freud's Theory, Phoebe's friends should tell her the manifest content or what they saw in the dream and she will use Freud's book to explain the a. latent content, or the meaning behind what they saw in the dream. b. subconscious content, or the content they did not consciously remember. c. diagnostic content, or the content that shows they are suffering from neurosis. d. symbolic content, or the message from the subconscious.


3. Goliath wants to conduct an observational study to see if gender in toddlers affects their toy preference. He realizes that this research method has advantages and disadvantages. Which of the following is an advantage of the research method Goliath chose? a. He could perform his observation in either the laboratory or in their homes. b. Observer bias is usually present which means Goliath will find support for his research. c. Reactivity which allows children to react to a stimulus and quantify their response. d. This method would be especially valuable in the late stages of Goliath's research.


30. Janet has been suffering from insomnia for the last few weeks. Which method for handling insomnia is likely to benefit Janet the most? a. Janet should identify habits that she can change to promote better sleep. b. Janet should take over-the-counter sleep aids to begin a habit of sleeping well. c. Janet should try sleeping during the day rather than the night. d. Janet should divide her night in two, and spend some time awake around midnight.


32. Candace works in a residential treatment center for teenagers coping with addiction. She has noticed that there are a number of biological factors that we know about addiction, but that we still have not found an accurate way to do what? a. Reduce withdrawal symptoms. b. Predict who will become addicted. c. Use brain imaging to see the effects of the drug on the brain. d. Identify which drugs that have more addictive properties


33. Harry is brought into therapy and is complaining about an addiction to cocaine. Before, he could just use a small amount before he got a rush, but now it takes him much more to get the same rush. What is this an example of? a. Tolerance b. Withdrawal c. Predetermination d. Resiliency


35. Nancy Neuron and Ned Neuron are hanging out in the brain. They're located right next to each other, so Nancy and Ned are always firing in sequence. After a while, this constant firing starts to change the two neurons! It's almost as if their connection is being strengthened! What would a psychologist call the process of this change? a. Long-term potentiation b. Concurrent firing sustention c. Neural wiring lengthener d. Increased neural interfacing


4. Autumn is conducting research on the psychological impact of Ferbies on young adults and wants to collect data using in-person interviews. However, she is concerned that the main disadvantage of this method is its subjectivity. Is her concern justified? a. No. This would only be a concern is she was focusing on the Ferbie's psychological impact on a single subject. b. No. This would only be a concern if she create experimental/control groups to determine the psychological impact of Ferbies. c. Yes. Because she was traumatized by ferbies growing up and will bring that bias into her interviews. d. Yes. People can only explain their experience with Ferbies according to their previous interactions with them which will bias her data


41. Saundra has a rebellious older sister, Vicki. Vicki is constantly getting into trouble, and Saundra learns many important lessons from Vicki's mistakes and the consequences associated with those mistakes. In this way Saundra learned from watching her sister, more specifically she learned through a. vicarious conditioning. b. latent learning. c. modeling. d. observational learning.


43. This is Helga's first visit to the U.S. She's excited to see sights and try food! However, she quickly notices something odd about American culture. They're overly concerned about people's day and constantly ask "How's your day going?" This is different than her native Germany! What would a psychologist call this piece of American culture? a. a meme b. a cultural cue c. an identifier d. a cultural gene


45. Neo is shopping with his mother at a street fair. He looks up and see's she is no longer beside him. He scans the crowd and spots her quickly because she is wearing a big red hat. Neo is using ______ attention to spot his mother. a. visual b. color c. memory d. elaborative


47. Mandrin hears a new country song on the radio, she immediately beings to sing the chorus after the song is finished. The process of manipulating information to keep it available for current use is an example of ______ memory? a. working b. sensory c. duration d. input


49. Imani took part in a risky experiment in which Dr. Nonsense completely removed her hippocampus! Which of the following will Imani no longer be able to do? a. Form and consolidate new memories b. Retrieve memories from long term storage c. Maintain concepts in working memory d. Retrieve emotional memories


50. HM's surgery removed different parts of the anterior temporal lobe which included the hippocampus. Due to the removal of HM's hippocampus which of these activities would have been difficult for him? a. Recalling what he ate for lunch b. Walking down the hallway c. Riding a bike d. Tying his shoes


51. Ken suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder due to a traumatic event he experienced when he was 11. This vivid recall of his traumatic event is an example of a. persistence. b. interference. c. blocking. d. suggestibility.


53. Giovanni scored highly on his intelligence test. What could we reasonably expect of his cognitive performance? a. Faster reaction time b. Advanced long term memory c. Slower response to difficult questions d. The ability to divide attention


6. Paige and Shelly are both sophomores in high school. They have recently been exploring different social roles and frequently change theirs. Which stage of Erikson's model are they most likely experiencing? a. Identity versus Role Confusion b. Industry versus Inferiority c. Founded versus Social Conformity d. Integrity versus Despair


62. When Jodi was a child she disliked M&M's. However, after repeated exposure over many years she eventually liked, and even craved them. What did Jodi experience? a. Mere exposure effect b. Attitude accessibility c. Conditioning effect d. Explicit attitude effect


66. Misha is a fifth grade student in the 1940's. She makes a mistake and the teacher raps her across the knuckles with a ruler. Misha flinches, the teacher tells her not to flinch while she hits her three more times. Why does Misha comply with the teacher's instructions? a. Obedience b. Lowballing c. Social facilitation d. Insufficient justification


77. Patricia experiences constant uncontrollable muscle spasms. They are most prominent in her face and neck which impair her basic functioning because she constantly hits her head on things around her when she spasms. What disorder is Patricia experiencing? a. Motor b. Communication c. Tic d. Intellectual


78. Amal has constant thoughts about failing his driver's license exam. He worries that if he fails, his friends will never talk to him again and he will be alone for the rest of his life. What therapy would be the best treatment for Amal? a. Cognitive-behavioral b. Psychotropic medications c. Group d. Psychodynamic


79. Brackson developed a fear of dogs after one attacked his brother. What best explains Brackson's fear of dogs? a. Specific phobia b. Exposure c. Panic disorder d. Fear conditioning


8. Tootsie is driving down I-15 at 65 MPH when she is cut-off by a vehicle driving erratically and speeding at 90 MPH. She thinks, "I wonder if they are heading to the hospital, or if they have an emergency." Tootsie's thinking is best represented by which of the following levels of moral reasoning? a. Postconventional b. Conventional c. Preconventional d. Metaconventional


80. Xander has a debilitating clown phobia. His friend asks Xander to think of a happy clown, then say that clowns aren't scary. After several other steps Xander goes to a birthday party where a clown is present and doesn't have a panic attack. What treatment did Xander undergo? a. Systematic desensitization b. Phobia specific conditioning c. Fear reconstruction d. Anxiety intervention


84. Adilet is thinking of following the doctor's advice and give her teenage son SSRI (antidepressant) medication. She knows SSRI use is controversial, but it may be able to help him. What is something that she should watch out for? a. Increased suicidal thoughts b. Increased disruptive behavior c. Increased mood swings d. Increased depressive episodes


1. You and your best friend join a research study to determine if participating in a bi-weekly yoga class will improve your Call of Duty scores. Which variable would be the Call of Duty score? a. Independent b. Dependent c. Confounding d. Correlational


101. Dorothy goes from periods of extreme positive mood to periods of extreme negative mood, causing her great distress in her life. Of the following drugs, which would be the most effective treatment for Dorothy according to the textbook? a. An SSRI for Depression b. Lithium for Bipolar Disorder c. Oxycontin for Pain d. Adderall for ADHD


11. Rigsy is playing "Red Light Green Light" with his friends. He hears his teammates shouting "red light!" and "green light!" at him. He decided to hold very still because he heard more "red lights!" than "green lights!" Because you have taken PSY1010, you realize that this situation is similar to the process of ______ in a neuron. a. potentiated synapsis b. postsynaptic potential c. hyperpolarization d. dynamicization


110. Jocelyn cannot have a messy house. She constantly cleans to make sure her home is spotless. Her therapist spills spaghetti on the carpet intentionally and does not allow Jocelyn to clean it up. What is the therapist using to help treat Jocelyn? a. Systematic desensitization b. Response prevention c. Exposure desensitization d. Systematic prevention


14. Your friend Boris wonders how his body continues to function while sleeping. His understanding is that our brain "shuts off" when we fall asleep. Having taken General Psychology, you know better. You explain that different parts of your brain are active throughout sleep; including the ______ region that regulates basic survival functions, maintaining things like your breathing and heart rate. a. forebrain b. midbrain c. spinal Cord d. hindbrain


16. Captain Ludvik remembers that the lobes involve senses expect the frontal lobe which is important for complex thought. In order to prove her wrong Courtney listed a few process that occur in each lobe. Which of the following matches are INCORRECT and should be changed before Courtney gives this list to Captain Ludvik? a. Frontal lobe-movement b. Occipital lobe-face recognition c. Parietal lobe-spatial relations d. Temporal lobe-memory


17. A study is being done on two monozygotic (identical) twins that were separated at birth. Scientists observed more differences than similarities between the two. In this single case study, the scientists might suggest the main cause for such differences to be the twins' ______. a. genotype b. environment c. phenotype d. gender


20. Enrique, an interior designer, has a client that wants the white walls of his dining room slightly darker than the white walls of the living room. Enrique must determine the ______ threshold of his client in order to satisfy him. a. absolute b. difference c. variance d. complete


23. Jay reaches into his freezer and grabs a frozen hot pocket. He notices that his hand feels both cold and hot at the same time! Which of the following can help explain Jay's sensory experience? a. There is one heat receptor which is used for cold and hot. b. Intense temperatures trigger both hot and cold receptors. c. There are no hot or cold receptors only pressure and pain receptors. d. All touch receptors report to the thalamus and are often misinterpreted.


26. Tyrell wants to create a marketing campaign using subliminal messages to influence the public to buy EverBrite, a toothpaste that permanently brightens teeth after one use. However, after taking PSY1010 he knows what about subliminal messaging? a. Subliminal messages are very effective for advertising! It's been shown that subliminal marketing influences many people to buy things! b. While subliminal perception has been shown to be real, it doesn't seem that subliminal messages have very strong effects on complex behavior. c. For subliminal messages to be effective we need to use vocal messages, because visual subliminal messagesdon't seem to have much of an effect. d. If we want our subliminal messages to be effective then we need to use visual messages, because vocal subliminal messages haven't been shown to be useful for influencing behavior.


34. Ben is a cartographer exploring new terrain. What type of processing might he be using as he takes in the new area he is unfamiliar with and then creates a map of the area? a. Top-Down b. Bottom-Up c. Continuity d. Proximity


34. Jannessa and Erik are discussing what they were reading in their psychology textbook. As a method of review, they are writing down what they remember after reading. Currently, they're reviewing the three types of learning. Jannessa looks at Erik's list and notices that one of the items is wrong! Which of the following items should NOT be on Erik's list? a. Non-associative learning b. Spontaneous remembrance c. Associative learning d. Learning by watching others


37. Robert is conducting a study on cognitive influences on classical conditioning. Which of the following would NOT be an example of a cognitive influence on classical conditioning? a. Temporal relationship between the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus. b. The sense by which a stimulus is experienced. c. Amount of unexpectedness associated with the stimulus paring. d. Predictability of the stimulus pairing.


39. Jacob was out passed curfew last night and, as a result, his father woke him up at 6 a.m. with a list of extra chores to do. Jacob's father is using a. positive reinforcement. b. positive punishment. c. negative reinforcement. d. negative punishment.


42. Emily is a 4-year-old girl. Recently, her parents have grown concerned because Emily likes to yell a certain four-letter curse word as she runs around outside. Her parents never taught Emily to say this word, but they realize that they have accidentally said it around her. What psychological process is going on here? a. Memifying b. Modeling c. Copying d. Imitating


44. Ester is daydreaming as she "listens" to her dad teach her how to make lemon bars. He tells Ester to have them done around dinner time. Ester panics! She was listening to her dad's directions, but doesn't know how to make lemon bars! Which of the following contributes most to Ester's inability to make tasty lemon bars? a. Memory b. Attention c. Sensation d. Perception


5. Jake was just born and has a few hardwired reflexes to aid in his survival. His mother has just finished feeding him and strokes the corner of his mouth while dabbing off the extra milk. Using the ______ reflex he turns his head and begins to a. sucking; root. b. rooting; suck. c. grasping; grab. d. grabbing; grasp.


52. Yahim is one of the most promising students in his class. He exhibits talents in math, science, English, and even music. Upon assessment, Yahim is likely to score high in ______ intelligence. a. emotional b. general c. cognitive d. intrapersonal


54. Henry is a sophomore. He currently has a lot on his plate and needs to evaluate his life. Based off of Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which of the following should be last on his list? a. Eating a big balanced breakfast. b. Establishing a good reputation. c. Earning enough money for rent. d. Finding a date for next week.


55. Huang cannot stop eating! His doctor says he has a tumor that is affecting a brain structure that is associated with eating. Which of the following structures could NOT possibly be affected by Huang's tumor? a. His hypothalamus b. The pituitary gland c. Huang's gustatory cortex d. The reticular formation


55. Wade is searching online for a Chicago Bulls hat. He notices that Google narrows down and displays links to the hat stores he visits most often. What memory process best describes the role of Google? a. Sensory storage. b. Consolidation. c. Schemas. d. Maintenance rehearsal.


57. In the fictional show Brothers and Sisters, Kevin bullies another kid that he thinks might be gay. Kevin later admits that this was just a defense mechanism to hide his own sexual orientation. According to psychodynamic theory, which defense mechanism was Kevin using? a. Projection b. Reaction formation c. Displacement d. Sublimation


58. Jamie rewards his children only when they are doing well in school. This style of parenting will influence his children's personality based on ______, according to Carl Rogers. a. Humanistic worth b. Conditions of worth c. Conditional positive regard d. Humanistic regard


60. Javier's first boy, Juan, has just turned three years old. Javier has been noting Juan's temperament so that he can better understand Juan. Which of the following would Javier be LEAST likely to see his son exhibit? a. "Juan is always running all over the place" b. "Juan does not like to be left alone for too long" c. "Juan seems to be happy all of the time" d. "Juan love to meet new people"


65. Jenny stops her neighbors dog from being hit by a scooter. When she returns the dog to her neighbor, the neighbor says, "Thank you for saving Poochie Poo! How can I ever repay you?" Jenny, knows that someday she may need a favor from her neighbor. The idea of you help me, and I'll help you is a type of altruism called? a. Sexual attraction b. Reciprocal helping c. Sinister nature d. Learned kindness


68. Herman is interested in psychological research that includes promoting well-being through good habits. Herman is most likely a ______ psychologist. a. developmental b. health c. educational d. organizational


73. Dan is getting married. With all of the wedding plans and family conflicts surrounding the wedding, he wonders if the stress he's experiencing indicates that being married may be bad for his health. What have studies shown to be the most likely impact of marriage on Dan's health? a. People who are married always enjoy better health then single people. b. People who are happily married are generally healthier than single people. c. People who are single enjoy healthier lives than married people. d. As a man, Dan will be healthier married. Women, however, are not healthier.


75. Dr. Davidson is seeing two depressed clients: Bob and Diane. Bob has been severely depressed for a month. Diane has been mildly depressed for three years. Dr. Davidson will most likely diagnose Bob with ______ depressive disorder and Diane with ______ depressive disorder. a. persistent; major b. major; persistent c. mild; major d. major; mild


82. Jude returned from his first therapy session for borderline personality disorder. He was told about the three steps of ______. Today they began step 1: replacing his most extreme behaviors, like self-harm, with less destructive ones. a. electroconvulsive therapy b. dialectical behavior therapy c. cognitive behavioral therapy d. behavior modulation therapy


83. Lehua has a son that has been recently diagnosed with ADHD. She has been giving him Ritalin but has not seen an increase in his ability to pay attention. What is the MOST LIKELY reason for this? a. Ritalin does not work in people with ADHD. b. Ritalin works on decreasing negative behavior. c. Lehua's son must not have ADHD. d. Ritalin helps people with ADHD switch between tasks easier.


9. Since the neuron is the basic unit of our nervous system, it preforms a series a jobs. Which of the following is NOT similar to a job or function that is fulfilled by a neuron? a. A mailman sending communications. b. An interpreter translating information. c. An electrocution sending electrical impulses. d. A builder forming connections.


102. Shelby has borderline personality disorder and has been recently admitted to a psychiatric hospital. What treatment would her psychiatrist most likely recommend? a. Psychoanalytic therapy to resolve unconscious conflicts. b. Humanistic therapy to resolve extreme feelings of guilt. c. Dialectical behavior therapy to stop her dependence on others for validation. d. Operant conditioning therapy to increase associations with negative outcomes that result from her behavior.


13. Korro is walking to school thinking about the lobes of the cerebral cortex. He realizes that each of the lobes are active as he watches where he's going, hears the traffic around him, feels the breeze on his arms, and plans his day. The ______ lobe is responsible for his ability to plan ahead. a. parietal b. occipital c. frontal d. temporal


19. Steven is allergic to cats. While walking home be passes a cat and feels a faint stimulus on his leg. He rushes home to take benadryl but, before taking his medication, he realizes it was a false alarm. What sensation theory BEST describes what happened to Steven? a. Difference threshold b. Sensory adaptation c. Signal detection d. False rejection


24. Maggie is learning how to ride her bike and loses her balance. She falls and scrapes her knee sending an immediate pain signal from her leg to her brain. Which is MOST likely responsible for this process? a. Fast fibers b. Slow fibers c. Immediacy d. Pain fibers


25. Ian is learning how to knit. Even when he tries to complete a simple project he finds that the work requires his complete attention. His Grandma, who has been knitting for decades, can complete complex projects while talking or watching T.V., what explains the difference between Ian and his Grandma? a. Grandma learned to knit while talking to friends, so that has become an essential part of the knitting process for her. b. Ian is male and cannot multitask as effectively as his grandma who is female. c. Ian is learning a new and complex task, which requires increased effort and controlled processes. His Grandma has mastered knitting and it requires less attention. d. People of Ian's generation have less need for fine motor movement, essential for knitting, and have more skills to develop along with learning to knit.


36. Cynthia uses the same lullaby to put her daughter Taylor to sleep at night and for naps. When Taylor hears this music, no matter how energetic she may seem, she yawns and acts sleepy. Relating this to classical conditioning, which of the following would be the unconditioned stimulus? a. Time of day b. Taylor's yawning c. The lullaby d. Cynthia's consistency


38. Jenny decides to try an experiment on her little brother Joey while they are watching T.V. At the beginning of every commercial break Jenny offers Joey a piece of her candy. By the time their show is done, another commercial plays. Joey feels his mouth salivate, anticipates the candy, and reaches out his hand to Jenny for the expected candy. What type of conditioning is exhibited in this scenario? a. Classical b. Operant c. Both d. Neither


59. Hui Yi is worried about her daughter going to a party because there may be factors at the party that influence her daughter's behavior. Considering the reciprocal determinism model, which of the following factors should she NOT worry about? a. The environment of the party b. Her expectation of the party c. If she has been to similar parties d. Her level of self-confidence


64. Stanley Milgram performed a famous experiment. Many subjects agreed to administer lethal levels of electric shock to victims they believed were real people because they were told they could not stop by the experimenter. What was Milgram hoping to demonstrate with his study? a. Aggression b. Conformity c. Obedience d. Altruism


67. Sandra is a nurse at a long-term care facility. Her training primarily focused on the biological aspects of health and illness, but she has observed other factors that influence her patients. According to the biopsychosocial model, what other factors might be contributing to Sandra's patients' health or illness? a. Access to board games and blanket thickness b. Work history and medical history c. Psychological factors and social conditions d. Socioeconomic status and genetics


7. Cassandra grew up in a home that encouraged her to explore the environment. A few bruised legs, scraped elbows, and dirty hands later, she has developed a strong sense of independence and positive self-esteem. This is the best example of which stage of Erikson's model? a. Industry versus Inferiority b. Trust versus Mistrust c. Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt d. Identity versus Role Confusion


81. Your friend, Joyce, was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and started dialectical behavioral Therapy (DBT). She is excited to tell you about her session, especially how DBT is based on the idea of radical acceptance and has three steps. Which of the following does she not tell you about? a. Targeting extreme and dysfunctional behaviors. b. Explore past traumatic experience. c. Change harmful thought patterns. d. Development of self-report and problem solving


103. Ian has borderline personality disorder and cuts himself every night. His therapist recommends that after they focus on changing his self-harm behavior, they will focus on exploring past traumas and creating independence. Which therapy is the therapist using to treat Ian? a. Dialectical behavior b. Cognitive-behavioral c. Humanistic d. Psychodynamic


104. Dr. Hibbleton decided to prescribe Jamal with medication to help with ADHD. Dr. Hibbleton hoped that the medication would help Jamal work more effectively on tasks and be less impulsive. Dr. Hibbleton likely prescribed Jamal with ______ drugs like Ritalin and Adderall. a. anti-anxiety b. antidepressant c. mood stabilizer d. stimulant


106. Zachariah just earned his MD as a psychiatrist. He is excited to being working. What kind of employment is he most qualified to obtain? a. Teacher in universities, colleges, or high schools. b. Primarily research in university settings. c. Community outreach programs, crisis intervention, or pastoral counseling. d. Client treatment in hospitals or private practice.


107. Lambert's 6th grade teacher complains that he can't focus during class and likely has ADHD. Which method(s) could Lambert's parents use to help him? a. Psychotropic medication b. Behavior therapy c. Electroconvulsive therapy d. Both Medication and therapy


109. Cathy works with autistic children and just received a new patient, Jacky. Which program is she likely to use because of it's known effectiveness? a. Objective cognitive observation b. Subjective cognitive observation c. Observational behavioral analysis d. Applied behavioral analysis


111. Keahi has a therapist that is constantly inquiring about her thought patterns. What type of therapist does Keahi probably have? a. Psychodynamic b. Behavior c. Humanistic d. Cognitive


15. Strax has a hard time remembering the hypothalamus. He remembers that the thalamus is the sensory gateway and the Latin root of hypo means less or under. Therefore, he concludes that the hypothalamus deals with extra sensory information that occurs but is not focused on. Is Strax correct in his guess? a. Yes, he is correct in his guess. b. No, it regulates emotion. c. No, it controls special reasoning. d. No, it motivates our behavior


22. One of the unique attributes of the cuttlefish is that the sensory receptors and ganglion cells are in the exact reverse order compared the eye of a human. Which of the following is missing from the eyes of a cuttlefish, but is found in the eye of a typical human? a. Retina b. Fovea c. Iris d. Blind spot


28. Alexi is attached to an EEG in another room. A researcher is looking at the readings of the EEG and is trying to determine if Alexi is awake or asleep. Currently, Alexi's readings shows a flurry of beta wave activity. Which answer correctly identifies Alexi's conscious state? a. Alexi is asleep. This type of beta wave activity is associated with REM sleep when having an intense dream. b. Alexi is awake. Beta wave activity is only present when someone is awake. c. Alexi is falling asleep. Beta wave activity is only present when one is drifting off to sleep. d. Alexi could be asleep or awake. Beta wave activity is present when awake and when experiencing REM sleep


31. Horatio has been hypnotized by Harold the Horrible Hypnotizer! Harold commanded Horatio to rob a bank every time he hears the word "cash". But what Herold didn't know is that Horatio is extremely suggestible. What does this mean for the hypnotized Horatio? a. Because Horatio is extremely suggestible he is likely to ignore the command that Harold the Horrible Hypnotizer has given him. b. B. Horatio is likely to repress that he was hypnotized and will experience severe mood swings due to the trauma associated with his repressed memory. c. Because of Harold's horrible hypnotism, Horatio will wind up with Dissociative Identity Disorder as his central persona battles against the persona that Harold created during the hypnotism. d. Because Horatio is extremely suggestible, he is likely to obey the posthypnotic suggestion and will rob banks every time someone says the word "cash"!


40. Jerry is using operant conditioning to train his lion and gazelle to get along. He is following all the guidelines but it's not working! He cannot seem to prevent their defensiveness and aggression toward one another. The most plausible reason for this is that a. the animals were too old to relearn their habits. b. Jerry should have used Classical Conditioning instead. c. the two animals have personality differences that cannot be overcome. d. non-aggressive behavior between these two animals would go against their biological predispositions.


46. Trinity's brother shines a flashlight in her eyes, very briefly afterwards Trinity sees a trail of bright light in her visual field. Trinity is most likely using ______ storage at that moment? a. short-term b. long-term c. encoding d. sensory


48. Alegra has been playing piano since she was little. She tries to teach her friend but is unable to explain how to play - she can only show him. She doesn't even remember first learning herself. Alegra's knowledge about piano is most likely a(n) ______ memory. a. semantic b. episodic c. conditioned d. implicit


56. During the latest Salt Lake Comic Con, Camille accidently said "Sex Luther" instead of Lex Luther when answering questions about Superman. According to the psychodynamic theory, what is the cause of this Freudian slip? a. Ego b. Superego c. Preconscious d. Unconscious


61. When Gemini began high school she perceived herself as kind and friendly. After becoming a cheerleader, people perceived her as rude and stuck up. By the end of the year, Gemini perceived herself as rude and stuck up. Which of the following does this example illustrate? a. Outgroup stereotyping b. Fundamental attribution error c. Prejudice d. Self-fulfilling prophecy


63. Messer constantly talks about how much he loves fishing. However, every time he is invited to go fishing, he makes an excuse not to go. What kind of subconscious attitude is keeping Messer from fishing? a. Extroverted b. Explicit c. Conditioned d. Implicit


69. Susan and Aimee are done with finals! During finals week, they got together to bake cookies and watch movies. Aimee remembered a study that explained how their response to the stress of finals was called ______, and told Susan about it. a. fight and flight response b. negative stress response c. immune response d. tend and befriend response


70. Dolly is experiencing a lot of stress in her life. Her response to this stress is to protect and care for her children. What is the name of this type of stress response? a. Fight-or-flight b. Negative stress c. Mama bear d. Tend-and-befriend


71. Emery is experiencing stress because his parents just got divorced. Which of these is NOT a stress response that Emery might experience? a. Immune b. Fight -or-flight c. Negative stress d. Problem-focused


72. Tim works in disaster relief. He recently returned to a small town in the Midwest about a year after a devastating tornado. Tim was surprised to learn that some disaster victims were able to bounce back quickly, while others in were not able to recover as easily. What might explain this? a. Analytical personality types are able to plan better for disasters. b. Easy going personality types are less likely to report stressors. c. People with more stressors before a disaster take more time to recover. d. Some people display resilience that allow them to be more stress resistant.


74. Claud is dealing with a lot of stress. Which course of action would best help Claud get through this difficult time? a. Going out to drink after work. b. Staying home and avoiding his problems. c. Focusing on all the difficult things that are bringing him down. d. Engaging with a strong support system of people who care.


76. Instead of playing the football championship game, JT would buy cars and give them to complete strangers. He does not seem to be strange but that is just the product of the lack of sleep and visual hallucinations. JT is experience symptoms of which disorder? a. Major Depressive b. Bipolar 2 c. Persistent Depressive d. Bipolar 1


1. Laura is a structuralist and believes she will come to better understand the conscious mind by breaking it down and studying its basic components. Which of the following psychologists would be MOST interested in hearing more about Laura's research? a. Wilhelm Wundt b. William James c. Carl Rogers d. Sigmund Freud


100. Jane has an intense fear of snakes. Her counselor decides that it would be a good step for Jane to visit the zoo and approach the doors of the reptile center. The following week Jane is encouraged to go inside the reptile center. The 3rd week Jane is asked to walk around the reptile center and look at the snakes. Jane's counselor is using which type of treatment method? a. Systematic Desensitization b. Alternative c. Psychotropic d. Psychoanalytic


11. Enrique is teaching a friend about the chemical processes underlying the transmission of an action potential. He accidentally mixes up the chemicals. You correct him by saying, "the cell has a greater concentration of ____ inside and _____ outside. The latter rushes in and triggers an action potential." a. potassium; sodium b. potassium; calcium c. sodium; potassium d. sodium; calcium


12. When Opal sees a snake, her breathing becomes more shallow and her heart rate increases.This physiological stress response is initiated in which area of the brain? a. Hindbrain b. Midbrain c. Forebrain d. Frontbrain


15. Francis had a split-brain operation and wants to take his dog, Baloo, out for a walk. Francis locates Baloo's leash within his left visual field. What behavior would Francis NOT be able to perform based upon his split brain condition? a. Verbalize to Baloo, "I found your leash." b. Pick up the leash with his left hand. c. Visually see an object at close range. d. Walk in straight line.


18. Two of your professors are arguing about dreams! One of them is a biologist and insists that dreams mean nothing and are a result of the random firing of neurons. The other is a Freudian psychotherapist and says that dreams have great meaning. What theory is your biology professor referring to and what might be a way that your Freudian professor could refute it? a. Activation-synthesis theory; dreams are rarely as chaotic as might be expected if they're a result of random firing. b. B. Consolidation theory; dreams share too many commonalities with reality. c. C. Activation-synthesis theory; dreams don't happen with nearly as much frequency as the theory suggests. d. D. Hobson's Theory of Broken Dreaming; dreams are much too complex to be explained by the theory.


21. For the past few hours, Patrice has been watching Mickey Mouse follow her around the house. The visions experienced by Patrice are known as a/n _______ and they are a result of using a/n ______ drug called lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). a. hallucination; psychoactive b. delusion; depressant c. affect; stimulant d. episodes, opiate


24. Candy is just two weeks old. When her mom touches the side of her cheeks, she moves her head from side to side with her mouth open. What type of inborn reflex is Candy exhibiting? a. Rooting b. Sucking c. Grasping d. Flinching


27. Conner and Jayne are in middle school. One day they find a $20 dollar bill on the ground. Even though she wanted to keep the money, Jayne agrees to give the money to lost and found in order to gain Conner's approval. What stage of moral-reasoning is Jayne most likely in? a. Conventional level because Jayne is most concerned about social approval. b. Preconventional level because Jayne wants to do what's best for herself. c. Postconventional level because Jayne wants to do what's best for Connor. d. Transcendent level because Jayne is only 13 and already makes sound moral judgments.


33. Krishna is picking her grandfather up from the airport. However, when she waves to him he doesn't show any sign of recognition. Her grandfather's brain is having difficulty applying meaning to the visual stimulus he is receiving. What process is Krishna's grandfather most likely having difficulty with? a. Perception b. Sensation c. Physical stimulus d. Transduction


35. While Apollo is listening to mozart in his earphones, the ______ are being detected by the ______within the cochlea. a. sound waves, hair cells b. sound waves, ear canal c. auditory receptors, oval window d. auditory receptors, auditory cortex


40. The noise level in Silar's house is quite loud due to his seven rambunctious boys. Silar no longer notices how loud his home really is because he is exposed to the noise level on a daily basis. Silar is experiencing a. habituation. b. sensitization. c. association. d. modeling.


42. Nurse Randon assists doctors at the hospital anytime he hears an alarm start to buzz. Nurse Randon starts to notice his heart rate increasing anytime he hears an alarm, even while at home. Nurse Randon's experience best illustrates a. stimulus generalization. b. stimulus discrimination. c. response generalization. d. response discrimination.


50. Voldemort is playing with sparklers at the 4th of July work party. He notices that when he waves the sparkler around like a wand, he can see a brief trail of light behind the sparkler.This short maintenance system is what type of memory? a. Sensory storage b. Capacity storage c. Long-term storage d. Duration storage


51. At work, Jayesh relays information to different departments, and it can be tough to remember everything! He often rehearses details by repeating to himself until he can relay the messages. Jayesh maintains information in his ______ storage through processing in his ______ memory. a. short-term; working b. working; short-term c. short-term; long-term d. long-term; short-term


53. Blair has just moved to San Francisco and is surprised by her surroundings. The diverse culture and packed streets are not what she imagined. "Where are all the palm trees and surfers?" she thought. The newly discovered features did not fit her ______ of California. a. schema b. bias c. concept d. vision


62. Dr. Vienna is a brilliant physician, but has a terrible bedside manner. Whereas, Nurse Jack is able to easily recognize emotional needs of his patients. In this example, Dr. Vienna seems to have ______ intelligence, and Nurse Jack seems to have ______ intelligence. a. general, emotional b. crystallized, fluid c. interpersonal, analytical d. plastic, concrete


64. All of the following are types of intelligence within Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences EXCEPT: a. Emotional b. Musical c. Linguistic d. Interpersonal


67. Neema loves movies about shark attacks and watches them frequently. When Neema goes to the beach on vacation, she refuses to get in the ocean because she believes she'll be attacked by a shark. Neema's decision was most likely influenced by the ______ heuristic. a. availability b. representativeness c. framing d. base rate


7. Terrell is conducting research on undergraduate attitudes towards career placement. He places all students at UVU into either a control group or an experimental group. After data is collected, he runs statistical tests to determine if the data he received was consistent and measuring what he thinks it is measuring. Which of the following did Terrell NOT do? a. Take a random sample. b. Test for reliability c. Random assignment d. Test for validity


74. After a severe hurricane went through his neighborhood, Milgrim has been spending time helping out in his community to rebuild. Milgrim's altruistic behavior can be described as a. prosocial. b. bystander apathy. c. social obedience. d. compliance


79. When Jahmal won first place in the 100 meter dash at the state tournament, he credited his own hard work. When Jahmal received a D on his humanities exam he blamed the professor. Jamal's tendency to take credit for his success and blame others for his failures illustrates a. self-serving bias. b. sublimation. c. social cognitive theory. d. observation bias


82. Danni is teaching about the MBTI. Danni says that the MBTI is great because it organizes people into neat categories. If Danni is right, which sort of personality theory does the MBTI use as a foundation? a. Trait theory b. Type theory c. Class theory d. Corridor theory


83. Maddy received a promotion at work, which she attributes to her great work ethic alone. According to the expectancy theory, what value is being described? a. Internal locus of control. b. External locus of control. c. Reciprocal determinism. d. Trait approaches.


86. During a visit with his counselor Leo was asked to take the NEO Personality Inventory. This type of test is using what type of method to collect information from Leo? a. Self-report b. Observational c. Projective d. Subjective


87. Raven is doing well despite a hard life. Nevertheless, her therapist recommended she take the Rorschach Inkblot Test or the Thematic Apperception Test. Her therapist believes that by presenting her with ambiguous stimuli it will be possible to understand her unconscious mind. These are examples of which measurement? a. Projective b. Subjective c. Unconscious d. Objective


89. Dr. Zoidberg recently admitted four new patients into his psychiatric practice, one of which he diagnosed with Bipolar I disorder. Based on these brief descriptions, which of the following best characterizes this diagnosis? a. Annie, who has been in a severe manic state for over a week now. b. Oscar, who has been compulsively cleaning the entire hospital wing. c. Ferdinand, who has rarely eaten or gotten out of bed for three weeks. d. Richard, who has been suffering from panic attacks about twice a day.


97. Beatrice was a survivor of the largest hurricane on record. She has constant nightmares, intrusive thoughts, and flashbacks. What is she most likely experiencing? a. Posttraumatic stress disorder b. Bipolar 1 disorder c. Persistent depressive disorder d. Bipolar 2 disorder


99. Thadius is trying to find an effective psychotherapy program. He comes across a few programs but does not know if their treatments are more scientifically-based as being effective. What is a key feature that characterizes evidenced-based psychological treatments? a. Treatments that are replicable in a variety of situations. b. Treatments that give a time-specific indicator of expected results. c. Treatments that have worked in helping to treat your close friends. d. Treatments that have been tested on only one age group


22. Lila is trying to stop drinking coffee, but every time she tries to quit she begins to have headaches, muscle pain, and a hard time concentrating. She is having _______ symptoms due to _______ dependence to caffeine. a. tolerance; physical b. withdrawal; physical c. tolerance; psychological d. withdrawal; psychological


23. Yekaterina is pregnant and is having an ultrasound. The technician tells her that her child is forming a central nervous system, heart, and brain. Based on the information provided, Yekaterina's child is likely in the ______ period. a. fetal b. embryonic c. germinal d. blasturial


28. Last month Katia dressed in all black and spoke of how utterly meaningless life is. This month she has dyed her hair rainbow and won't stop preaching her beliefs about world peace and animal rights. According to Erikson, Katia is going through the ______ stage of development. a. trust vs. mistrust b. identity vs. role confusion c. industry vs. inferiority d. autonomy vs. shame and doubt


30. Grandma Ginny just celebrated her 70th birthday. Her children start to notice that she has become much more sentimental than usual. She is often found reading the Bible and looking through old photo albums. Which of Erikson's Psychosocial stages explains Grandma's behavior? a. Intimacy versus isolation b. Integrity versus despair c. Ignorance versus awareness d. Initiative versus guilt


4. Janelle interviewed community members on their attitudes toward religious groups. Janelle assured participants that all interview records are locked in a secure location that only she and her research assistant can access. Janelle is following the IRB's rules about maintaining the participants' a. consent. b. confidentiality. c. anonymity. d. privacy.


41. Skylar attempts to classically condition her hedgehog to flair out its quills at the flash of a light. Skylar knows that poking the hedgehog gets the desired behavior. In order the condition the hedgehog to flair out its quills at the flash of a light, Skylar must a. flash the light well before poking the hedgehog. b. flash the light and poke the hedgehog at the same time. c. flash the light well after poking the hedgehog. d. flash the light without poking the hedgehog.


45. Lafeyette hates wearing her seatbelt. However, she puts it on because she can't stand the annoying dinging noise that only goes away once she puts her seat belt on. According to principles of operant conditioning, Lafeyette was being a. positively reinforced. b. negatively reinforced. c. positively punished. d. negatively punished


46. At two months old, Melissa started to smile in response to her mother smiling at her. At a year old, she watched her sister get sent to time-out because she stole a cookie and so Melissa learned not to steal cookies. In the first example, Melissa learned by _____; while in the second example, she learned by a. vicarious conditioning; modeling. b. modeling; vicarious conditioning. c. insight learning; vicarious conditioning. d. vicarious conditioning; insight learning.


47. Alexandra's grandmother roll up the bus window whenever they ride together because she believes an open window makes you sick. What is Alexandra likely to do when she rides the bus on her own? a. She will think her grandmother is senile b. She will also roll up the window while riding the bus c. She will keep the window down due to traditional biases. d. She will ask someone for help to roll up the window


48. Ronaldo doesn't like to watch the Winter Olympics because he flinches whenever the ice skaters fall. It is as if he feels the pain of their fall. This is an example of _____ activation. a. sensory b. mirror c. replica d. motor


5. Asis, a social psychologist researcher, wanted to understand why large crowds gathered outside the Provo Library to play the popular mobile game, Pokemon Go. Asis begins to search through peer reviewed articles in hopes of discovering a foundation of interconnected concepts upon which to build her scientific study. Asis is searching for a a. hypothesis. b. theory. c. correlation. d. question.


52. Tasha, who's running for governor, is working with her staff on debate preparation. Her chief of staff recommends using elaborative rehearsal in order to encode important information into long term memory. What would be the best option for Tasha to use if she wants to take her chief of Staff's advice? a. Reading news reports over and over so she is up to date on current events. b. Associating current events with her personal experiences and prior knowledge c. Maintaining a notebook of important current events that affect people in her state d. Appointing research assistants to create visually appealing graphs and charts.


56. Wilfred, a World War II veteran, served in a significantly large battle. When visiting the site of the battlefield over six decades later, Wilfred found that he was able to recall his memories in vivid detail. What was Wilfred's brain using to access memories of the battle? a. Dormant Memory Retrieval b. Retrieval Cues c. Post-traumatic Memory Bias d. Context-dependent Memory


58. Napoleon believes he is an excellent fisher. Every time he tells stories of the fish he has caught he remembers them being bigger and bigger. Napoleon's story changing over time is an example of a. flash-bulb memories. b. memory bias. c. misattribution. d. suggestibility.


65. In her PSY 1010 class, Gia is asked to take a simple memory test. Her professor explains that tests like these are used to measure general intelligence. Gia is worried because she believes she doesn't have a very good memory. Gia shouldn't worry because test scores from these types of tests are closely related to memory, which can be increased with practice! a. long-term b. working c. active d. episodic


66. Dr. Sanchez has been working for years to develop an emotional intelligence (EI) assessment. Much of her time has been spent refining the definition of EI and establishing the ______ of her measure by assuring it actually measures EI as she's defining it. Now Dr. Sanchez is working on establishing ______ by assuring that assessment scores are consistent over time. a. reliability; validity b. validity; reliability c. continuity; validity d. validity; continuity


70. It could be argued that the explosion in popularity of superheroes in recent years has a lot to do with the fact that people are repeatedly exposed to them. In other words, it has a lot to do with the _____ exposure effect. a. social b. mere c. repetitive d. conditioning


71. Casey feels conflicted because she shops at grocery stores that carry meat and eggs from farms that mistreat their animals. She feels bad that animals are mistreated, but still wants to buy conventionally farmed beef. Casey is experiencing a. moral confliction. b. cognitive dissonance. c. cognitive confusion. d. postdecisional dissonance.


72. What would be a social norm that we adhere to in our culture today? a. Stopping at a stop sign. b. Using a fork and knife while we eat. c. Voting for civic leaders. d. Buckling your seatbelt


77. Jeremiah gets cut off in traffic. He turns to his friend and says, "Maybe they're rushing to the hospital? I hope they're okay!" What kind of attribution is Jeremiah making? a. Personal b. Situational c. Fundamental d. Crisis


78. Zimi moved from the Antarctic to Arizona for school. It was strange to him that everyone wore winter coats when it was only 60 degrees outside. To gain acceptance and avoid feeling judged Zimi wore a coat, even though he was warm and sweaty. Why is Zimi wearing the coat despite his discomfort? a. Informational influence b. Normative influence c. Compliance d. Obedience


8. Candice wants to create a computer model of the nervous system. She asks her friend Mei what the "basic unit" of the nervous system is so that she can start her model. What should Mei's response be? a. The brain b. The neuron c. The spinal cord d. Nerves


81. Paul and Lucy are discussing the complementary nature of their personalities. For example, while Paul is very organized and self-disciplined, Lucy is very easy-going and flexible. Paul is likely high in the ______ factor of personality, while Lucy is not. a. openness-to-experience b. conscientiousness c. extraversion d. agreeableness


88. Every time Horatio thinks about stuffed animals or is near stuffed animals he experiences an intense amount of fear. Horatio worries a lot and is often quite tense. Based on the information provided, Horatio is most likely experiencing which type of disorder? a. Elimination b. Anxiety c. Paraphilic d. Somatic


90. Gary has schizophrenia. He is experiencing multiple symptoms, such as a lack of emotion, and empathy. What type of symptoms is Gary experiencing? a. Positive b. Negative c. Repressive d. Depressive


16. One night, Shushanna dreamed that she suffocated in the middle of a chaotic tornado. What is not a possible latent content interpretation of this dream? a. Shushanna feels suffocated with boredom in her life. b. Shushanna drowned herself in stress by overloading her schedule. c. Shushanna recently survived a tornado. d. Shushanna feels blown about by the many competing roles in her life.


17. Talia, a sleep lab technician, observes brain activity while people sleep in order to help diagnose and treat sleep disorders. She comes in to work in the middle of a sleep study to see predominantly delta waves on the EEG. The person sleeping is most likely in ______ sleep. a. stage 1 b. stage 2 c. slow-wave d. REM


20. Dr. Gomez uses hypnosis in her therapy practice. Although hypnosis does not work for everyone, it has been very effective at alleviating anxiety for her client, Risa. What most likely is the reason that hypnosis works so well for Risa? a. Dr. Gomez is an exceptionally skilled hypnotist. b. Risa dislikes the idea of having anxiety more than she dislikes being hypnotized. c. Risa has a suggestible personality. d. Dr. Gomez only uses hypnosis on clients who are easily distracted.


26. Gordon is playing on the floor. When his mom leaves the room he keeps playing and exhibits no distress. When his mom returns to the room and reaches for him he ignores her. Gordon is exhibiting which type of attachment? a. Ambivalent b. Secure c. Avoidant d. Distant


29. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development which stage would a child begin to think logically about objects and events? a. Sensorimotor b. Preoperational c. Concrete operational d. Formal operational


3. Richard recently read an article comparing brain processes to a computer. He read that sensory experiences act as an input, which the brain processes and produces a behavior from. Curious, Richard decides he wants to learn more. Which subfield of Psychology should Richard study? a. Clinical b. Developmental c. Cognitive d. Social


37. Following a recent shaving incident, Rocco's thalamus ceased processing gustatory information. As a result of this incident, Rocco most likely a. avoided bitter foods, because the bitterness was too strong. b. discovered a dislike towards candy and chips due to their taste. c. increased his intake of broccoli, as he could not taste the bitterness. d. became a supertaster.


38. When we experience touch above the neck, the information is sent directly to the brain. When touch is experienced below the neck, the information is sent to the spinal cord and then to the brain via spinal nerves. In both cases, information travels first through the ______ and then to the a. hippocampus; pressure receptors. b. papillae; fast fibers. c. thalamus; somatosensory cortex. d. cerebrum; olfactory bulb.


43. Bodster is a dog that has already learned to associate the sound of the electric can opener with the appearance of food. One day the electric can opener breaks and Bodster's owner uses a manual can opener. Based on the cognitive model of classical learning, what behavior will Bodster more likely exhibit with the potential conditioned stimulus? a. Not be aware of the environment that might produce the food. b. Will be unable to pair being fed with use of the new can opener. c. Will pay more attention to the new stimulus and associate it with food. d. Not be able to accommodate the new stimulus into its schema.


44. Kai has been hired to train a hedgehog to complete a series of stunt jumps in a film. Hedgehogs do not jump in the wild, and Kai is having trouble training the hedgehog using his usual operant conditioning techniques. What is the best explanation for Kai's failure to train the hedgehog? a. Kai needs to use classical conditioning in order to train the hedgehog. b. Operant conditioning only works on humans, not animals. c. Animals struggle to learn behaviors that go against biological predispositions. d. The hedgehog is a bit of a prima donna and jumping isn't in his contract


49. Lucian is organizing his books. He wants to be able to visually identify each book by color. In order to limit the amount of time he needs to attend to find a book, Lucian a. randomly places the books on the shelf. b. organizes the books by alphabetically. c. places all the same color books together. d. organizes the books as a rainbow.


54. Miles has been driving for one year. At first, driving took considerable conscious thought and deliberation but now it has become an automatized behavior. In other words, driving was originally involved ______ memory, but now it relies on _____ memory. a. semantic; implicit b. implicit; explicit c. explicit; implicit d. explicit; semantic


57. Beyonce is sick of her boyfriend ignoring her while she's talking. She yells, "Are you even listening?" In less than a second, he's able to repeat the last few words she'd spoken, despite his lack of attention, due to his ______ memory. a. long-term b. perceptual c. sensory d. iconic


59. John and Yolanda were both in the same elementary school class. One day, the teacher asked them to draw a dog. John drew his own dog. Yolanda did not own a dog and so she simply drew a slender four legged animal covered in fur, with a tail and a long snout. John employed the _____ approach to categorization, while Yolanda used the ____ approach to categorization. a. prototype; exemplar b. concept; prototype c. exemplar; prototype d. concept; exemplar


61. Huntley is studying for the GRE in preparation for grad school. She has only studied for the math portion and performs well indicating she has strong problem-solving skills. According to Spearman's view of general intelligence, how will Huntley do on the verbal reasoning portion of the GRE? a. She will not perform well as verbal reasoning tasks are a different factor. b. She will not be able to flexibly use or manage her fluid intelligence. c. She will perform well as these tasks have the same underlying factor. d. She will perform well due to her strong analytical and creative skills.


63. Snickers the black cat is terrific at solving mazes and puzzles. According to the triarchic theory of intelligence which type of intelligence best describes Snickers? a. Practical b. Creative c. Analytical d. General


69. Jacek and Gofraidh both failed the microbiology midterm. Jacek believes he failed the test because _____ while Jacek believes Gofraidh failed the test because _____; this thought pattern is due to actor/observer bias. a. he was not smart enough; the test was too hard b. the test was too hard; the teacher personally hated him c. the test was too hard; he was not smart enough d. The teacher personally hated him; the test was too hard


75. Sharon and Maria are best friends that grew up next door to each other and attended the same grade school. What concept offers the best explanation for their friendship? a. Compliance b. Deindividuation c. Proximity d. Social Facilitation


85. During a psychotherapy session, Constantine is asked to participate in an inkblot test. His therapist explains that this kind of test will reveal his unconscious thoughts. What method to assess personality is being used? a. Self-report measures b. Observational measures c. Projective measures d. Subjective measures


9. Captain Action Potential is traveling down the Axon Road with his men in order to escape the Cell Body and to join his reinforcements at the Terminal Buttons. Captain Action Potential's journey would go much faster if he used the fatty layer known as the ______ to reach his destination. a. synapse b. cerebral cortex c. myelin sheath d. neurotransmitter


92. Carl has been in and out of prison his entire adult life. He is willing to hurt others to get what he wants and doesn't really feel guilty about the things he has done. Carl's parole officer suspects that Carl suffers from what personality disorder? a. Histrionic Personality Disorder b. Narcissistic Personality Disorder c. Antisocial Personality Disorder d. Avoidant Personality Disorder


93. Due to childhood trauma Konner is predisposed to depression. However, the depression did not manifest until he was taking care of his newborn baby, applying to graduate school, and working two jobs. What best explains Konner's depression? a. Disposition-active approach b. Biopsychosocial approach c. Diathesis-stress model d. Biostress model


94. Charmayne has difficulty making friends and gets nervous around groups of people. Her mother has a hard time even convincing her to go to school. What is she most likely to be diagnosed with? a. Agoraphobia b. Generalized anxiety disorder c. Social anxiety disorder d. Panic disorder


10. Carmelo is driving through the mountains late at night. All of a sudden a deer jumps in front of his car! Carmelo instantly slams on his brakes and swerves out of the way. What neurotransmitter is Carmelo abundantly releasing at this moment? a. Glutamate b. Serotonin c. Endorphins d. Norepinephrine


14. Yolanda has been feeling discouraged this semester because she feels she will never be able to improve her memory and study skills. During one of her PSY 1010 lectures she discovers that the brain has the ability to change and adapt, which makes it possible to learn. Which property of the brain did Yolanda learn about? a. Adaptability b. Meditation c. Assimilation d. Plasticity


19. Antoinnette is concerned about something her husband does in the middle of the night. After being asleep for about 90 minutes to an hour, her husband kicks, screams, punches, and sometimes even jumps out of bed. Her husband is showing symptoms of a. narcolepsy. b. somatization disorder. c. sleep apnea. d. REM behavior disorder.


2. Grover set a goal to be aware of those around him. In his journal, he writes down observations concerning what makes people feel happier and more fulfilled. Grover most likely belongs to which psychological school of thought? a. Functionalism b. Cognitive c. Gestalt theory d. Humanistic


25. Zoe just got pregnant with her first child. She found out rather fast and the baby was still in the first stage of development. What phase is the Zoe's baby currently in? a. Zygote b. Embryonic c. Fetal d. Germinal


31. When Dallas started his shift as a bartender, he could barely hear the orders over the noise. However, after the first hour he had no trouble hearing every order. Which of the following best describes this example? a. absolute threshold b. difference threshold c. signal detection theory d. sensory adaptation


32. Brooke is watching a beautiful fireworks show. What is the proper order that light would travel through her eye to reach her retina? a. Pupil → Cornea → Lens → Retina → Iris b. Cornea→ Lens → Iris → Pupil → Retina c. Retina → Pupil → Iris → Lens → Cornea d. Cornea → Iris → Pupil → Lens → Retina


36. Kevin is suffering from a painful ear infection in his middle ear, and is having trouble hearing. He asks his friend why his hearing has gotten so bad. What basic explanation should his friend give about what is happening to Kevin's hearing? a. The bending of hair cells in the ear prevent him from hearing properly. b. The fluid in the cochlea becomes hardened and affects his auditory perception. c. The outer ear has been damaged during the infection and caused hearing disruption. d. Fluid has built up behind the eardrum and the membrane cannot vibrate properly.


39. Archimedes has sprained his wrist from writing math equations all week. He felt a sharp, crippling pain at first and stopped writing then the pain continued as a dull and constant ache. What type of fibers initially signaled Archimedes to stop writing and which continued after the sprain? a. active; inactive b. acute; incessant c. rapid; chronic d. fast; slow


6. Neva, who teaches ballroom dance, wants to investigate if there is a causal link between participating in the ballroom dance program and getting better grades. What method of research would best help Neva meet her goal? a. An observational study b. Survey research c. Case study d. An experimental study


60. Gotham City is in trouble! Batman has no clue what to do. He steps outside for some air, when instantly he has a great idea! How did Batman use problem solving to achieve his goal? a. Working backward b. Subgoals c. Restructuring d. Sudden insight


68. Henry is a sophomore. He currently has a lot on his plate and needs to evaluate his life. Based off of Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which of the following should be last on his list? a. Eating a big balanced breakfast. b. Establishing a good reputation. c. Earning enough money for rent. d. Finding a date for next week.


73. Stanley Milgram wanted to find out what factors influence people to follow orders when given by an authority figure. He found that most people would follow even hideous orders given by insistent authority figures. This experiment displays factors of a. compliance. b. deindividuation. c. conformity. d. obedience.


76. Jason has been in a few difficult situations recently. As he is telling his friend about them, his friend points out some of Jason's attribution biases and errors. Which of the following is a demonstration of a fundamental attribution error? a. "That test was so hard! That's why I failed." b. "I'll be honest, I got lost because the map I had was pretty bad." c. "That driver that cut me off was in a hurry." d. "We got into a fight, but it's because he's so violent!"


80. Despite his family's insistence that he takes over the family business, Hugo decided to pursue a different career. Hugo's family showed great disappointment, yet Hugo felt a sense of great achievement. Hugo's sense of self was influenced by an ______ culture as opposed to his family's ______ culture. a. collectivist; individualist b. conformity; self-serving c. self-serving; conformity d. individualist; collectivist


84. At a parent teacher conference, Tamir and Angela are talking about their children. Tamir says that his daughter has always been timid. Angela says her son has always been very outgoing. Tamir and Angela are describing their children's ______, which is an ______ quality. a. temperament; learned b. behavior; unstable c. behavior; stable d. temperament; innate


91. Amilcara woke up in the in the middle of Kansas without any memory of the last three months. When we asked around, she found out that the went by Anna. She even had different behaviors and mannerisms. Which of the following would best explain this behavior? a. Multiple personality disorder b. Dissociative amnesia c. Disoriented identity disorder d. Dissociative fugue


95. Milly is playing hide and go seek with her friends. She hides in a tiny closet. When the door shuts, she feels like she can't breathe and is extremely afraid of suffocating. Milly most likely has which type of anxiety disorder? a. Generalized anxiety disorder b. Phobia c. Panic disorder d. Agoraphobia


96. Darcy has constant, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts about clowns nearly all day. What is she most likely experiencing? a. Compulsions b. Agoraphobia c. Depression d. Obsessions


98. Octavia was severely abused as a child. Now, she occasionally has amnesia and can't remember what happens during her day. However, her friends tell her that during her blackouts she claims to be a man named Jeff. What disorder is Octavia likely experiencing? a. Schizotypal personality b. Protector split identity c. Gender split personality d. Dissociative identity disorder


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