PSY422 Final Exam Practice

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___________ cues help us remember information that has been stored in memory


The analogy that makes the solution to the mutilated checkerboard problem obvious is the _________________ problem.

Russian marriage

In the experiment conducted by Viskontas and coworkers using picture pairs, a participant's later experience of familiarity with a particular pair was coded as ________.


In evaluating retrieval rates for category information for a concept, Collins and Quillian's semantic network approach would predict the slowest reaction times for which of the following statements using a sentence verification technique?

A field sparrow is an animal

Which example below best demonstrates state-dependent learning? a. Although Emily doesn't very often think about her first love, Steve, she can't help getting caught up in happy memories when "their song" (the first song they danced to) plays on the radio. b. Carmen always suffers test anxiety in her classes. To combat this, she tries to relax when she studies. She thinks it's best to study while lying in bed, reading by candlelight with soft music playing. c. Last night, at the grocery store, DeShaun ran into a psychology professor he took a class with three semesters ago. He recognized her right away. d. Even though Walt hasn't been to the beach cottage his parents owned since he was a child, he still has many fond memories of time spent there as a family.

Although Emily doesn't very often think about her first love, Steve, she can't help getting caught up in happy memories when "their song" (the first song they danced to) plays on the radio.

According to the hub and spoke model, which area of the brain serves as the hub?

Anterior temporal lobe

In an effort to get his sister Sharon to vaccinate her young children, Frank compiled the results from many scientific research studies that show the long-term health benefits of childhood vaccines. Yet when Frank presented the information to Sharon, she refused to believe him, stating that the research was clearly faked by large pharmaceutical companies. Sharon not only said that vaccines are risky but also now claims they are poisonous. What occurred in the conversation between Frank and Sharon?

Backfire effect

Which of the following statements does NOT apply to the results of research on differences between how experts and novices solve problems? a. Experts often spend more time analyzing problems than novices. b. Experts possess more knowledge about their fields than novices. c. Being an expert in one field can transfer to better problem solving in another field. d. Experts often organize problems differently than novices, based on principles.

Being an expert in one field can transfer to better problem solving in another field

Which of the following activities would require Type 2 cognitive processing?

Choosing an entree from a menu

Which statement below is most closely associated with levels of processing theory? a. People who were sad when they studied did better when they were sad during testing. b. Information enters memory by passing through a number of levels, beginning with sensory memory, then short-term memory, then long-term memory. c. Deep processing involves paying closer attention to a stimulus than shallow processing and results in better processing. d. Events that are repeated enough can influence our behavior, even after we have forgotten the original events.

Deep processing involves paying closer attention to a stimulus than shallow processing and results in better processing

Which of the following does NOT reflect the System 1 approach to thinking as proposed by Kahneman? a. Passive b. Rapid c. Deliberate d. Automatic


Which of the following is most commonly associated with music-enhanced autobiographical memories (MEAMS)?


Within the context of studying, which of the following would be related to an illusion?


What is likely to occur if a person sustains damage to the parietal lobe of the brain?

Image processing will be reduced by half

Which of the following is not true about divergent thinking? a. It is open-ended. b. It is the cornerstone of creativity. c. It has a single correct answer. d. It has a large number of potential solutions.

It has a single correct answer

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates how effective or ineffective maintenance rehearsal is in transferring information into long-term memory? a. Serena's keys were stolen from her purse. She cannot give a detailed description of her keychain to the police, even though she used it every day for three years. b. Renee starred in the lead role of her high school play a few years ago. Although she helped write the play and based her character on her own life, she cannot remember many of the actual lines of dialogue anymore. c. Ben learned his martial arts moves by making up "short stories" and mental images to describe each movement. d. Sanjay recalls his grandmother's house where he grew up, even though he hasn't been there for 22 years.

Serena's keys were stolen from her purse. She cannot give a detailed description of her keychain to the police, even though she used it every day for three years.

The other day, Thuy experienced a Proustian effect memory. What did Thuy likely do to trigger this experience?

Smell perfume

James Nairne would say that effective encoding of memory is based on which of the following?


Which of the following is a nonverbal component of communication?

Theory of mind

Which type of research employed a "train on perception, test on perception" method to demonstrate imagery/perception overlap?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

Ellen is 52 years old. Which of the following experiences has most likely faded from her memory?

Winning the first grade spelling bee

Which set of stimuli would be the best selection for having people perform a lexical decision task?

Words "pizza, history" and nonwords "pibble, girk"

Amber lives in a housing development between two parallel streets that both connect to a freeway. She usually takes the street to the south when heading southbound on the freeway to work, but that street is closed for repairs for three months. Amber takes the street to the north during that time. After the street to the south is re-opened, she continues to take the street to the north, even though it is a slightly longer route. Continuing to take the street to the north represents

a mental set

"You can't have any pudding unless you eat your meat," says a man to his son at the dinner table. This is an example of

a permission schema

The propositional approach may use any of the following EXCEPT: a. a spatial layout. b. abstract symbols. c. a statement. d. an equation.

a. a spatial layout

Tuan bought a new leather jacket after saving for many months for the luxury purchase. On the first day he went out wearing the new garment, he found a $50 bill on the sidewalk outside of his office. He now refers to the jacket as his "lucky jacket" and believes that it has some magical power to give him good fortune. Tuan's belief in the jacket's cosmic ability is an example of

an illusory correlation

Dr. Chan is doing a follow-up study to the mutilated checkerboard problem experiment. In this new study, participants solve the following shoe problem before tackling the checkerboard problem. By doing this, Dr. Chan is studying the effect of _________________ on problem solving. The shoe problem: A first-grade class is using a trampoline in gym class, so all the children have removed their shoes, which are all jumbled in a large pile. One of the students, Miguel, is leaving early, so the teacher tells him to grab his shoes and report to the lobby. In his hurry, Miguel grabs two identical left-footed, size 6 red sneakers and runs to his mother still sock-footed. Will the remaining students be able to shoe-up with the remaining shoes without getting a foot-ache?


Learning takes place in a connectionist network through a process of ___________ in which an error signal is transmitted starting from the property units

back propagation

Peggy is participating in a paired-associate learning experiment. During the study period, she is presented with pairs of words such as boat- hat and car- house. While taking the test, she would be presented with

boat _______ - car ________

Mantyla's "banana/yellow, bunches, edible" experiment demonstrates that for best memory performance, retrieval cues should be created

by the person whose memory will be tested

Which of the choices best represents cognitive economy in the following sentence? The property _______is stored at the _______node

can fly; bird

Two different definitions of ___________ offered by your book include (a) "the mental representation of a class or individual," and (b) "categories of objects, events, and abstract ideas."


In the "word list" false memory experiment where several students incorrectly remembered hearing the word sleep, false memory occurs because of

constructive memory processes

Intermediate states can be created by

creating subgoals

If you are given the information that in order to vote in a presidential election, you must be at least 18 years of age, and that Will voted in the last presidential election, you can logically conclude that Will is at least 18 years old. This is an example of using _________________ reasoning.


Not all of the members of everyday categories have the same features. Most fish have gills, fins, and scales. Sharks lack the feature of scales, yet they are still categorized as fish. This poses a problem for the ___________ approach to categorization.


According to the levels of processing theory, memory durability depends on the depth at which information is


Tanenhaus and coworkers' eye movement study presented participants with different pictures for interpreting the sentence, "Put the apple on the towel in the box." Their results showed the importance of ____________________ in how we understand sentences in real-life situations.

environmental context

Mental imagery involves

experiencing a sensory impression in the absence of sensory input

A lesson to be learned from the research on flashbulb memories is that

extreme vividness of a memory does not mean it is accurate

In its discussion of expertise and problem solving, your text identifies the kind of scientists who are most likely to make revolutionary discoveries in their fields. This particular discussion suggests that _________________ may be more important than _________________ in creative thinking.

flexibility; experience

The concept of reconsolidation is based on the ________ of retrieved memories.


The idea that the rules governing the grouping of words in a sentence is the primary determinant of the way a sentence is parsed is part of the ____________________ approach to parsing.

garden path

In New Guinea, tribes that had been isolated for centuries were found that they

had a large number of sophisticated language systems

Noam Chomsky proposed that

humans are genetically programmed to acquire and use language

In the Tower of Hanoi problem, the _________________ state involves having three discs stacked on the left peg, with the middle and right pegs empty.


Chaz is listening to his grandma reminisce about the first time she danced with his grandpa 60 years ago. When his grandma says, "It seemed like the song would play forever," Chaz understands that it is more likely his grandma was listening to a radio playing and not a CD. This understanding requires Chaz use a(n)

instrument inference

In the two-string problem, tying the pliers to one of the strings best represents a(n) _________________ state.


Consider the following conditional syllogism: Premise 1: If I don't eat lunch today, I will be hungry tonight. Premise 2: I ate lunch today. Conclusion: Therefore, I wasn't hungry tonight. This syllogism is


Shepard and Metzler measured the time it took for participants to decide whether two objects were the same (two different views of the same object) or different (two different objects). These researchers inferred cognitive processes by using

mental chronometry

Kosslyn's transcranial magnetic stimulation experiment on brain activation that occurs in response to imagery found that the brain activity in the visual cortex

plays a causal role in both perception and imagery

Spreading activation

primes associated concepts

Rosch found that participants respond more rapidly in a same-different task when presented with "good" examples of colors such as "red" and "green" than when they are presented with "poor" examples such as "pink" and "light green." The result of this experiment was interpreted as supporting the ___________ approach to categorization.


Experimental evidence suggesting that the standard model of consolidation needs to be revised are data that show that the hippocampus was activated during retrieval of ___________ memories.

recent and remote episodic

B.F. Skinner, the modern champion of behaviorism, proposed that language is learned through


You have been studying for weeks for a nursing school entrance exam. You love the idea of becoming a nurse, and you have been enjoying learning about the material for your exam. Each night, you put on comfortable clothes and study in the quiet of your lovely home. Memory research suggests you should take your test with a(n) ________ mindset.


Retrograde amnesia is usually less severe for ______ memories.


Gestalt psychologists consider problem solving as a process involving

reorganization or restructuring

Elaborative rehearsal of a word will LEAST likely be accomplished by

repeating it over and over

Which of the following is key to the illusory truth effect?


Coherence refers to the

representation of the text in a reader's mind so that information in one part of the text is related to information in another part of the text

Warmth judgments on nearness to a solution _________________ prior to the solution of an insight problem and _________________prior to the solution of a non-insight problem.

rise suddenly just; gradually rise

In the context of language, another term for "heuristics" is ________.


According to the ___________ approach, there are certain types of concepts that have specific neural circuits in the brain.

semantic category

The word frequency effect refers to the fact that we respond more

slowly to low-frequency words than high-frequency words

The "wedding reception" false memory experiment shows that false memories can be explained as a product of familiarity and

source misattribution

The principle that we encode information together with its context is known as encoding


Complete the following analogy: Perception is to ________ as imagery is to ________.

stone; smoke

The standard model of consolidation proposes that the hippocampus is

strongly active when memories are first formed and being consolidated but becomes less active when retrieving older memories that are already consolidated

In drawing conclusions about the relationship between imagery and perception, a notable difference between them is that

t is harder to manipulate mental images than perceptual images

Trinh is a famous chef. Since she does not like to share her secret family recipes, she does not write down her special creations, which makes it difficult to remember their ingredients. To aid her memory, she has created a unique "mental walk" that she takes to recall each recipe. For each one, she has a familiar "route" she can imagine walking through (e.g., from the end of her driveway to her living room) where she places each item in the recipe somewhere along the way (e.g., fish sauce splattered on the front door). By doing so, Trinh is using ___________ to organize her memories.

the method of loci

At a lunch meeting with a client, the CEO of Gossip Polls, Inc., was asked to determine America's favorite day of the week. Hundreds of Gossip employees across the U.S. started collecting data immediately, calling people at their residences. One hour later, the attitudes from 10,000 Americans, across all 50 states, were collected. A staff member called the CEO, still at her lunch meeting, to tell her the results of the poll: America's favorite day of the week is Monday. Given your text's discussion of inductive reasoning in science, we might suspect that the observations in this poll are not representative because

the people who are home to answer the phone in the early afternoon are not an appropriate cross-section of the U.S. population

The repeated reproduction technique used in memory studies involves

the same participants remembering some information at longer and longer intervals after learning the information

Consider the following syllogism: All cats are birds. All birds have wings. All cats have wings.


Recent research on memory, based largely on fear conditioning in rats, indicates that

when a memory is reactivated, it becomes capable of being changed or altered, just as it was immediately after it was formed

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