PSYC 2060 Ch. 10

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"Fostering a Community of Learners" is a program developed for individuals of which age? A. 2 to 5 years old B. 6 to 12 years old C. 13 to 15 years old D. 16 to 20 years old


"Fostering a Community of Learners" is a program that promotes reflection and discussion using all of the following strategies except which one? A. Traditional teacher-directed learning B. Adults serving as role models C. Children teaching other children D. Online computer consultation


"Schools for Thought" uses a combination of elements from which other social constructivist programs? A. Jasper Project, Fostering a Community of Learners, and Computer Supported Intentional Learning Environments B. Jasper Project, Collaborative School, and Reciprocal Teaching C. Reading Recovery, Success for All, and Fostering a Community of Learners D. Reading Recover, Success for All, and the Jasper Project


A recent analysis involving strict criteria for evidence of research support revealed that PALS has potentially positive outcomes in which of the following areas? A. Math concepts B. Reading achievement C. Technology D. Bilingual education


During their initial planning session, Michelle's group has divided up who will work on each of the Civil War leaders. Trent will study Robert E. Lee; Skye will study Ulysses Grant; Lionel will focus on Abraham Lincoln; and Lisa will complete the puzzle by studying Jefferson Davis. Then they will come back and share what they learned with each other. Without knowing anything else, which cooperative learning method do you think this sounds most like? A. STAD B. Jigsaw C. Learning Together D. Group Investigation E. Cooperative Scripting


When using peer tutoring, all of the following strategies are recommended except which one? A. Use same-age tutoring rather than cross-age tutoring whenever possible. B. Let students participate in the role of both tutor and tutee. C. Spend some time training tutors prior to beginning tutoring sessions. D. Communicate with parents that their child will be involved in peer tutoring.


When working in cooperative groups, the role of the gatekeeper is best described as which of the following? A. Thinking about and evaluating the group's progress B. Equalizing the participation of students in the group C. Helping with academic content D. Monitoring the group's noise level


Heterogeneous grouping refers to which of the following? A. Grouping students on the basis of ability B. Grouping students by gender C. Grouping students by ethnic background D. Grouping students with diversity in ability, gender, and ethnic background.


In cooperative groups, the role of the encourager is best described as which of the following? A. Ensuring students ask questions and that the group answers them B. Enhancing motivation and bringing out reluctant students C. Thinking about and evaluating the group's progress D. Helping with academic content


Students of middle ability are likely to perform best in groups with students of: A. Low ability B. High ability C. Medium ability D. A mixture of all ability levels


Tutors and mentors can provide which of the following benefits to students? A. One-on-one help that classroom teachers are typically unable to give B. Specialized assistance in reading, math and other areas C. Strengthened network of support D. All of the above


Mrs. Leland has noticed some of the groups get into trouble during cooperative learning. She has noticeably winced after seeing students engaging in name-calling, refusing to work together, and remaining removed from the rest of the group. Which team-building tip should be the first and most appropriate for Mrs. Leland to follow? A. Give students an opportunity to create a fun product together. B. Engage students in active listening. C. Discuss the value of their group leaders. D. Talk with team leaders and share strategies for dealing with problem situations.


Once a month, students from the local high school visit elementary schools to provide tutoring in reading and math. Which of the following terms best describes this scenario? A. Cooperative learning B. Jigsaw classroom C. Cross-age peer tutoring D. Same-age peer tutoring


Which of the following is a positive aspect of cooperative learning? A. Increased independence B. Enhanced motivation to learn C. Increased classroom control by teachers D. Improved learning by rote memorization


_______ refers to the cooperative learning model where each team member is responsible for a part of the larger goal. Teams break up and meet up with team members from other teams responsible for focusing on the same section. A. STAD B. Jigsaw C. Learning Together D. Group Investigation E. Cooperative Scripting


A recent review of research on PALS concluded that the program is highly effective with which of the following student groups? A. At-risk students B. Ethnic minority students C. Students in urban schools D. English language learners E. All of the above


Alana Jameson has just engaged her students in a cooperative learning activity. She has put them into groups and asked each group to delegate responsibilities as to researching the question of "what causes global warming?" After students complete the work they are responsible for, they must reconvene to present their hypotheses to the class. Which cooperative learning model does this sound like? A. STAD B. Jigsaw C. Learning Together D. Group Investigation E. Cooperative Scripting


All of the following are recommended strategies for developing students' team-building skills, except which one? A. Develop team-building skills with two to six students per group, not the entire class. B. Work with students to become better listeners. C. Discuss the value of having a group leader. D. Begin the school year with a difficult cooperative task.


Cooperative learning groups vary in size, but typically consist of how many students? A. 4 B. 8 C. 12 D. The entire class


Given the conclusions of research, which of the following classrooms has most likely been exposed to the FCL? A. Jerimiah's class performed exceedingly well on their geometry exam. B. Lydia's class has improved on their understanding of recent historical events and can apply historical occurrences to parallel events in contemporary society. C. Nikki's class performed exceedingly well on their most recent biology exam, and they can easily transfer material learned in class to diverse environmental contexts. D. Tyrone's class did exceedingly well on the literacy competency assessment, but overall they still experience problems when encountering subject matter outside of their area of interest.


If attempting to promote situated cognition in group learning, teachers should do which of the following? A. Provide support for students to explore concepts. B. Change the level of support over the course of the lesson. C. Create learning situations that are close to real-world circumstances. D. Create learning situations for individual seatwork and reflection.


In general, a student is more likely to feel embarrassed when tutored by which of the following individuals? A. A student from the same class B. An older student C. Another teacher D. An adult volunteer


In her fifth-period debate class, LeAnn prepares to give her final project. She is nervous because this represents a big portion of her grade in the class. She puts her fears behind her to focus her attention on her task of offering the rebuttal to the opposing team's argument favoring expulsion as a consequence for students bringing a weapon on school grounds. Which aspect of formal social constructivist programs does this scenario relate to? A. Curriculum B. Instruction C. Community D. Technology E. Assessment


In many typical classrooms, teacher isolation is a common occurrence. In contrast to isolation, the Jasper Project, FCL, and CSILE all emphasize which of the following? A. Faculty development in promoting mentorship B. Emphasizing opportunities for students and teachers to see themselves as members of both a team and the greater community C. Administrative support D. Parent involvement in extracurricular activities


Jean Piaget emphasized _________; Lev Vygotsky emphasized _____. A. constructivism; social constructivism B. social constructivism; constructivism C. situated cognition; social constructivism D. situated cognition; constructivism


Laticia is frustrated with her teacher, Mr. Hoffman. While she enjoys getting together with her friends for tutoring, she is really upset about a recent strategy Mr. Hoffman has started. What might be a valid complaint that Laticia could make about a strategy he might have utilized that is really not an effective choice? A. He has asked to see tutors so they can spend some extra time going over all the best ways to tutor peers. B. He refuses to use peer-tutoring all the time, and she really learns best in this fashion. C. He pairs up students of the same age and she feels this is demeaning. D. He has begun to communicate with students' parents about the tutoring.


Mia has arrived late to class. She notices the class is working in groups, interviewing each other on their likes, dreams, and accomplishments. There is a friendly atmosphere as the groups take turns asking and answering questions. What type of group work is Mia likely to guess her class is engaged in? A. Team-building B. Heterogeneous grouping C. Jigsaw D. STAD


Mr. Chandler is in a conundrum. He has gone over his cooperative learning approach meticulously and cannot find the reason behind students' lack of enthusiasm and group engagement. He has tried to incorporate materials that are appropriate as well as being infused with content matter of interest to them. He has told each student how important the lesson is for his unit exam on Friday. What is Mr. Chandler missing? A. Group rewards B. Individual accountability C. Individual rewards D. Accountability to state-mandated curricula


Mr. Shoemaker introduces the background information on the famous leaders of the Civil War to students on Monday and Tuesday. At the end of Tuesday's lesson, he tells the students that for the next two days they will work in groups in reference to this lesson. They will complete worksheets and grade each other's work. On Friday, they will take the unit test. Which cooperative learning model does this sound like? A. STAD B. Jigsaw C. Learning Together D. Group Investigation E. Cooperative Scripting


Mr. Williamson has asked students to develop hypotheses about the causes of pollution. Students also were responsible for researching the viability of those hypotheses and propose solutions for remedying pollution. Which common element of formal programs in social constructivist teaching does this refer to? A. Curriculum B. Instruction C. Community D. Technology E. Assessment


On Fridays, sixth-grade students help kindergarteners with reading, math, and other subjects. Some students provide one-on-one tutoring, while others read aloud to small groups and assist with work in small "centers." This is an example of which of the following? A. Volunteering B. Peer tutoring C. A cognitive apprenticeship D. Cooperative learning


Reece, Linda, Alex, and Carmen have been assigned to the same group. Alex has been assigned the role of "recorder" in his history class. Which of the following should he be seen doing? A. Encouraging students who are normally reluctant to discuss historical issues B. Taking steps to ensure that Linda, Alex, and Carmen understand the material C. Writing down suggestions that the four come up with D. Obtaining maps, supplemental history materials, and a portion of the teacher's collection of Time magazine


Reece, Linda, Alex, and Carmen have been assigned to the same group. Carmen has been assigned the role of "encourager" in her history class. Which of the following should she be seen doing? A. Encouraging students who are normally reluctant to discuss historical issues B. Taking steps to ensure that that Linda, Alex, and Carmen understand the material C. Writing down suggestions that the four come up with D. Obtaining maps, supplemental history materials, and a portion of the teacher's collection of Time magazine


Reece, Linda, Alex, and Carmen have been assigned to the same group. Linda has been assigned the role of "checker" in her history class. Which of the following should she be seen doing? A. Encouraging students who are normally reluctant to discuss historical issues B. Taking steps to ensure that that the group understands the material C. Writing down suggestions that the four come up with D. Obtaining maps, supplemental history materials, and a portion of the teacher's collection of Time magazine


Reece, Linda, Alex, and Carmen have been assigned to the same group. Reece has been assigned the role of "materials monitor" in his history class. Which of the following should he be seen doing? A. Encouraging students who are normally reluctant to discuss historical issues B. Taking steps to ensure that that Linda, Alex, and Carmen understand the material C. Writing down suggestions that the four come up with D. Obtaining maps, supplemental history materials, and a portion of the teacher's collection of Time magazine


Shashonda's class is having difficulty mastering the concept of the group's interdependence. Which of the following might be an appropriate activity for the class to engage in? A. Have students work together to draw a group picture. B. Have students engage in a discussion, each having a turn to speak while others wait their turn. C. Ask students to consider possible ways in which the group leaders can offer support and promote group enthusiasm despite also being responsible for aiding in getting the group on-track. D. Give students a difficult task to take their mind off the issue of group leaders.


Social constructivism emphasizes which of the following? A. Individual's information processing B. Social contexts of learning C. Active knowledge construction within an individual's mind D. The construction of knowledge by transforming, organizing, and reorganizing previous knowledge


The assumption that highlights the idea that thinking is located in social and physical contexts refers to which of the following? A. Situated cognition B. Scaffolding C. Cognitive apprenticeship D. Tutoring


The faculty at Sherwood Elementary School has met to discuss peer-tutoring ideas to incorporate into their classrooms due to students' poor performance on the recent standardized achievement scores. One teacher suggests that a committee of teachers first identify students' areas of need and then target other students excelling in those areas that would be available to serve as tutors. Which peer tutoring program does this sound most like? A. Reading Recovery B. Success for All C. Reading Remediation D. PALS


Tina's classroom has eight networked computers, which are used for collaboration on projects with other classrooms, and in some cases, the entire school. Tina enters questions and comments about the project and can respond to her classmates' notes. Which of the following best describes the instructional approach being used in Tina's classroom? A. Computer Supported Intentional Learning Environments (CSILE) B. Schools for Thought (SFT) C. The Jasper Project D. Fostering a Community of Learners (FCL)


When a teacher changes the level of support provided to a student according to the student's performance level, the teacher is engaging the student in which of the following strategies? A. Tutoring B. Scaffolding C. Cooperative learning D. Apprenticeship


When assigning group roles, the taskmaster is in charge of which of the following? A. Ensuring students ask questions and that the group answers them B. Keeping the group on-task C. Thinking about and evaluating the group's progress D. Helping with academic content


When heterogeneous groups are formed, students of high ability level are most likely to form "teacher-student" relationships with students of which ability level(s)? A. High ability B. Medium ability C. Low ability D. Both low and medium ability


When working in cooperative groups, the role of the quiet captain is best described as which of the following? A. Thinking about and evaluating the group's progress B. Equalizing the participation of students in the group C. Helping with academic content D. Monitoring the group's noise level


Which of the following activities provides the greatest opportunity for children to construct knowledge by social interaction? A. Writing a poem to express a social concern B. Reading a story about a famous politician C. Drawing a picture of a friend or family member D. Brainstorming ideas for a skit


Which of the following is a realistic example of one of the emphases in Schools for Thought (SFL)? A. Students "buddying-up" in peer tutoring exercises B. Having students e-mail experts in areas of academic study C. A problem-based learning exercise D. Engaging parent volunteers in student mentoring relationships


Which of the following is a tutoring program that includes a systematic reading program on phonics, vocabulary development, and story telling? A. Reading Readiness B. Success in Reading C. Success for All D. Reading Recovery


Which of the following refers to "reciprocal teaching"? A. Learning in which students take turns leading small-group discussions B. Program that utilizes elements of the Jasper Project, Fostering a Community of Learners, and Computer Supported Intentional Learning Environments C. Teachers engaging in team-teaching with colleagues teaching similar grade levels D. A parent-teacher cooperative program


Which of the following teachers best exemplifies social constructivist thinking? A. Ms. Michaels ensures that all curriculum materials are developmentally appropriate. B. Because Marco is having difficulty with the day's assignment, Mr. Renolds meets with him to discuss how his personal experiences relate into the day's lesson. C. Because the class is having difficulty comprehending the concept of a "defense mechanism," Mr. Oleander puts his psychology class into groups to share their personal experiences observing these mechanisms. D. Lola finishes her independent seatwork and moves to the art table with the other kids to color in her map.


Which of the following teachers best exemplifies social constructivist thinking? A. Ms. Michaels ensures that all curriculum materials are motivating by taking into account student interests. B. Mr. Renolds meets with Marco's parents to discuss how Marco is mastering the subject matter. C. Lola finishes her independent seatwork and moves to the art table with the other kids to color in her map. D. Because Mr. Kirkland wants to ensure students' mastery of the day's lesson, he reflects on the diversity of his students' backgrounds and experiences so that he can allow for opportunities for students to share how their experiences relate to the lesson through a large-group class discussion.


Which of the following teachers is clearly planning for heterogeneous groups? A. Mr. Lillburn goes home one evening planning to make a list of groups for his class. He will group all those of similar ability together so some students are not holding others back. B. Mr. Franklin plans his group by looking at the make up of his students. He knows that the best grouping will allow for African American, Asian American, and Caucasian boys and girls who represent different achievement levels to work together. C. Ms. Hulihan sends around a sheet of paper. Students are allowed to choose their group, but must not work with someone they have worked with in the past. D. Mrs. Harris asks students to go down the row, counting from one to four. Students with the same number are grouped together. She feels this is the best way to prevent friends from using the groups for socializing.


Which of the following technologies could best be used to facilitate mentoring, coaching, and interactions with experts in the community? A. E-mail B. Digital cameras C. DVDs and CDs D. Cellular phones


_______ refers to the cooperative learning method that emphasizes students being involved in reciprocal pairs where they take turns summarizing information and presenting summaries to each other. A. STAD B. Jigsaw C. Learning Together D. Group Investigation E. Cooperative Scripting


A key to team-building is to work with students' active listening skills. Which of the following is not a good way to go about doing this? A. Give them opportunities to take turns speaking. B. Ask students to come up with examples of active listening. C. Ask students to share how other students in the class have not engaged in good listening skills. D. Give them opportunities to listen to different peers instead of monopolizing the conversation.


If trying to sway a colleague into using cooperative learning in his classroom, which of the following would not be valid research conclusions you might use to help him to more positively perceive this instructional method? A. Cooperative learning addresses all student academic hang-ups. B. Cooperative learning has improved achievement. C. Cooperative learning has increased student motivation. D. Cooperative learning works across different grade levels.


In a program called "Fostering a Community of Learners," all of the following strategies are used to encourage reflection and discussion among students except which one? A. Implementing online computer consultation B. Having children teach other children C. Using adults as role models for the children D. Tallying points for the number of comments made during a discussion


Mrs. Tanner introduced a cooperative learning activity during the second week of school to give students an opportunity to interact. Although she expected the students to enjoy the activity, she observed a great amount of frustration and dissent among the groups. What mistake did Mrs. Tanner most likely make in this scenario? A. She began the year with a complex cooperative learning task. B. She created homogeneous groups. C. She forgot to ask them to introduce themselves. D. She assigned too many group leaders.


Ms. Lilah's class is balking about the idea of some students being assigned as group leaders. They feel it is unfair, and that some students will be likely to get on a "power trip." What would be a valid response to help students see the importance of having group leaders? A. Have students work together to draw a group picture. B. Have students engage in a discussion, each having a turn to speak while others wait their turn. C. Ask students to consider possible ways in which the group leaders can offer support and promote group enthusiasm despite also being responsible for aiding in getting the group on-track. D. Give students a difficult task to take their minds off the issue of group leaders.


Questions that address social constructivist approaches include all of the following except which one? A. What are good strategies for including peers in children's learning? B. What is the best way to structure small group work? C. What are some educational approaches that emphasize collaborative work? D. What are the best ways to encourage the learning of classroom rules?


Which of the following activities builds off the construct of situated cognition? A. Ms. Michaels ensures that all curriculum materials are motivating by taking into account student interests. B. Mr. Renolds meets with Marco's parents to discuss how Marco is mastering the subject matter. C. Lola finishes her independent seatwork and moves to the art table with the other kids to color in her map. D. Mr. Thomas wants to help students make the connection between math lessons at school and their real- world application.


Which of the following captures one of the values of having a group leader? A. Tells the group the best way to complete the task B. Helps to get the group on task C. Squashes dissenting opinions so the group stays on task D. Plays devil's advocate


Which of the following curricula would most likely be scheduled in a "Schools for Thought" Program? A. The fall of the Roman Empire B. The greenhouse effect C. Presidential platforms D. Major branches of government


Which of the following describes a benefit of implementing cooperative learning in the classroom? A. Increased interdependence and connection with other students B. Deeper learning of subject matter C. Increased motivation D. All of these


Which of the following distinguishes constructivism from social constructivism? A. Only social constructivism emphasizes the social context of knowledge construction. B. Only social constructivism focuses on students' active construction of knowledge. C. While both stem from the work of Lev Vygotsky, only constructivism more generally emphasizes that knowledge is contextually embedded. D. While both stem from the work of Jean Piaget, only constructivism more generally emphasizes that knowledge is contextually embedded.


Which of the following does not represent a realistic example of one of the three emphases of Fostering a Community of Learners (FCL)? A. Students "buddying-up" in peer tutoring exercises B. Having students e-mail experts in areas of academic study C. A problem-based learning exercise D. Engaging parent volunteers in student mentoring relationships


Which of the following instructional strategies would Piaget have emphasized? A. Provide opportunities for students to learn in groups B. Provide opportunities for students to pair up on assignments C. Provide opportunities for family-based projects D. Provide support for students to explore and develop their understanding


Which of the following is an accurate response as to the effectiveness of the Reading Recovery Program? A. Reading Recovery can be effective in improving students' performance. B. Reading Recovery is not effective because it requires phonological-processing skills. C. Reading Recovery is effective because it improves students' reading performance given the inclusion of certain key elements. D. Reading Recovery is not effective in promoting reading across all groups.


Which of the following is an example of a cognitive apprenticeship in which parents may involve their preschool children? A. Read picture books B. Count puzzle pieces C. Frequent conversation and gesturing D. All of these


Which of the following is an individual tutoring program that has been developed for students experiencing difficulty in learning to read? A. Reading Readiness B. Success in Reading C. Success for All D. Reading Recovery


Which of the following is not a characteristic of social constructivist classrooms? A. Teacher and students are learning and teaching B. Social interaction C. Classroom learning reflects students' interests and cultures D. Individualized assignments that cater to each student's background


Which of the following is not a possible drawback of cooperative learning? A. Some students prefer to work alone. B. A few students may do most or all of the cognitive work while others do little. C. High-achieving students slow down the progress of low-achieving students. D. Many students lack the skills needed to collaborate effectively with others.


Which of the following is not a strategy proposed for use with peer tutoring? A. Let students participate as both tutors and tutees. B. Avoid spending time training tutors as it takes away from instructional time for the rest of the class. C. Don't overuse peer tutoring. D. Communicate with parents when a child is involved in peer tutoring activities.


Which of the following is not listed as a level at which cooperation should be encouraged? A. Class cooperation B. Assessment cooperation C. Interclass cooperation D. School-parent cooperation


Which of the following is the best example of scaffolding? A. Ms. Chow first models how to make a capital letter in cursive at the board, then she provides a worksheet that groups can work on that offers tracing opportunities before she asks them to write each letter on their own. B. Mr. Osaka takes students to the museum. C. Mr. Thompson ensures a full understanding on the part of his students before advancing to the next subject. D. Mrs. Donaldson ensures curriculum materials are developmentally appropriate before suggesting them to colleagues who teach children at different ages from her students.


_______ refers to the cooperative learning method that emphasizes the following elements: face-to-face interaction, positive interdependence, individual accountability, and development of interpersonal group skills. A. STAD B. Jigsaw C. Learning Together D. Group Investigation E. Cooperative Scripting

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