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in milgram's experiment in whjich research participants were ordered to delivered dangerous electrical shocks to individuals who made mistakes in learning word pairs ___ of the particpants showed total obedience by delivering 450-volt shocks to the learners

65 percent

which of the following individuals is MOST likely to experience information overload

a person who is talking on a cell phone while driving a car

all of the following individuals would likely be considered a compliance professional except

a telephone operator

social psychology embraces

accuracy, objectivity, skepticism and open-mindedness

which of the following individuals is exhibiting behaviors or thoughts consistent with priming

after finishing a romance novel, Natalie passionately embraces her boyfriend and tells him how much she loves him

sue is conducting an experiment in which she is trying to determine the influence of staring at a speaker on how much different speakers stutter. Sue sends people to a speech class with instructions to stare for varied amounts of time at the speaker. the dependent variable is the

amount of stuttering that occurs

a message intended to reduce cheating among high school students is more likely to be effective if it is delivered by

an attractive and popular student

the relatively effortless processing of social information is a non conscious and unintentional way is known as

automatic processing

from evolutionary perspective an adpative response is

any physical characterisitcs or behavioral tendency that the odds of reproductive success

noncommon effect

are effects that can be caused by only one specific factor

the degrre of secuirty an individual feels in interpersonal relationships is referred to as her or his

attachment style

when you notice something and then remember it you are involving the processes know as ___ and __

attention; encoding

the process by which individual seek to understand why others behave as they do is known as


gender stereotypes

beliefs about the characterisitics of women and men

according to research men, more than females, seek __ symmetry in facial features


the central route to persuasions involves

careful consideration of the ideas contained by a message

the ways we think about people and the things we remember about them may have an effect on our behavior. These thoughts and memories are examples of

cognitive processes

encouraging majority members to think about the advantage they have enjoyed as a result of their majority status increases theire ___ which in turn ___ racism

collective guilt; reduces

the personal identity

conceptualizes the self as a unique individual

the type of social influence in which individuals change either their attitudes or behavior to adhere to existing social norms is known as


the tendency to imagine outcomes in a situation other than what actually occurred is known as

counterfactual thinking

jenna saw in the papart that a department store was having a one-day closeout of winter dreeses sale. If she goes to that sale and buys someting, she will be victim of the

deadline techique

providing members of a group with less favorable treatment because of their group membership is known as


marisa has relationship with men in which she feels worthy but inevitably has low expectations of the relationship , leading her to fear genuine closeness. marisa has a __attachment style


when we compare ourselves to others who are less capable, we are engaged in a

downward social comparisons

random assignment of research participants to experimental conditions means that

each participant has an equal chance of being assigned to each experimental condition

self-enhancement involves ____ while other-enhancement involves

efforts to increase an individual's appeal to others; effort to make the other person feel good

there are five basic channels of nonverbal communications. these are

facial expressions, eye contact, body movements posture and touching

one frequently used impression management technique is ingratiation this involves

first inducing the target person to like, then attempting to change the person's behavior in a desired direction

being forwarned of the persuasive intent of a message will frequently help people to resist the effects of the message. this is because

forewarning allows us a greater opportunity to create counterarguements

wendy greta tom and bill have all made new years resolution to lose wight based on the information below which of them is most likely to lose weight

greta who intends to dramatically reduce her fat intake and tells others that she is greatly committed to her diet

men tend to view women as attractive if they

have either "childlike" or mature features

two drivers on a highway are cut off by a third driver. the first driver is startled but shrugs, thinking. "that other driver was careless, but i don't think he noticed me. "the second driver is furious thinking that other driver deliberately tried to run me off the road. this scenario most clearly illustrates

how cognition influences affect

the social group to which an individual belongs is known as


the contact hypothesis is based on the idea that

increased contact between members of different social groups can help to reduce prejudice between the groups

we tend to identify with groups to which we belong and this identification with a group raises our self-esteem. as result we frequently see other groups as being


a form of social learning that occurs when responses to a particular stimulus lead to positive outcomes or allow the person to avoid negative outcomes called

instrumental conditioning

when Jeremy was recently asked to describe himself to his classmates, he spoke about being a member of the football team and how this helped make his experience different from those of other students in the class. Jeremy was primarily making ___ comparison


according to the process of instrumental conditioning, behavior will be displayed often by and individual if

it is reinforced

an anti-smoking advertisement that features photographs of diseased lungs, people using oxygen tanks to offset the effects of lung disease and funerals but does not include information about quitting smoking, is likely to be ineffective because

it will probably induce too much fear

the self-evaluation maintenance model suggests that we will ____ others who perform more poorly than we do in an important area

move closer to

people who suffer from depression tend to attribute their failures to _ and their successes to ___

lasting internal causes; temporary external causes

jackie took longer to reply to certain questions and the pitch of her voice rose considerably, these aspects of her __ gave away that she was lying

linguistic style

jack has agreed to purchase a new car for $18,00. However just before he gets ready to sign the contract, the salesman tells jack that the sales manager will not approve the amount allowed for his trade-in and that the contract will have to be higher, probably around 19,000. Jack has just been the victim of

lowball tecnique

when people engage in magical thinking they tend to

make compelling assumptions that are not rational

the dependent variable is defined as the variable that is

measured by the experimeter

attributing bigoted opinions to sources other than prejudice and/or expressing biased attitudes in some safe areas but not publicly is a part of

modern racism

we tend to remember facts and other information better when we are in the same mood as we were in when we learned the information, this is known as

mood dependent memory

researchers have digitally combined multiple faces to create a composite image. this averages face is typically rated as

more attractive than the faces used to create it

people who share similar attitudes and belief are ___ to like each other

more likely

the type of social influence that occurs when one person orders another to perform some action and the other person then complies is known as


the process of giving participants as much information as possible about experimental procedures to be used before the participants agree to participate is known as

obtaining informed consent

subliminal conditioning

occurs below the threshold of conscious awareness of its content

one advanage of knowing the correlation between two variables is that

one variable can then be used to predict another

attitudes are

our evaluations of different aspects of the social world

the fundamental attribution error refers to our tendency to

overestimate the role of dispositions ion causing others' behavior

during finals week jonah tells his friend that he'll be able to write four term papers over the next few days, Jonah is shocked and upset when he is barely able to complete two of these four papers. Jonah's behavior is consistent with

planning fallacy

self-esteem refers to the

positive or negative evaluation of the self by oneself

gender differences in self-esteem begin to emerge during


the idea that prejudice is caused by direct competition between social groups for scare resources is know as

realistic conflict theory

kayla has decided to get a body piercing. Her expectation is the she might well recieve __ by (from) her mom's mainstream friends. This will likely cause her to __ identify with

rejection; more closely ; who have a body piercing

proximity is important to attraction because

repeated exposure tends to produce favorable evalutations

which of the following examples BEST illustrates a situation where there is a gap between our attitudes and behaivor

roz tells her new boyfriend the she is extremely excited to see the new James Bond even though she truly dreads seeing that film

the people who complete a survey must be representative of the population about which conclusions are to be drawn. this is known as


the playing hard to get techique is based on the ___ principle of compliance


one technique used for seeking compliance from others involves making a small request first then making a larger request that is actually desired after compliance with the smaller request has been obtained. this is known as

the foot in the door technique

the belief that we can achieve a particular goal through out own actions is known as


in meeting a new roommate, david stresses his studious qualities an aspect of himself he wishes others to agree with while being willing to underplay other potentially important aspects of himself. David is practicing a __ approach in presenting himself to others


use of subjective measurement scales when making comparisons between members of different groups can result in

shifting standards

barriers based on attitudes or organizational biases tat may prevent qualified women from reaching high-level positions in the workplace are known as

the glass ceiling

Tomas is beginning his first year of college since one of his goal is to meet people and make new friends in his classes. Tomas would be well-advised to

sit between other students in his classes whenever possible

we tend to perceive our own behavior as stemming largely from ___ factors; we tend to perceive the behavior of others as stemming largely from __ factors

situational ; dispositional

people typically lower their voice in the library or in a hospital room and talk louder in a sports arena because of

situational norms

we tend to make ___ attributions for our own behaviors but ___ attributions for others' behaviors

situational; dispositional

the process during which we interpret analyze remember and the use information about the social world is known as

social cognition

the mechanisms by which we compare ourselves to other people to determine whether or not our perception of social reality is correct is known as

social comparison

the process whereby we seek to know and understand others is called _____ and frequently makes use of ______

social perception; nonverbal communication

the branch of psychology that seeks to understand the nature and causes of individual behavior and thought in social situation is

social psychology

attitudes influence

social thought and behavior

injuctive norms

specify what ought to be done in a particular situation

Zoe an attractive blond, is concerned that she might say something foolish in her college algebra class, thereby confirming the stereotype of the dumb blond. As a result, Zoe rarely volunteers to solve problems on the board during class. This behavior can best be explained by

stereotype threat

which is not an advantage of using surveys to collect information

surveys can be used to determine causal relationships between variables

the tendency to use a particular number or value as a starting point to which changes are made is known as

the anchoring and adjustment heuristic

one reason that people are willing to obey persons in authority who order them to engage in destructive behaviors is that

the authority figure relieves those who obey of responsibility for their actions

very brief exposure to faces of people from different ethnic backgrounds (about whom one has a negative attitude) frequently causes people to respond faster to word with negative meanings than to words with positive meaning. This technique or type of research is known as

the bona fide pipeline

before going out on his date, jon watched a portion of a tv show in which there were many attractive women. when he picked up his date for some reason she did not seems as attractive as she had in the past. this situation illustrates the operation of

the contrast effect

in an experiment researchers wanted to know whether changing the level of lighting in a factory would have an effect on the productivity of employees in order to address this question, employees were randomly assigned to three separate identical work areas, but the lighting was set at a different level in each of the work areas. then employees in ll three work groups began to operate machinery that produced small components. the number of components produced by each group was carefully tallied at the end of each 8-hour. in this example the independent variable is

the level of lighting

cognitive dissonance is

the negative internal state that results from noticing differences between our attitudes and our behaviors

in an experiment researchers had participants unscramble words that were "rude" words or polite words. Soon after, participants were more or less likely to interrupt the experimenter. this is a demonstration of

the occurrence of priming without conscious awareness of the priming stimulus

the finding that frequent contact with a mildly negative, neutral or positive stimulus results in increasingly positive evaluations of that stimulus is known as

the repeated exposure effect

judging individuals based on their similarity to typical members of a group is known as

the representativeness heurisitic

one reason that social scientists put their faith in the scientific method is that

the scientific method produces more conclusive evidence than other methods

our tendency to attribute our own positive outcomes to internal causes and negative outcomes to external causes is known as

the self-serving bias

the research finding that people tend to respond positively to indications that another person shares their attitudes, beliefs and interests while they respond negatively to indications that another person differs from them in terms of attitudes beliefs and interest is known as

the similarity dissimilarity effect

all of the following describe characteristics of a microexpression except

they usually do not reveal a person't true feelings

the above average effect is

thinking that we are above average on most social traits

___ often refers to the practice of hiring one or a small number of individuals from a particular group in order to demonstrate that no discrimination is being directed toward that groups


early research conducted by solomon asch suggests the presence of central traits which are

traits that strongly color the way we interpret other aspects of another person

according to balance theory, imbalance exists when

two people like each other and discover they are dissimilar in some way

in the united states, gender difference in self-esteem are most pronounced among

white lower class people

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