PSYC 305 Developmental Psychology

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When aggressive children are ineffectively parented their aggression rises and can become transformed into violent offenses by adolescence that persist into adulthood.


The period of the zygote lasts about ____, beginning with ____. a) 3 months; implantation b) 3 months; fertilization c) 2 weeks; implantation d) 2 weeks; fertilization

d) 2 weeks; fertilization

____ is the best available predictor of infant survival and healthy development. a) Gestational age b) Adequacy of prenatal care c) The Apgar score d) Birth weight

d) Birth weight

Which of the following parental behaviors is most effective discipline? a) Jill, who puts her child in time out during a trip to the supermarket b) Ross, who spanks her child for standing close to a busy street c) Stephanie, who tells her child to stay in her room until she understands the effects of her misbehavior d) Cody, who makes sure his child understands what is expected and then is praised/rewarded for appropriate behavior

d) Cody, who makes sure his child understands what is expected and then is praised/rewarded for appropriate behavior

____ is (are) the use of strategies for adjusting our emotional state to a comfortable level of intensity so we can remain productively engaged in our surroundings a) Social cognition b) Self control c) Self-conscious emotions d) Emotional self-regulation

d) Emotional self-regulation

*Which of the statements below is accurate? a) Young people in their early twenties are not likely to experiment with unprotected sexual activity or substance abuse. b) Emerging adults spend less time by themselves than any other age group. c) Emerging adults discontinue the risk-taking behaviors of their teenage years. d) Feelings of loneliness peak during emerging adulthood.

d) Feelings of loneliness peak during emerging adulthood.

____ contain ____ chromosomes. a) Gametes; 23 pairs of b) Body cells; 46 pairs of c) Body cells; 23 d) Gametes; 23

d) Gametes; 23

Which of the following are true about the impact of teratogens?

do most damage during period of embryo

Only about 50% of American youth who enroll in college earn their degree by age 25.


The age of viability occurs sometime between:

22 and 26 weeks

The capacity to adjust one's emotional state to a comfortable level of intensity is known as emotional self-regulation according to our text.


Relativistic thinking is the belief that there are many possible truths and each is relative to a particular context.


*Match each of the following parenting styles with the appropriate description: A. high expectations for child expressed coldly & through criticism or belittling B. low expectations for the child expressed through warm overindulgence C. high expectations for child expressed warmly & sensitively D. low expectations for the child made clear through emotional detachment

A. authoritarian B. permissive C. authoritative D. uninvolved

In class we discussed Gottman's four horsemen of the apocalyse. Below match each with it's description: A. being mean, treating the partner with disrespect by using sarcasm, ridicule, name-calling, and/or body language such as eye-rolling. B. attacking the partner's personality traits with the implication that they are flawed as a person (this is distinguished from complaining about a specific behavior or situation) C. meeting the partner's complaint, or criticism with a complaint of your own, ignoring what the partner said D. Withdrawing from the discussion/ partner as a way to avoid conflict. Partners may think they are trying to be "neutral" but this acutally comes off as disapproval, disconnection, and/or smugness:

A. contempt B. criticism C. defensiveness D. stonewalling

Which of the following is NOT important to the superior academic performance of Asian compared to American children?

Asian students are genetically superior in scientific reasoning

*True/False: The popular belief that 'opposites attract' for long term committed partnerships/marriage is dead on accurate.


According to Erikson, earlier stages of personality development have little to do with the positive resolution of identity versus identity confusion.


According to the textbook, successful marriage is marked by good communication and the recognition that the escalation of negative emotion is present in all marriages.


Childhood physical abuse accounts for the vast majority of reported cases of child maltreatment.


Correlational studies provide information that allows a researcher to draw conclusions about causal relationships between variables under study:


Only males produce androgens.


The United States has the lowest rate of teenage pregnancy in the world.


The leading killer of adolescents is drug overdose.


More quarreling generally occurs between siblings who are close in age and typically because parents are comparing the children and evaluating one more favorably. This tendency is more likely when parents experience high levels of stress.


Making the transition to a low-conflict, single-parent household is better for children than staying in a high-conflict intact family.


Self esteem drops during the early elementary school years.


*True/False: Young adults continue to refine the construction of their identity and explore options more deeply and less broadly, and feeling more committed to their choices. This is corrected with measures of academic and social adjustment.


Androgynous adolescents tend to be psychologically healthier.


For young adults in modern America half prefer to enter into a committed intimate partnership by choosing to live together before getting married.


In Kohlberg's moral dilemmas, it is the way an individual reasons, rather than the content of the response that determines moral maturity.


The ratio of boys to girls who commit suicide is [1] _____ (write your answer as a numerical ratio, no spaces. For example 9:5). Girls, however, make (more or less) [2] ______ unsuccessful attempts at suicide than boys.

[1] 3:1 [2] more

Using the categories (anorexic/ bulimic) of eating disorders discussed in the book fill in the following blanks: [1] are more likely to restrict food intake [2] are more likely to binge and then compensate by throwing up or exercising. [3] are more likely to be aware of their abnormal eating habits [4] are more likely to be perfectionistic and emotionally inhibited

[1] anorexic [2] bulimic [3] bulimic [4] anorexic

During middle childhood girls show (more/ less) [1] identification with traits defined as feminine and are (more/ less) [2] likely than boys to experiment with a wide range of activities. (spell correctly, lower case, spell correctly)

[1] less [2] more

The following are common immediate consequences for children whose parents end their marriage: [1] Mother-headed single households typically experience sharp drop in income, [2] Maternal depression & stress often lead to family disorganization, [3] Noncustodial fathers often increase their contact with children over time, [4] Child post-divorce adjustment is better when parents provide consistent guidance, warmth and involvement.

[1] true [2] true [3] false [4] true

Which of the following statements is true? a) Performance on intelligence tests by age 6 or 7 predicts later IQ and academic success b) Intelligence tests for preschoolers are more similar to those used in infancy than to those used later on in childhood c) Intelligence tests for preschool school children tap knowledge about mathematical and spatial abilities but not verbal abilities d) Intelligence tests are so highly developed that there is little meaningful critique of the way they are offered or developed

a) Performance on intelligence tests by age 6 or 7 predicts later IQ and academic success

Which of the following visual stimuli would a newborn be MOST likely to prefer? a) a black-and-white checkerboard b) a solid black screen c) a painting of the Mona Lisa d) a photograph of the family house

a) a black-and-white checkerboard

Today, children in the United States are taller, on the average, than their grandparents were as children. This is an example of a) a secular trend b) natural selection c) growth spurts d) a generative effect

a) a secular trend

*One benefit of ____ is that they provide a supportive context for boys and girls to get to know one another and offer models for how to interact with the other sex without having to be intimate. a) mixed-sex cliques b) crowds c) groups d) same-sex cliques

a) mixed-sex cliques

Compared to group-administered IQ tests, individually administered tests a) allow the examiner to take into account the child's attention and interest b) are never used c) require less training to administer d) permit larger numbers of students to be tested at once

a) allow the examiner to take into account the child's attention and interest

When 4-year-old Nicholas sees a tree blowing in the wind, he says, "Look! The tree is waving at me!" Nicholas is demonstrating a) animistic thinking b) dual representation c) centration d) conservation

a) animistic thinking

According to Piaget, during ____, children interpret experiences in terms of existing schemes, whereas in ____, old schemes are adjusted and new ones created to make sense of the environment. a) assimilation; accommodation b) adaptation; organization c) accommodation; assimilation d) equilibration; disequilibration

a) assimilation; accommodation

*A secondary sexual characteristic would involve which of the following a) breasts b) ovaries c) the scrotum d) testes

a) breasts

Freud's theory was the first theory to emphasize the role of ____ in child development. a) childhood experiences b) the four parenting styles c) individual differences d) genetic processes

a) childhood experiences

Baby Marcus begins to suck as soon as he sees his mother with a bottle of formula. Marcus' response to the bottle is the result of a) classical conditioning b) habituation c) dishabituation d) operant conditioning

a) classical conditioning

Children of gay and lesbian parents a) do not differ from other children in sexual orientation b) typically suffer from adjustment problems c) experience a lower quality of parent-child interactions than children with heterosexual parents d) are rarely teased or shunned by peers due to increasingly tolerant public views on homosexuality

a) do not differ from other children in sexual orientation

The idea that children may adopt teachers' positive or negative attitudes toward them is known as a) educational self-fulfilling prophecy b) identification c) brainwashing d) teacher infusion

a) educational self-fulfilling prophecy

African-American parents' communication style with their children emphasizes ____ over ____ a) emotional and social concerns; facts b) facts; emotional and social concerns c) quick-witted jokes; serious conversation d) discussions about racism; financial issues

a) emotional and social concerns; facts

Researchers call memory for everyday experiences ____ memory. a) episodic b) longitudinal c) imaginal d) working

a) episodic

Collin says, "I see a truck!" His grandmother responds, "Yes, you saw a big, red fire truck!" His grandmother's response would be classified as a(n) a) expansion b) script c) regularization d) semantic bootstrap

a) expansion

Which of the following research methods can be used to test a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables? a) experiments b) clinical interviews c) questionnaires d) correlations

a) experiments

*Which of the following statements about extracurricular activities is true? a) extracurricular activities reduce antisocial behavior and help improve self-esteem b) extracurricular activities have no impact on academic performance c) extracurricular activities actually reduce peer acceptance d) students with academic, emotional, and social problems are least likely to benefit

a) extracurricular activities reduce antisocial behavior and help improve self-esteem

____ supplementation around the time of conception greatly reduces abnormalities of the neural tube, such as spina bifida and anencephaly. a) folic acid b) iron c) potassium d) vitamin B6

a) folic acid

*The gender gap in career attainment is partially accounted for by a) girls' underestimation of their own achievement b) boys' superior c) the fact that boys' grades are higher than girls' grades d) innate ability

a) girls' underestimation of their own achievement

Cesarean delivery a) has become increasingly common in the United States, accounting for almost one-third of all births. b) has become less common with the invention and regular use of fetal monitoring c) must be used if a mother has had a previous cesarean birth d) is much less likely to be used in the United States than in other countries

a) has become increasingly common in the United States, accounting for almost one-third of all births.

At the microsystem level in Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory, one might exam the a) interactions between a mother and her children b) relationship between home and school environments c) health and welfare services of a community d) moral, ethical, and religious values of a society

a) interactions between a mother and her children

The word-learning process known as a fast-mapping a) involves word learning after a brief encounter b) does not have lasting effects c) involves word learning through a process of habituation d) does not work for 2-year-olds

a) involves word learning after a brief encounter

The most well-known effect of smoking during the prenatal period is a) low birth weight b) childhood lung cancer c) respiratory disease d) allergies

a) low birth weight

Piaget's ideas about cognitive development during infancy and toddlerhood were derived from a) making observations of his own children b) carrying out laboratory experiments on large numbers of children c) performing mental tests on children in his clinical practice d) conducting open-ended clinical interviews with children

a) making observations of his own children

Teenage mothers are at greater risk than older mothers for prenatal complications because a) many pregnant teenagers do not receive adequate prenatal care b) the risky behavior of many teenagers cause chromosomal abnormalities in their babies c) the eggs cells or ovum of teenagers are not yet mature enough to successfully unite with the father's sperm d) most teenagers reproductive organs are not yet mature enough to support a pregnancy

a) many pregnant teenagers do not receive adequate prenatal care

According to our textbook, ____ doubles the risk of SIDS. a) maternal cigarette smoking b) prenatal abuse of drugs c) placing a sleeping infant on his side d) placing a sleeping baby on her back

a) maternal cigarette smoking

*In general, research shows that the earlier the school transition, the a) more powerful its impact, especially for girls b) more powerful its impact, especially for boys c) less its impact, especially for boys d) less its impact, especially for girls

a) more powerful its impact, especially for girls

Crystal's parents do not provide her with enough food or adequate clothing. They do not keep their eye on her, although she is too young to be without parental supervision. When she needs medical attentions, her parents ignore her. This type of maltreatment is known as a) neglect b) battering c) sexual abuse d) physical abuse

a) neglect

Serious developmental problems, such as inattention and overactivity, emotional disturbance, and epilepsy, may occur when a) neurotransmitters are not present in appropriate balances b) secretions from the adrenal glands increase c) the corpus callosum thickens d) synaptic pruning occurs

a) neurotransmitters are not present in appropriate balances

Four-year-old Phil says, "Yesterday I wented to the store." Phil is a) overregularizing b) not using grammatical morphemes productively c) underextending d) language impaired

a) overregularizing

Following a high dose of cocaine during pregnancy a) oxygen delivered to the developing organism falls dramatically b) the embryonic or fetal heart rate slows down to dangerously low level c) the concentration of carbon dioxide is raised to unsafe levels in the bloodstream of the developing organism d) the placenta slows down production of nutrients needed to nourish the developing organism

a) oxygen delivered to the developing organism falls dramatically

*Cognitive self-regulation refers to one's ability to a) plan steps toward reaching a goal, monitoring progress toward a goal, and redirecting oneself when a step is unsuccessful a) plan steps toward reaching a goal, monitoring progress toward a goal, and redirecting oneself when a step is unsuccessful b) think about thinking c) select a stimulus and sustain attention on it when faced with competing stimuli d) regulate emotional displays by thinking about being in control

a) plan steps toward reaching a goal, monitoring progress toward a goal, and redirecting oneself when a step is unsuccessful

Three-year-old Derek takes turns in conversations, knows to speak differently to his baby sister than he does to his grandfather, and responds appropriately when asked to clarify his statements. These skills are known as a) pragmatics b) semantic bootstrapping c) a language-making capacity d) expansions

a) pragmatics

Five-year-old Lakeisha likes to play on the swings but Nicole is a faster runner and always gets there first. Lakeisha pushes Nicole to the ground near the swing set because she is focused on obtaining the swing during recess. Lakeisha is displaying ____ aggression. a) proactive physical b) reactive verbal c) proactive relational d) reactive physical

a) proactive physical

Research on the link between parental behavior and attachment suggests that ____ distinguishes securely from insecurely attached infants. a) sensitive caregiving b) length of the parents marriage c) parental intelligence d) age of mother

a) sensitive caregiving

Frankie is lining up pieces of string in order from the shortest to longest. This skill is known as a) seriation b) continuum of acquisition c) conservation of length d) centration

a) seriation

The best way of estimating a child's physical maturity is to use a) skeletal age b) head circumference c) height d) weight

a) skeletal age

Public policies safeguarding children and youth have been ____ in the United States that in other Western industrialized nations. a) slower to emerge b) enacted earlier c) more successful d) more protective

a) slower to emerge

Recent research indicated that kindergartners have higher reading and math achievement when they are in ____ classes. a) small (13 to 17 pupils) b) regular (22 to 25 pupils) c) regular (20 to 25 pupils plus a teacher's aide) d) large (30 to 35 pupils plus two aides)

a) small (13 to 17 pupils)

According to research on resiliency, which of the following factors is associated with protection against the damaging effects of stressful life or abusive conditions? a) social support outside the immediate family b) an emotionally reactive personality c) multiple siblings d) high SES

a) social support outside the immediate family

The concept of ____ is characteristic of ____ theories. a) stage; discontinuous b) nurture; continuous c) change; heredity d) stability; stage

a) stage; discontinuous

*A factor that promotes school attendance and achievement is a) teachers who expect students to perform well and encourage high-level thinking b) placing students in ability-grouped classes c) classrooms that require few assignments d) the use of high-level textbooks

a) teachers who expect students to perform well and encourage high-level thinking

Research with rhesus monkeys reared with terrycloth and wire-mesh "surrogate mothers" showed that the infant clung to the a) terrycloth "mother" regardless of which "mother" provided food b) wore-mesh "mother" regardless of which "mother" provided food c) terrycloth "mother" only when it provided food d) wire-mesh "mother" only when it provided food

a) terrycloth "mother" regardless of which "mother" provided food

The age of viability is the point at which a) the fetus can first survive if born early b) the hart begins to pump blood around the fetus's circulatory system c) rapid fetal growth begins d) the fetus's lungs begin to expand and contract in a rehearsal of breathing movements

a) the fetus can first survive if born early

The three parts of the information-processing system are a) the sensory input, short-term memory, and long-term memory b) the cortex, the brain stem, and the amygdala c) assimilation, accommodation, and equilibrium d) sensation, perception, and interpretation

a) the sensory input, short-term memory, and long-term memory

When 4-year-old Micah throws a temper tantrum, his mother makes him sit in a chair in his bedroom until he calms down. Micah's mother is using a) time out b) withdrawal of privileges c) down time d) cooling off

a) time out

Which of the following is the most complex self-help skill of early childhood? a) tying shoes b) fastening buttons c) eating with utensils d) brushing teeth

a) tying shoes

______ and ______ are considered the two 'healthiest' identity statuses.

achieved and moratorium

The experience of distress due to loneliness peaks in what age range _____? (look carefully at the tables in the chapter to find this information).

age 19-30

Mental delays, slow physical growth, and facial abnormalities are among the dose related effects of this teratogen:


Which of the following educational principles is derived from Piaget's theory?

an acceptance of individual differences in the rate of development

____________is an example of a basic emotion mentioned in the text.


Students in low ability groups:

are more likely to be low SES minority children

Vgotsky's approach to education emphasizes:

assisted discovery learning

Jason digs a tunnel at one end of the sand table, while Jennifer makes cupcakes at the other. They talk to each other and pass tools back and forth. They are displaying:

associative plan

According to Erikson, during toddlerhood, parents who provide appropriate guidance and reasonable choices are fostering their child's sense of:


During early childhood, on the average, children grow about ____ inches and gain about ____ pounds each year. a) 1 to 2; 10 b) 2 to 3; 5 c) 3 to 4; 10 d) 4 to 5; 5

b) 2 to 3; 5

The average newborn baby weighs ____ and is ____ inches long. a) 4 1/2 pound; 15 b) 7 1/2 pounds; 20 c) 9 pounds; 22 d) 12-13 pounds; 24

b) 7 1/2; 20

*The hormonal changes that underlie puberty begin by age a) 5 or 6 b) 8 or 9 c) 11 or 12 d) 12 or 13

b) 8 or 9

Which of the following statements is true? a) Girls and boys are equally socialized to focus on and understand emotions b) Boys are socialized to compete, achieve, and control emotion c) Girls and boys are held to gender-typed behavior to the same extent d) young children do not exhibit gender-typed behavior until elementary school

b) Boys are socialized to compete, achieve, and control emotion

Which of the following is supported by research on breast- versus bottle-feeding? a) Breast-fed babies get inadequate nutrition and require supplemental feeding with solid food as early as 3 months of age. b) Breast-fed babies have fewer illnesses and allergic reactions than do bottle-fed babies. c) Bottle-fed infants get hungry and required feeding more frequently than breast-fed infants. d) Breast-fed infants are more clingy, nutritionally deprived, and fussy than bottle-fed infants.

b) Breast-fed babies have fewer illnesses and allergic reactions than do bottle-fed babies.

Which of the following is supported by research on the development of motor skills in early childhood? a) Girls can jump farther than boys b) Girls are ahead of boys in drawing skills c) Boys have better balance than girls d) Boys can skip better than girls

b) Girls are ahead of boys in drawing skills

'D' is the symbol for the dark-haired allele; 'd' is the symbol for the blond-haired allele. Three children have the following allele pairs: Lizzy has DD, Lena has Dd, Lyle has dD, and Laura has dd. Which child is considered dominant homozygous and has dark hair? a) Lena b) Lizzy c) Laura d) Lyle

b) Lizzy

____ are more likely than ____ to be affected by X-linked diseases. a) African American; European Americans b) Males; females c) First-born children; later-born children d) Singletons; twins or triplets

b) Males; females

Which of the following children is most at risk for delinquency and dropping out of school? a) Lisa, a popular child b) Marie, a rejected child c) Leo, a controversial child d) David, a neglected child

b) Marie a rejected child

*Paul and Holly are married. Ben and Jen are both single. Which of the following statements is probably true? a) Ben is in better physical health than Paul. b) Paul and Holly are physically and mentally healthier than Ben and Jen, and are financially better off. c) Ben and Jen enjoy more frequent, satisfying sex than Paul and Holly do. d) Paul and Holly will tend to have more financial difficulties due to the cost associated with childrearing.

b) Paul and Holly are physically and mentally healthier than Ben and Jen, and are financially better off.

*The "culture shock" that college students experience when they encounter new ideas and beliefs, opportunities, and academic and social demands results in a) feelings of being overwhelmed, which often leads to depression b) increasingly rational, flexible, and practical ways of thinking c) limited gains in cognition due to a kind of "cognitive confusion" d) a type of mini-globalization known as universal thought

b) increasingly rational, flexible, and practical ways of thinking

In comparing Piaget's and Vygotsky's theories, a) Piaget's theory pointed out the importance of children's communication with caregivers b) Piaget believed in discovery learning whereas Vygotsky believed in assisted discover learning c) Vygotsky, but not Piaget, attempted explored children's private speech d) Vygotsky placed emphasis on skills such as categorization and problem-solving

b) Piaget believed in discovery learning whereas Vygotsky believed in assisted discover learning

According to Vygotsky, which of the following would be within a child's zone of proximal development? a) a task that a child is able to easily accomplish without any assistance b) a task that a child cannot yet handle on her own, but can do with the help of an adult c) a task that a child has recently mastered independently d) a task that a child cannot accomplish alone or with the help of an adult

b) a task that a child cannot yet handle on her own, but can do with the help of an adult

Your 7-year-old nephew is having problems with bedwetting at night. If his parents ask you to suggest an effective treatment , you will let them know that ____ is/are the most effective way of dealing with this problem. a) antidepressant medications b) a urine alarm c) ignoring the bedwetting d) waking the child and making him wash the sheets

b) a urine alarm

David and Mary Grace attend a preschool in which they learn to spell simple words and calculate simple addition problems. Most of their time is spent in lessons drilling these and other basic skills. Their preschool is most likely a(n). a) child-centered preschool b) academic preschool c) military preschool d) Head Start preschool

b) academic preschool

Language comprehension develops ____ language production. This is probably because comprehension involves the use of ____ memory, the form of memory that is cruel externally. a) ahead of; recall b) ahead of; recognition c) more slowly than; recognition d) at about the same pace as; recall

b) ahead of; recognition

Longitudinal research reveals that the IQ scores of most children ____ between toddlerhood and adolescence. a) are relatively stable b) can increase or decrease as much as 20 points c) are identical d) vary by about 50 points

b) can increase or decrease as much as 20 points

*Mr. and Mrs. Dawkins are uncomfortable talking about sex and contraception with their teenage daughters. They should know that a) nearly 90 percent of parents do not have these conversations with their children, so they are not alone b) continued avoidance on their part could lead to increased sexual risk taking for their daughters c) their children will most likely receive all the information they need to know from other sources d) the less they discuss sex with their daughters, the less the chance that their daughters will have unprotected sex.

b) continued avoidance on their part could lead to increased sexual risk taking for their daughters

The ____ is the bundle of large fibers that connect the two hemispheres of the brain. a) sensory cortex b) corpus callosum c) cerebellum d) reticular formation

b) corpus callosum

Gibson and Walk's research using the visual cliff indicated that sensitivity to depth first appears around the times that infants begin to a) pull to stand b) crawl c) walk d) sit up

b) crawl

In the information-processing system, real memory a) is the least useful part of our mental system b) develops later in the infant than recognition memory c) is not present in infants d) is non-existent in the human infant

b) develops later in the infant recognition memory

Which of the following was usually rare during childhood but is occurring in rapidly rising numbers of obese children? a) colon cancer b) diabetes c) heart attacks d) stroke

b) diabetes

The most rapid prenatal changes take place during the period of the ____, whereas the rate of body growth is greatest during the ____. a) fetus; embryo b) embryo; fetus c) zygote; fetus d) zygote; embryo

b) embryo; fetus

Three-year-old Miguel covers his eyes and runs out of the room during a scary scene in his favorite movie. He is displaying a) social problem-solving b) emotional self-regulation c) situational empathy d) scaffolding

b) emotional self-regulation

Longitudinal studies found that university-based preschool intervention programs a) do not affect the assignment of children into special education classes b) enhance IQ and school achievement through the first 2 to 3 years of elementary school c) do not affect whether a child is held back a grade in school d) have little to no impact on learning outcomes

b) enhance IQ and school achievement through the first 2 to 3 years of elementary school

Which of the following is true of violence and TV a) makes children less willing to tolerate violence or aggression in others b) exposure to TV violence increases the likelihood of all forms of childhood aggression c) preschoolers are least influenced by TV violence because they are unlikely to imitate it d) it is relatively rare during prime time viewing, 6am until 11pm

b) exposure to TV violence increases the likelihood of all forms of childhood aggression

Research indicates that the best treatment for childhood obesity is a) punishing the child for sedentary activity b) family-based interventions that focuses on enhancing behaviors c) daily exercise for the child d) placing the child on a strict, low calorie diet

b) family-based interventions that focuses on enhancing behaviors

Research on gender typing/gender roles shows all of the following except? a) parents interact with sons and daughters differently b) gender typing has no biological basis c) children have gender constancy by age 4 d) males are more constrained by gender expectations than females

b) gender typing has no biological basis

Continuum of acquisitions refers to a) the tendency for children to display losses in skill sets before displaying permanent gains b) gradual mastery of logical concepts c) children's sudden development of a skill d) development through the four major Piagetian stages

b) gradual mastery of logical concepts

The Apgar Scale rates characteristics of a newborn, including the baby's a) vision, hearing, and sense of tough b) heart rate, color, and muscle tone c) length and weight d) reflexes, state changes, and responsiveness to physical and social stimuli

b) heart rate, color, muscle tone

Alcohol use during pregnancy adversely affects the prenatal organism by a) raising the concentration of carbon monoxide in the bloodstream and drawing away oxygen that the developing organism needs to metabolize alcohol b) interfering with brain development and drawing away oxygen that the developing organism need to metabolize the alcohol c) causing the placenta to grow abnormally and interfering with brain development d) causing the placenta to grow abnormally and raising the concentration of carbon monoxide i the bloodstream

b) interfering with brain development and drawing away oxygen that the developing organism need to metabolize the alcohol

Six-year-old Jordan's parents expect her to floss her teeth every day. They should know that a) flossing is detrimental to dental hygiene until all permanent teeth have grown in b) most children cannot floss by themselves until about 9 years of age c) they have age-appropriate expectations for Jordan d) flossing is not critical to dental hygiene until the adolescent years

b) most children cannot floss by themselves until about 9 years of age

When baby Radsheda reaches for her pacifier, she accidentally pushes it under her pillow. Rather than searching for the pacifier under the pillow, Radsheda cries. One possibility why Radsheda does not search for the pacifier under the pillow is because she has not yet developed a) animistic thinking b) object permanence c) conservation d) dual representation

b) object permanence

Theorists who emphasize that children everywhere follow the same course of development likely believe that development a) is entirely genetic b) occurs in stages c) is due to powerful environment d) is continuous

b) occurs in stages

Cooing in infancy refers to a) strings of different speech sounds b) one-syllable vowel sounds c) repeated consonant-vowel combinations d) strings of several identical sounds

b) one-syllable vowel sounds

Baby Lindsay has combined her reaching, grasping, and sucking schemes into a coordinated action blending the two schemes so she can reach for her pacifier and pull it into her mouth to suck. According to Piaget's theory this achievement is an example of a) assimilation b) organization c) deferred imitation d) accommodation

b) organization

Extreme emotional deprivation can lead to which of the following disorders? a) marasmus b) psychosocial dwarfism c) kwashiorkor d) iron-deficiency anemia

b) psychosocial dwarfism

Studies on parenting styles have found that two feature- ____ -consistently differentiate an effective parenting style from less effective ones. a) types of behavioral consequences; and family income b) responsiveness and warmth; maturity expectations/autonomy granting c) types of play activities; and acceptance and control d) discipline; and time spent watching TV

b) responsiveness and warmth; maturity expectations/autonomy granting

Unlike Piaget, Vygotsky viewed cognitive development as a(an) ____ process. a) active b) socially mediated c) innate d) quantitive

b) socially mediated

Which of the following measure of infant performance best predicts childhood intelligence in elementary school and beyond? a) score on infant intelligence tests (DQ score) b) speed of habituation/dishabituation responses c) infant temperament d) language abilities

b) speed of habituation/dishabituation responses

A ____ refers to any environmental agent that causes damage during the prenatal period. a) toxin b) teratogen c) pollutant d) chemical hazard

b) teratogen

Baby Marisa is twisting and turning triangles, circles, and squares in purposeful trial and error manner to figure out how to fit them into her shape-sorter. According to Piaget, this behavior would best be described as a ____ circular reaction. a) reflexive b) tertiary c) secondary d) primary

b) tertiary

In Erikson's theory, ____ determines a healthy versus unhealthy outcome of infancy. a) the finances available in the infant's family b) the quality and warmth (responsiveness) of the caregiver's behavior c) the amount of food given d) whether the child is breast-fed or bottle-fed

b) the quality and warmth (responsiveness) of the caregiver's behavior

In industrialized nations, ____ is/are the leading cause of death in early and middle childhood. a) intentional injuries/abuse b) unintentional injuries c) cancer d) birth defects

b) unintentional injuries

The emergence of the social smile in infancy corresponds with the development of infants' a) sense of self b) vision c) language d) muscular control of the fingers

b) vision

Which of the following research findings on the gender gap in mathematical ability is true?

biology and environment both make contributions to this gap

After the divorce, particularly in families where mother has custody of the children:

boys tend to exhibit attention-getting, acting out behavior

In females, the onset of sexual maturation begins with which of the following (refer to the table in the book)...

budding breasts

*A teenager in the identity foreclose status would most likely say a) "I've explored many options and have settled on the value system that makes the most sense to me." b) "I'm still exploring." c) "I believe what my parents have taught me and have no reason to doubt that they are right." d) "I don't care about finding a so-called value system. What does it matter anyway."

c) "I believe what my parents have taught me and have no reason to doubt that they are right."

Which of the following statements would likely be made by a parent using explanatory/inductive disciple with the intent to teach expected behavior? a) "I know you didn't mean to hit your brother" b) "You have two choices; go to bed now, or lose a privilege tomorrow." c) "It hurts Sarah's feelings when you don't give her a turn. I expect you to take turn with her or we will have to end our play date and go home." d) What do you think your punishment should be?"

c) "It hurts Sarah's feelings when you don't give her a turn. I expect you to take turn with her or we will have to end our play date and go home."

Jim and Joanna are brother and sister, two years apart in age; Louis and Louisa are fraternal twins. Which pair is genetically more similar? a) Jim and Joanna are more similar b) Louis and Louisa are more similar c) Both pairs are equally similar d) It is impossible to tell from this information

c) Both pairs are equally similar

Which child is most likely to receive the least favorable teacher feedback and, as a consequence, experience learned helplessness? a) Miyako, a low-SES, Caucasian-American female b) Brad, a middle-SES, Japanese-American male c) Felysha, a low-SES, African-American female d) Jesus, a middle-SES, Mexican-American male

c) Felysha, a low-SES, African-American female

*Which of the following statements is true about adolescent mood variation? a) Low points tend to occur on Friday nights. b) Low points tend to occur during times spent with friends. c) High points tend to occur during self-chosen leisure activities d) High points tend to occur around noon each day.

c) High points tend to occur during self-chosen leisure activities

Which if the following is supported by research on the transition to parenthood. a) Childless marriages tend to be happier than marriages with children. b) The birth of a baby usually cause significant marital strain. c) In dual earner marriages, the larger the difference in men's and women's responsibilities, the great the decline in marital satisfaction after childbirth. d) Fathers are usually less willing to take part in child care after the birth of the second child.

c) In dual earner marriages, the larger the difference in men's and women's responsibilities, the great the decline in marital satisfaction after childbirth.

Both Marisa and Ashley weighed 4 pounds at birth. Marisa was born two weeks before her due date, and Ashley was born two months before her due date. Which of the following would you predict about Marisa and Ashley? a) Ashley is more likely than Marisa to die, catch infections, and show evidence of brain damage during the first year. b) There is no research evidence that either Ashley and Maris is more likely to experience serious problems compared to full-term normal-birth-weight babies. c) Marisa is more likely than Ashley to die, catch infections, and show evidence of brain damage during the first year. d) Ashley and Marisa are equally likely to die, catch infections, and show evidence of brain damage during the first year.

c) Marisa is more likely than Ashley to die, catch infections, and show evidence of brain damage during the first year.

____ is a growth disorder resulting from lack of parental love. a) Dwashiorkor b) Deprivation dwarfism c) Nonorganic failure to thrive d) Marasmus

c) Nonorganic failure to thrive

Why do infants spend so much time in REM sleep? a) REM sleep is necessarily to refine fine muscle development of the eye. b) REM sleep allows the body to conserve needed energy for growth. c) REM is a form of self-stimulation that is vital for nervous system development. d) REM sleep assists with temperature regulation and digestion.

c) REM is a form of self-stimulation that is vital for nervous system development.

Usually, labor is induced by giving the mother ____. a) a massage to the uterus to stimulate contractions b) a procedure to dislodge the mucus plug c) a drug, pitocin, to stimulate contractions d) using a balloon catheter to open the cervix

c) a drug, pitocin, to stimulate contractions

In Vygotskian classroom, teachers guide children's learning with explanations, demonstrations, and verbal prompts, carefully tailoring their efforts to each child's zone of proximal development. This process is referred to as a) behavior modification techniques. b) peer collaboration. c) assisted discovery. d) modeling.

c) assisted discovery.

The ____ parenting style is associated with the most successful child development outcomes. a) uninvolved b) permissive c) authoritative d) authoritarian

c) authoritative

At birth, the ____ is/are nearer than any other physical structure to its adult size. a) lungs b) heart c) brain d) feet

c) brain

*An eating disorder in which eating binges are followed by purging is called a) anorexia nervosa b) addictive ingestion c) bulimia nervosa d) compulsive dieting

c) bulimia nervosa

Seven-year-old Renu pours water from a tall, thin glass into a short, thick glass and understands that the amount of water remains unchanged. Renu is capable of understanding a) referential communication b) egocentrism c) conservation d) class inclusion

c) conservation

In a study examining the development of pretend play, Professor Tomy observed two-, three-, four-, and five-year-olds on one occasion in a specially designed playroom. The design of this study is a) cross-sequential b) longitudinal-sequential c) cross-sectional d) longitudinal

c) cross-sectional

Young children often use syntactic bootstrapping and social context to a) make themselves better understood by adults b) explain their thoughts to younger siblings or friends c) determine the meanings of new words d) express themselves to their peers

c) determine the meanings of new words

Rachael's mother can't make plans to go out because she never knows when Rachael will want to eat or sleep. Besides, Rachael cries a lot and won't stay with a sitter. According to Thomas and Chess's temperament types, Rachel would probably be classified as a(n) ____ child. a) slow-to-warm-up b) uninhibited c) difficult d) easy

c) difficult

*Among the following, which adolescents are most likely to have positive self-images in adolescence? a) early-maturing boys and girls b) late-maturing boys and early maturing girls c) early-maturing boys and late maturing girls d) late-maturing boys and girls

c) early-maturing boys and late maturing girls

Two-year-old Hannah offers her brother her favorite blanket when he falls down and skins his knee. Hannah is demonstrating sign of a) interactional synchrony b) shame c) empathy d) social referencing

c) empathy

Games like pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo a) facilitate children's understanding of grammar b) hinder the transition from preverbal to verbal communication c) foster infants' understanding of the turn-taking pattern of human conversation d) help children attain basic mathematical understanding

c) foster infants' understanding of the turn-taking pattern of human conversation

Mothers who have a companion staying with them throughout labor ____ than mothers who do not have companionship a) experience more anxiety and pain during childbirth b) are less likely to hold, hug, and nurse their newborns in the first hour after delivery c) have shorter labors and fewer complications d) request more labor and delivery medications

c) have shorter labors and fewer complications

Compared to children in America, children in Japan, China, and Korea score ____ in academic achievement and ____ in self-esteem. a) lower; higher b) lower; lower c) higher; lower d) higher; higher

c) higher; lower

Daniel makes As in his classes and is mastery oriented. Daniel will most likely attribute his success to a) the teachers' easy tests b) the amount of material covered in class c) his ability d) good luck

c) his ability

Anxiously attached infants, those that tend to be clingy and fearful, tend to have caregivers who are a) neglectful or abusive b) consistently responsive c) inconsistently responsive d) unresponsive

c) inconsistently responsive

Erikson's personality stage/critical psychological conflict during the preschool years is a) industry versus inferiority b) autonomy versus shame and doubt c) initiative versus guilt d) trust versus mistrust

c) initiative versus guilt

A sensitively tuned "emotional dance" in which the parent responds to and matches the baby's emotional cues in a well-timed and responsive manner, like the split-screen example we saw on videotape in class, is called a) self conscious parenting b) ethological matchin c) interactional synchrony d) emotional self regulation

c) interactional synchrony

Self-conscious emotions refer to emotions that a) seem to arise only of children are insecurely attached b) are simple, basic emotions c) involve injury to or enhancement of the sense of self d) arise from development of basic language ability

c) involve injury to or enhancement of the sense of self

Which of the following statements is true of 'disciplining a child': a) parents interact with sons and daughters differently b) spanking is ineffective under all circumstances c) it involve effectively teaching a child what expected of them d) corporal punishment is more common in high SES families

c) it involve effectively teaching a child what expected of them

Once the two hemispheres ____, the cortex ____. a) myelinize; is no longer highly plastic b) myelinize; loses unneeded synapses c) lateralize; is no longer highly plastic d) lateralize; stops functioning properly

c) lateralize; is no longer highly plastic

Research on infant child care indicates that a) young children are relatively unaffected by the quality of daycare facility b) many babies can be cared for by a single adult because they are not yet mobile c) long hours in daycare during the first year can negatively affect attachment security d) daycare is a fact of modern family life and children respond favorably to daycare even with the facilities do not meet high standards for quality

c) long hours in daycare during the first year can negatively affect attachment security

Two-year-old Victoria hugs an upset classmate in the same way that her parents hug her at home when she is upset. According to social learning theory, Victoria likely learned this response to her classmate's distress through a) punishment b) reinforcement c) modeling d) classical conditioning

c) modeling

During middle childhood, attention changes in which of the following ways? It becomes a) less controlled b) less planful c) more adaptable d) more rigid

c) more adaptable

*Adolescents' planning and decision making are a) very effective in both schoolwork and daily life b) easy for tasks of daily life, but are undeveloped for schoolwork c) much improved for schoolwork, but are still difficult in daily life d) poorly developed in both schoolwork and daily life

c) much improved for schoolwork, but are still difficult in daily life

The rapid decline in processing time over middle childhood is thought to be due to a) the deterioration of the synaptic cleft b) an increase in the size of the corpus callosum c) myelinization and synaptic pruning in the brain d) development of the frontal lobes and cerebral cortex

c) myelinization and synaptic pruning in the brain

At the end of the second trimester, nearly all of the brain's ____ are in place. However the brain's ____ continue to increase at a rapid rate throughout pregnancy and after birth. a) neurons; neural tubes b) glial cells, neurons c) neurons; glial cells d) neural tubes; neurons

c) neurons; glial cells

Donnie and Vinny are playing with different toys in the same room, interested in each other but not looking at one another at all. They are engaging in ____ play. a) nonsocial b) associative c) parallel d) cooperative

c) parallel

Aggression aimed at obtaining an object, privilege, or space with no deliberate attempt to harm another person is called ____ aggression a) passive b) hostile c) proactive d) reactive

c) proactive

By the end of the second year, a typical child's weight has ____ since birth. a) doubled b) tripled c) quadrupled d) quintupled

c) quadrupled

Asking a child to recall 10 items they were shown in a book, without providing any perceptual cues, requires them to use which type of memory? a) episodic b) planning c) recall d) recognition

c) recall

Which of the following is NOT true of growth hormone: a) it is released during sleep b) 4-4.5 feet is maximum height without it c) regulates brain development d) release regulated by pituitary gland

c) regulates brain development

Social referencing is a) the use of a familiar caregiver as a base from which an infant confidently explores the environment and to which the infant returns for emotional support b) thinking about the self c) relying on another person's emotional retaken to appraise an uncertain situation d) the process of continuously monitoring progress toward an academic goal, checking outcomes, and redirecting unsuccessful efforts

c) relying on another person's emotional retaken to appraise an uncertain situation

In the Strange Situation, baby Mitchell uses his mother as a secure base from which to explore. He cries when she leaves and crawls quickly to her for comfort when she returns. Mitchell would be classified as showing ____ attachment. a) disorganized/disoriented b) resistant c) secure d) avoidant

c) secure

The capacity to control socially disapproved behavior is known as a) self-regulation b) self-awareness c) self-control d) self-esteem

c) self-control

To parents, fine motor progress in early childhood is most apparent in which o the following two areas? a) drawing and writing; running and jumping b) language comprehension; independent movement c) self-help skills; drawing and writing d) voluntary reaching and grasping; independent movement

c) self-help skills; drawing and writing

Candice is interested in whether her preschool students have good recognition memory. After showing them several picture of animals, she should wait a short while and then a) have students draw the pictures she showed them earlier, to see how many details they remember b) have students say what they remember about their recent trip to the zoo c) show them the familiar pictures and some unfamiliar pictures, and have students pick out the ones they saw before d) ask students to make up stories about what they remember from the pictures they saw earlier

c) show them the familiar pictures and some unfamiliar pictures, and have students pick out the ones they saw before

Sally and Susie are using dolls to act out a make-believe story in which Sally is the mother and Susie is the daughter. Of what type of play are these preschoolers engaged? a) associative b) nonsocial c) sociodramatic d) parallel

c) sociodramatic

*Which of the following is true? a) the typical 15- to 18-year-old male has had three or more sexual partners b) teenagers from smaller families are more likely to be sexually active than teenagers from large families c) teenagers living in low-SES neighborhoods are more likely to be sexually active than teenagers in higher-income neighborhoods d) girls tend to have their first intercourse earlier than boys

c) teenagers living in low-SES neighborhoods are more likely to be sexually active than teenagers in higher-income neighborhoods

Of all Western countries, ____ has the highest percentage of extremely poor children. a) Canada b) France c) the United States d) Germany

c) the United States

The cephalocaudal trend in development means that a) males develop more rapidly than females b) females develop more rapidly than males c) the head region develops before the foot region d) the extremities develop before the central regions

c) the head region develops before the foot region

The expulsion of the placenta takes place during the ____ stage of labor a) first b) second c) third d) this does not happen during labor, but after labor is over

c) third

In the brain, ____ consists largely of myelinated nerve fibers and ____ throughout childhood and adolescence a) gray matter; increases steadily b) white matter; decreases significantly c) white mater; increases steadily d) gray matter; decreases slightly

c) white mater; increases steadily

At preschool, it is Tyler's fourth birthday. Although, Christine is only 3, she insists that she is older than Tyler because she is taller. Christine focuses on height, not years as a measure of age. This is an example of:


Body growth in middle childhood tends to be:

characterized by slight spurts followed by lulls

One of the most important ethical issues in research on children is

children often can't evaluate for themselves what participation in a study will mean for them so adults must take care to protect the rights and safety of the children involved in research

______________ is the aspect of parenting where children are given increasing levels of control over moment to moment decision-making while parents retain high levels of general oversight.


The ________ view of development regards the difference between the immature and mature being as one of amount or complexity of behavior. This view stands in contrast to views that see maturity as reflecting distinctly different behaviors that are simply not possible in the less mature being.


Which structure of the brain allows the two hemispheres of the brain to communicate with one another?

corpus callosum

____ is gradual reduction in interest in an object (like a mobile or rattle) due to repetitive exposure to it. a) Extinction b) Recovery c) Classical Conditioning d) Habituation

d) Habituation

Child "A" is a girl. Which of the following is probably true? a) She will regard reading, art, and music as "masculine" subjects b) Her parents are more likely to express confidence in her abilities than her brother's c) Her parents will use more directive commands with her than with her brother d) Her parents are less likely to encourage her to make her own decisions than her older brother

d) Her parents are less likely to encourage her to make her own decisions than her older brother

Two-year-old Jonathan is a difficult child. His parents respond with positive interactions, maintain close involvement with him, and work to establish a stable home environment. What outcome could be predicted for Jonathan? a) He will maintain his difficult behavior throughout childhood. b) No long-term studies have been performed with difficult children, so outcomes cannot be predicted. c) His difficult behavior will be maintained and even increase over time. d) His difficult behavior will decrease with age.

d) His difficult behavior will decrease with age.

Which of the following is supported by research on family size? a) Children in larger families tend to do better in school than children in smaller families. b) Parents who have many children tend to be more patient and less punitive than those who have few children. c) Small families are usually less well off economically than large families. d) Parents with lower intelligence test scores tend to have larger families than parents with higher scores.

d) Parents with lower intelligence test scores tend to have larger families than parents with higher scores.

Which of the following statements about ADHD is true a) Children with ADHD are likely to be popular with peers b) Children with ADHD typically score higher than their peers on intelligence tests c) More girls than boys are affected d) Symptoms must appear as a consistent problem before the age of 7 in order to be diagnosed with ADHD

d) Symptoms must appear as a consistent problem before the age of 7 in order to be diagnosed with ADHD

*Jake experienced the onset of conduct problems in childhood. Thomas's conduct problems began in adolescence. Which of the following statements is probably true? a) Thomas's conduct problems will probably continue his entire life. b) Thomas is far more likely to lead a life-course pattern of aggression and criminality. c) Jake's conduct problems will probably stop after the transition to emerging adulthood. d) Thoms's conduct problems will probably stop after the transition to emerging adulthood.

d) Thoms's conduct problems will probably stop after the transition to emerging adulthood.

Which of the following children is most likely to have myopia? a) Hallie, whose parents are uneducated b) Devin, whose parents have good eyesight c) Chen, who weighed 7 pounds at birth d) Travis, whose parents are doctors

d) Travis, whose parents are doctors

Researchers believe that most newborn reflexes disappear during the first six months due to a) a lack of use, particularly those originally adapted for survival purposes. b) proximodistal development impacting grow motor control. c) cephalocaudal development impacting fine motor control. d) a gradual increase in voluntary control over behavior as the cerebral cortex develops.

d) a gradual increase in voluntary control over behavior as the cerebral cortex develops.

The four self-esteems that have typically developed by age 7 or 8 in western cultures are: a) child, sibling, student, friend b) height, weight, race/ethnicity, emotional c) school-related, family-related, peer-related, individually-related d) academic, social, physical/athletic, physical appearance

d) academic, social, physical/athletic, physical appearance

Children who spend more time in sociodramatic play are a) at risk for social rejection b) less socially competent c) more physically skilled than their age mates d) advanced in cognitive development

d) advanced in cognitive development

During the first year of life a) sustained attention improves b) ability to remember for longer periods improves c) use of many categories to classify objects is evident d) all of the answers here are true of infants

d) all of the answers here are true of infants

While attending his best friend's birthday party, Sikes, age 8, accidentally knocks the cake off of the table. Sikes is likely to feel a) guilty b) angry c) sad d) ashamed

d) ashamed

Aaron's parents have high standards for his behavior. At the same time, they do not provide him with emotional warmth or respond consistently to his emotional needs. Aaron frequently hears, "Do it because I said so!" His parent can be classified as a) authoritative b) permissive c) uninvolved d) authoritarian

d) authoritarian

Four-month-old Max became easily upset by new and novel experience, a colorful, musical, moving mobile. His body became tense, he was highly active, and cried easily---similar to the infant we watched on video in class about infant temperament. According to research by Jerome Kagan, Max is likely to a) have higher-than-average intelligence in middle childhood b) develop low self-esteem by early childhood c) develop an insecure attachment to his mother by the second year d) become fearful, inhibited toddler & preschooler

d) become fearful, inhibited toddler & preschooler

Children consistently use memory strategies a) at about the time they reach puberty b) when they have mastered formal operations c) from preschool on d) by the mid-elementary year

d) by the mid-elementary year

Hennie and Brendan have identical balls of play dough. After Brendan flattens his into a "pancake," he believes that he now has more play dough than Hennie. Brendan lacks a) centration b) symbolism c) dual representation d) conservation

d) conservation

Mr. and Mrs. Bloom are gradually shifting control for daily activities and responsibilities to their son Orlando. They allow Orlando to control moment-by-moment decision making, but they maintain general oversight over his activities. The blooms are engaging in a) parent-child negotiational parenting b) parental neglect c) authoritarian parenting d) coregulation

d) coregulation

Theo's grandmother wants to make sure he successfully resolves Erikson's psychosocial conflict of middle childhood. She should give Theo opportunities to a) learn to initiate conversations with girls b) build trust in others c) become more empathic d) develop competence at useful skills

d) develop competence at useful skills

According to the behavioristic approach, the proper focus of study for psychology should be a) unconscious impulses and drives b) adaptive evolutionary behavior patterns c) each person's unique inner experience d) directly observable events

d) directly observable events

Which attachment pattern is especially high among physically abused infants or cases of extreme neglect? a) secure b) avoidant c) resistant d) disorganized/disoriented

d) disorganized/disoriented

An approach to testing that is consistent with Vygotsky's concept of the zone of proximal development is known as a) instrumental testing b) zone assessments c) natural process evaluation d) dynamic assessment

d) dynamic assessment

Down syndrome is most commonly caused by a) increased age of the father b) mutation of the genetic material on the 23rd chromosomal pair c) trauma at birth d) failure of the 21st pair of chromosomes to separate during meiosis

d) failure of the 21st pair of chromosomes to separate during meiosis

Recent research using a violation-of-expectation task (impossible event paradigm), where babies are shown an impossible event such as the one show in class on video where the cart appears to roll through the dotted box on the track, has shown that infants as young as ____ grasp the idea of object permanence. a) 2 years b) a year of age c) preschool age d) few months of age

d) few months of age

According to Vygotsky, children speak to themselves a) because they are egocentric b) for the pleasure of hearing their own voice c) because they are lonely d) for self-guidance

d) for self-guidance

____ have slightly more body fat than ____ during the middle childhood years. a) boys; girls b) children from cold climates; children from warm climates c) children from less developed countries; North American children d) girls; boys

d) girls; boys

Which of these is the best example of a fine motor skill? a) crawling b) walking c) kicking d) grasping

d) grasping

Baby Jason has learned how to put together kicking, rocking on all fours, and reaching into crawling. This development reflect development in a) fine motore skill b) genetically determined skills c) visual perceptual skills d) gross motor skills

d) gross motor skills

A concordance rate of 50 percent indicates that a) half of the variation in the trait is due to environmental factors b) the probability that one's offspring will have the trait is 50 percent c) half of the variation in the trait can be explained by individual differences in genetic makeup d) if one twin has the trait, the other one will have it half the time

d) if one twin has the trait, the other one will have it half the time

Rovee-Collier's operant conditioning research (which we viewed in class on video) in which infants kick to move mobile attached to their feet by a long ribbon, provides evidence that a) infants are not interested in the mobile and therefore are unable to learn the relationship between their kick and the mobile movement b) the ability to understand and remember the relationship between their kick and the mobile movement does not emerge until the end of the sensorimotor state c) infants are interested in the mobile but are unable to grasp the relationship between their kicking and the movement of the mobile d) infants as young as 3 months have the ability to understand and remember the relationship between their kick and the mobile movement

d) infants as young as 3 months have the ability to understand and remember the relationship between their kick and the mobile movement

In most right-handed individual, the left hemisphere of the brain is primarily responsible for a) negative emotion b) spatial skils c) wholistic thinking d) language skills

d) language skills

Which of the following is NOT true of peer groups in middle childhood? a) they are collectives with unique values for members b) they organize based c) they organize based on similarity in sex, ethnicity, & popularity d) membership is highly changeable when tracked for a month

d) membership is highly changeable when tracked for a month

Rehearsal, organization, and categorization are all examples of a) types of attention b) preoperational tasks c) autobiographical memory d) memory strategies

d) memory strategies

*Accumulating evidence on high-stakes testing indicates that it a) provides motivation for upgrading teaching and learning b) encourages teachers to focus on more in-depth, critical thinking tasks in their lessons c) accurately indicated the academic abilities of students d) often undermines the quality of education

d) often undermines the quality of education

Research on child care in the United States shows that a) early nonmaterial care is linked with negative psychological outcomes regardless of the quality of the care b) high quality care facilities cognitive skills in middle- and -high-income but not low-income children c) caregivers are required to have some training in child development in order to serve as a leach teacher in a preschool classroom d) only 20 to 25 percent of child-care settings provide a level of care sufficient to promote healthy development and to be therefore rated as meeting standards for high quality

d) only 20 to 25 percent of child-care settings provide a level of care sufficient to promote healthy development and to be therefore rated as meeting standards for high quality

Two-year-old Alex uses the word "horse" for cows, zebra, and donkeys. Alex's error is known as an a) underregularization b) underextension c) overregularization d) overextension

d) overextension

*Throughout adolescence, what is the single most consistent predictor of a teenager's mental health? a) peer group affiliation b) academic achievement c) SES d) parent-child relationship

d) parent-child relationship

The three major domains of development that operate throughout the lifespan are a) biological, environmental, and cognitive b) theoretical, empirical, and applied c) verbal, mathematical, and spatial d) physical, cognitive, and social

d) physical, cognitive, and social

When bottle-fed babies are given a choice between the smell of their usual formula, the smell of the breast of a nursing mother, or the smell of a mother's breast who is not nursing, they a) prefer their usual formula. b) show no preference. c) prefer the non nursing mother's breast. d) prefer the nursing mother's breast.

d) prefer the nursing mother's breast.

Baby Antonio notices his hands moving and becomes interested in them. Later, he tries to this action of moving his hands in the same way again and again. In Piaget's theory, this is an example of a ____ circular reaction. a) reflexive b) tertiary c) secondary d) primary

d) primary

A researcher had planned to examine children's memories for traumatic events by showing his participants a videotape of a violent crime, but his project was rejected by his university's ethics committee. The committee MOST likely rejected this study because it violated which of the following research rights? a) informed consent b) privacy c) beneficial treatments d) protection from harm

d) protection from harm

In B. F. Skinner's operant conditioning theory, ____ decreases the strength of a behavior. a) modeling b) negative reinforcement c) positive reinforcement d) punishment

d) punishment

Hanna is 3 years old and eats only a few foods. Which of the following would you suggest to Hanna's parents to encourage their daughter to eat a new food? a) forbid access to the foods that she does like b) bribe her with a cookie if she will finish the new food c) serve her only the new food so that she has no choice but to eat it d) repeatedly expose her to the new food without any direct pressure to eat it

d) repeatedly expose her to the new food without any direct pressure to eat it

One-year-old James begins to cry and climb on his mother when she attempts to leave him with his grandmother whom he sees on a weekly basis. James is displaying a) stanger anxiety b) social referencing c) interactional synchrony d) seperation anxiety

d) separation anxiety

Which of the following emotions is associated with feelings of personal inadequacy and maladjustment? a) guilt b) fear c) sadness d) shame

d) shame

Compared to the first two years of life, growth during the school years is a) the same b) more rapid in height, but slower in weight c) more rapid in height and weight d) slow and regular

d) slow and regular

Margaret shows exceptional talent in drawing and sculpting, able to recreate entire scenes and landscapes from memory. According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, Margaret has particular strength in ____ intelligence a) logico-mathemathical b) bodily-kinesthetic c) linguistic d) spatial

d) spatial

In the Gibson's differentiation theory, perceptual development reflects an innate tendency to search for ____ relationships between features of among various stimuli. A) nonexistant b) dynamic c) unlikely d) stable, familiar

d) stable, familiar

Which of the following would provide the MOST beneficial long-term effects for a child with ADHD? a) stimulant medication b) stimulant medication combined with social and academic interventions c) stimulant medication combined with social, academic, and family interventions d) stimulant medication combined with social, academic, and family interventions and environmental and career support in adulthood

d) stimulant medication combined with social, academic, and family interventions and environmental and career support in adulthood

____ is feeling sorry for another because they have been harmed or is upset. These types of feelings associated with ____ behavior, actions that benefit another without expected reward for the self. a) sympathy; relationally aggressive b) empathy; self-conscious c) empathy; retaliatory d) sympathy; altruistic

d) sympathy; altruistic

Which of these occurs during the first stage of labor? a) the baby's head appears b) the mother begins to push c) the placenta is delivered d) the cervix dilates

d) the cervix dilates

The placenta is a) a hollow, fluid-filled ball of cells that develops within a few days of fertilization b) a protective layer that encloses the blastocyst in amniotic fluid c) a small cluster of cells on the inside of the blastocyst from which the embryo will develop d) the organ that permits food and oxygen to reach the developing organism

d) the organ that permits food and oxygen to reach the developing organism

What could one determine about a person whose 23rd pair of chromosomes is XY? a) that person is a female b) the person has Down syndrome c) the person has PKU d) the person is male

d) the person is male

A set of attitudes, abilities, and values, cognitive in nature, that define an individual are known as a) identification b) self-knowledge c) individualism d) the self-concept

d) the self-concept

Which environmental context has the first and longest-lasting influence on children's development? a) their peer group b) their school c) their social class d) their family

d) their family

Which of the following is true of information processing gains in preschoolers? a) they are not yet able to organize scripts for ordinary events into a logical sequence b) they are skillful with a wide range of intentional memory strategies c) they easily engage in playful searching in detailed pictures like "Where's Waldo?" d) they are gaining in their ability to inhibit impulses and focus attention

d) they are gaining in their ability to inhibit impulses and focus attention

*On the average, girls reach puberty ____ boys. a) the same time as b) slightly later than c) slightly earlier than d) two years before

d) two years before

*An experimenter hides a poker chip in her hand and asks children to indicate whether the following statement is true, fall, or uncertain: "Ether the chip in my hand is green or it is not green." A concrete operational child will say the statement is ____. A formal operational adolescent will say the statement is ____. a) true; false b) true; uncertain c) uncertain; false d) uncertain; true

d) uncertain; true

According to Erikson, a mother who ____ is most likely to promote autonomy in toddlerhood. a) abruptly corrects her son whenever he incorrectly uses his fork or spoon b) picks up her son's toys, without letting him learn through trial and error as he is able c) makes her son quit playing immediately whenever she needs to run an errand d) waits patiently while her son master the steps to put on his socks and shoes

d) waits patiently while her son master the steps to put on his socks and shoes

Many young adults enter a period of excitement and personal expansion as they explore the emergence of adulthood. For many low SES adults this period may be more difficult because of early parenthood, inadequate schooling, or lack of vocational training. They may have a floundering period marked by ______ and _____.

dead end, low paying jobs and unemployment

In Thomas and Chess's study of childhood temperament they found what three temperamental styles in childhood personality:

difficult, easy, slow-to-warm

Verbal aggression (name-calling and hostile teasing) is the type of aggression most often seen in the behavior of young girls.


Research on African-American children adopted into economically well-off white homes during the first year of life suggests that:

environmental factors are largely responsible for the lower IQ's of African American children

______ is a type of identity status where the individual prematurely (without adequate exploration) defines aspects of personal identity.


Research indicates that the best treatment for childhood obesity is:

family-based interventions that focus on changing behaviors

Which of the following is true?

girls grades are higher in secondary school than boys but they underestimate their ability and achievement

Formal operations seem to be:

gradual, situation-specific and task-specific

____________ is a type of aggression intended to harm another person.


When faced with a problem, adolescents begin with a general theory, deduce from it specific predictions, and then test the predictions -- a process Piaget called:

hypothetico-deductive reasoning

Teenagers are convinced that they are the focus of everyone's attention and concern. This feature of adolescent thought is called:

imaginary audience

By pursuing meaningful achievement and confidence in their abilities, elementary school children show evidence of ________ in the fourth stage of Erikson's theory.


Achieving _____ is the major personality task of early adulthood according to Erikson's theory.


______ maturing females and ______ maturing males are likely to have positive self images in adolescence.


_______________ is a type of attributional style where children believe their successes are due to luck and their failures due to low levels of ability. (take your answer directly from the text, don't capitalize the answer and spell correctly)

learned helplessness

The ability to pass conservation tasks provides clear evidence of ___________: mental actions that obey logical rules.


Four year-old Phil says, "yesterday I wented to the store." Phil is:


Using the categories of peer acceptance discussed in the book fill in the following blanks: __________ are children more likely to be bullies. _____________ are children more likely to be bullied by others. __________ do not feel sad about their relatively invisible status with peers _____________ are well liked by peers even though they tend to defy authority and do poorly in school

rejected - aggressive rejected - withdrawn neglected popular - antisocial

___________ is the ability for a child to control the expression of emotion and has been linked to less frequent displays of ____________when interacting with other children in distress.

self regulation; aggression

Effective parenting of adolescents strikes a balance between ______ and _____.

separateness and connection

During the Strange Situation, a parent leaves the room in order to assess the infant's ______, and returns again to assess the infant's______________:

separation anxiety, reaction to the reunion

The most effective form of DISCIPLINE is:

setting expectations ahead of time and praising compliant behavior.

Sally, a 5-year-old is playing catch with her father. She misses almost all the time. She is likely to say what about her ability to catch.

she is great at catching

Research indicates that modern children benefit from growing up in:

small families

Which of the following best describes an aspect of a child's environment that exerts an 'indirect' influence on the child's development:

the quality relationship between a child's parents

____ is the number that describes how two variables in a research study are mathematically related.

the correlation coefficient

In general, research shows that the earlier the school transition?

the more powerful the negative impact, especially for girls

Which of the following is most at risk for dropping out of school and delinquency?

the rejected child

Which is probably the most complex self-help skill (according to your text

tying shoes

The leading cause of death in the preschool years in the United States is:

unintentional injury

___________ covers the baby's skin and prevents it from chapping in the amniotic fluid.


Improvements in motor skills during the school years reflect gains in all of the following EXCEPT:


Grouping children by ability in classrooms:

widens the performance gap between high and low achievers

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