psyc 3120 exam 2 dr. frieda

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Which individuals are displaying self-conscious emotions? --7-year-old Harry, who is embarrassed --4-year-old Sam, who feels shame --11-year-old Mike, who is angry with his sister --4-month-old Jill, who is giggling

--7-year-old Harry, who is embarrassed --4-year-old Sam, who feels shame

In many ______ (select all that apply) cultures, mothers massage and stretch their infants during daily baths. --European --Indian --African --Caribbean

--Indian --African --Caribbean

Which of the following are common characteristics of all human languages? --Organizational rules --Plural words formed by adding "s." --Contractions --Infinite generativity

--Organizational rules --Infinite generativity

Which of the following are research-based recommendations in regard to rearing children with different types of temperament? --Raise children similarly regardless of temperament. --Recognize individuality. --Avoid labeling. --Be flexible. --Make children conform to their environment.

--Recognize individuality. --Avoid labeling. --Be flexible.

around what age do babies say their first word?

13 months

In general, infant fear first emerges at ________ months and peaks at about _______ months.

6, 18

What is the typical age at which infants can sit independently?

6-7 months

By the second birthday, the brain is about _______ of its adult weight. A--75% B--60% C--55% D--40%


Which of the following activities is NOT considered a fine motor skill? A--Riding a tricycle B--Buttoning a shirt C--Grasping a toy D--Sorting shapes in a shape-sorting toy

A--Riding a tricycle

What type of emotions require self-awareness and a sense of 'me'? A--Self-conscious emotions B--Positive emotions C--Primary emotions

A--Self-conscious emotions

The "vocabulary spurt," when it happens, usually occurs between ______ and 24 months. A--20 B--18 C--14


Which of the following is considered a baby's scheme? Completing an algebra problem A--Balancing a budget B--A baby sucking its thumb C--Learning how to drive a car

B--A baby sucking its thumb

A child calls all winged creatures birds, including bats and butterflies. Her mother teaches her the correct terms for the different animals, and the child does not make the mistake again in the future. What Piagetian concept does this example describe? A--Organization B--Accommodation C--Conservation D--Equilibration


Which theorists developed a temperament classification system in which most children are considered to be easy, difficult, or slow-to-warm-up? A--Freud B--Chess and Thomas C--Rothbart and Bates

B--Chess and Thomas

When caregivers and infants frequently engage in ______ attention, infants say their first word earlier and develop a larger vocabulary. A--oriented B--joint C--focused D--sustained


Emotional interactions between caregiver and child are ______, or synchronous, meaning they shape and are shaped by each other. A--singular B--reciprocal C--personal D--one directional


Baby Julio isn't very active and shows a low intensity of mood. According to Chess and Thomas' temperament classification system, Julio is a(n) ______ child. A--introverted B--slow-to-warm-up C--easy


At what age do infants begin cooing? A--At birth B--4 to 6 months C--2 to 4 months

C--2 to 4 months

The average North American newborn weighs just over ______ pounds. A--5 B--6 C--7 D--8


Which of the following activities is NOT a gross motor skill? A--Swimming B--Walking C--Tying shoes D--Jumping rope

C--Tying shoes

Memory without conscious recollection is known as A--infantile amnesia. B--explicit memory. C--implicit memory.

C--implicit memory.

Which of the following involves the retention of information over time? A--Joint attention B--Encoding C--Habituation D--Memory


The _____ view connects perceptual capabilities to information available in the world of the perceiver. A--sensory B--physiological C--behavioral D--ecological


The sensorimotor substage in which sensation and action are coordinated primarily through such behaviors as rooting and sucking is called A--secondary circular reactions. B--internalization of schemes. C--coordination of secondary circular reactions. D--simple reflexes.

D--simple reflexes.

When can sound first be perceived?

During the last two months of pregnancy

What is the term for the tendency to apply a word to objects that are inappropriate for the word's meaning?


Match Bowlby's phase of attachment with its description. Children instinctively direct attachment to human figures.

Phase 1: birth to 2 months

Match Bowlby's phase of attachment with its description. Attachment becomes focused on one figure.

Phase 2: 2 to 7 months

According to Piaget, at what age does the sensorimotor period end?

age 2

The term stranger _________ describes a situation in which infants demonstrate a wariness of people they do not know.


____________ occurs when children use their existing schemes to deal with new information or experiences.


Criticisms of __________ theory include the role that culture and biological factors have on infant's temperament.


The close emotional bond between caregivers and infants is known as _________


What is the close emotional bond between two people called?


Baby Michelle looks intently at her mother, who is singing a song. What is Michelle demonstrating?


___________ refers to the focusing of mental resources on select information.


"ma ma ma" is an example of what


Shaken baby syndrome causes swelling and hemorrhaging of the _______


Developmental ___________ can include connections between a wide range of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes as well as involving social contexts such as families, peers, schools, and culture.


Experience is necessary for ______ vision to develop normally.


The first form of vocalization an infant makes, starting at birth, is _________


Order the sequence of babies' sounds during the first year of life, beginning with the earliest form

crying, cooing, babbling

When parents of children in East Asia encourage the demonstration of emotional reserve, this illustrates the influence of ______________ diversity on emotional development.


______ is the replication of behavior after a time delay of hours or days.

deferred imitation

Infants with poorer sleep patterns showed more ______ during an attention task.


________ is the name Piaget gave to the mechanism by which children shift from one stage of thought to the next.


______________ is restating, in a linguistically sophisticated form, what a child has said.


__________ memory refers to the conscious memory of facts and experiences.


True or false: Accommodation occurs when children use their existing schemes to deal with new information or experiences.


True or false: In infancy, spoken vocabulary far exceeds receptive vocabulary.


True or false: In the second year of life, growth accelerates at a rapid pace.


True or false: Infants can say more words than they can actually understand.


True or false: Most U.S. children have a parent who stays home to care for them.


True or false: One surprising finding of the NICHD longitudinal study was that the majority of child care provided in the first three years of life was of high quality.


True or false: Some researchers have found that there are distinct psychological differences between breast-fed and bottle-fed infants.


The four lobes of the brain are the occipital, parietal, temporal, and ________


________ memory is the type of memory that encompasses skills and routine procedures that are performed automatically.


Perception is defined as the _________ of what is sensed.


A research study was performed in which six-month-old infants observed their mothers either giving attention to a lifelike baby doll or gently rocking it (Hart & Carrington, 2002). Researchers had to decide if infant emotional expressions constituted _________. This illustrates the complexity of indexing early emotions.


________ attention considerably increases infants' ability to learn from other people.


_____________attention occurs when two individuals focus on the same object or event.


What is the term for identifying the names of objects when speaking to a child?


In terms of sudden infant death syndrome risk, the safest position for a sleeping infant is _________________________________

lying on their back

__________ is the retention of information over time.


Infants should consume ______ an adult's requirement of calories per pound.

more than twice

The reflex that is demonstrated by newborns arching their backs, throwing back their heads, and flinging out their arms and legs is called the ______ reflex.


this reflex occurs in response to a sudden, intense noise or movement

moro reflex

What is a word or a part of a word that cannot be broken down into smaller meaningful parts?


What is the minimal unit of meaning in a word?


Rothbart and Bates' temperament classification category of _______ _______ includes discomfort, fear, frustration, and sadness. Children in this category are easily distressed and may fret and cry often.

negative affectivity

Match the type of infant attachment with its caregiver description. disorganized

neglectful, abusive

Neurons are ______ cells that send electrical and chemical signals.


Some studies have shown that there are ______ psychological differences between breast-fed and bottle-fed infants.


_______________ is the tendency to apply a word to objects that are inappropriate for the word's meaning.


Babies have at least three types of cries: a basic cry, a(n) ____________ cry, and a(n) _________ cry.

pain, anger

When an infant holds a bottle using both hands, he is using the _________ grasp.


The interpretation of sensory information is called ________


The main theme of the ecological approach of Eleanor and James J. Gibson is that ______ and action are coupled.


The enduring personal characteristics of the individual are known as ________________


In a most basic classification sense, enthusiasm, joy, and love are classified as ____________ emotions, whereas anxiety, anger, and guilt are classified as ____________ emotions.

positive, negative

If you say "Hey, Buddy!" when greeting your friend but "Hello, Mrs. Berra" when greeting your teacher, you are demonstrating that you understand ______.


Researchers have found that nearly twice as many of the neural connections made in an infant's brain will ever be used. The unused connections will be _________


_______ is the term used to describe the process by which unused neural connections are replaced by other pathways or disappear.


Piaget believed that cognition is ______ different in one stage compared with another.


When a child says, "Grandma fun!", and the parent responds with the statement, "Did you have a good time at Grandma's?", the parent is using the strategy of __________


______________ is the rephrasing or restating of something a child has said, perhaps in the form of a question, for example.


the _________ reflex occurs when the infant's cheek is stroked or the side of the mouth is touched and the infant then turns its head toward the side that was touched


An important form of reciprocal socialization is ___________, in which parents adjust the level of guidance to fit the child's performance, thus allowing them to be more skillful.


What is the sensorimotor substage in which infants become more object-oriented and less focused on their own body?

secondary circular reactions

Baby Alex is lying on his back on a blanket with a musical toy dangling above him. When Alex begins to wave his hands and accidentally touches the toy and it begins to play music. Very quickly Alex learns that when he touches the toy, it plays music. Every time the toy stops, he bats at it with his hand to make the music continue. Which sensorimotor substage is Alex in?

secondary circular reactions substage

____________ attached infants have caregivers who are sensitive to their signals and constantly available to respond to the infants' needs.


The meaning of words and sentences is called __________


_____ refers to the units of meaning involved in word formation.


the term ____________ refers to when information interacts with sensory receptors.


Match the type of infant attachment with its caregiver description. secure

sensitive, consistent

The term ___________ protest is used to describe the behavior of infants who cry when their caregiver leaves them.


In examining the connection between attention and habituation in infancy, objects that become familiar will result in attention becoming ____________ (longer/shorter).


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that an infant be breastfed exclusively, for the first ______ months.


One-year-old Bryan sees a man with a beard approaching him and his mother. Brian looks at his mother's face to get a cue as to whether or not he should be alarmed. His reliance on his mother to "show" him how to react is an example of _______ _______.

social referencing

The interaction between children and caregivers is like a dance or dialog in which each successive action depends on the partner's previous behavior. The term used to describe this is reciprocal _____________


Spelke found that 4-month-old infants expected objects to be _________ and _________

solid, continuous

In the English language, the smallest unit of ______ that affects meaning is a phoneme.


During the internalization of schemes substage, infants develop the ability to use primitive ____________ that allow them to think about concrete events without directly acting them out or perceiving them.


Bowlby argued that infants develop an internal ________ model of attachment.


Which of the following groups of mothers would be least likely to breast feed their infants? --Middle and higher income mothers --African American mothers --Mothers under the age of 25 --Mothers without a high school education

--African American mothers --Mothers under the age of 25 --Mothers without a high school education

Which of the following racial/ethnic groups have higher rates of death from sudden infant death syndrome? --African Americans --Caucasians --Eskimos --Eastern Europeans

--African Americans --Eskimos

A high-quality day care center should provide which of the following? --A good amount of time free of supervision. --Age-appropriate activities. --Age-appropriate toys for play. --A safe environment.

--Age-appropriate activities. --Age-appropriate toys for play. --A safe environment.

According to Rothbart and Bates, what does the dimension of extraversion/surgency include? --Approach --Inhibition --Activity --Smiling --Anxiety --Pleasure

--Approach --Activity --Smiling --Pleasure

According to research, breast feeding affects children in which of the following ways? --Breast-fed infants are more likely to become obese in childhood. --Breast-fed infants have fewer gastrointestinal infections --Breast-fed infants have fewer respiratory tract infections --Breast-fed infants are less likely to become overweight.

--Breast-fed infants have fewer gastrointestinal infections --Breast-fed infants have fewer respiratory tract infections --Breast-fed infants are less likely to become overweight.

Which of the following are the two most important emotional expressions that infants display when interacting with their parents? --Cries --Smiles --Expressions of disgust --Frowns

--Cries --Smiles

Which of the following recommendations are strategies advocated by child-care experts? --Critically evaluate child-care situations for quality. --Select institutional child-care programs only. --Recognize that quality of parenting is a key factor in child development. --Monitor your child's behavior. --Have a stay-at-home parent care for infants.

--Critically evaluate child-care situations for quality. --Recognize that quality of parenting is a key factor in child development. --Monitor your child's behavior.

Which of the following elements play a role in visual perceptual development? --Developing sensitivity to information --Nurture --Psychological maturation --Nature

--Developing sensitivity to information --Nurture --Nature

According to Rothbart and Bates, what does the dimension of negative affectivity include? --Fear --Discomfort --Lack of inhibition --Sadness --Self-regulation --Frustration

--Fear --Discomfort --Sadness --Frustration

Which of the following statements are true in regard to Harlow's conclusions based on the study of infant monkeys? --Providing nourishment is the most important factor in the attachment process. --Feeding is not the crucial element in the attachment process. --Contact comfort is crucial in the attachment process. --The first stage of infant development is the trust-versus-mistrust stage.

--Feeding is not the crucial element in the attachment process. --Contact comfort is crucial in the attachment process.

Which of the following statements are true in regard to Harlow's conclusions based on the study of infant monkeys? --Providing nourishment is the most important factor in the attachment process. --Feeding is not the crucial element in the attachment process. --The first stage of infant development is the trust-versus-mistrust stage. --Contact comfort is crucial in the attachment process.

--Feeding is not the crucial element in the attachment process. --Contact comfort is crucial in the attachment process.

Which of the following can be inferred as an outcome of the research by DeCasper and Spence (1986) in which mothers read The Cat in the Hat to their fetuses and then to the children post-birth? --Infants do not remember sounds heard prenatally. --Fetuses can hear. --Infants are capable of localizing sound. --Fetuses can learn.

--Fetuses can hear. --Fetuses can learn.

Infants are able to understand that people have intentions because they can engage in which of the following? --Gaze following --Emotion regulation --Joint attention --Locomotion

--Gaze following --Joint attention

Which two of the following strategies do parents typically use with young infants to direct joint attention? --Gaze following --Reinforcement --Modeling --Pointing

--Gaze following --Pointing

Which of the following are environmental influences that can encourage or discourage the persistence of temperament characteristics? --Goodness of fit influences --The influence of genetic inheritance --Cultural influences --The influences of personality

--Goodness of fit influences --Cultural influences

Scientists are using which of the following technology to study infant perception? --High-speed computers --Sucking behavior equipment --Sensory deprivation --Video-recording equipment --Visual fixation equipment

--High-speed computers --Video-recording equipment --Visual fixation equipment

Scientists in the field of social neuroscience are MOST LIKELY to study which of the following factors? --Hormones --The brain --Mother-infant attachment --Maternity leave --Psychoanalysis

--Hormones --The brain --Mother-infant attachment

Which of the following are reasons why a mother should NOT breast feed? --If the mother is taking a drug that may not be safe for the infant --If the mother has active tuberculosis --If the mother is infected with HIV or another infectious disease --If the mother has a calcium deficiency

--If the mother is taking a drug that may not be safe for the infant --If the mother has active tuberculosis --If the mother is infected with HIV or another infectious disease

When caregivers and infants frequently engage in joint attention, how is language development impacted? --Infants speak their first words earlier. --Infants use more sign language. --Infants have a larger vocabulary. --Infants develop expressive language before receptive language.

--Infants speak their first words earlier. --Infants have a larger vocabulary.

Which of the following statements are true regarding face-to-face play? --It begins at about 6-7 months of age. --It includes vocalization, touch, and gestures. --It does not include vocalization, touch, or gestures. --It begins when the infant is about 2 to 3 months of age.

--It includes vocalization, touch, and gestures. --It begins when the infant is about 2 to 3 months of age

Which of the following are knowledge systems discussed as part of the core knowledge approach? --Language --Space --Object permanence --Gravity

--Language --Space --Object permanence

Which of the following is an outcome of a mother weaning her infant from breast milk and giving the infant unsuitable and unsanitary cow's milk formula? --Malnutrition in the infant --Protein deficiency --Greater risk of osteoporosis in adulthood --Greater likelihood of childhood obesity --Greater likelihood for food allergies once on solid foods

--Malnutrition in the infant --Protein deficiency

Which of the following are the two significant ways that neurons change during the first years of life? --Myelination occurs rapidly (select all that apply) --Brain cells multiply dramatically. --Specialization occurs within various abilities. --Connectivity among neurons increases.

--Myelination occurs rapidly. --Connectivity among neurons increases.

Which of the following factors can result in an infant showing fear as early as 3 months? --Neglect --Food allergies --Indigestion --Abuse

--Neglect --Abuse

Which of the following statements are true regarding cultural influences on emotional development? --East Asian parents encourage their children to express emotions versus showing emotional reserve. --Non-Latino White mothers are more likely than Japanese parents to respond after their children become distressed. --Japanese parents try to prevent their children from experiencing negative emotions. --East Asian infants display less frequent and less positive and negative emotions than non-Latino White infants.

--Non-Latino White mothers are more likely than Japanese parents to respond after their children become distressed. --Japanese parents try to prevent their children from experiencing negative emotions. --East Asian infants display less frequent and less positive and negative emotions than non-Latino White infants.

According to the most current and common view among developmentalists, when should the soothing of infants by their caregivers occur? --Occur only infrequently, because soothing the infant increases the frequency of crying --Occur regularly, because an infant cannot be spoiled in the first year of life --Occur regularly, because it fosters a sense of trust and secure attachment --Not occur regularly because it spoils the infant

--Occur regularly, because an infant cannot be spoiled in the first year of life --Occur regularly, because it fosters a sense of trust and secure attachment

The neuroconstructivist view states that which of the following factors influence brain development? (select all that apply) --Only context --Plasticity and context --Cognitive development --Biological processes and environmental conditions --Only biological processes

--Plasticity and context --Cognitive development --Biological processes and environmental conditions

Which of the following are essential features of motor activities during the second year of life? --Self-initiated interaction with others --More restrictions and monitoring --Independence --Extensive environmental exploration

--Self-initiated interaction with others --Independence --Extensive environmental exploration

Chess and Thomas' classification system placed children into which categories of temperament? (Select all that apply.) --Unstable --Slow-to-warm-up --Difficult --Easy

--Slow-to-warm-up --Difficult --Easy

According to Spelke's findings, what did 4-month-old infants expect objects to be? --High resolution --Solid --Continuous --Noncontinuous

--Solid --Continuous

Patty has been classified as a slow-to-warm-up child, according to Chess and Thomas' classification system. Which of the following characteristics is she likely to display? --Somewhat negative affect --Low intensity of mood --Low activity level --Irregular daily routines --Frequent crying

--Somewhat negative affect --Low intensity of mood --Low activity level

A newborn infant can habituate to which of the following repeated sensory stimuli? (Select all that apply.) --Time --Sounds --Sights --Touch

--Sounds --Sights --Touch

Which of the following terms are used to describe the interactional nature of emotional communication between parents and child when all is going well? --Reflexive --Synchronous --Other-conscious --Reciprocal

--Synchronous --Reciprocal

Which of the following are types of infant cries? --The basic cry --The pain cry --The alarm cry --The anger cry

--The basic cry --The pain cry --The anger cry

What is the purpose of the sucking reflex? --The sucking reflex serves as a self-soothing or self-regulating mechanism. --The sucking reflex enables newborns to get nourishment before they associate a nipple with food. --The sucking reflex allows for better digestion of milk/formula. --The sucking reflex has no current purpose but was adaptive in the evolution of the human species.

--The sucking reflex serves as a self-soothing or self-regulating mechanism. --The sucking reflex enables newborns to get nourishment before they associate a nipple with food.

Identify the major criticisms of attachment theory. --There are biological based factors that play a role in temperament. --Culture plays a role in socialization in a infants environment. --There is a critical sensitive period of development in infants. --Caregiving styles have no affect on infant development.

--There are biological based factors that play a role in temperament. --Culture plays a role in socialization in a infants environment. --There is a critical sensitive period of development in infants.

What are the purposes of reflexes? --To help the infant exercise. --They are movements that have an evolutionary purpose but are not necessary in the present day. --They are survival mechanisms, which are genetically carried. --They allow infants to respond adaptively to their environment.

--They are survival mechanisms, which are genetically carried. --They allow infants to respond adaptively to their environment.

According to Rothbart and Bates, what does the dimension of self-regulation include? --Waiting longer to express anger --Expressing anger quickly --Ability to distract oneself --Inability to control one's emotions

--Waiting longer to express anger --Ability to distract oneself

In one study of low-income mothers in Georgia, interventions that included ______ increased the incidence of breast feeding. --counseling focused on benefits of breast feeding --shaming mothers who did not breast feed their infant --free loan of a breast pump

--counseling focused on benefits of breast feeding --free loan of a breast pump

According to Piaget, cognitive development is a process sculpted by --nutrition --memorization drills --experiences --biology

--experiences --biology

An inhibited temperament is associated with a unique physiological pattern that includes: --high and stable heart rate --low levels of fear and inhibition. --high activity in the right frontal lobe of the brain --high level of the hormone cortisol

--high and stable heart rate --high activity in the right frontal lobe of the brain --high level of the hormone cortisol

The NICHD study on child care was conducted by using which of the following methods? (Select all that apply.) --interviews --questionnaires --trained observers --data from previous studies

--interviews --questionnaires --trained observers

A recent research review indicated there is a positive link between infant sleep and cognitive function including: --memory --language --breathing --movement --executive function

--memory --language --executive function

Walking is a complex biomechanical process, which takes infants about ______ to achieve.

1 year

It is recommended that infants be breast-fed, though not exclusively. for how long?

1 year or more

An infant can distinguish among and show preferences for sweet, sour, and bitter solutions at ______ hours of age.


How many morphemes are contained in the word "teacher"?


The word helper has ______ morphemes.


Sudden infant death syndrome most commonly occurs in infants between the ages of ___ to ___ months of age.


The average North American newborn is __________ inches long and weighs __________ pounds.

20, 7.6

At what age do infants begin engaging in 5 to 10 seconds of sustained attention?

3 months

Based on Spelke's research on expectations, at what age to children expect objects to be solid and continuous?

4 months

For the first _____ to ___ months of life, infant consume ONLY breast milk or formula


How many rule systems are involved in language organization?


What is the recommended amount of calories per day for each pound an infant weighs?


While Piaget believed that deferred imitation doesn't occur until about a year-and-a-half of age, Meltzoff showed that ______ old infants could imitate actions they had seen performed 24 hours before.

9 month

At birth, an infant's brain contains approximately ______ nerve cells. A--100 billion B--10 million C--150 million D--5 billion

A--100 billion

In 1992, the European Union mandated a A--14-week paid maternity leave. B--6-month unpaid paternity leave. C--10-month paid paternity leave.

A--14-week paid maternity leave.

In the United States today about ____% of children aged 5 and under have been in more than one child care arrangement. A--15 B--10 C--25


At what age do children begin using two-word utterances? A--18 to 24 months B--12 to 15 months C--30 to 36 months

A--18 to 24 months

In Patricia Kuhl's research, she found that a baby's brain becomes most open to learning the sounds of a native language at A--6 months for vowels and at 9 months for consonants. B--3 months for vowels and at 6 months for consonants. C--9 months for vowels and at 12 months for consonants.

A--6 months for vowels and at 9 months for consonants.

Which of the following is considered a scheme that involves problem solving? A--A baby sucking its thumb B--Figuring out how to open a door when your hands are full C-- baby looking at the face of a parent D--Holding onto a cup of milk with two hands

A--A baby sucking its thumb

A one-year old would most likely use the palmar grasp rather than the pincer grasp to hold which of the following? A--A bottle B--A spoon C--A Cheerio D--A pacifier

A--A bottle

Which of the following is true regarding human brain development? A--An entire hemisphere of the brain can be removed and the other hemisphere will take over functions that the removed hemisphere previously performed. B--The brain is capable of reorganizing the functioning of various centers in the brain only during the first six months of life. C--Any changes in brain functioning must take place before the age of five.

A--An entire hemisphere of the brain can be removed and the other hemisphere will take over functions that the removed hemisphere previously performed.

Which of the following is not one of the recommendations regarding the best parenting strategies in relation to children's temperament? A--Be strict in responding to the child's characteristics. B--Pay attention to the child's individuality. C--Avoid crowded, noisy environments. D--Don't label a child as "difficult."

A--Be strict in responding to the child's characteristics.

At what age do children markedly increase their imitative and reciprocal play behaviors? A--Between 18 and 24 months B--Between 24 and 30 months C--Between 10 and 12 months

A--Between 18 and 24 months

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding common first words? A--Common first words for babies are the same now as they were 50 years ago. B--Infants' first words are part of their receptive vocabulary. C--Infants will not utter their first words until about 18 months of age on average. D--The first words that babies utter today reflect the current culture, and change with the generations.

A--Common first words for babies are the same now as they were 50 years ago.

Which countries tend to stimulate their infants' motor skills more than other countries? A--Developing countries B--Eastern countries C--Developed, industrialized countries D--Northern European countries

A--Developing countries

When a child says, "Big cup," and the parent says, "Yes, that is a big cup," the parent is using which of the following strategies? A--Expanding B--Child-directed speech C--Recasting


When adults restate what a child has said in a linguistically sophisticated form, they are using which of the following strategies? A--Expanding B--Labeling C--Gesturing D--Recasting


What type of memory involves the conscious or intentional recall of facts and other information that can be stated or declared? A--Explicit B--Articulate C--Focused


What do infants imitate first? A--Facial expressions B--Arm movements C--Vocal sounds

A--Facial expressions

Which of the following is not one of the three strategies used by adults to enhance children's acquisition of language? A--Gesturing B--Labeling C--Recasting


Baby Marlow uses mom as a base from which to explore the environment. When mom leaves, he protests mildly, and when mom returns, he reestablishes positive interactions with her. Which of Ainsworth's categories best describes Marlow? A--He is a securely attached baby. B--He is an insecure disorganized baby. C--He is an insecurely attached baby.

A--He is a securely attached baby.

What term refers to the inability to remember events in the first three years of life? A--Infantile or childhood amnesia B--Memory recall impairment C--Dishabituation

A--Infantile or childhood amnesia

Which of the following statements regarding the sensation of smell in infancy is true? A--Infants can develop the ability recognize their mother's smell within a week of being born. B--Newborns do not show a preference for one smell over another. C--Infants do not develop the sense of smell until two to four weeks after birth.

A--Infants can develop the ability recognize their mother's smell within a week of being born.

A baby watches her older sibling throw a temper tantrum and later imitates the behavior. Which sensorimotor substage is the baby most likely in? A--Internalization of schemes B--Tertiary circular reactions C--Coordination of secondary circular reactions

A--Internalization of schemes

Which of the following statements are true of stranger anxiety? A--It appears at about 6 months of age. B--It disappears by 1 year of age. C--It peaks at about 9 months of age.

A--It appears at about 6 months of age.

What is one of the main criticisms of the Strange Situation? A--It may be culturally biased. B--Psychoanalysis is inappropriate for infants. C--It is outdated.

A--It may be culturally biased.

Which theorist developed a temperament classification system based on inhibition and lack of inhibition? A--Kagan B--Chess & Thomas C--Rothbart


Which of the following concepts describes the specialization of function in one hemisphere of the cerebral cortex? A--Lateralization B--Lobe distinction C--Differentiation D--Alternation


______ skills refer to crawling, walking, and running; once infants and toddlers are able to do this, they expand their exploration considerably. A--Locomotion B--Intention C--Social referencing


What has been discovered by studies that examined the connection between socioeconomic status and language development? A--Low-income parents talked less to their children. B--Parents of higher socioeconomic status talked more to their children but provided less elaboration. C--Low-income parents talked more about past events to their children. D--The educational level of the parents in low-income families is the best predictor of a child's vocabulary growth.

A--Low-income parents talked less to their children.

Ben has learned how to ride a tricycle. His parents buy him a two-wheeled bike with training wheels. He gets right on the new bike and begins to ride after practicing using the brakes (which his tricycle did not have). He even comments to his parents,"My trike doesn't have brakes!" Piaget would say that Ben has related his knowledge about how to ride a tricycle to learning to ride the new bike. What has Ben done with his knowledge of bike riding? A--Organized his knowledge of bike riding B--Habituated to riding a bike C--Equilibrated his knowledge of bike riding D--Assimilated his knowledge of bike riding

A--Organized his knowledge of bike riding

Which lobes of the brain are involved in motor control, attention, and registering spatial location? A--Parietal lobes B--Frontal lobes C--Occipital lobes D--Temporal lobes

A--Parietal lobes

The psychologist ______ changed perceptions of the way children think about the world by carefully observing his own children and interviews with others. A--Piaget B--Skinner C--Tomasello


Which of the following is not a necessary requirement of joint attention? A--Reinforcement for attending to an event B--One person directing another's attention C--An ability to track another's behavior D--Reciprocal interaction

A--Reinforcement for attending to an event

An infant becomes habituated to the patterned picture on the wall. How can dishabituation be achieved? A--Rotate the photo 90 degrees B--Play a new sound C--Do nothing; the infant's response will recover D--Put a new blanket in the crib

A--Rotate the photo 90 degrees

Which of the following statements is true regarding shared sleeping/co-sleeping? A--Shared sleeping is controversial and not all experts recommend it. B--Shared sleeping is common practice in the United States. C--Shared sleeping has been shown to decrease the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

A--Shared sleeping is controversial and not all experts recommend it.

Which category describes Chess and Thomas' classification of a child who has a low activity level, is somewhat negative, and displays a low intensity of mood? A--Slow to warm up B--Difficult C--Behaviorally inhibited D--Easy

A--Slow to warm up

While in her highchair, Baby Nadia picks up a magazine and pretends to read it. She then turns it over and puts it on her head, pretending it is a hat. She is delighted when it slides off and falls to the ground. Which sensorimotor substage is Nadia in? A--Tertiary circular reactions B--Internalization of schemes C--Coordination of secondary circular reactions D--Secondary circular reactions

A--Tertiary circular reactions

A 2006 study of 1- and 2-year-olds that involved a cooperative task yielded which of the following results? A--The actions of the 2-year-olds suggested cooperation, but the actions of the 1-year-olds suggested coincidence. B--The actions of both the 1-year-olds and the 2-year-olds suggested cooperation. C--Neither group showed clear evidence of cooperation.

A--The actions of the 2-year-olds suggested cooperation, but the actions of the 1-year-olds suggested coincidence.

In the "looking chamber" designed by Fantz, how does a researcher determine if and how long an infant looks at the stimulus being displayed? A--The researcher can see the reflection of the stimulus in the infant's eyes. B--The researcher hears a tone when the infant looks away from the stimulus. C--The researcher uses a habituation method. D--The infant wears a special computerized set of glasses that records where he or she looks.

A--The researcher can see the reflection of the stimulus in the infant's eyes.

Which of the following is not one of the functions of early vocalizations? A--To practice the semantics of language B--To practice making sounds C--To communicate D--To attract attention

A--To practice the semantics of language

Carter is a 20-month-old boy. He drinks out of a cup with a zebra on it. He uses the word cup to identify his zebra cup. He will use the word cup only when he is referring to his zebra cup. In what is Carter engaging? A--Underextension B--Syntactical error C--Overextension


MacKenzie is an 18-month-old girl. Her family has a white poodle for a pet, and MacKenzie has learned that the poodle is a puppy. She refuses to call any other dog "puppy." In what is MacKenzie engaging? A--Underextension B--Holophrasing C--Syntactical error D--Overextension


Piaget believed that children ______ their own cognitive worlds. A--actively construct B--actively absorb C--passively absorb D--passively construct

A--actively construct

The more advanced social cognitive skills of infants likely influence their understanding and awareness of A--attachment to a caregiver. B--their friends and neighbors. C--their siblings. D--themselves.

A--attachment to a caregiver.

Reading and performing music are generally believed to involve ______ of the brain. A--both hemispheres B--the left hemisphere C--neither hemisphere D--the right hemisphere

A--both hemispheres

What is the term for the gurgling sounds that infants make in the back of their throats? A--cooing B--babbling C--crying


According to Ainsworth's model, insecure ______ babies may show confusion and fearfulness around their caregivers. A--disorganized B--resistant C--detached


Attachment security in infancy ______ predict(s) positive outcomes in later life. A--does not always B--rarely C--always

A--does not always

According to Rothbart and Bates, approach, pleasure, activity, and laughter are all in the temperament classification of A--extraversion/surgency. B--inhibition to the unfamiliar. C--effortful control.


Baby Farooq enjoys meeting new people and is mostly happy, but he has trouble self-soothing. His temperament could be described as A--extraverted, with low effortful control. B--low in emotional negativity and high in effortful control. C--high in emotional negativity and high in effortful control.

A--extraverted, with low effortful control.

Harlow's baby monkey study demonstrated that ______ is not the crucial element in the attachment process and that ______ is important. A--feeding; contact comfort B--cognition; biology C--biology; cognition

A--feeding; contact comfort

When babies repeat a body sensation first experienced by chance, they are most likely in the second sensorimotor substage, which is characterized by A--first habits and primary circular reactions. B--internalization of schemes. C--tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity.

A--first habits and primary circular reactions.

An infant smacking its lips to indicate that it wants food or drink is an example of A--gesturing. B--overextension. C--schema development. D--receptive language.


Between 18 and 24 months of age, children markedly increase their ______ play. A--imitative and reciprocal B--imitative and face-to-face C--imaginative

A--imitative and reciprocal

As the nervous system in infants develops, locomotion becomes possible and children are able to develop a certain amount of A--independence. B--social need. C--dependence.


A(n) ______ temperament is associated with a high and stable heart rate, high level of cortisol, and high activity in the right frontal lobe of the brain. A--inhibited B--uninhibited C--outgoing


Reciprocal interaction is one component of A--joint attention. B--sustained attention. C--internalization of schemes. D--accommodation.

A--joint attention.

When the caregiver and infant are able to focus on the same object it is called A--joint attention. B--locomotion. C--social orientation.

A--joint attention.

A father is playing a game with his child in which he shows the child pictures of different objects. He asks the child to identify the names of the objects. This is an example of A--labeling. B--recalling. C--expanding.


Babies who are weaned from breast milk too early and are then given unsanitary cow's milk formula are more likely to experience A--malnutrition. B--type 2 diabetes. C--food allergies. D--colic.


Researchers have discovered that infants are A--more socially sophisticated than previously thought. B--less socially sophisticated than previously thought. C--about as socially sophisticated as the researchers had thought.

A--more socially sophisticated than previously thought.

The dynamic systems view states that new perceptual-motor coupling is not ______ accomplished; rather, the infant ______ develops a skill to achieve a goal. A--passively; actively B--actively; genetically C--actively; passively

A--passively; actively

Beginning at around 2 months of age, infants develop the ability to A--perceive that occluded objects are whole. B--track briefly occluded moving objects. C--perceive depth.

A--perceive that occluded objects are whole.

When sensory stimulation is changing (for instance, seeing the same object at different distances), but perception of the physical world remains the same, an infant is experiencing A--perceptual constancy. B--perceptual awareness. C--sensory perception.

A--perceptual constancy.

In the English language, the letters "thr" may be combined as in the word "throat." However, the letters may not be combined in the order "rht." This is an example of A--phonology. B--morphology. C--semantics. D--syntax.


Before babies can hold onto furniture and "walk" around the room by grasping onto objects, they must have A--postural control. B--parental encouragement. C--eye-hand coordination. D--the ability to crawl.

A--postural control.

The appropriate use of language in different contexts refers to the ______ of language. A--pragmatics B--semantics C--infinite generativity


A child says, "I like to play with Sophie." Her teacher asks, "What do you like to play with Sophie?" This is an example of A--recasting. B--expanding. C--negating. D--labeling.


Grasping, strategies for problem solving, driving a car, and balancing a budget are all examples of ______, according to Piaget. A--schemes B--strategies C--encoding D--accommodations


When infants repeat actions that bring interesting or pleasurable results, primarily with people or objects in their environment, they are most likely in the ______ sensorimotor substage. A--secondary circular reactions B--internalization of schemes C--tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity

A--secondary circular reactions

Language experts consider pointing to be an important index of the ______ aspects of language. A--social B--emotional C--physical D--cognitive


The sentence "The mouse the cat the farmer chased killed the cheese," does not exist in any language. This is because the sentence's ______ is too complex. A--syntax B--phonology C--morphology


We realize that the sentence "You didn't stay, didn't you?" is unacceptable and ambiguous because we understand A--syntax. B--morphology. C--phonology. D--pragmatics.


When infants begin experimenting with new behavior, they are engaging in A--tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity. B--internalization of schemes. C--primary circular reactions. D--coordination of secondary circular reactions.

A--tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity.

he length of sustained attention increases through A--the second year. B--the first year. C--the first 6 months.

A--the second year.

The current U.S. policy on parental leave is to allow ______. A--up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave B--up to 12 weeks of paid leave C--up to 6 months of paid leave

A--up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave

An infant is not yet able to balance on one leg as the other swings forward. This is a sign that the baby is NOT yet ready to A--walk upright. B--roll over. C--sit independently. D--crawl.

A--walk upright.

Findings from a study conducted by Brooks and Meltzoff demonstrated that infants first begin engaging in gaze following at approximately what age? A--9 months B--10 months C--8 months D--12 months

B--10 months

In the NICHD longitudinal study, what percentage of children experienced positive nonparental care? A--18% B--12% C--24%


Baby Natalie has just mastered climbing up three stairs into her kitchen from the living room using her hands and legs. Based on what we know about gross motor development, which of these is Natalie's probable age? A--6 months B--15 months C--24 months D--9 months

B--15 months

About ______ children in the United States currently receive formal, licensed child care. A--100,000 B--2 million C--1 million

B--2 million

According to one survey, by 2012 the number of stay-at-home dads in the United States was estimated to be A--1 million. B--2 million. C--400,000.

B--2 million.

Baby Jake has just learned to walk backward without losing his balance, and to stand and throw a ball. He is most likely in his _____ year of life. A--1st B--2nd C--3rd


An fMRI study confirmed capacity of the fetus to hear at ______ into the prenatal period by assessing brain response to auditory stimuli. A--25 to 27 weeks B--33 to 34 weeks C--35 to 36 weeks

B--33 to 34 weeks

Darlene's infant daughter does not yet recognize her name when someone says it. What is the oldest she is likely to be? A--11 months old B--4 months old C--2 months old D--7 months old

B--4 months old

By as early as ______ months of age, an infant can recognize its name when someone says it. A--4 B--5 C--6


Which of the following is NOT an example of telegraphic speech? A--A child says "not wolf" when pointing to a picture of a dog. B--A child says "My daddy gives Carter the cookie." C--A child says "Daddy give Carter cookie." D--A child says "more juice" to get a glass of juice refilled.

B--A child says "My daddy gives Carter the cookie."

What is the minimal unit of meaning in a word? A--Syntactic formation B--A morpheme C--Semantic structure D--A phoneme

B--A morpheme

Tracy is learning how to ride a two-wheeled bike. She is used to her bike with training wheels that balances on its own. When she gets on her bike without the training wheels, she quickly learns that she needs to use her feet on the ground to balance the bike when she is stopped. When she had her training wheels on, she could keep her feet on the pedals and not fall over. What has Tracy had to do with the information about bikes and balance? A--Habituate B--Accommodate C--Equilibrate D--Assimilate


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the visual acuity of infants? A--A six-month-old infant's visual acuity is approximately the same as that of a three-month-old. B--An infant's visual acuity by one year of age approximates that of an adult. C--Visual stimulation can increase an infant's visual acuity.

B--An infant's visual acuity by one year of age approximates that of an adult.

Which of the following is NOT a common way that a researcher identifies whether or not an infant is experiencing habituation and dishabituation? A--Length of time an infant looks at an object B--Brain wave activity C--Heart and respiration rates D--Sucking behavior

B--Brain wave activity

Regarding emotional regulation, which of the following statements is true? A--The caregiver's soothing actions are completely different from how infants soothe themselves. B--By rocking an infant to sleep, the caregiver is helping the infant soothe their emotions. C--In order to develop good emotional regulation, an infant should be allowed to reach frequent intense, agitated states. D--The soothing actions of a caregiver increase the level of stress hormones of the infant.

B--By rocking an infant to sleep, the caregiver is helping the infant soothe their emotions.

What becomes necessary in terms of environment once infants master the pincer grip? A--Direct instruction of how to pick up objects B--Careful monitoring because they often put in their mouth everything they can pick up C--The provision of food small enough for babies to pick up D--Parents modeling activities repeatedly for the baby

B--Careful monitoring because they often put in their mouth everything they can pick up

Which of the following is an example of accommodation? A--Emily has learned that she can eat the peel of an apple and the peel of a pear. B--Carson has learned that it is good to eat the peel of an apple but not good to eat the peel of a kiwi fruit. C--Abby calls any vehicle with four wheels a car. D--Tyson sucks on his thumb and on his pacifier.

B--Carson has learned that it is good to eat the peel of an apple but not good to eat the peel of a kiwi fruit.

Which of the following parents is following recommended strategies regarding child care? A--Stacy, who has has no choice in the daycare provider since it is the only daycare in her immediate area. B--Christa, who observes her child's behavior for changes or needs. C--Jacob, who is more concerned about the cost of child care and the number of hours his child will spend with the provider.

B--Christa, who observes her child's behavior for changes or needs.

Which activity do infants first demonstrate to get their needs met? A--Babbling B--Crying C--Cooing


Andrew is an 18-month-old boy. His mother has been cleaning the house. Andrew watches her vacuum, wash the windows, and sweep the kitchen floor. The next day his mother watches as Andrew takes his toy vacuum and pretends to vacuum the floor. What cognitive technique is Andrew demonstrating? A--Repetitive modeling B--Deferred imitation C--Explicit memory

B--Deferred imitation

Which of the following statements about disequilibrium is TRUE? Children are rarely faced with counterexamples to their existing schemas. A--There is little cognitive movement between equilibrium and disequilibrium. B--Disequilibrium is marked by inconsistencies. C--Children seek disequilibrium.

B--Disequilibrium is marked by inconsistencies.

According to a 2006 study of discipline and corrective behavior, which of the following was the MAIN method parents used to correct unwanted behavior in their 12-month-olds? A--Reasoning with the infant B--Diverting the infant's attention C--Negotiating with the infant

B--Diverting the infant's attention

For fine motor skills development to reach an optimal level, which of these is most necessary? A--Determination of handedness B--Exercise of skills C--Parental modeling of skills D--Balance

B--Exercise of skills

A child says, "Me sleepy." The parent responds, "Yes, you are sleepy." This is an example of which language acquisition strategy? A--Interacting B--Expanding C--Labeling


Who is more likely to bounce infants, toss them in the air, or tickle them? A--Mothers B--Fathers C--There is no difference between mothers and fathers.


______ provides a useful tool for assessing what infants can see, hear, smell, and taste. A--Gaze following B--Habituation C--Dishabituation


______ provides a useful tool for assessing what infants can see, hear, smell, and taste. A--Gaze following B--Habituation C--Joint attention D--Dishabituation


Why does Meltzoff believe that infant imitation has a biological basis? A--Infants are born with all the connections in the brain associated with cognition. B--Infants can imitate facial expressions within the first few days after birth. C--Infants begin repeating sounds they hear by two months of life. D--Infants are born with mature prefrontal lobes.

B--Infants can imitate facial expressions within the first few days after birth.

Which of the following statements is true? A--Infants can say words as soon as they understand those words. B--Infants can say 50 words at about 18 months. C--At 12 months, infants can say more words than they can understand. D--Infants, on average, are able to understand the same number of words as their age in months.

B--Infants can say 50 words at about 18 months.

Which of the following actions did infants imitate in Meltzoff's research on infant deferred imitation? A--Infants imitated sticking out their tongue while watching their mother do the same action. B--Infants imitated sounds they heard the day before. C--Infants moved their foot tied to a string to activate a mobile.

B--Infants imitated sounds they heard the day before.

Which behaviorist argued that parents spend too much time soothing infants and thus reinforce infant crying? A--Mary Ainsworth B--John Watson C--Jean Piaget

B--John Watson

Which of the following is NOT one of the acquired motor skills in an infant's second year of life? A--Walking backward B--Jumping rope C--Running stiffly D--Squatting while playing

B--Jumping rope

Which of the following are characteristics of child-directed speech? A--Language spoken only by children to other children their same age that is simple and in telegraphic form B--Language spoken in a higher pitch than normal with simple words and sentences C--Language spoken in a low, quiet pitch with simple words and sentences D--Parental imitation of words that the child speaks

B--Language spoken in a higher pitch than normal with simple words and sentences

Which of the following is not an example of a common first-word type for an infant? A--Toys B--Locations C--Food D--Greeting terms


Which of the five systems of rules of language has the function of marking tense and number? A--Syntactic structure B--Morphemes C--Phonemes D--Semantic formation


Which of the following statements is true regarding fine motor skills in infancy? A--Infants do not master the skill of reach and grasp until they reach the end of the second year of life. B--Newborns already have many components of what will become finely coordinated finger movements. C--Infants have to see their own hands in order to reach for an object. D--At birth newborns are capable of fine motor control.

B--Newborns already have many components of what will become finely coordinated finger movements.

One day, a child takes a drumstick and hits a toy drum. Several days later, he is presented with a drumstick and toy xylophone. Then, he is given a smaller stick and a triangle. Based on his previous experiences with the other instruments, he hits the triangle with the stick. What Piagetian concept does this example describe? A--Equilibration B--Organization C--Tertiary circular reactions D--Accommodation


A mother is concerned that her infant has a hearing disorder because the child does not turn its head toward sounds. This child is not exhibiting which of the following responses? A--Sucking B--Orienting C--Tracking D--Startle


A mother is concerned that her infant has a hearing disorder because the child does not turn its head toward sounds. This child is not exhibiting which of the following responses? A--Tracking B--Orienting C--Startle


Baby Arshiya has awakened in her crib. She cries to alert her parents that she is awake. Arshiya stands in her crib, hanging onto the bars and watching the door. When her mother opens the door and comes in, Arshiya stops crying, smiles, and waves. What attentional concept does this example describe? A--Unfocused attention B--Orienting/investigative process C--Attentional habituation D--Joint attention

B--Orienting/investigative process

What process involves directing attention to potentially important locations in the environment and recognizing objects and their features? A--Joint attentional process B--Orienting/investigative process C--Dishabituation process

B--Orienting/investigative process

Jeffrey is an infant who has learned the word dada. To his mother's embarrassment, Jeffrey calls his father, his uncle, his brother, and any male stranger he sees "dada." What is Jeffrey engaging in? A--Syntactical error B--Overextension C--Pragmatic error D--Underextension


Which of the following statements regarding child-directed speech is not true? A--As soon as adults start talking to a baby, they tend to shift into child-directed speech. B--Parents purposefully speak in child-directed speech to each other once they have a baby. C--Four-year-olds will speak in simpler ways to two-year-olds than they will to other four-year-olds. D--Child-directed speech has the outcome of capturing infant attention and maintaining communication.

B--Parents purposefully speak in child-directed speech to each other once they have a baby.

hat ability must an infant have as a foundation for gross motor skill development? A--Eye-hand coordination B--Postural control C--Ability to hold utensils D--Spatial skills

B--Postural control

What term refers to the appropriate use of language in different contexts? A--Syntax B--Pragmatics C--Phonology D--Semantics


Which of the following is an example of an older child's scheme? A--Looking B--Problem-solving C--Sucking D--Grasping reach


Which of the following theorists developed a temperament classification involving extraversion/surgency, negative affectivity, and effortful control? A--Chess and Thomas B--Rothbart and Bates C--Kagan

B--Rothbart and Bates

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding sudden infant death syndrome? A--SIDS is more common if infants sleep in soft bedding. B--SIDS is more common in middle socioeconomic groups. C--SIDS is more common in infants who experience secondhand smoke. D--Infants who have abnormal brain stem functioning have a higher rate of SIDS.

B--SIDS is more common in middle socioeconomic groups.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the taste capacities of a newborn? A--Newborns prefer salty tastes. B--Sensitivity to taste appears to develop prenatally. C--Infants can't distinguish between sweet and bitter tastes. D--Sensitivity to taste is not present before birth.

B--Sensitivity to taste appears to develop prenatally.

A bottle is placed in baby Erika's mouth. She begins to suck on the nipple immediately. Which sensorimotor substage is baby Erika in? A--First habits and primary circular reactions B--Simple reflexes C--Secondary circular reactions D--Coordination of secondary circular reactions

B--Simple reflexes

What type of smells do newborns prefer? A--The smell of baby powder B--Smells such as strawberry and vanilla C--They do not sense smells at the time of birth and therefore do not show a preference.

B--Smells such as strawberry and vanilla

Gloria suffered a brain injury and now experiences impairments in her language and memory skills. These difficulties should be attributed to damage in which area of the brain? A--Parietal lobes B--Temporal lobes C--Frontal lobes D--Occipital lobes

B--Temporal lobes

Which of the four main lobes in the brain is associated with hearing, language processing, and memory? A--Frontal lobes B--Temporal lobes C--Occipital lobes D--Parietal lobes

B--Temporal lobes

In terms of brain development, which of the following statements is FALSE? A--The brain demonstrates both flexibility and resilience. B--The brain cannot be rewired. C--Repeated experience wires the brain. D--Repeated stimuli, such as sounds, sights, and touch, create connections between neurons.

B--The brain cannot be rewired.

Little Becky thinks only lollipops should be called candy. What linguistic mistake is she making? A--Morphology B--Underextension C--Overextension D--Holophrasing


A study of 2 and 3-year-old children showed that an increase in the number of child-care arrangements the children experienced was linked to A--better socialization. B--an increase in behavioral problems. C--greater interest in visiting new places.

B--an increase in behavioral problems.

Coordinated actions of 1-year-olds is most likely A--cooperative rather than coincidental. B--coincidental rather than cooperative. C--coerced rather than cooperative.

B--coincidental rather than cooperative.

An infant who coordinates schemes and intentionality is engaging in the ______ sensorimotor stage. A--first habits and primary circular reactions B--coordination of secondary circular reactions C--tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity

B--coordination of secondary circular reactions

The jealousy research study in which infants observed their mothers holding a lifelike baby doll illustrates the A--short attention span of most infants. B--difficulty of interpreting infant emotions. C--widely accepted evidence that jealousy appears at about 6-months of age. D--fear reactions that infants have toward strangers.

B--difficulty of interpreting infant emotions.

The purpose of the rooting reflex is to A--foster bonding between the baby and caregiver. B--direct the infant to turn its head toward something to suck. C--snuggle into the caregiver in order to help calm the infant. D--coordinate the suck and swallow movement.

B--direct the infant to turn its head toward something to suck.

Betty Hart and Todd Risley observed that the children of professional parents ______ vocabulary at 36 months of age than the children of welfare parents. A--had a smaller B--had a much larger C--had a slightly larger

B--had a much larger

By the end of the first year of life, an infant's improved motor control enables her to eat a diet that A--replaces dairy with meat. B--includes a variety of foods. C--is comprised of the child's favorite foods. D--has a liquid, smooth texture.

B--includes a variety of foods.

The ability to produce and comprehend an endless number of meaningful sentences using a finite set of words and rules is known as A--phonology. B--infinite generativity. C--organizational rules.

B--infinite generativity.

Little baby Nancy is shy around new people and is quiet, but she has no trouble self-soothing. Her temperament could be described as A--extraverted and low in effortful control. B--introverted with high effortful control. C--high in emotional negativity and high in effortful control.

B--introverted with high effortful control.

If an infant's behavior is followed by a reinforcing stimulus, the behavior A--is less likely to recur. B--is likely to recur. C--will change into a new behavior.

B--is likely to recur.

Baby Rajiv has just turned one. While he is sitting at the park, an airplane flies overhead. He then turns to his father and points in the sky at the plane. What concept does this interaction demonstrate? A--focused attention B--joint attention C--orienting attention

B--joint attention

Neuroscientists believe that repeated experience A--prunes neurons. B--knits neurons together into circuits. C--depresses neural circuitry. D--generates new neurons.

B--knits neurons together into circuits.

By 3 months of age, infants can do all of the following, EXCEPT A--distinguish between male and female faces. B--prefer the reflection of their own face to any other face. C--distinguish between faces from their own and other ethnic groups. D--match voices to faces.

B--prefer the reflection of their own face to any other face.

Melissa is a 9-month-old child who loves playing pat-a-cake with her mother. This type of play is an example of A--scaffolding. B--reciprocal socialization. C--social orientation.

B--reciprocal socialization.

Which type of infant smile does not depend on external stimuli? A--social B--reflexive C--agitated


In one study, more time spent in early non-relative child care was related to higher levels of ______ at 15 years of age. A--confidence B--risk taking and impulsivity C--emotional wellbeing.

B--risk taking and impulsivity

Equilibration is the name Piaget gave to the mechanism by which children A--skip stages of thought that are too easy. B--shift from one stage of thought to the next. C--resist moving to the next stage of thought. D--use primitive methods to weigh objects.

B--shift from one stage of thought to the next.

Words a child uses are called ______ vocabulary. A--semantic B--spoken C--receptive


In the sentence "Michael walked to the store," we know who walked where because we understand A--pragmatics B--syntax. C--phonomes. D--morphology.


The way words are combined to form acceptable phrases and sentences is called A--infinite generativity. B--syntax. C--morphology.


In the first habits and primary circular reactions substage, the main focus is on A--an object that the infant can hold. B--the infant's own body. C--an object that the infant can watch. D--the parent.

B--the infant's own body.

John Watson was a behaviorist who argued that parents spend ______ time responding to infant crying and thus ______ its occurrence. A--not enough; decrease B--too much; increase C--too little; encourage

B--too much; increase

The reciprocal interchanges and mutual influence processes between parents and children are sometimes referred to as A--isolated actions. B--transactional. C--scaffolds.


The rapid increase in vocabulary that begins at approximately 18 months of age is called the A--word rush. B--vocabulary spurt. C--word spurt. D--vocabulary rush.

B--vocabulary spurt.

The newborn's brain is about ______. A--35% of its adult weight B--10% of its adult weight C--25% of its adult weight D--50% of its adult weight

C--25% of its adult weight

The NICHD longitudinal study found that results were less optimal when children spent more than ______ in child care. A--10 hours per week B--20 hours per week C--30 hours per week

C--30 hours per week

At what age do infants begin gesturing? A--4 to 6 months B--5 to 7 months C--7 to 15 months

C--7 to 15 months

What is a word or a part of a word that cannot be broken down into smaller meaningful parts? A--A syntactic formation B--A semantic structure C--A morpheme D--A phoneme

C--A morpheme

According to the visual preference method, a 3-week-old infant would look at which of the following for the LEAST amount of time? A--A bullseye B--A printed piece of fabric C--A white disc D--A face

C--A white disc

Bella and Kenny are both 12 months old. What can we expect regarding their motor skill development? A--Bella and Kenny will never crawl before they walk. B--Because Bella is a girl, she will most likely walk before Kenny. C--Bella and Kenny may not follow the same sequence of motor skill accomplishments. D--Bella and Kenny will both reach the same developmental milestones at the same time.

C--Bella and Kenny may not follow the same sequence of motor skill accomplishments.

What is NOT one of the four lobes of the cerebral cortex? A--Parietal B--Temporal C--Caudal D--Frontal


Which of the following groups would have the most depression in brain activity, based on our understanding of the impact of environment on brain development? A--Children who attend a low-quality day care with other children present B--Children who are hospitalized for extended periods but who have positive interaction with parents C--Children raised in an unresponsive, unstimulating, and underfunded orphanage D--Children with low SES who attend a high-quality Head Start day care

C--Children raised in an unresponsive, unstimulating, and underfunded orphanage

Baby Tyrone sees his favorite stuffed bear on the couch across the room. He crawls over to the couch, pulls himself up, and reaches for his bear. Which sensorimotor substage does Tyrone fit into? A--Secondary circular reactions B--Tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity C--Coordination of secondary circular reactions D--Primary circular reactions

C--Coordination of secondary circular reactions

When considering habituation and dishabituation, what should parents do to foster infant learning? A--Show infants one novel thing each day in order not to overwhelm them B--Avoid focusing on learning in infancy because infants are incapable of habituation C--Do novel things and repeat them often until the infant stops responding D--Continually show infants one novel thing after another without repetition

C--Do novel things and repeat them often until the infant stops responding

When a child says, "Big bite," and the parent responds by saying, "You did take a big bite of the cookie!", the parent is using which strategy? A--Gesturing B--Recasting C--Expanding D--Labeling


When a child says, "Big bite," and the parent responds by saying, "You did take a big bite of the cookie!", the parent is using which strategy? A--Recasting B--Labeling C--Expanding D--Gesturing


Which type of memory improves substantially during the second year of life? A--Focused memory B--Sensory memory C--Explicit memory D--Implicit memory

C--Explicit memory

______ play encourages infants to prefer people over objects. A--Imaginative B--Role C--Face-to-face


Baby Rebecca is putting her hands by her face. She accidentally puts her thumb in her mouth. She reflexively begins to suck on her thumb. Later in the day, she tries to put her thumb back into her mouth, and the assumption is that she enjoyed sucking her thumb earlier and is trying to repeat the action. Which sensorimotor substage is Rebecca in? A--Internalization of schemes B--Coordination of secondary circular reactions C--First habits and primary circular reactions D--Secondary circular reactions

C--First habits and primary circular reactions

Which of the following is not one of the five systems of rules of language? A--Morphology B--Pragmatics C--Generativity D--Syntax


Baby Mathias cries loudly when his mother leaves the room and then fights against her when she tries to comfort him on her return. Which of the following statements is true? A--He is an insecure avoidant baby. B--He is a securely attached baby. C--He is an insecure resistant baby.

C--He is an insecure resistant baby.

Which of the following actions did infants imitate in Meltzoff's research on infant deferred imitation? A--Infants imitated sticking out their tongue while watching their mother do the same action. B--Infants moved their foot tied to a string to activate a mobile. C--Infants imitated sounds they heard the day before.

C--Infants imitated sounds they heard the day before.

Which of the following statements accurately illustrates the growth of infants in the first year of life? A--By their first birthday, infants double their birth weight. B--Infant growth is very individual and cannot be predicted. C--Infants' birth length increases by 40%. D--Infants grow slowly in the first few months of life, and then growth becomes more rapid as the first birthday approaches.

C--Infants' birth length increases by 40%.

______ refers to the units of meaning involved in word formation. A--Phonology B--Syntax C--Morphology


Creativity is a complex thinking activity. Which statement below represents most accurately the view of neuroscientists on creativity and lateralization? A--Most neuroscientists believe that all cognitive abilities are lateralized. B--Most neuroscientists agree that creativity is primarily a "right-brained" activity. C--Most neuroscientists agree that creativity is complex and therefore is not lateralized. D--Most neuroscientists believe that creativity is a "left-brained" activity.

C--Most neuroscientists agree that creativity is complex and therefore is not lateralized.

hich of the following capabilities or behaviors cannot be measured through habituation? A--Sensations B--Recognition C--Motor skills

C--Motor skills

In terms of the motor development milestones, which of the following can we expect to be true? A--All babies crawl before they walk. B--Motor development milestones are genetically based. C--Not all infants follow the standard sequence of motor accomplishments. D--All infants follow the same developmental pattern of motor accomplishments.

C--Not all infants follow the standard sequence of motor accomplishments.

During play, the ball rolls out of view behind a chair. The infant walks behind the chair in search of the ball. This behavior is an example of which of the following? A--Internalization of schemes B--Organization C--Object permanence

C--Object permanence

Which of the following is not a component of language? A--Rules for varying words B--Rules for combining words C--Perceptual categorization D--Words used by a community

C--Perceptual categorization

A child says, "Me want food." His mother responds, "What kind of food do you want?" This is an example of what? A--Identification B--Labeling C--Recasting


Which of the following techniques is not a procedure used to study sensation and perception in infancy? A--Visual preference method B--Orienting response and tracking C--Sensorimotor reactivity method D--High-amplitude sucking

C--Sensorimotor reactivity method

Which of the following motor skills accompany an infant's ability to self-feed? A--Playing with toes B--Suck-and-swallow movements C--Sitting up independently

C--Sitting up independently

______ is the use of short and precise words without grammatical markers such as articles, auxiliary verbs, and other connectives. A--Holophrasing B--Overextension C--Telegraphic speech D--Underextension

C--Telegraphic speech

Jeremy is a very active toddler whose parents try to avoid putting him in situations where he must sit still for long periods of time. What does this illustrate? A--Self-soothing B--The slow-to-warm up child C--The concept of goodness of fit D--The notion of swaddling

C--The concept of goodness of fit

Which of the following reflexes does not disappear, but instead turns into a complex, voluntary action? A--The rooting reflex B--The Babinski reflex C--The grasping reflex D--The Moro reflex

C--The grasping reflex

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding language development in childhood? A--Children who have siblings will speak their first word and have their vocabulary spurt sooner than only children. B--A child's vocabulary spurt happens around the age of three years. C--The timing of a child's first word and the timing of the vocabulary spurt vary. D--Nearly all children will have spoken their first word by 10 months.

C--The timing of a child's first word and the timing of the vocabulary spurt vary.

Which of the following statements is consistent with the Gibsons' ecological view of perceptual development in infancy? A--Sensation is more important than perception. B--Perception and cognition are unrelated concepts. C--We directly perceive information that exists in the world around us. D--Perception is a passive action that is involved only in the interpretation of an event.

C--We directly perceive information that exists in the world around us.

Which of the following commonly held beliefs regarding the benefits of breast feeding for the mother was not verified in a recent large scale research review? A--Women who breast feed have a small reduction in rates of type 2 diabetes. B--Women who breast feed have a lower incidence of ovarian cancer. C--Women who breast feed have an easier time returning back to prepregnancy weight. D--Women who breast feed have a lower incidence of breast cancer.

C--Women who breast feed have an easier time returning back to prepregnancy weight.

A string of consonant-vowel combinations, such as "da, da, da," or "ba, ba, ba, ba," is known as A--mumbling B--cooing C--babbling


More children are in child care today than ever before, primarily because U.S. adults A--prefer to continue working rather than go on leave. B--are having more children per family. C--cannot receive paid leave. D--are having fewer children per family.

C--cannot receive paid leave.

The connections across domains over time that influences developmental pathways and outcomes is a description of the developmental ______ model. A--crown B--classical C--cascade


The fact that German and Japanese babies often show attachment patterns different from those of American infants suggests that the Strange Situation experiment is A--measuring something besides attachment. B--not a valid study. C--culturally biased.

C--culturally biased.

Little Juanita wakes up everyday smiling and ready for the day. She thrives in her routine but is always up for doing something new. Juanita is a(n) ______ child. A--slow-to-warm-up B--difficult C--easy


Insecure avoidant babies A--cling to and then resist the caregiver. B--seem dazed, confused, and fearful. C--engage in little interaction with the caregiver.

C--engage in little interaction with the caregiver.

Assimilation and accommodation work in concert to produce cognitive change, and cognitive change is A--a schema. B--habituation. C--equilibration. D--organization.


Research has found that the MOST important visual stimuli in children's social environment are quite possibly A--objects. B--shapes. C--faces. D--colors.


A recent analysis found that ______ were the MOST frequent perpetrators of shaken baby syndrome. A--child care providers B--mothers C--fathers D--mothers' boyfriends


Skills that involve finely tuned movements that require finger dexterity are called A--adaptive motor skills. B--large motor skills. C--fine motor skills. D--gross motor skills.

C--fine motor skills.

By the time they are 3 months of age, infants develop expectations about A--gravity. B--perceptual expectations. C--future events. D--hidden objects.

C--future events.

The match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands with which the child must cope is known by the term A--lack of fit. B--parenting challenge. C--goodness of fit.

C--goodness of fit.

What emotion would an infant younger than 6 months likely not experience? A--disgust B--joy C--guilt D--fear


Children from low-income families benefited in terms of school readiness and language development when their parents selected ______ child care. A--full-time B--any type of C--high-quality


Jean Piaget developed his theory of cognitive development by observing A--subjects in his research study. B--students in his classroom. C--his own children. D--children referred to him for learning disabilities.

C--his own children.

According to Bowlby, an infant's internal working model of attachment A--develops into seven more developmental stages that occur across the life span. B--deteriorates after the age of 24 months. C--influences the child's subsequent responses to other people.

C--influences the child's subsequent responses to other people.

Gross motor skills A--develop after fine motor skill development. B--begin with the Moro reflex. C--involve large-muscle activities. D--involve the hands and fingers.

C--involve large-muscle activities.

With experience, walkers ______ risky slopes where they would fall, integrating perceptual information with the development of a new motor behavior. A--ignored B--tended to navigate C--learned to avoid D--went straight toward

C--learned to avoid

In 1991 the NICHD conducted a comprehensive A--cross-sectional study of child care. B--experimental study of child care. C--longitudinal study of child care.

C--longitudinal study of child care.

Many children in the United States are cared for by ______ outside caregivers. A--no B--very few C--multiple D--two primary


A baby's schemes are structured by simple actions that can be performed on A--other people. B--themselves. C--objects.


Scientists analyze infant respiration, heart rate, body movement, visual fixation, and sucking to learn more about infant A--temperament. B--speech. C--perception. D--mobility.


Learning, experience, and self-directed exploration via eye movements play key roles in the development of ______ in young infants. A--shape constancy B--size constancy C--perceptual completion D--depth perception

C--perceptual completion

Liam is an infant who is capable of understanding that his mother is still his mother whether he sees her right in front of him, from across the room, or as she waves from the car window. This capability is called A--habituation. B--sensory integration. C--perceptual constancy. D--perceptual understanding.

C--perceptual constancy.

Words are created out of A--semantic formations. B--syntactic structures. C--phonemes. D--holophrases.


Almost all classifications designate an emotion as either A--inner or outer. B--controlled or uncontrolled. C--positive or negative. D--forward or sideways.

C--positive or negative.

When you ask a question and then pause to wait for the answer, you are demonstrating that you understand ______. A--syntax B--morphology C--pragmatics D--semantics


The process of myelination begins ______ and continues into ______. A--in infancy; adolescence and adulthood B--in infancy; late childhood C--prenatally; adolescence and emerging adulthood

C--prenatally; adolescence and emerging adulthood

Social ______ involves the processing of emotional cues to determine how to act in a particular situation. A--sleuthing B--indexing C--referencing


Actions or mental representations that organize knowledge are known as A--habituation. B--equilibration. C--schemes. D--classifications.


Besides balancing weight on one leg, infants must also be able to ______ in order to walk upright. A--balance on the heel of the foot B--curl the toes C--shift the weight from one leg to the other D--balance on the ball of the foot

C--shift the weight from one leg to the other

A key skill in learning to walk involves A--the ability to imitate actions of others. B--using the arms for balance. C--stabilizing balance on one leg. D--practicing the moving of arms and legs in unison.

C--stabilizing balance on one leg.

The type of attention that allows infants to learn about and remember characteristics of a stimulus as it becomes familiar is called A--intermodal attention. B--habituated attention. C--sustained attention. D--responsive attention.

C--sustained attention.

According to Piaget, a ______ is an internalized sensory image or word that represents an event. A--scheme B--sign C--symbol D--intention


"The car talked the girl into buying an apple" is ______ correct but ______ incorrect. A--pragmatically; syntactically B--semantically; pragmatically C--syntactically; semantically D--semantically; syntactically

C--syntactically; semantically

A phrase like "Daddy come school" or "Mommy give Hakan ice cream? are examples of A--underextension. B--overextension. C--telegraphic speech. D--morphology.

C--telegraphic speech.

An individual's behavioral style and characteristic way of responding is his or her ______. A--heredity B--attributes C--temperament D--behaviors


The current view of perceptual-motor coupling in infants is A--the evolutionary behavior view. B--the genetic determination view. C--the dynamic systems view. D--the passive systems view.

C--the dynamic systems view.

In terms of sentence structure, the idea that language users cannot process subjects and objects arranged in too complex a fashion is A--specific to the English language. B--tied to the pragmatics of language. C--universal across languages. D--related to the semantics of language.

C--universal across languages.

A securely attached baby A--avoids the caregiver and doesn't interact. B--frequently change their responses to the caregiver. C--uses the caregiver as a base from which to explore.

C--uses the caregiver as a base from which to explore.

According to a 2006 study of discipline and corrective methods, one-third of parents had ______ before the time the child was 12 months old. A--threatened the infant B--spanked the infant C--yelled at their infant

C--yelled at their infant

In the United States, separation protest typically peaks at about the age of ______. A--10 to 12 months B--4 to 6 months C--8 to 10 months D--13 to 15 months

D--13 to 15 months

On the well-known Snellen chart used for eye examinations, a newborn's visual acuity is estimated to be A--20/400 B--20/40 C--20/20 D--20/600


At approximately what age do babies begin babbling? A--1-2 months B--12 months C--18 months D--6 months

D--6 months

Which of the following outcomes for the mother is the only one that has consistently been shown to be a benefit as a result of breast feeding? A--A reduced incidence of postpartum depression B--A reduced incidence of osteoporosis C--A decrease in the likelihood of contracting HIV D--A reduced incidence of breast cancer

D--A reduced incidence of breast cancer

The Strange Situation, which was an observational means to identify individual differences in infant attachment, was developed by A--Harlow. B--Erikson. C--Freud. D--Ainsworth.


Based on what we understand about infant visual ability, which of the following statements is true? A--Infants cannot discriminate between faces of different ethnic groups until one year of age. B--Infants can distinguish between male and female faces immediately after birth. C--Infants match voices to faces before a preference is shown for the mother's face. D--As early as 12 hours after birth, infants spend more time looking at their mother's face than at a stranger's face.

D--As early as 12 hours after birth, infants spend more time looking at their mother's face than at a stranger's face.

Abby, a 15-month-old girl, has a white poodle as a pet at home. She knows that the pet is a dog. (She calls it "puppy.") While Abby is at the park with her mother, she sees a small white dog. She points at the dog and says,"Puppy!" What Piagetian concept does this example describe? A--Accommodation B--Organization C--Equilibration D--Assimilation


Which of the following statements is true regarding myelination? A--Myelination for auditory pathways occurs rapidly after birth and is completed in the first six months. B--Myelination for visual pathways occurs slowly after birth and is not completed until 3 years of age. C--Visual pathway myelination is completed after auditory pathway myelination. D--Auditory myelination is not completed until 4 or 5 years of age.

D--Auditory myelination is not completed until 4 or 5 years of age.

Which of the following vocalizations do infants start to make around the middle of the first year of life? A--Cooing B--Stuttering C--Crying D--Babbling


What does research on infants' recognition of language sounds demonstrate? A--During their first few years, deaf children have no concept of language and communication. B--Infants are born with the ability to distinguish among sounds, but only in their native language. C--Infants are able to distinguish among sounds in all languages until the age of three months. D--By their first birthday, infants lose the ability to recognize differences in sounds not important in their own language.

D--By their first birthday, infants lose the ability to recognize differences in sounds not important in their own language.

Two-year-old Shelly was badly frightened by the neighbor's dog, so she told her mother, "Feel bad, dog scare." Her little brother, Kyle, age one, simply cried and had to be comforted. What does this illustrate? A--That there are no differences in development in early childhood B--That Kyle is showing the early signs of a behavior disorder C--Developmental differences in how personality is manifested D--Developmental strategies that children of different ages use to communicate emotions E--Gender differences in how children use and communicate emotions

D--Developmental strategies that children of different ages use to communicate emotions

A baby is shown a toy several times. The baby becomes less responsive to the toy. Which of the following will occur if the baby is shown a NEW toy? A--Orientation B--Habituation C--Attention D--Dishabituation


Which of the following temperament classifications apply to Rothbart and Bates' model? A--Inhibition to the unfamiliar B--The slow-to-warm-up child C--Goodness of fit D--Effortful control

D--Effortful control

Which of the following statements best describes the influence of biology and environment on emotional development? A--Nature and nurture have no effect on emotional development. B--Emotions are influenced by nurture but not by nature. C--Emotions are influenced by nature but not by nurture. D--Emotions are influenced by both nature and nurture.

D--Emotions are influenced by both nature and nurture.

Baby Jordan engages in little interaction with his mother and isn't distressed when she leaves the room. When she returns, Jordan does not reestablish contact with her and even turns his back on her. Which of Ainsworth's categories best describes Jordan? A--He is a securely attached baby. B--He is an insecure disorganized baby. C--He is an insecure resistant baby. D--He is an insecure avoidant baby.

D--He is an insecure avoidant baby.

Baby Mathias cries loudly when his mother leaves the room and then fights against her when she tries to comfort him on her return. Which of the following statements is true? A--He is an insecure avoidant baby. B--He is an insecure disorganized baby. C--He is a securely attached baby. D--He is an insecure resistant baby.

D--He is an insecure resistant baby.

Which type of memory is demonstrated earliest in infants? A--Focused memory B--Explicit memory C--Associative memory D--Implicit memory

D--Implicit memory

What is the main finding in Rovee-Collier's experiment of infant memory? A--Classical conditioning is an effective tool to use for aiding in infant memory. B--Operant conditioning is not effective in studies of infant memory. C--Infants can retain information after conditioning for a few days but not for weeks. D--Infants can retain information from the experience of being conditioned.

D--Infants can retain information from the experience of being conditioned.

Which of the following statements about attachment security in infancy is TRUE? A--It is not linked to later outcomes in life. B--It consistently by itself produces long-term positive outcomes later in life. C--It outweighs later stresses and socioemotional contexts in life. D--It does not always by itself produce long-term positive outcomes later in life.

D--It does not always by itself produce long-term positive outcomes later in life.

Baby Erika is one year old. She is at the park with her mother. She sees a puppy and becomes very excited. She goes over to her mother and grabs her shirt and points at the puppy. What concept does this interaction demonstrate? A--Sustained attention B--Focused attention C--Oriented attention D--Joint attention

D--Joint attention

Which of the following considerably increases an infant's ability to learn from other people? A--Habituation B--Sustained attention C--Encoding D--Joint attention

D--Joint attention

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding deferred imitation? A--Meltzoff's research confirmed Piaget's beliefs about when deferred imitation occurred. B--Meltzoff's research disproved that infants engage in deferred imitation. C--Meltzoff's research showed that it occurred later than Piaget theorized. D--Meltzoff's research showed that it occurred earlier than Piaget theorized.

D--Meltzoff's research showed that it occurred earlier than Piaget theorized.

According to the NICHD longitudinal study of child-care experiences, which of the following statements is TRUE? A--Positive caregiving in child-care settings was common. B--The influence of families is weakened by extensive childcare. C--Infants from low-income families averaged more hours in child care than infants from affluent families. D--Mothers with higher incomes placed their infants in child care at an earlier age.

D--Mothers with higher incomes placed their infants in child care at an earlier age.

______ is the process by which nerve cells are coated with far cells that enhances the speed and efficiency of the information traveling through the nervous system. (Remember to type only one word in the blank.) A--Synapse formation B--Dendrite sheathing C--Encasement D--Myelination


With regard to brain development, what happens as babies engage in language use? A--Neural pathways are not affected. B--Lateralization occurs C--Neural pathways are weakened. D--Neural pathways are strengthened.

D--Neural pathways are strengthened.

A baby learns how to use a spoon. He later learns how to use a fork and knife. He relates these behaviors together into a higher-order system. What Piagetian concept does this example describe? A--Assimilation B--Equilibration C--Accommodation D--Organization


A baby learns how to use a spoon. He later learns how to use a fork and knife. He relates these behaviors together into a higher-order system. What Piagetian concept does this example describe? A--Equilibration B--Accommodation C--Assimilation D--Organization


What process involves directing attention to potentially important locations in the environment and recognizing objects and their features? A--Dishabituation process B--Joint attentional process C--Sensorimotor process D--Orienting/investigative process

D--Orienting/investigative process

Julie is an infant who has just gotten a football from her grandfather. He tells her that it is a football, and she quickly repeats the word. Julie begins to call every ball that she sees "football," even though none of the other balls she sees is actually a football. In what is Julie engaging? A--Underextension B--Syntactical error C--Pragmatic error D--Overextension


Roger Brown claimed that much of a child's early vocabulary is motivated by which of the following? A--Children learn early vocabulary by interacting with other children. B--Children pick up words by listening to adults talk with one another. C--Children are internally motivated to learn the names of objects. D--Parents play the word game: pressuring children to identify words associated with objects.

D--Parents play the word game: pressuring children to identify words associated with objects.

Which of the following has the greatest negative impact on low-income children when it comes to child care? A--Low caregiver-child ratio B--Too little time spent in child care C--Too much time spent in child care D--Poor-quality child care

D--Poor-quality child care

______ involves parents who take the time to interact with a child in such a way that the child experiences turn-taking and the parents support the child's efforts at any age. A--Reciprocity B--Mutual dependence C--Socialization D--Scaffolding


Luis is about 7 months of age. Luis bumped a rattle on the floor and it made a noise. Immediately, he grabbed the rattle and repeated the action. What sensorimotor substage is Luis in? A--First habits and primary circular reactions B--Tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity C--Internalization of schemes D--Secondary circular reactions

D--Secondary circular reactions

Lori is a mother of a newborn. She plans to breast feed her baby but she has just been diagnosed with active tuberculosis. What recommendation would the pediatrician have for Lori regarding breast feeding? A--She should mix the breast milk with fortified formula. B--She should go ahead and breast feed; the illness won't harm the baby. C--She can breast feed as long as she is taking the medication to treat it. D--She should not breast feed because of the tuberculosis.

D--She should not breast feed because of the tuberculosis.

Which of the following describes the vocalization known as babbling? A--Smacking sounds made with the lips B--Sounds that may signal distress C--Gurgling sounds made in the back of the throat D--Strings of consonant-vowel combinations

D--Strings of consonant-vowel combinations

Which statement is true regarding telegraphic speech? A--Telegraphic speech includes articles in the phrasing but NOT connectives. B--Telegraphic speech is a part of receptive language. C--Telegraphic speech involves phrases with only two words. D--Telegraphic speech is not limited to two words.

D--Telegraphic speech is not limited to two words.

If an infant exhibits a lack of pointing in the communication system, which of the following is true? A--The infant probably does not have caregivers who use pointing as a form of communication. B--The infant has a problem with fine motor development and should be assessed by an occupational therapist. C--The infant is developing normally, as not all infants point. D--The infant has a problem in the communication system and should be assessed for possible developmental disabilities.

D--The infant has a problem in the communication system and should be assessed for possible developmental disabilities.

In the study of habituation and dishabituation, infant sucking behavior helps determine if infants recognize a novel stimulus. How would a researcher be able to tell whether an infant is experiencing dishabituation? A--Infants cannot experience dishabituation. B--The infant will slow down and then quickly increase sucking behavior. C--The infant will increase sucking behavior. D--The infant will stop sucking.

D--The infant will stop sucking.

Which of the following studies specifically highlights that action can guide perception and perception can guide action? A--Any study using visual tracking B--Fantz's visual preference method C--The study by Gunnar on infant pain response D--The visual cliff designed by Eleanor and James Gibson

D--The visual cliff designed by Eleanor and James Gibson

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is less common in babies who ______. A--are low birth weight B--sleep without a pacifier C--share a bed with their parents D--are breastfed

D--are breastfed

An infant sucks on a thumb, a pacifier, and a bottle. The scheme of sucking similar objects is an example of A--organization. B--equilibration. C--accommodation. D--assimilation.


When infants begin to engage in eye-hand coordination, they are most likely in the ______ sensorimotor substage. A--simple reflexes B--tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity C--secondary circular reactions D--coordination of secondary circular reactions

D--coordination of secondary circular reactions

A feeling or affect that occurs when people are in a state or an interaction that is important to them, especially to their wellbeing is known as a/an A--temperament. B--trait. C--adaptive response. D--emotion.


The "looking chamber" developed by Robert Fantz allowed the experimenter to determine ______ the infant looked at each display. A--from how far away B--how intensely C--how many times D--how long

D--how long

The layer of fat cells that encases many axons is called the ______. A--neurotransmitter B--dendrite C--synapse D--myelin sheath

D--myelin sheath

Martino has a visual disorder in which he is unable to discriminate between certain colors. This difficulty in vision is most likely attributed to problems with the ______ lobe. A--parietal B--temporal C--frontal D--occipital


The letter t in the words top and stop is considered to be a A--semantic structure. B--syntactic structure. C--morpheme. D--phoneme.


Piaget believed that the way children reason at one stage is different from the way they reason at another stage. The difference in reasoning is considered to be A--quantitatively different. B--biologically based. C--motivated by rewards and punishments. D--qualitatively different.

D--qualitatively different.

We understand that the word boy refers to a child and the word man refers to an adult because we understand A--pragmatics. B--phonology. C--infinite generativity. D--semantics.


The ______ stage is the name of the Piagetian stage that occurs between birth and 2 years of age. A--concrete operational B--formal operational C--preoperational D--sensorimotor


When infants become intrigued with all the different ways they can manipulate objects, they have entered into the ______ sensorimotor substage. A--secondary circular reactions B--coordination of secondary circular reactions C--internalization of schemes D--tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity

D--tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity

Carter is an infant who loves to eat raisins. He is able to pick the raisin up between his thumb and forefinger. This is known as A--the flexible grip. B--the palmer grasp. C--the integrated grasp. D--the pincer grip.

D--the pincer grip.

During the first two years of life, nearly ______ as many synaptic connections are made as will ever be used. A--twenty times B--five times C--ten times D--twice


Fourteen-month-old Sophie began walking at the age of 11 months. She was categorized as an "experienced" walker in a recent research study. The babies in the study have to walk down a risky slope. From what we know about "experienced" walkers, what can we expect of Sophie's performance? A--Sophie will try to run down the slope since she is a competent walker. B--Sophie will sit down and scoot down the slope. C--Sophie will pause and evaluate the slope before starting down it. D-Sophie will pause and evaluate the slope before starting down it.

D-Sophie will pause and evaluate the slope before starting down it.

When infants repeat a body sensation first experienced by chance, they are engaging in which sensorimotor substage?

First habits and primary circular reactions

______ research suggested that infants were capable of deferred imitation at an earlier age than Piaget theorized.


the __________ reflex occurs in response to a sudden, intense noise or movement.


Match Bowlby's phase of attachment with its description. Specific attachments develop.

Phase 3: 7 to 24 months

Match Bowlby's phase of attachment with its description. Children become aware of others' feelings, goals, and plans.

Phase 4: 24 months on

Prone sleeping (sleeping in a face-down position), low birth weight, and passive exposure to cigarette smoke are all risk factors for _________


Ainsworth created the _____________ Situation, an observational way to identify differences in infant attachment.


______ is the use of short and precise words without grammatical markers such as articles, auxiliary verbs, and other connectives.

Telegraphic speech

Most developmentalists support the view that parents should soothe a crying infant in order to help the infant develop a sense of trust and secure ___________


One of the main areas of focus in developmental social neuroscience is mother-infant bond, which is also called mother-infant ____________.


Myelination for ____________ pathways is not completed until 4 or 5 years of age.


Research has shown that ______ has multiple benefits for infants, such as a lower risk of respiratory tract infections and gastrointestinal infections.

breast feeding

Jenny, an infant, gets scared and starts to cry. She is using her emotions to___________ with her parents.


Failure to engage in pointing is a sign that a child may have ______________ problems.


The sounds that infants make to express pleasure during interactions with a caregiver are called _________


What term describes the sound infants begin to make at 2 to 4 months?


The ______________ _______________ approach states that infants are born with domain-specific innate knowledge systems.

core knowledge (endorsed by Spekle)

An infant's most powerful method of communicating need or distress is through the act of ___________


Behavioral inhibition is valued in China. This is an example of how reaction to an infant's temperament may depend in part on ___________.


According to Chess and Thomas' temperament classification system, a(n) ________________ child is one who reacts negatively and cries frequently, engages in irregular daily routines, and is slow to accept change.


Six-month-old John often reacts negatively and cries frequently. He also is not very adaptive. According to Chess and Thomas' classification system, he is most likely a(n) _______________ child


The main way that object permanence is studied is by watching an infant's reaction when an interesting object _________


According to Piaget, cognitive conflict is also known as ____________


The recovery of a habituated response after a change in stimulation is called __________


According to Ainsworth's model, insecure _______________ babies are disoriented; they might show strong patterns of avoidance and resistance or display certain specified behaviors, such as extreme fearfulness around the caregiver.


Eight-month-old Roger is usually in a positive mood, is adaptive, and conforms readily to household routines. According to Chess & Thomas' classification system, he is a(n) __________ child.


According to Rothbart and Bates' temperament classification, the category of __________ control, or self-regulation, includes being able to soothe oneself, shift attention, and demonstrate inhibition.


A feeling or affect that occurs when individuals are in a state or an interaction that is important to them, especially to their well-being, is called an _________


Infants communicate important aspects of their lives such as joy, sadness, interest, and fear through __________


________ are influenced by both biological foundations and by an individual's experiences.


What is the process by which information is transferred to memory?


_______ is the process by which information is transferred to memory.


True or false: According to Bowlby, infant attachment develops from a specific attachment to a more generalized attachment.


True or false: Fetuses can detect the human voice but are unable to tell one sound from another.


True or false: The axon and dendrites are *inside* the neuron's cell body and send signals in and out.


true or false: Sudden infant death syndrome occurs most commonly in children between the ages of 4 and 6 months of age.

false highest risk is at 2-4 months

During the second year of a toddler's life, parents should place ______ restrictions upon the child in order to support competent motor development.


Movements that involve finger dexterity are called _______ motor skills.


What is the age range that is associated with infantile or childhood amnesia?

first 3 years of life

Sustained attention is also known as ___________ attention


Rovee-Collier found that infants will suck faster on a nipple when the sucking behavior is ______ by a visual display, music, or a human voice.


Looking where another person has just looked is known as _______ following.


An infant waving bye-bye is an example of a(n) _______


Which form of infant communication involves showing and pointing?


Melissa is extremely shy. Her parents don't understand that social situations are very stressful for her, and they often place her in new situations without adequate support. Melissa is at risk for adjustment problems due to lack of ____________ of fit.


The match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands with which the child must cope is known by the term ____________________

goodness of fit

Isabel is a four-month-old baby who loves to hold onto her rattle. She shakes it repeatedly without dropping it. Which reflex is associated with how this behavior became possible?

grasping reflex

When babies are shown the same toy repeatedly, they will usually pay less attention to it each time. In other words, the babies have ______ to the toy.


Infants' attention is strongly governed by novelty and __________


The name given to decreased responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated presentations of the stimulus is _______


___________ is decreased responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated presentations.


Match the type of infant attachment with its caregiver description. resistant

inconsistent, unaffectionate

A baby is presented with a new stimulus. If the baby ______ his responsiveness, this shows dishabituation to the stimulus.


______ is the ability to produce a virtually endless number of meaningful sentences using a finite set of words and rules.

infinite generativity

According to Roger Brown, children want more than just the names of objects; they often want ________ the object too.


Kagan is responsible for the temperament classification system that involves behavioral __________.


Young Marco is almost two years old. Whenever his mother goes away, he says to his babysitter, "Mommy gone, Mommy gone." This is an example of how toddlers can use ____________ to define their feelings and what is upsetting them.


______ is a form of communication that is based on a system of symbols.


Gross motor skills involve __________ - ________ activities


The specialization of function in one hemisphere of the cerebral cortex or the other is called brain ______________


The process of encasing axons in a layer of fat cells, which helps increase the speed and efficiency of information processing is _________


________ , the process of encasing axons with fat cells, speeds up neural transmissions.


Nerve cells are also referred to as __________


Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) usually happens during the _________


The p in the words pot and spot is a _________


Sh, ch, and sp are all examples of what is incorporated in the sound system of a language, which is called ________


Sh, ch, and sp are all examples of what is incorporated in the sound system of a language, which is called _____________


______ involves how sounds are used and how sounds are combined.


the sound system of a language


Kagan believes that children inherit a/an ____________(emotionality/physiology) that biases them to have a particular type of temperament.


When baby Julie grasps small objects with her thumb and forefinger, she is using the ________ grip.


Lack of ___________, a type of gesture, may indicate a problem in a baby's ability to communicate.


The early emotions of anger, disgust, fear, interest, joy, sadness, and surprise are all examples of _________ emotions.


__________ vocabulary refers to words a child understands.


Ten-month-old Alyssa smiles at her mother and throws a sponge ball toward her. Alyssa's mother tries to catch it and smiles and laughs. Alyssa crawls closer and tries to take the ball, while giggling. This is an example of ________ socialization.


___________ are built-in reactions to stimuli that govern the newborn's movements in an involuntary and automatic way.


A(n) _________ smile in an infant does not occur in response to external stimuli, but a(n) ___________ smile does.

reflexive, social

Research has shown that infants will suck faster on a nipple when the sucking behavior is followed by a visual display, music, or a human voice. The visual display, music, or human voice is considered to be a(n) _____________


Neuroscientists believe that what wires the brain is ________ experience


According to Ainsworth's model, an insecure ___________ baby often clings to the caregiver and then may fight against closeness perhaps by kicking or pushing away.


To enhance a child's acquisition of language, parents may use a strategy called "expanding," which is ______ what a child has said in a linguistically sophisticated form.


In Piaget's first stage of cognitive development, which is called the ____________ stage, infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with physical actions.


Habituation and dishabituation is a way parents can interact effectively with their children since the infants will react to changes in ____________


According to Piaget, intentional representations of reality are called primitive ________


________ involves the way in which words are combined to form acceptable phrases and sentences.


In one research study, it was found that mothers of infants respond differently to the crying of irritable girls than the crying of irritable boys. This is an example of how gender affects reaction to ___________________


Individual differences in behavioral styles, emotions, and characteristic way of responding reflect the ____________ of a person's personality.


Kagan believes that __________ has both physiological and experiential bases.


Baby Carter sees an empty box on the floor. He crawls over to the box and begins putting his blocks into it. A few minutes later, he tips the box on its side and crawls into it. He then crawls out of the box, stands up, and puts the box on his head like a hat. He walks around with the box on his head until he bumps into the wall. Which sensorimotor substage is Carter in?

tertiary circular reactions

What view states that environmental conditions and biological processes influence development?

the neuroconstructivist view

The laboratory procedure constructed by Gibson and Walk (1960) to determine whether or not an infant could perceive depth is called ______.

the visual cliff

By their first birthday, infants have ______ their birth weight.


True or false: A quality child care environment should provide a low caregiver-child ratio.


True or false: According to the NICHD research findings, mothers who believed that maternal employment had positive effects on children were more likely than other mothers to place their infants in nonmaternal care for more hours.


True or false: According to the textbook, infants can imitate facial expressions within the first few days after birth.


True or false: An example of coordination of secondary schemes would be an infant manipulating a stick in order to bring an attractive toy within reach.


True or false: Children who grow up in an unresponsive and unstimulating environment show considerably less brain activity compared with children with stimulating backgrounds.


True or false: In order for equilibration to take place, children must experience assimilation and accommodation.


True or false: Object permanence is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard, or touched.


True or false: One of the functions of early vocalizations is to attract attention.


True or false: Personality in infants is thought to involve a sense of self, trust, self-recognition, and independence.


True or false: Recasting, expanding, and labeling are common strategies used by adults to enhance children's acquisition of language.


True or false: The American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Infant Positioning and SIDS discourages shared sleeping.


True or false: There is no practical limit to the number of meaningful sentences that can be created using the words and rules in the human language.


True or false: When an infant is upset, a caregiver's soothing actions influence the infant's emotions.


True or false: When considering the use of assimilation and accommodation, children typically use assimilation before they use accommodation.


Match the type of infant attachment with its caregiver description. avoidant

unavailable, rejecting, irritable

When a child applies a word too narrowly or fails to use a word to name a relevant event or object, this is known as ___________


Receptive vocabulary refers to the words a child can __________


Myelination for _________ pathways occurs rapidly after birth and is completed in the first six months.


he procedure in which infants are placed on the edge of a glass-covered drop-off and their mothers coax them to crawl onto the glass is called the _______ _______

visual cliff

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