PSYC150 Exam 1 (readings)

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Leta Hollingsworth

(1940) Race involves inheritance of physical variations but psychological/cultural connotations have not been ascertained by science... whether there is a pattern of mental ability that exists among races of men.

traits, overcrowding, fiscal

Eugenicist in California saw sterilization as a tool with a broad range of applications, all of which were applied to prevent the procreation of undesirable ______, ______________ of state institutions, and to alleviate _______ constraints on the state (Bruinius, p. 211).

differences, public, self-esteem, political, axiom, contingent

A Political Act, Glenn Loury The Murray and Herrnstein article addresses three distinct questions (1) What do we know about ___________ on the average in cognitive functioning between identifiable population subgroups? (2) How, if at all, should such matters be discussed in _______? (3) to what extent must the ____________ enjoyed by a group be diminished should it be found to rank relatively low in the cognitive hierarchy? it is difficult view to dispute their central contentions, based on an impressive array of evidence: that there measurable differences, on the average in the cognitive functioning of the members of various population subgroups. Other conclusions (genetic, policy recs) are less compelling. It can't be proved that there is no genetic component. We need to come to grip with this. MH say we can't do anything about it so what exactly should we talk about? Declaring a stark and intractable gap between the intellectual abilities of black and white Americans is a _________ act. Seems disinterested/objective but clearly offensive. So much nonsense like the clans stuff. I would have thought, and have always supposed, that the inherent equality of human beings was an ethical ________, not a psychologically ___________ fact.


A child from any circumstance who has been __________ of a substantial portion of the variety of stimuli which they are maturationally capable of responding to is likely to be deficient in the equipment required for learning.

community, expanding

A developing parallel to the "individual" minded solution is the search for defects in the ____________ and the environment. Preventative public health, income maintenance, unemployment insurance... this is gradually ___________, becoming more and more prevalent.


A recent Fortune article asked why the Negro failed to take full advantage of opportunities open to them in American life. Part of the answer is that they have not been fully ___________ into American life.


Again, by focusing our attention on the Negro family as the apparent cause of racial inequality, our eye is __________. Racism, discrimination, segregation, and the powerlessness of the ghetto are subtly, but thoroughly, downgraded in importance. Blaming the victim is applied to almost every American problem.

dehumanize, justify

All of these are terms that are designed to _____________ a people and thus ________ their ill treatment.


All the standard mental tests I know of are ____________, showing same reliability and predictive validity for blacks and whites. (Jensen 82)

task force

Among its steps is "establishing a _____ _______ that is representative of Caltech's community — including trustees, alumni, students, faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and staff — to study and advise on Caltech's policy for naming buildings on campus: past, present, and future."


An "____________" age rather than the chronological age should be used to arrive at norms, suggesting a limitation on frequent studies comparing Negro and white children.


Assigning __________ to different aspects of cultural deprivation is of great importance when it comes to planning school.

yes, every

Do African Americans score differently whites on standardized tests of cognitive ability? The answer has been (yes/no) for _______ known test of cognitive ability that meets basic psychometric standards and for matched studies (with few exceptions). (MH 28)


Do Asians have higher IQs than whites? The answer is probably (yes/no) tho there is conflicting evidence in the research. (MH 28)


Eugenics was integrated into the ___________ of California's public schools. Biology, sociology, and home management textbooks all contained the "evidence" supporting the cause. This, in addition to the propaganda from eugenics societies resulted in overall public support for the movement in California (La Chappelle, p. 34).

real, innate, judgment, avoid

Hermstein and Murray also claim that average differences in intelligence between racial groups are _____ and salient (also largely ________ and effectively immutable), and they also insist that such group disparities carry no implication for the __________ of individuals. In this way, they hope to ________ a charge of racism and secure a judgment as upholders of human rights, for no black individual, in their view, should be devalued because his group is innately less intelligent than whites; after all, this particular individual may be a rarely brilliant member of his averagely dumb race. (Gould 14)


Herrnstein and Murray _____ over these data trying to show that it is overwhelmingly (self-reported on Army Test) IQ-not childhood or adult socioeconomic status-that determines worldly success and the moral praiseworthiness of one's social behaviors with NLSY data (Kamin 102)

index, significance

IQ does represent an _______, albeit an imperfect one, of the ability to compete in many walks of life. (Jensen 80). Proceeds to talk about SAT to show that clearly, IQ difference, has considerable social _____________.


If one is inclined to explain all instances of deviance, all social problems, all occasions helped was needed as the result of _________ circumstances, one is unlikely to inquire about social inequities. (18)


Hence, there is NO need for humanitarian considerations. This is as it should be because it is sheer _______ to believe that others will redefine themselves to accommodate us, or that they will voluntarily yield the power of their established institutions, or create new full-scale social movements so that we can function in a manner that will be more satisfying to us.


In 1920, freedom from enslavement was scarcely 50 years old and nearly 1/4 of Black people were designated as _________. History had recorded 2239 lynchings of Black people. Overt racial discrimination was the order of the day. Since 1876, only 11/10k PhDs were Blacks.


Increasing emphasis on understanding the multilevel-________________ nature of child's environment.


Individual potential is one of the most unmarketable properties if the child acquires no _______ for its development, if parents are unaware of operational steps required for preparing child to use learning opportunities thru books, puzzles, toys, etc.


It is much easier to understand the process of blaming the victim as a way of thinking than it is to understand the ____________ for it. It is class warfare.


It is now beyond dispute that the intelligence continuum _______ and can be measured. (MH 27)

environment, stable

It is true that the pioneer child did not have many playthings either, but they had more of a responsibility toward the ______________ as well as a _______ family.


It may be expected that lower CHAOS scores would be more typical of households characterized by higher parental attainments and resources, as assessed by parental education or SES. Nevertheless, only _____ was significantly related to CHAOS, and this relation was quite modest in magnitude.


It was particularly disheartening to be confronted with the images on our television screens of the _____________ number of African Americans who were unable to evacuate their communities


Known as the "Great Asylum for the Insane," opened in 1885 in Santa Clara, California. third institution opened for treatment of the mentally ill, "a small, self-contained town." 100 patients died during 1906 earthquake


Locked horns with white intellectuals. While black youth rioted and families continued to _________, this interracial gang of hucksters fought over the lucrative spoils that go to those who generate doctoral dissertations, journal articles, magazine features, conferences, seminars, curriculums, and endless streams of books.


Many doctors were concerned with women giving birth out of _________ as more began to work outside of home. This caused doctors to sterilize some women in order to prevent this from happening (Braslow, p. 47). Eugenic programs to help "better" society.

overcrowded, more

Many of these were _____________. Between 1910 to 1955, the total population of residents increased fivefold (6,864-36,403). This was used as reasoning to sterilize ______ patients to increase eugenic efficiency (Stern, "From Legislation to Lived Experience", p. 104).

National Association of Black Psychologists

Organized in 1968 upon dissatisfaction with APA at convention in San Francisco. No stand on CRM, lack of graduate students in psych programs, exploitation of Blacks in field. Demanded integration, facilitate entry of more Blacks, monitor journals to eliminate racist themes, program with minority concerns in psychology (21/148). Interrupted presidential address was wake-up call -> moratorium of culturally biased tests and increasing # of Black students in psychology.

mulatto hypothesis

Originally stated that offspring of interracial unions were inferior in physical and mental ability to either apparent. When it became clear that many leaders and professionals were mulattos or at least fair-skinned, hypothesis changed to state that black-white union children were superior to pure Negroes but inferior to whites. Higher scores in group of Blacks probably means higher number of mulattoes.


Our students at Howard were a little bit __________ to face the outside competition as they worried that they might not have an adequate background. Realized they are getting along as fine as anybody.

quantification (Guthrie, Historical Perspective)

Our technologically advanced society which has created a continuing and demanding need for the understanding and measurement of physical entities has also created an incredible obsession for the attempted ______________ of intangible human attributes. A quatophrenic obsession. (13)

male, disadvantage

Ours is a society which presumes ______ leadership in private and public affairs. The arrangements of society facilitate such leadership and reward it. A subculture, such as that of the Negro American, in which this is not the pattern, is placed at a distinct _________________.


Many preschool programs are based that central problem of disadvantaged children of _____________ rather than intellectual/cognitive, but there has been no evidence of this.

Count Joseph de Gobineau

Published "Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races" which concluded that the white race was superior to the darker ones; Aryans are summit of civilization. (1853)

Howard University

The largest Black university during the early era of Black schools and the leading Black university providing graduate and undergraduate training in psychology. Only 36 total Black students in psych grad school outside South between 1930 and 1938... Howard had 20 between 1919 and 1938.


Since Black _________ IQ 75 and lower, Herrnstein and Murray conclude that the "special circumstances" of African-Americans cannot explain their low average IQ relative to whites. Erroneously assume Africans don't face discrimination while AAs do. (Kamin 99-100)

correcting, victim

The logical outcome of analyzing social problems in terms of deficiencies is the development of programs aimed at ____________ those deficiencies. The formula for action becomes extraordinarily simple: change the ________. (8)


The low level of ___________ achievement of lower-class children provides less conspicuous but even more persuasive evidence of deprivation.


The lower-class child is not without culture, but they are deprived of that part of culture that can only be acquired through _________.


The lower-class child seems to be at a disadvantage at the point of ______ into the formal learning process.


The major addition is a change in methodology and sophistication-from measuring bodies to measuring the content of heads in intelligence _________. Still relies upon 4 assumptions. (Gould 17)


The most significant utilization of psychological science for public _______ was the outgrowth of two Black Americans.


The motivation for the hypothetical progressive to engage in this class warfare is that of _____________ their own self-interest with the promptings of their humanitarian impulses. Likes the system as is (it works for them) but also aware of social problems.

equal, mentally

The numbers of men and women sterilized were about ______. Of the total sterilizations, almost 60% were considered __________ ill and more than 35% were considered mentally deficient. Brown and Black folx overrepresented.


The only morally tenable position in human relations would remain unchanged: that all persons should be treated according to their own individual characteristics and not in terms of their group identity. Let me stress that none of the research allows one to conclude anything about the intelligence of any _____________ person. (Jensen 85)


The only situation in which prediction can lead to prevention is in the case of __________ predictions, when termination of the pregnancy is an option (Hubbard 10)


The organizers aim to force Caltech to recognize _________'s role in promoting the openly racist doctrine of eugenics and policies of forced sterilization and segregation in schools and housing. Remove name from building. He was important operative in this campaign.


The orthodox environmental theories have been accepted because they ___________ so well with our democratic belief in human equality, not because of scientific rigor. (Jensen 80)

predict, wrong

The promise genome scientists have used successfully to lure Congress to support the genome project is that knowing our DNA sequences will allow physicians to _________ who is at risk for what diseases. Several things are _________ with this promise from the points of view of biology, ethics and social policy.


The fascination with race, genes, IQ, is ____________. We don't have to worry about this. (MH 27)


The first state sterilization law in California was enacted on April 26, 1909 and remained largely ____________ for the next 70 years (Laughlin, p. 1). Targeted "mentally retarded" as well as prison inmates (most commonly those labeled as sex offenders).


The intellectual brainpower of Black Americans is _________ and the future of Black Americans rests with our youth.


Even Afro-American researchers have been guilty of using deficient deficit concepts, which encourage victimization and depersonalization that can lead to the _____________ of people.


Even more serious than such discriminatory consequences is the fact that geneticization —thinking of ourselves as readouts of our genes — ________________ our concepts of illness and health and ignores the many economic and social factors that contribute to them. (hubbard 10)


Even tho SAT, ACT, NAEP give reason to think that IQ difference has shrunk to 3 points, the most direct evidence from IQ tests points to a ____________ black-white gap. (MH 29) Don't forget there is overlap!


Even when other diseases are said to have genetic components, that means that (unknown) numbers of genes are involved in __________ ways, and the condition is also influenced by many other circumstances


Every Black college provided at least one course in ____________ as early as 1906. Formally trained psychologists were premium, not professorships, further discouraged by poor salaries, heavy teaching loads, little job security, lack of access to resources like libraries, money, and scholarly atmosphere, and meager retirement plans.

value, cultural, assumptions, change

Every theory, research design, social policy, and human services program needs to be scrutinized according to the following: (I) ______ orientation that is used (2) _________ elements used for networking (3) Validity of the ____________ made (4) Potential for a more significant _______

Cyril Burt

Famous survey of separated identical twins. High correlation between IQs even when reared completely separately and in disparate socioeconomic backgrounds. Concocted, unchecked until after death. IQ is malleable. (example of Useless and False)

genes, mix, agnostic

Given the weight of the many circumstantial patterns, it seems improbable to us that _______ have no role whatsoever. What might the ____ of genetic and environmental influences be? We are resolutely __________ on that. The answer doesn't much matter. (MH 34)


Gobineau used shapes and sizes of ________ and other body parts to locate black destiny. Manages to spin every observation in the light of his preconception about black inferiority. (Gould 16)


Gobineau's basic position can be easily summarized: the fate of civilizations is largely determined by racial composition with decline and fall usually attributable to _____________. (Gould 13)


The psychology of the Black experience begins with a grounding in _________ civilization, so that the human element of our existence is established.


Theodore Tilton summarized the ________________ position (1830s-50s) in an 1862 article, "...we shut him out of schools, and then bitterly inveigh against the ignorance of his kind."

afford, transportation

These people were mostly working class Blacks who either could not _________ to leave or did not have adequate _______________ to leave.


These results capture the most tragic consequences of racism - namely, __________ are preferred to one's own in-group (Hornstein, 1976).


They cited Owen, who used the Progressive Matrices test created by John Raven, who insisted repeatedly that results cannot be _____________ into IQs. (Kamin 100)


This is not because statistics, research methodologies, and paradigms do not work, quite to the contrary, but rather because of inherent problems found in predicting and interpreting _______ behavior.

motoric, short

This is not to imply that the young lower-class child is not given assignments in their home, nor that they are never given approval or punishment. Rather, the assignments tend to be ________ in character, have a _______ time span, and are more likely to relate to very concrete objects or services for people.


This is not to say IQ is _________, but it's a better predictor than the alternatives. (MH 27)


This research provides evidence that CHAOS, a short questionnaire composed of items representing the conceptual domain environmental confusion, has adequate psychometric properties, supporting its usage as a __________ tool in studies of environmental influences. Environmental confusion, which is clearly important to development, is understudied.

inherited, deviant

This transition came with the emergence of eugenics. Since abnormal traits that were thought to be __________, sterilization was seen as a way to prevent the degeneration of the race through the procreation of those with undesirable traits (Kline, p. 30). Rather than protecting patients from society, institutions were instead used to protect society from the very same patients. It was especially focused on sterilizing women who were considered sexually ________ (Kline, p. 32), "such as" sex outside of marriage.

solve, individuals

This way of thinking also saturates the majority of programs that have been developed to _______ social problems in America, based on the assumption that ______________ have problems due to their circumstances.

dependent, delinquent, deficient

Those individuals targeted generally fell into one of three categories, _________, ___________, or mental _________ (Bruinius, p. 10). They were thought to threaten the strength and wellbeing of the race (Kline, p. 37).


Those who cite the socioeconomic matching studies also fail to take account of the well-established genetic difference between social ________, which invalidates their comparison. (Jensen 84) It would reduce IQ difference as class interacts in a way that depreciates genetic factors.


Traditional academic psychology has evolved into a ________, pedestrian science which leans heavily about statistical analyses. Tragic when we think about how strongly life is influenced by environmental and physical factors.

Henry Goddard

Translated and published Binet's scale to US in 1909. Concluded accurate. Suggested measures how much a child was capable of learning at a given age. Started testing on black children and immigrants... Use in army.


Very few people have come forward publically to be at the receiving end of this apology (Stern, Eugenic Nation, p. 211). Consequently, there is a lack of __________ between the state and those sterilized. Without commemoration sponsored by the government, the eugenics movement has the potential to a forgotten part of history.

concern, different

Victim-blaming is cloaked in kindness and ________, obscured by a perfumed haze of humanitarianism. In this way, the new ideology is very __________ from the open prejudice and reactionary tactics of the old days.


Victims of this minority labeling take the _______ for their feelings of helplessness, powerlessness, and nothingness and act accordingly


Visually, the urban slum and its overcrowded apartments offer the child a _________ range of stimuli. and other assumptions about what house looks like and what kind of objects they have access to... (47)

Francis Cecil Sumner

WW1 veteran, first Black man to receive psych PhD at Clark University in spite of unnumerable social and physical factors. Born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, in 1895. No formal HS education but intense reading and discussion on variety of subjects (private instruction from father). Reading was early habit and major contributor to academic success.


We are encouraged to confine our _________ to the child and to dwell on all their alleged defects.


We are not all equal in endowment, and we do not enter the world as blank slates, but most deficiencies can be __________ to a considerable degree, and the palling effect of biological determinism defines its greatest tragedy-for if we give up (because we accept the doctrine of immutable, inborn limits), but could have helped, then we have committed the most grievous error of chaining the human spirit. (Gould 19)


We are not giving up on the melting _____. (MH 36) No one clan needs to tell any clan how to come up with a way of seeing itself. Wise ethnocentrism, navigate world with confidence in its own worth. (MH 37) Those at lower rungs of IQ are not required to be miserable!


We emphasized the ___________-experimental aspect of psychology. In that way we were different from all the other Black schools.


We have great quantities of problems that is totally ____________ with our proclaimed ideals and our enormous wealth. And this must be explained in our patriotism and conscience, so blaming the victim becomes an ideal, almost painless, evasion.

label, bounded

Why do we reserve the ______ for some problems in which people are involved and withhold it from others? The phenomena we look at are __________ by the act of definition. They become social problems only by being so considered.


_________ is not the enemy of human flexibility, but the source and potentiator (while genetic determinism is a false theory of biology). (Gould 19) in response to school that "defies Darwin."


_____________ was a major independent variable in determining whether an individual could attend graduate school.


______________ of the reality of human differences would simply underline the need for equality of opportunity in order to allow everyone to achieve their own self-fulfillment. Schools should offer a greater diversity of ways for children of whatever aptitude to benefit from education. (Jensen 85)

cultural deprivation (2)

a lack of those particular kinds of learning that are important for success in school (41) Has more to do with WHAT the child has learned rather than the amount of stimulation received (it's not about sensory deprivation).


ability to learn and adjust to the conditions of life, the generally agreed upon definition by 17 leading American educators and psychologists in 1921, justify intelligence test to predict how well person will do in other intellectual tasks

giant word syndrome

cannot reverse elements in a statement, will say red and green but cannot think of green and red because understand as whole and speak in amalgamated noises rather than discrete words

Pacific Colony

in Pomona was an institution that was created under the 1917 sterilization law and it dealt with the sterilization of epileptics and mentally delayed or "feeble-minded" individuals


needful of white approval at the expense of self, stemming from unending state of induced inferiority

cultural racism

perhaps most insidious and damaging form as the overarching umbrella, the individual and institutional expression of the superiority of one group's cultural heritage over another group's, and the power to impose those standards upon other groups

Frederick W. Hatch Jr.

secretary of the State Lunacy Commission in California. After the sterilization law was passed in 1909, he became the General Superintendent of State Hospitals. He held this position for the rest of his life, using it to implement policy and hire hospital administrators in favor of eugenics. While he held this position, about 3,000 people were sterilized in California (Gottshall). Even after his death in 1924, his legacy of an active program for sterilization lived on through the next hospital superintendents.


what displaced residents of New Orleans were called when they arrived at the Astrodome

social microenvironment

specific transactions between caregivers and children (e.g. caregiver responsivity, sensitivity, vocalization, control)


the obsession with numbers as seen in the empirical studies

Chester Pierce

coined the term "racial microaggressions" (Sue, Microaggressions)


"A normal Negro child, having grown up within a normal family, will become _________ on the slightest contact with the white world." (anthro)

William McDougall

"Father of social psychology" who promulgated that instincts determined social behavior. Widespread stereotypes resulted.

Frederick Payne Watts

(1904-2007) Parents instilled high ideals and encouraged college education. Interest in why people misbehave. Became part of 3-person department at Howard. Ph.D in clinical psychology from UPenn, first Black person to receive there. Preinduction classification officer and personnel consultant during WW2.

Howard Emery Wright

(1908-1988, 82/211) Principal of Campus Laboratory school and then other schools before completing psych Ph.D. at OSU.

better, minorities

"Surprisingly, blacks tend to perform relatively (better/worse) on more culture-loaded tests than culture-fair. (Jensen 82) The other ___________ perform as one might expect from culture-bias hypothesis except Oriental children.


"The ________ was the first place where I felt equal, because they had rules against racism even way back then," Guthrie says. "That's where I first became integrated with whites and it felt all right."

Kenneth and Mamie Clark

"The development of Consciousness of Self and the Emergence of Racial Identification in Negro Pre-School Children" (1939) and "Skin Color as a Factor in Racial Identification of Negro Pre-School Children" (1940), investigations of racial identifications (doll studies) played pivotal role in Supreme Court decision to reverse "separate but equal" and declare racial segregation unconstitutional because generate feeling of inferiority that may have permanent, lasting impact; Recognition of psychology and end of education's apartheid


"There is a rich _________ in black psychology," Guthrie explains, "but even today not many textbooks mention the black psychologists who did solid research during segregation. As I wrote, I was leading the forgotten people out of the woodwork."


"We know almost nothing about the development of psychology at historically black colleges and universities (______), and only Bob Guthrie's work examines this in detail,"

blaming the victim (Ryan)

"What was Pearl Harbor doing in the Pacific??" An extreme example of...

Wilberforce University

(11/224) First teaching position as prof of psych and philosophy at this college. Then Southern University before West Virginia Collegiate Institute.

Darwin, social

(1859) Charles ______ wrote Origin of Species about evolutionary change in nature which was almost immediately applied to man's ______ environment. Some were winning in survival, while others were obviously doomed to extinction.

Howard Hale Long

(1888-1948, 49/176) Studied under G. Stanley Hall, served in WW1, and supervised DC public school systems as associate superintended in charge of educational research.

Charles Henry Thompson

(1896-1980, 41/168) Education and Psychology from UChicago, first Black American in educational psychology but only because didn't know any Black psychiatrists which is what he wanted to be. Lifelong association with HU in 1926, prof of education. Editor-in-chief of Journal of Negro Education.

Inez Beverly Prosser

(1897-1934, 47/174) Became dean and registrar of Tillotson College, arranging George Washington Carver visit and remodeling several buildings. Taught at Tougaloo College and Ph.D. in educational psychology. On year after killed in automobile collision.

Albert Sidney Beckham

(1897-1964) Applied for Air Corps but refused training and told to contribute by teaching psychology in college at Wilberforce before HU, founding first psychological laboratory at Howard, first at any Black institution of higher learning. Longest term of service was psychologist at DuSable High School, identified as key factor for later success.

John Henry Brodhead

(1898-1951, 60/189) Teacher and principal in Philly in 1919 before doctorate in educational psych from Temple in 1937. President of American Teachers Association and many other edu orgs, one ultimately leading to admittance of Black nursing trainees into Philly General Hospital.

Herman George Canady

(1901-1970, 66/195) Chair of psych department at WVSC after Sumner left. Published in many journals (eminent researcher). Awarded General Education Board fellowship which allowed him to complete Ph.D studies at Northwestern. Active participant in struggle for equal rights and received NU's Alumni Merit Award.

Robert Prentiss Daniel

(1902-1968, 46/173) president of Shaw University in 1936 until 1950 before president of Virginia State College until he died.

Martin David Jenkins

(1904-1978, 55/184) instructor of education at Virginia State College, first Black American to be granted fellowship to pursue graduate studies at Northwestern. Intelligence levels for Blacks were as high as white population and one Black student had highest IQ then on record. Registrar and professor of education in North Carolina before Cheyney and presidency of Morgan State College. Continued as consultant in higher education.


(1909) At the time of the passage of this law, the approval of the superintendent of the institutions, the superintendent of the state hospitals and the secretary of the State Board of Health were consulted. If ____ out of three of them approved, the sterilization could be carried out (Paul, pp. 256-257).

Alberta Banner Turner

(1909-2008, 57/186) Home-ec head at Wilberforce before Ph.D in psych from OSU. Winston-Salem, Lincoln, Southern, Bennett. Full-time employment as clinician at Ohio Bureau of Juvenile Research until retirement. Synonymous with field of juvenile rehab and treatment in Ohio

Shearley Oliver Roberts

(1910-1984, 207/78) Teaching, dean of students, psychologist testing and interview, child development research. B.A. and M.A. from Brown University. Delegate to White House Conference on Youth. Professor of edu/psych and chair of psych at Fisk.

Oran Wendle Eagleson

(1910-1997, 52/181) Thought philosophy but fascinated by psych. Started at North Carolina College before Fisk University and Seplman, where he initiated the first psychological laboratory in any of the institutions of the Atlanta University Center. Special lecturer and consultant in projects with Peace Corps, Head Start, and Georgia school systems.

James Thomas Morton, Jr.

(1911-1974, 74/203) Athletically included and found intellect "easy." Youth groups to open awareness. Volunteered to teach Black history to church groups. Went to UI-Champaign with psych despite being discouraged. Ph.D. Northwestern, teaching at Bennett before Dean of Instruction. Drafted in army and commissioned as psychologist (only Black American to do such during WW2). Dillard University as professor and counselor.

James Arthur Bayton

(1912-1990, 71/200) Father physician and graduate of Howard medical school. Had same intent but enjoyed psych under Sumner, Meenes, and Watts. Taught at Virginia State College including Joseph Cyrus Awkward. Ph.D. in psych from UPenn. Social science analyst with U.S. Department of Agriculture before psych prof at Southern, Morgan State, and Howard. Skill in directing marketing research! Expert witness for cases in school desegregation and employment discrimination. One major project was identification of factors related to racial tension in military settings. Eventually chair of Howard.

Roger Kenton Williams

(1914-1989, 80/209) Born in Harrisburg? b.a. sociology from Claflin magna cum laude. Campus leadership. Went to PSU for Ph.D.! Prof of education and psychology at NC Agricultural and Technical College until WW2. Professor and chair of psych at Morgan State before dean and Vice President for Academic Affair and later, Planning and Operations Analysis. Consultant to Ford Foundation.

Carlton Benjamin Goodlett

(1914-1997, 63/192) Identified strongly with Blackness and decided to attend Black university. Devote life to fighting racism and its byproducts. First Black person to study psych in graduate division at UC. Taught at WVSC. Couldn't obtain funding for Institute for the Study of the Negro Child. Organized professional Blacks in psychology with Herman Canady. President of SF NAACP. Believed Blacks in behavioral sciences had special responsibility to study eradication and role of racism on quality of Black experience and

Kenneth Bancroft Clark

(1914-2005, 61/190) Psych Ph.D. from Columbia before teaching at Queens and City. President and founder of Metro Applied Research Center. Cited in Brown v. Board of Education. President of APA (first Black to hold that office) and Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Mamie Clark. DOLL STUDY

Lewis Terman

(1916) Revision and Standardization of Binet-Simon test by this person, who wrote "Measurement of Intelligence" attributing poor performance to race.

overt, rights

(1917) The sterilization laws were significant largely for their ______ language, effectively applying to ANYONE who we deemed abnormal, as well as for the omission in terms of patient ______ (Stern, "From Legislation to Lived Experience," p. 101). There was no legal mechanism for patients to challenge the sterilization order, no written notification required to be sent to the patient of family, and no opportunity for a hearing that the institutional level (Stern, "From Legislation to Lived Experience," p. 101).

Mamie Phipps Clark

(1917-1983, 76/205) Influenced to major in psych by husband, magna cum laude before Ph.D. in psych at Columbia. Research psychologist for American Public Health Association. Psychologist for Riverdale Children's Assocation, visiting professor, board of directors. Classic publications.

Stephen Colwin

(1922) Cautioned that little or no value can be attached to results of tests in which individuals have varying desire to prepare essentially. Generally ignored by mental testers.

Joseph Peterson

(1923) More white blood increases ability to learn. Mulatto hypothesis. Cultural deficit explanation of mental differences. "Whites as a rule have every advantage over him."

Carl Brigham

(1923) Published reanalysis of Army Test data, concluded that measures "native or inborn intelligence"

Horace Mann Bond

(1924) Refuted Carl Brigham who said more intelligent moved North... it's the superior conditions of North. Average Northern black scores higher than souther white. Reflect individuals not any innate "intellectual" abilities. Carefully applied Stanford-Binet Intelligence test, finding "Some Exceptional Negro Children" in contrast to mulatto hypothesis.

Joseph St. Clair Price

(1929) No adequate comprehensive measurement of Negro intelligence. Research says black children develop physically more quickly but intelligence inferior. Probably due to inferior education of segregated schools but it was Doxey Wilkerson's (218) research that was dragged out because it justified segregation. Some, like L.A. Pechstein, say blacks perform BETTER in segregated schools since there are more black graduates than mixed high schools (lol what)

Martin Jenkins

(1930s) Superior Negro children are spread rather evenly through age and grade levels, tho socioeconomic status was high. Resemble other children in Chicago Public Schools. Not due to inherent racial factor.

parents, sexual

(1930s) The scope of sterilization was widened to include those who were not in institutions, but whose ________ or guardians deemed sterilization necessary for their unruly children (Currell and Cogdell, p. 36). Further, this case exemplified the growing shift from using heredity as the main reasoning for sterilization. Now, questionable _______ behavior was enough.

problem, different, cause, humanitarian

1. Identify a social _________. 2. Study those affected and discover how they are ___________ from the rest of us as a consequence of deprivation and injustice. 3. Define the differences as the _______ of the social problem itself. 4. Assign a government bureaucrat to invent a ________________ action program to correct the differences.

predispositions, what, directions

1. What are the intellectual _____________ that must be understood in order to clear the way for a psychology of Black Americans? 2. Just ______ is the psychology of Black Americans? 3. What __________ are needed to properly advance the study of the psychology of Black Americans?

instability, father

100 years since slavery is not long time for people, and Negro community has been economically marginal and isolated from accelerated change. The depressions of hit them particular hard and have influenced motivation to succeed, contributing to the _____________ of the Negro family, and particularly to the fact that it is most often broken by the absence of the _______.

Thomas Jefferson

1781, this president entertained few doubts about the innate mental inferiority of Blacks.

single, hierarchy, social, heritable, stable

4 premises of Gobinist version of mental testing: 1. intelligence depends upon a ________ factor of intellectual capacity or "g" 2. The general amount" of intelligence in each person must be abstractable as a single number (usually called IQ). A linear ranking of people by IQ must therefore establish a ___________ of differential intelligence. And, finally (for the ________ factor in the argument), people's achievements in life, and their social rank sin hierarchies of worth and wealth, must be strongly correlated with their IQ scores. 3. single # measure inborn quality of genetic constitution and is highly ___________ 4. the number is _______ and permanent, subject to little change by intervention (Gould 16-17)


A 1935-1941 Los Angeles Times "Social Eugenics" column, written by Fred Hogue, summarized the American Eugenics Society meetings and cited publications of the HBF to promote the social and economic _________ of sterilization (Currell and Cogdell, p. 38). Sacrifice of individual for public good. 66% approved compulsory sterilization according to 1937 Fortune Magazine survey (Currell and Cogdell, p. 37).

mixed, individuals

A Class Thing, professor Martin Peretz When, finally, we are all _______ up together we will be a wiser, warmer, more witty, more lyrical, more beautiful people. And, then, all the standard measurements will be able to tell us about ______________ only.


A fundamental fact of Negro American family life is the often reversed roles of husband and wife. . . . In 44 percent of the Negro families studied, the wife was ___________, as against 20 percent of the white wives. Whereas the majority of white families are equalitarian, the largest percentage of Negro families are dominated by the wife.


A major reason why it set off a firestorm of criticism is because it made the mistake of being published when the high follies of the _______ were in full swing. Updated findings of black sociologist Franklin Frazier?


A more fundamental question is not whether disadvantaged children lack adequate concrete experience (lol) but whether _________ experience is the crucial factor in the development of the academic aptitude that Hunt, following Piaget, makes it out to be. (29) Blind children should be less intelligent than deaf but it's the opposite.


A more tragic result is that many Black college graduates lowered their ambitions or abandoned aspirations in favor of ______________ employment and wages.

systems analysis

A need to focus on __________ __________ to provide an understanding and a theoretical base for individual and group behavior is suggested. A taxonomy which distinguishes a pattern of controlled and uncontrolled behaviors in an environment. A concept can apply to multiple situations, requiring a smaller conceptual set.

devalue, sex, dismiss, limit

According to women, gender microaggressions occur frequently and they _________ their contributions, objectify them as ____ objects, ________ their accomplishments, and ______ their effectiveness in settings. (12)

ourselves, multidisciplinary

Adequate social opportunities will develop when we understand that any change in our world begins with a change in __________. This shift in consciousness to support functioning in a better, more fully creative, humane manner requires a ______________ foundation. Social problems are rarely confined to particular disciplines!


Affirmative action in education and the workplace alike, is leaking a ________ into the American soul. (Kamin 103)

community, pluralism

Afro-American scholars have not infused their work with ACCOUNTABILITY -particularly ___________ participation - or come from a professional position that encourages __________. It is ironic that the charges against white scientists-irrelevancy in research content and lack of cultural accountability-are growing claims against Afro-American researchers.


After World War I, and the change in the perception of "feeble-mindedness" from a crime to a ________, there was a noted shift across the country from "institutions" to "hospitals" and "inmates" to "patients" (Kline, p. 45). In the waning years of sterilization in California, the rationale shifted from eugenics to "fears of overpopulation, welfare dependency, and illegitimacy" (Stern, "Sterilized," p. 1132).


All these changes have been predicated on a shift in our medical culture from the subjective signs and symptoms that people experience when they feel sick to supposedly ___________ tests (although, of course, test results must be interpreted, and all interpretations are to some extent subjective). (Hubbard 10)

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach

Along with Linnaeus, divided mankind into four then five varieties or races: Ethiopian, American, Mongolian, Malay, and Caucasian.

retarded, organization

Also on the basis of preliminary analysis of data, it appears that __________ readers have the most difficulty with the _______________ of expressive language.


Although I support every woman's right to terminate her pregnancy whatever her reasons, it is important to recognize that the decision to abort a fetus because of a health prediction rests to a large extent on societal prejudices about ___________ (conditions) (Hubbard 10)

verbal, deeper

Although a lack of _______ learning is the outstanding characteristic of culturally deprived children, there is a widespread opinion that the roots of cultural deprivation lie ________, that verbal deficiencies reflect a more basic lack of concrete, non-verbal learning experiences. If Piaget is right, spoken language comes after image processing.

die, gray

Although blacks may have been considered "gentle" and "humble," the social Darwinists came to believe that unless American blacks could take on a few of the "finer characteristics" of the white race, they would soon _____ out. One main reason that they were deficient in "_____ matter" as through cranial capacity


Although the devastation that it caused clearly has gained the attention of the world, like the beginnings of the storm the aid that has been rendered to the survivors has been relatively unnoticed by them. What the hurricane survivors have noticed is benign _________. While aid and rescue has been slow to fly towards the survivors, the pejorative euphemisms regarding the African American survivors of Hurricane Katrina have flown freely.


American eugenicists found common cause with the emerging ____ regime in Germany. In a 1934 article, Paul Popenoe, a lead researcher for the Human Betterment Foundation, saluted Adolf Hitler and the Nazis for their determination to achieve "national regeneration" by applying "biological principles" to human society.

failure, dropouts, disabilities, adjustment, delinquency

Among children who come from lower-class socially impoverished circumstances, there is a high proportion of school ________, school __________, reading and learning ________________, as well as life-_____________ problems. This same segment contributes disproportionately to the _____________ and other social-deviancy statistics.

Gold Key

An annual award established in 1943 for a HU senior completing a psych major with exceptional distinction. Popularity of department by 1946-47: highest enrollment in history of department and scholastic ability is higher. (Dodson Award) Soon established Psi Chi (national honorary society for psych, first at a HBCU)

William Schockley

An avowed eugenicist who extended the eugenic notion to explain that many of the large improvident families with social problems have constitutional deficiencies in those parts of the brain which enable a person to plan and carry out plans. Plan to pay Black people with IQs below 100 who voluntarily submitted to sterilization operations!!!!!!

racism, environmental, genetic

An explanation of the well-established black IQ deficit has been blocked largely by fear and abhorrence of ________. In academic circles, theories of strictly _______________ causation have predominated with little or no attempt to test their validity rigorously. (Jensen 80) Refused to consider ________ factors; research in area has been taboo.


And if Black people do not have and practice their own values, customs, and traditions, other people out of their own survival-necessity will ________ their values on us. People with power do not look elsewhere for permission or approval, nor do they make alliances that are outside their self-interests.


Another area in which the lower-class child lacks preschool orientation is the well-inculcated expectation of _________ for performance, especially for successful task completion. Makes it less likely to start a task and less likely to reinforce thru feelings of competence. Very little of these tasks going on in impoverished, broken homes, neither reward for good nor disapproval for bad.


Another source of misunderstanding on the part of school and social agency people is the difficulty of putting in historical perspective the causal conditions responsible for the high percentage of ________ homes in the Negro community. Effects on emotional stability are recognized but not on motivation, self-concept, and achievement orientation.


Any kind of special educational program by class would be regarded as __________ poor people of a chance to acquire those cultural benefits necessary for the improvement of their status.


Any one microaggression alone may be minimally impactful, but when they occur continuously throughout a lifespan, their ___________ nature can have major detrimental consequences.


As Black psychology gained momentum, psychological terminologies were utilized not only as a protest against previous inequities but also as a matter of __________ to describe unique conditions frequently found in the Black experience not accounted for by traditional psychology.


As a biologist, I cannot agree that human beings (or indeed other organisms) are constructed after "___________" that we can learn to "read." We cannot make predictions because development is dialectical and not linear. (Hubbard 8)

race suicide

As a result, progressives began to look for a way to easily eliminate degeneracy and disorder in the new chaos (Gottshall). European settlers sought to establish a community, based on modern science, which fulfilled the Manifest Destiny and downplayed the Spanish and Mexican past of the territory (Stern, Eugenic Nation, p. 85). Furthermore, African-American men were seen as being excessively virile and this needed to be controlled to protect women (Kline, p. 9). Similarly, the idea of "______ _________" emerged on a national level. This concept stated that women of good stock should be having children in order to ensure that the white middle class not be taken over by inferiors (Kline, p. 11).


As a result, the lower-class Negro child entering school often has had no experience with a successful male ______ or corresponding psychological framework to build upon at least the possibility of achievement.


As a result, there is a terrifying __________ in the programs that arrive from the social/environmental analysis. For example, we have compensatory education rather than structural changes in the schools.


As age increases, it becomes more and more difficult for these children to develop compensatory mechanisms, to respond to special programs, or to make psychological readjustments required to __________ the cumulative effects of their early deficits.


As grandstanding opponents to the Report took center stage, those blacks who appreciated the Report's candidness could find few forums in which to be ________. In general, they were ignored by the mainstream media


Asking Guthrie to contribute was a natural choice for the archives because he has worn almost every one of psychology's _____, from research to teaching to government service, says director David Baker, PhD.

family, perpetuate

At the center of the tangle of pathology is the weakness of the ________ structure. Once or twice removed, it will be found to be the principal source of most of the aberrant, inadequate, or antisocial behavior that did not establish but now serves to ____________ the cycle of poverty and deprivation. (the matriarchal structure)


At this point in the argument, even advocates of predictive testing usually point out that this kind of foreknowledge can lead to genetic _____________ by insurers or employers. (hubbard 10)


Automatically labeling strangers as savages, weird, and inhuman creatures (thus explaining difference by exaggerating difference) not infrequently _________ mistreatment, enslavement, or even extermination of the Different Ones.

cognitive, school, language, motivation, temperament, cooperative, health

Available research has indicated that ambient noise, crowding, and environmental traffic patterns (environmental confusion) are negatively related to a variety of developmental outcomes including __________ performance, _______ achievement, performance on visual and auditory tasks, __________, mastery ____________, more placid _______________, and _____________ play, as well as children's _________ like increased blood pressure.

measuring, mulatto, segregation, misuse

Between 1920 and 1940, there were basically 4 areas where black social scientists openly challenged the findings of the mental testers. 1. Attacked generally accepted beliefs about what "intelligence tests" were ___________. 2. Conducted research which undercut the so-called "________ hypothesis" 3. Attacked attempts to use results to justify the further ____________ of black children in schools. 4. Exposed the general ________ of mental tests and test results with respect to blacks throughout the United States


Between the years 1890-1910, 12 million people _____________ into the United States (Bruinius, p. 256). To curb this influx, legislation such as Theodore Roosevelt's Gentleman's Agreement, and the Chinese Exclusion Acts, were enacted (Bruinius, p. 256). Especially important was the influx of Mexicans looking for work. Their presence cost the state a lot of money in charity and welfare. Further, Mexicans were stereotyped to be diseased.


Binet EXPLICITLY denied that his test could be measuring an ________ biological property worthy of the name general intelligence. (Gould 18) It could not be captured in a single number ranking children in a linear hierarchy. (Gould 18)

causes, identify

Binet firmly rejected the idea that his test couId identify ________ of educational problems. (Gould 18) He only wished to _________ children with special needs, so that HELP could be provided.


Binet is right as his arguments still have validity, and the ___________ of his wise and humane effort must rank as one of the great tragedies of 21st science. Was originally tasked to identify children for special ed. (Gould 17)


Cultural deprivation is not just a synonym for disadvantage but also allows us to focus on those relevant to __________.

outsiders, dining, social, special

Black students in northern white universities were often viewed as __________. Not welcomed in _______ halls or cafeterias, prohibited from joining organizations, and did not participate in most _______ functions. Some were allocated "_______" tables in the dining halls and other campus locations.


Blaming the victim is an ______________ process, a set of ideas and concepts deriving from systematically motivated, but unintended, distortions of reality. The "collective unconscious" rooted in a class-based interest in maintaining the status quo.

pervade, noticed

Blaming the victim is central to contemporary American social thought, and its ideas _________ our most critical assumptions so thoroughly that they are hardly _________. Moreover, it appears to be fraught with altruism and humanitarianism, so it's hard to believe that it has principally functioned to block social change.

intrinsic, environmental

Blaming the victim is, of course, quite different from old-fashioned conservative ideologies that dismissed victims on the basis of ___________, even hereditary, defect. The sympathetic social scientists and liberal politicians shift the emphasis to ________________ causation, attributing defect to the malignant nature of poverty, injustice, slum life, and racial difficulties.

structural, genetics, situation

Blue Genes, Richard Nisbett First, although Murray and Herrnstein do not deny that racism and ___________ factors play a role in producing some of the I.Q. differences between blacks and whites, the authors note that socioeconomic status could not plausibly account for such profile differences, and imply that this leaves __________ as the most likely explanation. Head Start and similar programs often produce large I.Q. or achievement gains in preschool children, but Murray and Herrnstein call these programs failure's, since once children return to their relatively impoverished environments, the gains fade. But if social scientists know anything, it is that the immediate _________ is of utmost importance. Selectively ignores evidence of sustained changes.

value (Thomas 1985)

Bronowski (1956) has reminded us that science is based on human values and is itself a ______ system, nourished by our culture. It follows that there is a sociopolitical interchange between science, technology, business, labor, and policy.


But Herrnstein and Murray assure us that "teachers who score higher on the tests have greater _________ with their students." (Kamin 100) Cited single study with 1% increase in quality, 5% decline in failure (correlation) and ignored finding that high pupil-to-teacher ratios are associated with good (?) performance?

pathetic, correlation

But the caliber of the data in The Bell Curve is, at many critical points, _________. Further, the authors repeatedly fail to distinguish between __________ and causation and thus draw many inappropriate conclusions. (Kamin 99)


Can one be labeled an _______ in the uncertain science of human behavior merely because one completes a set of traditional courses taught in traditional academic settings? Ludicrous.


Completed M.A. at Lincoln and returned to Clark for Ph.D. despite being aware that he might be _________. Was eventually halfway through and was disappointed and horrified with war.

Confusion, Hubbub, and Order Scale

CHAOS by Maltheny et al. to measure environmental confusion in home


California differed from many other states, in that, sterilizations did not significantly decrease with the Great __________ (Clayton, p. 43). After 1950, the rate slowed, and only 85 sterilizations occurred after 1960.

educate, innate

Caste Aside, Walter Lippmann The danger of the intelligence tests is that in a wholesale system of education, the less sophisticated or the more prejudiced will stop when they have classified and forget that their duty is to _________ They claim not only that they are really measuring intelligence, but that intelligence is _______, hereditary and predetermined. They believe that they are measuring the capacity of a human. being for all time and that this capacity is fatally fixed by the child's heredity.

crowding, instability, routine

Chaotic living conditions include residential noise ((≥4 hours/day of TV while child is home) and _________ (≥2 people/bedroom), ____________ in household occupants/location (change in residential partner), and lack of ________ and structure in daily life. They function similarly to affect child well-being.


Children today still learn the patterns of work from their fathers. . . . Negro children without fathers _________ and fail. (e.g. consistently poor performance on mental tests, disastrous delinquency and crime rates)

model minority myth

Chinese and Jews have experienced discrimination and racism but have higher scores than the national average. (MH 32) Common genetic history explains why go into STEM across generations.

Paul Witty

Cited Martin Jenkins and others... differences but not innate. By 1940 say not demonstrated, reversal from 1922 and cited Black psychologists. Several white researchers were involved too even if focus on black social scientists.


Clans tend to order the world, putting themselves on _____, not because each clan has an inflated idea of its own virtues, but because each is using a weighting algorithm that genuinely works out that way. (MH 36) Deep-seated inferiority comes from historical confrontations like slavery. This process is not only normal and healthy; it is essential.

Louis C. Tyree

Clark's first Black graduate, enrolling in 1909 and receiving B.A. in 1912.


Complicating this problematic matrix of labeling, measuring, and the resulting culture biases, is the belief that _____________ exists when findings are published or otherwise uttered by experts, who more often than not have not experienced any significant degrees of interactions, sensitivities, and/or rapport with the populations being studied.

little, synonymous, uses, cognitive

Concrete learning has _______ to do with deficiencies; it's all verbal learning. Justification for treating cultural deprivation as ______________ with language deprivation, which was not of vocab and grammar but rather certain _____ of language. Learns social language but not language of obtaining and transmitting information, monitoring own behavior, or carrying verbal reasoning (the "_________" uses of language that are important to school).


Critics have accused researchers of ________________ the detrimental impact of microaggressions by making a "mountain out of a molehill."

scanty, lack

Culturally deprived children do possess all the necessary elements of English grammar and syntax, even though they make _________ use of them. They cannot express any ideas in an ordered, cumulative sequence... comes close to a total _____ of ability to use language as a device for acquiring and processing information. (39)


Darwin's ________ of the fittest shibboleth placed the onus of an individuals' plight on the individual. Led many psychologists to focus research on differences between individuals to figure out why people succeed or not. Psychopathology, cognitive dissonance, and gaming theories can be traced back to this origin. (16)


Despite the discomfort and frustration he felt, however, Guthrie always knew he had a ______ to be there. That sense of confidence is what propelled him to pursue a degree in psychology when few blacks could, to go on to teach at the University of Pittsburgh, to study multicultural issues as a senior research psychologist in Washington, D.C., and to pen the now-classic tome, "Even the Rat Was White: A Historical View of Psychology."


Despite years of so-called change, we are confronted with unchanging or even ____________ racial differences in achievement.

inevitable, insidious

Deutsch thesis is that the lower-class child enters the school situation so poorly prepared that initial failures are almost ____________ and thus does nothing to counteract the ___________ influences to which he is exposed in his slum, and sometimes segregated, neighborhood.

incomplete, adjust

Deviation from norms and standards comes to be defined as failed or ___________ socialization. Those with social problems are viewed as unable or unwilling to ________ to society's standards.


Discovering _________ is an essential component of, and prerequisite to, blaming the victim. They must learn to conduct or interpret the research that shows how "these people" think, strive, learn, cling, act, etc. differently than us.

substitution, difference

Doesn't the change from the brutal ideas about the survival of the fit to kindly concern about characterological defects seems like a substantial step forward? Hardly. It is only a _____________ of terms. There is very little _____________ between these two ideas. Laziness -> culture of poverty. Inferiority -> crumbling family. Illegitimacy -> lower-class patterns of sexual behavior. Crazy lunatics -> deplorable child-rearing

policy, superiority

Dumbskulls, Alexander Star They want to steer government money away from remedial education to meet the needs of gifted students; they imply that employers ought to be allowed to use I.Q. tests to make hiring decisions; and they recommend redesigning immigration ________ to slow the influx of groups with substandard I.Q.s. They are right that it is irrational, and immoral" to judge people "by the size of their I.Q.s." But white Americans have rarely been constrained by reason, or morality, when it comes to asserting their _____________. Their advice to affluent whites is to abandon all concern for those less comfortable than yourselves, and to get on with the pursuit of happiness.


During Millikan's tenure at Caltech, Platt reports, a quota existed allowing for the appointment of only one _______ full-time faculty member per year.

California (Hiltzik, Caltech, Pomona)

During the last 28 years, ___________ state institutions have sterilized nearly 12k "insane and feebleminded patients."

Clark University

Encouraged Black enrollment and graduated more Black scholars in behavioral sciences than all other white colleges combined.

Survey of 1020 IQ scholars

Entirely due to environmental variation: 15% Entirely due to genetic variation: 1% Both: 45% Insufficient data for either: 24% No response: 14%


Environmental explanations have proven inadequate. There may be others, but the genetic hypothesis has not yet been put to any direct ______ by the standard techniques of genetic research. (Jensen 81)


Ethnic differences in measured cognitive ability have been found since intelligence tests were ____________. (MH 27)

past, wounds, themselves

Explain what went wrong with victim in terms of social experiences in the ______ while taking the cure of these _______ and the reduction of these disabilities as first order of business. Analyze difference first. Allows them to reject the possibility of blaming _____________. Not guilty!


Failure to define or synthesize our historical and cultural analysis has seriously impaired not only sociopolitical undertakings but also retarded progress in changing the quality of _____ generally.


Federal and state assistance were nonexistent and the promise of academic assistantships impossible; it fell upon help from _______ organizations to establish funds for financial assistance.


Few historical figures occupy as revered a stature as Millikan does at Caltech. He is typically given credit for starting the _________ of the provincial Throop University into the global research powerhouse it is today.


Finally, state ________ in California also participated in the sterilization of individuals, although on a much smaller scale. San Quinton and Folsom Prisons conducted some sterilization on inmates who were convicted of crimes of a sexual nature (Gottshall). The Folsom State Prison and the Preston School of Industry in Waterman began performing sterilizations as of January 1, 1921 (Laughlin, p. 52).

Joseph Jastrow

First American to receive doctorate in psychology in 1886 but wasn't until 34 years later did Black American accomplish the same.

race, sexual orientation, gender

Focus on these 3 types of microagressions in this book.


For all, although consent from the sterilized individual or their family was not required, it was usually received (Butler). However, many individuals may have given ________ so that they would be allowed to leave the hospital (Braslow, p. 43). Neither records nor reports were required by any of the California sterilization laws to be kept (Laughlin, p. 137).

minority, acceptance

For example, __________ as a concept does not generate a change in the traditional normative value of inferiority associated with Afro-Americans. Furthermore, minority in its denotation sustains the systematic denial of social equality through a type of color-blindness that is at best illusory. For these reasons, its current widespread usage is very dangerous because it leads to massive ___________ of racial inferiority without forethought by the victims.

abstractable, rankable, heritable, immutable

Four arguments of Gobinist premise of intelligence. (Gould 17)

belief system, systematic distortion, unintentional, specific function (of maintaining the status quo in interest of specific group)

Four components of ideology.

temporarily, pretends

Freedom is Slavery, Ann Hulbert Murray: New racism says blacks are only ______________ less competent than whites. But actually, even with chances, they still aren't as good. He fulfilled his own prophecy. Purport to dispense "difficult" material to break societal taboo of talking about it. Anyone who __________ that branding one race with unalterable inferiority will have anything but a divisive, corrosive impact among groups is not leveling with the public, or with himself. Go back and forth between clan pride and individualism. Parallel to George Orwell doublethink.

Lincoln University

From 1911-1915, Sumner enrolled as freshmen here at age of 15 after passing written exam. Graduated magna cum laude with special honors in English, modern languages, Greek, Latin, and philosophy.

both, reified, middle, life, undermine, caste

From P.C. to P.R., Alan Wolfe Murray and Herrnstein insist that the association they find between race and intelligence applies only to groups, not to individuals, This is just one case Where they try to have it ______ ways. They claim to be courageous for bringing this up. Their entire approach demands that race be ________. To do this, they have to reify IQ. Murray and Herrnstein strive for a ______ position-actually a 40 percent to 80 percent position-those parameters defining, in their view, the contribution that genes make to intelligence. The proper question is, whether intervention improves not l.Q., but _____ chances. There is a historical irony. I.Q. testing began as an attack on privilege. Urged by those who believed in merit, the test would __________ the undeserved monopoly on power enjoyed by hereditary elites. So long as people were divided by brains, they never would be divided by ascribed characteristics. But in the hands of Murray and Herrnstein, I.Q. reintroduces _______ into American life. Say they are reporting data and will wait to interpret but cannot restrain self. Let Blacks take pride in whatever as it doesn't matter as we whites will retain control over knowledge.


From as early as 1913, (white) mental testers were stating that the inferior mental abilities of the Negro required that he be educated in "separate schools" with a "special _________ curriculum."


From what is known of the slum environment, it might be postulated that the segments made available to these children tend to have ________ and less systematic ordering of stimulation sequences, and would thereby be less useful to the growth and activation of cognitive potential.


Guthrie agrees that the responsibility for increasing diversity within psychology "rests on the shoulders of our academic ____________." Not only should the past be preserved, but universities must also look to improving the future by hiring more minority psychologists outside of ethnic studies.


Guthrie believes, however, that _______ kinship put his clients at ease, and that talking with psychologists who had stood in their shoes helped patients confront both personal and societal challenges.

inferior (Franklin on Black Social Scientists and the Mental Testing Movement, 1920-1940)

Guthrie was too kind in critique. The research by American psychologists have been used to try and demonstrate that Blacks and other racial minorities are mentally __________ to whites.

Brown & Low (2008)

HYPOTHESIS: Chaotic living conditions will predict helpless/hopeless responses to academic challenge, and sleep problems will mediate this relationship. PARTICIPANTS: 96 children enrolled in Head Start from 3-5 years. 60% poor, 30% low-income, 80% African American. All spoke English but ranged from 0-87% on verbal ability. METHOD: Interview measuring chaotic living conditions. Puzzler and lower tasks to measure helpless responses to academic challenge. Sleep habits questionnaire, caregiver for child. Peabody Picture Vocab Test-III to measure verbal ability. RESULTS: significant relations between CLC and helpless response to challenge, with sleep partially mediating influence of CLC on helpless response. LIMITATIONS: correlational design, single informant, broad measure of sleep problems, small sample of economically disadvantaged preschoolers

Allison Davis

Harvard anthropologist who was the first Black faculty member to be appointed to a major white university on a full-time basis. (table of data on 13)


He accepted the tenured position, which he filled until 1998, because he wanted to ________ students just as had the professors who inspired him. But upon re-entering academia, he found that not all race lines had been erased


He suffered a fatal ______ attack while shoveling snow at his home in DC on January 12, 1954.

born, controlling, diminished

Herrnstein and Murray answer that the children of the poor, like their laborer parents before them. have been _______ with poor genes. Armed with that conviction, the authors hail as "a great American success story" that after "_____________ for IQ," ethnic and racial discrepancies in education, wages and so forth are "strikingly ____________." (Kamin 103)


Herrnstein and Murray's intent is to convince us that : low IQ ________ poverty and its attendant evils-not, as others hold, vice versa. (Kamin 102)


His views on race and ______ were no secret — indeed, they were excused by Caltech faculty member David Goodstein in a 2001 defense of Millikan against old charges of academic fraud as "typical at the time of a man of his upbringing and background." Goodstein acknowledged that Millikan in 1936 advised Duke University not to hire a female professor of physics because there were no outstanding female physicists in the U.S.


How large is the black-white difference? The usual answer is ____ SD, 85 v 100. (MH 28)

outstanding, master's

Howard's graduate courses in psych (31, 158) were equally ____________ for that time and were specifically designed to enable graduates to succeed in pursuing their doctorates at the large white universities. They went only to the ________ degree as they didn't want students to be too ingrown. Also included courses to pass language exams for the doctorate.


However, there is little reason to suppose that disadvantaged children have suffered on the sensory account. The source of their backwardness in learning, therefore, must be sought in the _________ of the experiences they have had.

infinite, environmental, isolating, interpretations

Human behaviors are learned and maintained because of their consequences: (1) affected by an _________ number of social and environmental variables (2) behavioral consequences are derived from social and _____________ circumstances which strongly influence behavior (3) _________ human behavior cannot be accomplished with the exactitude as we do with physical quantities (4) subject to elusive and varying definitions and ______________ influenced by socioeconomic status and cultural predispositions of the interpreter


Hypothesize that differences from environmental. Assume 15 pts and 60% heritable. How different would environment have to be? Black would have to be at ____ percentile among distribution of white environments which is wildly out of line with data. (MH 32)


I am not opposed to empirical studies as long as they are supported by a sound ___________ base; however, this is not the case.


I cannot, in this essay, present a full critique of The Bell Curve. I only wish to trace some __________ roots and to expose a stunning irony. (Gould 17)


I do find it fascinating that structures of ideas can be so _________ across the centuries, while thinkers of basically consonant mind will emphasize different parts of an entity in the climates of varying times. (Gould 15)


I have found no evidence that the degree of _____________ afflicts any major segment of the US population, nor does maternal malnutrition have effects on child development. (Jensen 85)


I have lately been spending much time trying to ___________ what I consider to be DESTRUCTIVE changes that the accelerated pace of genetic research has introduced into our way of thinking about ourselves and one another. (Hubbard 8)

noblest, genetic

I recently heard Francis Collins, the director of the Human Genome Project - the largest organized biological-research effort to date - characterize that project as the _________ effort humans have ever embarked on, because it will allow us ."to read our own blueprint." Virtually all disease, except maybe trauma, has a __________ component. (Hubbard 8)


I shall show that Binet's intentions entirely contradicted the hereditarian version, for he believed strongly in educational ___________ and explicitly' rejected my hereditarian reading of his results (Gould 17)

exposed, revived

I thought that this philosophy had receded from influence as a joint result of well-__________ fallacies in the general argument and failure of data to validate the essential premises. But Hermstein and Murray have _________ this philosophy in its full and original form in The Bell Curve, and we must therefore return to the historical sources of fallacy. (Gould 16)

professional, cultural, graduate

In 1938, Sumner outlined 3 objectives for the psychology department after a new classroom building was opened at Howard in 1935. 1. Servicing of students preparing for various ____________ lines such as business, education, law, medicine, religion, music, art, clinical work, and nursing. 2. _________ significance of psychology is stressed by the department. Important to understand ALL creations of the mind. 3. The preparation of a few select students for scientific pursuit of psychology in _________ study leading to the Master's and Doctor's degree.

singular (O'Connor on Guthrie)

In 1955, when Robert Guthrie, PhD, enrolled in a master's program at the University of Kentucky, he was a _________ dark face against a backdrop of white. But when the band played "My Ol' Kentucky Home," a song that at the time included favorable portrayals of slavery, Guthrie knew he had to "get my education, then get the hell off campus."

Bell Curve

In The _____ _________, we make all these points and are prepared to defend them. (MH 35) Support meritocracy. We have to live comfortably with differences. How did this clannish self-esteem come about?

family, none

In a word, a national effort towards the problems of Negro Americans must be directed towards the question of ________ structure. The object should be to strengthen the Negro family so as to enable it to raise and support its members as do other families. After that, how this group of Americans chooses to run its affairs, take advantage of opportunities or fail to do so, is ______ of the nation's business.

siblings, individuation

In addition, there are likely to be large numbers of __________ and half-siblings, again with there being little opportunity for ______________. At the same time, the child tends to be restricted to his immediate environment, little opportunity to observe nature, landscapes, and other pleasant and aesthetically pleasing surroundings.


In crowded apartments with a noisy environment, the situation is ideal for the child to learn ____________. Does not practice in auditory discrimination or feedback from adults correcting his enunciation, pronunciation, and grammar.

lower, cultural deprivation (Bereiter & Engelmann, Culturally Deprived Children)

In dealing with _______ class people in ordinary American communities, however, the various subcultures share many common values and standards, and, with respect to these shared points of reference, it is both legitimate and useful to speak of __________ ______________.


In fact, the Report's term "___________," which was used to describe much of black family life at the time, today sounds rather restrained


In healthcare, we develop new programs to provide health ___________ without changing the gross inequities of medical care delivery systems.


In my observations, I have been surprised to find how little ______________ of the particular problems of these youngsters exists as part of the consciousness of the Negro or white middle-class teachers.


In observations of lower-class homes, it appears that speech sequences seem to be temporally very _________ and poorly structured syntactically.

language, handicapped

In order for a child to handle multiple attributes of words and to associate words with their proper referents, a great deal of exposure to ___________ is presupposed, which represents a weakness in the lower-class home. The child who has not achieved these anticipatory language skills is greatly _______________ in school. (omg and they are already deficient in auditory discrimination)


In order to persuade a good and moral person to do evil, then it is not necessary first to persuade them to become evil. It is only necessary to teach them that they are doing ______.


In part as a result of the Garcia v. State Department trial, in 1951, the laws were amended to require full ____________ from the patient in order to perform sterilizations (Stern, "From Legislation to Lived Experience", p. 102). Cause decrease in sterilization rates.

unfair, forgotten

In particular, some whites believed his suggestion that racism had played a role in the science of behavior was _______. Perhaps most importantly, "Even the Rat Was White" contains biographical information about African-American psychologists, many of whom, says Baker, "would be __________ if not for Guthrie's work."


In race relations, we have social engineers who think up ways of "_____________" the Negro family, rather than methods of eradicating racism.

Howard Hale Long

In response to Terman in 1923, pointed out that variation WITHIN races is greater than variation BETWEEN races. Environment greater influence than intelligence. Became Associate Superintended for Research in DC Public Schools (216)


In several instances, Black Americans traveled to _______ to obtain their graduate training.


In stark, statistical detail, it made clear the urgent need to reverse negative social trends where tens of thousands of young males grow up with no clear picture of the responsible roles they must play as ______.


In study 2, higher ratings of environmental confusion by parents were ____________ with observers coding homes as noisier, more crowded, and having a higher traffic pattern.


In the context of our contemporary society, we must have a firm understanding of how the social sciences have been used as sources of ___________ and destruction rather than as means to life-enhancing conditions.

professor, affirmative

In the early 1940s, there was not one Black _________ teaching in these schools and clearly the white schools would not hire any without the prodding of an outside power structure. Not until decades later when the federal government legally mandated ______________ action did any behavior changes occur. Hiring Black professor would take place of white professor... look at that entitlement

a, confusion

In the first phase, items of general content were developed to depict those household characteristics that could directly denote chaotic households. Items of this sort were partially extracted from narratives written by __ staff member who had made hundreds of home visits and who had rated household characteristics of noise and __________.

20,108 (California Eugenics)

In total, how many people were sterilized in the state of California prior to 1964? By far the highest number in the US, 1/3 of all sterilizations world wide.


Inattentiveness becomes further reinforced as they just do not ____________ what is being presented (and omg, they don't know how to ask questions either.)

stress, positive

Inner-city youngsters experience far greater psychological ______ than an adult on a space vehicle. Nevertheless, it follows that the inner-city resident has more _________ attributes, both in quality and quantity, because of the situations.

cycle, ensured

Instead of helping poor blacks comprehend the ______ in which they had become trapped, people who should have known better set in motion new forces that _________ the poor's continued decline.


Intelligence as measured by IQ tests is ____________ of many outcomes. (MH 27) Better to know IQ than parental information.

tests, cultural, motivation, socioeconomic

Is the difference authentic? Overwhelmingly, standardized ______ in school/job decisions do not underpredict Black performance. The validity/external evidence of bias Black-white difference is not caused by questions with __________ content. Wider on items that are culturally neutral than items that are loaded. (internal evidence of bias) How can lack of ___________ explain the difference in performance on the two parts of the same digit span test? Maybe it's actually a ________________ difference in IQ score. Nope as size of gap shrinks when you take it out. (Even admits IQ increases with income, but difference doesn't decrease). (MH 29-31)

hard, nothing, individuals

It doesn't matter because 1. the differences are ______ to change. False impression that environment is easier to change, but no breakthroughs are in sight. (MH 34) 2. The mistaken idea that genes mean there is _________ to be done. (MH 35) 3. No reason why encounter between ____________ should be affected by knowledge that group difference is genetic or environmental. (MH 35) The reality of a difference versus its source.

one, below

It is "known and uncontested fact" that blacks in US score _____ standard deviation (above/below) whites on most tests of intelligence. Average of 15 pts (Jensen 80)


It is ____________ to speak of lower-class children as being "deprived" of culture, even though they may have a culture that is complete and adequate from other points of view.

presumptuous, glorious

It is ______________ to think that someone with a lower IQ must feel inferior to those who are smarter. (MH 37) Let's look ahead to a world with a __________ hodgepodge of inequalities of ethnic groups, not only accepted but celebrated! Ethnic differences must be dreaded only to the extent that people insist on dreading them. They don't need to.


It is difficult, if not ____________, to understand the lifestyles of black people using traditional theories developed by white psychologists to explain white people. - Joseph White, philosophical basis of for what White termed "Black psychology"

conditions, organizations, redistribution

It is imperative that we address the following issues: (I) How do research results create, promote, or sustain __________ for economic development and social self-help for a wide spectrum of people? (2) How can bureaucratic _____________ be skillfully manipulated to allow for a better delivery of goods and services to people who need them? (3) How can the findings be used for the _____________ of social power resources or decision making in the Black community?

monsters, scholarship

It is important to not delude ourselves into thinking that ideological monstrosities were constructed by __________. They are developed through a process that shows every sign of being a valid _____________. (21)

retardation, dropout, delinquency

It is in the school situation that the highly charged negative attitudes toward learning evolve, and the responsibility for such large groups of normal children showing great scholastic _____________, the high _________ rate, and to some extent the ___________ problem, must rest with the failure of the school to promote the proper acculturation of these children.

failed, barriers

It's hardly debatable that psych as ______ not only in the provision of adequate knowledge for Black people but has contributed immensely in constructing _______ to the proper mental sets and processes needed to provide and/or construct such data. Current psychometric tools are biased against black people.


It's possible there me be some areas of slum life that allow for positive growth but slum conditions are more likely to have ______________ effects on physical and mental development.


J. Henry Alston was the first Black American to publish an original research effort in an APA journal, but switched his academic interest to education and administration because of the _____ of job opportunities in experimental psychology.


John D. Rockefeller preached Social Darwinism in Sunday school: "The growth of a large business is merely a survival of the ________... This is not an evil tendency in business."


Karl Mannheim, a set of ideas rooted in a class-based interest in changing the status quo.


Lack of experience in expository uses of language revealed children's limited control over voice ________. (38)

transmission, academic

Language becomes a necessity when one moves from the social uses of language to the _____________ of knowledge from one person to another and to the performance of certain operations with concepts. (31) They are missing the uses of language that are necessary for __________ success.


Last spring, the National Archives of American Psychology honored Guthrie as the _____ African-American psychologist to deposit his papers there. (2001)


Later studies of young children followed longitudinally by the Louisville Twin Study indicated that the noise-confusion factor score contributed to multiple ___________ of toddler temperament, longitudinal change in toddler temperament, and liability for unintentional (accidental) injuries sustained by young children. (432)


Lewis M. ________, who codified the scale for America as the Stanford-Binet test, held the same opinion, first on intelligence as a unitary quantity (Gould 19)


Like Agnews, Napa, and Norwalk, several facilities were ______________ in its early days, having crops and livestock, presumably to keep patient costs low.


Lower-class and middle-class children speak essentially the same language, but lower-class children are about a year _______ in their mastery of it.

ignored, racist

Lynn converted Pons test into bogus IQ and __________ another paper who showed a higher than average result. Lynn is widely known among academics to be an associate editor of the _______ journal Mankind Quarterly and a major recipient of financial support ! from the nativist, eugenically oriented Pioneer Fund (Kamin 100) Shameful that they uncritically accepted this person's work knowing history.


Many black educators and psychologists made it clear that they believed that the administration of intelligence tests to black children was un fair because of great __________ in opportunity.


Media poses slum individuals that consumerism is available to everyone but them, meaning the child from the disadvantaged environment is perceived and identifies as an _________ to mainstream American life but is simultaneously exposed to the mainstream in school

describing, classifying, deconstructing, consequences

Microaggression researchers focus on ____________ the dynamic interplay between perpetrator and recipient, ____________ everyday manifestations, _____________ hidden messages, and exploring internal (psychological) and external (disparities in education, employment, and heath care) ______________.


Microaggressions are _________ and continuing experiences of marginalized groups in our society. Anger, deplete energy, lower worth, physical health, shorten life, deny equality, etc.


Microaggressions are not only confined to individual psychological effects but also affect the quality of life and standard of living for marginalized _______ in our society like education, employment, and healthcare.

psychological, disparities, energies, esteem

Microaggressions result in harmful ________________ consequences and create _____________. They sap the spiritual _________, lead to low self-_______, and deplete or divert energy for adaptive functioning and problem solving.

Nobel, president

Millikan was Caltech's first _______ laureate — in physics in 1923, for establishing the elementary charge of the electron — and served as its __________ (technically chairman of the executive council) for 24 years, longer than anyone else. During his reign at Caltech, from 1921 to 1945, Millikan was one of the best known and most respected scientists in the country.


Millikan was involved with Pasadena's Human Betterment Foundation, a group that supported eugenics. To be _____, the now discredited eugenics movement was not considered out of the mainstream in those days and had many other noteworthy proponents, including President Theodore Roosevelt and Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. (Pomona...)


Millions of _______ and human effort has been poured into the psychometric business making it difficult for those involved to agree that the IQ concept is null and void.

cultural deprivation

Miseducated child in slum school blamed for inability to read and write well, aka "_________ ____________" and the language nonsense... but what about all the other questions to ask about schools? (4)

Herman Canady

Mobilized Black professionals in psychology due to lack of appropriate attention paid to the problems of Black American youth in coordination with the all-black American Teachers Association as the National Education Association refused to admit Black teachers. Became chairman of ATA, tho redirected around WW2. (Purposes of ATA on 17/143)


Modern science is a __________ phenomenon: it cannot remain indifferent to the uses to which it will be put. If the exponents of science ignore the broader ethical problems of our culture, they may inadvertently contribute to their own destruction-and to ours. Science and scientists can no longer be indifferent to the problems of human values.


No amount of research sophistication or volume of studies can disguise those human interactions that give knowledge its ___________ functions. As a matter of fact, knowledge and political climate have a circular relationship. The staging of research itself is a political act.


Moreover, Binet feared that if teachers read the IQ number as an inflexible, inborn quantity, rather than (as he intended) a guide for identifying students in need of help, they would use the scores as a cynical excuse for ___________, rather than aiding, troublesome students. (Gould 18) They will cease trying and treat student as unable.


Moreover, this philosophy does emerge directly from the cruder techniques of body measurement that defined the subject in the nineteenth century-and in this sense, we may trace ___________ from Gobineau to this particular hereditarian theory of lQ. (Gould 16)


Most damaging aspect of their social-centered language is the child's inability to talk to _________ and articulate and control own behavior through language. Can't apply rule consistently even after learn it, couldn't ask self these questions.


Most estimates of heritability of intelligence indicate that genetic factors are about _______ as important as environmental factors as a cause of IQ differences among individuals. (Jensen 81) There shouldn't be any reason that the heritability of IQ for blacks should differ appreciably from that for whites, which increases the a priori probability that the population difference is partly attributable to genetic factors.

extra, cost

Most northern colleges required graduates from Black colleges to complete an _______ undergrad year to validate their abilities. Most importantly, the _____ altered or delayed training until funds were met. (median age 10-15 years above whites)


Most scholars accept that human IQ is substantially ___________, between 40 and 80%. Even if it is genetically transmitted, doesn't mean it is genetic in origin. (MH 31)


Most studies have produced no substantiation of a depressing effect of a (white) ________ on black performance. (Jensen 83) In my own study of 9k children, there were no systematic difference in scores based on race of examiners. They got same score in standard v Black English.

aversive racism

Most white people experience themselves as good, moral, and decent human beings who would never intentionally discriminate. It's difficult for anyone born and raised in US to be immune from inheriting biases. May harbor unconscious biased attitudes that may result in discriminatory actions.


My point is that the statement "all diseases have a genetic component" is _____________. (Hubbard 8) Of course everything has a genetic component as proteins are involved but so what? No meaningful insight.

lack, motivation

No matter how the parents might aspire to a higher achievement level for their child, their ______ of knowledge as to the operational implementation, combined with the child's early failure experiences in school, can so effectively attenuate confidence in his ability ever to handle competently challenge in the academic area, that the child loses all ____________.

apart, females (Moynihan report)

Nearly a quarter of Negro women living in cities who have ever married are divorced, separated, or are living ______ from their husbands. . . . As a result, a very large percentage of Negro families are headed by _________. These families rising among Negroes.


Neo-Nazis, Jeffrey Rosen and Charles Lane The Bell Curve readers can more easily recognize the project for what it is in the citations: a chilly synthesis of the findings of eccentric race theorists and ____________. Use Lynn, Rushton (more brain or more penis, can't have everything).


Nevertheless, the example set by his African American _____________ bolstered his courage and he plunged into psychology as his major.

Frederick Douglass Memorial Hall

New building at Howard University in 1935 that cost the federal government $461k and houses the psychology department. Credit to Dr. Mordecai Johnson (president) as first and only unit designed for psych in any HBCU, comparable to leading institutions in country.


No one could deny, of course, that lower-class children have _______ than the normal number of toys and games and that they are not surrounded with large number of gadgets and furnishings of middle-class homes (29). But it has not been shown that these are necessary or even best sources of concrete learning experience.


No one in their right mind would _________ with the assertion that social problems are present in abundance and are readily identifiable.

Leonard Stocking

Not all superintendents were as aggressive in their approach of eugenics as was the case for Sonoma. Dr. ________ __________ of Agnews mental hospital exemplified this in his conservative approach. Between 1903-1931, Stocking reported very few sterilizations. This cautious approach resulted from his belief that sterilization did not directly benefit the patient and therefore should not be practiced ( Stern, "From Legislation to Lived Experience", 108)

superior, eliminated

Not only did Rockefeller's ideology justify the criminal rapacity of those who rose to the top of the industrial heap, defining them as naturally _________, but also requiring the bottom of the heap to be labeled as unfit. According to the law of natural selection, they should be ___________. Came directly from leading intellectual figures of time.


Not only will predictions based on "knowing our genes" not help most people, but this ____________ may aggravate health problems by overemphasizing the health problems of individuals and deemphasizing the need for adequate social and public health policies. (Hubbard 10)


Note that my previous quotation from Gobineau's book only asserts a belief of all people in innate inequality, not any evidence that this common impression is correct) Therefore, in the last chapter of his work. Gobineau outlines an approach to securing this necessary data for his racism. Gobineau states that we must find a measure, preferably imbued with the prestige of _______________, for average properties of groups. (Gould 14)


Now that the fervor has died down, many scientists have re-examined the environmentalist explanations of the black IQ deficit and found them to be ____________. (Jensen 80)


Numbers of black academics determined to conduct their own "research," with some of them boldly stating just what they would be looking for. They, by God, were going to locate the "strengths" of the black family and put to rest this talk about its disintegration. Without a trace of shame, they announced that the ultimate goal of what they called "black social science" was not to achieve scientific competency, but to bring about "black ___________."


Numerous studies of __________ have failed to establish lower expectations as contributing factor to lower IQ scores of blacks. (Jensen 84)

trials, researches

Often overlooked, Sonoma conducted dangerous tests and ______ on patients into the 1960s. Testing in mental institution alleviated the compensation and consent required for ____________. Such treatments, including radiation dosing experiments, resulted in countless injuries and deaths that are still being investigated (60 Minutes). Still open today, renamed the Sonoma Development Center, there is no mention of the past on the website (State of California).


One can postulate that the _________ of well-structured routine and activity in the home is reflected in the difficulty that the lower-class child has in structuring language.

Gilbert Haven Jones

One example of Europe traveler, first Black person with earned doctorate to teach psychology in the US as a philosopher.


One rationalization after another was proclaimed by apologist leaders in newspaper columns, in public forums and from church pulpits—___________ the insights and wisdom of the Report. All of which could only leave the sober black observer to ask, "With 'leaders' like these, who needs outside enemies?"

rare, individual

Only relatively ______ conditions are inherited within families in patterns that can be predicted fairly accurately by Mendel's laws. And even for these so-called Mendelian, single-gene conditions (sickle-cell anemia, PKU, cystic fibrosis and so on), the extent of the disability usually cannot be predicted in _____________ cases. (hubbard 8)


Opposition has been RECORDED since the early _____ century, attributing it to the depraved and degraded condition of American society instead. (cut off from every means of improvement, etc.)

low, accuracy, bias

Parent report measures have the virtue of being relatively _____ cost to obtain and are based on the natural aggregation accruing from parents' repeated experiences with their home environment, although parental report measures have been criticized on a number of grounds, including low _________ and parental ____ in reporting. (mostly in reference to childrearing, does it apply to physical environment description?)


Pathologizing Black ______________ and learning styles has been identified as a common microaggression directed toward African Americans.


People tended to be _________ stiff about answer of whether there are genetic race differences in intelligence. (MH 27) We are scared of consequences of ignorance. We believe there's no alternative to raising this issue and needs to be talked about.


Perhaps most tellingly, Millikan oversaw the acquisition of the Human Betterment Foundation archives and its financial assets for Caltech after Gosney's death in 1942. The terms accepted by Caltech called for the income from Caltech's resulting Gosney Research Fund to be "devoted in perpetuity to the promotion of research into the ____________ bases of human qualities."


Perpetrators are usually __________ that they have engaged in an exchange that demeans the recipient of the communication.

Max Meenes

Ph.D at Clark, white man at the time at Lehigh who was recruited to become part of 3-person psych department to train Black students. Frederick Watt was third who was already there. During WW2 especially stressed the need for more Black psychologists.


Physical ___________ may be a danger sign in middle-class children but for many lower-class children, it may be merely a routine way of settling disputes. These are minor problems compared to lack of prerequisite language learning. (41)


Pointing to the supposedly deviant and "crumbling" Negro ________ as the "fundamental weakness of the Negro community" is another way to blame the victim and account for most of the racial evils in America (5).

G. Stanley Hall

President of Clark who openly solicited Black students to enroll and encouraged a connection with Howard University. Notified Sumner of acceptance to Clark undergrad, who got second B.A. in English there. Sumner's respect for this person led him to seriously consider psych as a graduate major. Provided support to Black students without publicity and often through anonymity.

environmental, capable

Price reiterated previous findings that differences were attributable in whole or in part to _____________ factors. Martin Jenkins (1939) came to same conclusions and that any program must be based on assumption that the race is fully _________.

disorganized, detrimental, intervention

Prior research has suggested that behavior of preterm infants may be more easily _______________ by higher levels of environmental stimulation and the _____________ influences of risk factors like temperament and undernutrition are amplified when environmental crowding is present, in addition to limiting the child's ability to benefit from psychosocial _____________.

Francis Galton

Proposed a science of heredity, eugenics, which promoted the idea of racial improvement through selected mating and sterilization of the "unfit"


Psychologist H. H. _________, who translated Binet's articles into English and agitated for the general use of his test, adopted both the hard-line hereditarian view and the argument for intelligence as a single entity. (Gould 19)


Psychologists have long noticed that American Indian and lower-class children have great difficulty in organizing items related to ______ judgments.

rationalize, close

Race Mutters, Hugh Pearson Murray and Herrnstein sound like two people who have found a way for racists to _____________ their racism without losing sleep over it. The white elites the authors speak of retain an inordinate degree of control over our economy, and blacks are not assured opportunities to continue to prosper. If a high percentage of them already suspect that blacks are less intelligent than everyone else, then we risk the chance that some of them will use the findings to _______ off opportunities. If scientific, why not question the monolithic racial categories? They must've been aware at the questionable racial categories, but didn't appear to affect anything. But that doesn't mean that black youths shouldn't aim to meet the same standards of excellence as everyone else. We should still strive to reach the point in our society at which blacks on average are uniformly admitted to the best colleges and professional schools with the same grades and test scores as Asian and white students. And for those who can't gain admission (just as is true for whites who can't qualify), attending second-tier schools shouldn't foreclose any opportunities. There are plenty of, successful whites who never attended prestigious universities, and plenty of them who don't harbor exceptional I.Q.s.


Race experts believe that racism has become invisible, _______, and more indirect, operating below conscious awareness but continuing to oppress. (8)


Radical abolitionists of the time did not usually express the idea that blacks and whites were _____, just "very different." They don't have some qualities but have others...


Reading and writing shouldn't be taught on grounds that skills are not of much importance for the __________ tasks that the children will eventually be expected to perform... even the most culturally minded of us would say they are culturally deprived. It's the same if they fail to learn it to standards (compared to withholding it). (25)


Records exist from very ancient times which suggest that men have long been aware of ______ (physical) and cultural differences among the various peoples of the world.

deaf, language

Remarkably similar patterns emerge for the _____ and for the culturally deprived. Can be deprived of concrete sensory experience and function well but if deprived of __________ experience, they are seriously handicapped.

intervention, self-reliance, agitation

Research activities of Afro-American scientists must give priority to changing attitudes and behavioral patterns through instructive _____________ and other specialized methods for stimulating self-mastery, social adequacy, and personal fulfillment. Research findings also must be used to alter dehumanizing social conditions by changing the political context of public policy from dependency to __________. Therefore, our research should never be so pure as to rule out political _________ in getting specific social legislation to pass.


Research at WV was done without outside financial assistance... complained bitterly about this. Neglected because of race __________, barring him from northern university positions, isolated from white colleagues, and exerted effect on scholarship. Many forced to teach in rural environments because Black institutions were located in out-of-the-way sections.


School standards as a common reference point was established when schools were made to be the ________ means of education all children.


Science has a ________ context. It does not occur in isolation, nor is it beyond the human motives of the scientist.


Scientists see a danger in _______________ the basically scientific question of the genetic basis of racial differences in mental or behavioral traits. (Jensen 85) Most of these attempts come from the radical left. They don't wish to face reality.


Social Darwinism and overt racism infiltrated psych and declared that human differences resulted from _______ causes rather than environmental forces in society.

output, intelligence

Social conditions reduce the range of individual variability; with less variety in input, it would be reasonable to assume a concomitant restriction in the variety of ________. A child is probably farther away from their maturational ceiling as a result of this experiential poverty, which may explain poorer performance on standardized tests of _____________.


Social pathologists _______ a whole set of other factors that might be relevant to the social problem, focusing exclusively on failure of deviant.

norms, fact (?)

Social problems are selected and described largely according to predetermined _______. The norms are taken as _______, and no effort is made to examine them and how they might contribute to the problems. (13)


Some time during the 1950s and '60s, the medical "check-up" was introduced, based on the __________ notion that it is beneficial to health to see a medical practitioner at regular intervals, so that she or he can perform certain diagnostic tests, irrespective of whether we think something is "wrong."


Specifically, caregivers in noisy, crowded environments have a higher probability of behaving in ways that ________ children's development (e.g., less responsivity, less vocalization, less scaffolding, more interference), perhaps by interfering with ability to hear or increasing caregiver fatigue (430).


Specifically, environmental confusion may directly influence development by causing children to develop strategies that ______ out high levels of unwanted stimulation; unfortunately, these strategies may also result in children filtering out developmentally facilitative stimulation.

American Teachers' Assocation

Started after not admit to NEA. Redirected by WW2 and exploitation of Black community by white researchers and malaise of APA on Black issues, started up 30 years later in 1968


Sterilization rates were _______ because there was not as much overcrowding.


Stockton physicians saw the surgery as an ____________ aimed at improving the individual's life. Surgery would make them feel mentally and physically stronger.


Sumner analyzed _______ in the US in response to the claim that the US was a "self-appointed paragon of virtue" which led to verbal attacks against him. Later apologized.


The difficulty that culturally deprived children have in treating words as separate entities within statements can go a long way towards _____________ many of their other language problems. (37) such as vocabulary growth and learning to read.

acceptance, substandard

Sumner believed that Black student __________ as a part of western culture would clear the path for Black people to enter the mainstream of U.S. society. Believed far too many ___________ Black colleges and universities (proposed reduction from 40 to 5 to create first-class institutions and with division of labor).


Sumner criticized the practice of the ________ system of instruction. Did not allow adequate time for content mastery. More important to learn thoroughly in 3 than 10-12 subject fragments.


Sumner proudly told Porter of the beauty of the campus, his salary, and plans by the state of WV to make the Collegiate Institute a ______ class college. Attacked heredity/environment dispute where people assume it is all heredity.


Sumner vacillated between psychology and _______ as his possible major as might offer better financial assistance despite leaning towards psych. Porter reinforce this, and Sumner write to Hall to consider for fellowship to study race psychology.

restless, Howard

Sumner was becoming ________ at WV by its rural setting, removal from other psychologists, and need to fulfill his mission at a larger institution. Resigned and headed eastward to _______ despite college's attempt to retain. Herman Canady succeeded him.

Herman Canady

Surveyed every black college in the 1930s and concluded that no institution offers a course in race psychology, needed to provide accurate and useful information.

unlike, negotiate

Survival of Black scholars became a matter of solving challenges quite ______ those of their white counterparts. Success was a matter of good fortune and ability to _________ often lonely campuses with confrontational environments.

contributes, eugenics, bigotry, correlation

Taboo You, John Judis Lower I.Q. ____________, they argue, to greater crime, poverty, illegitimacy, welfare dependency and unemployment. Bring down country average and contribute to social problems. Advocate eliminate welfare, making birth control available, reduce immigration. Vague recommendations but thrust towards ___________. Their analysis and these recommendations are not based on science, but on a combination of ________ and metaphysics. For example, differentiate between ___________ and causation but then proceed to do just that. Their genes as 60% is proven false with child development studies. Acknowledge multiplicity of race but then uses it as blanket. There's no reason for anybody to be affected by these results! But um, used to justify slavery and such.

Rosenwald Foundation

Terminated in 1948, clearly in the forefront of private sector's struggle for equal opportunity in academia.

simple, unrelated

Textbooks present material about social problems in ________, descriptive terms with each problem __________ to the others.

culture, deviant

The "multiproblem" poor suffer the psychological effects of impoverishment, the "________ of poverty," and the _______ value system of the lower classes; they cause their own troubles. That poverty is an absence of money is overlooked.


The 10 most prestigious departments of psychology in the US granted only ___ Ph.D's in psychology to Black candidates between 1920 and 1966 while granting a total of 3767 Ph.D's during this same period. 6 didn't have a single Black Ph.D. 32 total between 1920 and 1950.

prisons, mental

The 1909 law was aimed specifically at those in ________ and with ________ disabilities that caused them to be institutionalized. The 1917 amendments greatly expanded the groups targeted even further to include those who had hereditary mental diseases, "those suffering from perversion or marked departures from normal mentality", and those with sexually-transmitted diseases (Laughlin, pp. 7-8). Further expanded to virtually anyone deemed unfit.


The American ________ population ranks about as far below Black standards as blacks do whites on education, nutrition, health, etc., yet they score higher. (Jensen 85) Opposite results from purely environmental theory.

genetically, intelligence

The Bell Curve asserts that scientific evidence demonstrates the existence of ____________ based differences in __________ among social classes and races (Kamin 99)


The CHAOS measure was developed to augment direct observation of selected features of home environments during home visits of infant twins or their siblings who were participating in the Louisville _____ Study.

school (Deutsch, The Disadvantaged Child)

The Deutsch paper is an example of a social pathology model that "will discuss the interaction of social and developmental factors and their impact on the intellectual growth and _______ performance of the child."

misbegotten, courage

The Lowerers They protest that fascination with race, IQ, and genes is ___________, but then go on about fascination of environment/genetic debate. It is old debate though Praise their own _________. They think they are bold. This has been going on forever though.

distributional, time, accept

The Lying Game, Nathan Glazer Herrnstein proposed _______________ model, differences lie in intelligence. Doomed to permanently inferior. I can go into is the more general one: Should we be talking about this at all? What good will come of it? Some say truth always produces good. Initially, this truth throws into question most public efforts to overcome black-white differences. The authors note that there is an increase over ______ in I.Q. scores generally, owing to environmental changes. But this improvement does not overcome differences. The authors project a possible utopia in which individuals _______ their places in an intellectual pecking order that affects their income, their quality of life, their happiness, Groups cannot just accept inferior place in society.

controversy, elites, private, erroneousness, synthesize

The Phony War, Randall Kennedy 3 points: intellectual marketing, quality of their efforts, how people ought to respond to their hoopla that is giving them visibility MH know how to make most of _________________. It's a profitable news item. Proclaimed they revealed something hidden and new. In the second sentence of their essay, the authors assert that they are offering a scoop: the real story of white _______' perception of blacks-the ________ attitudes as opposed to the staged, public stances. Gonna give reader in on taboo issue with incendiary potential. Need to distinguish between useful controversy and just shouting. They think they are intellectually courageous but just confirm viewpoints they already said, and shouldn't obscure the __________________ of their view. They don't design and conduct experiments and otherwise extract primary information. They leave those 'chores to obscure, moderately paid academics. Murray and Herrnstein ___________ and repackage this material and bring it to a larger, more lucrative market, to the general public. Not pioneers but popularizers. Straw men argument. (20, 1) Call to good old days of meritocracy. LOL we've always been in racial oppression. Inferiority not bad as long as recognize own accomplishments! Nonjudgemental relativism.. part of 90s political correctness. Don't muzzle him, prevent from speak. Only give more publicity. Show patience when engaging.


The Race Betterment Exhibit 1915 in San Francisco promoted "_________ eugenics" as a way to counter race degeneracy. Also warned against the "moron girl", those who were abnormal as a biological threat (Kline, p. 30). Questionable sexual behavior indicated a primitive savagery and qualified the afflicted individual and unfit to reproduce (Kline, p. 31).

disintegration, strengthen, questions

The Report, a meticulous piece of research, described the ongoing ____________ of the black family, as demonstrated especially by the weakened role of men. It emphasized the need for public policies designed to ___________ the economic role of black men. Its central thesis raised __________ about the ability of the black family to continue its important function as socializer of future generations.


These insults and indignities are so pervasive that they are often ______________.

world, slow

The ________ has seen how America treats its despised citizens. In an effort to justify the ill treatment of African Americans in this situation defamation of character is being carried out. The psychological damage that results from the defamation of character is long lasting and is ______ to be removed.

standards, other

The ___________ of the American public schools are points of reference and consistently held to be valuable in schools, and any child who falls short of these standards by reason of their cultural background may be said to be culturally deprived. It does not matter that they may have ______ knowledge or skills which might be valued highly elsewhere. (24)


The ___________ of the Negro family has led to a startling increase in welfare dependency.


The act of __________ helps to shape the "final solution." (12)


The advocacy is a __________ concern for the victim but focuses on the individual rather than systematic change. Distract attention from basic causes and leave primary social injustice untouched. Work on victim themself.


The authors note that among blue-collar workers who tell researchers that they have dropped out of the labor force because of physical disability or injury. low IQ is common. Why? "An answer leaps to mind: The smarter you are, the less likely that you will have __________. (Kamin 103) They commit crimes because they lack foresight and prison doesn't deter them. Doesn't understand why wrong.


The better a test measure g (which has high heritability), the ________ the black-white difference will be. (MH 33) Spearman's hypothesis hasn't been disproved, which undercuts many environmental explanations which explain away difference as result of bad tests.


The cause of the Afro-American cannot go forward until we conduct a penetrating theoretical _________ of the tangled interrelationships of government, industry, education, social welfare, social justice, social policy, and behavioral patterns bc right now, using definitions developed by Euro-Americans... investment may be at expense of self.

trapped, self-perpetuating

The child who is brought up in such an environment is _________ by the restrictions of this linguistic code and unable to operate at a high conceptual and logical level that is required in formal education. They have learned a ________________ language code that effectively bars them from acquiring these skills.


The combination of the constriction in the use of language and in shared activity results, for the lower-class child, in much less stimulation of the early ________ function, "although I know of no data supporting this thesis."


The comparison between deaf and culturally deprived children becomes clearer then. (32) Both are deprived of important cognitive uses of language because one is not __________ to it and the other cannot understand what is said.


The danger in the exceptionalistic viewpoint is when it becomes the ___________ component in social analysis.

June 14, 1920

The day on which Francis Cecil Sumner became the first Black American to receive the Ph.D degree in psychology. Strong penchant for Freudian psychoanalysis in his dissertation.

Binet-Simon Intelligence Test

The development of this in 1905, white Americans finally had instrument that would "accurately" measure mental superiority. First developed in France to detect mentally deficient children in French public schools.

stratification, supremacy

The disproportionate degree to which our people were having to bear the brunt of the suffering and loss is clearly attributable to the economic and social _____________ that exists within this society at large. It was made undeniably evident in New Orleans. This disparity exists because of our people's economic and social oppression under a system where both societal and governmental manifestations of white ______________ continue to play out.

chaotic, challenge, helpless, sleep (Brown & Low, Chaos, Sleep, and Academics)

The ecology of economic disadvantage includes _________ living conditions that may disrupt children's regulatory functioning and undermine mastery oriented responses to ____________. Chaotic living conditions statistically predicted __________/hopeless responses to academic challenge, and _______ problems partially mediated this relationship.

predictors, sick

The emphasis on genes spells yet another shift-to tests not as indicators of present illness or disease, but as _________ of potential ill health at some unpredictable time in the future. With that, we need no longer have signs or symptoms to be labeled sick or potentially sick, and we need never develop any. We join an ever-growing population of the healthy, or asymptomatic, ill: We can be _____ without being sick.


The empirical findings from the Louisville Twin Study, in conjunction with prior observational research as cited previously, prompted an _______ to assess more frequently household characteristics pertaining to noise-confusion. (lasting effect)

probability, physical

The genetic hypothesis must be seriously considered for two reasons: 1) the failure of the environmentalist theory increases the ____________ of the genetic theory 2) since genetically conditioned _________ characteristics differ markedly between racial groups, there is a strong "a priori" likelihood that mental characteristics will also differ. Since all of these things differ by race, why wouldn't intelligence? (Jensen 81)

Human Betterment Foundation

The group's membership roll guaranteed it a wide influence. It included Rufus von KleinSmid, then the president of USC, Lewis Terman, a Stanford psychologist who pioneered the study of IQ, and Harry Chandler, the publisher of the Los Angeles Times. (Gosney and Millikan too). Eugenics "op-ed" in LAT. Popenoe who quoted from "Mein Kampf."

exclusion, inadequate

The insidious effects of such ____________ from access to society's resources and ongoing stigmatization was evidenced by the rapid disintegration and loss of hope by these people after two days of ____________ response or at times no response from the government.


The intellectual backwardness of disadvantaged children may have its _______ in sensory deprivation and that the major hope of "salvaging" these children lies in providing them with an abundance of varied sensory experiences.


The pariah status of intelligence as a construct and IQ as its measure for the past 3 decades has been a function of ___________ fashion not science.


The purported science of eugenics blanketed the world in the 1920s and 1930s. Its American manifestation, Platt observes, was noxiously right-wing, aimed not merely at promoting ___________ among the ostensible elites — that is, wealthy and white — but the suppression of procreation by groups deemed to be undesirable.


The renewal of fragile families was central to the Report's thesis. The implication was clear that social programs should be evaluated primarily for their benefits to families and their potential to help keep families _______.

Flynn effect

The rise in average IQ scores that has occurred over the decades in many nations, mostly in nonverbal portions. Suggests it's more due to environment than genetics. (MH 34)

disadvantaged, verbal

The sample is limited to economically _______________ children to examine diversity within the ecology of poverty, and includes controls for household income, and child age, sex, race/ethnicity, and _______ ability, which hold important relations to academic functioning and sleep.


The school system should make full use of anthropologists, sociologists, and social _______________ for description and interpretation of the cultural discontinuities which face the individual child when they enter the school. Most important is the greater utilization of research in the social and behavioral sciences.

cannot, physical, purely

The scientific theory that there are genetically conditioned mental or behavioral differences between races (can/cannot) be called racist. It would be just as illogical to condemn the recognition of __________ differences between races as racist. They conflated my ________ empirical question of the genetic role in racial differences with political issue of racism. (Jensen 80)


The second step in blaming the victim is to look sympathetically at those who "have" the problem in question, to separate them out and define them in some way as a _________ group, a group that is different from the population in general. The different ones are seen as less than human.(9)

distinct, inability, blend

The speech of the "severely deprived" children seems to consist not of ________ words but rather whole phrases or sentences that function like giant words. (34) It seems to come from their _________ to deal with sentences as sequences of meaningful parts. Will give linguistic rendition of overall sound profile of sentence. Culturally privileged children can recombine them flexibly because they exist as independent entities for them while disadvantaged children _______ the words together with noises that take the place of words and inflections they do not know.

social, continuing, victim

The stigma that marks the victim and accounts for their victimization is an acquired stigma of _______ rather than genetic origin. But the stigma, is STILL located within the victim, inside their skin. With such an elegant formulation, they can condemn vague social stresses that produce the defect in the past and ignore the ____________ effect of victimizing social forces right now. Brilliant ideology to change, not society, but society's _________. (7)

least, greatest

The tests that most strongly reflect environmental sources of variance show the ______ difference while the __________ difference are on tests that reflect genetic variance.

Francis Sumner, Max Meenes, Frederick Watts

The three-person department at Howard University.

diversity, survey, bias

The university also has pledged to publish more detailed data about the _________ of its faculty, staff, and students, conduct a "campus climate _______" to glean the personal experiences of Caltech students and provide unconscious _____ training for search committees on the campus

damaging, delays

The utilization of such terms is psychologically __________ and also _______ the hurricane survivors from receiving the assistance that they need because people are less likely to help people that hurting them.


The vice president is unaware the denial of gender differences is a microaggression that denies the experiential reality of women, and allows men to ______ their own privileged positions.


The vigor of attack on this is astonishing in the last two chapters. (Kamin 103) " It is based on "the explicit assumption that ethnic groups do not differ in ... abilities." Hiring and promotion procedures "that are truly fair... will produce ... racial disparities" has resulted in ___________ of intellectual requirements which affects (police) performance

three, order

The world saw thousands of African Americans sitting at the Superdome waiting for some assistance for more than _______ days. There was more effort placed on restoring _______ via the military troops (Martial Law) than on getting supplies to people and rescuing stranded individuals. They said the shots were fired because the Blacks were being unnoticed again and had become upset about this. It was also reported that all of the patients in the mostly White Tulane Hospital had been completely evacuated, while the mostly Black patients of Charity Hospital were being transported out slowly


There can be no meaningful social change without ___________ behavior from overidentification with the forces of oppression and exploitation.


There is a disturbing tendency, in many quarters, to speak of the black American as if there was some ___________ social group involved.


There is evidence that by ______, the general social science community began to take these critiques seriously, containing studies demonstrating significance of environmental conditions.

rote, memory, conceptual

There is little or no difference in scores between blacks and whites on tests of _____ learning and _________, that minimize need for reasoning and abstract ability. (Jensen 84) So, racial difference involves mainly _____________ and abstract reasoning.

Hewitt, Garcia

There were also two court cases that challenged the sterilization law. The first of these was the ________ case in which a young woman was sterilized against her will but with the consent of her mother. However the case was not brought to trial (Paul, p. 262). The second case, known as the ________ case, involved a petition to end the enforcement of the sterilization law. This case was also not heard because it supposedly lacked any facts justifying a hearing (Paul, pp. 265-266).


These claims of crude biological determinism lead to their social ________ recommendations. (Kamin 99)


They maintain further that data from some 1,000 publications in the social and biological sciences show that attributes such as employment, income, welfare dependency, divorce and quality of parental behavior are determined by an individual's ___________ (Kamin 99)

does not

This common claim that the black IQ deficit can be blamed on culture-biased/loaded tests (does/does not) stand up under rigorous study. (Jensen 81) Culture-loaded doesn't mean culture-biased.

intelligence tests

This essay will examine some of the research and statements of Black social scientists which challenged the belief that the "_____________ ______" demonstrated the innate mental inferiority of blacks to whites.


Throughout the 1930s, Stern found, "California and German eugenicists traded ideas...and ______________ each other's escalating sterilization programs." California, indeed, was a leader in the American sterilization movement. Nazis excited to find supporters.

proficient, deficits

To understand the effects of developmental patterns on academic/psychological performance requires delineating the underlying skills in which these children are NOT sufficiently ___________ and defining what aspects of the background are most influential in producing what kinds of __________ in skills.


Tom Cat Blues, Stanley Crouch Ours is a country in which the responses to failure are often nearly the same as the responses to excessive success: low-boiling resentment and ____________ of why the other guy without as much or the one with more should either stay down there where he is or be debunked for getting so much better a line of comforts.

African, Mexican

Towards the later part of the eugenics movement, activist groups began protesting the injustices committed against their members. These included both ________ Americans and __________ Americans in the 1950s and 1960s (Stern, "Sterilized," p. 1134).

giant, logical

Two weaknesses of language development: 1. treat sentences as ______ words 2. fail to master structural words and inflections which are necessary to express __________ relationships The problems are not social and emotional; they are intellectual and cognitive. These are (1) misunderstandings arising from a few extreme cases, (2) projecting problems of older children onto younger, (3) blaming the home environment instead of school, (4) interpreting "NORMAL" lower-class behavior as maladjustment.

Buck v. Bell

US Supreme Court, Holmes upheld Virginia's forced sterilization law by referring to the Buck family (Black) as "degenerate offspring." Sterilized without knowledge.

justifying, innocence

Unconscious bias has the effect of ___________ actions while maintaining ____________. The glass ceiling are reflected in many microaggressions. Not illegal!


We know that children from underprivileged environments tend to come to school with a qualitatively __________ preparation for the demands of both the learning process and the behavioral requirements of the classroom. The culture of their environment is a different one from the culture that has molded the school.

problem, outside

We must ask, "To whom are social problems a _________?" Usually a problem to those who are _________ the boundaries of what we have defined as the problem. We cannot comfortably believe that WE are the cause of that which is problematic to us; therefore, we are compelled to believe that they are the cause -> search for deviance.


We must not only feel __________ to care for those of us who are victims of vicious processes, but work to prevent these processes from getting worse


We need theory that gives at least the same weight to equality of results as it does to equality of social __________.


We saw differences between English and Californians, boys and girls, yet when we made exactly the same comparison between blacks and whites in the same city in California, we found virtually ___ difference between the two groups when items were ranked for difficulty. (Jensen 82) No discriminant features in test items even when use most culture-loaded tests.

destroyed, defamation

What happens to a people who have been dispossessed, despised, and disinherited when tragedy occurs? The answer is that they are seen as dispensable and can thus be _____________ and disposed of. The destruction of a people is preceded by the ______________ of one's character.


When Guthrie understood that this professor had not spoken out of malice, but rather __________, the realization that so much history was left undocumented stayed with Guthrie and inspired his pen years later

chairmanship, autonomous

When Sumner left WV, he assumed the acting _____________ of the psych department at Howard University, which he stayed from 1928-1954. He believed psych needed to be ____________ from departments of philosophy and education as led psych to be taught as ancillary subject.

awareness, fearful, avoids, invisible

When critical consciousness and __________ is lacking, when one is ________ about clarifying the meaning of tension-filled interactions, and when one actively ________ pursuing an understanding of these dynamics, the offenses remain __________. Avoidance of race topics has been likened to a "conspiracy of silence." (19)


When free adult time is greatly limited, _________ from children are not encouraged, as the adults might be embarrassed by their own limitations and are too occupied with just surviving. The ability to formulate questions is an essential step in data gathering.

looting, negative

When the news reported that the people were White, the caption read "two residents wade through chest-deep water finding bread and soda from a local grocery store." When a reporter for the Associated Press saw Blacks doing the same thing, the story read, "A young man walks through chest-deep water after _________ a grocery store." Blacks are portrayed as __________ within American society therefore their behaviors were judged accordingly


Which health conditions (meaning embryos and fetuses) get "targeted" just reveals our society's usually less explicit __________ about who should and should not be part of our world. (Hubbard 10)


While Europe served as the training area for many early white psychologists, the United States was the spawning ground for ______ psychologists.


While one must grant at once that _____________ talent, great intellectual strength and unusual opportunity are necessary to break out of this prison of Negro problem... the walls here in America are at times too thick to breach and too high to climb. - Charles R. Drew

anarchy, shoot, rapists

While time elapsed, the Katrina survivors were said to have resorted to total _________. They had reportedly begun to _______ at the "law" officials and other forms of rescue units. They had also been reported to have had engaged in raping and killing children. Thus they have been called ________.


White elite hostility towards blacks is in key part due to a growing suspicion that fundamental racial differences are implicated in the social and economic _____, especially alleged genetic differences in intelligence. (MH 27)

white, cultural

White on White, Andrew Hacker My aim here will be quite modest, It is to take the authors' premise a, step further, and apply it to the generic race they call "______." Doesn't draw genetic distinctions among Americans who identify themselves as white. Murray and Herrnstein tell us that favorable heredity plays a major role. The figures just given suggest that even today Americans of European ancestry do not possess a single "white" gene pool, but a series of separable pools with varying cognitive capacities. Yet no one really wants to discuss the question of inherited intelligence as it might apply, say, to individuals of Irish and Italian stock. And when Americans of Russian origins (who are predominantly Jewish) place a premium on higher education, it is attributed to _________ roots rather than an inborn aptitude for this kind of endeavor. Better, for white sensibilities, to focus on presumed black deficiencies. But this is neither surprising nor new.


William Shockley is an example of how social interchange in maintained between scientists and journalists. From these illustrations, it would seem that scientific activity is clearly guided by the _______ needs of the scientists and their perceptions of evaluating behavior in the larger society. Science is a HUMAN activity which is hardly neutral, objective, or impartial, especially the social sciences.

appropriate, biologically, flounder, violated

Within the family, each new generation of young males learn the ____________ nurturing behavior and superimpose upon their _____________ given maleness this learned parental role. When the family breaks down . . . this delicate line of transmission is broken. Men may ________ badly in these periods, during which the primary unit may again become mother and child, the biologically given, and the special conditions under which man has held his social traditions in trust are __________ and distorted


________'s theory of evolution influenced the development of modern psychology as much as any other single event in the 19th century.


Yet for participation in systems to be expected, the child must experience some ___________ of sociocultural participation in and sharing of these value systems before they come to school, which is not the case for those from an encapsulated community.

Woodrow, resegregated

Yet other similarly august figures have been or are being dethroned by their institutions. Perhaps most notable is the removal by Princeton of the name of __________ Wilson from a residential college and its public policy school. That's in belated acknowledgement of Wilson's uncompromising racism as president of Princeton, where he refused to admit any Black students, and as U.S. president, when he ______________ a federal civil service that had already become integrated.

English, cultural

Yet the knowledge of _________ of the majority of black testees was so poor that certain [of the] tests... proved to be virtually unusable... not to mention __________ knowledge needed. (Kamin 100)

Deaf, expected, opposite

_____ children score considerably below average on verbal tests, as __________, but perform up to par on nonverbal culture-fair tests. (Jensen 84) This is the _________ of supposedly "verbally deprived" Blacks.

Mendel, physical

_______ established that genetic traits come as units rather than a blend. While valid for ___________ differences, it led many researchers to make quick, unsubstantiated parallels to psychological and other nonphysical aspects of human behavior.`

Charles M. Goethe

a businessman from Sacramento who promoted eugenics in the San Francisco area (Stern, "Sterilized", p. 1129). He advocated for eugenic policy including immigration restriction, "better breeding", and sterilization. With a background in plants and animals, he viewed eugenics as a way of improving the human race (Center for Science, History, Policy, and Ethics).

Sonoma State Home

a state hospital founded in 1884 and was initially designed to help educate mentally disabled children (Kline, p. 30); comparatively high number of sterilizations

Garcia v. State Department of Institutions (1951)

allowed patients the opportunity to fight sterilizations, dramatically decreasing the rate of sterilizations in all institutions in California


any attitude, action, institutional structure, or social policy that subordinates persons or groups because of their color, which can occur at 3 levels: individual, institutional, and cultural

Frederick Hoffman

concluded that American Negroes were doomed to extinction within the next few centuries. Critiqued in 1897 by Kelly Miller who pointed out social and economic conditions

racism (Jensen)

discrimination on basis of racial origins in granting or denying rights; denial of equal opportunity; judgment according to stereotypes

Joseph-Arthur, comte de Gobineau

grandfather of modern academic racism, most influential academic racist of 19th C the idea of innate difference in moral and mental endowment is one of the most ancient and universally adopted opinions (in Essay on the Inequality of Human Races) (Gould 13)

environmental confusion (Matheny et al., Chaos)

high levels of noise, crowding, home traffic pattern; the relevance of it on children's development; measured by the CHAOS scale


ideological underpinning for these two contrasting approaches to the analysis and solution of social problems


located in Ventura County California, had just 406 patients when it opened in 1936. The population grew to 1,082 in 1937; 2,501 in 1940, 4,123 in 1945, 4,960 in 1950, 6,748 on April 8, 1953, 6,865 on June 30, 1955, and in excess of 7,000 patients in 1957. This growth was similar to the trends seen in other state institutions. During the 1950s-1960s, thought to be at the forefront of schizophrenia treatments. likely a place of numerous acts of patient abuses and negligent deaths despite claims of ground-breaking cures for insanity. Electroshock therapy ended in the 1970s. Further, it was criticized for releasing patients who likely needed more supervision. It closed as a hospital in 1997 because of low patient numbers and rising costs per patient. The land is now used for a California State University.

traffic patterns

number of people coming and going in the home


performed the largest amount of sterilizations out of the six state hospitals; accounting for almost 40% of the total amount performed up to this date (June 1926); made possible bc physicians believed in the medical value of sterilization and demonstrated this conviction in their work, thinking their patients showed "marked improvement"

E.S. Gosney

philanthropist who helped to finance and promote the eugenics program (Popenoe). He worked along with Popenoe to collect data about sterilizations by researching California's state institutions. He helped fund and create the Human Betterment Foundation for well-known wealthy individuals who supported eugenics. The HBF funded surveys to study the effects of sterilizations and promote its benefits (Bruinius, p. 272). Unlike many eugenic supporters of the day, his focus was primarily on the benefits for society, not the benefits for the individual (Braslow, p. 41).

Paul Popenoe

raised in California and studied Biology. As a journalist, he wrote columns promoting eugenics. He believed that charity was the reason society had so many degenerates that had survived for so long. He conducted extensive research about IQs and the individuals who had been sterilized in order to promote the cause (Stern, Eugenic Nation, pp. 105-107). Working with E.S. Gosney, he researched California's eugenic institutions and helped promote the program (Braslow, p. 41). Although he continued to work on Eugenics for the rest of his life, he eventually had to denounce negative eugenics as it fell out of favor in the 1940s (Stern, Eugenic Nation, p. 106).

racial microaggressions

subtle and often automatic "put-downs" and insults directed towards Black Americans; can be toward any marginalized group

F.O. Butler

superintendent of Sonoma State home starting in 1918. He believed that sterilization benefited both the individuals and society as a whole (Butler) Both through public promotion and actual operations, he was largely responsible for thousands of sterilizations. He himself is estimated to have performed at least 1000 sterilizations throughout his career (Kline, p. 52).

Ulysses S. Webb

the attorney general of California during much of the Progressive Era, holding that position for 37 years. He was confident that eugenic sterilization laws, especially those requiring some form of consent, would survive a challenge by the courts. He preferred that sterilizations be used as a medical treatment, rather than as a punishment by the courts (Gottshall).


the brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial, gender, sexual-orientation, and religious slights and insults to the target person or group

stimulus deprivation

the detrimental effects of lack of variety based on Piaget's developmental theories as per Hunt's interpretation in Deutsch; a restriction to a segment of the spectrum of stimulation potentially available; hypothesized would result in deficiencies of formal and contentual aspects of cognition

physical microenvironment

the stage or setting on which occur caregiver-child transactions, initially emphasizing the role of specific resources or objects with more recent interest in spatial and nonaffordance aspects like noise, crowding, and "traffic patterns" (environmental confusion!)

Edward Bouchet

thought to be first Black to receive a doctorate degree in 1876, in physics at Yale


what the 17-year-old hero who was arrested was called when he returned to New Orleans to rescue others (and the bus)

sensory deprivation

when chimps/mammals raised from birth in no light or white light, visual nerves deteriorate irreversibly; some evidence of same effects in human children and found to be grossly retarded in basic development

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