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According to the method that Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon used to score their intelligence scale, a 5-year-old who could correctly solve problems that the average 6-year-old could solve would have a mental age (MA) of

6 years

According to Erikson, industry versus inferiority occurs at what age?

6-11 years

Out of all the cases in which an innocent person has been exonerated or cleared of a crime due to DNA evidence, approximately how many involved mistaken identification by eyewitnesses?


What is a trait?

A stable personality characteristic

_______ is the electrical signal that typically moves from the cell body down the axon to the axon terminals.

Action potential

_______ theory is the idea that dreams are the result of the brain's attempts to make sense of random brain activity by combining the activity with stored memories and images.


Molly tells her therapist that she often feels helpless and unable to accomplish her goals. Her therapist responds by acknowledging her feelings, restating what she has said, and clarifying the feelings behind what Molly is expressing. What aspect of client- or person-centered therapy is this?

Active listening

What of the following is not characteristic of PTSD?

An attraction toward stimuli surrounding a traumatic event

What is the just-world hypothesis?

An ideology common in the United States that people get the outcomes they deserve

Which nervous system structure participates in the general arousal associated with emotional states?

Autonomic nervous system

Which saying best reflects the concept of self-actualization?

Be all that you can be

Lorenzo's therapist helps him learn to overcome his fear of dogs through several stages of relaxation techniques. What kind of psychotherapeutic orientation does this exemplify?

Behavior therapy

Jerome, a researcher, conducts an adoption study and concludes that "nature" affects shyness. Which of these findings is most consistent with the conclusion of Jerome's study?

Children who are biologically related but who are raised in different households are similar in shyness.

Which approach or perspective in psychology emphasizes mental processes such as thinking and learning?


Aaron is in therapy, and one of his goals is to overcome his pessimistic attitude. His therapist helps him eliminate thought patterns that lead to distress. For example, he helps Aaron learn to not overgeneralize his likelihood of failing his philosophy class based on doing poorly on his first exam. What kind of psychotherapeutic orientation does this exemplify?

Cognitive therapy

Which term refers to mental or behavioral efforts used to manage problems relating to stress, including the cause and the unpleasant feelings and emotions it produces?


Which classification system is used by most mental health professionals in the United States of America?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

What symptom of schizophrenia is illustrated by the following example? So bees with knees have fleas and fleas jump, I jump like a jack, Jack the Giant Kicker. Giants kick and transform things and something happened, but we can't hear because our eyes are like flies that flew away.

Disorganized thinking

________ is a neurotransmitter involved in mood, reward, addiction, and motor behavior.


What is a research design that controls for placebo effects in which neither participant nor the experimenter observing the participant know whether the participant was given a placebo, or an active treatment?

Double-blind procedure

During the peer review process, whose work is most likely to be accepted rapidly into the body of scientific knowledge?

Dr. Fochy's, whose results fit with existing knowledge in the field

Which perspective suggests that phobias might be exaggerations of an otherwise useful sense of caution?


Which perspective investigates how physical structure and behavior have been shaped by their contributions to survival and reproduction?

Evolutionary psychology

What's the best definition of operant conditioning?

Explains how consequences lead to changes in voluntary behavior

Men are diagnosed with depression more frequently than women in non-Western cultures.


Preoperational children are able to juggle multiple aspects of a problem at the same time, thus correcting the centration that is seen in the sensorimotor stage.


Which type of persuasion involves encouraging a person to agree to a small favor or to buy a small item, only to later request a larger favor or purchase of a larger item?


In the biopsychosocial model of health, which of the following factors are within the "bio" portion of the model?

Genetic, infection, and injury

________ is the strengthening of an original group attitude after the discussion of views within a group.

Group polarization

Which treatment modality involves about 6-12 people with the same issue or concern meeting together with a trained clinician?

Group therapy

A ________ psychologist might investigate why people continue to smoke or eat high fat and processed food despite knowing the potential adverse health implications of such behaviors.


Which of the following describes a humanistic approach, as opposed to a behaviorist or Freudian approach?

Humanists advocated studying exceptional people to see why they succeeded.

What is one the main takeaways of Milgram's obedience study?

Individuals will obey authority to the point of potentially causing serious harm to another person.

A relationship in which, after a brief separation, infants want to be held but are difficult to console.

Insecure resistant/anxious-ambivalent attachment

What's another word or term for operant in the phrase operant conditioning?


Which qualities best describe collectivism?

Interdependence and cooperation

What kind of obsessions are involved in obsessive-compulsive disorder?


Which of the following is a benefit of group therapy?

It can decrease a client's shame and isolation about a problem.

Which theory of emotion proposes that physical sensations lead to subjective feelings?

James-Lange theory

A leading behaviorist who first explored classical conditioning is

John Watson

Which of the following is not considered one of the primary or basic emotions?


Janice is in the middle of a distinct period of an abnormally and persistently elevated mood. In the last week, she has cleaned her house from top to bottom (breaking windows and dishes in the process), bought a new car that she can't afford, and dug up most of her yard in case she might want a garden next year. Janice is experiencing _____.


What does groupthink involve?

Modification of the opinions of members of a group to align with what they believe is the group consensus

Which is a sleep disorder characterized by the intrusion of REM phenomena into waking?


Imagine you decide to study weekend dorm life for a sociology paper. In order to do this, you attend several parties at a large university, week after week. What method of research are you employing?

Naturalistic observation

Which type of persuasion involves an indirect route that relies on association of peripheral cues to associate positivity with a message?

Peripheral route

Which kind of psychology seeks to identify and promote those qualities that lead to happy, fulfilled, and contented lives?

Positive psychology

A person who judges whether an act is good in terms of the physical consequences of reward and punishment is reasoning at which of Kohlberg's levels?


Which perspective on dreaming emphasizes unconscious wishes?


Which feature of the eye is analogous to a hole in the center of a donut?


A parent wakes up a young adolescent to make a live morning Zoom class. The teen says, " I wish you didn't wake me up. I was flying around and about to level up in my battle!" The teen was most likely in

REM sleep

Which structure of the eye is responsible for detecting light?


According to Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin's model of memory, information flows through three stages. Which illustrates the correct flow of information in this model?

Sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory

Which of the following is not of the intelligences proposed by Gardner?


The idea that a general factor for intelligence, or g, is responsible for performance on all mental tests was introduced by


Which of the following abilities marks the end of the first stage of Piaget's theory?

The ability to use mental symbols

How do the right and left brain hemispheres process emotion?

The left hemisphere processes positive emotions; the right hemisphere processes negative emotions.

A nurse is assisting a psychology professor with a research study on the physiological and psychological reactions to violence in popular films. After a participant views a film clip, the nurse administers some basic tests. Which of the following is the most subjective result?

The participant describes the level of film violence as 8 on a scale of 0 to 10

According to the levels of processing theory, who will be able to remember the most definitions of the vocabulary words in a given chapter?

The student who takes turns with a housemate defining and explaining each term

Which scenario best illustrates the drive reduction theory of motivation?

The sun is bothering your eyes, so you move into the shade of a nearby tree.

Environmental factors, such as cultural attitudes toward beauty, can play a significant role in the development of eating disorders.


An example of negative reinforcement is a night of no homework because you did well on an exam.

True; it's negative because of there was removal of a stimulus

In Pavlov's famous experiment, what do we call the food that made the dog salivate?

Unconditioned stimulus

The first experimental psychologist and proponent of the structuralist approach, along with students, was

Wilhelm Wundt

What is an adaptation of the short-term memory model that involves the active manipulation of multiple types of information simultaneously?

Working memory

Who conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment?


In Freudian theory, projection is ________.

a defense mechanism

To psychologists, learning is

a long-term change in behavior that is based on experience

When the content of a REM dream is especially upsetting, we refer to the experience as

a nightmare

The "cocktail party phenomenon" relates to the

ability to attend to what one person is saying and to "tune out" competing conversations

Humans produce over 500 phonemes, of which the English language uses ___.

about 45

Katie loved baking brownies with her grandmother during her holiday visits. In fact, she still makes these brownies using the exact same steps as her grandmother. This is an example of

an algorithm

A flashbulb memory is

an especially vivid and detailed memory of an emotional event

Zoloft and Prozac are examples of ________.


A sleep disorder in which the person stops breathing while asleep is referred to sleep


Authoritative parents

are firm but warm and responsive to their children.

A teenager likes riding his bike by the ocean and at the pump track. A young adult complains of being bored by not having anything to do. A middle-aged person leaves a movie theater because the sound seems jarring. Another enjoys sailing a boat in a breeze. These situations are most easily explained by which theory of motivation?


Episodic or semantic memories that reference the self are called

autobiographical memories

In psychology, consciousness can be defined as

awareness of ourselves and the environment

In Freud's theory, it is the job of the ego, or self, to ________.

balance the pleasure-seeking impulses of the id with the morality imposed by the superego

Development is believed to

be continuous in some aspects and discontinuous in others.

The concept of perceived control refers to

beliefs about the capacity to influence and shape outcomes in our lives

A psychologist is investigating how brain cells change during learning. This sounds most like the subfield of

biological psychology

Dr. Bousquet treats anxiety disorders with Xanax, which exemplifies ________ therapy.


The two major divisions of the nervous system are the ________ and ________.

central; peripheral nervous systems

Olga was always very close to her Aunt Rosa. During her aunt's final stage of illness, she helped her as much as she could. Their relationship could best be described as ____.

companionate love

In the spray bottle demonstration of classical conditioning in action (short video in Week 6 module), blinking or flinching to hearing the word "can" alone is the

conditioned response

In Pavlov's famous experiment, the sound of the bell became the

conditioned stimulus

In the spray bottle demonstration of classical conditioning in action (short video in Week 6 module), hearing the word "can" is the

conditioned stimulus

Whenever Emma gets an assignment in one of her classes, she immediate puts it down in her planner. At home, Emma keeps a notepad and calendar on her desk so she can stay organized with all her coursework. This information suggests that Emma is likely to score high on the Big Five personality trait of ________.


Sternberg's theory of intelligence suggests that intelligence

consists of three distinct abilities: analytic, creative, and practical

The clear surface at the front of the eye that begins the process of directing light to the retina is the


An experimental study focuses on the effects that the amount of exercise has on the number of calories consumed per day. The number of calories that a participant consumes is represented by the

dependent variable

The study of gene-environment interactions in the production of phenotype is called


Random assignment is the procedure in which each participant's chance of being assigned to any group in an experiment is


Cultural competence is a therapist's understanding of, and attention to, ________.

ethnicity, race, and culture in providing treatment

A(n) ________ locus of control is the belief that our outcomes are outside of our control; an ________ locus of control is the belief that we control our own outcomes.

external; internal

A delusion is a(n) _____.

false, illogical belief

Scientific hypotheses must be both

falsifiable and testable

Tessa hears a rattle. When she turns around she sees a rattlesnake inches from her leg. Her pupils dilate, her heart pounds, and she begins to sweat. This response is called the ________ response.


Dr. Rafael encourages his client to relax and say whatever comes to mind at the moment. Dr. Rafael is using ________ to treat his client.

free association

The ________ lobe is the most forward of the four lobes of the cerebral cortex. It is the location of the primary motor cortex and some of the most complex cognitive processes.


Charlie does poorly on their exam for another class, then comes into the kitchen and gets into an argument with a housemate. The housemate assumes Charlie is yelling because they are a bully, not because of having a bad day with the test. The housemate is making a ________.

fundamental attribution error

Many scholars, including linguist Noam Chomsky, believe that human beings

have an inborn capacity for learning language.

Psychologists have studied the effects of having pets on measures of heart rate and blood pressure. This sounds most like the subfield of

health psychology

An approach to psychology that sees people as inherently good and motivated to learn and improve is called

humanistic psychology

A dissociative disorder is characterized by disruptions in a person's _____.​

identity, memory, or consciousness

Let's go treat ourselves to ice cream after we finish our work for this online module! Sounds like an enticing plan and an example of the ________ theory of motivation.


A psychologist is conducting research on how equipment can be designed so workers can easily perform duties and avoid accidents. This sounds most like the subfield of

industrial/organizational psychology

Permission obtained from a research participant after the risks and benefits of an experimental procedure have been thoroughly explained is called

informed consent

A research design for assessing age-related changes in which data are obtained from the same individuals at intervals over a long period is called a

longitudinal study

Archie is studying vocabulary for his medical terminology class while lying on a futon in his room. At the same time, his housemates are enthusiastically watching the basketball game on TV in the living room. Archie's recall of the material will likely be best while

lying down with background noise

As explained in the text, as societies became larger, humans devised new cultural systems to

maintain group cohesion.

Light can interfere with the sleep hormone


Formal intelligence testing began in 1904, when Alfred Binet was instructed by the French government to devise a(n)

objective means to identify schoolchildren who needed additional help to succeed.

Behaviorists, including B. F. Skinner, asserted that children learn language through

operant conditioning

Defining variables in practical terms is called


Self-efficacy refers to

our level of confidence in our own abilities

In brain imaging studies, people with antisocial personality disorder showed relatively little activity in the amygdala, which normally

participates in recognition of fear and other negative emotions in others.

Optimism is a tendency toward a(n)

positive outlook and positive expectations

An implicit memory for how to carry out a skilled movement is called

procedural memory

Maslow's view of motivation is best described as a

pyramid of needs

You've decided to cut down on sugar. A family member receives a celebration package containing chocolates and you have a piece saying, "I read that dark chocolate has benefits for your health." This sounds like an example of ________.


Skinner generalized his findings to complex human behaviors even though his subject pool was limited mostly to

rats and pigeons

As discussed in the text, nutrition plays a significant part in overall physical development, including brain development, and is believed to be responsible for many differences in psychological and health outcomes

related to socioeconomic status

Mel is a psychologist and at work is most likely to

research thought processes

A patient has survived a stroke but is paralyzed on his left side. He has likely suffered damage to his

right hemisphere

Marty has memorized the capital cities of all fifty states of the U.S. This is an example of

semantic memory

The tendency to pay less attention to a nonchanging source of stimulation is known as

sensory adaptation

Electroconvulsive therapy can be effective in alleviating symptoms for people with ________.

severe depression who have not responded to traditional drug therapy

Trey is part of a group playing tug-of-war. He knows that his team is stronger, so he doesn't try as hard as he could. Trey is engaged in ________.

social loafing

Guidance, encouragement, acceptance, emotional comfort, and tangible assistance are all examples of

social support

A demanding or threatening event is often called a(n)


The space between two neurons is called the ________.

synapse or synaptic gap

Angelica, in her first year away at college, has moved to a big city for the first time in her life. She is excited by the opportunity to explore the city, but is also anxious about what she read recently about street crime in one of the city's neighborhoods. In reality, she is more at risk of harm from reckless drivers. This best illustrates

the availability heuristic

Research using neuroscientific techniques suggests that one possible explanation for why dreams often seem bizarre and illogical is that, during dreaming,

the frontal lobes are often inactive

In the spray bottle demonstration of classical conditioning in action (short video in Week 6 module), blinking or flinching to water being squirted onto the face is the

unconditioned response

In the spray bottle demonstration of classical conditioning in action (short video in Week 6 module), the water squirted onto the volunteer's face is the

unconditioned stimulus

The case of Clive Wearing was presented in class. Clive's dense amnesia was due to

viral encephalitis

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