Psych 1001

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The left hemisphere excels in language and the right hemisphere excels in visual-spatial tasks. This specialization of the two hemispheres is known as: a. split-brain. b. callosotomy. c. hemispherectomy. d. lateralization.

1.d. lateralization.

Ife is learning about neural communication. He is reading that a neural impulse can travel over _____, which means that its signals arrive at their destinations within fractions of a second. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices 950 mph 250 mph 550 mph 750 mph

250 mph

Dr. Horváth's research focuses on two neurotransmitters. When a student asked him which two neurotransmitters, he told her that he studies the two that are involved in much of the transmission of information.

GABA and glutamate

_____ is a surgery that removes nearly half of the brain.


Which of these is NOT a characteristic of a hemispherectomy? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. It is only used for those suffering from severe seizures that can't be controlled in other ways. It is a rare and last-resort operation. It is a surgery to remove nearly half the brain. It is a surgery that just disconnects the right and left hemispheres.

It is a surgery that just disconnects the right and left hemispheres.

Which statement about Broca's area is false? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices Damage to the same area on the side of the left frontal lobe is found in speech-impaired patients. It plays a critical role in language production. It plays a critical role in language comprehension. It was initially discovered based on autopsies of two men who were not able to talk.

It plays a critical role in language comprehension.

Which statement about lateralization is true? It is the tendency for the left and right meninges to excel in certain activities. It occurs when vesicles attach to the membrane on the terminal bud, allowing them to be released into the synaptic gap. It refers to the fact that each cerebral hemisphere processes certain types of information and excels in certain activities. It is the part of the nervous system that connects the central nervous system to the rest of the body.

It refers to the fact that each cerebral hemisphere processes certain types of information and excels in certain activities.

Anne is learning about the history of psychology and early techniques for studying the brain. She realizes that although there are more modern ways for exploring the activity of the brain, the work of Gall and Flourens contributed the idea that there is:

Localization of function

Which statement about the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is false? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices In a stressful situation, the sympathetic nervous system initiates the fight-or-flight response. The parasympathetic nervous system orchestrates the rest-and-digest response to bring the body back to non-crisis mode. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are divisions of the endocrine system. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work together, balancing activities of primarily involuntary processes.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are divisions of the endocrine system.

what part of the brain is responsible for language comprehension?

Wernicke's area

resting potential

a cell at rest

all or none

a neuron either fires or doesn't fire. action potentials are always the same strength

Dr. Murray is a neuroscientist who studies action potentials. She is training a research assistant and is explaining what happens to the voltage within a neuron when it fires. She notes that a(n) _____ is a spike in the value of the voltage within a neuron, as the charge inside the cell becomes more positive than that outside the cell.

action potential

Lou is trying to remember the peripheral nervous system. She knows that the central nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord, so she deduces that the peripheral nervous system includes:

all neurons not in the central nervous system

selectively permeable

allowing only some of the ions to pass in and out of its channel


an early approach to explaining the functions of the brain by trying to link psychical structure of the skull w/a variety of characteristics

Professor Saunder studies the human nervous system. His research focuses on the branch of the peripheral nervous system that works behind the scenes, regulating involuntary activity, such as pumping of the heart. Which is his area of research? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices the autonomic nervous system the somatic nervous system the central nervous system the spinal cord

autonomic nervous system

Yesterday in class, Dr. Carver was discussing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. He drew a diagram on the board that showed how these two divisions of the _____ function. endocrine system somatic nervous system autonomic nervous system central nervous system

autonomic nervous system

A man involved in a car accident suffered severe brain trauma. As he recovered, it became clear he was having difficulty producing speech, even though he could understand what people were saying. It is very likely he had suffered damage to the left frontal lobe in a part of the brain referred to as: a. Wernicke's area. b. Broca's area. c. the visual field. d. the corpus callosum.

b. Broca's area.

When a stimulus causes an involuntary response, we refer to it as a reflex; the simple communication pathway goes from sensory neurons through interneurons in the ___________ and back out through motor neurons. a. brain b. spinal cord c. axon hillock d. nodes of Ranvier

b. spinal cord

When confronted with a potentially threatening situation, the sympathetic nervous system sometimes prepares for "fight or flight" and/or "tend and befriend." How would you explain these two very different responses using the evolutionary perspective?

both types of responses tend to increase the likelihood of survival and reproduction. The fight-or-flight strategy centers on self-preservation: By confronting or fleeing a threating situation, the individual is acting to ensure her own survival and ability to reproduce. Tend and befriend is perhaps a less direct approach. Forging social bonds and tending to the young strengthen the community as a whole, which can support the survival and reproduction of its members.

Eliyada is taking an introductory psychology class. During the third week of the semester, her instructor begins the class period talking about the nervous system. He also discusses the _____, which he notes orchestrates behavior and houses thoughts, emotions, and personality. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices


"rest and digest" process

brings the body back to noncrisis mode

electrostatic pressure

causes similarly charged ions to spread apart and oppositely charged ion to move toward each other.

glial cells

come to the rescue, if the brain is injured

peripheral nervous system (pns)

connects the cns to the rest of the body. includes all neurons that aren't in the cns


coordination of muscle movement, attention, pleasure.

___________ carry information from the central nervous system to activate various parts of the body, such as muscles and glands. a. Interneurons b. Dendrites c. Sensory neurons d. Motor neurons

d. Motor neurons

Last night Quin was studying for his psychology final. He was drawing pictures on some scratch paper to help him remember the parts of a neuron. His roommate came into the kitchen and asked him what the tiny branchlike fibers were that were extending from the cell body. Quin told him they were:


Dr. Kim studies neural communication. In particular, she does research on the processes occurring in the synaptic gap. She has been describing her findings to a colleague, explaining that neurotransmitters that are not reabsorbed can drift out of the synaptic gap through:



diminish the effects of a effects of a neurotransmitter or block its release. example: botox

Dione is talking with a classmate about the _____, which is the communication system that uses glands rather than neurons to convey messages. She explains that the messages are the _____ that are released into the bloodstream.

endocrine system; hormones

myelin sheath

fatty substance that insulates the axon and speeds the transmission of neural messages

botulinum neurotoxin

food bourne poison that has been transformed into a tool for medical and cosmetic conditions through impact on acetylcholine activity.

How do the two brain hemispheres communicate? How does this change after a split-brain operation?

he corpus callosum is a bundle of nerve fibers that allows the two halves of the brain to communicate and work together to process information. For example, with visual information each eye receives visual sensations, but that information is sent to the opposite hemisphere, and shared between the hemispheres via the corpus callosum. Specifically, information presented in the right visual field is processed in the left hemisphere, and information presented in the left visual field is processed in the right hemisphere. Because the hemispheres are disconnected through the surgery, researchers can study each hemisphere separately to explore its own unique capabilities (or specializations). In a split-brain individual, communication between the hemispheres is limited.

Falito is talking to his housemate about his psychology class. Today, his instructor was discussing _____, which are chemicals released into the bloodstream. Falito explains to his housemate that this process is an important part of the endocrine system. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices microglia medulla hormones interneurons



houses thoughts, emotions, personality, or orchestrates behavior

Professor Petrov studies the pituitary gland in her laboratory. She works closely with a colleague whose focus is on the _____, because it is the structure that controls the pituitary gland.



increase the normal activity of a neurotransmitter

nicotine and muscarine

increase the secretion of acetylcholine causing: sweating, pupil constriction, nausea, and respiratory distress


inhibits communication between neurons. (inhibitory neurotransmitter)

caffeine (long term)

irritability exhaustion headaches

Which statement is NOT a characteristic of the reflex arc? It overstimulates and damages the functioning of neurons in the brain's reward circuit. It is an automatic response to a sensory stimulus. It involves a simple pathway of communication from sensory neurons through interneurons in the spinal cord back out through motor neurons. While the spinal reflex occurs, sensory neurons also send messages to the brain, letting it know what happened.

it overstimulates and damages the fuctioning of neurons in the brains reward circuit

receptor sites

locations on the recieving neurons dentrites where neurotransmitters attach

the central nervous system (cns)

made up of the brain and spinal cord

Dr. O'Connor is a neuroscientist interested in studying brain injuries. Lately he has been reading about _____, a type of cell which multiplies and secretes substances to defend the brain from infection and inflammation following brain injury.


Humans are capable of vastly more complex thoughts and feelings due to the ever-adapting web of connections among:

nerve cells

Yesterday Garner was reading about the human nervous system. He knew it was a communication network that conveys messages throughout the body, but he did not realize it was made up of as many as 100 billion _____.

nerve cells

Dr. Wallace is describing the peripheral nervous system to his students. He states that _____ are neurons bundled together, and they can think of them as electrical cables carrying signals from place to place. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices antagonists nerves chemical messengers astrocytes


Brandon Burns reports that because of his injury, one third of his brain tissue was destroyed. Despite this, he is still able to talk, think, and feel emotions, although he has some paralysis and loss of sensation on the right side of his body. And there is no doubt that he lost a substantial number of _____, or the specialized cells that communicate through electrical and chemical signals.


Brandon Burn's brain injury led to paralysis on the right side of his body. If a doctor tapped on his right knee, he would experience a knee jerk because this is an involuntary reaction carried out by:

neurons outside of the brain.


neurotransmitter that relays messages from neurons to muscles thus enabling movement.

How do neurons communicate with each other?


sympathetic nervous system

part of ans, originating in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord that in general inhabits or opposes the psychological effects of the pns "flight or fight"

parasympathetic nervous system

part of the ans, consisting of nerves and ganglia that arise from the cranial and sacral regions and functions in opposition to sympathetic system.

Charles is studying the nervous system. His classmate is quizzing him on the _____, which is the component of the nervous system divided into two branches: the somatic and the autonomic nervous systems. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices peripheral nervous system endocrine system brain central nervous system

peripheral nervous system

The ___________ gland, located in the center of the brain, just under the hypothalamus, is in charge of the endocrine system.



process by which neurotransmitters are reabsorbed by the sending terminal bud

caffeine (short term)

prolong time to fall asleep enhance nightime wakefulness reduce depth of sleep


promotes communication between neurons

The thyroid gland regulates the _____ by secreting thyroxin.

rate of metabolism

Research using two split-brain patients suggests that the _____ is more proficient in some visual tasks than the left hemisphere

right hemisphere

Elijiah is learning about the glands in the endocrine system. He has been thinking about his sleep-wake cycle, and he realizes that his pineal gland secretes _____ to control it.

secretes melatonin

How does the thyroid gland regulate the rate of metabolism?

secreting thyroxin

Briel is preparing a poster board for her presentation in class tomorrow. She will be discussing the flow of information in the human nervous system. She has drawn an incoming arrow, which represents how information flows from the _____ into the central nervous system.

sensory nerves


skinny tubelike structure of a neuron that extends fro the cell body, and sends messages to other neurons through terminal buds.

Alicia is explaining the peripheral nervous system to a classmate. She states that the _____ is the branch of the peripheral nervous system that includes sensory nerves and motor nerves.

somatic nervous system


specialized cells that communication w/ each other through chemical and electrical signals

Odie is learning about the central nervous system. He has been studying the brain, but now it is time to move on to exploring the other part of the central nervous system, the_____, which has two major responsibilities: to receive information from the body and send it to the brain, and to take information from the brain and send it throughout the body. hindbrain spinal cord corpus callosum endocrine system

spinal cord


study of the brain and nervous system.


support communication between neurons as well. type of glial cells

Flannery is just about to give a speech to her class on the fight-or-flight response. The irony is that she is pretty anxious about talking in front of the class, so her breathing is increased and her heart is racing. Flannery is going to use herself as an example of someone whose _____ is triggering this fight-or-flight response. sympathetic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system motor cortex primary visual cortex

sympathetic nervous system

Charusheela is alone in her house and has just heard a loud sound outside her window. She normally does not get frightened, but tonight she is, and she is noticing her breathing increase and her pulse quicken. Her _____ and _____ both are working to respond to this potential crisis. corpus callosum; central nervous system force of diffusion; force of attraction astrocytes; glial cells sympathetic nervous system; endocrine system

sympathetic nervous system; endocrine system

autonomic nervous system

system of nerves and ganglia that inverrates blood vessels, heart, smooth muscles, viscera, and glands. controls their involuntary functions consisting of sympathetic and parasympathetic portions


technique used by french physiologist Pierre Flourens. to explore functions of different brain regions

The inclination to direct energy toward nurturing offspring and forging social bonds when responding to stress is called the:

tend-to-befriend response

localization of function

the areas of the brain might have more particular functions

nodes of ranvier

the breaks between the myelin segaments

The _____ looks like a walnut with its two wrinkled halves.

the cerebrum


the natural tendency of ions to spread out or disperse

cell body

the region of the neuron that includes structures that nourish the cell and a nucleus containing dna

_____ plays a key role in understanding ironic or satirical language. A. The right hemisphere B. Broca's area C. The left hemisphere D. Wernicke's area

the right hemisphere

somatic nervous system

the section of the nervous system responsible for sensation and control of the skeletal muscles.

Bane is thinking about the nervous system and how it allows him to move his arms and legs. Which branch of the parasympathetic nervous system controls the skeletal muscles that are responsible for his voluntary movements? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices the autonomic nervous system the endocrine system the sympathetic nervous system the somatic nervous system

the somatic nervous system

what are the two branches in the peripheral nervous system?

the somatic nervous system the autonomic nervous system

glial cells

they support, nourish, and protect neurons; some produce myelin that covers axon.

unmyeliated axon

those damaged from multiple sclerosis or the disease have slower transmittion speeds b/c the signal must make its way down the entire length of the axon


tiny gap between a terminal bud of one axon and dendrite of a neighboring neuron


tiny, branch-like fibers extending from the cell body that receives messages from other neurons and send info in the direction of the cell body.

Biological Perspective

to examine how biology influences our behavior


type of glial cells worked to defend brain from infection and inflammation

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