PSYCH 2103 Chapter 9

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Nine-year-old Allison needs a little more than ______ hours of sleep per night.


People who are gifted have high general intelligence, or an IQ of _____ or higher.


Between ages 9 and 13, children need approximately how many calories a day?


Approximately ______% of children in the United States between the ages of 2 and 19 are obese.


Children grow about ____ inches per year between 6 and 11 years of age.


Homeschooling is legal in ________ of the 50 states in the United States


The most widely used individual intelligence test is the WISC-IV, which is appropriate for children between the ages of ___ and ___ .

6, 16

Intellectual disability is indicated by an IQ below


Height & weight

African American boys and girls tend to grow faster than Caucasian children. girls retain somewhat more fatty tissue than boys, this persists through adulthood

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the trends in overweight children?

Boys are slightly more likely to be overweight than girls.

How does the performance of girls in school generally compare to that of boys?

Girls outperform in national reading tests, Girls have fewer school problems, Girls make better grades.

Volume of gray matter in different lobes

Gray matter volume in the caudate (part of the basil ganglia involved in control of movement and muscle tone and in mediating higher cognitive functions, attention and emotional states) peaks at age 7 in girls & 10 in boys. Volume in the parietal lobe (deals with spatial understanding) & in the frontal lobe (handles higher-order functions) peaks at age 11. volume in temporal lobes (deals with language) peaks at age 14. GENERALLY gray matter volume peaks 1-2 years earlier in girls than boys.

_____ children are most likely to have untreated cavities in the United States.


Which of the following can be identified through the use of an intelligence test?

Individual differences, Performance skills, Verbal skills

Which of the following statements about intellectual disability is FALSE?

More girls than boys are intellectually disabled

Which of the following are the most effective forms of parental involvement in academic achievement?

Parental participation in school evens and activities, Parental expectations, Good communication with teachers

A second-grade student can find her way to and from school due to what cognitive changes?

Use of maps, Understanding distance, Understanding physical attributes


a branch of psychology involved in quantitative measurement go psychological variables.

The use of a device to improve memory is called

a mnemonic strategy

Piaget's Concrete Operational stage

about age 7, when they can use mental operations, such as reasoning, to solve concrete problems. children have better understanding than preoperational children of spatial concepts, causality, categorization, inductive and deductive reasoning, conservation, and number.

What is the leading cause of death among school-age US children?

accidental injuries (car accidents the most)

Adrianne, a middle schooler, is very concerned with how she looks. According to your text, Adrianne may be at risk for developing

an eating disorder

Which child is at greatest risk for asthma?

an obese black male

Gardner's 8 intelligences

argued these are distinct from each other and high intelligence in one area does not necessarily accompany high intelligence in any of the others.


arranging objects in a series according to one or more dimensions. children become increasingly better at seriation for dimensions such as time, length, or color

Of the following, the most prevalent chronic illness in childhood is


Overweight children

at risk for diabetes, behavior problems, depression, low self-esteem, and falling behind in physical and social functioning. 5x more likely to be obese in adulthood than children who are not obese & are at risk for adulthood problems such as hypertension, heart disease, orthopedic problems, diabetes. 55% of obese children will become obese adults BUT 70% of obese adults were not obese in childhood. so prevention/intervention should target ALL children, not just overweight.

Paula scores high in self-efficacy. This means that Paula

believes that she can regulate her own learning


body mass index between 85th-95th percentile


body mass index over the 95th percentile. most prevalent in Mexican American boys (29.2%) & African American girls (25.1%). boys are slightly more likely to be overweight than girls.


children associate items with something else, such as an imagined scene or story

Mrs. Peacock shows Jillian ten pictures. Eight of the pictures are of blue jays, and the other two pictures are of cardinals. Mrs. Peacock then asks Jillian if there are more blue jays or more birds. Which cognitive ability would Piaget say is required for Jillian to answer correctly?

class inclusion

Gray matter

composed of closely packed neurons in the cerebral cortex. amount in the frontal cortex (strongly influenced by genetics) is likely linked with differenced in IQ. volume shows a U-shaped trajectory. overall volume increases prepuberty and declines by post puberty. decline is driven by a loss in the density of gray matter. the loss reflects pruning of unused dendrites. the connections that are used remain active, the unused connections eventually disappear resulting in the brain becoming "tuned" to experiences of the child.

Piaget's ____ operational stage lasts from approximately 7 to 11 years of age.


A 9-year-old child who can think logically but not abstractly is in the ______ stage, according to Piaget's theory.

concrete operational

A child can use a map and is accurately able to judge distance. The child's skills are consistent with Piaget's _____ stage.

concrete operational

According to Piaget, children enter which stage at about the age of 7?

concrete operational

In the past 20 years, the number of U.S. children aged 6 to 18 with untreated cavities has

dropped dramatically (-80%)

A developmental reading disorder in which reading achievement is substantially below the expected level predicted by IQ or age is


What are some contributors to children being overweight?

eating fast food often, less activity and less engagement in sports and physical play, increased time in front of the television and computer

The knowledge that one can master school work is an example of self-____.


Freddie is trying to learn the names of the first five presidents of the United States. To help him, his mother makes up a story using the five names in it, and then teaches the story to Freddie. Freddie's mother is using the mnemonic device of


A person who can consciously control his thoughts, emotions, and actions to accomplish goals or solve problems is displaying ___ function.


According to the text, rates of physical growth during middle childhood are

extremely variable across geographic regions and ethnic groups.


factors affecting snoring can be age, gender, race, family susceptibility, chronic health problems, and overweight. causes fragmented sleep which is associated with deficits in language and cognitive skills, fine motor skills, activities of daily living, and lower scores on developmental tests. persistent snoring at least 3x a week may indicate sleep-disordered breaking, a condition that has been linked to behavioral and learning difficulties.

In countries like the United States, _____ on IQ is/are more important for wealthy children but _____ may matter more for children of lower socioeconomic status.

genetic influences, environment

Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT8)

has levels for kindergarten-12th grade. children are asked to classify items, show an understanding of verbal and numerical concepts, display general information, and follow directions. separate scores for verbal comprehension, verbal reasoning, pictorial reasoning, figural reasoning, and quantitative reasoning can identify specific strengths and weaknesses.

Bart is 10 years of age and is about 40 pounds above his ideal body weight. He is more likely to

have higher blood pressure and cholesterol

body image

how one believes one looks. becomes important early middle childhood, especially for girls, & may develop eating disorders in adolescence.

What childhood condition is a particular risk for causing damage to the retina of the eyes or damage to arteries?


transitive inferences

if a<b and b<c then a<c. children as young as 25 months has some limited ability to reason in the fashion atlas for social stimuli.

Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC-II)

individual test for ages 3-18 designed to evaluate cognitive abilities in children with diverse needs (EX: autism, hearing impairment) and from varying cultural and linguistic background

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV)

individual test for ages 6-16, measures verbal and performance abilities, yielding separate scores for each as well as a total score. separate sub scores pinpoint a child's strengths and help diagnose specific problems.

Growth of selective attention may hinge on the executive skill of ____ ____, the voluntary suppression of unwanted responses.

inhibitory control

How does the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT8) differ from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV)?

it is a group test, not an individual test

Gardner's 8 independent kinds of intelligence

linguistic (ability to use and understand words and nuances of meaning), logical-mathematical (ability to manipulate numbers and solve logical problems), spatial (ability to find one's way around in an environment and judge relationships between objects in space), musical (ability to perceive and create patterns of pitch and rhythm), bodily-kinesthetic (ability to move with precision), interpersonal (ability to understand and communicate with others), intrapersonal (ability to understand the self), naturalist (ability to distinguish species and their characteristics.

Children from ______ socioeconomic levels tend to have greater difficulty in school.


white matter

made of glial cells, which provide support for neurons, and of myelinated axons, which transmit information across neurons.

inductive reasoning

making observations about particular members of a class of people, animals, objects, or events and then drawing conclusions about the class as a whole. Piaget believed children in the concrete operations stage only used inductive reasoning.

Rough-and-tumble play peaks during

middle childhood

The death rate in _____ is the lowest in the life span.

middle childhood

The gap between the IQ scores of black and white children has (narrowed/widened) ___ in recent years.



needs decline from 12.5 hrs a day for 3-5 year old to 10 hrs a day for 6-13 year olds. 41.9% of children age 6-17 reported at least one day per week of sleep problems & 13.6% reported at least two days of disrupted sleep a week. factors affecting sleep include exposure to media screens, physical inactivity, secondhand smoke, poor housing, vandalism, lacks of parks and playground. television can also be a problem, at age 7 23% of children have a tv in their bedroom.

Acute medical conditions

occasional, short-term conditions (infections or warts). fairly common

The strongest effects of parental involvement in academic achievement center on which of the following?

parental expectations

In the traditional ______ approach to reading instruction, the main focus is learning the rules for translating written symbols (the printed alphabet) into sounds.


chronic medical conditions

physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional conditions that persist for 3 months or more. estimated 12.8% of US children have or are at risk for this. common conditions are asthma and diabetes

Which of the following abilities contributes to executive functioning?

planning, sustained attention, information retention

Joel is in fourth grade and is not well-liked by many of his peers. Joel is at-risk for which of the following?

poor academic achievement, depression, anxiety

Bilingualism has a(n) _______ effect on children's cognitive development.


What do dynamic intelligence tests based on Vygotsky's theories seek to measure?

potential achievement

Children make progress in understanding how to use language in a culturally appropriate way, which is known as


Social promotion refers to the practice of

promoting students based on their age, even if they don't meet academic standards

External memory aids

prompts by something outside the person (EX: writing down a telephone number, making a list, setting a timer, putting a library book bye the door)

During middle and late childhood, changes in brain functioning include

pruning of gray matter

In middle to late childhood, increased pathways and circuitry in the prefrontal cortex are related to improvements in which of the following?

reasoning ability, attention, cognitive control

US Preventive Services Task Force

recommends screening children for overweight and obesity starting at 6 years old

Billy's mother has sent him to the store to buy eggs, bread, and milk. To remember these items, Billy repeats their names. He is using ________ to help remember the items.


Although his classmates are talking behind him, Roberto is able to focus on what his teacher is saying. Roberto is exhibiting

selective attention

Brent's history teacher has asked him to make a timeline for important events that occurred during the Civil War. According to Piaget, what cognitive ability will Brent need to complete this project?


Research on Piaget's theory indicates that

some skills develop sooner than Piaget believed

Some changes that occur with concrete operational thinking include the ability to

sort into categories, conserve

deductive reasoning

starts with a general statement, a premise, about a class and applies it to particular members of the class.according to Piaget, deductive reasoning did not develop until adolescence but research proved with training or intervention programs this reasoning can be reached earlier.

Which of the following are involved in efficiency of working memory?

storage capacity, processing speed

mnemonic device

strategy to aid memory. EX: (Please excuse my dear aunt sally) is used as a way to remember the order of operations in solving a math problem.

What best describes the media's influence on children's food choices?


Generally, achievement gaps between advantaged and disadvantaged students widen from kindergarten to third grade. _____ contributes to these gaps, especially with respect to reading.

summer vacations

The deep underlying structure of language that organizes words into understandable phrases and sentences is called


Critics of Gardner argue that his multiple intelligences are actually more accurately labeled as ____ or ___.

talents or abilities

Early _____ _____ of children who exhibit social problems can lead to interventions that improve such children's academic as well as emotional and social outcomes.

teacher identification

Dynamic tests

tests based on Vygotsky's theory that emphasize potential rather than past learning. contain items up to 2 years above a child's current level of competence.

selective attention

the ability to deliberately direct one's attention and shut out distractions. may hinge of the executive skill of inhibitory control (the voluntary suppression of unwanted responses. the increasing capacity for selective attention is believed to be due to neurological maturation and is one of the reasons memory improves during middle childhood.

Class inclusion

the ability to see the relationship between a whole and its parts, and to understand the categories within a whole.

Executive function

the conscious control of thoughts, emotions, and actions to accomplish goals or solve problems


the knowledge of and selection about memory processes. one component of metacognition (related to academic performance because it allows learners to reflect upon the strategies they are using and select those that are most effective)

There are gender differences in pragmatics among children. Generally, which of the following correctly describes boys' pragmatics? Select all that apply.

the use negative interruptions, controlling statements, and competitive statements


to avoid overweight and prevent cardiac problems, children, like adults, should only get 25-30% of their total calories from fat and less than 10% of the total from saturated fat. ~20% of children skip breakfast (associated with greater risk of obesity)

Which of the following is true of working memory

training programs can improve working memory. research indicates as many as 10% of school aged children suffer from poor working memory. the efficiency of working memory increases greatly in middle school, laying the foundation for a wide range of cognitive skills. individual differences in working memory capacity are also linked to a child's ability to acquire knowledge and new skills.

Most pediatricians recommend that parents should not buy ____ and that children should only be allowed to use them as part of a structured training program.


Which type of second-language learning values both languages taught in a school equally?

two-way (dual-language) learning

In 30% to 50% of cases of intellectual disability, the cause is


IQ tests

use is controversial. scores on IQ tests during middle childhood are good predictors of school achievement. IQ at age 11 has been found to predict length of life, functional independence late in life, and presence or absence of dementia.

In classrooms adopting a ______ approach, beginning readers are taught to recognize words or even entire sentences and to use the context of what they read to guess at the meaning of words.


The approach to reading instruction that emphasizes visual retrieval and the use of contextual cues is called the ______ approach.


The improvement in processing speed and storage capacity leads to improvements in ____ memory.


obesity rate

worldwide rate has tripled since 1975. in US ~18.5% children aged 2-19 are obese & another 16.6% are overweight.

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