psych 3

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The tendency to interpret an object as always being the same size regardless of its distance from the viewer is __________.

size constancy

Which is one of the five basic tastes?

sweet, sour, salty, and bitter, broth

________ literally means "distant feeling" and is commonly used to refer to the claimed ability to read another person's thoughts, or mind reading.


What sensory receptors are triggered by chemical substances?

Receptors for taste and smell

What happens when sensory receptors are stimulated by outside energy?

They convert the energy into neural activity, sending messages to the brain.

Which of the following is true about pictorial depth cues?

They require visual cues from only one eye.

____ sense is the body process that is mostly to blame if you become dizzy after a long ride on a carousel at the amusement park.


______ sense is the body process that is mostly to blame if you become dizzy after a long ride on a carousel at the amusement park.


_________ states that the smallest difference between two stimuli that is detectable 50 percent of the time is always a constant.

Weber's law

The __________ passes messages from the ear to the brain.

auditory nerve

Free nerve endings respond to:


basilar membran

part of the inner ear, which is lined with hair cells. The movement of these hair cells stimulate receptor cells to send messages via the auditory nerve to the auditory cortex in the brain.


process through which we detect physical energy from the environment and code that energy as neural signals.

Sound waves and light waves share:

properties of wavelength, amplitude, and purity.

The principle of similarity

reason we perceive objects that look similar as being part of the same group.

The image projected on the retina is:

flipped and upside down

Dominique is making a rice dish for 5 people that requires 4 teaspoons of salt. If one were to add just one more teaspoon of salt to their rice after tasting it, half of the time he/she would be able to notice a difference. If Dominique decides to triple her recipe to feed 15 people, which would call for a total of 12 teaspoons of salt, how many teaspoons of salt would need to be added for a person to be able to taste the difference half of the time?


Why does light adaptation occur so much more rapidly than dark adaptation?

Because cones can adapt to an increase in brightness faster than rods can adapt to a decrease in brightness.

Why is it so difficult to tell what you should focus on when you look at a reversible figure?

Because there is not enough visual information present to help you readily distinguish the figure from the ground.

__________ is the rotation of the two eyes in their sockets to focus on a single object.


Which of the following statements related to culture and perception is true?

Culture can affect visual perception.

How is it that the release of endorphins can reduce our sense of feeling pain?

Endorphins block the transmission of pain signals in the brain, and they inhibit the release of substance P in the spinal cord.

When you first put on your scarf, you can feel it quite easily. After a while, however, you forget that you are wearing a scarf at all—the sensation is gone. Which of the following processes is occurring?


Which of the following is true about depth perception?

It helps one to judge how far away objects are.

Research has shown that subliminal perception:

The detection of stimuli that are below the threshold of conscious awareness; non conscious perception.

autokinetic illusion

a person may perceive an object as moving when it is not

The sense of pain can be diminished by:

a sense of control

Amber can hear the horn from the train that runs 20 miles away from her house 50% of the time that the horn toots. If she were any further away from the train, her chances of hearing the horn would decrease. In this situation, which of the following concepts is being demonstrated?

absolute threshold

_____ is also called a muscular cue.


tympanic membrane

another word for the eardrum. It is positioned between the ear canal and the middle ear. Sound waves vibrate the eardrum, and are then passed on to the middle ear.

When you smell baking bread, the bread odor particles:

are in the nose

In the figure-ground relationship, one has a tendency to perceive objects:

as existing on a background.

Where is the retina located?

back of eye

Normal aging causes loss of hair cells in the:


Closure is the tendency to:

complete figures that are incomplete.

In Gestalt theories, the principle of closure refers to the tendency to:

complete incomplete figures.

in Gestalt theories, the principle of closure refers to the tendency to:

complete incomplete figures.

It is the combination of __________ and the rate at which they are firing that determine the color that is seen.


The olfactory bulbs are located:

directly below the frontal lobes.

In opponent-process theory, there are _______ primary colors.


The best current explanation for how pain works is the __________.

gate-control theory

The tendency of the brain to stop attending to constant, unchanging information is known as:


Depth perception seems to develop:

in early infancy.

The research of Ernst Weber led to the formulation of a theory of:

just noticeable differences

Several hours after falling asleep, Naomi awakes realizing that she has to go to the bathroom. After turning on the bathroom light, it takes her eyes several seconds to adjust to the brightness of the room. In this example, Naomi is experiencing ________.

light adaptation

The tendency for lines that are actually parallel to seem to converge, as when you look down a long interstate highway, is __________.

linear perspective

You're in your car driving down the highway and you notice that as you look down the straight road, the sides of the road seem to merge together at some point. Which cue of depth perception best relates to this visual experience?

linear perspective

The deep bass tones rattling the windows of the car next to you at a red light are at a:

low pitch

A Müller-Lyer illusion

mage comprised of two lines, identical in length. One line has arrows on each end that arch away from the line, making it appear longer. The other line has arrows on each end that flex inward toward the line, making it appear shorter. previous

When you smell an odor, which aspect of the substance you are smelling actually enters your nose to create the sensation of smell?

molecules of the substance

When Stephen looks out at a field of red, purple, and yellow tulips, he can only see shades of gray. His condition is:

monochrome color blindness


monocular cue, also called interposition. When there are overlapping objects, the object that is blocking the sight of another object is perceived as closer.

The apparent distance hypothesis, which is a basic error in our application of size constancy, is the best explanation that we have for the __________ illusion.


The ________ illusion tends to occur more in societies with lots of buildings that have straight lines and corners.

muller- lyer

___ cells have a single dendrite at one end and a single axon at the other.


__________ distributed all over the surface of our bodies allow us to sense touch, temperature, and pain.

nerve endings

Rods are visual sensory receptors responsible for:

non-color sensitivity to low levels of light

In the figure-ground relationship, one has a tendency to perceive objects:

or figures, as existing on a background

The __________ contains the receptor cells for the sense of hearing.

organ of Corti

Receptors for sound in the ear are known as:

organ of corti

Visually, the concept of brightness constancy causes the brain to:

perceive apparent brightness in a constant manner.

One's tendency to perceive things in a certain way because of previous experience or expectation is called __________.

perceptual set

As many as 50 to 80 percent of people who have had amputations experience a condition called:

phantom limb

"Packets" of light waves are referred to as __________.


What portion of the ear serves as a funnel for sound from the outside world?


Sound wavelengths are interpreted by the brain as:


Long wavelengths are at the __________ end of the visible spectrum, whereas short wavelengths are at the __________ end.

red; blue

Which part of the eye receives sensory signals and relays that information to the brain?


The three aspects to the perception of light are brightness, color, and __________.


Kinesthetic sense involves:

sensory neurons called proprioceptors

While walking past her bed, Crystal stomped her toe on the bed's post and experienced severe pain that eventually subsided. What type of pain did Crystal experience?


Cooking grease splatters John while he is making breakfast, and he quickly jumps away from the stove. The pain he experiences is best described as ________ pain.

somatic pain

If you are experiencing habituation your sensory receptors are

still responding to stimuli

The phi phenomenon is related to:

stroboscopic motion

Many people believe that some stimuli act upon the unconscious mind and influence behavior, a process called __________.

subliminal perception

Many people believe that some stimuli act upon the unconscious mind and influence behavior, a process called:

subliminal perception

Researchers have found that for a person to notice a smell in a room, the smallest amount of scent needed is one drop of perfume diffused throughout a three-room apartment.

the absolute threshold for the sense of smell.


the bumps on the tongue in which taste buds are embedded.

Binocular disparity

the difference in image reaching each retina. The closer we are to the object, the greater the binocular disparity.

When you close your eyes and raise your hand above your head, you know where your hand is because of:

the kinesthetic sense

The blind spot in the eye is due to:

the lack of photoreceptors in the optic disc

There are two kinds of vestibular organs, the:

the otolith organs and the semicircular canals

During her flight to Chicago, Ariel's plane experienced severe turbulence. As a result, Ariel became sick to her stomach. Ariel's sickness may be best explained by ______.

the sensory conflict theory

Absolute threshold

the smallest amount of energy needed for a person to detect a stimulus (light, sound, pressure, taste, or odor) 50 percent of the time.


the tendency to perceive objects that are close to one another as part of the same group.

If you stare at something for a long time, it does not disappear because:

tiny movements of the eyes keep them from adapting to what they see

The use of preexisting knowledge to organize individual features into a unified whole is known as:

top-down processing.

The process of converting outside stimuli into neural activity is called __________.


Lindemann proposed that the most recent taste to be identified should be called:


______ pain is detected in the organs.


At the age of 62, Jeremiah has developed a hardening in the lens of his eyes that inhibits him from being able to focus on objects that are close to him. Jeremiah's visual problem appears to be related to the process of ____

visual accommodation

Wever and Bray theorized that groups of auditory neurons take turns firing in a process called


__________ states that the smallest difference between two stimuli that is detectable 50 percent of the time is always a constant.

webbers law

Subliminal perception

when our thoughts or behaviors are influenced by stimuli we are not aware of—that is, we are not able to report the presence of the stimuli.

Research suggests that perception may be influenced by all of the following except:

whether someone is right-brained versus left-brained.

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