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Critics argue that deeper processing produces better memory because deeper encoding tasks take longer to do than shallow tasks. Craik and Tulving showed that the level of processing effect is not based on differences in encoding time because

A phonological encoding task (vowel-consonant pattern matching) produces worse memory performance than a meaning encoding task even though the phonological task takes longer to do

What is an accidental angle in object recognition?

A viewpoint at which important geon structures are obscured

Information remains in iconic memory for

About 1 second

What is the major difference between the attentional filter as described in Broadbent's theory and Treisman's theory?

According to Treisman, the filter is goal-directed

What is inattentional blindness?

People do not perceive visual stimuli to which they do not attend

What is the misinformation effect?

People's memory of a witnessed event is negatively affected by exposure to incorrect information after the event

Why does practice improve performance on divided attention tasks?

Practice allows one to automatize a task, thus reducing the need to invoke controlled processes.

Sally and Sue are two brain damaged patients. Which of the following examples represents a double dissociation?

Sally has good semantic memory but poor episodic memory, whereas Sue has good episodic memory but poor semantic memory.

By having subjects viewed pictures of faces and houses, O'Craven et al. showed that the brain takes possession of objects using attention. What did they find?

Activity in the fusiform area increases when people pay attention to the faces relative to houses

What is the primacy effect?

After studying a sequence of items, people are more likely to remember items after studied early in the sequence than in the middle of the sequence.

Testing is better than re-studying for performance on a final test if the delay between taking the initial test and the final test is short (i.e., < 30 min)


What is the fat-face-thin illusion?

Fat faces appear thinner when presented upside down

Your book explains that brief episodes of retrograde amnesia (e.g. the traumatic disruption of newly formed memories when a football player takes a hit to the head and can't recall the last play before the hit) reflect

A failure of memory consolidation

Category specific deficits in object recognition provide support for the existence of the following stage in object recognition:

Semantic system

Amnesic patients cannot recall events that they have experienced in explicit memory tests, but their performance on implicit tests show that they have some capacity to learn. What causes this difference?

Amnesic patients cannot enter retrieval mode.

Patient M.B. damaged his brain in a car accident of Feb 1, 2013 and became amnesic. Today is March 1. You ask him what he did on Feb 14, 2013 and he does not remember. Assuming that this forgetting is caused by amnesia, how would you characterize this amnesia?

Anterograde Amnesia

Why didn't Spitzer find a testing effect after 21 days?

Because the initial test occurred too late

In Donders' experiment on decision making, when subjects were asked to press one button if the left illuminates and another button if the right light illuminates, they were engaged in a

Choice reaction time task

How can a person exceed the limit of short term memory capacity? I am referring to the amount of information that can be retained (7 +/- 2), not how long information can be retained.

Chunk information into larger units

The branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of the mind is called

Cognitive psychology

How did researchers show that changed blindness can be caused by differences in social groups?

College student show change blindness towards construction workers but not towards other college students -Does not notice it as much when they are in the same age group

What does fMRI measure?

Concentration of oxygen in the blood stream in the brain

Farah argued that people can lose their ability to recognize faces but not objects beacuse recognition of faces requires a different cognitive process compared with recognition of other objects. What is this process?

Configural processing

In the telephone game, one person whispers a story to the second person who does the same to the third person and so on. When the last person recites the story to the group, his or her reproduction of the story is generally shorter than the original and contains many omissions and inaccuracies. This game shows how memory is a ________ process.


What brain structure enables communication between the left and right hemispheres?

Corpus collosum

A fill in the blank question is an example of a

Cued recall test

What is source monitoring?

Each event is remembered by both of its content (e.g. a phone conversation) and the source of that content (e.g. with whom did one have that phone conversation), and different factors affect the remembrance of each

In one video that you saw in class, a patient suffering from visual agnosia can identify a string but not the tea bag that is attached to the bottom of the string. Which of the following object recognition stage is likely preserved in this patient?

Edge grouping by collinearity -Can see edges but can not make out what it is

What is another term for active attention?

Endogenous orienting

What is the difference between the approach of experimental cognitive psychology and the approach of behaviorism?

Experimental cognitive psychologists want to explain why people behave the way they do -They care about WHY not HOW

Which of the following does not support the idea that face recognition is special (relative to other object recognition)?

Expertise effect -Become experts at recognizing faces

Organic amnesia is always caused by brain damage to the medial-temporal lobe. Dissociative fugue is always caused by the occurrence of a psychological trauma.


HJA (John) is able to identify an inverted T when it is presented by itself, but he can not identify an inverted T when it is surrounded by a number of upright T's. Based on these results, what stage of object recognition is damaged in HJA?

Feature binding

Patient DF suffered damage to her temporal lobe and could no longer match a card in her hand to the orientation of a slot on the wall. But she was able to

Fit the card into the slot if she was told to pretend that she was mailing a letter

Which of the following brain structure is important for face recognition?

Fusiform area

You look at a rope coiled on a beach and are able to perceive it as a single strand because of the law of

Good continuation → collinearity

On some level, Larry (the American prosopagnosic patient in the video shown in class) can recognize faces because

He shows heightened skin response when he make a face identification error

What is the difference between iconic memory and afterimage?

Iconic memory resides in the brain; afterimage resides in the retina

What is the function of lateral inhibition?

Increase the contrast edges

Encoding specificity principle predicts that memory performance is best when

Information is retrieved in the same manner as it was encoded -Recall from same condition where it was learned

This multiple choice question is an example of a

Recognition test

According to the modal model proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin, what causes information to transfer from short-term memory to long-term memory?

Keep information short-term for a long time by rehearsal

In a brain ablation study, Ungerleider and Mishkin (1982) showed that lesions to the parietal area of the monkey brain disrupted performance on a task. What is it?

Landmark Discrimination task

Wong and Weisstein showed that perception of objects presented in the figure (ex of the face-goblet picture) is

More precise than perception of objects presented in the background

It is easier to find patients who demonstrate impaired recognition of natural objects but normal recognition of artificial objects than to find patients who show the opposite deficits. Why?

Natural objects are defined by their appearance and artificial objects are defined by their functions

You are doing an experiment in which you have to choose between the object that you have seen previously (the target object) and another object. Choosing the target object will result in a reward. What task are you doing?

Object discrimination task

Which of the following assumption is held by the multiple-views perspective of object recognition?

Object recognition performance is affected by the angle at which an object appears

John Watson believed that psychology should focus on the study of

Observable behavior

Where is the blind spot in our eye?

Optic Disc

Which of the following neuroimaging techniques has the worst temporal resolution?

PET → Positron emission tomography

Which of the following is double dissociation?

Patient A shows normal performance in task X but impaired performance in task Y, and patient B shows normal performance in task Y but impaired performance in task X

Which of the following neuroimaging techniques has the best spatial resolution?

Single Cell Recording

In one experiment, Roediger and Karpicke manipulated how subjects learn foreign vocabulary by varying the number of times subjects restudy or recall the words. Subjects also predicted their memory performance fora test that will occur one week later. The results of this experiment show that

Subjects produced grossly incorrect prediction of their performance

HM suffered amnesia due to the removal of brain regions in his

Temporal lobe

What can scientists do with transcranial magnetic stimulation?

Temporarily impair a specific brain region

Which of the following is a characteristic of the testing effect?

Testing slows down forgetting, and it benefits persist over time

According to Biederman, which of the following is not important for object recognition?

Texture of the object

Which of the following is an accurate description for deeply amnesic patients like HM and KC?

They are unable to recall any episodic events from long term memory, regardless of when the events occurred.

Which of the following is the deepest level of processing?

Think about whether a word represents a concrete object

What is the specialization of rod cells in the retina?

To see in the dark

Maria took a drink from a container marked "milk". Surprised, she quickly spit out the liquid because it turned out that the container was filled with orange juice instead. Maria likes orange juice, so why did she have such a negative reaction to it? Her response was most affected by

Top-down processing -Her expectation of tasting milk NOT orange juice which affected her perception

Akinetopsia refers to a condition in which patients lose their perception of visual motion, which visual area is damaged in these patients?


Members of a security team are stationed on rooftops surrounding a large city plaza before a scheduled rally. Suddenly, three team members in different locations radio in to the command center, each stating that they have spotted a suspicious box on the ground with a pipe coming out of the top . What enables the security team members to report seeing the sme object despite being stationed on different rooftops?

Viewpoint invariance

Behrmann and Tipper showed left neglect patients a barbell. The patients focused on the right side of the barbell. At this point, the barbell rotates 180 degrees and the patients now focused on the left side of the barbell. What does this experiment show us?

Visual attention can be object-based.

What is the dichotic listening task?

When different auditory messages are presented to each ear

What is the reminiscence bump?

When people recall events that occurred over their lifetime , they recall more events that occurred during adolescence and young adulthood other than any other periods

What is shadowing?

When people repeat out loud an auditory message as he/she listens to that message

In an experiment comparing amnesiacs and healthy controls, Warrington and Weiskrantz (1970) showed that amnesiacs have the capacity to learn. In which of the following memory test did the amnesiacs perform as well as the control patients?

Word fragment identification

If it takes you 20 trials to learn a poem the first time and 15 trials to learn the same poem the second time . What is the percentage of savings?

a. 25% 20-15 5 1 -------- = ------- = ------ 20 20 4 Original Learning - Retrieved Learning * 100 ------------------------------------------------------------ Original Learning

Based on what we discussed during the short-term/working memory lectures, which of the following sequence of letters would be easiest to remember a. D P K W L b. W M Q S C c. T U Z B I d. O X I D E

d. O X I D E - resembles a word rather than just jumbled random letters - chunking

Which of the following is consistent with the idea of functional localization? a. Specific areas of the brain serve different functions b. Neurons in different areas of the brain respond best to different stimuli c. Brain areas are specialized for specific functions d. All of the above

d. all of the above

Posner and Peterson suggested that three mechanisms underlie the visual attentional searchlight. Which of the following is NOT one of these three mechanisms? a. Engagement b. Shifting c. Disengagement d. Transfer

d. transfer

Which of the following is the highest level cognitive process?

decision making


dorsal posterior anterior ventral

Jacoby and Dallas demonstrated that implicit memory can be dissociated from explicit memory showing that

levels of processing does not apply to implicit memory, but it applies to explicit memory.

Which lobe in the brain is important for visual perception?


Neglect patients usually suffer damage to their

parietal lobe

You are an Introspectionist and you are asked to describe a pencil. Which of the following statements would violate the principles of Introspectionism?

the object is called a pencil

Being able to perceive the Necker cube in multiple ways is an example of

top down processing

The sentence "Ames in the the fall" is an example of...

top down processing

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