Psych 330 Chapter 10- Opiates

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Which of the following is true of the designer drug MPTP?

-It was sold on the street as designer heroin -It was designed to be MPPP -It attacks and destroys the substantia nigra

Endorphin release is produced by __________.

-Pain -Acupuncture -Running

Which of the following are symptoms of opioid withdrawal?

-Sneezing -Runny Nose -Diarrhea

Combinations of heroin and what other drugs would result in synergy?


Which of the following is not a result of opiate use?

Altered serotonergic neurotransmission

Pain relief produced without a loss of consciousness is called __________.


Males under the influence of opiate drugs frequently __________.

Are impotent

Opiate antagonists such as naloxone (Narcane) __________.

Block the effects of opiates

Which of the following is a major risk associated with the intravenous use of heroin?

Both infection and overdose

Dependence upon which of the following drugs is likely to be linked with physical withdrawal symptoms?

Both opiates and alcohol

_____ is a partial opiate agonist that is becoming popular as an alternative to methadone in the treatment of opiate addiction.


3. The "Opium Wars" of the 19th century were between Great Britain and:


Which of the following is a side effect of opiate drug use?


An early use for Heroin was as a treatment for:


What drug is often used as a cough suppressant?


Opiate drugs act by mimicking which neurotransmitter system?


The brain's "opiate receptors" respond to __________.


The recovery of many Vietnam veterans from heroin addiction reveals that __________.

Environment has much to do with recovery

______ developed the process that separated morphine from opium in 1803.

F.W. Serturner

Animals will not self-administer heroin or other opiates.


Injecting Suboxone results in more intense, longer-acting effects than heroin.


Opium comes from the coca leaf.


Recent high school senior surveys show that males are more likely to abuse prescription opiates than are females.


Smoking heroin causes AIDS.


Tolerance does not develop to opiate drugs.


Traces of heroin remain in urine for more than a month after a single injection.


Which of the following drugs is the most potent pain reliever?


Which of the following is a synthetic opioid that is 100 times more potent than morphine?


Opiate withdrawal symptoms are best characterized as __________.

Flu-like in nature

The federal law that prohibited non-medical use of opiates was the:

Harrison Act

The first major legislation controlling opiate drugs in the United States was the __________.

Harrison Narcotics Act (1914)

If a patient in drug withdrawal showed flu-like symptoms, they were probably withdrawing from:


Which drug is associated with "pinpoint" pupils?


Which of the following is true of heroin addiction?

Heroin addicts are generally uninterested in sex

What is the main difference between morphine and heroin?

Heroin more readily penetrates the blood-brain barrier.

Which of the following is true of Oxycontin (oxycodone)?

It is a perception Opiate drug

Which of the following is not an opiate?


An opiate "designer drug" that has been shown to produce Parkinson's-like symptoms in users is __________.


Morphine is to opium as THC is to __________.


The major active chemical in opium is __________.


Which of the following drugs produces analgesia?


A heroin overdose can be treated with:

Naloxone (Narcane)

Which of the following is NOT a major opium producing region?

New Guinea

Discuss the history of opiate drug use from its introduction to Western society up until the passage of the Harrison Narcotic Act.


Discuss the recent epidemic in prescription opiate abuse. What are the reasons for this increase? What steps can be taken to address this problem?


What are endorphins? Discuss their functions and relationships to opiate drugs.


What are the major physiological and psychological effects of opiate drugs, and what are the major opiate withdrawal symptoms?


What does the use of heroin by Vietnam veterans teach us about addiction?


_____ is a drug that was designed for treatment of severe pain and involves a time-release of high doses of painkiller.


Intravenous drug users represent __________ of AIDS cases.

Over 25%

The rise in illegal use of prescription opiates in the first few years of this century was largely related to what drug?


Which of the following prescription painkillers was reformulated in 2010 to prevent abusers from crushing it into an injectable or snortable form?


Which of the following is a synthetic opiate?


Endorphins are thought to be involved with which of the following functions?

Pain Relief

Which of the following effects are characteristic of opiate drugs?

Pain Relief

The plant from which opium is made is __________.

Papaver somniferum

Opium comes from the __________.

Poppy plant

The major medical use for opiate drugs is treatment of __________.

Severe Pain

"Chasing the dragon" refers to ____________ heroin.


_____ is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone.


Which of the following is true of opiate withdrawal?

Symptoms peak in about 48 to 72 hrs.

Opium was first used by:

The Sumerians and Assyrians

Which of the following is true of a comparison between depressant drugs (like alcohol) and opiate drugs (like heroin)?

They show additive effects or synergy

Depressants and opiates potentiate one another.


Heroin addicts suffering from withdrawal symptoms sometimes report having orgasms.


Methadone is an opiate drug.


Most heroin entering the U.S. today comes from Latin American countries.


Naloxone blocks the effects of heroin and other opiates.


Opiate drugs cause constipation.


Over-the-counter medications of the late nineteenth century frequently contained opiates such as heroin.


The effects of opiate drugs are produced by triggering the brain's endorphin systems.


The number of new needle-borne HIV cases has declined rapidly in recent years.


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