psych 4/10

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rats given a drug that enhances long term potentiation (LTP) will learn a maze with half the usual number of mistakes. This suggests that...

LTP provides a neural basis for learning and remembering

Taste: 1 gram of table salt in 500 liters of water; smell: one drop of perfume diffused throughout a 3 room apartment; touch: the wing of a bee falling on your cheek from a height of one centimeter away. these there examples of:

The absolute threshold for our senses

Dylan's mother buys him a sailors cap before they go on a family fishing trip. on the boat, Dylan gets nauseated and vomits. the next day he gets nauseated just looking at the sailors cap. the sailors cap has become...

The conditioned stimulus

Robert Sternberg and Howard Gardner would likely agree that

There are multiple types of intelligence, and talent in one area does not necessarily predict how someone would perform in another area

The idea that dreams represent wish fulfillment comes from which theory of dream interpretation?

Transformation dream analysis

Psychology is considered a science mainly because it relies on direct observation. which field of psychology support this?


The name of the transparent protective coating over the front part of the eye is...


Intrinsic motivation is thought to be an important component of...


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of REM sleep

delta waves

of the following, which is the best example of divergent thinking in problem-solving?

devising as many solutions as possible

Sean sell shoes for a living. his salary depends on how many shoes he can sell in a 2 week period of time. what schedule of reinforcement is Sean being paid on?

fixed ratio

When asked to name all of the states of the United States, Steven mentally pictures a map and starts naming the states from West to East. Steven's strategy is useful during the process of...


Which part of the brain is responsible for combining sounds into words and arranging words into meaningful sentences

Broca's area

Noam Chomsky's view of language proposes that...

people have an inherent language acquisition device

a defendant is harassed and tortured until he confesses. this is an example of...

Negative reinforcement

during a psychological experiment, a researcher uses a probe to lesion the ventromedial hypothalamus. after the procedure the rat most likely will

eat more and gain weight

which of the following categories did sternberg propose that contributed to intelligence

verbal ability, performance skill, vocabulary

iconic memory is to echoic memory as...

visual stimulation is auditory stimulation

Which of the following psychologist was a structuralist?

wilhelm wundt

which of the following best illustrates the concept of content validity?

a test is determined to accurately assess the learning of material in a particular course

In order for a person to be hypnotized, the hypnotist must do which of the following?

Suggest what the subject will experience during hypnosis

Mrs. Jackson, an English teacher, gives pop quizzes to her students every marking period. this is an example of

Variable interval schedule of reinforcement

Sternberg would say that it is necessary to have _________intelligence to design the interior of a home, but they would need ______ intelligence to do well on their final exams.

Creative; analytical

According to Jean piaget, at what stages of development are children able to grasp the concept of object permanence and conservation, respectively question

Formal operational; preoperational

homeostatic theories of motivation argue that...

Humans are motivated to seek an internal physiological balance

When will use the word "automobile" to refer to a category of transport vehicles, we are using the word as a(n)


Jahamal cites his cousin Luana's many car accidents as evidence that women are worse drivers than men. He overlooks the fact that his wife and three daughters have all had far fewer far accidents that he and his two sons, Jahamal's prejudicial conclusion about women's driving skills best illustrates the effects of...

confirmation bias

walking into your bedroom, you think, "I need to get my backpack in the kitchen". when you reach the kitchen, you forget what you came there for. as you return to your bedroom, you suddenly remember, "Backpack!" this sudden recall is best explained by...

context effects

which of the following theories suggests that a physiological need creates a state of tension that motivates an organism to satisfy the need?

drive reduction

People are told that a chemical in the air is projected to kill 10 out of every 10million people . people feel more frightened than if told the fatality risks are .000001. This best illustrates the importance of...


Participants are asked to look at a picnic scene and to indicate several ways that people in the scene might deal with a sudden rainstorm. One of the objects in the scene is a picnic basket. however, most of the participants failed to notice that the basket could be used as protection from the rain. this failure is most likely a manifestation of...

functional fixedness

a teenager was given a new phone as a gift and thought the old phone should be thrown away, not realizing the old phone could be used as a musical player to avoid taking up space on the new phone. This example best illustrates...

functional fixedness

greg stays up all night during finals week studying for exams. as the week progresses, his muscles tighten and he develops a still neck. by the last day of finals, he is taking more frequent breaks, leaning back in the desk chair, and staring off into space. he arrives for the last test with a sore throat and headache. which of the following best describes gregs response to stress?

general adaptation syndrome

the Same ranchers discover that now not only will the coyotes not attack the treated cheap but also they will not attack nearby sheep. this is an example of...


In trying to figure out how to copy and paste an item into a document, Ariene can try all possible key combinations or she could check the pull down menus, a much faster way to solve this problem. Ariene is relying on...


unlike implicit memories, explicit memories are processed by the...


which of the following concepts explains motivation in terms of an organism seeing to maintain internal equilibrium


As a preschooler, Emma has developed a number of cognitive and social skills that she will use to assume responsibility. according to Erikson, what stage of psychosocial development is Emma in?

initiative vs guilt

While taking his math placement exam, Spencer became stuck on one problem. with only 5 minutes left, he suddenly arrived at the answer. this is an example of


the hypothalamus plays a role in the regulation of food intake. which of the following most accurately characterizes how it does so?

it acts with the endocrine system to control hunger and satiety

A failure to develop a consistent identity results in...

role confusion

individuals who exhibit a strong moral sense, accept themselves as they are, are deeply democratic in nature, and are willing to act independently of social and cultural pressures would be describes by Maslow as...

self actualized

anorexia nervosa disorder is marked by...

self starvation and failure to maintain at least 85% of normal body weight

Robbie has been sitting in the hot tub for 30 minutes. he emerges and immediately jumps into the nearby pool. Robbie screams because he feels that the pool water is freezing. what phenomena cause Bobby surprise?

sensory adaptation

a rat is injected with adrenaline and then is trained to perform a novel task, later, it is found that he performs the same task best when given a dose of adrenaline. this finding is consistent with research on...

state-dependent memory

Roberts dog, Fuzzy, runs to Robert when he says, "come". if one day, Fuzzy comes running when Robert says "dumb", we might say that Fuzzy has demonstrated...

stimulus generalization

Psychodynamic psychology focuses mainly on which of the following?

thoughts, impulses, and desires beyond the conscious being

which of the following is NOT a depressant?


When the molecules of a skunks spray enter your nose, the molecules are transformed into electrical signals, or impulses, that are interpreted by the brain as an unpleasant odor. this is an example of...


one of the consistent research findings in the area of facial expressions and emotion is the...

universality of facial expressions across cultures

Research findings suggest that the best advice to give to people who want to avoid believe perseverance is...

"Consider the opposite"

Which of the following coefficients of a correlation indicates the weakest relationship between 2 variables?


how many phonemes are in the word "bat"


upon taking the original stanford-binet intelligence test, ten yr old sam is judged to have a mental age of a nine yr old. sam would therefore have been assigned an IQ of


After several attempts at escape with no success, electrically shocked dogs give up. at that moment the gates open and the dogs could simply walk out, but they don't; instead they just sit there. this could most likely be explained by the concept of...

Learned helplessness

Damage to the cerebellum would most likely result in...

Loss of muscular coordination

I believe people choose to live meaningful lives. I share many of the same beliefs as Carl Rogers. most important, I believe many people have the ability to reach self actualization. who am I?


Which of the following is true of classical conditioning?

UCS produces UCR

an EEG records...

Electrical impulses from the brain

when confronted with the sequence "______N______" at the end of a word in a crossword puzzle, Tony inserts the letters "I" and "G" in the two blanks because that procedure has often led to the correct answer in previous puzzles. this example illustrates the use of...

an algorithim

Austin cant remember jack smith's name because he wasn't paying attention when jack was formally introduced. austin'jjs poor memory can best be explained in terms of...

encoding failure

the __________ is a limbic system region that controls the endocrine system


a viking Explorer sets out on a journey to unexplored new lands hoping to acquire wealth and admiration from his peers. which of the following theories of motivation best explains this particular explorers voyage?

incentive theory

People are likely to take less time to recognize a woman as a nurse than a man as a nurse because a woman more closely resembles their nurse...


as a car drives away, it projects a smaller and smaller image on your retina. although the retina image grow smaller, you do not perceive the car as shrinking because of...

size constancy

which of the following best describes explicit memories

the result of effortful processing

The standard deviation of a sample of test scores is a measure of...

Central tendency of scores

group 1 is asked to write down the names of the seven deadly sins. group 2 is asked to look at a list of possible names of the sins and circle the correct seven. Why might group 2 be more likely to recall more sins?

Group 2's lost provides more retrieval cues, making this recognition task easier for them

What is one major difference between operant conditioning and classical conditioning?

Operant conditioning takes place as a result of some voluntary action, while classical conditioning takes place without choice

___________ is an example of a sympathetic NS response

Preparing yourself to fight off an attacking dog

During a discussion in class regarding cheating in school, a student argues "cheating is wrong; it is important to follow the rules" Lawrence Kohlberg would say this student is in what stage of moral development?


Which of the following is not a monocular cue?


In an experiment, Meghna is going to investigate how alcohol affects aggression. the number of alcoholic drinks the subject has is called...

Independent variable

"We feel sorry because we cry, angry because we strike, afraid because we tremble." this quote summarizes which of the following theories of emotional response?

James-Lange theory

A 4 year old boy was accidentally shot in the head. nearly his entire left hemisphere was removed but just 3 years later he was nearly completely normal. what term best explains the ability of the brain to "rewire" itself, especially when we are young?


After overcoming her fear of the dentist, Jada finds out she needs a root canal. on her way to the dentist office, her old fears and anxieties return and she begins to panic. this is an example of...

Spontaneous recovery

when paula takes her AP psychology exam, the proctor reads from a set of instructions, which all students are told to follow precisely. her friend taking the same exam at the same time in a different location was given the same instructions. which of the following is best described in this scenario?


the james-lange theory of emotion would describe the experience of emotion in which order?

Stimulus, arousal, emotion

Jackie suffered from symptoms similar to those associated with appendicitis that she erroneously concluded that she needed to have her appendix removed. jackie's conclusion best illustrates the influence of

The representativeness heuristic

The final step required to convert vibrations in to sounds sensations takes place in which part of the ear?


Which statement best defines dependency?

a change in the nervous system occurs so that a person now needs to take the drug to prevent withdrawal symptoms

stanely schachters explanation of emotions places emphasis on...

a cognitive appraisal of physiological arousal

The process by which the tiny electrical current is generated when the positive sodium ions rush inside the Axon, causing the inside of the Axon to reverse its charge, is called...

action potential

a chess playing computer program that routinely calculates all possible outcomes of all possible game moves best illustrates problem solving by means of...

an algorithim

The sight of a needle can trigger fear in some people. why is this an example of classical conditioning?

as People get older they overcome this fear

while reading a novel at a rate of nearly 500 words per minute, Morgan effortlessly understands almost every word. this highlights the importance of...

automatic processing

which of the following situations poses an approach-approach conflict for a person who only listens to classical music?

choosing to study with one of two friends, both of whom listen to classical music while studying

In the words "preview" and "precede" the "pre" prefix is a(n)


THE GRAPH ABOVE supports whish of the following statements

optimal performance is a function of task difficulty and level of arousal

Two-yr-old Mica tells her grandmother that the new couch "costed" too much. the scenario illustrates that children...

overgeneralize the use of grammatical rules

the Vietnamese language has the sound that goes with the letters "NG" at the beginning of words, including names. Americans have difficulty hearing and speaking that sound. that sound is a kind of...


according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following statements is true?

physiological needs must be met before an individual achieves self actualization

when Loftus and Palmer asked observers of a filmed car accident how fast the vehicles were going when they "smashed" into one another rather than "hit" on another, the observers developed memories of the accident that...

portrayed the event as more serious than it actually had been

Food, Sex, and water are considered examples of...

primary reinforcers

which of the following is a best illustration of the effect of framing in memory?

subjects report different speeds of the cars involved in a videotaped automobile accident depending on whether or not they were asked how fast the cars were traveling when they "made contact" vs "smashed into" eachother

Which of the following are most responsible for triggering our appetite and cuing us that we are full, respectively?

the lateral hypothalamus; the ventromedial hypothalamus

Black and white vision with the greatest sensitivity under low levels of illumination describe the role of...

the rods

students often remember more information from a course that spans an entire semester than from a course that is completed in an intensice three-week learning period. this best illustrates the importance of...

the spacing effect

A group of ranchers attempt to discourage coyotes from attacking their sheep by placing a substance on the wool of the sheep that makes coyotes violently ill if they eat it. very quickly, the coyotes avoid the sheep entirely. in this scenario, what are the UCS, CS, and CR respectively?

the substance, the sheep's wool, aversion to sheep,

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