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the first psychologist therapy was introduced by

Sigmund Freud

what would be most helpful for encouraging adults

a token economy

an important feature of client centered therapy is

active listening

xanac and ativan are

antianxiety drugs

melissa sufers auditory hallucinations


antidepressant drugs are increasingky prescrived

anxiety disorder

systematic desensitization

associating a pleasant relaxed state with anxiety arousing stimuli

help adult client fear of venutring his or his own home


in which form of therapy is unwanted behavior systematically associated

aversive conditioning

two counterconditioning techniques for replacing unwanted

aversive conditoning and exposure therapy

persuading depressed patients to reverse their catastrophizing beliefs

becks cognitive therapy

Psychoanalytical techniques are designed primarily to help patients

become aware of their repressed conflicts and impulses

psychological research on the principles of learning as most directly influenced

behavior therapy

schizophrenia is a disorder that is most likely to be treated with

biomedical therapies

lithium has been found in treat

bipolar disorder

which drug dampens responsiveness to irrelevant stimuli in schizophrenia


carl rogers is known for the development of

client centered therapy

which therapeutic approach emphasized that ppl are often disturbed

cognitive therapy

in classical conditioning therapies

conditioned responses

a procedure that trains people to make new responses to stimuli


psychoanalysts would be most likely to discourage patients from

discontinuing psychotherapy whenever they felt it was no longer necessary

tardive dykinisia


biomedical treatment widely used

drug therapy

Dr. Bryne is a clinical psychologist.. operant conditoning


which of following severely deprssed patient

electroconclusive therapy

humanistic therapies are most likely to

emphasize the importance of self awareness for psychological adjustments

a useful ft of group therapu

encourages clients to improve their communication skills

repeatedly introducing people to try things they fear and avoid is most

exposure therapies

mr eberstadt addiciton

fam therapist

freud is to _ as rogers is to _

free association, active listening

insight therapies aim to improve psychological functioning by

increasing patients awarness of their own motives and defenses

psycho dynamic therapies try to understand patients current symptoms

interpersonal relationships

counterconditioning techniques were derived from principles first developed by

ivan pavlov

inserting medical instrument through eye socke


1950 hans eyseneck

no more beneficial than no treatment at all

dual action antidepressants drugs work increas

norepinephrine and serptonin

praising socially withdrawn children when they have eye contact

operant conditioning

best description of behavior modification

patients actions are influenced by controlling the consequences

virtual reality exposure therapy is most likely to prove effective


dr miller prescribes with chronic depression


Mr choi's therapist wants to help him be aware of his conflicting childhood feeling


study of effect of drugs on mind and behavior


Psychological disorders that researchers believed are learned, such as phobias, are most likely to be treated with


stress innoculation training focused on helping people to

replace nwgative self talk with more positive comments

according to freud, a patients hesitation to free associate is most likely a sign of


antipsychotic drugs have proved helpful treatment


cognitive therapist are most likely to emphasize that emotional disturbance

self blaming and overgeneralized explanations of bad events

prozac antidepressant blocks


prozac soloft paxil


form of cog therapy

stress incolulation training

which of the following best illustrates a form of psychotheraphy

systematic desensitization

which drug with schizophrenia woith parani


the expression toward a therapist of feelings linked with earlier relationships is known as


carl rogers is referred to a caring, nonjudgemental attitude as

unconditional positive rehard

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