Psych 7A Chapter 16

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When Armen first heard the hit song "Gotta Love It," he wasn't at all sure he liked it. The more often he heard it played, however, the more he enjoyed it. Armen's reaction illustrates

the mere exposure effect

Caitlin concluded that her husband was late for dinner because he was caught in heavy traffic. Her conclusion best illustrates

a situational attribution

Studies of role-playing most directly highlight the effects of

actions on attitudes

Conformity is best described as

adjusting one's behavior or thinking toward a group standard.

Verbal behavior intended to hurt another person is an example of


Research on the biology of aggression has clearly demonstrated that

animals can be bred for aggressiveness

Hostilities between the Iraqi Sunni and Shia and between Northern Ireland Protestant and Catholic illustrate the irony that sometimes the greatest dislike is expressed between groups that

are much more alike than different

Feelings, often based on our beliefs, that predispose us to respond in particular ways to objects, people, and events are called


Research on the effects of playing violent video games most clearly provides evidence that disconfirms the

catharsis hypothesi

Feeling responsible for behavior that violates our conscience is most likely to contribute to

cognitive dissonance

When no weapons of mass destruction were found following the U.S. invasion of Iraq, some Americans revised their memories of the main rationale for going to war. The text author suggests that we can best explain why people changed their memories in terms of

cognitive dissonance theory.

Equity and self-disclosure are important to the development of

companionate love

Class members are asked to work cooperatively in groups on major course papers. Every member of a group is to receive exactly the same grade based on the quality of the group's paper. This situation is most likely to lead to


Individuals who are normally law-abiding may vandalize and loot when they become part of a mob. This change in behavior is best understood in terms of


. Masked bandits might be more likely than unmasked bandits to physically injure their victims due to


When the participants in Milgram's study were later surveyed about taking part in the research, most reported that they

did not regret taking part in the experiment

An unjustifiable and usually negative attitude toward a group and its members is called


Initially prejudiced heterosexuals are likely to develop more accepting attitudes toward homosexuals following the experience of

face-to-face contact

The presence of many bystanders at the scene of an emergency increases the likelihood that any individual bystander will

fail to interpret the incident as an emergency

As Arlette walks through a shopping mall, she happens to pass an older woman who is sitting on a bench, clutching her arm, and moaning in pain. The presence of many other shoppers in the mall will most likely increase the probability that Arlette wil

fail to notice the older woman's problem.

The tendency for initial compliance with a small request to facilitate subsequent compliance with a larger request is known as the

foot-in-the-door phenomenon

A gap between modest goal attainments and very high goal expectations is most likely to trigger


After Ravi lost the student election for president of his high school class, he spread false rumors intended to spoil the newly chosen president's reputation. Ravi's behavior is best explained in terms of the

frustration-aggression principle

Compared with their nonplaying counterparts, kids who play a lot of violent video games have been found to

get into more arguments and fights

By providing prospective terrorists with electronic chat rooms for interfacing on line with others who share their attitudes, the Internet most likely serves as a medium for

group polarization

If the political conservatism of students who join fraternities and sororities is greater than that of students who do not, the gap in the political attitudes of the two groups will probably widen as they progress through college. This would be best explained in terms of

group polarization

In the years immediately following the introduction of school desegregation in the United States and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, White Americans expressed diminishing racial prejudice. According to the text author, this best illustrated the impact of

group polarization on stereotypes

The NASA executive who made the final decision to launch the space shuttle Challenger was shielded from information and dissenting views that might have led to a delay of the tragic launch. This best illustrates the dangers of

group think

The ingroup is the set of people with whom we share a common


People may unconsciously harbor negative racial associations. This best illustrate the subtle nature of

implicit attitudes

If researchers found that people take longer to identify words such as assertive and bold as "strong" when the words are associated with female faces rather than with male faces, this would be considered to illustrate

implicit prejudice

Conformity resulting from the acceptance of others' opinions about reality is said to be a response to

informational social influence

Bullying younger children earns Diego the attention and respect of many classmates. As a result, his bullying behavior increases. This most clearly suggests that his aggression is a(n)

learned response

Parents who discipline their children with beatings are often teaching aggression through the process of


Cross-cultural research on gender relations indicates that

people perceive their fathers as more intelligent than their mothers despite gender equality in intelligence scores.

Our first impressions of those we meet are most likely to be determined by their

physical appearance

Two social norms that influence altruistic behavior are

reciprocity and social facilitation

In explaining our own behavior or the behavior of those we know well, we often resort to

situational attributions

We have a tendency to overestimate the similarities among people we have sorted into a single category. This best illustrates the ________ roots of prejudice.


After a light turns green, drivers take about 15 percent less time to travel the first 100 yards when another car is beside them at the intersection than when they are alone. This best illustrates

social facilitation

Norman Triplett observed that adolescents wound a fishing reel faster in the presence of someone working simultaneously on the same task. This best illustrates

social facilitation

Blindfolded subjects were observed to clap louder when they thought they were clapping alone than when they thought they were clapping with others. This best illustrates

social loafing

The tendency for people to exert less effort when they are pooling their efforts toward a common goal is known as

social loafing

On which of the following tasks would the presence of observers be LEAST likely to lead to better and faster performance?

sovlling a crossword puzzl

Arturo believes that most young women from California are extremely good-looking and that extremely good-looking women are usually selfish and egotistical. His beliefs are examples of


The text indicates that the clusters of suicides that sometimes follow a highly publicized suicide may be the result of


After their country was ravaged by a series of earthquakes, two bitterly antagonistic political groups set aside their differences and worked cooperatively on effective disaster relief. This cooperation best illustrates the importance of

superordinate goals

After the Greenway family accepted their neighbor's invitation to Thanksgiving dinner, Mrs. Greenway felt obligated to invite the neighbors to Christmas dinner. Mrs. Greenway's sense of obligation most likely resulted from

teh fundamental attribution error

In all of Milgram's obedience experiments, participants were deceived about

the amount of shock the victim actually received.

. Mrs. Pinheiro fell on a busy city sidewalk and broke her leg. Although hundreds of pedestrians saw her lying on the ground, most failed to recognize that she was in need of medical assistance. Their oversight best illustrates one of the dynamics involved in

the bystander effect

If one student in a classroom begins to cough, others are likely to do the same. This best illustrates

the chameleon effect

Just hearing someone reading a neutral text in a sad voice creates "mood contagion" in listeners. This best illustrates

the chameleon effect

After giving in to her friends' request that she drink alcohol with them, 16-year-old Jessica found that she couldn't resist the pressure they exerted on her to try heroin. Her experience best illustrates

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon

A tendency to overestimate the extent to which a stranger's violent behavior stems from his or her aggressive personality best illustrates

the fundamental attribution error

Recognizing the powerful impact of social influence on others' behaviors is most likely to minimize

the fundamental attribution error

The tendency for observers to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal dispositions on another's behavior is called

the fundamental attribution error

An increased liking for an unfamiliar stimulus following repeated experience with it is known as

the mere exposure effect

White children are better at recognizing White faces than Black faces. This illustrates

the other-race effect

Portrayals of women as initially fleeing but subsequently enjoying coercive sexual encounters illustrate what is known as

the rape myth

The text defines social psychology as the scientific study of how people ________ one another

think about, influence, and relate to

The participants in Philip Zimbardo's simulated prison study

were so endangered by their role-playing experience that the study was discontinued

An explanation of aggression in terms of instinct would have the most difficulty accounting for

wide cultural variations in aggressiveness

Rhonda has just learned that her neighbor Patricia was involved in an automobile accident at a nearby intersection. The tendency to make the fundamental attribution error may lead Rhonda to conclude

"Patricia's recklessness has finally gotten her into trouble."

In Milgram's experiments, participants were torn between whether they should respond to the pleas of the ______ or the demands of the ______.

"learner"; experimenter

Altruism is best described as

behaving unselfishly to enhance the welfare of others

The just-world phenomenon often leads people to

believe that victims of misfortune deserve to suffer

Naseeb disagrees with his classmates on an issue. During a class discussion of the issue, Naseeb is MOST likely to conform to his classmates' opinion if he

believes the rest of the class is unanimous in their position

In Milgram's first study of obedience, the majority of "teachers" who were ordered to shock a "learner"

complied fully and delivered the highest level of shock.

Solomon Asch asked people to identify which of three comparison lines was identical to a standard line. His research was designed to study


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