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Edit the following for the expression of numbers: "Each critical word was preceded by zero, one, two, or three priming words in the list" a. leave as is b. each critical word was preceded by zero, 1, 2, or 3 priming words in the list c. each critical word was preceded by 0, 1, 2, or 3 priming words in the list d. each critical word was preceded by zero (0), one (1), two (2), or three (3) priming words in the list


Edit the following for the expression of numbers: "Each participant evaluated each of the 12 social portraits on each of 6 dimensions" a. leave as is b. each participant evaluated each of the twelve social portraits on each of six dimensions c. each participant evaluated each of the 12 social portraits on each of six dimensions d. each participant evaluated each of the twelve social portraits on each of 6 dimensions


Edit the following for the expression of numbers: "The were 20 4-person teams in each leadership-style condition" a. leave as is b. there were twenty-four person teams in each leadership-style condition c. there were 20 four-person teams in each leadership-style condition d. there were twenty 4-person teams in each leadership-style condition


Edit the following for the expression of ordinal numbers: "The students were all in their second year of graduate school." a. leave as is b. the students were all in their second (2nd) year of graduate school c. The students were all in their 2nd year of graduate school


The Results section should include: a. dates defining the periods of recruitment and follow up and primary sources of the potential subjects b. adverse events and/or side effects, if interventions were studied c. baseline demographic and/or clinical characteristics of each group d. research design e. all of the above except d


The left-hand column of a table (the stub) should have a heading (the stub head) that usually describes the: a. elements in that column b. dependent variables c. independent variables d. data e. a and c


Which of the following examples demonstrates correct use of capitalization? a. Trial 3 and Item 4 b. trial n and item x c. Chapter 4 d. Table 2 and Figure 3 e. All of the above are correct


Which of the following is the correct ordering of manuscript subsections? a. title page, introduction, abstract, text b. references, appendices, author identification notes c. method, discussion, results d. figures, figure captions, tables e. discussion, footnotes, references


A figure legend should be positioned: a. within the figure b. to the left of the figure c. below the figure d. above the figure


Edit the following for the expression of decimal fractions: "The containers were made of transparent plastic and weighed .6 kg" a. leave as is b. The containers were made of transparent plastic and weighed 0.6 kg c. The containers were made of transparent plastic and weighed6 x 10^-1 kg d. The containers were made of transparent plastic and weighed 60 x 10^-2 kg


Use numerals to express: a. any number that begins a sentence b. common fractions c. numbers that immediately precede a unit of measurement d. none of the above


A good table: a. is intelligible without reference to the text b. does not need to be discussed in the text c. duplicates information in the text d. does a and b


Approximations of quantity such as a major portion of, colloquial expressions such as write-up, or informal verb use such as it was her feeling that: a. reduce word precision and clarity b. add warmth to dull scientific prose c. have a place in serious scientific writing d. can be used to enhance communication e. are more acceptable in written than in oral communication


Edit the following for the expression of decimal fractions: "The correlation between scores on the two measures of job satisfaction was 84" a. leave as is b. the correlation between scores on the two measures of job satisfaction was 0.84 c. the correlation between scores on the two measures of job satisfaction was 84 x 10^-2 d. the correlation between scores on the two measures of job satisfaction was 8400


Edit the following for the expression of numbers and scientific abbreviations: "The stimulus presentations were separated by a masking field that lasted for 2 ms." a. leave as is b. The stimulus presentations were separated by a masking field that lasted for two milliseconds The stimulus presentations were separated by a masking field that lasted for 2 mss.


Edit the following for the expression of numbers: "Eighty nurses volunteered to keep a daily record of their stress levels" a. leave as is b. 80 nurses volunteered to keep a daily record of their stress levels c. eighty (80) nurses volunteered to keep a daily record of their stress levels


Edit the following for the expression of numbers: "It would be wrong to estimate absentees for the week by taking the number of absentees on Monday and multiplying by 5." a. leave as is b. It would be wrong to estimate absentees for the week by taking the number of absentees on Monday and multiplying by five c. It would be wrong to estimate absentees for the week by taking the number of absentees on Monday and multiplying by five (5)


Edit the following for the expression of ordinal numbers: "The critical stimuli were placed in the second and 10th positions in each block of trials" a. leave as is b. The critical stimuli were placed in the 2nd and 10th positions in each block of trials c. The critical stimuli were placed in the second and tenth positions in each block of trials


In table headings and figure captions: a. capitalize only the first word and proper nouns b. capitalize all major words c. do not capitalize any words d. capitalization will depend on the message you wish to convey


The Method section should: a. include enough detail to make replication of the experiment possible for the reader b. briefly describe the method to the reader, omitting details about subjects and apparatus c. fully describe all statistical testing procedures used d. explain why the study was done


Where should figures be placed in a submitted manuscript? a. at the end b. at the beginning c. in an appropriate place in text d. all of the above


Which of the following should be used to designate the number of cases or observations in a total sample? a. N (italicized) b. N c. n (italicized) d. n


Which statement applies to the use of metric measurement in the following sentence? "Conductance and inductance were measured in Siemens (S) and henrys (H), respectively" a. correct as is b. the measurements do not conform to the International System of Units c. measurements should not be expressed in metric units in social or behavioral science d. inductance should be measured in newtons per meter, not in henrys


A figure is not necessary if it: a. augments text b. duplicates text c. eliminates lengthy discussion from the text d. does none of the above


A running head to be used in a research report should be typed: a. centered at the bottom of the title page in all uppercase letters b. flush left at the top of the title page c. centered at the bottom of the title page in uppercase and lowercase letters d. flush right at the bottom of the title page


A running head to be used in a research report should be: a. centered at the bottom of the title page in all uppercase letters b. flush left at the top of the title page in all uppercase letters c. centered at the bottom of the title page in uppercase and lowercase letters d. flush right at the bottom of the title page in all uppercase and lowercase letters


According to the APA style rules regarding italics: a. only Greek letters used as statistical symbols are italicized b. all letters used as statistical symbols except Greek letters should be italicized c. letters used as statistical symbols are never italicized in print d. a and c of the above are correct


Conventionality and expediency dictate that the Method section should be written: a. as a unified whole b. in subsections c. without reference notes d. answers a and c are correct e. none of the above are correct


Edit the following for capitalization: "When the hermit crabs listened to classical music, they were significantly more likely to retreat back into their shells than when they listened to rock-and-roll music. However, there was no music x shell interaction effect." a. leave as is b. The interaction term music x shell should be Music x Shell c. Statistical terms such as significantly should be capitalized d. Interaction effect should Interaction Effect


Edit the following for the expression of numbers: "Respondents in each of the age groups were asked to describe what they had eaten for dinner two and four weeks previously" a. leave as is b. Respondents in each of the age groups were asked to describe what they had eaten for dinner 2 and 4 weeks previously c. Respondents in each of the age groups were asked to describe what they had eaten for dinner two (2) and four (4) weeks previously


Edit the following for the expression of numbers: "The authors identified 7 different groups of personality theories." a. leave as is b. The authors identified seven different groups of personality theories c. The authors identified seven (7) different groups of personality theories


Edit the following for the expression of numbers: "When the payoff for finding an effective treatment is so high, it is important to minimize Type 2 errors" a. leave as is b. When the payoff for finding an effective treatment is so high, it is important to minimize Type II errors c. When the payoff for finding an effective treatment is so high, it is important to minimize Type Two errors


Tables should be numbered in the order: a. that puts the longest table first b. in which they are first mentioned in the text c. that seems most logical to the author d. that seems most logical to an editor


Tables, including titles and headings, should be: a. triple-spaced b. double spaced or single-spaced c. single-spaced d. any of the above


Use italics for: a. trigonometric terms b. introduction of key terms and labels c. Greek letters d. all of the above


When presenting statistical information in the text, to clarify the nature of effects (i.e., mean differences and the direction of mean differences): a. give only the inferential statistics b. always give descriptive and inferential statistics c. give inferential statistics for experiments with more than one independent variable and descriptive statistics for correlational research


Words should be used to express numbers: a. whenever numbers are greater than 20 but less than 200 b. from zero to nine, not representing a precise measurement c. always, except when cardinal numbers have satisfied the requirements of ratio measurement and are grouped for comparison with themselves d. as seldom as possible


A report of an empirical study usually includes an introduction and sections called Method, Results, and: a. statistics b. bibliography c. discussion d. statement of the problem


Edit the following for the citation of a statistic in text: "A 4 x 3 analysis of variance (Woolworth, 2005) was conducted on the preference scores" a. leave as is b. A 4 x 3 analysis of variance (see any standard statistics text) was conducted on the preference scores c. A 4 x 3 analysis of variance was conducted on the preference scores


Edit the following for the expression of numbers: "Days I and IV were baseline days, and Days II and III were treatment days." a. leave as is b. Days One and Four were baseline days, and Days Two and Three were treatment days. c. Days 1 and 4 were baseline days, and Days 2 and 3 were treatment days. d. Days 1 and Four were baseline days, and Days II and III were treatment days


Edit the following for the presentation of formulas: "The relation between premarital sexual experience and incidence of divorce was evaluated using a chi-square test (x^2 = [O-E/E]" a. leave as is b. the relationship between premarital sexual experience and incidence of divorce was evaluated using a chi-square test (see Appendix A for formula) c. the relation between premarital sexual experience and incidence of divorce was evaluated using a chi-square test


From the following examples, select the correct way to refer to a figure in text: a. see the figure above b. see the figure on page 14 c. see Figure 2 d. see Figure 2 above on page 14


If your study is simple and your Discussion section is brief and straightforward, you can: a. discuss the flaws of the study at length b. spend most of your time discussing the next study you plan to do c. combine the Results and Discussion sections d. discuss the negative findings, listing all of the possible causes e. do all of the above


In reporting your data: a. do not mention results that run counter to expectation b. include all individual scores and raw data c. do not discuss implications of the results d. do not assume your reader has a professional knowledge of statistical methods


Names of conditions or groups in an experiment should: a. be capitalized b. not be capitalized c. not be capitalized unless followed by numerals or letters d. be designated by a letter


On the basis of verb tense, in which part of a report is the following text segment likely to appear? "College students judge time differently than do college faculty. Faculty are more accurate in judging the amount of time required to do academic tasks." a. Method b. a review of the literature in an introduction c. a conclusion in a Discussion d. Results


Speculation is in order in the Discussion section when it is: a. identified as speculation b. logically related to empirical data or the theory being tested c. expressed concisely d. all of the above e. none of the above


The abstract should: a. appear on the same page above the title and introduction b. be single-spaced and set with larger margins c. begin on page 2 d. be no longer than 3% of the text


What causes the following segment of a student's research report to lack smoothness of expression? "According to the research of Savin-Williams (1988), how gay men publicly revealed their sexual orientation is correlated with the stability of their mental health. He finds that well-adjusted gay men reveal early to trusted others." a. intransitive inferences b. too much jargon c. abrupt changes in verb tense d. misplaced modifiers


When a verb concerns the action of the author-experimenter, the: a. third person and passive voice should be used b. third person and active voice should be used c. the first person, active voice should be used d. third person should be used in all scientific writing to ensure objectivity


Which example is the correct way to use commas and spacing when presenting statistics in text? a. F,(24, 1000) b. F(24, 1,000) c. F(24, 1000) d. F(24 1,000)


Which of the following metric units is correctly expressed? a. 33 cms. b. 3 mm. c. 13 cm d. 3 cms.


Which of the following must identify the specific variables investigated and the relation between them? a. the first sentence of the introduction section b. the conclusion of the Discussion section c. the title of the report d. the first table that is cited


A good figure: a. conveys only essential facts b. is easy to understand c. is prepared in the same style as similar figures in the same article d. does all of the above


A specific note to a table: a. refers to a particular column or individual entry b. is indicated by a superscript lowercase letter c. is placed below the table d. does all of the above e. does none of the above


A sufficient set of statistics usually includes: a. cell standard deviations b. observed cell means c. per-cell sample sizes d. all of the above


An abstract for a research report should be about: a. 100 to 120 words b. 75 to 100 words c. 100 to 150 words d. 150 to 180 words


Edit the following for numbering of figures. Assume that this is the first time the figures are presented: "The predicted social facilitation effects were observed. As can be seen in Figure 2, a videocamera increased errors with the difficult task and decreased errors with the easy task. As can be seen in Figure 1, the presence of an evaluative audience produced the same pattern of results" a. leave as is b. Figure 2 should be Figure II c. Figure 2 should be Figure Two d. Figure 2 should be Figure 1 and vice versa


Edit the following for the expression of numbers: "Large financial responsibility was defined as responsibility for an annual budget in excess of five million dollars." a. leave as is b. Large financial responsibility was defined as responsibility for an annual budget in excess of $5 x 10^6 c. Large financial responsibility was defined as responsibility for an annual budget in excess of $5,000,000 d. Large financial responsibility was defined as responsibility for an annual budget in excess of $5 million


Edit the following for the use of statistical symbols: "In the group therapy condition, 16 percent of the clients did not return for the second session and another 8 percent did not return for the third session." a. leave as is b. in the group therapy condition, 16% of the clients did not return for the second session and another eight percent did not return for the third session c. in the group therapy condition, 16% of the clients did not return for the second session and another eight % did not return for the third session d. In the group therapy condition, 16% of the clients did not return for the second session and another 8% did not return for the third session


Figure captions: a. serve as the explanation and as the title of the figure b. should describe the contents of the figure in a brief sentence or phrase c. should include explanations of units of measurement, symbols, and abbreviations not included in the legend d. all of the above


Figures can be used to: a. illustrate complex theoretical formulations b. show sampling and flow of subjects through a randomized clinical trial or other experiment c. illustrate empirical results from a complex multivariate model d. all of the above


Numerals should be used at all times for: a. numbers in the abstract of a paper or in a graphical display within a paper b. ratios, arithmetical manipulations, and series of four or more numbers c. fractional or decimal quantities, scores and points on a scale, and unites of measurement of time d. all of the above


Tables, including titles and headings, should be: a. triple-spaced b. double-spaced c. single-spaced d. b or c


The abstract of an article should: a. report rather than evaluate: b. be a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article c. be dense with information d. do all of the above


The title page of your manuscript includes: a. running head b. author byline c. author note d. all of the above


The word figure refers to: a. maps b. graphs and charts c. drawings d. all of the above


The word figure refers to: a. photographs b. graphs and charts c. maps d. all of the above


Use commas between groups of three digits in figures of 1,000 or more except when expressing: a. page numbers b. serial numbers c. degrees of freedom d. all of the above


What question should the introduction section of a research report attempt to answer? a. What are the theoretical implications of the current research? b. why is this problem important? c. What is the logical link between the problem and the research design? d. All of the above are correct. e. Only a and c of the above are correct.


When describing human participants, you should state: a. the number of participants who did not complete the experiment b. the total number of participants c. the number of participants assigned to each experimental condition d. all of the above e. b and c of the above


When more than one level of significance is reported in a table: a. each level is represented by a single asterisk b. assign the same number of asterisks from table to table within your paper c. report the exact probabilities to two to three decimal points d. b and c


When presenting electrophysiological or event-related brain potential data, it is essential to include: a. clear labeling b. direction of negativity c. scale of the response d. all of the above


When reporting confidence intervals: a. use the format 95% CI [LL, UL], where LL is the lower limit of the confidence interval and UL is the upper limit b. always report the level of confidence c. do not repeat 95% CI when a sequence of confidence intervals are repeated in a series if the level remains unchanged and the meaning is clear d. all of the above


When using numbers less than one: a. a zero is always used before the decimal point (0.05) b. a zero is never used before the decimal point (.05) c. the author should check with the editor of each specific journal, as this is a highly controversial topic d. a zero is used before the decimal point (0.05) except when the number cannot be greater than 1 (e.g. correlations, proportions, and levels of statistical significance; r(24)=-.43, p=.028)


When you present statistics, cite the reference: a. for less common statistics b. for statistics used in a controversial way c. when a statistic itself is the focus of an article d. for all of the above e. for any statistics and all uses of a statistic


Which of the following is the correct ordering of manuscript sections in a research report? a. title page, abstract, introduction b. Method, Results, Discussion c. References, figures, tables d. a and b


Before constructing a table, you should consider that: a. different indices should be segregated into different parts or lines of tables b. tables with surplus elements are less effective than lean tables c. data from a 2 x 2 design should be put in a table rather than in the test d. adding space between columns or rows can make a table easier to read e. all of the above except c


In contrast to empirical studies or theoretical articles, literature reviews: a. define and clarify a problem b. summarize previous investigations c. identify relations, contradictions, or inconsistencies in the literature d. suggest steps for future research e. do all of the above


In reporting tests of significance: a. give the exact value of the statistic (F or t value) b. state the relevant degrees of freedom c. indicate the probability level d. describe the direction of an effect e. do all of the effect


Journal article reporting standards were developed to: a. make it easier to generalize across fields: b. provide a degree of comprehensiveness in the information routinely included in reports of empirical investigations c. help decision makers in policy and practice understand how research was conducted and what was found d. allow techniques of meta-analysis to proceed more efficiently e. all of the above


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