Psych Ch.6

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Essay tests are examples of ____________.

implicit memory

How to perform different skills and actions is a component of __________________.

infants do not make reliable use of language to symbolize or classify events.

In the context of memory and forgetting, one of the cognitive explanations for infantile amnesia states that:


In the context of organization in long-term memory, a(n) ________________ is an arrangement of items into groups or classes according to common or distinct features.


The flow of visual information seems smooth and continuous because of __________ memory, which can hold visual stimuli for up to a second.

It is analogous to a biochemical "hard drive".

Which of the following statements is true about long-term memory?

Dissociative amnesia

__________________ is the loss of memory of personal information that is thought to stem from psychological conflict or trauma.

the serial-position effect

Although Crystal had practiced her presentation several times before class, she struggled in the middle part of the speech when she gave it in class. This pattern of forgetting illustrates __________________.

Prospective memory

Because of her poor health, your Aunt B had to take a lot of medication. She usually does a good job remembering to take it but sometimes forgets to do so. This forgetting is a failure of what type of memory?

determine whether and for how long information is retained in a memory

The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of stages of memory intends to _______________.


Carole walked into a Moroccan restaurant and was surprised that she did not see any utensils (i.e. fork, knife, & spoon). Her surprise stems from the fact that she has never eaten without utensils before. This is an example of a(n) _______________.


If the _________________ is damaged, a person can form visual memories but not verbal memories.

Whether the words used in the question suggested greater speeds (e.g. contacted vs smashed).

In a study by Elizabeth Loftus, subjects watched a film of an automobile accident, then answered a series of questions, including one asking them to estimate the speed of the cars. What factor affected the subjects' estimate of how fast the cars in the film were traveling?

eidetic imagery

Mr. Rapp's memory has always been spectacular. He can see an image, like a painting or a page in a book, and recall exactly all of the details of either one. Mr. Rapp's ability to remember these specific details is known as ____________________.

processing the information at a "deep" level so that it is more likely to be encoded into long-term memory.

When Angelica studies for her college classes, she actively thinks about the new information, thinks about its application, and tries to generate her own examples based on her experiences. Using levels of processing terminology, Angelica is:

retrieval cue failure

After telling the police officer everything she could recall about when she went into the bank, Lucas got to the point that he no longer could recall any more information. At that point, Lucas was most likely experiencing ______________.

memory storage systems of humans are indexed according to both visual and audio cues.

Brown and McNeill's experiment on the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon revealed that:

information that can be clearly stated.

Explicit memory is:

implicit memory

Knowing how to play a piano without much conscious effort illustrates ____________ memory.

the person's mood at the time a memory is encoded and retrieved.

The critical factor in state-dependent retrieval is the influence of:

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