psych chap 6

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Not eating hotdogs anymore because you got food poisoning at the State Fair

Conditioned taste aversion


Strengthens the behavior it follows

Primary reinforcers

reinforcers with innate reinforcing qualities Water, food, sleep, shelter, sex, touch


relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that results from experience

Steps in modeling:

1. Attention Must be focused and paying attention to model 2. Retention Must be able to remember what you observed 3. Reproduction But be able to imitate behavior 4. Motivation Must want to imitate behavior

You are trying to train your cat to use the toilet instead of the litter box. This behavior is pretty complex for a cat and will be best achieved using:


Positive reinforcement

adds a desirable stimulus

Fixed interval

Fixed interval Reinforcement is delivered at predictable time intervals (e.g., after 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes) Moderate response rate with significant pauses after reinforcement Hospital patient uses patient-controlled, doctor-timed pain relief

Continuous reinforcement

Given with each desired response

Effective Punishment

Immediately following the behavior Consistency Punish the wrong behavior, reinforce the right behavior

Fixed ratio

Reinforcement is delivered after a predictable number of responses High response rate with pauses after reinforcement Piecework—factory worker getting paid for every x number of items manufactured

Variable ratio

Reinforcement is delivered after an unpredictable number of responses (e.g., after 1, 4, 5, and 9 responses).High and steady response rate ex. Gambling

B.F. Skinner

Learning depends on what happens after the response - the consequence Skinner Box

Cognitive learning theory

Learning isn't just observable behavior Stuff going in inside your head matters too!

Observational Learning

Learning new behavior by watching someone else perform that behavior

· Latent learning

Learning that is hidden until it becomes useful

Vicarious punishment

Less motivated to copy that behavior

Vicarious reinforcement

More motivated

Vicarious conditioning

No direct learning but learning through the reaction of others


Number of responses

Child learning how to walk

Observational learning

Spontaneous recovery

The return of a previously extinguished CR following a rest period

Classical conditioning

When a neutral stimulus is associated with a stimulus that produces a reflexive behavior Stimuli repeatedly happen together - behavior and its consequence Reinforcement or punishment largely unconscious

positive reinforcement

a desirable stimulus is added to increase a behavior


a person simply copies what the model does.

In the initial period of learning, ________ describes when an organism learns to connect a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus. a. extinction b. acquisition c. neutral stimulate d. conditioning


Positive punishment

adding aversive/unpleasant stimulus

Negative Reinforcement

an undesirable stimulus is removed to increase a behavior. ex. Losing privilege to drive for getting into too many accidents

John Watson offered a live, white rat to Little Albert and then made a loud noise behind his head by striking a steel bar with a hammer. The white rat served as the ________ in his study. a. counterconditioning stimulus b. discriminative stimulus c. conditioned stimulus d. unconditioned stimulus

conditioned stimulus

William gives his dog, Noodles, a treat each time Noodles sits on command. William is using a _____schedule to train his dog to sit on command.

continuous reinforcement


decreases the probability of a response over time

Ron is taught to use a special numbers trick to check his final answer, but he does not demonstrate this skill until his end-of-the-year math test. This is an example of ________. a. cognitive mapping b. reinforcement c. conditioning d. latent learning

latent learning


motor or neural reaction to a specific stimuli in the environment - Simpler than instincts - Involve more primitive centers of CNS (i.e., spinal cord and medulla) Ex. Knee-jerk or contraction of pupil in bright light

John wants to train his daughter to excuse herself before she leaves the table. Although he does not know how often he will reward her for excusing herself, he does know that he will not reward her every time she excuses herself. Which reinforcement schedule is John planning to use? a. continuous b. partial c. primary d. secondary


________ reinforcers have innate reinforcing qualities. a. primary b. secondary c. operant d. classical


A negative reinforcer is a stimulus that is _______ and thus __________the probability of a response.

removed; increases

Negative reinforcement

removes an aversive stimulus

Negative punishment

removing pleasurable stimulus

Mia is taught to go to sleep when the light is turned off. However, for many months Mia no longer falls asleep when the light is turned off. Later, Mia begins to fall asleep when the light is turned off again. This is an example of ________. a. higher order conditioning b. neutral stimulus c. classical conditioning d. spontaneous recovery

spontaneous recovery

Your dog becomes classically conditioned to go crazy every time you pull a bowl out of your cabinet because he has made the association between the bowl and being fed. The next day you pull a plate out of the cabinet, but your dog has absolutely no reaction. This is an example of: a. doggy anxiety b. stimulus discrimination c. higher order conditioning d. stimulus generalization

stimulus discrimination

Which of the following is an example of observational learning? a.teaching yourself yoga by watching a yoga group in the park b.your brother refusing to play with you c.learning to speak Spanish by attending Spanish class d.your father teaching you how to write by holding your hand as you form the letters

teaching yourself yoga by watching a yoga group in the park

Which of the following is an example of a reflex: an unlearned, automatic response by an organism to a stimulus in the environment? a.sitting very still in the classroom b.becoming angry at your friend for raising his voice c.becoming bored at a wedding d.the pupil of your eye contracting in the presence of bright light

the pupil of your eye contracting in the presence of bright light

Harold catches fish throughout the day at unpredictable intervals. Which reinforcement schedule is this? a. fixed ratio b. variable interval c. variable ratio d. fixed interval

variable interval

Gambling at a slot machine is an example of which reinforcement schedule? a. fixed ratio b. fixed interval c. variable ratio d. variable interval

variable ratio

Higher-order conditioning

Aka Second-Order Conditioning Pairing a new neutral stimulus with a conditioned stimulus

Severe punishment

Avoidance of punisher, instead of behavior Encourages fear, anxiety, and lying Teaches what is wrong instead of what is right

Which of the following is an example of vicarious reinforcement? a. Lana wants to receive a candy bar and she knows from reading the rulebook that she will receive one if she earns enough good behavior tokens. b. Babs saw Martin receive a candy bar for completing his reading list. She is careful to complete her reading list because she saw Martin get a reward for doing it. c. Ryan observes Cameron getting a time out for spitting out her toast. Because he saw his friend punished, he does not spit out his toast. d. Park wants to avoid detention, so he follows the school rules and does not smoke on the playground.

Babs saw Martin receive a candy bar for completing his reading list. She is careful to complete her reading list because she saw Martin get a reward for doing it.

John Watson

Brought classical conditioning to U.S. Little Albert

Bobo Doll Study

Children watch teacher act aggressively with a doll Teacher punished - children decreased imitation Teacher praised or ignored - children imitated

Man starts craving pizza when the doorbell rings

Classical conditioning


Decrease in CR when UCS no longer presented with CS - When presented with CS alone, organism would show a weaker and weaker response, and finally no response

Who experimented with rats to demonstrate that organisms can learn even if they do not receive immediate reinforcement? a. Edward C. Tolman b. Ivan Pavlov c. John B. Watson d. B.F. Skinner

Edward C. Tolman

Operant Conditioning

Edward Thorndike American Psychologist Law of Effect if a behavior results in a positive outcome, that behavior will be repeated Precursor to operant conditioning

Partial reinforcement (aka intermittent reinforcement)

Given with only some of the desired responses

Tolman's Maze experiment

Group 1 Rewarded daily Learned maze quickly Group 2 Rewarded every 10th day Learned maze quickly after 1st reward (latent learning) Group 3 Never rewarded Did not learn maze well

Stimulus generalization

More similar a stimulus is to the CS, more likely an organism is to give the CR

Conditioned taste aversion

One trial learning Food poisoning

Child gets TV privileges taken away for not turning volume down

Operant conditioning Negative punishment

Teenager is home by midnight to avoid getting grounded

Operant conditioning Negative reinforcement

A dog comes inside when called and gets a treat

Operant conditioning Positive reinforcement

Stimulus discrimination

Organism learns to respond differently to various stimuli that are similar

Who do people imitate?

People they see as more like them People who are rewarded Prestigious people

Reinforcement or punishment

Reinforcement : any event that increases future probability a behavior will occur Strengthens the behavior it follow Positive or negative Positive adds desirable stimulus (ex. Starbucks after test reward) Negative removes an aversive stimulus (ex. Putting on seatbelt because of the alarm)

Variable interval

Reinforcement is delivered at unpredictable time intervals (e.g., after 5, 7, 10, and 20 minutes). Moderate yet steady response rate Checking Facebook

Systematic desensitization

Removing Fears Systematic Desensitization Relaxation techniques Low Stress > Moderate stress > High stress

Shaping behavior

Rewarding successive approximations of a target behavior Behavior is broken down into small, achievable steps

Ivan Pavlov

Russian physiologist Best known for experiments in classical conditioning (dogs and salivation)

Learned Helplessness

Seligman Failing to try to escape from an aversive situation because of a history of repeated failures



Behavior Modification

Using operant conditioning to change behavior -Token Economy - - Type of behavior modification - - Desired behavior is rewarded with redeemable tokens -Time out -- Misbehaving organism is placed in a special area away from the attention of others - -Removed from any possibility of positive reinforcement (attention)

Child afraid of water because they saw someone drown

Vicarious conditioning

Mabel clicks her tongue while tickling Francis. Eventually, Francis starts to squirm and giggle every time Mabel clicks her tongue, even when he is not being tickled. In this example, tongue clicking is a(n) ________. a. unconditioned response b. conditioned stimulus c. unconditioned stimulus d. conditioned response

conditioned stimulus

At the state fair, Dave eats the jumbo hot dog before going on the rides. After the ride, he feels nauseated. The next week at work, Dave's coworker suggests hot dogs for lunch and Dave feels nauseated. What kind of learning is this? a. stimulus discrimination b. conditioned taste aversion c. vicarious conditioning d. systematic desensitization

conditioned taste aversion

If a stimulus plus a response results in a satisfying outcome, the probability of that response occurring again ________. a. depends on the CS-UCS relationship b. is not affected c. decreases d. increases



individuals performing imitated behaviors


innate behaviors that are triggered by a broader range of events More complex patterns of behavior, involve movement of the organism as a whole Involve higher brain centers Ex. Migration

What do psychologists call a relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that results from experience? a.reflexes b.instincts c.learning d.conditioning


Associative learning

make connections between stimuli or events that occur together in the environment, Central to all three basic learning processes

Secondary reinforcer

no inherent value, only reinforcing when linked with a primary reinforcer praise, money, etc.

social learning theory

proposed by Albert Bandura, emphasizes the importance of observing, modelling, and imitating the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others. Social learning theory considers how both environmental and cognitive factors interact to influence human learning and behavior. (definition from google bc my notes dont have it and the book doesnt either but its in the outline -.-)

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