Psych Chapter 8

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A form of association learning in which behaviors are triggered by associations with events in the environment

Fixed Ratio (FR) sheduele

A pattern of intermittent reinforcement follows a set number of response The pattern becomes predictable. There is a pause in response immediately after reinforcement occurs and the response rate increases. Example: For every 5 competitions of the maze, the mice get 1 food pellet

Fixed Interval Schedule

A pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which responses are always reinforced after a set period of time has passed

Variable Interval Schedule

A pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which responses are reinforced after time periods of different durations have passed

Conditioned stimulus (CS)

A previously neural input that an organism learns to associate with a UCS

Skinner Box

A simple chamber used for the operant conditioning of small animals


A stimulus that decreases the frequency of a behavior

Biological Constraint Model

A view on learning which proposes that some behaviors are inherently more likely to be learned than others

How effective is Applied Behavior Analysis(ABA) for treatment of autism

ABA has had mixed success, improving language and communication, but not effectively treating social and emotional deficits

True/False: Forward Conditioning is less successful than backward conditioning

False, Backward conditioning is least successful

If tests are given every 4 weeks students learn that immediately after the test their performance will not be evaluated , so we would expect to see a drop in rate of studying at that time. This is an example what type of schedule

Fixed Interval Schedule

A worker being paid by the number of units he/she produces is an example of what type of schedule

Fixed Ratio Scheduele Reason: a worker whose wage depends on the number of products they produce will work faster to produce more

Classical Conditioning

Form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a stimulus one has an automatic, inborn response to

Instinctive Drift

Learned behavior that shifts toward instinctive, unlearned behavior tendencies

Observational Learning

Learning by watching the behavior of others

Latent Learning

Learning that occurs in the absence of reinforcement and is not demonstrated until later, when reinforcement occurs

What was the UCS in Pavlov's Dog experiment?

Meat powder

Schedules of Reinforcement

Patterns of intermittent reinforcement distinguished by whether reinforcement occurs after a set number of responses or after a certain amount of time has passed since the reinforcement

Jillian's smiling at the cute babies is a(n) a. unconditioned stimulus. b. unconditioned response. c. conditioned stimulus. d. conditioned response.

unconditioned response.


Process by which organisms adapt to constant stimulation

Positive Punishment

The addition of a stimulus that decreases behavior

What was the CS in Pavlov's Dog experiment?

The bell that rang before the dogs were presented with the meat powder

Law of Effect

The consequences of a behavior increase (or decrease) the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated

Which of the following is the outcome of forming associations?

The events become linked in an individual's memory and one event may suggest another will follow


The imitation of behaviors performed by others

Conditioned Taste Aversion

The learned avoidance of a particular taste or food

Unconditioned response (UCR)

The natural automatic inborn reaction to a stimulus

Forward Conditioning

The neutral stimulus being presented just before the UCS

Variable - Ratio (VR) scheduele

The pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which the number of responses needed for reinforcement changes Individual is not quite sure how many responses are necessary to obtain reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement

The presentation or addition of a stimulus after a behavior occurs that increases how often that behavior will occur


The process by which two pieces of information from the environment are repeatedly linked so that we begin to connect them in our minds

Operant Conditioning

The process of changing behavior by manipulating the consequences of that behavior


The rapid and innate learning of the characteristics of a caregiver within a very short period of time


The reinforcement of successive approximations of a desired behavior

Negative Reinforcement

The removal of a stimulus after a behavior to increase the frequency of that behavior

Negative Punishment

The removal of a stimulus to decrease behavior

What was the CR in Pavlov's Dog experiment?

The salivation


The scientific study of animal behaviors

Spontaneous Recovery

The sudden reappearance of a distinguished response



A slot machine would be an example of which type of intermittent schedule

Variable ratio schedule Reason: Player cannot know how many pulls of the slot machine arm it will take to win

Backward conditioning

When the neutral stimulus follows the UCS

____________ is defined as the rapid and innate learning of the characteristics of a caregiver within a very short period of time after birth. a. Imprinting b. Habituation c. Association d. Shaping

a. Imprinting

While training his dog, Mark first says the word "sit" and once the dog sits, he gives her a treat. Immediately after this, he says, "Good dog!" He repeats the same process many times, and each time his dog sits after listening to his command. In this example, which of the following is the secondary reinforcer? a. The words "good dog" b. The treat c. The word "sit" d. Mark

a. The words "good dog"

Albert Bandura called learning by doing ____________. a. enactive learning b. integrative learning c. latent learning d. operant learning

a. enactive learning

When people learn from their own successes and failures and from trial and error, it is an example of ______. a. enactive learning b. observational learning c. operant learning d. latent learning

a. enactive learning

The ____________ schedule of reinforcement reinforces behavior only after a specific number of responses are made. a. fixed ratio b. variable ratio c. fixed interval d. variable interval

a. fixed ratio

A bird will learn very quickly to tap a lever if it is reinforced with birdseed for doing so. Birdseed is an effective reward because it is a _____________. a. primary reinforcer. b. secondary reinforcer. c. neutral reinforcer. d. negative reinforcer.

a. primary reinforcer.

Laura watched a public service announcement to curb smoking in which a young boy describes how his mother died from lung cancer after smoking for twenty years. In this example the unconditioned response would be a. sadness regarding a mother's death. b. fear of smoking. c. contracting lung cancer after smoking for twenty years. d. the young boy's story.

a. sadness regarding a mother's death.

In Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment, he presented the sound of a bell along with meat powder to his dogs. After several trials, the dogs learned to salivate to the sound of the bell in the absence of the meat powder. In this study, meat powder acted as a(n) ___________. a. unconditioned stimulus (UCS) b. unconditioned response (UCR) c.conditioned stimulus (CS) d.conditioned response (CR)

a. unconditioned stimulus (UCS)

In Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment, the dogs gradually stopped salivating to the bell once they learned that the bell wasn't accompanied by meat powder. This phenomenon is an example of ___________. a.extinction b.backward conditioning c.habituation d.stimulus discrimination


The extension of the association between the unconditioned and the conditioned stimulus to a broad array of similar stimuli is called ___________. a.stimulus generalization b.habituation c.stimulus discrimination d.operant conditioning

a.stimulus generalization


an organism can be modeled to do things that it typically wouldn't do

Which of the following is an example of a primary reinforcer? a. Paying a worker $10 for cleaning the floors. b. Catching a fish and eating it. c. Giving a child a gold star for earning an A on an exam. d. Allowing a teen to stay out past curfew.

b. Catching a fish and eating it

Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement? a. Thomas is tired; he drinks coffee to stay awake. b. Ravi is given a candy by his mother for cleaning his shoes. c. Greta gets caught while speeding and the police officer gives her a ticket. d. Cindy loses her credit points because she submits her homework late.

b. Ravi is given a candy by his mother for cleaning his shoes.

Which of the following scenarios best represents variable-ratio schedule? a. Umar gives his dog a treat every time the dog barks on his command. b. Rishi continues to insert money into slot machines because he never knows how many pulls of the arm it will take to win the jackpot. c. Doreen does not study for her accounting exams until one or two nights before the test is scheduled to take place. d. Agatha frequently studies the material from her physics class because she knows that her professor will conduct a pop quiz once every week.

b. Rishi continues to insert money into slot machines because he never knows how many pulls of the arm it will take to win the jackpot.

Which is the true statement regarding mirror neuron system (MNS)? a. They are existent in only adult beings. b. They are involved in imitation and social learning. c. They are responsible for stimulus discrimination. d. They are found only in human beings.

b. They are involved in imitation and social learning.

Catalina ate a candy bar and then went on a fast-moving ride in an amusement park. She was sick to her stomach after the ride and now, Catalina cannot eat candy bars, because they make her nauseous. In this learned association, the candy bar serves as a(n) ___________ to Catalina. a. conditioned response b. conditioned stimulus c. unconditioned response d. unconditioned stimulus

b. conditioned stimulus

Jillian, a stay-at-home mother, watches a lot of daytime television. During the day, Charmin toilet paper runs lots of television ads. Jillian always smiles when she sees these ads because they have so many cute babies on them. When Jillian is shopping at her local market, she finds herself smiling when she is in the toilet paper section, especially when she is near the Charmin toilet paper. In this example, the unconditioned stimulus(i) is(are) the a. toilet paper. b. cute babies. c. television. d. local market.

b. cute babies.

For every 10 cars Gus sells, he gets a bonus. Gus's sales are being reinforced according to a ____________. a. variable-ratio schedule b. fixed-ratio schedule c. variable-interval schedule d. fixed-interval schedule

b. fixed-ratio schedule

Behavior that is rewarded some but not all of the time is on a __________ schedule of reinforcement. a. fixed b. intermittent c. continuous d. full

b. intermittent

To increase productivity, the clown factory decides to have a contest. The person who completes the most clowns on Monday does not have to come to work on Tuesday. The factory is using __________ as a motivator. a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. primary reinforcement d. discriminatory reinforcement

b. negative reinforcement

The clown factory's bosses also do not like mistakes. If a worker forgets to put a nose on a clown, the bosses publicly scold the worker. This behavioral tactic is an example of __________. a. negative reinforcement b. positive reinforcement c. positive punishment d. negative punishment

b. positive reinforcement

The beeper sounds in your car until you fasten your seat belt. The removal of the annoying beeping is ______ for fastening the seat belt. a. positive reinforcement b. forward conditioning c. negative reinforcement d. backward conditioning

c. negative reinforcement

Julie works at a factory that produces toy clowns. As the toy clowns come down the assembly line it is Julie's job to add a red nose to each clown as the last step in completing each toy. For every 100 clowns Kelly completes, she receives $10.00, which is a(n) a. primary reinforcement. b. incentive reinforcement. c. positive reinforcement. d. negative reinforcement.

c. positive reinforcement.

The ____________ refers to a period in learning when a particular type of learning occurs very readily if an animal is exposed to a particular stimulus or situation. a. habituation period b. spontaneous recovery period c. sensitivity period d. synaptic change period

c. sensitivity period

Jake is trying to teach his dog Peach how to roll over. He first gives Peach a treat whenever Peach sits. Next, he no longer rewards Peach for sitting but rather gives Peach a treat when the dog actually lies down. Finally, Jake rewards Peach only when the dog rolls over. Jake is using _________ to train Peach to roll over. a. generalization. b. discrimination. c. shaping. d. extinction.

c. shaping.

Bob Boss rewards his telemarketers with $5 every time they make a phone call. What type of reinforcement is Bob using? a. Negative reinforcement. b. Partial reinforcement. c. Primary reinforcement. d. Continuous reinforcement.

d. Continuous reinforcement.

Under which of the following schedules does reinforcement follow a set number of responses? a. Variable-ratio schedule b. Variable-interval schedule c. Fixed-interval schedule d. Fixed-ratio schedule

d. Fixed-ratio schedule

____________ provides clear evidence of a sensitivity period in learning. a. Stimulus discrimination b. Spontaneous recovery c. Association d. Imprinting

d. Imprinting

What is an essential characteristic of learning? a. Learning and memory work separately to process, retain, and make use of new information. b. Learning occurs when information moves to short-term from long-term memory. c. Learning is behavior that diminishes with experience. d. Learning involves acquiring new knowledge, skills, values, or behaviors.

d. Learning involves acquiring new knowledge, skills, values, or behaviors.

___________ is the conditioned stimulus and ___________ is the conditioned response in the above example. a. Cute babies; smiling b. Toilet paper; shopping c. Cute babies; shopping d. Toilet paper; smiling

d. Toilet paper; smiling

Professor McMann loves to give pop quizzes in his psychology class. Students are always studying for this class because they never know when Professor McMann will give the next quiz. Sometimes he gives a pop quiz every other class session. Sometimes he gives a pop quiz every third session, and sometimes he even gives a pop quiz every class session. Professor McMann is using which schedule of reinforcement to keep his students studying? a. Fixed ratio b. Variable ratio c. Fixed interval d. Variable interval

d. Variable interval

When Tobias passed his driver's exam, the song Fire and Rain by James Taylor was playing on the radio. Now, whenever Tobias hears this sad song, he feels joyous. Tobias's joyful reaction to the sad song can be classified as a(n) a. unconditioned stimulus. b. unconditioned response. c. conditioned stimulus. d. conditioned response.

d. conditioned response.

Punishment involves: a. increasing the frequency of a behavior by removing a stimulus. b. developing an association between an unconditioned and a conditioned stimulus. c. converting an orienting response into habituation. d. decreasing the frequency of a behavior by adding or removing a stimulus.

d. decreasing the frequency of a behavior by adding or removing a stimulus.

The clown factory's bosses do not like laziness. If a worker completes fewer than 20 toys during the morning hours, they do not get to take a lunch break. This behavioral tactic is an example of ___________. a. negative reinforcement b. positive reinforcement c. positive punishment d. negative punishment

d. negative punishment

As you can see from the examples above, the clown factory's bosses use _________ to increase behaviors they like and ________ to decrease behaviors they do not like. a. positive reinforcement; negative reinforcement b. primary reinforcement; secondary reinforcement c. positive punishment; negative punishment d. reinforcement; punishment

d. reinforcement; punishment

Between introverts and extroverts, who is more likely to smoke.


Primary reinforcers

innate, unlearned reinforcers that satisfy biological needs (such as food, water, or sex)

Enactive Learning

learning by doing

Conditioned Response (CR)

A behavior that an organism learns to perform when presented with a CS

Social Learning Theory

A description of the kind of learning that occurs when we model or imitate the behavior of others


An enduring change in behavior that occurs with experience


An internal or external event that increases the frequency of behavior

Why was the bell the CS in Pavlov's experiment?

Because the dogs would begin to salivate just by hearing the bell

Giving a dog a biscuit every time it jumps is an example of what kind of schedule of reinforcement

Continuous reinforcement

Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)

Environmental input that always produces the same unlearned response

Stimulus Generalization

Extension of the association between UCS and CS to include a broad array of similar stimuli

A man who was stung by a bee when he was 4 years old now has a phobia and believes all bees will sting him. If he were exposed to bees in various situations where he was not stung, this fear/reaction to seeing a bee will be gone. This process is known as what?


Fixed Ratio Schedule

Reinforcement follows a set number of RESPONSES

Intermittent Reinforcement

Reinforcement of a behavior but not after every response

Continuous Reinforcement

Reinforcement of a behavior every time it occurs

Fixed Interval Schedule

Reinforcements follows a set PERIOD OF TIME

Secondary (Conditioned) reinforcers

Reinforcers that are learned by association usually via classical conditioning (such as money, grades, and peer approval)

Conditioned Taste aversion is different from most examples of classical conditioning because taste aversion:

Requires only a single pairing of the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus

Stimulus Discrimination

Restriction of a CR (such as salivation) only to exactly the CS to which it was conditioned

What was the UCR in Pavlov's Dogs experiment?


If Pavlov's dogs salivated to a bell but not to a buzzer, this would be an example of ______________

Stimulus Discrimination


The weakening or disappearance of a conditioned response in the absence of the pairing of UCS (such a bee sting) and CS (such as a fear of bees)

If Coach Winner wants to use shaping successfully to teach Betsy Beginner how to serve a tennis ball, he should a. reinforce Betsy only when she can serve a ball perfectly. b. reinforce Betsy for correctly tossing the ball, then for correctly swinging her racket, then for correctly hitting the ball, and finally for aiming the ball into the correct box. c. allow Betsy to practice for a week without feedback and then evaluate her progress at the end of the week. d. remain neutral when providing Betsy feedback about her serve.

b. reinforce Betsy for correctly tossing the ball, then for correctly swinging her racket, then for correctly hitting the ball, and finally for aiming the ball into the correct box.

Matthew has been playing the clarinet for many years, and he can play musical scales without giving much thought to the finger positions involved in the process. Matthew's mastery of the clarinet is most likely a result of ___________. a. the associative potential of mirror neuron systems (MNS) in his brain b. strong synaptic connections that have been built during years of practice and playing the instrument c. years of classical conditioning leading to a permanent increase in GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) activity d. the consolidation of episodic memories by the limbic system

b. strong synaptic connections that have been built during years of practice and playing the instrument

The reinforcement schedule that typically yields the highest response rate is the ___________ schedule of reinforcement. a. fixed ratio b. variable ratio c. fixed interval d. variable interval

b. variable ratio

In a ____________, the first response is reinforced after time periods of different duration have passed. a. fixed-interval schedule b. variable-interval schedule c. fixed-ratio schedule d. variable-ratio schedule

b. variable-interval schedule

Which of the following is LEAST likely to be successful? a. Simultaneous conditioning b.Backward conditioning c.Operant conditioning d.Forward conditioning

b.Backward conditioning

When the neutral stimulus follows the unconditioned stimulus, the process is called ____________ conditioning. a.forward b.backward c.operant d.rapid


Pavlov's dogs associated the ________with _______

bell(CS), meat powder(UCS)

What is the distinction between classical conditioning and operant conditioning? a. Classical conditioning involves instant learning whereas operant conditioning involves learning over time. b. Classical conditioning involves learning over time whereas operant conditioning involves instant learning. c. Classical conditioning involves learning based on associations between stimuli whereas operant conditioning involves learning based on behavioral consequences. d. Classical conditioning involves learning based on behavioral consequences whereas operant conditioning involves learning based on associations between stimuli.

c. Classical conditioning involves learning based on associations between stimuli whereas operant conditioning involves learning based on behavioral consequences.

Which of the following statements is true regarding continuous reinforcement? a. Compared to intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement produces a stronger response in terms of the rate of responding. b. In continuous reinforcement, reinforcement follows a set number of responses. c. Continuous reinforcement means rewarding a behavior every time it occurs. d. Compared to intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement produces responses that are more resistant to extinction. References

c. Continuous reinforcement means rewarding a behavior every time it occurs.

Edwin Employer pays his workers at 5:00 p.m. every Friday. Edwin is using which schedule of reinforcement to reward his employees? a. Fixed ratio b. Variable ratio c. Fixed interval d. Variable interval

c. Fixed interval

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