Psych Exam 2 Practice Questions

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Cones provide about ___ of the visual input to the brain.


Elsa has had damage to area V1. As such, she may experience ____, the ability to respond in limited ways to visual information without perceiving it consciously


The area of the retina that is specialized for acute, detailed vision is the ____.


Terrance is an infant who was born with congenital cataracts. If the cataracts are not removed until childhood, what are the likely effects?

His motion and depth perception will remain permanently impaired.

Professor Woodby is lecturing about the fovea. Which is she most likely to say?

It has the greatest perception of detail

Why does the fovea provide the clearest, most detailed visual information?

It has tightly packed receptors

Scott is looking at a series of grayscale bars. While he stares at a darker bar, it seems as if the border with a lighter bar seems "highlighted." What could explain why he is seeing this visual effect?

Lateral inhibition

In what order does visual information pass through the retina?

Receptor cells, bipolar cells, ganglion cells

Corrie is studying for a quiz on the rods and cones. She writes in her notes that _____ are more ______.

Rods; sensitive to dim light

Brian's body initiated the stretch reflex. Which is true?

The reflex was initiated because Brian stretched a muscle.

Which muscle is "antagonistic" to a flexor muscle in the right arm?

an extensor muscle in the right arm

Light has entered Joelle's eyes. After being detected by the photoreceptors, the information will be passed on to _____ cells.

bipolar cells

Large-diameter pain axons ____.

carry sharp pain information

Foveal vision ____.

contains cones as receptors

Along each strip of somatosensory cortex, different subareas respond to ____.

different areas of the body

Xena is in a great deal of pain. Likely, her ____ are responding to that pain and sending the message to her brain.

free nerve endings

Which part of the facial recognition system responds strongly to a face viewed from any angle, as well as line drawings and anything else that looks like a face?

fusiform gyrus

The optic nerve is composed of axons from which kind of cell?

ganglion cells

Oliver has been diagnosed with prosopagnosia. What is his main symptom?

he cannot recognize faces

Cody isn't feeling well and his vestibular system is impaired. What is likely to happen to him?

he will have trouble walking and might stagger and fall

In mammalian vision, most ganglion cell axons go to the ____ of the thalamus.

lateral geniculate nucleus

Morphine and other opiate drugs decrease sensitivity to pain by ____.

mimicking the effects of endorphins at the synapses

A motor program is a ____.

movement that, once triggered, continues automatically until its completion

The brain chemicals known as endorphins produce effects similar to which substance?


In the vestibular organ, ____ press against different hair cells depending on the tilt and acceleration of the head.


The various areas of the somatosensory thalamus send their impulses to different areas of the primary somatosensory cortex, located in the ____.

parietal lobe

A proprioceptor is sensitive to the ____.

position and movement of a part of the body

The role of the Golgi tendon organs is to ____.

prevent extreme muscle contractions

A boxer's ability to sense the position of his arm and hand before planning a punch is dependent on the sense of ____


Light enters the eye through an opening in the center of the iris called the ____.


Zenia took ibuprofen to relieve her pain. The drug will work by ____.

reducing the release of chemicals from damaged tissue

The ____ theory can account for the constancy of color across different lighting conditions.


Professor Gerke is giving a lecture on the vestibular system. He tells the class that both the ____ are needed for vestibular information.

semicircular canals and otolith organs

Pain receptors of the skin are ____.

simple, bare neuron endings

In order to properly digest her food, Viola needs her ____ muscles to move the food through her digestive system.


The somatosensory system involves sensation of ____.

the body and its movements

Toward the periphery of the retina, more and more receptors converge onto bipolar and ganglion cells and, as a result, ____.

the brain cannot detect the exact location of a peripheral light source

If you want to see something in fine detail, you should focus the light on which part of your retina?

the fovea

Which ability would be most impaired with damage to the vestibular senses?

visually tracking an object while dancing

Mitsuko is holding an object that he can see is an apple because of the ventral pathway or stream through the temporal cortex. This path is also called the ____ pathway, because it is specialized for identifying and recognizing objects.


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