psych exam 4

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In Asch's line study roughly _______ of participants gave at least one wrong answer.


Stanley Milgram's studies on obedience and more recent replications have shown that:

Female participants obediently shocked the experimental victim at a rate similar to males in the Milgram and other studies which was approximately 65% of participants.

People are usually motivated in some way when making social judgments and decisions. What often occurs as a result of having directional goals?

People may be skeptical about evidence that goes against their directional goal.

What is a potential positive outcome of the planning fallacy?

People might attempt projects that otherwise might have been avoided had the amount of effort or time needed been understood

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about affective forecasting?

People tend to be accurate with predicting whether an event will result in positive or negative feelings but inaccurate regarding the strength or duration of these emotions.

___________ relies on psychological techniques; whereas, ______________ emphasizes communicating objective information.

Peripheral route processing; central route processing

Physically attractive people experience many benefits in life. Particularly, more physically attractive people have an easier time persuading others. Which characteristic is an example of why this occurs?

Physically attractive people are perceived as having higher moral character.

Which factor decreased the rates of obedience in studies conducted by Milgram?

Seeing other participants refusing to press the shock levers When the instructions to continue came from another participant When the person being shocked was in the same room as the participant

What did Ekman find from his work with the Facial Action Coding System?

The majority of culturally-diverse participants matched the expression with the emotion.

Which of the following is a possible outcome when individuals' implicit and explicit attitudes do not match?

They are unaware they hold an actual bias, such as a bias towards an ethnic minority

Why do some salespeople try to start a new interaction by asking for something small from a potential customer? (e.g., "Just answer one quick question?)

They know getting small acts of cooperation may lead to larger actions in the same direction.

What is the most effective way to protect from being persuaded

To accept just how vulnerable we are

How is it that schemas help people save time as they have new experiences or encounter new people or objects on a daily basis?

We compare new experiences to previously stored schemas and this allows us to put forth less effort to assess those new encounters.

What is one of the implications of the Triad of Trustworthiness?

Without carefully considering the facts, people will believe someone high on the three factors

The durability bias occurs when a person overestimates how long their feelings might last. This bias is a type of:

affective forecasting

Complementary views for assessing and understanding a phenomenon in psychology are referred to as levels of _____, and they range from the most general to the most specific.


A(n) __________ is a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a target with a degree of favor or disfavor.


Jacinta believes that people who are military veterans are all brave, honorable, and respectable. These beliefs represent a(n) ______ that she has for veterans.


________ are opinions, feelings, and beliefs that a person holds about another person, a concept, or a group.


The study of ______, which is a major topic of focus for social psychologists, examines the psychological process involved in having a sexual interest in another person


Which of the following is NOT part of the proposed Triad of Trustworthiness?


Kathy is looking at a stack of books at a local bookstore, when Daina brushes past her, gently pushing Kathy. "Wow, she is very rude," Kathy thinks. This is an example of social _____, when occurs when we make educated guesses about the efforts or motives of another person.


What are the three characteristics of a speaker that makes him/her more trustworthy when delivering a persuasive message?

authority, honesty, likability

The ________ heuristic is one in which the frequency or likelihood of an event is evaluated based on how easily examples come to mind


Which heuristic would you likely use if you were asked, "are there more words in the English language that start with the letter "k" or that have "k" as the third letter in the word?"

availability heuristic

People who see someone who appears angry are likely to _____ the angry person.


Shortly after she gets to her new college, 2500 miles away from home, Tomasa goes to the school's activity fair to find some groups to join. She immediately signs up to audition for two different musical clubs, which are her interest. Her desire to join these groups may help to satisfy her need to _____.


Prejudices, stereotypes, and discrimination:

can occur independently but are related

Which processing route focuses on logic and relevant material?


When being considered for a job opening, people being interviewed often mirror the interviewer's behavior. This can be explained by what concept?

chameleon effect

The need for ________ refers to the desire to come to a decision that will resolve and conclude an issue


The area of social psychological that focuses on how people think about others and about the social world is called social __________.


The tendency to act like those around us and be influenced by what they do is called?


______ is the tendency to change one's attitude or behavior to match a perceived social norm.


Emotions prepare us for behavior by _____ various systems such as attention, memory, and motivation.


What is the highest level of analysis in psychology?

culture and the environment

Kelly is at a college party and notices everyone is drinking. She concludes that the majority of students on campus must also drink alcohol frequently. What would we call Kelly's perception of what most people are doing?

descriptive norm

What do we rely on in situations in which there are no clear societal norms?

descriptive norms

Devin is interviewing candidates to work at the cash register in his convenience store. When Margaret applies, she indicates on her application that she has been in rehab for drug addiction, and that she has been clean and sober for over 3 years. Devin decides not to hire her, because he thinks people with drug habits are not trustworthy. Devin's actions are demonstrating ______.


What is it when behaviors provide an advantage or disadvantage to people based on group membership?


Cynthia smiles when her friend tells her a joke. She also smiles when her boss gives her criticism. Even though Cynthia might not actually be feeling happy, she knows the ________ rules of her work environment. In other words, she knows when emotions are appropriate to show.


In a popular movie about the Mafia, the head of the family chastises one of his sons, Sonny, for letting other people know what he was thinking and feeling. "Never let anyone outside the family know what you are thinking," the Mafia boss says to Sonny. From an emotions perspective, the father is speaking about _________.

display rules

Oscar would like to go to a movie without supervision. To try and get what he wants, he starts by asking his mom if he can go on a trip to the Rollercoaster Park with just his friends. When his mom says no, like he predicted, he goes on to ask if he can at least go to the movies by himself. Oscar's strategy in asking to go to the movies is an example of what persuasion trick?

door in the face

"Oh I know that I'll just be sad forever," Monique cries, after her first boyfriend broke up with her. "I'm never going to love again. My life is RUINED!" Given that she is unlikely to be sad forever, Monique is demonstrating the __________ bias.


Calvin is interested in measuring his school's willingness to do volunteer work around the community. He sends out a self-report survey that asks students to directly fill out their _________ attitudes on the topic


Researchers had an infant crawl toward their mother across a table, and then the mother was instructed to make a face expressing a specific emotion. The response of the infants demonstrated an awareness of the mothers' emotions. Which emotional expression led to the child refusing to crawl to her in all instances?


The peripheral route to persuasion takes advantage "trigger features" that activate sequential behavior in animals and humans. What is this sequence of behavior called?

fixed action patterns

What is compared to a "recording" that always happens in the same way every time?

fixed action patterns

The peripheral route to persuasion takes advantage "trigger features" that activate sequential behavior in animals and humans. What is this sequence of behavior called?

fixed action patterns (FAPs)

Milgram's obedience study demonstrated what factor in participants willing to shock others to an extreme level?

following orders from an authority figure

Randy has joined a new social club on campus. Is it likely that Randy will:

form the impressions he makes of these club members after only one meeting

Emotions serve a cultural function. One such function is to:

guide how people ought to feel in various situations

Which of the following is NOT a basic emotion?


Which of the following is an example of manipulating the trustworthiness of a speaker?

have the speaker present his/her message as educational or objective information

The Implicit Association Task (IAT) used in research, which records participants' reaction times to categorizing objects, is measuring what type of attitude?

implicit attitude

Conformity and obedience are two widely researched forms of social ____ that have received attention in the field of social psychology.


Lulu has never been to the United States and is unsure what behavior is socially appropriate in certain situations. As a result, she conforms by going along with the crowd in order to understand the norm. Which of the following terms BEST describes this example?

informational influence

Exposing participants to weak arguments before presenting them with strong persuasive messages helps participants resist persuasion. What is this effect called?


The ____ function of emotion refers to the effect of one's person's emotions on other people or on the relationships between people.


The effects that one's emotions have on other people refer to the ____ functions of emotions.


The _____ functions of emotions refers to the roles that emotions play within each of us individually. They can include physical changes in our bodies or psychological changes in our minds


John is currently sad and can more easily recall a time when he got in trouble for a late assignment. This is an example of?

mood-congruent memory

Kari visited the doctor recently who told her she needed to start eating better or she is at risk for a heart attack within the next few years. Kari is very motivated to view herself in a positive light and doesn't like the news the doctor gave her. She wonders if the doctor's tests could have been inaccurate. Kari's uncertainty over her health results from the doctor is an example of what?

motivated skepticism

Hammond has just started working at a new job stacking items at the supermarket. He notices that most of his colleagues do stretching exercises before they begin their shift. To fit in with the others and to avoid any disapproval, Hammond also begins to do the stretching exercises. Which of the following concepts explains Hammond's behavior?

normative influence

The line study conducted by Asch is a prime example of what process?

normative influence

When people are worried about what others think of them and decide to go along with the crowd is known as what?

normative influence

Persuasion is most effective when individuals are:

not feeling that their freedom to make a choice is threatened

If a researcher is studying how people react to a command of an authority figure, then he/she are most likely studying what?


What is the process by which a message induces change in beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors?


Emotions have ________ and ________ elements

physiological and cognitive

In order to study fear, a neuroscientist connects Natalie to an electroencephalograph (EEG) and then shows her a brief video of scary animals. These include wasps, snakes, and alligators. He then observes at Natalie shows activation in her amygdala. At which level of analysis has this scientist made his observations?


Tracy enters a car dealership interested in buying a new car. Immediately she is greeted by a salesman offering her water or soda and a cookie. The salesman is likely relying on what social norm to help persuade Tracy to buy a car?


Observing the emotions of others to determine how we should respond to a situation is known as social:


Javari is teaching a psychology class and tells his students, "Kenna is 31, single, outspoken, and bright. She majored in philosophy in college. As a student, Kenna was deeply concerned with discrimination and other social issues." When Javari asked his class if it was more likely that Kenna was A) a bank teller or B) a bank teller AND a feminist, most people in his class chose option B. Javari explained that their answer was incorrect because their _____________ heuristic led them astray.


What is the area of social psychology that focuses on how people think about others and about the social world?

social cognition

Rueben is in a biology class and the professor tells the students to find a lab partner. Rueben immediately approaches an Asian classmate because he believes that all Asian students are naturally good in math and science. Rueben's mental shortcut is an example of a(n) ______.


Elsa purchased concert tickets about two months ago. Today is the concert but it's raining out, meaning Elsa would have to purchase an umbrella and rain boots if she still wants to go. Why is Elsa still likely to be persuaded to attend the concert?

sunk costs

The reason that a "foot-in-the-door" sales pitch technique works is that it

takes advantage of your need to be consistent.

Obedience, even when it is destructive, is more likely when

the consequences are remote. an authority figure is giving the command. there is ambiguity in the situation.

Jessica thinks the guy who cut her off on the freeway is a jerk. When she needs to exist herself, she cuts off the driver next to her as she switches lanes. She does not believe that she, herself, is a jerk; instead she thinks the situation led to her behavior. This is an example of:

the fundamental attribution error

Humans have a strong, innate desire to form connections with other people. This is known as:

the need to belong

Ekman's studies of facial emotional communication imply that

there are similarities and differences in the recognition of emotional expressions.

Research suggests that the six basic emotions are

universal to all human beings

Listening to your friend's advice for the best place to get ice cream over an ad that states the same place as the best ice cream shop in town is based on what technique?

word of mouth

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