Psych Final Review

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T/F: A 5 year old who has a Stanford-Binet IQ score of 116 is more intelligent then an 8 year old who also scores 116.


T/F: A subliminal message to buy popcorn increases people's likelihood of buying it.


T/F: Asking participants to give their informed consent prior to participating in a study is no longer required under ethical guidelines.


T/F: Brain damage that impairs declarative memory will also impair procedural memory.


T/F: Darwin's theory of evolution has never really had an influence in the field of psychology


T/F: Extinction of a conditioned response is the same thing as forgetting.


T/F: Humans have an approximately equal number of rods and cones.


T/F: If you want to remember something for as long as possible, and you plan to spend 10 hours studying, it is best to study the material for 10 hours all at once.


T/F: In operant conditioning, "shaping" a response means putting the animal into the correct position and posture to make the response


T/F: In order to see something, we send rays out from our eyes


T/F: Larger animal species need more sleep than smaller species.


T/F: Most neurons stop all activity during sleep.


T/F: Psychology is defined as the sympathetic attempt to help worried, depressed, or otherwise troubled people.


T/F: Repeating something over and over, word for word, is the best way to remember it.


T/F: The best way to see whether a test is biased is to see whether one group of people does better than another.


T/F: The cerebellum refers to the set of connecting fibers that allow the left and right hemispheres to communicate and share information.


T/F: The occipital love is specialized for hearing.


T/F: When you decide to do something, you make the conscious decision slightly before the relevant activity begins in your brain.


What causes the blind spot in the human retina?

It is the point where the optic nerve exits the eye

Who is recognized as the founder of behaviorism?

John Watson

What is a neurotransmitter?

a chemical that travels from one neuron to another

A circadian rhythm lasts about how long?

a day

What is an unconditioned reflex?

an inborn, automatic connection between a stimulus and a response

The moon appears larger at the horizon when it is higher in the sky because of

an optical illusion

Of the following, a behaviorist is most likely to study

animal learning

Which of the following is most likely to cause people to have difficulty falling asleep?

becoming accustomed to going to bed late and then trying to shift to going to bed earlier

Psychology is best defined as the study of

behavior and experience

Which type of psychologist would be most interested in the genetic makeup of an individual?


Remembering a specific event in your life is _____ memory. Remembering a fact or principle is _____ memory.


Someone who learns to avoid a poisonous mushroom also avoids a similar looking, but harmless mushroom. This behavior is an example of


Someone scoring more than 2 standard deviations above the mean on an IQ test would be classified as


Negative reinforcement is a procedure in which a response

is strengthened because it removes an unfavorable stimulus

What did early comparative psychologists discover about animal intelligence?

it is pointless to try to rank-order animals by their intelligence

According to drive theory of motivation, what does a motivation do?

it makes behavior more vigorous until it satisfies some need

The guiding assumption of scientific-management or Theory X is that

jobs should be simple and foolproof

Which part of the eye changes its shape to enable us to focus first on a distant object and then on a nearby object?


Which if the following is necessary for vision?

light energy comes into your eyes

Freud referred to the surface appearance of a dream as the ____ content


Circadian rhythms are partially controlled by the release of which hormone


Behaviorism began, in part, as a protest against psychologists who tried to study

mental experiences

The word psychology was derived from the Greek words psyche, meaning ______, and logos, meaning _______.


Which is the best advice for someone with periodic limb movement disorder?

minimize caffeine, stress, and fatigue

What evidence did Spearman have for his proposal g factor in intelligence?

most people who do well on one type of test also do well on other tests

If the standard deviation is small, then

most scores are close to the mean

During which stage(s) of sleep does dreaming occur?

mostly during REM sleep but some also during non-REM sleep

Logan often has sudden attacks of sudden sleepiness during the day. He is probably suffering from what?


The careful examination of what people or animals do in their normal environment is called

naturalistic observation

What disorder, if anything, is related to talking in your sleep?


A person who has lost vision in the right half of the visual field probably has suffered brain damage in the

occipital lobe of the left hemisphere

To say that a theory is falsifiable means that

one can imagine evidence that would contradict the theory

Which of the following would (as a rule) indicate that a result is statistically significant?


Random assignment is a procedure that psychological researchers apply to their


Who is influenced by demand characteristics?

participants in an experiment

Naturalistic observation refers to the observation of

people or animals in their natural setting

Who is most likely to have absolute pitch, the ability to name a tone (such as B#) they hear?

people with extensive music training, beginning in childhood

A major contributing factor to anorexia is

perceived pressure to be thin

Of the following, which would be a good example of "fluid" intelligence?

quickly solving a new kind of problem

A person who has suffered damage to the cerebellum (located in the back of the brain) will probably have trouble with

rapid, skillful movement

What are 2 practical applications of hypnosis?

reducing reactions to pain and post-hypnotic suggestions

The strategy in science that attempts to explain complex phenomena by examining combinations of smaller components is known as


Edward Thorndike, a pioneer in the study of cats escaping from puzzle boxes, argued that animal learning depends on

reinforcements that increase the probabilities of certain behaviors

Shaping (in the context of operant conditioning) means

reinforcing successive approximations to a behavior

Two common effects of meditation are

relaxation and better control of attention

What happens at a synapse?

release of a chemical that affects another cell

How can one extinguish a classically conditioned response?

repeatedly present the conditioned stimulus by itself

Kinsey's survey can lead us to reasonably confident conclusions concerning

the range of variability in sexual behavior

The all-or-none law applies to

the sending of an action potential

Binet and Simon developed the first intelligence tests in order to measure

the skills that children need for success in school

The goal of scientific research is to establish comprehensive explanations of observable events. These explanations are called


As you watch a car drive toward you, you do not perceive it as growing larger, even though its image on your retina grows larger. The name for this phenomenon is

size constancy

Someone who stays awake 24 hours a day for several days will probably feel

sleepier in the night than during the following morning

Nearly all medical and recreational drugs that modify people's experiences exert their effects at


Which type of psychologist is most likely to investigate the how group think influences people?

social psychologist

What happens during vicarious reinforcement?

someone watches someone else do something and receive reinforcement

What evidence do most studies of heritability of human intelligence consider?

twins and adopted children

The tendency to remember something better if your body is in the same condition during recall as it was during original learning is known as

state-dependent memory

Telling or reminding people, "your group doesn't usually do well on this kind of test" tends to impair most people's performance. This phenomenon is known as

stereotype threat

In an environment in which temperature, light, and other conditions remain constant 24 hours a day, most people

still awaken and fall asleep on a nearly 24-hour schedule

What was the focus of Edward Titchener's research?

structures that compose the mind

An operational definition is a definition that

tells us how to produce or measure something

Edgar has trouble hearing and has had recent changes in his emotions. If his problems stem from brain damage, which part of his brain is most likely damaged?

temporal lobe

In the statement "p<.05," what does p stand for?


What do psychologists and philosophers mean by the term mind-body question?

"Is the mind separate from or identical with the physical brain?"

Bonus: _______ Charles Spearman Fluid and crystallized intelligence ________ Multiple Intelligences ____ Triarchic theory _________ _________ Alfred Binet

"g" and "s" Raymond Cattell Howard Gardner Sternberg IQ Test

The Lizard Lick State Fighting Nematodes scored 50,50,55,60 and 85 points in their first 5 basketball games. What was their median score?


Why do cats sleep more than sheep?

Cats are in less danger while they sleep

Bonus: ____Elizabeth Loftus ____Ivan Pavlov ____Edward Thorndike ____B.F. Skinner ____Albert Bandura A. Modeling B. Shaping C. Operant Conditioning D. False Memory E. Classical Conditioning


Who of the following was the first to investigate operant conditioning?

Edward Thorndike

The ____ is the phenomenon in which mean IQ scores rise from one generation to the next, unless the test is made more difficult.

Flynn effect

The phenomenon that mean IQ scores rise from one generation to the next, unless the test is made more difficult, is known as what?

Flynn effect

Which of the following theories holds that intelligence includes unrelated 9or poorly correlated) abilities such as language, music, logic, body movement, and social sensitivity?

Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences

Raul spends time practicing and learning to play chess. According to the discussion in the text, which of the following is MOST likely to be true:

He will become a better chess player, but probably nothing else

Which of the following is a widely used treatment for Parkinson's disease?

L-DOPA, a chemical that the brain converts into dopamine

When you see something, what happens?

Light bouncing off the object strikes your eyes.

What educational degree does a psychiatrist hold?


Is it true that cats can see in complete darkness? If so, how?

No, vision in complete darkness is impossible

What is the relationship between job satisfaction and age?

On average, older workers report the highest job satisfaction

Who discovered classical conditioning?


The corpus callosum

connects the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex

The researcher who introduced the idea of the "g" factor in intelligence was


Which of the following topics has been most controversial among current psychologists?

The ability of therapy patients to recover repressed memories of early sexual abuse

The human-relations approach to job design is also called

Theory Y

Many cancer patients receiving radiation treatments lose their appetite. Why?

They associate the last food they ate with nausea

T/F: A correlation coefficient of -.7 represents a stronger relationship between variables than a correlation of +.5


T/F: According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, certain motivations take priority over others.


T/F: Action potentials are sent according to the all-or-none law


T/F: Both positive and negative reinforcement increase the probability of a behavior.


T/F: Demand characteristics can be reduced by using a double-blind procedure


T/F: Goals become more effective if you talk about them publicly.


T/F: If you go without sleep all night, you feel more alert the next morning than you did late in the night.


T/F: In operant conditioning, the subject's behavior determines an outcome and is affected by the outcome


T/F: Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests attempt to measure an individual's probable performance in school and similar settings


T/F: Just putting a larger portion of food on the plate influences people to eat more


T/F: Psychology concerns itself with the possible role of cultural influences on behavior


T/F: Raven's Progressive Matrices can be used to measure intelligence of people who speak other languages.


T/F: Research on the cerebral cortex has failed to find any one "master area" or "central processor" that pulls together all the current activity of the brain.


T/F: Surgery can correct certain types of deafness.


T/F: The functional magnetic response imaging (fMRI) technique can indicate which brain areas are the most active while the person performs some mental activity


According to Abraham Maslow, what do we do when we have several motivations?

We start with the lowest need and work up

Who established the first psychological research laboratory?

Wilhelm Wundt

Which kind of goal is most effective in increasing your efforts?

a goal that is realistic but challenging

The term "color constancy" refers to the fact that

a green apple still looks green even when you wear red-tinted glasses

What is a mnemonic device?

a method for improving memorization

Under a continuous schedule of reinforcement the animal is reinforced

after every response

According to the trichromatic (Young-Helmholtz) theory, we perceive white when

all 3 types of cones are equally active

In adult humans, where are the taste buds located?

almost exclusively song the outside edge of the tongue

People watched a clock-like device and made a spontaneous decision of when to flex a wrist, remembering the time of decision and reporting it later. What was the key result?

brain activity preparing the movement began before the decision

In which of these does a person have the LEAST amount of brain activity and responsiveness?

brain death

According to the opponent-process theory of color vision, how do we perceive color?

by a red-green system, a yellow-blue system, and a black-white system

What procedure would you use to train your dog to go to the bedroom, pick up your slippers, carry them to your favorite chair, go to the door, get the newspaper, and bring it to you?


A magician has two people concealed in a long wooden box, one whose head and arms stick out of the box, and the other whose legs stick out. When the magician saws between the two people the audience thinks the magician is sawing one person in half. This trick is based primarily on the Gestalt principle of


Sound waves are carried through the ear by three tiny bones to a fluid-filled, snail-shaped structure called the


Which kind of psychologist specializes in the study of thought and knowledge?

cognitive psychologist

A person who has suffered damage to a strip along the rear portion of the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex would experience impairment of

control of fine movements on the opposite side of the body

Suppose you conduct a survey, interviewing every fourth person who enters a certain fast-food restaurant. What kind of sample is this?


Both reliability and validity are measured by

correlation coefficients

If nearly all investigators can repeat a study and get similar results, the result is


It has been reported that people with an extraverted personality are generally happier than most other people. This conclusion is probably based on which kind of study?

correlational study

Recall, cued recall, and recognition all measure which type of memory?


People who suffer from amnesia usually lose some sense or all of their _______ memories but retain ________ memories that are relatively unimpaired.

declarative, procedural

According to Cattell, if we examine the intelligence of a person at age 20 and again at age 50, we are most likely to find

decreasing fluid intelligence, but steady or increasing crystallized intelligence

The philosophical position that every behavior has a cause is known as


We identify the direction of a source of sound by attending to the

difference between responses from the left ear and those from the right ear

The parasympathetic nervous system controls

digestion and other activities that occur during rest

On the first floor of your dormitory are two vending machines. The one on the left always works; the one on the right is usually broken. You therefore put your money only in the machine on the left. This illustrates which aspect of operant conditioning?


The brain has _______ neurotransmitters, and each neurotransmitter activates _______ receptor(s)

dozens.... many

During REM sleep,

dreams are most likely to occur

Which neurotransmitter inhibits pain?


A study compared memory abilities in young adults and older adults at different times. Early in the morning, the older adults performed ______ than the young adults; later in the day, the older adults performed _____ than the young adults.

equal or better.... worse

By developing tests of creative and practical intelligence, Sternberg is attempting to develop intelligence tests that are better predictors of _____ than standard IQ tests.

everyday intelligence

Which kind of psychologist is most concerned with how adaptive traits are passed down from generation to generation?

evolutionary psychologist

Researchers use placebos to try to minimize the effect of which of the following?

experimenter bias

Hubel and Wiesel's research on cats' and monkeys' visual cortex provided evidence for

feature-detector cells

You reward yourself with a snack every time you finish reading a chapter in your text. This is an example of which type of schedule of reinforcement?

fixed ratio

According to Raymond Cattell, the "g" factor in intelligence has two major components:

fluid and crystallized

Which of the following is an example of a primary reinforcer?


For most people the experience of jet lag is most severe if they travel across time zones

from west to east

When Spearman described the "g" factor in intelligence, what did the "g" stand for?


What was Hermann Ebbinghaus's contribution to the study of memory?

he was the first to do experiments to measure memory

The nature-nurture issue is the question of how the development of behavior depends on

heredity and environment

A new test determines your score by dividing your telephone number into your social security number, and then multiplying by 100. This test probably has

high reliability and low validity

Which of the following is most characteristic of short-term memory?

holds only about 7 items

Which of these brain areas is most important for regulating hunger and appetite?


Mary Calkins, a memory researcher in the early 1900s, is an important person in the history of psychology because she

illustrates the barriers faced by women in the early days of psychology

What effect on memory should we expect if someone has lower than normal cortisol levels?

impaired storage of memory

Tests of memory and reasoning ability might underestimate the capacities of older adults if the research is done:

in the late afternoon or evening

What is anterograde amnesia?

inability to form new long-term memories

Spearman's theory has been called a monarchic theory of intelligence because it

included a dominant ability that ruled over lesser abilities

Both proactive interference and retroactive interference

increase forgetting

Hypnosis is a condition of

increased suggestibility

What kind of psychologist helps a company increase workers' productivity and satisfaction?

industrial/organizational psychologist

A placebo is a

pill with no important biological effects

One of the functions of the vestibular system is to detect the

position of the head

According to one report, people with higher levels of stress have a greater probability of suffering a heart attack. Therefore the correlation between stress and probability of a heart attack is


What can a psychiatrist do that a clinical psychologist cannot do, in most states?

prescribe drugs

Remembering how to ride your bike is an example of which type of memory?


One advantage of the Wechsler intelligence tests, such as the WAIS-III and WISC-IV, is that they

provide separate scores representing a number of separate abilities

What procedure does a psychologist use in applied behavior analysis (Shaping)?

provides positive reinforcements for approximations to the desired behaviors

The tendency to perceive objects that are close together as belonging to the same group is called


What are 2 important functions of sleep?

saving energy and enhancing memory

What type of memory is your memory of your current mailing address?


Which of these was a major research topic for early psychologists?

sensory processes

LSD has an effect on


If you want to make and keep a New Year's resolution, which of the following is poor advice?

set either a very easy or an extremely difficult goal

People tend to maintain a nearly constant body weight over the course of months, unless something unusual happens. That constant weight is referred to as

set point

According to Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, three factors need to be considered when describing intelligence. Which of the factors below is NOT one of Sternberg's three factors?

the age of the individual

An experimenter had participants exercise much, a little, or not at all and then measured how much they ate at dinner two hours later. What was the dependent variable in this experiment?

the amount of food eaten

The main difference between classical and operant conditioning is that in classical conditioning

the animal's responses do not control the reinforcements

The central nervous system consists of

the brain and spinal cord

REM sleep is also called paradoxical sleep because

the brain is very active, but the muscles are relaxed

Your clock makes a clicking sound just before the alarm goes off. Even though you didn't wake up to the clicking sound initially, now you do, due to classical conditioning. What is the conditioned stimulus?

the clicking

In some drug abusers, drug tolerance develops through classical conditioning. The conditioned stimulus in these cases is

the drug administration ritual

An independent variable is one that

the experimenter manipulates

The proportion of cones is greatest in which part of the retina?

the fovea

People note the moment when they decide to flex their wrist, and they report it later. Researchers record the time of the movement, the time of the reported decision, and the time when activity began to increase in the premotor cortex of the person's brain. Which comes FIRST?

the increase in brain activity

A motivation is regarded as homeostatic if

the individual maintains some variable around a constant value

Theoretically, why should the Progressive Matrices test be more culture-fair than the Wechsler tests?

the matrices call for no verbal responses and no specific factual information

A cognitive psychologist studies

thinking and acquiring knowledge

After damage to the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex, a person would be most likely to have impairments in

touch sensations

Sigmund Freud's method of helping those who were troubled involved

tracing current behavior to early childhood experiences

When asked about the body shape that the opposite sex finds most attractive, women ______ and men ______ the weight that the opposite sex actually prefers


The more lottery tickets you buy, the greater your chances of winning. However, you have no way of knowing how many tickets you will have to buy before you win. It might be fewer than ten; it might be more than a million. This is an example of which type of schedule of reinforcement?

variable ratio

If most scores are very close to the mean, then the standard deviation is

very small

Which sensory system detects the position and acceleration of the head?

vestibular system

In the human ear, the ability to perceive intermediate frequencies (about 100-5000 Hz) depends on neurons working according to the ____ principle.


Psychology experiments have typically shown that

watching violent films increases aggressive behavior, at least slightly and temporarily

To determine whether some IQ test is biased against some group, the most decisive information would be

whether that group's members generally perform better in school and other situations than their test scores predict

To determine whether an IQ test is biased against some minority group, we need to determine

whether the minority group members do better in school than the test scores predict

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