Psych textbook Q's for midterm 1

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A doctor needs a brain imaging technique that shows brain structure but not brain function. Which technique should the doctor choose?

Computed tomography (CT).

Which statement is consistent with research on cognitive processing and aging?

Crystallized intelligence continues to grow throughout the aging process

_______ psychologists study how the mind and behavior progress as people age


Schizophrenia most often presents itself at what stage?

Early adulthood, when people begin to face the world on their own.

What is a mainstream psychologist most likely to think about Sigmund Freud?

Freudian theory is untestable and not grounded in science.

How do gene mutations contribute to evolution?

Gives something for natural selection to work on, there would be no adaptations without it

Which of the following is a myth of psychology?

Heritable traits, such as IQ, cannot be altered by experience.

Which statement best describes a valid gene—environment interaction on behavior?

Identical twins adopted by different families often display behaviors typical of their adoptive families..

What is the key difference between twin studies and adoption studies?

In adoption studies, twins are separated at birth, adopted, and raised apart..

Xander has taken a medication that is an endorphin antagonist. Which side effect is most likely?

Increased pain sensitivity.

Which type of neuron is most common in the brain?


Which is most consistent with the textbook's characterization of how nurture influences behavior?

Learning experiences and social interactions affect how we use the genes that we inherited.

. Juan is thirteen months old and is no longer surprised when his mother hides his toy train, only to reveal it again in a different position in front of him. What cognitive milestone is Juan displaying?

Object permanence

Children's theory of mind can be assessed with the

Sally and Anne test.

Which situation is most consistent with the results of twin studies of schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is more likely to materialize in a twin who experiences extreme stress..

Which developmental milestone characterizes menarche?

The onset of menstruation

Which statement about vesicles is accurate?

They empty neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft..

_______ temporarily disrupts brain activity.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

Axons differ from dendrites in that

axons transmit information and dendrites receive information.

In order to fit a growing number of synapses into the skull, a human brain

becomes increasingly wrinkled

. Which statement provides the most accurate description of Alzheimer's disease?

dementia caused by the build- up of amyloid inside and outside of acetylcholine neurons

Students _______ would be the most representative sample for a study of competitiveness in high school.

in a required health class.

. In an experiment, the variable manipulated by the researcher is the _______ variable.


The action potential of a neuron is best compared to

liquid starting to spill over the rim of a cup when just enough force is applied.

A fertilized egg is called


Your uncle tells you about an interesting magazine article explaining that humans use only 10 percent of their brains. As a student of psychology, your response should be:

"Well, research actually shows that almost all of the brain is continually active.

A researcher would be most likely to find a negative correlation between _______ and _______.

) shyness; party attendance

Which of these correlations has the least predictive value?


Which of the following correlations has the strongest predictive value?


In an analysis testing differences between an experimental and a control group on the dependent variable, a p-value of 0.07 means there is a

7 percent chance that differences between the two samples are due to chance alone..

A 70-year-old woman who is given a touch-screen tablet becomes hopelessly frustrated when she tries to use it. Which of the following best explains her lack of success?

A decline in fluid intelligence keeps her from reasoning abstractly when confronted with an unfamiliar object

Which statement best captures the concept of a sensitive period?

A parent should be patient with a child who is learning to read.

What is the primary difference between a hypothesis and a theory?

A theory is a collection of data-based hypotheses..

Based on the conclusions from the Walker and Lewine (1990) study of home movies, what signs might one look for in an infant who may eventually develop schizophrenia?

Abnormal crawling behavior

Which neurotransmitter would you be most likely to find in the synaptic cleft between a motor neuron and a muscle?


A scientific paper includes a brain image showing that memory regions are active when research participants tell practiced lies but not when participants tell spontaneous lies. What would you expect this image to be?

An fMRI image showing activity in the limbic system

Evan has developed articulate verbal skills, often rattling off the details of the workings of his various toys. However, Evan finds it very difficult to understand what other people think and feel. As a result, he has trouble forming relationships with other children at school. Evan likely has

Asperger's syndrome.

Which of the following demonstrates the concept of habituation?

Babies show more interest in new things than in familiar things.

What can be concluded from developmental studies of children in daycare?

Children in high-quality daycare tend to perform better academically.

Which statement regarding brain development is true?

Children's brains are much more plastic than adults' brains

Contrast neurogenesis with differentiation

Contrast neurogenesis with differentiation

The molecule present in the chromosomes that "codes" hereditary information is called


Which of the following choices requires inferential statistics?

Determining whether the exam scores of one fourth-grade classroom reflect how all fourth-graders would score

Which theory outlines a series of stages that occur throughout the lifespan and involve tension between conflicting ways of interacting with others?

Erikson's psychosocial theory

Which approach would be most appropriate for testing the hypothesis that taking practice tests improves learning more than studying alone does?

Experimental research.

Which of the following conditions affects the appearance of the child's face and causes significant damage to the developing brain?

Fetal alcohol syndrome

Refer to the figure. Which correctly names the lobes labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively?

Frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe.

Which of the following perspectives argues that human behavior develops in certain ways because it serves a useful purpose?


The process by which a cell directs a gene to make a certain protein is called

Gene expression

Which term refers to specific lengths of DNA that carry information needed to make the proteins that are required for proper bodily functioning?


A quarter in your hand casts a different image on your retina than a quarter taped to the wall across the room, yet you know that the quarters have exactly the same dimensions. This phenomenon would be best explained by a

Gestalt psychologist..

On an empathy questionnaire, Group 1 had a mean score of 117 with a standard deviation of 14. Group 2 had a mean score of 96 with a standard deviation of 23. Therefore, _______ scored higher on average and their scores were _______ spread out than scores from _______.

Group 1; less; Group 2

Which of the following may indicate that someone you know might be considering suicide?

He mentions that he has been searching online for a handgun.

Which of the following samples would produce a nearly normal distribution?

Heights of all adult men in America

According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, which question best corresponds with an adolescent's search for identity?

How can I fit in socially with the people around me?

In experimental research, which of the following variables is controlled by the researcher?


What do studies of maternal nurturing behavior in rats suggest about humans?

Maternal neglect early in life may have lasting impacts on a person's ability to cope with life's challenges..

Which is the correct order of measures of central tendency, from lowest to highest, for a positively skewed distribution?

Mode, median, mean.

Which of the following is true regarding normal neuronal cell death?

Neurons normally continue to die until adolescence.

Which statement about information transmission between neurons is correct?

Neurons send electrical messages across the synaptic cleft

Which of the following is most consistent with psychologists' understanding of infantile amnesia?

Older children and adults more effectively establish concrete and lasting memories because verbal skills facilitate encoding.

Which statement is not consistent with research on cognitive processing and aging?

Older people typically respond faster than younger people in memory experiments.

Which is true of twins who are discordant for a certain trait?

One of them has the trait and the other does not.

The effects of PKU are epigenetic because

PKU is harmful only if a child ingests significant amounts of phenylalanine.

A meta-analysis of published and unpublished tests of SSRI medications revealed that

SSRIs beat placebos only for severe levels of depression.

The procedure by which researchers test whether a child has developed a theory of mind is called the

Sally and Anne test

An 18-month-old boy picks up everything he can get his hands on and puts it in his mouth. Identify his likely stage of cognitive development.


Which is the most likely reason that Hester was the first of the Genain quadruplets to develop schizophrenic symptoms?

She had the lowest birth weight of the quadruplets.

Which confounding variable is teased out when psychologists study the traits of identical twins?

Similar environments shared by relatives.

Which statement reflects a reasonable attitude for a good student of psychology to have toward any claim about human behavior?

Skepticism is advisable until an idea is proven right..

Which of the following approaches to psychology did Edward Titchener advocate in the late 1800s?

Structuralism .

A news organization wanted to predict who would win the next U.S. presidential election. They sent an opinion poll to every fiftieth person on a list of students enrolled at a nearby college. Which of the following is the study population?

Students at this particular college.

Kobe, a native English speaker, has moved to Germany and is learning to speak German. Which brain region is likely to show the greatest plasticity?

Temporal lobe.

Why are dominant, yet harmful, alleles like the huntingtin gene so rare in our genomes?

The carrier does not survive long enough to pass on the allele..

A child finds a five-dollar bill beside her teacher's desk. Which scenario describes the application of preconventional moral reasoning?

The child is afraid she'll get in trouble if she takes the money, so she gives it to her teacher.

Which single gene effect do men display more often than women?

The inability to distinguish red from green.

You take a job selling magazine subscriptions from home because the recruitment video says the average earnings per employee are $90,000 a year. You work 60 hours a week for a year and earn $30,000. An Internet search reveals that hundreds of people have had the same experience with this and other work-at-home schemes. How can companies legitimately claim that the average salary is $90,000 if most employees make less than $30,000?

The mean salary reflects the presence of outliers..

What was Kohlberg most interested in when examining people's responses to the fictional story of Heinz stealing a drug for his ailing wife?

The nature of their reasoning about their choice

. Why is it difficult for psychologists to define the specific genes involved in disorders like depression and schizophrenia?

There are likely numerous genes that influence the various symptoms of each disorder

When one identical twin has schizophrenia, the other develops it only about half of the time. What is the most likely explanation for this?

There is an environmental component involved in developing schizophrenia.

As you and your roommate watch a news report about a big fight that broke out at a local club, he turns to you and says, "I'm not surprised. It's a full moon, after all. People always go crazy around the full moon." As a student of psychology, your response should be:

Well, people tend to be more accident-prone around the full moon, but the crime rate doesn't really go up."

A research team was investigating the impact of stereotypes on performance. In one group, women read a magazine article about why the structure of men's brains makes them better at math. In the second group, women read a magazine article saying there are no biological differences in the mathematical abilities of men and women. All women in the study then took a challenging math test. Researchers scored the number of items women answered correctly. In this study, which of the following was the dependent variable?

Women's scores on the math test.

A professor wanted to learn more about the body image concerns of young teenage girls. She randomly selected 200 girls from local middle schools to complete her questionnaire. These girls were

a representative sample..

Any substance that can potentially harm the fetus during birth is called a

a teratogen.

Professor Durkin predicts that because we attribute positive qualities to attractive people, attractive children get away with misbehaving more often than unattractive children do. This is an example of

a theory

Myelinated axons are useful because they

allow action potentials to travel more quickly.

To prove that electrical stimulation can produce intense feelings of anxiety, the mad scientist would stimulate his victim's


A neuron with _______ would be expected to have the slowest-moving action potential.

an unmyelinated, thin axon.

Preoperational children are often called "egocentric" because they

are not capable of experiencing empathy toward others.

classmate tells you that she has over 700 Facebook friends. As a proponent of the social brain hypothesis, you will most likely

be skeptical of her ability to interact meaningfully with so many people.

. Though generally satisfied with life, older people do experience a sense of loss and longing after the death of a friend or loved one. This is called


In cases where only one of two identical twins develops schizophrenia, all of the following factors may be responsible except

birth order..

Which part of the brain relays information between the spinal cord and the cerebellum?


Which function is most directly controlled by the brainstem?


Proteins are often described by scientists as the

building blocks of life.

The hallmarks of psychology as a science are

careful experimentation and the application of critical thinking

Which of the following research methods would be most appropriate for exploring whether childhood emotional abuse predicts higher levels of adult depression?

case studies

Neurotransmitters influence the polarization of a neuron by

causing receptor channels to open, allowing positively charged sodium ions to flow into the neuron..

Which part of the brain plays the greatest role in controlling higher mental functions?


Each of our _______ consists of tightly coiled DNA.


Refer to the figure. The figure illustrates a typical experiment in sensory input --> participant processing information --> report press button

cognitive psychology..

Piaget's theory of development has been referred to as _______ because in his view, children adapt to the world by actively building and organizing their experiences.


. A friend asks you to help him steal a car so he can drive his roommate to a doctor's appointment. You refuse, reasoning that laws and rules are a part of society for a reason and you do not want to disrupt the status quo. According to Kohlberg's theory, you are using _______ reasoning.


Twins who share a certain physical or behavioral trait are _______ for that trait.


Twins who do not share 100 percent of their genes are called


In a depression-treatment study, neither the participants nor the researcher know who is taking medication and who is taking a sugar pill. This is an example of a

double-blind trial.

In the experiment with dull and bright rats, Cooper and Zubek demonstrated a gene—environment interaction by showing that when navigating the maze

dull rats raised in enriched environments eventually performed as well as bright rats..

In a test of a new medication for schizophrenia, doctors allow patients to decide if they want to take the new medication or stick with their current medication. This is problematic because it creates an issue with

effect size

The technique that detects voltage changes in the brain is

electroencephalography (EEG)

The main purpose of inferential statistics is to

estimate a characteristic of a population based on a sample.

A research team wants to know if sugar consumption is related to hyperactivity. Researchers give fifty children cupcakes made with real sugar and another fifty children cupcakes made with zero-calorie sugar substitutes. They then observe each child individually to assess his or her level of activity after eating the cupcakes. This is an example of


Research that involves intentional manipulation of variables is called _______ research


Research has shown that social exclusion activates the same brain regions as physical pain. A researcher wants to test the hypothesis that over-the-counter pain relievers will also reduce the pain of social exclusion. She gives half of her participants ibuprofen and half a placebo, then has them play a game in which other players ignore them. Participants who take the ibuprofen are the _______ and participants who take the placebo are the _______.

experimental group; control group

. Liver cells differ from brain cells in terms of the genes they


Your first cell began making proteins when your father's sperm fused with your mother's egg in the process of


The fusion of your father's sperm and your mother's egg is referred to as


You feel sick after eating leftovers you found in the back of the refrigerator. Occam's razor would favor the hypothesis that you have

food poisoning..

A researcher plans to study changes in patients' brain activity as Alzheimer's disease progresses by detecting changes in blood flow and oxygen content. The appropriate brain imaging technique to use is

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

A researcher would most likely use _______ to investigate which brain areas are active during speech?

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

Even though your body changes and you develop new physical and behavioral characteristics, your _______ never changes.


In the final stages of synaptogenesis, neurons

grow dendrites and axons..

Dizygotic twins

grow from separate zygotes.

The _______ technique is used to determine whether infants can tell the difference between two visual stimuli


In the homunculus that corresponds to the mapping of the somatosensory cortex, which body part occupies the largest area?


Psychologists now believe that subliminal advertising

has a weak effect on consumers, if any at all.

. The endocrine system controls

hormone production and release

Inhibitory synapses

hyperpolarize neurons..

The principle of Occam's razor compares _______ in terms of the _______.

hypothesis; assumptions they make

Baby chicks born on a farm will often follow the human that they first see when they hatch. This is a result of _______, the innate process of learning to recognizing a parent


The loss of sensory capacity in hearing as we age is most evident for sounds that are

in the high-pitch range (over 12,000 Hz).

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by problems directing attention, which are also accompanied by

increased physical activity and fidgeting.

The primary type of neuron in neural networks is a


Research participants in early psychology studies might have been given a stimulus such as a ticking metronome and would reflect on the experience, reporting what the stimulus made them think and feel. These individuals would have been using a process called


A researcher presents his participant with a series of flashing lights at varying intervals. After each presentation of a light, he asks the participant to fully describe her internal experiences, a method known as


The expression of genes

is constantly changing in response to the environment

Deception in psychological research

is occasionally allowed but must be followed by a thorough debriefing.

A recessive allele, such as the allele for white flower color in pea plants, affects an individual's phenotype only when

it is present on both chromosomes.

A psychologist administered a test that was designed to measure intelligence. Individuals taking the test on multiple occasions were found to achieve similar scores over time. Another psychologist used the same test to evaluate subjects' memory capacity, and these results were strongly correlated with those of other memory tests. As an instrument designed to measure intelligence, the test has _______ validity and _______ reliability

low; high

Students of introductory psychology may be surprised to learn that

many of their beliefs about the causes of thoughts and behaviors are incorrect.

Infants progressively show more complex motor behaviors, which is primarily the result of

maturation of the brain.

A correlation of −0.80 between meditation and anxiety symptoms would indicate

meditation predicts lower levels of anxiety..

The hippocampus plays the most significant role in


Before scientists fully understood the cause of PKU, infants with the disorder often developed

mental impairment.

The discipline of psychology can most accurately be defined as the study of

mind and behavior

Mutations arise from

mistakes in copying DNA from a parent when eggs or sperm are made.

The difference between a zygote and an embryo is that the embryo is

more complex.

A researcher hoping to identify autism's early warning signs collects home videos of autistic teens. She uses these videos of their formative years to identify atypical movements as they learned to crawl and walk. This is an example of

naturalistic observation

Refer to the figure. This scatterplot reveals a _______ correlation.


Both the spinal cord and the brain develop from the fetal structure called the

neural tube

Otto Loewi electrically stimulated a nerve in a frog heart. He then applied fluid surrounding that heart to a second heart. In this experiment, he found evidence that

neurons communicate chemically

The study of the nervous system is called


A patient has a dangerously low heart rate and is having difficulty breathing. The neurotransmitter that would be most helpful to him is


Scientific investigation has revealed that the "Mozart Effect" (the notion that children become smarter from listening to the music of Mozart) is

not substantiated through research.

When psychologists use the term "nature" to refer to causes of behaviors, they mean

our genes and strictly biological influences.

All of the following are female secondary sex characteristics except


White matter refers to

parts of the brain filled with myelinated axons.

. Regardless of what your current _______ displays, your _______ never changes.

phenotype; genotype

The foundations of psychology are most closely related to which of the following disciplines?


"Green is the prettiest color" is a _______ hypothesis because it is _______.

poor; not testable

After a skydiving accident, an MRI showed damage to Rose's cerebellum. She is most likely to have difficulty with

practicing yoga..

Rats whose mothers were attentive and licked them more frequently as pups tend to

produce less stress hormone as adults.

Reliability refers to whether your measurement tool _______ and validity to whether it _______.

produces repeatable results; measures what it is supposed to measure

Treatment-outcome researchers attempt to prevent initial differences between treatment and control groups by using


Kohlberg constructed his theory of moral reasoning by asking people to decide how a fictional character, Heinz, should respond to a moral dilemma. Kohlberg was most interested in the

reasoning by which people reached their decisions

A depressed teenager treated with medication begins feeling better immediately, even though the medication typically takes weeks to work. This is an example of a _______ effect.

reduce unconscious bias..

In Plato's cave allegory, a prisoner was temporarily unchained and allowed to see the fire at the mouth of the cave. When he returned to the chains, the other prisoners

refused to believe him..

A self-report measure of the personality trait of agreeableness produces very similar scores each time the same person completes it. It is also strongly correlated with whether family members describe a person as friendly and cooperative. This measure appears to be

reliable and valid..

The presence of adoring groupies at a small local club make a rock band confident they will become world famous. They should probably pay more attention to the importance of

representative samples.

All of the following are secondary sex characteristics except

reproductive organs in females.

The Tuskegee syphilis study is famous because

researchers failed to inform participants that they had a treatable disease.

All of the following activities have been shown to prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease except

resting the brain by avoiding complex cognitive tasks.

Sensory information from the left side of the body is processed in the _______ and mapped onto the cortex.

right hemisphere

. When a touch to the cheek elicits a turn of an infant's head, the infant is displaying a simple reflex called


Vision researchers have shown that a person will fail to develop visual perception abilities if light does not stimulate the eye early in development. This is evidence of _______ during development.

sensitive periods

An empiricist believes that the only source of knowledge about the external world is

sensory experience

if you and your sibling share a trait, then by definition you

share a particular genotype.

. Results from a recent experiment are consistent with a researcher's expectation that exposing people to unfamiliar groups reduces prejudice. This means that the researcher

should retain her hypothesis for now

Which sense is the least mature at birth?


Dopamine is most directly involved in

signaling pleasure..

As the number of pirates in the world has decreased, the mean global temperature has increased. This is an example of a

spurious correlation

Scores for Group 1 differ most dramatically from scores for Group 2 in their

standard deviation

Mary Ainsworth found that infants vary in their attachment styles by using an experimental procedure called the

strange situation task.

At about eight months of age, as a part of normal attachment development, infants begin to show

stranger anxiety

To identify the most popular exhibits at a science museum, visitors were asked every day for six weeks to rate how much they enjoyed each exhibit. The data were analyzed to look for age and sex differences in exhibit preferences. This was an example of

survey research..

Your roommate has accused you of stealing money from her. Your racing heart and rapid breathing are triggered by your _______ nervous system.


Thinning of the top layer of the cortex in adolescence is a good indicator of the neurodevelopmental process called

synapse rearrangement

The idea that children are born with no knowledge or "content" whatsoever and are "filled" by life experiences is called

tabula rasa..

Alzheimer's disease is dementia that is caused by

the build-up of amyloid in and outside of acetylcholine neurons

Harmful dominant alleles, like those for the huntingtin gene, are not common because in most cases

the carrier does not survive long enough to pass on the allele via reproduction.

Heritability estimates tell us

the degree to which variations in a population can be attributed to genetics.

Twin studies of the heritability of schizophrenia generally show that

the heritability of schizophrenia is about 50 percent..

Psychology is best defined as the study of

the mind and behavior.

A psychological test designed to measure creativity is considered a reliable tool based on whether

the same subjects would score consistently over time.

Researchers can tell if an infant prefers a visual stimulus, such as a face, to another stimulus by

tracking how long an infant looks at each stimulus.

Which of these behaviors is most likely to be controlled by a neural network?

understanding a joke

Plato's cave analogy illustrates that

we cannot necessarily rely on our senses to learn the truth.

According to the process of natural selection, a mutation

will accumulate in the genomes of future generations if it improves survival and reproduction.

One reason dysfunctional alleles can have such specific effects on the workings of our sensory systems is that

. our sensory systems rely on the functioning of more than one protein..

Which of the following numbers represents a statistically significant p-value?


The median is a better measure of central tendency than the mean for which of the following distributions?

10, 12, 13, 14, 106.

How is natural selection related to psychology?

Humans behave as they do in part because that behavior promotes survival..

. Your uncle has been stricken by delusions and is displaying strange, sweeping, involuntary movements of his arms and legs. He is most likely suffering from

Huntington's disease.

A recent study found that married people are less likely to have personality disorders than unmarried people. The news reporter covering the study advised people to get married to improve their personalities. You know this recommendation is not warranted because

It is possible that personality disorders keep people from marrying

Which scenario describes a child who has mastered the concept of conservation of mass?

Jane knows that she has the same amount of clay in her round ball as Rico has in his flat disk.

The key purpose of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to

Judge overall risk/benefit of research projects, determine whether appropriate safeguards are being implemented in research.

When the U.S. Supreme Court was deliberating on whether to require schools to integrate black children and white children, their decision to strike down laws permitting segregated schools was greatly influenced by the "Doll Test," conducted by

Kenneth Clark and Mamie Phipps Clark..

A scientist is interested in understanding how the size of the prefrontal cortex changes between the ages of 9 and 13. Which of the following brain imaging techniques would she be most likely to use?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

During which stage of neural development do the neurons begin to branch out to form connections with one another?


A child finds a five-dollar bill beside her teacher's desk. Which scenario describes the application of preconventional moral reasoning?

The child is afraid she'll get in trouble if she takes the money, so she gives it to her teacher..

According to the social brain hypothesis, each of us can deal effectively with social interactions with roughly 150 people. This implies that

The correct answer was: b. we are capable of maintaining social networks of up to 150 people throughout our lives. .

A research team is investigating the impact of stereotypes on performance. In one group, women read an article about why the structure of men's brains makes them better at math. In the second group, women read an article saying there are no biological differences in the mathematical abilities of men and women. Then all women in the study take a challenging math test. Researchers time the test and score the number of items women answered correctly. In this study, which of the following is the independent variable?

Which article the women read

Which of the following demonstrates an epigenetic effect?

Which of the following demonstrates an epigenetic effect?

Why did women make few contributions to psychology in the first part of the 20th century?

Widespread sexism limited women's participation in science

The year 1879 might be thought of as the beginning of psychology as a science because that is the year

Wilhelm Wundt developed and opened the first psychology laboratory..

A meta-analysis is

a combination of results from many related studies

Gerard's mother has noticed that he becomes very upset when she leaves for work in the morning. When she gets home, he is resistant to her attempts to bond with him. Gerard is displaying

ambivalent attachment

Adolescents are in the fifth stage of psychosocial development, and according to Erikson, are most concerned with developing

an identity

Gestalt psychologists such as Max Wertheimer and Wolfgang Köhler

argue that the overall experience of human perception is greater than the sum of its parts

Lila is 18 months old and is no longer surprised when her mother hides her ball, only to reveal it again in a different position in front of her. What cognitive milestone is Lila displaying?

assimilation; accommodation.

When a child learns new information about the world that fits with her schema, it is called _______. When a child learns new information that requires her to change her schema, it is called _______.

assimilation; accommodation.

After being diagnosed with thyroid cancer, Kaela had her thyroid removed. The effects of this are likely to include

changes in metabolism..

The rod-shaped cellular structures that contain human DNA are called


During cell migration, neurons

clump together to form various brain structures.

An unethical experimenter wants to test the relationship between discomfort and aggression. On a hot day, she turns off the air conditioning in one dorm and leaves it on in another, then has her research assistants count occurrences of verbal aggression in common areas of the buildings. Students in the air-conditioned dorm would be the _______, and students in the overheated dorm would be the _______.

control group; experimental group.

You are trying to overcome your fear of snakes. Inspired by the work of Mary Cover Jones, your therapist first shows you some pictures of snakes. Then she tells you that there is a small snake in a cage in the next room. She asks you to observe the live snake from a distance, and continues this process until your fear is conquered. Your therapist is using the technique called


Before the mechanisms behind PKU were known to science, infants that inherited the genes for the disorder almost always

developed mental impairments..

. In a developing placenta, the inner cell mass is the part of the embryo that

develops into the body

During neural development, the nervous system generates more cells than it ultimately needs. Over half of the extra cells

die though a natural process before birth..

. Which side effect is most likely following the removal of a large tumor from a patient's cerebellum?

difficulty with balance and motor coordination

Preoperational children are often described as _______ because they do not understand that different people can have different points of view.


The thyroid and the pituitary gland are part of the

endocrine system

Debi just ran a marathon in less than four hours and felt no pain during the run. Her lack of pain was most likely due to


The scientific study of factors that affect gene expression is called


In taste tests, people prefer Coke to Pepsi when they drink labeled samples but prefer Pepsi to Coke when they drink unlabeled samples. This is an example of

explicit bias

In a phobia treatment study, the participants spend three hours facing their fears. Post-treatment scores show significant improvement in overall distress levels when handling the feared objects, so the treatment is judged as effective by the researcher. To improve the study's design, the researcher can

include a control group, which would receive some supportive counseling but not the actual treatment.

. Many research findings indicate that disease, malnutrition, and neglect _______ the probability that a person will develop schizophrenia.


Which of the following investigation types does not represent the descriptive method of scientific inquiry?

laboratory experimentation

Refer to the set of numbers below. 2, 8, 3, 4, 8, 10, 0 In the set of numbers, the median is _______ than the mean and _______than the mode.

less; less

A scientist has inserted an electrode into the frontal lobe of a monkey. Electrical stimulation would most likely cause the monkey to

make a kicking motion..

A college professor testing two different study-skill interventions tosses a coin to decide which type of training each student will get. The professor does this to

make it less likely that there will be pre-existing differences between the groups

Colorblindness is more common in males than in females because

males receive only one allele (on the X chromosome) for that gene for color vision.

Jake has recently developed a disease that causes him to release too much testosterone. Compared with his behavior prior to developing the disease, his behavior now is likely to be

more irritable and aggressive

. Neural development begins with rapid division of nerve cells in a process called


Neural development begins with rapid division of nerve cells in a process called


To demonstrate that brain stimulation can create visual illusions, a doctor would stimulate his patient's

occipital lobe

After her stroke, Mei was able to hear, smell, and taste normally. However, she had difficulty with her vision. She most likely experienced damage to her

occipital lobe..

Which strategy has been most effective in reducing the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?

placing babies on their backs when sleeping

"Green is the prettiest color" is a _______ hypothesis because it is _______.

poor; not testable.

To learn more about the gaming habits of teenage boys, a professor randomly selected fifty boys from various high schools for a video game study. In this study, "all teenage boys" make up the


A technique that tracks blood flow to measure brain activity is

positron emission tomography (PET)..

Following a head injury, Maria experienced a dramatic personality change. She now gambles heavily, swears and yells at work, and has difficulty planning ahead. She most likely experienced damage to her

prefrontal cortex

The key purpose of myelin is to

provide electrical insulation

Ethical principles require researchers to

provide information about potential risks to participants before they begin a study.

The landmark in development when an individual becomes capable of reproduction is called


Effect size

refers to the magnitude of the difference between groups.

In a behaviorist approach to treatment for a patient with a fear of rats, the patient is

repeatedly exposed to stimuli that are gradually more and more like rats.

Two reflexes that help an infant receive nourishment are the _______ reflex, or the turning of the head in response to a brush of the cheek, and the _______ reflex, primarily for intake of breast milk.

rooting; sucking.

Gina is very attached to her father, who is her primary caregiver. She is usually upset when he leaves her with her grandmother to go to work, but Gina is always happy when he returns in the evening. Gina is displaying

secure attachment.

The visual cliff is a method used by researchers to measure an infant's ability to

see a steep drop under the clear surface on which they are crawling.

If heavy snowfall in Alaska has a correlation of -0.78 with the consumption of ice cream and a correlation of +0.78 with the sale of boots, you can predict that for a snowy January in Alaska, the store will

sell more boots and ice cream sales will be lower.

To allow communication, neurons

send chemical messages across small gaps between neurons.

Computed tomography (CT) scans

show brain structures but not areas of brain activity..

A researcher testing a new medication for attention deficit disorder randomly assigns half of the participants to get the actual medication and half to get a sugar pill. Neither the researcher nor the participants know who is getting what. This study design will

shyness; party attendance.

The peripheral nervous system is divided into the _______ nervous system and the _______ nervous system.

somatic; autonomic.

Whether depression levels are truly lower in a treatment group than in a control group is assessed by determining the _______ of the difference in scores between groups.

statistical significance.

A hypothesis is

testable prediction about the relationship between variables

The sensation of a fly landing on your arm is weaker than the sensation of being hit with a dodgeball because

the dodgeball triggers more action potentials per second from each sensory neuron..

Epigenetics is most concerned with

the expression of a particular gene

PET scans

track radioactive markers in the blood

Genes regulate protein synthesis by

transcription and translation

The corpus callosum is directly responsible for

transferring information between the left and right hemispheres.

Researchers are testing the hypothesis that high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood trigger panic attacks. Half of the participants breathe carbon dioxide-enriched air, and the other half breathe normal air, then measured panic attack symptoms. In this study _______ is the independent variable and _______ is the dependent variable.

type of air; panic attack symptoms

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