Psychology 101:01 - Exam 3 Review Questions

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Which of the following questions would best enable you to remember the word "ball?"

Is it used in sports?

In Watson and Raynor's study with Little Albert, what was the conditioned stimulus?

the white rat

In Pavlov's experiments, the food is the:

unconditioned stimulus

At casino slot machines, a player may hit the jackpot after a random number of pulls (sometimes it may be after 3 pulls; other times, it may be after 80 pulls). This is a _____ schedule of reinforcement.


Which of the following is most likely to occur during an experiment on classical conditioning?

The participant displays an unconditioned response on the first trial.

When I was given a ticket for having a broken headlight, I thought, If only I had left a few minutes earlier - then the police officer would not have seen me. This demonstrates the _____ heuristic.


During acquisition, which should come first?

the CS

In the previous question, the participants changed their attitudes due to:

insufficient justification for their behavior

In the "wobbly bridge" study, what is the explanation for why the men crossing the wobbly part of the bridge were more likely to call the woman than those on the stable part of the bridge?

The men misinterpreted physiological signals of fear as physical attraction.

When Grisha gets a bad grade, his dad takes away his video games for a week. This illustrates:

negative punishment

Petra wants to teach her cat to use her paw to open the bedroom door. To do so, she first rewards the cat for going near the bedroom door, then gives her a reward for putting her paw in the air near the bedroom door, then rewards her for putting her paw on the doorknob, etc. until the cat learns to open the door with her paw. This illustrates:


As Haku hears a song on the radio, she feels anxious. The song was very popular at a time when her parents were going through a divorce. During this time, they yelled a lot at each other, causing Haku intense anxiety. What is the conditioned stimulus?

the song

In an experiment, students (who generally supported free speech) wrote essays in favor of banning controversial speakers from campus. Some were told that they must write the essay for the study; others were told that it would be appreciated if they did so, but it was their choice. Consistent with cognitive dissonance theory, which students came to be less supportive of free speech?

the students who were told that they could choose whether or not to write the essay

Your psychology instructor announces that she will administer several unannounced pop quizzes throughout the semester and that your scores on these quizzes will count toward your final grade. Your instructor has put you on what type of reinforcement schedule?


Yanlin studied for her psychology final exam while listening to Beethoven. To increase the likelihood that during the exam, she will remember the material she studied, it would be best if Yanlin took the exam:

while listening to Beethoven

Ziyue tells her son that he doesn't have to do his chores one night when he behaves well at home. This illustrates:

negative reinforcement

Which saying best reflects the concept of self-actualization?

"Be all that you can be."

Suppose you are teaching an infant care class for expectant parents and don't want the fathers to succumb to stereotype threat. Before the final exam (feeding and clothing a baby doll), which of the following should you say to the class?

"Research actually shows that there are no gender differences in the ability to care for babies."

In the roommate video, what is the CS?

"that was easy"

When Shmi looked out of a window on the 120th floor of a building, her heart raced and, at the same time, she felt afraid. Which theory of emotion does this illustrate?

Cannon-Bard theory

Sam receives a punch-card from the fro-yo store that after every 10 purchases gives her the 11th cup for free. What schedule of reinforcement is this?

Fixed ratio

When Marco trips over the sidewalk he says it's because the sidewalk was built crooked. When he watches someone else trip over the sidewalk, he assumes it is because they are clumsy. What is Marcos thinking an example of?

Fundamental attribution error

If you are trying to learn a list of words, what would be the best possible advice?

Go through the list thinking about the meaning of each word

Leonard loved playing the piano and practiced everyday because he wanted to get better. He then began getting an allowance for practicing from his parents and eventually cared more for receiving the allowance than practicing? What was Leonard experiencing initially and what had occurred?

Intrinsic motivation: overjustification effect

According to the _____ theory of emotion, after someone steals our car, we will first experience an increased heart rate and then experience anger.


When Zett heard a loud noise, his heart started racing, and then he felt afraid. Which theory of emotion does this illustrate?

James-Lange theory

Fraternity pledges who are subjected difficult hazing practices are more committed to their fraternities than pledges who undergo mild initiation rituals due to:

cognitive dissonance

In Festinger's study, participants who were paid _____ to lie to the next group of participants about their enjoyment of the task were most likely to change their attitudes - they then believed that the task was fun.


Which of the following would you NOT store in semantic memory?

What you did to celebrate your high school graduation

Which scenario supports the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion?

Kiawe relaxes in his hammock. Suddenly, he feels an earthquake, causing him to feel afraid; at the same time, his heart beats rapidly and his palms sweat.

In the situation above, what reflects generalization?

Lisa holding out her arms in response to Bart shouting, "Catch!"

Sperling's study in which participants were briefly flashed 12 letters demonstrated that, for a fraction of a second, _____ letters were in their iconic memory.


Addison is reading her textbook and quizzing herself on what she read. Naomi is reading the textbook and taking notes. Who will likely be better prepared for the exam?

Addison: she's encoding, storing, and retrieving information only

Annie was asked a question in an open ended format and had difficulty in answering. However, when asked the same question in multiple choice format she was able to answer easily. Which of the following best explains this?

Annie struggled with her recall memory and needed cues to answer the questions

Lena suffers a concussion during her basketball game and is not able to create new memories after the event. What type of amnesia is she experiencing?

Anterograde amnesia

Bart shouts, "Cowabunga!" before throwing a football at his sister, Lisa, who holds out her arms to catch it. Across the next hour, Bart shouts, "Cowabunga!" and then throws a football at Lisa several more times. Next, Bart shouts, "Cowabunga!" but does not throw a football at Lisa; however, Lisa holds out her arms. Bart then shouts, "Catch!" and Lisa responds by holding out her arms. In this situation, what constitutes the acquisition phase?

Bart shouting, "Cowabunga!" and then throwing a football at Lisa

When Akio was promoted to AD, he said that he had earned it by being smart and hard-working. When he was later passed over for the Dir. position, he said that the selection committee was unfair and biased. This illustrates the:

self-serving bias.

When her puppy would sit, Michelle would tell her puppy "good sit" and give a treat every time. Eventually, the puppy understood what "sit" meant and would sit, and wait for his treats. What is this best known as?

Classical conditioning

Suppose, for a speech competition, a student gives a speech arguing the merits of tight legal restrictions on gun ownership. _____ theory would predict that they would feel more strongly in favor of gun control laws after the competition.

Cognitive dissonance theory

Mark has been a chain smoker for years. In an attempt to quit every time he craves a cigarette he pinches himself so he learns to associate craving a cigarette with an unpleasant result. What is this an example of?

Conditioned aversion

Remembering that J.D. Salinger wrote "The Catcher in the Rye" involves the use of _____ memory.


Sam's kitten, Lucy, learns that if she clicks the box to the box on her left when the light hanging above it is green, she will receive a treat and if it's red and she clicks it she will receive a mild shock. Thus, over time she learns to only click the box when the light is green. What is this an example of?

Operant conditioning

Suppose an experimenter asks people a question about something they did not see (e.g., people who did not see a truck might be asked what color the truck was). How does asking such a question affect people's memory, if at all?

People who hear such a question are more likely than other people are to report seeing the item (e.g., the truck)

Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, this stage precedes the others and includes basic needs such as water and shelter.

Physiological needs

The field hockey team coach makes the team run laps every time someone is late to practice. What is this an example of?

Positive punishment

A group of people has learned to blink their eyes whenever they see a flashing blue light, because for the last hour, that flashing blue light has always been followed by a puff of air to their eyes. If we want to test for the possibility of generalization, what procedure should we follow?

Present a flashing green light.

One day, Sola got very tense and was shaking, and upon realizing that a large spider was crawling on her, she felt afraid. Which theory of emotion does this illustrate?

Schachter and Singer's two-factor theory

Michelle's dog has been conditioned to associate a bell ring with his food. Whenever she rings it, he comes running over to eat. However, the bell broke and she never purchased a new one for a few years. She goes to the store one day and decides to buy another bell. Though she hasn't rang this bell in quite some time she wants to see if her dog will come running to the sound and he does. What is this best described as?

Spontaneous recovery

Evan tried sushi for the first time and ended up getting horrible food poisoning. Though we're not sure if the food poisoning came from the sushi, now he has gag reflexes and nausea any time he sees or smells sushi. What is the unconditioned stimulus/response?

Sushi (US); Food Poisoning (UR)

As Haku hears a song on the radio, she feels anxious. The song was very popular at a time when her parents were going through a divorce. During this time, they yelled a lot at each other, causing Haku intense anxiety. What is the unconditioned response?

anxiety in response to parents fighting

Laurel, a law student assisting on a case, believes that her client is guilty of a crime. When her fellow law students point out various pieces of evidence that point to the client's innocence, Laurel doesn't pay attention, and when later reviewing the case, only remembers the evidence suggesting that the client is guilty; therefore, she maintains her belief that the client did commit the crime. The persistence of Laurel's belief can be explained by:

a confirmation bias

As Haku hears a song on the radio, she feels anxious. The song was very popular at a time when her parents were going through a divorce. During this time, they yelled a lot at each other, causing Haku intense anxiety. What is the conditioned response?

anxiety in response to the song

After hearing that her neighbor contracted Lyme disease, Dot began to fear that she would also get Lyme disease, and stopped going outside. Dot's use of her neighbor's recent diagnosis in making her decision about going outside reflects the __ heuristic.


When asked to guess whether Leorio, who wears a cowboy hat and boots, is from Montana or California, you guess California because more people live in California. You have used ________ in making your decision.

base-rate information

In the roommate video, what is the US?

being shot with the nerf gun

You are debating about whether your middle-schooler should take a language class or another elective. Because you know that learning a second language is associated with _____, you have your child select a language class.

better grades in high school

When other shoppers leave their shopping carts next to their cars rather than putting them in the designated spot, Spencer thinks the other shoppers are selfish and lazy. When Spencer leaves his shopping cart next to his car rather than putting it in the designated spot, he knows that he is in a huge hurry to get to work. This reflects the:

actor-observer effect

When Monica leaves her dirty dishes in the sink, she tells herself that she did so because she is very busy; when Rachel leaves her dirty dishes in the sink, Monica thinks that Rachel is lazy and inconsiderate. Monica is demonstrating the:

actor-observer effect.

JJ has just agreed to donate $100 to support the troops, although she has anti-military attitudes. According to _____ theory, she is likely to become more pro-military.

cognitive dissonance

In Pavlov's experiments, the dogs' salivation following the tone is the:

conditioned response

If Yanlin (from the previous question) does what you suggest, she's capitalizing on:

context-dependent memory

Anka, who is 1 year old, has been classically conditioned to fear her pediatrician's office because that is where she receives shots, but she is not fearful when she goes to the dermatologist's office, where she does not receive shots. This demonstrates:


Wes, a suspect of a crime, is asked to provide an alibi for between 10 and 11 pm on May 11. Wes recalled studying for his constitutional law exam with Asher at the library at that time, which is an example of _____ memory.


A conscious memory of the name of the state flower of NJ (common blue violet) is a(n) _____ memory.


In classical conditioning, the opposite of acquisition is:


Spencer makes donations to Unicef because he likes the colorful return address labels they send him in return. He makes the donations due to:

extrinsic motivation

In Watson and Raynor's study with Little Albert, what was the unconditioned response?

fear in response to the loud noise

In Watson and Raynor's study with Little Albert, what was the conditioned response?

fear in response to the white rat

Roose tells you that her children always behave better on Fridays than on any other day of the week. Given this information, what reinforcement schedule would you suspect these children are on for their allowance?


Yara stuffs advertisements into envelopes in her spare time to earn extra college money. She gets paid for each box of 3000 envelopes she stuffs and sends to her employer. This is a _____ schedule of reinforcement.


In the roommate video, what is the CR?

flinching in response to "that was easy"

In the roommate video, what is the UR?

flinching in response to being hit with the nerf gun

In a study of the _____, participants who were aware that essay writers were told what position to take regarding Fidel Castro made _____ attributions.

fundamental attribution error; dispositional

Discrimination is the opposite of:


After seeing a billboard advertising Rita's Water Ice, Daenerys feels parched and in the mood for a sweet frozen treat, although she doesn't realize why she has this craving. Daenerys's response is affected by her _____ memory.


In an effort to remember the meaning of the word aberration, Hisoka states the definition aloud 20 times. He is using a technique known as:

maintenance rehearsal.

Shae, who has test anxiety, finds that when she meditates before a test, her anxiety level decreases; thus, she continues meditating before every test. Meditating is being:

negatively reinforced

Although the patient H.M. suffered severe anterograde amnesia, he remained fairly normal in his ability to learn:

new skills

Eld is a physically aggressive teenager because his friends have always complimented him when he wins physical fights. This illustrates:

operant conditioning

As Haku hears a song on the radio, she feels anxious. The song was very popular at a time when her parents were going through a divorce. During this time, they yelled a lot at each other, causing Haku intense anxiety. What is the unconditioned stimulus?

parents fighting

Sansa's father wants Sansa to stop leaving his dirty laundry on the floor. He tells Sansa that every time he leaves his laundry on the floor, he will have to mop the floor, a chore that Sansa hates. Sansa's father is using:

positive punishment

When Kitz uses vulgar words, his mother makes him write "I will not use vulgar words" 100 times. This illustrates:

positive punishment

Bronn's driver's license was suspended because he was driving under the influence of alcohol. This is an example of:

positive reinforcement

Sandor learns that talking in a funny voice gets him lots of attention from his classmates, so now he talks that way often. This is an example of:

positive reinforcement

When an eyewitness to an auto accident is asked to describe what happened, which measure of memory is being used?


Mistakenly concluding that the forgetful acts of an elderly person must be indicative of Alzheimer's disease (because the memory impairments seem typical of Alzheimer's disease) best illustrates the _____ heuristic.


When asked to guess whether Leorio, who wears a cowboy hat and boots, is from Montana or California, you guess Montana because he seems typical of someone from Montana. This demonstrates the _____ heuristic.


In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need that is highest (last) on the hierarchy is:


Apolo, a speed-skater, feels good about being strong and training hard when he wins, but when he loses, he says that the other skaters cheated. This shows the:

self-serving attribution

A student who just found out that he was not admitted to Rutgers spends his days rehearsing "if onlys": "If only I had studied more in high school"; "if only I had taken the SATs more seriously"; "if only I had done more volunteer work." The student is demonstrating the _____ heuristic.


To train an animal to make some response, a psychologist decides to use the procedure known as shaping. This means that the psychologist will:

start by reinforcing the animal for a simpler response

Pablo, who identifies as male, is about to take an essay exam on literature, and overhears two teachers talking about girls having better verbal skills than boys. Pablo is likely to experience:

stereotype threat

Imagine that you are a high school guidance counselor, and are concerned that your students' academic performance will be affected by stereotype threat. Of the following, which would you NOT do to protect your students against stereotype threat?

tell your students that they did well on their last exam because they are very smart.

Suppose you see a child pushing other children at the playground. If you make the fundamental attribution error, you are likely to attribute the child's behavior to:

the child's bullying nature.

Suppose your alarm makes a slight clicking sound just before the alarm goes off. Even though you didn't wake up to the clicking sound initially, now you do, due to classical conditioning. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is:

the clicking

Sophocles assumes that all of his professors have outgoing and talkative personalities since he always sees them talking. This assumption reflects:

the fundamental attribution error

In Watson and Raynor's study with Little Albert, what was the unconditioned stimulus?

the loud noise

Neeka drank a Red Bull (an energy drink) and then found herself feeling very angry and screaming obscenities when watching her little brother's little league game in which the umpire made some errors. This is probably due to:

the misattribution of arousal

Little Suni really enjoys her gymnastics classes, and to encourage their daughter to do well, her parents start giving her toys and ice cream whenever she has a good practice. Unfortunately, Suni starts to find gymnastics boring, which can be explained by:

the overjustification effect

In Festinger and Carlsmith's (1959) study, who came to enjoy the activities (e.g., moving spools back and forth) the most?

the participants paid $1

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