Psychology 308 Final

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Which scenario best represents the Broader Autism Phenotype?

Jackie has autism and her sister has poor perspective-taking and social anxiety

The following statements are about theories explaining why specific bonds emerge. Which of these statements is FALSE?

Learning and ethological theories explain why bonds continue after children no longer depend on their parents for survival.

According to Piaget, infants at the sensorimotor sub stage are engaged in primary circular reactions. Which of the following is FALSE about PCRs?

They are object-oriented.

What does it mean in family dynamics to say that women are doing a "double shift"

Women are taking on significant responsibilities at work and in the household

Still face experiment

Changes in motor development alter the way that a child interacts with the world, leading to _____ changes which exert a _____ influence on other areas of development.

local; weak

Mark has just started to evaluate himself along a number of separate dimensions. He views his athletic ability quite positively but has a negative view of his academic ability. Mark is likely in

middle childhood.

What best describes the trajectory of infants' productive vocabulary?

the number of words that infants can SAY grows EXPONENTIALLY


the observable expression of the genotype, including both body characteristics and behavior

Which of the following best describes what psychologists know about the beginning and end of adolescence?

Both the start and end of adolescence are debated, highlighting a problem with viewing development as categorical.

Bowlby's Ethological Theory of Attachment

Bowlby was first to call the parent-child bond "attachment" - Infant wants to be proximal to caregiver - Focus on evolutionary role of attachment

When on the path from conception to birth is the best definition for when an organism is considered an embryo?

after implantation

Parents might mix new foods with breast milk/formula to help babies learn to recognize them as foods. This is a example of parents supporting the process of...


Jake, a preschooler, is bothered by something in class. He tries to look away from the troubling sight but also purposely focus on something else to distract himself. This illustrates

attentional deployment.


children build knowledge for themselves, in response to the environment, and through their actions.

Divorce-stress adjustment perspective suggests that

children have better outcomes when their families model conflict resolution

Adding a 2-second lag to the mirror task makes it such that

children under age 4 and nonhuman species can no longer complete the task

A Machiavellian emotion is ___, and reflects __ development.

expressed but not felt; typical

Irene thinks of her past accomplishments and what she believes she can attain in the future. This illustrates her ___ self.


Which of the following is the best example of a holophrase?

saying "up" to mean "pick me up please"

Piaget tended to ___ when babies were capable of skills because of his emphasis on studying ___.

underestimate; performance

Rose has a black cat at home named Smokey. She only uses the word "cat" to refer to black cats that look like Smokey. She does not apply this label to cats that look quite different from Smokey. This illustrates


The cueing hypothesis suggests that infantile amnesia is due to

unique retrieval triggers in infants that are not accessed later in life

Gene is a preoperational child. He can likely do all the following EXCEPT:

use the mental tools of compensation and identity

The central question in the study of critical/sensitive periods is about ____.

whether certain environmental experiences best support development when they occur at a particular time.

Gaze following, social referencing, joint attention, pointing

*Gaze following (2-‐‐8 mos) • Social referencing (~7 mos) - Look to others to see how to react in new situations • Joint attention (~9 mos) - Look at something, look back at caregiver, and looking at it again • Pointing (9-‐‐12 mos) - First follows points, then makes points w/ finger, then uses joint a`en&on

Experimental Data Collection

- Experimental & control group, to address correlation vs. causation - Problems: Artificial contexts

Explicit vs Implicit cognition

- Explicit cognition: cognition that you are aware of (and can describe in words) - Implicit cognition: knowledge that you may not be able to describe in words

Nativism and Empiricism

- Nativism: "born this way" - Empiricism: "born to learn"

Taste, Smell

-A fetus can taste amniotic fluid, newborns react to sweetness -Newborns prefer the smell of lactation; prefer breast milk to formula

Adaptation, Assimilation, Accommodation

-Adaptation is the tendency to respond to environment in ways that meet goals -Assimilation Translating new observations into something you can understand -Accomodation is modifying a previous schema in response to experiences

Genetic Input

-Chromosomes -Genes -Genome -Alleles

habituates and dishabitues

-Gets bored and stops paying attention -Attention is recaptured

Homozygous vs Heterozygous

-Heterozygous means having one each of two different alleles. - contains two different alleles of a gene.

Daycare and Attachment

-Initial concerns that more daycare would produce more insecure attachments • Those studies did not account for variability in daycare quality, parenting sensitivity or family stressors, etc.

Types of research designs

-Longitudinal -Microgenetic -Cross-Sectional -Within vs Between Subjects

Mitosis and Meiosis

-Mitosis: the process of somatic (body) cell replication -Meiosis: the twice-‐‐over process of germ cell (i.e., sperm and ova) division

Developing and Maintaining Social Bonds

-Newborn, Clinging -3 months, cuteness -6 months, smiling -8 months, crying

developmental areas

-Perceptual Development -Cognitive Development -Moral Development -Social Development -Active Development -Emotional Development

Phases of Attachment

-Preattachment (birth-6 weeks) -Attachment in the making (6 weeks to 6-8 months) -Clear‐cut attachment (until 18 months-2 years) -Reciprocal relationships (2+ years)


-Prefer familiar stories that they heard in the womb - Prefer mom's voice to other voices - Differentiate own language from different language

Primary and secondary intersubjectivity

-Primary = the interaction itself is what's shared -Secondary = me, you, and something else

Neuronal development

-Proliferation (neurogenesis) -Migration and synaptogenesis -Consolidation (apoptosis, synaptic pruning) -Mylination

Sensorimotor Periods

-Reflexes -Primary Circular Reactions -Secondary Circular Reactions -Coordinating Secondary Circular Reactions-Tertiary Circular Reactions -Mental Combinations

Piaget's Stages of Development

-Sensorimotor (birth - 2 yrs) -Preoperational (2 - 7 yrs) -Concrete operational (7 - 12 yrs) -Formal operational (12 and up)

Fathers and attachment

-Testosterone levels drop in dads (if they spend a lot of &me involved in parenting) -Fathers' play is more physical -Differences in when infants form attachments with dads is diminishing

Nature vs Nurture

-To what extent does environment (nurture) shape development? -To what extent do genetics (nature) shape development?

stages of prenatal development

-embryonic period (4-8 weeks) - fetal period (9-birth) -viability (24 weeks) -"full term" vs "pre term"(37 weeks)

Face Perception

3-‐‐month-‐‐olds (but not newborns) prefer well-‐‐ proportioned faces to distorted ones. prefer faces of their own race. perceptual narrowing

___ and greater release of the hormone ____ are physical responses that can be triggered by a child's clinging behaviors.

A reduced stress response; oxytocin


Assimilation and Accommodation working together to enrich the child's worldview

Graham is very demanding as a father and frequently uses harsh discipline. He rarely shows any warmth or affection toward his children. What type of parent is Graham?


Which of the follow is TRUE about the vaccine controversy, based on research findings discussed during the lecture?

Autism rates continued to increase even when thimerosol was removed from vaccines

What do self-conscious emotions require?

Awareness of the self

Learning Theory

Babies have physical drives like thirst and hunger - When caregivers respond to these drives, the child associates the caregiver with positive reinforcement

Observational Data Collection

Baby biographies or ethnographies - Problems: Difficult to maintain objectivity, observer may affect situation


Based on Freud's work • Tends to emphasize early life experiences • Development occurs in a series of stages


Basic: happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust Complex: Combinations of basic emotions • Sense of self in relation to others • Shame • Guilt • Embarrassment • Pride Machiavellian emotions - Manipulative emotions—expressed, but not felt

Dynamic Systems theory

Complex behaviors emerge out of complex interactions between the components necessary to execute a behavior

Principles guiding object understanding

Continuity • Objects move on a connected path and don't go in and out of existence Solidity • Objects are solid Contact • When objects make contact, they influence each other Gravity • Unsupported objects fall Inertia • Objects don't rapidly change direction without encountering other forces

Emotional preparedness

Early disgust responses seem to be very specific

Egocentric vs Allocentric spatial knowledge

Egocentric spatial representation - Relative to the body (lelt hand versus right hand) • Allocentric spatial representation - Relative to the environment (East vs West)

How does emotion differ from temperament?

Emotion is more transient/temporary than temperament


Focus on behavior while (largely) ignoring mental processes

Which of the following is TRUE about Johnson et al (2010) study on infant's internal working models and attachment styles?

For secure infants, average looking time was longer to unresponsive caregivers

Recognizing others' emotions

Four-‐‐month-‐‐olds track emotions. • Five-‐‐month-‐‐olds are sensitive to the emotions of speakers of their non‐native language. • Seven-‐‐month-‐‐olds track emotion in speech intonation.

Francis is a mother in a family characterized as high socioeconomic status, and Jane is a mother in the working class family. What is the most likely outcome?

Francis will be more likely than Jane to use authoritative parenting

Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory

Freud emphasized mother-child bond; he thought that: - Nursing is earliest form of pleasure - Babies have different bonds (based on gender/ sex roles) to their different parents, and these persist throughout life

Genetic vs Environmental Inputs

Genetic -Made of DNA Environmental -Prenatal Inputs

Local vs Global Changes

Global Changes - general changes that apply across all situations or domains Local Changes -different kinds of psychological capacities develop relatively independent from one another


How do cultural differences influence development?

Piaget thought that development proceeds ____, and he primarily focused on describing _____ changes throughout development.

In stages; global

Clear‐Cut Attachment

Infants exhibit full-‐‐blown separation anxiety when caregiver leaves the room • Caregiver is the secure base for exploration of the environment

Categorical Perception of Color

Infants perceive and categorize color by 4 months of age

Behavioral inhibition

Inhibited = fearful in new situations • Uninhibited = exploratory in new situations

Attachment styles

Insecure/avoidant attachment (Type A, ~20 percent) - Explores when with mother, is not distressed when she leaves, avoids mother when she returns • Secure attachment (Type B, ~70 percent) - Explores when with mother, is distressed when she leaves, is happy to see mother return • Insecure/resistant attachment (Type C 10 percent) - Less likely to explore overall, is the most distressed when mother leaves, stays close to mother when she returns (but may act angry) • Disorganized attachment (Type D, rare) - Typically associated with maltreatment or developmental disorders

Cognitive Science

Integrates multiple fields of study: - Psychology - Linguistics - Computer science - Neuroscience - Philosophy

Intermodal Perception

Integrating information from 2 or more senses

Jason is and 8-year-old boy whose parents would be classified as authoritarian parents. What is the most likely outcome for Jason?

Jason will show more hostility than his peers

Which child is showing a "red flag" of autism?

Juan, a nine year old, who repeats the same lines from his favorite movie over and over as a form of speech

In primates, death of the infant increasers the likelihood that the mother may __ another infant, but only during the first two weeks. This suggests __

Kidnap; a critical period for caregiving motivation

The Golden Rule is a principle that says to treat others as you would like to be treated. Showing an understanding of this principle is a central sign of advanced moral thinking to which theorist?


Huan is a 13-year-old girl growing up in China, and Madison is a 13-year-old growing up in the US. Both girls have mothers who demonstrate what would be considered an authoritative parenting style. What is the most likely outcome?

Madison is more likely than Huan to interpret this parenting style as overbearing and intrusive.

Marco has autism. Which symptoms of autism would the Mind-Blindness theory best support?

Marco's difficulty understanding irony or sarcasm

Based on what you learned about autism risk, who is the most likely (or has the highest risk) of having autism, all other factors being equal:

Michael, a young boy with an identical twin with autism

The mirror-neuron system provides evidence for a brain system that supports an aspect of early motor development. Which of the following is FALSE about the mirror-neuron system?

Mirror neurons likely support the development of many motor reflexes.

The reflex that involves a pronounced startle response in the infant is the

Moro reflex.

Sticky Mittens study

Motor activity needs to be paired with visual input in order for typical visual-‐‐motor integration to occur. Held and Hein 1963

Maturational account

Motor development depends on the development of the brain's motor program

Which of the following is FALSE about myelination?

Motor systems tend to complete myelination before sensory systems.

Eight-month-old Nadine is participating in Gibson's visual cliff study. What would you predict about her performance?

Nadine will not cross the visual cliff because she has depth perception due to dynamic cues.

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding neuronal migration?

New nerve cells develop at the outer regions of the brain.

Early Imitation

Newborns imitate experimenter's facial expressions. From 10 weeks old, babies can imitate sounds


Newborns approach lots of things but soon "imprint" on a familiar object

Which is NOT an example of a subtype of OCD?

Not applicable; all of the above are examples of OCD subtypes

Clarence just turned 3 and his sister, Marie, just turned 5. Both participate in the false belief task and are presented with a box of chocolate. When they open it, they find a pencil. The researcher asks each of them what another child seeing the box for the first time would think was inside it. What is the most likely outcome?

Only Clarence will say the new person would think there were pencils inside


Patellar reflex - Knee jerk • Rooting reflex - Newborn's mouth moves toward brush on cheek • Grasp reflex - Newborns grab on to anything in their hand • Stepping reflex - Baby will walk when lowered on surface • Moro reflex - Arms move to side when baby is unsupported

Comparative and Evolutionary

Phylogeny: The evolutionary history of a species Ontogeny: Development of an individual organism over its lifetime

developmental periods

Prenatal • Conception until birth Infancy • 0-18 months Preschool • 18 months-4 years School age • Young (5-7 years) and old (8-12 years) Adolescence • 13-20 years Adulthood • Young (21-30 years); middle (31-60); late (60-death)


Quantitative - Numerically different (growing an inch) Qualitative - Structurally different (you turned into a frog!)

Anxiety disorders are believed to represent underlying cognitive impairments. Which is NOT an example of a cognitive impairment mentioned in the textbook?

Reduced physiological responsivity, that cases people to interpret their heart rate and breathing is being less rapid and severe during intense situations

There is some variability in attachment behaviors across cultures. For example, Japanese infants may appear to exhibit higher rates of ________ attachment than American infants.


Which of the following aspects of the child's behavior is NOT directly assessed during the Strange Situation?

Responses to negative feedback

A newborn explores a textured pacifier, but is not allowed to see it. Later, she sees a textured pacifier and a plain pacifier. Which one does she prefer, and why?

She prefers the textured pacifier because of intermodal processing.

Part 2 of the DSM-V criteria for autism represents "Restricted, repetitive behaviors, interests, or activities". Which of the following is NOT an example of this category?

Shows enjoyment playing with blocks, like building towers, with peers

Emotion regulation

Situation modification • Change the situation and emotion changes • Evolves to situation selection - Attentional deployment • Change the thoughts and emotion changes - Response modification • Change the response and emotion changes • Display rules macer

"motherese" or "baby talk"

Slower, higher pitch, exaggerated pronunciation and prosodic contours

Janice has now developed schemes devoted just to interacting with external objects. For example, she is now able to shake a rattle just to enjoy the noise it makes. Which sensorimotor substage is Janice in?

Substage 3: Appearance of Secondary Circular Reactions

Temperament definition

Tendency toward particular emotional and behavioral responses to a context

Which of the following is TRUE about attachment and daycare?

The amount of time mothers are available for high-quality interaction with their infants predicts attachment

Social deprivation

The babies reduced their exploration, locomotion, and motor action.

How does the development of face processing proceed, and what does this suggest about the number of systems that support this skill? You Answered

The development of face processing skills has a u-shaped curve (worse between 1-3 mos.), suggesting a transition phase between two systems that support this skill.

A young rhesus monkey is put in a cage with a choice between a wire-frame "mother" and a mother covered in furry terry cloth. Which is most likely to occur?

The monkey will prefer the terry-cloth "mother."

Which of the following is NOT a condition associated with effective punishment?

The punishment is delivered by a person whom the child fears.

Given that Molly and Maddy are fraternal twins, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Their twinning was the result of the fertilized egg splitting into two separate cells.

Some monkeys are insecurely attached or neglected in infancy. How does being raised with a more nurturing foster mom or with peers affect these monkeys' development?

These monkeys will have fairly normal development, but will still show some deficits

Newborns are more attentive to monkey sounds than to synthetic sounds created to resemble speech. Which of the following is an example of how three-month-olds might respond if they demonstrated perceptual narrowing?

They no longer demonstrate this preference and only prefer human speech sounds over the synthetic sounds.

Visual Cliff experiment

This study indicates that infants born at term and those born preterm can perceive a visual cliff and change their responses accordingly.

A certain trait is shared far more often by monozygotic twins than dizygotic twins. This provides support for which of the following statements?

This trait has a strong genetic component.


To what degree, and under what conditions, is development open to change and intervention?


Understand how neural changes (in brain structure, function, or connectivity) are related to changes in development

Which of the following is the best experiment to assess whether infants perceive color categorically or continuously?

Using a habituation paradigm to see if infants notice differences between colors separated by equal wavelengths only when they cross boundaries between color categories.

Which of the following is the best example of a "goodness of fit" parenting problem?

Very outgoing, extroverted parents struggle to raise a child with a shy personality

Which of the following is FALSE about serve and return interactions?

Video coaching pointing out when parents fail to serve and return can improve child development

Which of the following research questions is most directly related to the idea of individual differences?

Which children are most likely to become future leaders?

Individual Differences

What makes each human unique?

Which of the following research questions is most directly related to the idea of plasticity?

When is the best time in school to teach a second language?

Researchers repeatedly show an infant a picture of the infant's mother. Next, they show a picture of a stranger. The infant spends more time looking at its mother. The infant is demonstrating:

a familiarity preference.

Which of the following is FALSE about the shrinking room study?

a. Young children are better able to symbolically represent the room after hearing that the room went through a "shrinking machine" b.Understanding that the model is a representation of the larger room is called a dual representation c. The shrinking room study involves finding an object after it is hidden in a smaller model of a room ✅ d. None of these are false


are mental structures that provide children with models for how to act in a given context

Current evidence suggest that overall the children of same-sex couples

are more likely to experience negative outcomes

Van is a 15-year-old girl who is self reliant and seems to have good self-control. She does well in school and often takes initiative. These characteristics are often associated with which of the following parenting styles?


Dr. Zap has made sure his study is ecologically valid. This means his study has

been designed to approximate processes that would happen in the real world.

After memorizing the lengths of rods in Piaget's seriation task, preschool-age children performed __ at the task. This provides evidence ___ Piaget's notion that children cannot reason transitively.

better; against

During gestation, which of the following developmental structures is highly sensitive to teratogen disruption for the greatest amount of time?

central nervous system

Which of the following is the best research strategy for understanding the cognitive effects of schooling?

compare children who did or did not attend school because of the age cutoff for enrollment

Jose was born blind. Imaging studies of Jose's brain reveal the brain area typically devoted to the processing of visual information has been repurposed to process auditory information. This is an example of

compensation plasticity.

Solving a math problem by understanding the underlying rule is an example of using

conceptual knowledge

A theorist who believes that ontogeny recapitulates/"mirrors" phylogeny in emotional development would be most likely to

consider the order emotions appear in human development as evidence of their evolutionary history

The study of how different groups of people value traditions or traits would be consistent with the ___ perspective


According to Vygotsky, gifted teachers

design lessons that are slightly more advanced than what the child could achieve on his or her own without help.

We may expect __ babies to show better developmental outcomes and survival rates in __ environments.

difficult; impoverished

orge spills his soda on Edgar in the lunchroom. Edgar believes that this happened because Jorge is generally clumsy. This is an example of what psychologists refer to as a/an ___ attribution.


What does a child's distress in response to the "still face" procedure best illustrate?

disruption of contingent responding

An account of motor development that based on complex interactions between the brain, the environment, physical constraints or capabilities, and action is called:

dynamic systems theory.

If an infant notes where an object is in space by where it is in relation to her body, she has engaged in

egocentric representation.

A young child sees a caretaker being yelled at by someone else. Watching the caretaker's distress, the child also experiences immediate distress. This is an example of

emotional empathy

Faster identification of hidden snakes than flowers, even among children and monkeys with no negative experiences of snakes, is an example of

emotional preparedness

Marnie is a 20-month old child. While coloring, Marnie's babysitter drops her crayon and can't reach it. Marnie is most likely to

engage in instrumental helping by picking up the crayon for her.

Which of the following is an example of how a 2.5-3.5 year old might modify their speech in a non-egocentric way?

engaging in infant-directed speech toward a younger sibling

Jim has learned to juggle and practices frequently. Imaging has revealed increased gray matter in the region associated with the visual processing of motion. This is an example of

experience-dependent plasticity.

Karla failed her math test. She believes this is a result of her being horrible in math. Although her friends invited her to join their study group, Karla really sees no point in trying harder as she will just end up with another bad grade. Karla would be a/an

fixed-trait theorist.

Dr. Joy believes that feeling anger can get you to channel your resources in a different direction as well as warn others not to get in the way. Dr. Joy's beliefs are in line with the ______ approach to emotion.


A researcher presents 4-month-old Juan with images of red triangles, over and over again. Juan becomes bored and does not look at the tenth red triangle. According to researchers, Juan is experiencing:


Which of the following is a limitation of observational studies?

inability to discover causal patterns

Allocating attention away from a desired object is likely to __ the child's __.

increase; ability to delay gratification.

Researchers are using a marble task to assess cooperation versus competition. Many children never cooperate on this task. What does this evidence suggest about the development of cooperation?

individual differences are more influential than developmental trends in this area

Natalia spent her first year in a Romanian orphanage before being adopted into a Canadian home. Her parents are worried because Natalia is sometimes overly friendly with strangers and other times she is inappropriately unfriendly. Natalia is demonstrating

indiscriminate and/or disinhibited attachment

Which of the following is the best example of syntactic bootstrapping?

inferring that the term "kradding" is probably a verb

Nandan participates in the Strange Situation with his father. He plays with lots of toys while his dad is in the room. Nandan keeps playing and does not seem upset when his father leaves. Nandan ignores his father when he returns and scurries off to play with another toy. Nandan would most likely be classified as showing

insecure/avoidant attachment.

Comparisons of adult and child chess experts has shown that memory for chessboard positions

is limited to realistic chess scenarios, suggesting a role of experience in facilitating memory

Which of the following is true about the step reflex?

it can be seen in older infants if their weight is supported

The __ account states motor development is dependent upon the unfolding of neural programs for motor skills, and it is most consistent with the __ view.

maturational; nativist

Which process is a source of genetic diversity?

meiosis, due to crossing-over

Offspring can obtain the wrong number of chromosomes due to mistakes during ____, and this is ______. Correct!

meiosis; sometimes lethal

It has been difficult for researchers to study the use of number in infants. One of the major difficulties of this area of research is that researchers frequently have to rely on

methodologies interpreting dishabituation to impossible events as number competence.

People morally object to certain taboos, like consensual sex between siblings or eating certain animals, but they can't explain why. This is an example of ___, and it suggests that __.

moral dumbfounding; some aspects of moral attitudes are driven by emotion

In contrast to Piaget, Kohlberg, and Gillian, a pluralistic moral view suggests that

morality is about the development of multiple moral modules

Hopi infants who are strapped to cradleboards experience varying degrees of ______ yet still reach their motor milestones. This provides evidence _____ the maturational account of motor development.

motor deprivation; in support of

Infants pay more attention to __ emotion because there are __ costs associated with failing to attend to this information

negative; higher

When engaging in metacognition and meta-memory, young children tend to

overestimate their knowledge and skills.

Alden told his father that he "goed" to the park after school. This is an example of

overregularization of grammar

A heritability estimate of .8 suggests that ___ variation is explained primarily by ___ influences.

phenotypic; genetic

Reading researchers, even those from opposing viewpoints, generally agree that ___ is critical for reading.

phonological awareness

Allison tried to decipher her friend's tone of voice to determine whether he was being literal or sarcastic. This shows concern with


The earliest stage of development is the

prenatal period.

Which process primarily occurs during prenatal human development?


Criteria for developmental research

reliability, validity, replicability

Darian, a young child, is playing with a ball of Play-Doh®. Her brother smashes it into a pancake, and Darian gets mad and says she wanted to play with a ball, not a flat piece of Play-Doh®. This illustrates that Darian lacks the logical operator of


Human eye color is generally determined by

several genes

A comparative perspective involves a psychologist looking at questions across


When exposed to a new toy, a child turns to examine the facial responses of her caregiver. The caregiver exhibits distaste, and the child does not play with the toy. This is an example of

social referencing

Later in gestation, the impact of ___ on fetal development is greater.

sound and light

Dr. Eccles believes that language learning occurs as children subconsciously track how frequently certain sequences or combinations of words occur. What approach to language does Dr. Eccles endorse?

statistical learning approach

Generally speaking, late developing brain structures tend to

support inhibitory capacities

Both the "sticky mittens" experiment as well as Held and Hein's kitten experiment demonstrate:

that active experience better supports perceptual-motor learning

A longitudinal study examines changes in ____.

the same individuals across a long period of time.

A child is shown two objects: a stuffed dog, and a small metal toy. The child knows the word "dog," but doesn't know the word for the small metal toy. She is told to reach for the "moxie." Which toy will the child reach for, and why?

the small metal toy, because of mutual exclusivity

Kenny is a preschooler in the preoperational stage. His teacher shows him eight dogs and two cats. The teacher asks if there are more dogs or more animals. Kenny is likely to say that

there are more dogs.

Complete the following sentence in a way that CHALLENGES Piaget's interpretation of the A-not-B error: Infants make the A-not-B error because...

they are perseverating in their motor selection.

Marti is in the concrete operational period. She is given a set of pulleys and asked to figure out how the system works. How is Marti likely to approach this task?

tinker with the system and use trial and error

The empiricist and nativist perspectives differ because empiricists believe that

we begin life with no built-in biases toward learning any particular information.

When children are taught to read by learning various ways to construct narratives, their teacher is using the

whole language approach.

Infants' ability to discriminate between phonemes in their non-native language tends to __ as they get older due to __.

worsen; perceptual narrowing

Reaching, prereaching

• 4 months: know when something is out of reach • 5 months: hand shape and orientation matches goals • 10 months: arm trajectory and speed match goal

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