psychology 461

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Psychotherapy and counseling can be seen as a positive use of PERSUASION. Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Social influence is often used in therapy Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Social scripts can come from the media's portrayal of certain situations Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Studies have found that when someone has facial Botox they may have trouble understanding others' emotions because they are not able to facially mimic the emotions of people. Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

The Zimbardo prison experiment was called off early because there became a growing confusion between reality and illusion because of the way the guards and prisoners assumed the roles. Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

The fundamental attribution error is when we place MORE importance on the individual's traits and underestimate the situational influences on the cause of behavior. Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

The minority influence can prevail if the jurors in the minority are consistent, persistent, and self-confident. Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

The one thing all groups have in common is INTERACTION Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

There are many different types of leadership Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

When one conforms as a result of wanting to be liked by others, this is called Normative Influence Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

When police interviews ask questions that may lead to their own understanding this can lead to the misinformation effect Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

When we associate ourselves with a certain group it is called our INGROUP and the group we compare our groups with and perceive as less favorable is OUTGROUPS Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Women are MORE likely than men to report symptoms and seek help Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Women are more likely than men to commit INDIRECT aggressive acts Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Witnesses who view people in a lineup showing only one person at a time are LESS likely to make false identifications. Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

"The Werther Effect" describes what behavior? Select one: a. Group pressure b. Obedience c. Dressing like someone else d. Imitative Suicide

d. Imitative Suicide

Participants were told to give the learners "shocks" for wrong answers on a memory test.


Acting a certain way to be more like a group AND believing in what you are doing


Intending to hurt someone or cause harm via physical or verbal behavior


When one aims to increase another person's welfare without ANY regard for their own self-interests


Quick thinking judgments that lead us to think things may happen more often than they actually do, based on the readiness of vivid instances in our memory.

Availability heuristic

When the mother leaves the room, the infant experiences little distress and is not very clingy once the mother returns.

Avoidant attachment

When people really take the time to think and reflect on an issue before making a decision

Central route to Persuasion

The tension we feel when we act in a way that is inconsistent with the way we feel

Cognitive Dissonance

The love we feel that supports feelings of trust and attachment. The feelings we have for those with whom are lives are intertwined

Companionate love

Publicly acting in a certain way while privately disagreeing with what you are doing.


Acting differently or changing the way you believe in order to be more like a group.


Study that involved participants to make a judgment about the length of a line compared to the standard line. Most of the people gave a wrong answer because they heard someone else give that answer.


Explaining the experiment to the participants afterward, including telling them about any deception involved in the experiment.


Misleading participants about the study's actual methods and purposes in order to achieve experimental realism


When people forget their individual identity and self-awareness and go along with the group situation even if it is bad


Behavior toward a group or the members of a group that is negative and unjustified


The idea that self-interest motivates all behavior


Believing that failing a test was because the professor chose questions that were not from the material she assigned

External Locus of Control

When you are working on a group project for school and one person does nothing to benefit the group but gladly takes the A for the project

Free rider

The Instinctive view on aggression sees aggression as a learned behavior which stems from cultural influence Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

When shared attitudes of group members are enhanced or become stronger because of their group discussion on the topic

Group polarization

A man says "Karen got into med school because the school had to meet its quota for women applicants" and also states "Mark is such an honorable young man because he worked so hard to receive his acceptance into med school."

Group-serving bias

A thinking strategy that promotes our survival by allowing us to make snap generalizations


The goal is to injure and typically erupts from anger, (ex. Murder)

Hostile aggression

An ethical principle involving telling participants enough about the research in order for them to choose to participate or not

Informed Consent

When the mother leaves the room, the infant is more likely to cry but acts hostile or indifferent upon her return

Insecure attachment

Injury is a goal but only as a means to some other end (ex. War)

Instrumental aggression

Finding a way to justify one's behavior internally when external justification is inadequate

Insufficient justification

Believing that failing a test was because you did not study enough

Internal Locus of Control

The bystander effect is the phenomenon that happens when a person becomes MORE likely to help another person when there are other bystanders. Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

A young homeless man stands on the corner and asks for some money for food; you ignore him because you believe he got himself into this situation and he deserves not to be helped

Just-world phenomenon

When we believe we have no control over situations because of repeated bad events

Learned helplessness

The extent to which we believe outcomes as controlled by our own efforts or controlled by outside forces beyond our own control

Locus of Control

When one person in a group is able to get the entire group to change their position on something by being consistent and having confidence

Minority influence

Regarding "movement" of a stationary light, a suggestibility to the group became apparent

Norm formation

Acting a certain way as a result of a direct order or command


An intense type of love that makes us filled with joy and excited. When it is gone we feel despair and empty.

Passionate love

The reciprocity norm (to those who help us , we should return help, not harm) is NOT a universal moral code. Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

When someone makes a more automatic decision without much thinking or reflection

Peripheral route to persuasion

The process by which a message induces change in beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors


Making negative assumptions about an individual based off their gender, race, religion , financial situation etc.


The belief and behaviors of individuals who see other races as inferior to their own (based on physical characteristics)


The inclination to decide whether someone fits in a certain category if they resemble a "typical member"

Representativeness heuristic

When a mother is in the infant's presence they feel comfortable to explore and happy. When the mother leaves, the infant becomes distressed but is calmed upon the mother's return. This type of attachment is rooted in trust.

Secure attachment

When we seek out information that only SUPPORTS what we believe and avoid information on the opposing view

Selevtive exposure

When we are unsure of our own attitudes, we look at ourselves as if someone was observing us

Self-perception theory

The therapists' insight often has MORE importance than the thoughts they evoke in a client Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

When a person does something faster or better because someone else is present

Social Facilitation

When people are in a group working toward a common goal but exert LESS effort because their efforts may not be discernable from other members of the group

Social Loafing

The way in which we monitor costs and reward in social interactions. Aiming to minimize costs and maximize rewards

Social-exchange theory

Making generalizations about the personal attributes of a group


A women goes in to take a math test after she has been informed that men generally receive higher scores; she consequently feels apprehensive and her performance is inadequate

Stereotype threat

Arousal from any source, even painful experiences, can be steered into passion in a romantic context

Two-factor theory of emotion

Our culture can have an impact on how we view our self-esteem Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Prejudice can exist in subtle and unconscious forms as well as overt and conscious. Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

When a realistic alternative is not brought up in group decision making because it may potentially mess with the cohesive harmony of the group (weather they are aware of this or not)


High self-esteem can become problematic when it leads to Select one: a. All of the above b. Lack of caring for others c. Inflated sense of self d. Narcissist behaviors

a. All of the above

How does poverty affect one's health? Select one: a. All of the above b. Unhealthier lifestyles c. Reduced access to quality healthcare d. Increased stress

a. All of the above

What factor did Milgram find that determined obedience in his experiment? Select one: a. All of the above b. The effects of a disobedient fellow participant c. The closeness of the authority figure and their legitimace d. The victim's emotional distance

a. All of the above

Which of the following can help break the cycle of depression someone is experiencing? Select one: a. All of the above b. Social skills training c. Positive experiences that alter self-perceptions d. Changing negative thought patterns

a. All of the above

When someone finds a way to reduce their aggressive drive by releasing it through acting aggressively or fantasizing aggression Select one: a. Catharsis b. None of the above c. Frustration d. Desensitization

a. Catharsis

The tendency for one to complete what is missing in the other person in a relationship Select one: a. Complementarity b. Reward theory of attraction c. Ingratiation d. None of the above

a. Complementarity

When people are not focused on the MESSAGE that is trying to persuade them but instead they are focused on the importance of the PERSON that is giving the message Select one: a. Credibility b. None of the above c. Trustworthiness d. Discrepancy

a. Credibility

What is the most well-known UNIVERSAL Norm? Select one: a. Disapproval of Incest b. None of the above c. Status Norms d. Conducting War norms

a. Disapproval of Incest

Believing that ones own ethnic and cultural group is superior to others and having disrespect for ALL other groups. Select one: a. Ethnocentric b. Social dominance c. Racism d. Authoritarian

a. Ethnocentric

Studying the dating behaviors of people who meet in person from online relationships would be considered as _____________ research. Select one: a. Field b. Correlational c. Experimental

a. Field

In an experiment, the variable that is being manipulated is the _________ variable and the one being measured is the _________ variable. Select one: a. Independent; Dependent b. Dependent; Independent

a. Independent; Dependent

Social psychology is different than Sociology in that Social Psychology focuses more on Select one: a. Individuals and experimentation b. People in groups c. Relationships d. Culture

a. Individuals and experimentation

When people get paid for doing something they already enjoy doing and they eventually stop because they feel their actions are now externally controlled. Select one: a. Overjustification effect b. Insufficient justification c. None of the above d. Self-affirmation theory

a. Overjustification effect

The following statement represents which term "She is so beautiful, so she must also be a really nice person." Select one: a. Physical-attractiveness stereotype b. Mere-exposure effect c. Common sense d. Matching phenomenon

a. Physical-attractiveness stereotype

When jurors are told to disregard a statement made in the testimony, it may create _______ in the jurors Select one: a. Reactance b. Misinformation c. Anger d. Confusion

a. Reactance

According to the attitudes-follow-behavior principle, once someone commits an immoral act it is then HARDER for them to commit another immoral act. Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Believing that you are really good at something is called self-efficacy Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Both men AND women become more androgynous over time. Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Brainwashing was a term coined to describe what happened to American POWs during the Korean War. Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Cult leaders generally use the foot-in-the-door phenomena to get members to eventually comply with their outlandish demands. Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Depression is BOTH a cause and a result of negative thinking Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

In many American trials, consultants are used to help lawyers pick juries. This is called "scientific jury selection" Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

Moral exclusion (omitting certain people from one's circle of moral concern) allows one to justify harm. Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

One prediction in liking may be our closeness or proximity to others Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

A _____________ explanatory style attributes failure to stable, global, and internal causes Select one: a. Depressive b. All of the above c. Negative d. Pessimistic

b. All of the above

What variables impact persuasive communications? Select one: a. The Channel of communication b. All of the above c. Message Content d. The Audience and Communicator

b. All of the above

Which of the following is a way to reduce error in eyewitness testimony? Select one: a. Educate jurors on evaluating eyewitness testimony b. All of the above c. Train police interviewers d. Minimize false lineup identifications

b. All of the above

The way we explain OTHER people's behavior (attributing their behaviors to either internal or external sources) Select one: a. Illusion of control b. Attribution theory c. Regression toward the average d. Misattribution

b. Attribution theory

Social Neuroscience studies both __________ and _____________ influences on our social behavior. Select one: a. Cultural; Behavioral b. Biological; Social c. Relationships d. Common sense; Intuition

b. Biological; Social

Findings in many studies have shown that having optimism ___________ one's life expectancy and recovery time from illness. Select one: a. Decreases b. Can increase c. All of the above d. Has no effect on

b. Can increase

How did Russian film director Kulechov control people's perceptions of emotions they see in movies? Select one: a. Really good editing b. Changing the setting in which the audience sees the face c. Subliminal Messages d. Changing the character without the audience noticing

b. Changing the setting in which the audience sees the face

When we are able to have an experience of feeling what someone else is feeling, it is called having __________. Select one: a. A relationship b. Empathy c. A Conscious d. Intuition

b. Empathy

What has prepared us as humans to live in a changing world and thrive in many different environments? Select one: a. Gender b. Evolution c. Culture d. Social Psychology

b. Evolution

Accrediting the ENVIRONMENT as the cause of one's behavior is known as Dispositional Attribution. Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Anxiety is a temporary state for most people Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Attractiveness is the same throughout all cultures Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Being in a group can DECREASE aggressive behaviors because of the increased responsibility Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Correlational research predicts a cause and effect relationship Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Culture usually has NO influence on the attribution error. Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Cultures DO NOT have an influence on Gender Roles Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Equity is when one partner gets more out of the relationship than the other Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Gender roles have NOT changed over time Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Homicide rates are LOWER in states that have the death penalty. Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

In the primacy effect, a speaker that goes last is MORE likely to be remembered Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

It is unethical to use deception in a research project Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Norms are the same for all cultures Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

One symptom of Groupthink is that members eventually become very open-minded Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Overt prejudice against women has been completely eliminated in Western countries. Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

People who care less about what others think would probably score high on a self-monitoring scale. Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Smaller juries include about the same amount of diversity found in the community Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Studies show that gender of the HELPER does not matter when one is trying to help someone in a potentially dangerous situation. Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

What accounts for the largest influence on personality differences between twins and siblings? Select one: a. Environmental influence and gender roles b. Genetic influence and peer influence c. Genetic influence and shared environmental influence d. Peer influence and shared environmental influence

b. Genetic influence and peer influence

When looking at the play tendencies of boys and girls, which of the following is TRUE? Select one: a. Boys and girls play the same until they are adolescents b. Girls play in smaller groups and are less aggressive c. Girls enjoy more competitive games d. Boys play in smaller groups and talk more intimately

b. Girls play in smaller groups and are less aggressive

The United States values __________ more than ___________. Select one: a. Collectivism;Individualism b. Individualism;Collectivism

b. Individualism;Collectivism

Our overall sense of self-worth and evaluation of our self. Select one: a. Possible self b. Self-esteem c. Self-schema d. Self-Concept

b. Self-esteem

Juries in the United States have been traditionally composed of _______ people. Select one: a. 5 b. 6 c. 12 d. 9

c. 12

Which of the following is an aversive experience that may help foster aggressive behavior? Select one: a. Pain b. An attack c. All of the above d. Heat

c. All of the above

The study, assessment and treatment of people with maladaptive thoughts and behaviors Select one: a. Psychiatry b. Social Psychology c. Clinical Psychology d. Abnormal Psychology

c. Clinical Psychology

What group is MOST likely to join a cult? Select one: a. Minority male youths b. Older adults with less education c. Middle-class Caucasian youths (under 25) d. Older adults with a high socioeconomic status

c. Middle-class Caucasian youths (under 25)

You have just witnessed a car roll through a yield sign and then the car was in an accident. Later, a police officer says "how fast do you think the car was going when it FLEW through the STOP sign?" You reply that you weren't sure but the car was going really fast and ran the stop sign. What is this recollection called? Select one: a. A memory b. Belief perseverance c. Misinformation effect d. Controlled processing

c. Misinformation effect

Having someone first sign a petition to stop child labor (having them agree) and later asking them to donate money to the child labor prevention fund is called Select one: a. Selective exposure b. Cognitive dissonance c. The foot-in-the-door phenomena d. The low-ball technique

c. The foot-in-the-door phenomena

When social psychologists choose research topics ______________ often enter the picture. Select one: a. Attitudes b. Scientists c. Values d. Sociologists

c. Values Correct

When trying to challenge someone's beliefs, it is best to __________ attack their position. Select one: a. Never b. Strongly c. Weakly d. Mildly

c. Weakly

When jurors finish a trial and enter the jury room not initially agreeing on a verdict but later emerge with a consensus, ______________ has occurred. Select one: a. None of the above b. Group polarization c. Guilt d. Group influence

d. Group influence

Thinking that occurs WITHOUT our own awareness and is unconscious Select one: a. Controlled Processing b. Hindsight c. None of the above d. Automatic Processing

d. Automatic Processing

Trying to get someone to comply with a request by offering a more reasonable request after the first request has been turned down. Select one: a. None of the above b. Foot-in-the-door c. Moral exclusion d. Door-in-the-face

d. Door-in-the-face

When we feel what another person is feeling. Select one: a. Altruism b. Reciprocity c. Social-responsibility d. Empathy

d. Empathy

When we observe the way others act and in turn model those aggressive behaviors Select one: a. Instinctive behavior b. Instrumental aggression c. Frustration d. Social learning theory

d. Social learning theory

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