Psychology 9-14

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Which of the following is an example of the alarm reaction stage of the general adaptation syndrome?

A burst of energy enables Hassan to run fast when he sees a skunk in his path.

What is the primary distinction between bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder?

Bulimia nervosa involves inappropriate purging behaviors while binge eating disorder does not.

______ is the kind of stress that exceeds the optimal level, is no longer a positive force, and becomes excessive and debilitating


Which theorist promoted the idea that development is fundamentally affected by one's culture as well as their interactions with their own environment?


Which of the following is something an advocate for arousal theory might observe?

When we are bored we look for excitement; when we are overexcited we wish for more peace.

Which aspect of the definition of happiness gives the impression that it is a long-term state rather than a brief mood that we experience from time to time?

a feeling that ones' life has meaning and value

What is Prader-Willi syndrome?

a genetic disorder that results in persistent feelings of intense hunger and reduced rates of metabolism

According to research, the need for ________ encourages Mr. Blutarski to complete a second PhD., so he can add another accomplishment to his already long list of accolades


In Albert Bandura's social-cognitive theory, behavior refers to ________.

anything an individual does that can be punished or rewarded

Many cultures have stories about a hero who goes on a quest, such as Hercules, King Arthur, and Gilgamesh. What would Carl Jung say this exemplified?


One-year-old Ainsley learned the schema for trucks because his family has a truck. When Ainsley sees cars driving on television, she says, "Look mommy, truck!" This exemplifies ________.


Alma has a serious disease in which the airways of her respiratory system become obstructed, leading to great difficulty expelling air from the lungs. Which disease does Alma have?


Early maturing girls are ________.

at a higher risk of depression, substance abuse, and eating disorders

The hierarchy of needs is the spectrum of needs ranging from basic ________ needs to ________ needs and finally striving for self-actualization.

biological; social

Which of the following is an example of eustress?

buying a new home

Lamont cares for his aging father, who suffers from dementia. This is an example of a(n) ________ stressor.


Noticing that you have difficulty concentrating during and after periods of prolonged stress exemplifies how stress can have a negative ________ impact


The goal of hospice care is to provide

death with dignity and pain management in a humane and comfortable setting.

Jory, a six year old, is picking out a card for his mother's birthday. He picks the card with a picture of Lightning McQueen, reasoning that since he loves Cars his mother does to. What does this exemplify?


Self-worth, accomplishment, and confidence represent the ________ level of needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease because it _____

forces the heart to pump harder, which puts more physical strain on the heart

According to Jean Piaget, in what stage do children begin to use abstract thinking processes?

formal operational

What does nature refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate?

genes and biology

How can parents help their children achieve high congruence?

giving them unconditional positive regard

Sigmund Freud suggested that people who are dominated by their ________ might be narcissistic and impulsive.


The notion that the manner in which one's brain develops can have a significant impact on a person's cognitive functioning is central to the ________ perspective in developmental psychology.


Greg is 5 feet three inches tall and weighs 260 pounds. His body mass index, or BMI, is 42.7. According to the standards set by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Greg is ________.


Madeline is seven months old. Her mother is eating a cookie and Madeline wants some. Her mother hides the cookie under a napkin, but Madeline is not fooled. She knows the cookie is still there. What does this exemplify?

object permanence

Emily is a doctoral student in psychology. She plans to use ________ to complete her doctoral paper, asking individuals to self-report important information about how their thoughts, experiences, and beliefs differ over a 10-year period


A(an) ________ begins as a one-cell structure that is created when a sperm and egg merge


What was the third personality dimension eventually proposed by Hans and Sybil Eysenck?

psychoticism versus superego control

Which parenting style is most encouraged in modern America?


When development proceeds in a stepwise fashion with periods of growth interrupted by periods where growth is not occurring, we'd say that development is taking a(n) ________ trajectory.


During adolescence there is a tendency to see people engage in higher levels of risk-taking behavior. Emotional outbursts are also quite common. This is explained by the relative underdevelopment of the ________ lobe of the cerebral cortex.


Age-specific approximations of when a certain skill or ability should first occur in normal development are called developmental _______


Otto is so driven to become a school psychologist that he spends every night studying. This sentence describes the wants or needs that direct behavior toward a goal, also called ________.


Which of the following is not a developmental issue children face during the preoperational stage?

object permanence

Tesla crafts imitation dream catchers in her spare time. Her father constantly encourages her to sell them on eBay. When she finally agrees to sell them, she notices that while she still enjoys making the dream catchers, she no longer does it for fun—she does it to make money. This is an example of the ________ effect.


A flat tire in the morning, realizing that you forgot to get your homework done, and getting into an argument with a buddy are all examples of ________.


Sally really loves being outdoors. She likes to hike, do yoga in the warm sun, and go for long camping trips. She and her wife move to Arizona from New York so that they can enjoy these activities in warmer weather for most of the year. This process of moving to an area that is most suited for one's personality tendencies is called selective ________.


Lydia is often described as having an easy, laid-back outlook on life. She tends to be very relaxed, is not particularly competitive, and rarely feels or demonstrates anger or hostility. Lydia exemplifies a Type ________ behavior pattern.


What is an advanced directive?

A legal document that provides specific interventions that a person wants.

Umberto is a one year old, and his mother is sensitive and responsive to his needs. He is distressed when his mother leaves him, and he is happy to see her when she returns. What kind of attachment is this?


According to Abraham Maslow, the highest need is ________


What is the advantage of applying learning approaches to the study of personality?

They can be scientifically tested because they involve observable actions

________ theorists attempt to explain our personality by identifying our stable characteristics and ways of behaving.


Amir bites his fingernails when he is nervous or anxious, and he does so without any intention or even recognition that he is doing so. This is an example of ________, a pattern of behavior in which we regularly engage.

a habit

The need for ________ might explain why we "friend" people on social media websites, join clubs or hobby groups, and spend time with others when we might otherwise feel like being by ourselves.


Hans Selye's definition of stress is considered a response-based definition because it conceptualizes stress chiefly in terms of the ____

body's physiological reaction to any demand that is placed on it

Ina can no longer read the street signs, but she refuses to admit she needs glasses to drive. Which defense mechanism does this exemplify?


What is the main idea of drive theory?

deviations from homeostasis create physiological needs that then push us to behave

A(n) ________ is a subjective, affective state of being that we often describe as our feelings. A(n) ________ refers to a prolonged, less intense, affective state that does not occur in response to something we experience

emotion; mood

What does nurture refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate?

environment and culture

In the HEXACO model of personality traits, to what does the "X" refer?


If you suggest that smiling can make someone feel happier, then you believe in the ________.

facial feedback hypothesis

Grasping a toy, writing with a pencil, and using a spoon are all examples of ________ motor skills.


Which dimension of the Type A behavior pattern is most predictive of heart disease?

heart disease

Food, water, shelter, and warmth represent ________ needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Which of the following is the time immediately following an orgasm during which an individual is incapable of experiencing another orgasm?

refractory period

Which of the following is an example of a primary appraisal of a stressor?

Humphrey judges the man with the gun to be a moderate threat.

Which individual is probably not living in a culture that promotes a collectivist view of the world?

James, who lives in England

Which of the following is an example of self-efficacy?

Judd does not believe that he is good at math.

What is the main idea of the behavioral perspective on personality?

Personality is significantly shaped by the reinforcements and consequences outside of the organism.

________ development involves growth and changes in the body and brain, the senses, motor skills, and health and wellness


When one considers the majority of the scientific data that are available, what can be said about sexual orientation?

Sexual orientation is something with which we are born

Which theorist is credited with proposing the psychosexual stages of development?

Sigmund Freud

The ________ uses images and storytelling that relate to minority cultures

TEMAS Multicultural Thematic Apperception Test

Which option is best described as a hormone that induces feelings of satiety, or fullness when eating?


What was the most stressful event found on the Social Readjustment Rating Scale with a LCU score of 100?

the death of a spouse

Of the following options, which is not one of the temperaments first proposed by Thomas and Chess (1977)?

the secure baby

What was the main idea behind Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development?

An individual's personality develops throughout the lifespan

Which of the following describes the Yerkes-Dodson law?

Simple tasks are performed best when arousal levels are relatively high, yet complex tasks are performed best when arousal levels are low.

________ is stress-reduction technique whereby electronic equipment measuring a person's involuntary (neuromuscular and autonomic) activity helps him gain a level of voluntary control over these processes


Which of the following individuals is demonstrating an optimistic outlook on life?

Carl, who tends to see the good in situations and always looks on the bright side of things.

_______ development involves learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity.


_______ is a state of being in which our thoughts about our real and ideal selves are very similar.


The ________ Concerning Blacks Test is a projective test designed to be culturally relevant to African-Americans, using images that relate to African-American lifestyles.


According to ________, lifespan development encompasses eight stages and at each stage we encounter a psychosocial crisis that must be resolved.

Erik Erikson

_______ is/are the kind of stress associated with positive feelings, as well as optimal health and performance.


______ is having an experience that is so engaging and engrossing that it becomes worth doing for its own sake. During this state a person might say that they feel that they "lose themselves" in the activity


Asa is buying a gift for his mother, an overbearing woman who is difficult to please. When a clerk asks him who he is shopping for he replies, "my smother" instead of "my mother." What does this exemplify?

Freudian slip

What was the primary finding of the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart?

Identical twins, whether raised together or apart, have very similar personalities.

White blood cells that circulate in the bloodstream and are an important part of the body's immune system are called ______


Who was the first theorist to explore the idea that the way we appraise a situation would influence the type of emotion that we'd experience in response to that event?

Magda Arnold

Max's behavior and self-presentation is relaxed and informal with his friends. When he goes on a job interview, he projects professionalism and formality with his attire and language. What would Carl Jung suggest about Max?

Max adopted a professional persona for his job interview.

According to three separate surveys, administered in 1983, 2006, and 2009, which statement about the relationship between stress and sex is the most accurate?

Moderate stress can enhance both immediate and delayed recall of educational material

What do studies show about the relationship between stress and memory?

Moderate stress can enhance both immediate and delayed recall of educational material

Which of the following is an example of the exhaustion stage of the general adaptation syndrome?

Nanette stays up all night to study for her math test.

The saying is "Money can buy happiness," but research finds that in the United States those who earn more than ________ per year are not measurably happier than those who earn below that amount


How many different scales are used to compile a profile from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)?


________ are concepts (mental models) that are used to help us categorize and interpret information.


Jessica believes that she succeeds in high school because she works hard, earned a place on the basketball team because she practices constantly, and cooks well because she takes cooking classes. Julian Rotter would say that Jessica has ________.

an internal locus of control

Which of the following exemplifies extrinsically motivated behavior?

babysitting your younger brother in order to receive an hourly fee

Which term refers to mental or behavioral efforts used to manage problems relating to stress, including the cause and the unpleasant feelings and emotions it produces?


Doug is an emergency room nurse in a large, underfunded, public hospital. Lately, he finds himself assuming that the patients he sees are just trying to get free drugs to feed an addiction. Just yesterday a little boy was brought in with a broken arm, and Doug found that he was completely indifferent to the boy's pain. What aspect of job burnout does this exemplify?


Sweating and shivering are responses created due to internal temperature fluctuations, and they are designed to bring the body back into ________.


Empty stomachs contract, causing both hunger pangs and the secretion of chemical messages that travel to the brain to serve as a signal to initiate feeding behavior. This is an example of

how physiological mechanisms serve as the basis for hunger

According to Carl Rogers, a healthy personality would result from congruence between one's ______ self and their ________ self.

idea; perceived

Adolescents (ages 12-18) experiment with and develop a sense of who they are and what roles they want to play. Erik Erikson would argue that during this period adolescents face the________ task of development

identity vs. confusion

Elroy decided not to cheat on the exam because he would fail the class if he was caught and he'd get punished by his parents. What stage of moral development does this exemplify?


Brizan has just lost his job. He is proactive in trying to resolve this source of stress; he immediately uses the internet to look up other jobs in his field and plans to eliminate nonessentials from his budget to make his savings last longer. Which type of coping approach is Brizan using?

problem focused

Which of the following was one of Alfred Adler's main contributions to personality theory?

suggesting that our birth order shapes our personality

Between birth and one year, infants are dependent on their caregivers; therefore, caregivers who are responsive and sensitive to their infant's needs help their baby to develop a sense of the world as a safe, predictable place. In Erikson's developmental theory, what is the primary developmental task of this stage?

trust vs. mistrust

Who suggested that men have womb envy because they cannot give birth?

Karen Horney

Which individual produced volumes that discussed sexual behavior among Americans in a way that had never before been made public, research that was not happily received by all who read it?


Which of the following is an example of an instinctive behavior?

infant rooting for a nipple

A(n) ________ complex refers to the feeling that one lacks worth and doesn't measure up to the standards of others or of society.


Cici firmly believes that every child deserves a loving parent. She becomes a foster parent because she knows that it is the right thing to do, even though she receives no material rewards for doing so. Cici becomes a foster parent because of ________ motivation.


Which option is the greatest risk factor for the development of burnout?

job strain

When Marcos is unhappy, he is mean to other children; he calls them names and behaves aggressively toward them. He often manipulates his peers into doing what he wants. Which of Karen Horney's coping strategy is Marcos using?

moving against people

Mercy has maintained her body weight far below what is healthy through starvation and constant exercise. Despite her drastically thin appearance, Mercy genuinely believes that she is overweight, often referring to herself as "fat." Mercy probably suffers from ________.

anorexia nervosa

According to Carl Jung, which of the following best served the goal of self-realization?

balance between extroversion and introversion

Victoria has learned that she has metastatic breast cancer and has only a few months to live. She immediately goes to church and prays that she will "change her ways" and will become a model Christian if God will just heal her illness. Victoria is at the _______ stage of grieving.


Dr. Korkolos is a surgeon who conducts procedures that modify a patient's gastrointestinal system so that they can only eat or absorb a limited amount of food. Dr. Korkolos's expertise is in ________ surgery


Anasophia binges on chocolates, then makes herself vomit so that she won't retain any of the calories she just ingested. When she is not doing this she regular abuses laxatives in the hope that she will not absorb calories and gain weight. Anasophia has a normal body size, but has a great fear of gaining weight. It would be a good idea for Anasophia to be evaluated to see if she is suffering from ________.

bulimia nervosa

Johanna is almost always nasty to people. She talks about others behind their backs, looks for ways to undercut classmates, and intentionally does things to impede other's success. Virtually everyone she knows eventually grows to dislike her, often citing her nastiness as the reason why they don't want to be around her. According to Allport, this negativity seems to be a(n) ________ trait for Johanna


According to Sigmund Freud, an adult who smokes, drinks, overeats, or bites her nails is fixated in the ________ stage of her psychosexual development.


Heather considers taking a new job. She focuses on the increased opportunities for promotion and the higher salary rather than her increased responsibilities; therefore, she views the new position as a ________ rather than a ________.

challenge; threat

Carissa's parents let her stay up as late as she wants. She is allowed to pick out her own clothes and decide when and what she wants to eat. Her parents act more like her friends than authority figures. What kind of parenting style is this?


Developing stomach ulcers during a prolonged period of stress exemplifies how stress can have a negative ________ impact


Anna is a school counselor. She hates going to work and wants to lock the door and cry whenever a student comes to her for help. She just doesn't feel like she has anything left to give. What dimension of job burnout does this exemplify?

dimension 1 - exhaustion

Jade hears a rattle. When she turns around she sees a rattlesnake inches from her leg. Her pupils dilate, her heart pounds, and she begins to sweat. This response is called the ________ response


_______ describes a proportion of difference among people that is attributed to genetics.


Tammy has a positive view of challenges: She views them as tasks to be mastered. She develops a deep interest in and a strong commitment to becoming a good teacher. When she doesn't pass her first teaching praxis, she quickly recovers and works to overcome the setback. Albert Bandura would say Tammy has ________.

high self-efficacy

The process by which one's physiological defense system becomes less efficient at fighting illness is called ________ and this process is enhanced by elevated stress levels.


According to the Schachter-Singer two-factor theory of emotion, emotions consist of two factors: ________.

physiological and cognitive

Which kind of psychology seeks to identify and promote those qualities that lead to happy, fulfilled, and contented lives rather than focusing on pathology, faults and problems?

positive psychology

Britta knows that it is wrong to break into a store that is closed, but there is a medical emergency and she has no cell phone with her. Her date has collapsed on the street and is having a seizure. Britta breaks the window of a local store, unlocks the door, and lets herself in to call the police. She stays behind to explain her behavior to the store owner, who shows up shortly after he is called. Britta is operating at the ________ level of Kohlberg's theory of morality


Keegan is a police officer. She was recently placed on administrative leave because she was shot during an armed robbery. Since the shooting, she can't stop thinking about how it felt to be shot, she is often angry with her husband, she jumps when she hears a loud noise, and she takes a 15 minute detour when driving home to avoid the neighborhood where it happened. Keegan probably suffers from ________.

posttraumatic stress disorder

Ross has learned that he has Parkinson's disease, and that in time he will lose some of his cognitive faculties. He and his wife have a lawyer draw up a document that names her a health care ________ who will be able to make medical decisions for Ross when he is unable to do so for himself.


After Mike does not get the job he interviewed for, he moves back in with his parents and spends his days playing video games. Which defense mechanism does this exemplify?


During Jean Piaget's ________ stage, the world is experienced through what we can take in through our perceptual systems and how we can move our bodies.


Advice, guidance, encouragement, acceptance, emotional comfort, and tangible assistance are all different forms of _______

social support

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