Psychology CH9

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People with a particular genetic configuration will be more or less sensitive to particular environmental factors. This is referred to as a person's _____ to develop in a particular way.

genetic predisposition

Ted Scianna is a normal, healthy, 47-year-old man. In general, he can expect his physical stamina, strength, and reaction time to:

gradually decline over the next 10 years.

The rooting, sucking, and grasping reflexes:

gradually disappear over the first year of life and are replaced by voluntary behaviors.

Mitchel is a typical, early-maturing boy. Compared to his late-maturing male peers, he is likely to:

have an advantage in terms of popularity and athletics.

When compared to early-maturing girls, early-maturing boys tend to:

have more positive experiences.

According to Erik Erikson's theory, the key psychosocial task facing adolescents is:

identity versus role confusion.

In Piaget's theory, the term "irreversibility" refers to the:

inability to reverse mental operations.

Marie enters the playroom of the psychology lab with her one-year-old son Aaron. Aaron ignores the many attractive toys in the room and clings to his mother. When Marie leaves the room, Aaron begins to cry hysterically. When his mother returns and tries to comfort him, Aaron cries harder, kicks, and resists her efforts to hold him. Aaron would most likely be classified as:

insecurely attached.

In terms of explaining gender differences, _____ theorists believe that there are many areas of agreement between those who favor sociocultural explanations and those who favor biological explanations.


The newborn infant:

is able to see near objects more clearly than distant objects.

According to the Focus on Neuroscience box "Boosting the Aging Brain," aerobic exercise in older adults improved their _____ and increased the volume of their _____.

memory; hippocampus

For some women, _____ involves hot flashes, disturbances in sex drive and sleep, and emotional instability.


Developmental psychologists divide the lifespan into:

nine age-related stages of development.

Psychologist Renée Baillargeon found that three-and-a-half-month-old infants appeared surprised when they watched a carrot pass behind a screen but fail to appear in a window in the screen. According to Baillargeon, this suggests that infants understand _____ at a much earlier age than Piaget suggested.

object permanence

Which of the following infants is most likely to use his father as a "secure base" as he explores a new pediatrician's office?

Benny, who is securely attached to his father

A securely attached infant will show no distress when her mother leaves the room. (T/F)


According to Jean Piaget, children are passive learners, passively soaking up information about the world. (T/F)


As people make the transition from one stage of the lifespan to another, they always undergo sudden, age-related changes in physical, mental, and social development. (T/F)


Boys and girls display very similar patterns of social interaction and friendship relationships throughout childhood. (T/F)


During the sensorimotor stage, the infant acquires a basic understanding of what Piaget called "conservation." (T/F)


Generally, well-nourished and healthy children begin puberty later than children who have experienced serious health problems or inadequate nutrition. (T/F)


Piaget's theory has been criticized for overestimating the cognitive abilities of infants and young children. (T/F)


Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky is best known for his theory of psychosocial development, which has eight distinct stages of development over the lifespan. (T/F)


Some teratogens, such as cocaine, cigarette smoke, or alcohol, can damage the developing fetus during the germinal period and the fetal period but not the embryonic period. (T/F)


The average life expectancy for men in the United States is currently about 74 years, and for women, about 79 years. (T/F)


_____ refers to the cultural, social, and psychological meanings that are associated with masculinity or femininity.


_____ are the behaviors, attitudes, and personality traits that are designated as either masculine or feminine in a given culture.

Gender roles

Dharma usually gets tan when exposed to sunlight, but Geoff has a tendency to sunburn easily. Dharma and Geoff obviously have different sensitivities to the same environmental factor. This example illustrates their different _____ predispositions.


Which best characterizes the typical course of human development?

Gradually unfolding changes throughout the ages and stages of life characterize human development.

Which of the following is NOT a valid criticism of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Piaget's most fundamental idea that children use different cognitive abilities to construct their understanding of the world has not been supported by scientific research.

Which of the following would characterize a child who is in the concrete operational stage of cognitive development?

The child can think logically, but his or her use of logic tends to be limited to tangible events or objects.

Which statement is TRUE regarding events of the embryonic period?

The organs and major systems of the body form.

Which of the following statements best represents contemporary thinking on the nature-nurture issue?

The relationship between genetics and environment is interactive; each influences the other.

Jess and Taye just discovered that Jess is pregnant. Jess and Taye like to enjoy a glass of wine or two every night after a long day of work. According to research presented in your textbook, what advice would you give to Jess about drinking alcohol?

There is no safe level of alcohol, so Jess should avoid drinking while pregnant.

Which statements are TRUE about researchers Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess?

They found that most infants can be classified as having one of three basic temperamental patterns.

A teratogen is a harmful agent or substance that can cause malformations or defects in an embryo or fetus. (T/F)


According to Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, adolescents can achieve an integrated and stable self-definition during a stage called the "identity versus role confusion stage." (T/F)


According to the box "Focus on Neuroscience: Boosting the Aging Brain," regular exercise resulted in a 2 percent increase in hippocampal volume in older adults over a one-year period. (T/F)


Gender schemas influence how people pay attention to, perceive, interpret, and remember gender-relevant behavior. (T/F)


Grace just turned 23. Although she has graduated from college, she has moved back in with her parents. Her parents are concerned because Grace has had four jobs since graduation and often says that she hasn't found a career that is right for her. Grace also tends to have short-lived romantic relationships. According to Jeffrey Arnett, Grace is in the stage of emerging adulthood. (T/F)


Intellectual abilities tend to peak in the late 20s and early 30s and then decline gradually through the 40s and 50s. After age 60, intellectual abilities show a steady decrease with each passing decade. (T/F)


Menarche is a female's first menstrual period, which occurs during puberty. (T/F)


Menopause signals the end of reproductive capacity in women. (T/F)


Piaget's concept of egocentrism refers to the fact that preoperational children often lack the ability to consider events from another person's point of view. (T/F)


Puberty is the stage of adolescence in which an individual reaches sexual maturity and becomes physiologically capable of sexual reproduction. (T/F)


Susceptibility to peer influence peaks during early adolescence. (T/F)


The embryonic period is the second period of prenatal development and extends from the third week through the eighth week. (T/F)


The stepping reflex, grasping reflex, and rooting reflex are present at birth, but as motor areas of the infant's brain develop over the first year of life, these reflexes are replaced by voluntary behaviors. (T/F)


Of the following senses, which is LEAST developed at birth?


The zone of proximal development is an important element in:

Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development.

According to the discussion in the textbook, Piaget's notion that his stages of cognitive development are universal has been challenged by the finding that:

some adults never display the characteristics of formal operational thinking.

The physical process of attaining sexual maturation and reproductive capacity that begins during the early adolescent years:

sometimes proceeds unevenly, with some body parts developing at a faster rate than others.

Which of the following is the term used by psychologists to describe an infant's inborn predisposition to consistently behave and react in a particular way?


Compared to girls who grow up in homes where their biological father is present, girls who are raised in homes in which their biological father is absent:

tend to experience puberty at an earlier age.

The period of accelerated growth during puberty, involving rapid increases in height and weight, is called:

the adolescent growth spurt.

Erik Erikson defined "ego integrity" as:

the feeling that one's life has been meaningful.

According to attachment theory:

the quality of attachment plays an important role in determining an infant's ability to thrive physically and psychologically.

During the germinal period:

the zygote becomes implanted on the mother's uterine wall.

Janelle is 47 years old. Her doctor tells her that she has entered menopause. Janelle is:

within the normal range for menopause to occur.

Garrett is a typically developing adolescent and has just reached the peak of his growth spurt. According to the typical sequence of puberty, Garrett is probably _____ years old.


Sex differences in behavior begin to emerge around:

18 months to 2 years.

According to the Focus on Neuroscience box "Boosting the Aging Brain," aerobic exercise had which of the following effects on the hippocampus in older adults?

Aerobic exercise resulted in a 2 percent increase in hippocampal volume over a one-year period.

The classic conservation task developed by Piaget involves two short containers that contain equal amounts of liquid. While a child watches, the water from one container is poured into a tall, thin beaker. The child is asked which beaker holds more water, the short container or the tall container. Four-year-old Daniel answers the question incorrectly, while seven-year-old Emily is able to answer the question correctly. Why?

Daniel is in the preoperational stage, while Emily is in the concrete operational stage.

Rachel describes herself in this way: "I go to Emerson school and I like to play with my friend Heather. I have two parakeets." Sarah describes herself in this way: "I am not very self-confident, but I believe that I am a unique person who was put on this earth for some reason. My goals include helping others, and possibly running for political office someday." From their descriptions of themselves, what age would you predict each to be?

Rachel is in middle childhood, while Sarah is an adolescent.

In terms of development, a critical period is:

a period during which a child is maximally sensitive to environmental influences.

The stage that marks the transition between late childhood and the beginning of adulthood is called:


According to the Focus on Neuroscience box "Boosting the Aging Brain," dozens of studies have shown that _____ can improve cognitive functioning in old age.

aerobic exercise

During the embryonic period

all of the organs and the major body systems form

During their later years, MOST older adults:

are in relatively good health, self-sufficient, and active.

According to research conducted by Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess, temperamental patterns:

are remarkably stable throughout childhood.

Some teratogens, such as cocaine, cigarette smoke, and alcohol, can damage the developing fetus:

at any stage before birth.

The emotional bond that forms between an infant and caregiver(s), especially his or her parents, is known as:


Although parents remain influential throughout adolescence, relationships with friends and peers:

become increasingly important.

In adolescence, personal identity tends to shift from the _____ self-descriptions that characterize childhood to more _____ self-descriptions.

concrete; abstract

Ginny's son Jayden is almost 13. Ginny has always enjoyed a good relationship with Jayden, but after hearing horror stories from other parents about their teenaged children, she is worried that once Jayden becomes a teenager their relationship will deteriorate and he will become impossible to handle. According to psychological research, Ginny and Jayden's relationship during adolescence will most likely:

continue to be good throughout adolescence, since their relationship was good during childhood.

Ms. Dillon had been a teacher in the local public school system for more than 40 years. Now retired, she finds herself wondering why she ever took up teaching and thinking about how she wasted the best years of her life trying to teach ungrateful and lazy students. She wishes that she had chosen another profession when she was younger. According to Erikson's theory, Ms. Dillon is probably experiencing:


Pete's research examines cognitive changes that occur as people progress from young adulthood to late adulthood. Pete is a(n) _____ psychologist.


During which stage of development does formal operational thinking typically begin to emerge?

early adolescence

Susceptibility to peer influence peaks during:

early adolescence.

Physical strength tends to peak in:

early adulthood.

Temperament researchers agree that individual differences in temperament have a genetic and biological basis. Researchers also agree that:

environmental experiences can modify a child's basic temperament.

Mark and Mathew are identical twins who developed from a single zygote and share identical DNA. Nevertheless, as they develop, differences in physical and psychological characteristics become evident. These differences are due to:

epigenetic changes.

Dr. Morelli investigates how gene activity is regulated within a cell, including what signals switch genes "on" or "off." In general, she is interested in the mechanisms that control gene expression and its effect on behavior and health. Dr. Morelli's area of research is called:


Phenotype is to genotype as:

expressed characteristics are to inherited genes.

Excessive drinking during pregnancy can cause _____, which is characterized by physical and mental problems such as abnormal facial features or learning disabilities.

fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

Everett's son Matthew is 15 years old. Everett is worried because Matthew seems to be becoming more reliant on the opinions of his friends. Everett is afraid that Matthew's peers will be a bad influence on him. According to psychological research:

peer relationships tend to reinforce the traits and goals that parents fostered during childhood.

Regarding Erikson's conclusions about identity development in adolescence, psychological research has shown that:

personal identity begins to take shape in adolescence, but it continues to evolve throughout the lifespan.

Mark was upset because he only got half a sandwich while his older sister got two halves of a sandwich. After his mother cut his half sandwich into two pieces, Mark was perfectly happy. Mark is probably in the _____ stage of cognitive development.


The _____ period of prenatal development, extending from the third week through the eighth week is known as _____.

second; embryonic stage

Harrison is 15 years old and has gained both height and weight, some body hair, and a deeper voice during the past year. These changes are examples of:

secondary sex characteristics.

Janeen enters the playroom of the psychology lab with her one-year-old daughter Peggy. Initially, Peggy clings to her mother, but then becomes interested in the attractive toys in the playroom. She picks up a toy and brings it back to her mother, then drops it and approaches the toy box again. Peggy cries when Janeen leaves the room, but quickly calms down again when her mother returns. Peggy would most likely be classified as:

securely attached.

Which of the following represents the correct order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

According to the Thomas and Chess model of temperament, _____ infants have a low activity level, withdraw from new situations and people, and adapt to new experiences very gradually.


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