Psychology Chapter 1
Mary Whiton Calkins
1890 was assigned to teach experimental psychology in a new women's college (Wesley College) Studied at Harvard and completed requirements for Ph. D but Harvard would not award her the degree
Emphasized the role that unconscious thoughts play on behavior and personality
Biological perspective
Emphasizes on the study of physical bases of human and animal behavior. PET scans, MRI scans, functional MRI scans (fMRI) allow for more research I the brain like never before
Francis C. Sumner
First African American to earn Ph.D. Later joined Howard university
Margaret Floy Washburn
First American woman to earn an official Ph.D. Did studies on animals and metal process
First major school if thought in psychology. Said that even our most complex thoughts could be broken down in to elemental structures.
Cognitive perspective
Focus on how people process and remember information, develop language, solve problems, and think
Humanistic perspective
Focus on interpersonal relationships, and the strive to reach ones potential.
Founded by John B. Watson Rejected structuralism and Freud's ideas Focused strictly on overt behavior. Focused on how behavior is acquired and molded
Carl Rogers
Founded humanistic psychology Emphasized on conscious experiences of his clients
Sigmund Freud
Founder of Psychoanalysis Was developing a theory on unconscious behavior Considered a man obsessed w/ fixed ideas
John B. Watson
Founder of behaviorism Strongly objected structuralism
William James
Founder of functionalism Taught at Harvard Evolutionist, influenced by Charles Darwin Stressed adaptation to changes
Edward B. Titchener
Founder of structuralism Earned psych. degree in Wundt's laboratory in 1892 Accepted position at Cornell in New York. Also first school of psychology to disappear (structuralism)
Scientific study of behavior and mental process.
Humanistic psychology
Sometimes considered the third force because it was so different from other ideas Focused on conscious experiences
Stressed the importance of how behavior functions to allow people and animals adapt to their environment
B.F. Skinner
Studied only outward observable behaviors
Positive psychology perspective
Study and research of positive emotions and psychological states
Behavioral perspective
Study how behavior is acquired or modified by environmental causes.
Cross cultural perspective
Study of different behaviors of humans across different cultures
Evolutionary perspective
Study of why some species adapt better to their environment in comparison to others. Reflects natural selection.
Psychodynamic perspective
Treat people with psychological problems by digging into unconscious experiences and the underlying dynamics of behavior
G. Stanley Hall
William James student Founded first psychology research lab in U.S. at John Hopkins university in 1833 Founded American psychology association.
Wilhelm Wundt
Wundt published first book on psychology in 1874 called the principles of psychological psychology. Wundt is considered the father of psychology because he started the first research lab in 1879.