psychology chapter 11

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some stress is necessary to keep individuals alert and occupied Hans selye (1980) ; health that is healthful is referred to as?


Seeley's three stages are alarm, reaction formation, and exhaustion


approach avoidance conflict is the least stressful type of conflict


cancer is the leading cause of death in the US


life hassles and daily changes cause health problems


men tend to use a tend and befriend response to threats


the egg in Ellis's ABC approach stands for attitude


the idea that humor can help people cope with stress is just an old wives tale


the term for red blood cells is leukocytes


according to Peggy Blake and her colleagues, which of the following did college students rate as stressful

graduation, going on vacation, academic failure

a demand made on an organism to adapt cope or adjust


Gerald is a professional who studies Stress Management. This field is called

Health psychology

the branch of psychology that studies the relationships between psychological factors in the prevention and treatment of physical health problems is

Health psychology

what is the study of how psychological issues affect physical illness

Health psychology

life changes that are positive can still be stressful because______ is involved


Mark is trying to make a choice between asking Helen or Lorelei to a party this weekend. He's having a rough time deciding because both are equally appealing options. This is indicated of a What conflict

approach approach

which of the following is the least stressful type of conflict

approach approach

Sam wants to be a clinical psychologist. He's been accepted to two different graduate schools. Those schools are equally prestigious and would provide him with an outstanding education. He must choose to attend one of the schools. Psychologists would call this type of conflict a

approach approach conflict

Sara is having trouble deciding whether to buy a BMW or a Mercedes because she likes them both immensely this is what type of conflict

approach approach conflict

psychologists often classify conflict into 4 types. Which of the following is not one of those types

approach withdrawal

stressors such as daily hassles and Life Changes predict health problems such as heart disease and?

athletic injuries

Emily is on a diet. For lunch she has to choose a salad with fat-free dressing, or a fruit plate, neither of which she likes. What is this type of conflict


a patient has a choice between surgery and painful treatment this is indicated of a what type of conflict


the amount of stress resulting from daily hassles and Life Changes depend upon the individuals what?

cognitive appraisal of the situation and personality type

what is being pulled in two directions at the same time called


Lisa is a single parent of three children. She prepares meals, shops for food, and takes care of household. She also works outside the home in demanding job that she doesn't like get is concerned about meeting her everyday expenses. Psychologists call these stresses

daily hassle

William feels as if he has too much to do and not enough time to accomplish these things these thoughts are considered

daily hassles

life changes are to____ as daily hassles are to____

discontinuous. ; continuous

Lazarus found that daily house include all the following except

natural disasters

influenza is caused by a virus. This virus is part of a broad category of disease-causing organisms called


Rita's concerned about her job security and her ability to make mortgage payments. What can these concerns lead to?

physical illness

concerns about Job stability terrorism and retirement Investments are called

security hassles

Life Changes differ from daily hassles because

they can be positive and desirable rather than just negative and they occur at irregular intervals rather than a regular

Lazarus describes in her concerns hassles as being lonely or socially isolated


research has shown that social support helps moderate the effects of stress


self efficiency is the ability to make things happen


steroids suppress the functioning of the immune system


stress and pathogens interact to influence the immune system


the biopsychosocial approach looks at the interactions of biological psychological and socio-cultural factors


what can daily hassles result in

worry, nervousness, sadness

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