Psychology chapter 11,12, 13, 14

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What is schizophrenia? What are its symptoms?

A severe psychological disorder that touches every aspect of a persons life. It is characterized by disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, motor activity, and mood, as well as withdrawal and absorption in daydreams or fantasy. The positive symptoms are the inappropriate kinds of behavior we find in afflicted people, like agitated behavior,vivid hallucinations, and disorganized thinking. negative symptoms are those that reflect the absence of appropriate behavior. They are flat, emotionless voices, blank faces, rigid, motionless bodies, and the refusal to talk. they can have problems in thinking and language and problems in actions, emotions, and social interaction.

__________is the issue of how well one can predict behavior on the basis of attitudes.

A-B problem

What are two qualities of Ellis's rational emotive behavior therapy?

Active and directive

__________is characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a traumatic event.


Describe a scenario where a patient undergoes systematic desensitization.

Adam was afraid of receiving injections. His behavior therapist treats him as he reclines in a comfortable padded chair. In a state of deep muscle relaxation, Adam observes slides projected on a screen. A slide of a nurse holding a needle has just been shown three times, 30 seconds at a time. Each time Adam has shown no anxiety. So now a slightly more discomforting slide is shown: one of the nurse aiming the needle toward someone's bare arm. After 15 seconds, our armchair adventurer notices twinges of discomfort and raises a finger as a signal. The projector operator turns off the light, and Adam spends 2 minutes imaging his "safe scene" lying on a beach beneath a tropical sun. Then the slide is shown again. This time Adam views it for 30 seconds before feeling anxiety.

Discuss the associations between illnesses (such as cancer and coronary heart disease) and racial and ethnic background.

African Americans have an overall higher percent change of developing cancer and coronary heart disease. Native and European Americans have a higher change than Latin and Asian Americans for developing such conditions.

Amanda can't stand to be in a crowded room, get on an elevator, or sit in the middle of a row. It interferes with her job performance and prevents her from enjoying leisure activities. Which anxiety disorder does Amanda exhibit?


According to the general adaptation syndrome, the _________ is triggered by perception of a stressor.

Alarm reaction

Briefly explain rational emotive behavior therapy.

Albert Ellis's form of therapy that encourages clients to challenge and correct irrational expectations and maladaptive behaviors. Many of us harbor a number of irrational beliefs that can give rise to problems or magnify their impact.

What is the result of high self-efficacy expectations?

All of these (lower levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline, better ability to function in spite of pain, and less disturbance by adverse events.)

​_________ is characterized by excessive worrying, fear of losing control, nervousness, and inability to relax.

Anxiety disorder

Emily is on a diet. For lunch, she has the choice of a salad with fat-free dressing and a fruit plate. However, she does not like either of them. According to Neal E. Miller, what is this type of conflict called?

Avoidance -avoidance conflict

_________ refers to the systematic application of the principles of learning to the direct modification of a client's problem behaviors.​

Behavior therapy

__________refers to the systematic application of the principles of learning to the direct modification of a client's problem behaviors.

Behavior therapy

​ _________ such as pathogens, injuries, age, gender, and a family history of disease may strike us as the most obvious causes of illness.

Biological factors

__________such as pathogens, injuries, age, gender, and a family history of disease may strike us as the most obvious causes of illness.


Which of the following is a similarity between cognitive therapists and humanistic therapists?

Both aim to foster self-insight, but they mainly aim to help make people more aware of their current cognition.

Which of the following is a difference between humanistic forms of therapy and behavior therapy?

Both aim to foster self-insight, but they mainly aim to help make people more aware of their current cognitions.

Jason meets a therapist for the first time. During the session, the therapist tells him that she believes that humans have a natural tendency toward health and growth and that they are free to make choices and control their destinies. She also tells him that therapy is intended to help people get in touch with their genuine feelings. Which kind of therapy does she likely practice?

Client-centered therapy

Which of the following is a difference between client-centered therapy and Gestalt therapy?

Client-centered therapy is nondirective, while Gestalt therapy is directive.

Which of the following is true of free association?

Clients are made comfortable and asked to talk about any topic that comes to mind.

Jack's therapist Susan wants him to recall significant points about his recent appraisal, so he can cope with his work more effectively. Which of the following approaches does Susan use?

Cognitive therapy

​_________ is the feeling of being pulled in two or more directions by opposing motives.


Delmar believes that he has been sent to Earth to save mankind. He believes that women are evil and that any male who speaks to, or associates with, a female is doomed to a life as a slave. He often tells people of his grand plan to save males from the influence of females. Nothing one says or does can convince him that his ideas are untrue. Which of the following does Delmar demonstrate?


While in a bus, a man overhears a discussion about a person who is about to be terminated from his job. The man believes that the people on the bus are talking about him and that he has been targeted. Which of the following delusions does the man demonstrate?

Delusions of reference

Explain in detail the origins of dissociative amnesia.

Dissociative amnesia has been linked to overwhelming stress, which may be caused by traumatic events such as war, abuse, accidents, or disasters. The person may have suffered the trauma or just witnessed it. There also seems to be a genetic (inherited) connection in dissociative amnesia, as close relatives often have the tendency to develop amnesia.

__________is a disorder in which a person appears to have two or more distinct identities or personalities that may alternately emerge.


On a(n)__________level, prejudice is associated with negative feelings such as fear, dislike, or hatred.


The concept of social support has many definitions. What are these, as described in the text, and how do these types of social support serve to reduce the effects of stress?

Emotional concern is listening to people's and expressing feelings of sympathy, caring, understanding, and reassurance. Instrumental aid is the material supports and services that facilitate adaptive behavior. information is guidance and advice appraisal is feedback from others about how one is doing socializing is conversation, recreation, even going shopping with someone

The feeling of__________encourages helping behavior and discourages aggression.


What are the advantages of group therapy?

Exposure to other people with similar problems, social interaction with others.Social and emotional support from people with similar disorders or problems.The individual undergoing therapy doesn't feel alone.There are opportunities to try out new behaviors with group members.The feedback is always positive.

According to the general adaptation syndrome, in the resistance stage, levels of endocrine and sympathetic activity are higher than in the alarm reaction.


Predictability is of greater benefit to externals—that is, to people who wish to exercise control over their situations—than to internals.


The attraction-similarity hypothesis states that people with opposite natures find each other attractive.


Type B people are highly driven, competitive, impatient, hostile, and aggressive—so much so that they are prone to getting into auto accidents.


Unhealthy stress is referred to as eustress.


What is the focus of cognitive therapy? What is the similarity between cognitive therapists and psychoanalytic and humanistic therapists?

Focuses on changing the beliefs, attitudes, and automatic types of thinking that create and compound people's problems. Cognitive therapists, like psychoanalytic and humanistic therapists, aim to foster self-insight, but they mainly aim to help make people more aware of their current conditions.

Raul goes to a therapist. The therapist asks him to relax by lying on a couch and encourages him to talk about anything that comes to his mind. Through this process, the therapist hopes for some unconscious information to be revealed. Which of the following psychoanalytic techniques does the therapist use?

Free association

__________is characterized by feelings of dread and foreboding and sympathetic arousal of at least six months' duration.


_________ was originated by Fritz Perls.

Gestalt therapy

__________is a perception in the absence of sensory stimulation that is confused with reality.


Explain in detail about the characteristics of people with high self-efficacy expectations.

Have higher psychological and biological reasons for remaining calmer. They are less prone to be disturbed by adverse events. They are more likely to lose weight, quit smoking, and control their alcohol intake. They are also better able to function in spite of pain.

What is health psychology?

Health psychology studies the relationship between psychological factors and the prevention and treatment of physical health problems

Susan is in the alarm reaction stage of Selye's general adaptation syndrome. In this scenario, which of the following is most likely to occur?

Her body has been aroused and she experiences a fight-or-flight reaction.

Kevin is in the exhaustion stage of Selye's general adaptation syndrome. Which of the following is most likely to occur?

His heart and respiration rates slow down and his muscles become fatigued.

__________is the erroneous belief that one is being victimized or made to suffer.


Explain in detail the characteristics of posttraumatic stress disorder.

It can be characterized by a rapid heartbeat, feeling of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a traumatic experience. The traumatic event is revisited in the form of intrusive memories, recurrent dreams, and flashbacks. people with PTSD typically try to avoid thoughts and activities connected to the traumatic event. they may find it more difficult to enjoy life, and often have sleep problems, irritable outbursts, difficulty concentrating, extreme vigilance, and an intensified "startle" response

Which of the following is true of psychotherapy?

It influences clients' thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

Which of the following statements best describes psychodynamic therapy?

It is a type of psychotherapy that is based on Freud's thinking and assumes that psychological problems reflect early childhood experiences and internal conflicts.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of group therapy?

It is less expensive than individual sessions.

Based on the different behavior-therapy methods, which of the following is true of modeling?

It relies on observational learning

Which of the following is a difference between life changes and daily hassles?

Life changes occur at irregular intervals, whereas daily hassles occur regularly.

Which of the following is a similarity between client-centered therapy and Gestalt therapy?

Like client-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy assumes that people disown parts of themselves that might meet with social disapproval or rejection.

__________is defined by recurrent, anxiety-provoking thoughts or images that seem irrational and beyond control and seemingly irresistible urges to engage in thoughts or behaviors that tend to reduce the anxiety.


According to Albert Ellis, which of the following is true of beliefs?

Our beliefs about events, not just the events themselves, can be stressors.

Which of the following is true of coronary heart disease (CHD)?

Overtime work, assembly line labor, and exposure to conflicting demands can all contribute to CHD.

__________is an abrupt anxiety attack that is apparently unrelated to specific objects or situations.


Influenza is caused by a virus. This virus is an example of disease-causing organisms called__________.


Which of the following is true of cancer?

People whose immune system is damaged by physical or psychological factors may be more likely to develop cancer.

How did Gestalt therapy get its name?

Perls used the name Gestalt to signify his interest in giving the conflicting parts of the personality an integrated form or shape. Gestalt has the definition of "unified whole" which actually came from the German word Gestalt. Perls adopted the term because he wanted to help clients integrate conflicting parts of their personalities.

Describe personality disorders. Explain any three in detail along with their cause.

Personality disorders are enduring patterns of behavior. Personality disorders are inflexible and maladaptive. they impair a personal or social functioning and are a source of distress to the individual or to other people. Paranoid personality disorder is the tendency to interpret other peoples behavior as threatening or demeaning. They are mistrustful of others, and their relationships suffer for it. They may be suspicious of coworkers and supervisors, but they can generally hold a job. The cause for this disorder is unknown. However, researchers believe that it is caused by a combination of biological and environmental factors. Schizoid personality disorder is the indifference to relationships and flat emotional response. They tend to have few friends and rarely maintain long-term relationships. They do very well on the job provided that continuous social interaction is not required. Schizotypal personality disorder is the peculiarity of thought, perception, or behavior, such as excessive fantasy and suspiciousness, feelings of being unreal, or the odd use of words. there are no complex delusions, hallucinations, or unusual motor activities.

The group effect called _________ is likely to lead the group to make more risky shifts in decision-making.​


__________allows us to brace ourselves for the inevitable and, in many cases, plan ways of coping with it.


In the selection of a romantic partner, women tend to place greater emphasis on traits such as:

Professional status

​_________ is a cluster of traits that buffer stress and are characterized by commitment, challenge, and control.

Psychological hardiness

Briefly explain rational emotive behavior therapy.

Rational emotive behavior therapy is described by Albert Ellis as beliefs about events, not just the events themselves, shape our responses to them. Many of us harbor a number of irrational beliefs that can give rise to problems or magnify their impact. Two of the most important ones are the belief that we must have the love and approval of the people that are important to us, and the belief that we must prove ourselves to be thoroughly competent, adequate, and achieving.

Americans from ethnic minority groups are less likely than European Americans to seek therapy. State the reasons for their lower participation rate.

Reasons include lack of awareness that therapy would help, lack of information about the availability of professional services or inability to pay for them, distrust of professionals, particularly European American professionals and (for women) male professionals, cultural inclinations toward other approaches to problem solving, such as religious approaches and psychic healers, and negative experiences with professionals and authority figures.

Who among the following exhibits a characteristic of psychological hardiness?

Roanne, who sees change as an opportunity to grow

_________ is characterized by indifference to relationships and flat emotional response.

Schizoid personality disorder

__________is characterized by indifference to relationships and flat emotional response.


Eugene believes that he can bring about positive changes in his life through his own efforts. Psychologists would say that Eugene has high__________.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of psychological disorders?

Socially acceptable behavior

_________ are excessive, irrational fears of specific objects or situations, such as spiders, snakes, or heights.

Specific phobias

​ _____ is a demand made on an organism to adapt, cope, or adjust.


_________ is a condition in which the senses, thought, and movement are dulled.


Katherine is terrified of dogs. To help alleviate her fears, her therapist first teaches her how to relax her muscles. Next, the therapist gradually exposes Katherine to different dogs using virtual reality displays while she relaxes to each presentation. Which of the following is the basis for the virtual therapy used by Katherine's therapist?

Systematic desensitization

_________ refers to Wolpe's method for reducing fears by associating a hierarchy of images of fear-evoking stimuli with deep muscle relaxation.

Systematic desensitization

What are the advantages of group therapy?

The advantages of group therapy are that it is economical and it allows the therapist to work with several clients at once, compared with one-to-one therapy, group therapy provides more information and life experiences for clients to draw on, appropriate behavior receives group support. Clients usually receive an outpouring of peer approval. When we run into troubles it is easy to imagine that we are different from other people or inferior to them. Affiliating with people with similar problems is reassuring. group members who show improvement provide hope for other members. Many individuals seek therapy because of problems relating to other people. people who seek therapy for other reasons may also be socially inhibited. Members of groups have the opportunity to practice social skills in a relatively nonthreatening atmosphere. In a group consisting of men and women of different ages, group members can role-play one another's spouses, friends and such.

Miguel, an unusually uncontrollable child, runs around the house endlessly, has little sleep, and often has temper tantrums. His mother exclaims to the family doctor, "I swear that kid is possessed!" In this scenario, which perspective on psychological disorders is she most likely to hold?

The demonological model

Briefly explain the contemporary psychological models.

The diathesis-stress model assumes that there may be biological differences between individuals that explain why some people develop certain psychological disorders under stress, whereas others do not. The biopsychosocial model explains psychological disorders in terms of a combination of biological vulnerabilities, psychological factors such as exposure to stress, and sociocultural factors such as family relationships and cultural beliefs.

Briefly explain the four essentials of psychotherapy.

The first essential of psychotherapy is systematic interaction. This is the therapist's theoretical point of view that interacts with the clients problems to determine how the therapist and the client relate to each other. psychological principles is the theory and research in areas such as personality, learning, motivation, and emotion. thoughts, feelings, and behavior is the third. psychotherapy influences clients' thoughts, feelings, and behavior. It can be aimed at any or all of these aspects of human psychology. psychological disorders, adjustment problems, and personal growth. psychotherapy is often used to treat people who have psychological disorders. Other people seek help in adjusting to problems such as shyness, weight problems, or loss of a life partner. Still other clients want to learn more about themselves and to reach their full potential as individuals, in a relationship, or as creative artists.

Sanchez, an 8-year-old boy, suffers from unpredictable panic attacks and constantly talks to a make-believe group of friends. His mother confesses to the family doctor, "I probably drank too much alcohol during pregnancy and caused brain damage." Which perspective on psychological disorders does she hold?

The medical model

What are the risk factors associated with coronary heart disease (CHD)?

The risk factors are family history, psychological conditions, patterns of consumption, type A behavior, job strain, chronic fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression, and emotional strain, and a physically inactive lifestyle.

What are the various sources of prejudice?

The sources of prejudice are dissimilarity, social conflict, social learning, information processing, and social categorization.

What is the reason for using the term Gestalt in Gestalt therapy?

The term was used to signify Perls's interest in giving the conflicting parts of the personality an integrated form or shape.

Explain antipsychotic drugs in brief.

These drugs are often given to people that have schizophrenia. These drugs aim to reduce agitation, delusions, and hallucinations. Drugs such as phenothiazines and clozapine are thought to act by blocking the dopamine receptors in the brain.

Which of the following is true of rational emotive behavior therapists?

They aim to encourage clients to challenge and correct irrational expectations.

Which of the following is true of client-centered therapists?

They have unconditional positive regard for their clients.

Which of the following is the aim of traditional psychoanalysis?

To provide insight into the conflicts that are presumed to lie at the roots of a person's problems

Discrimination refers to behavior that results from prejudice.


People are more likely to act on their attitudes when they have a vested interest in the outcome.


Stress and pathogens interact to influence the immune system.


Somatoform disorders are characterized by:

a complaint of physical problems such as paralysis, pain, or a persistent belief that one has a serious disease when one does not exist.

Conversion disorder is characterized by:

a major change in, or loss of, physical functioning, although there are no medical findings to explain the loss of functioning.

According to Aaron Beck, clients may engage in _________, which means looking at the world in black and white rather than in shades of gray.

absolutist thinking

According to Aaron Beck, clients may engage in__________, which means looking at the world in black and white rather than in shades of gray.


The _________ is the tendency to attribute our own behavior to situational factors but to attribute the behavior of others to dispositional factors.​

actor-observer effect

Terry was molested by her male colleague a week ago. Since then, she has been overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety and helplessness. Her doctor refers to her condition as:

acute stress disorder.

According to the general adaptation syndrome, the__________is triggered by perception of a stressor.


Steve's physician has prescribed medication that belongs to a class of chemicals known as benzodiazepines. Steve is most likely to be treated for__________.


__________is characterized by excessive worrying, fear of losing control, nervousness, and inability to relax.


In _________, each of two goals is desirable, and both are within reach.

approach-approach conflict

Sam wants to be a clinical psychologist. He has been accepted at two different graduate schools. Both schools are equally prestigious and will provide him with an outstanding education. However, he has to choose between the two schools. According to Neal E. Miller, this type of conflict is known as a(n):

approach-approach conflict.

In__________, each of two goals is desirable, and both are within reach.


A similarity between acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder is that both:

are characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a traumatic event.

According to the__________, people tend to develop romantic relationships with people who are similar to themselves in physical allure and other traits.


In__________conflict, you are motivated to avoid each of the two negative goals. However, avoiding one requires approaching the other.


Most antianxiety drugs belong to the chemical class known as__________.


The__________of conversion disorders holds that it is a form of self-hypnosis.


Ecstatic elation and deep depression are both aspects of _____.

bipolar disorder

A young man is having trouble getting along with his roommate. Sometimes, his roommate does not speak for days. On other days, he speaks rapidly and nonstop, and is often abrasive and aggressive. The roommate is showing symptoms suggesting:

bipolar disorder.

Ecstatic elation and deep depression are both aspects of__________.


Mary has schizophrenia and exhibits symptoms of hallucinations, delusions, lack of emotional expression, and social withdrawal. Mary has:

both positive and negative symptoms.

The immune system combats disease:

by generating antibodies, which attach themselves to antigens, deactivating them and marking them for destruction.

Dr. Thomas, a psychiatrist, works at a facility that treats new cases as outpatients rather than sending them to hospitals. He also helps people who have been released from mental hospitals. Most of the people treated by him have chronic psychological disorders. Dr. Thomas works at a(n) _____.

community mental health center

Somatoform disorders involve:

complaints of physical problems.

Behavior therapists rely heavily on principles of__________.


A man witnessed an explosion in which a coworker died, and soon after, he lost his vision. Despite many neurological tests, doctors could find no organic basis for the man's loss of eyesight. A psychological explanation for this incident is:

conversion disorder.

Mary and Ted are working with a therapist to strengthen their communication, express their uncomfortable feelings, and learn to share in the decision-making process. In which of the following therapies are they involved? Group of answer choices

couple therapy

A person with _________ is suddenly unable to recall important personal information.

dissociative amnesia

Cory was driving when an accident killed his best friend who was sitting in the car with him. However, Cory escaped uninjured. When he woke up the next morning, he couldn't remember where he was or what had happened the previous night. He is most likely exhibiting:

dissociative amnesia.

Jane has episodes where she can't remember what she did or where she was. She has found clothing in her closet that she does not wear and doesn't know how it got there. When she goes to see the doctor, she introduces herself as Suzy. Jane seems to be exhibiting:

dissociative identity disorder.

A person with__________is suddenly unable to recall important personal information.


Amnesia is frequently associated with__________.


Schizophrenia is characterized by

disturbances in thought and language, perception and attention, and mood.

A(n) _________ is a psychodynamically oriented therapist who focuses on the conscious, coping behavior of the ego instead of the hypothesized, unconscious functioning of the id.

ego analyst

In client-centered therapy,__________refers to the recognition of a client's experiences and feelings.


Sarah can recite her speech for her oral communications class perfectly when she is alone. However, when she is in front of the group she often loses her "train of thought" because of her concern that the audience is judging her performance. Sarah's performance has been influenced by:

evaluation apprehension

When an individual can no longer cope with ongoing stress and becomes ill, he or she has reached the__________of the general adaptation syndrome.


People with depersonalization-derealization disorder:

experience episodes of feeling detached from themselves or feeling that the world around them is unreal.

According to psychiatrist Aaron Beck, clients make the cognitive error of minimizing the importance of negative events.


Electroconvulsive therapy has no side effects.


Fraternal twins are much more likely to both have anxiety disorder than identical twins.


In aversive conditioning, an aversive stimuli is paired with a painful behavior in order to increase that behavior.


In psychoanalysis, the expression of repressed feelings and impulses to allow the release of the psychic energy associated with them is called free association.


Only those who have a serious mental illness take the help of psychotherapy.


People with schizoid personality disorder show instability in their relationships, self-image, and mood and a lack of control over impulses.


The central symptom of generalized anxiety disorder is persistent anxiety that can be attributed to a phobic object, situation, or activity.


The loss of memory to a person with dissociative amnesia can be attributed to organic problems such as a blow to the head or alcoholic intoxication.


A form of group therapy that may be undertaken from the systems approach is called _________.​

family therapy

Serena has an internal locus of control. This means that she:

feels in control of her own life.

In psychoanalysis, the uncensored uttering of all thoughts that come to mind is known as _________.​


Jessie shares personal experiences with her facilitator and several others who demonstrate similar problems. In which of the following therapies is Jessie most likely participating?

group therapy

The field of psychology that studies the relationships between psychological factors and the prevention and treatment of physical wellness problems is known as _____.

health psychology

People with__________feel an overpowering need to accumulate certain kinds of possessions and have difficulty discarding them.


People with _________ insist that they are suffering from a serious physical malady, even though no medical evidence of sickness can be found.

illness anxiety disorder

People with__________insist that they are suffering from a serious physical malady, even though no medical evidence of sickness can be found.


Psychodynamic therapy, client-centered therapy, and Gestalt therapy consider psychological disorders to occur as a result of__________.


Ever since Michelle failed her biology final, she has been thinking that she will never be able to find a job when she eventually graduates. She feels that she will end up homeless. This demonstrates what psychologist Albert Ellis calls:

irrational beliefs.

The risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) can be reduced by:

lowering LDL serum cholesterol.

Kim has a poor appetite and has experienced a severe weight loss. She is unable to concentrate or make decisions. She often has feelings of unworthiness and guilt for things she has not done. She no longer cares about life and talks about death, and how she would welcome it. Psychologists are most likely to diagnose Kim with__________.


In the manic phase of bipolar disorder, a person may:

make huge contributions to charity.

People with mood disorders:

may become severely depressed when things are going well or when they encounter mildly upsetting events.

Posttraumatic stress disorder:

may occur months or years after the event.

Tom is a World War II war hero who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and major depression. In 1954, he was sent to an institution for treatment. He was most likely admitted to a(n)__________.


People with panic attacks tend to:

misinterpret bodily cues and to view them as threats.

__________is a behavior-therapy technique in which a client observes and imitates a person who approaches and copes with feared objects or situations.


Dr. Diaz is a therapist who works with clients of many different cultural backgrounds. Her clients like the fact that she always considers their cultural background important to her therapeutic approach. Dr. Diaz is demonstrating _________.

multicultural competence

Stanley Milgram studied the factors that contribute to _________.​

obedience to authority

Stanley Milgram studied the factors that contribute to__________.


A woman has difficulty concentrating on her job because she keeps worrying about things like leaving the door unlocked or the tap turned on. She feels that her house will get robbed or damaged any day because of her carelessness. According to this scenario, she is most likely suffering from _____.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder? Explain with an example.

obsessive-compulsive disorder is defined by recurrent, anxiety-provoking thoughts or images that seem irrational and beyond control and seemingly irresistible urges to engage thoughts or behaviors that tend to reduce the anxiety. An example of this would be a woman becoming obsessed with the idea that she had contaminated her hands with Sami-Flush and that the chemicals were spreading to everything she touched and so she continuously washed her hands.

Kyle is possessed by the thought that he is an evil person who will murder somebody, even though he is not capable of the heinous act. He tries to put these disturbing thoughts out of his mind by washing his hands several times a day. Kyle demonstrates:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Which of the following aggravated the problems that inmates of asylums were already facing?


People with__________do not show the grossly disorganized thinking of paranoid schizophrenia.


__________is a disorder that follows a distressing event outside the range of normal human experience and that is characterized by features such as intense fear, avoidance.


Individuals who have experienced severe trauma or victimization may experience debilitating anxiety reactions months and years after the actual traumatic experience. For example, disaster victims or war veterans often have their first symptoms many months after the actual events. These patients are diagnosed as suffering from:

posttraumatic stress disorder.

Behavior therapy applies _____ to directly promote desired behavioral changes.

principles of learning

A reason why people tend to have partners from the same background is__________.


_________ are based on the thinking of Sigmund Freud.​

psychodynamic therapies

Many health problems are affected by__________, such as attitudes, emotions, and behavior.


Salma angrily tells her therapist, John, "I should have won the beauty contest. It's not fair." John confronts Salma's belief by asking, "Wasn't the winner more talented and articulate than you?" John is most likely to be a(n) _____.

rational emotive behavior therapist

Type B people:

relax more readily and focus more on the quality of life.

Which of the following is NOT one of Selye's three stages in the general adaptation syndrome?

resilience phase

Joan avoids talking about her troubled marriage with her psychoanalyst. When she is asked to talk about the relationship, she becomes restless and claims, "There is nothing to tell." Which of the following is indicated by Joan's behavior?


__________is the tendency to block the free expression of impulses and primitive ideas—a reflection of the defense mechanism of repression.


Connor was frightened as his cab was weaving in and out of traffic across the city. The level of his endocrine and sympathetic activity eventually lowered as his body attempted to restore lost energy and repair damage. Connor is in the _____ of the general adaptation syndrome.

resistance stage

According to the general adaptation syndrome, the levels of endocrine and sympathetic activity in the__________are lower than the levels in the alarm reaction but still higher than normal.


Tom is a loner who shows little interest in making friends and does not exhibit much emotion. However, he is a star performer at work. His job involves updating a database to reflect the most recent events occurring in the world. He is showing signs of _____.

schizoid personality disorder

Tom is a loner who shows little interest in making friends and does not exhibit much emotion. However, he is a star performer at work. His job involves updating a database to reflect the most recent events occurring in the world. He is showing signs of__________.


Sarah's thinking is considered to be peculiar. She mixes up words from different languages and strings them along in rambling sentences. She plays out her fantasy of living in a world of cotton candy all day. However, she does not suffer from hallucinations or delusions. Sarah is displaying symptoms of__________.


What is dissociative amnesia?

selective memory loss brought on by extreme stress. presence of one or more episodes of inability to recall important personal information. Memory disturbance related to traumatic/stressful event and is too extensive to be considered ordinary forgetfulness. forget whole years of your life (though still know who you are)

The belief that we can bring about desired changes through our own efforts is called _________.

self-efficacy expectation

_____ is a cognitively oriented learning theory in which observational learning and person variables such as values and expectancies play major roles in individual differences.​

social cognitive theory

The Pittsburgh Steelers are playing a game in their home stadium. The stadium is full of fans. They are likely to do their best because so many of the fans are cheering them on to victory. In the context of group behavior, this is the result of:

social facilitation

Katie is excessively fearful of meeting new people. She eats at her desk at work to avoid any social contact with her coworkers and consistently refuses their invitations to go out for parties. Psychologists will most likely diagnose Katie with__________.


__________refers to a behavior-therapy method for helping people in their interpersonal relations that utilizes self-monitoring, behavior rehearsal, and feedback.


According to the different kinds of social support,__________involves making conversation, recreation, and even going shopping with someone.


Psychological disorders are:

sometimes characterized by anxiety.

People with generalized anxiety disorder:

suffer from persistent anxiety that cannot be attributed to a phobic object, situation, or activity.

__________refers to Wolpe's method for reducing fears by associating a hierarchy of images of fear-evoking stimuli with deep muscle relaxation.


Psychotherapy refers to__________between a client and a therapist.


The difference between major depressive disorder and run-of-the-mill depression is that:

the feeling of lack of energy, low self-esteem, loss of interest in activities is more intense in people with major depressive disorder.

Social facilitation refers to:

the process by which a person's performance is increased when other members of a group engage in similar behavior.

__________are controlled environments in which people are reinforced for desired behaviors with keepsakes, such as poker chips, that may be exchanged for privileges.


Gestalt therapy assumes that people disown parts of themselves that might meet with social disapproval or rejection. Group of answer choices


In cases of domestic violence, it is usually the partner with less power in a relationship that is the violent one.


In rational emotive behavior therapy, Albert Ellis pointed out that our beliefs about events, not just the events themselves, shape our responses to them.


People with delusional disorder hold persistent, clearly delusional beliefs, often involving paranoid themes.


The diathesis-stress model assumes that there may be biological differences between individuals that explain why some people develop certain psychological disorders under stress, whereas others do not.


In client-centered therapy, _________ refers to respect for clients as human beings with unique values and goals.

unconditional positive regard

In client-centered therapy,__________refers to respect for clients as human beings with unique values and goals.

unconditional positive regard

​_________ can be positive or negative, occur at irregular intervals, and create stress.

​Life changes

_________ is a personality trait characterized largely by persistent anxiety.


Most antianxiety drugs belong to the chemical class known as _________.


People with _________ have mood swings from ecstatic elation to deep depression.

​bipolar disorder

Kim has a poor appetite and has experienced a severe weight loss. She is unable to concentrate or make decisions. She often has feelings of unworthiness and guilt for things she has not done. She no longer cares about life and talks about death, and how she would welcome it. Psychologists are most likely to diagnose Kim with _____.

​major depressive disorder

Antidepressant medication tends to increase the concentration of _________ in the brain.


Antidepressant medication tends to increase the concentration of__________in the brain.


Salma angrily tells her therapist, John, "I should have won the beauty contest. It's not fair." John confronts Salma's belief by asking, "Wasn't the winner more talented and articulate than you?" John is most likely to be a(n)__________.


​Sarah's thinking is considered to be peculiar. She mixes up words from different languages and strings them along in rambling sentences. She plays out her fantasy of living in a world of cotton candy all day. However, she does not suffer from hallucinations or delusions. Sarah is displaying symptoms of _____.

​schizotypal personality disorder

People with _________ complain of physical problems such as paralysis, pain, or a persistent belief that they have a serious disease.

​somatoform disorder

Dawn wants to be a veterinarian because she wants to help animals remain healthy. On the other hand, she cannot see animals suffering from illnesses. According to Neal E. Miller, what is this type of conflict called?

Approach-avoidance conflict

Explain how biology and chemistry have an effect on aggression.

Biologically some psychologists believe that there is a "genetic whisper" that promotes aggression to some degree. The hypothalamus appears to be involved in this inborn reaction pattern. In humans, whose brains are more complex, other brain structures apparently moderate possible aggressive instincts.Chemistry is involved in aggression in the form of the male sex hormone testosterone. Men have higher testosterone levels than women do and are also usually more aggressive than women.

Lisa has been invited to a party. Immediately after receiving the invitation, she meets with a group of friends to discuss what they plan to wear to the party. Lisa then decides what to wear based on everybody's opinion. Lisa's behavior demonstrates:


According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, which of the following is the ideal form of love?

Consummate love

​________ are regularly occurring experiences that can harm our well-being, even our sex lives.

Daily hassles

Explain the two types of attributions using an example.

Dispositional attributions would be like a Suming a child is mistreating another because she is "mean". situational attributions would be like assuming a child is miss treating another because her parents have implanted certain attitudes toward the other child.

Which of the following is true of Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love?

Romantic love is characterized by passion and intimacy.

Type A people:

are highly driven, competitive, impatient, hostile, and aggressive.

In__________terms, prejudice is connected with avoidance and aggression.


Shaina is about to give her first speech in class. She is nervous and hopes she doesn't forget her points in front of the whole class. The presence of the class is not likely to facilitate her performance due to:

evaluation apprehension

Keisha takes care to look smart and attractive for her job interview. In terms of social perception, this demonstrates that she recognizes that _____ are important.​

first impressions

The field of psychology that studies the relationships between psychological factors and the prevention and treatment of physical wellness problems is known as__________.


Sheena's brother was recently killed by a drunk driver. Students from an organization against drunk driving ask her to sign a petition and donate to their cause. She is glad to help them because she is still grieving her brother's death. This scenario demonstrates how the _____ of her attitude influences her behavior.​


Explain how the approach-approach conflict differs from the avoidance-avoidance conflict.

Approach-approach conflict is the least stressful type of conflict. Each of the two goals are desirable and within reach. avoidance-avoidance conflict is stressful because you are motivated to avoid each of two negative goals. Avoiding one requires approaching the other.

Sheetal is reluctant to go home for the Christmas holidays as she does not have a good relationship with her parents. The tension starts even before she arrives. Her _____ leaves her feeling miserable. ​


Enduring behavioral and cognitive tendencies that are learned and expressed by evaluating particular people, places, or things with favor or disfavor are known as __________.


A landlord refuses to rent his vacant apartment to college students. He believes that students throw wild parties and destroy property. In the context of behavior, the landlord's refusal is an example of _____.​


A landlord refuses to rent his vacant apartment to college students. He believes that students throw wild parties and destroy property. In the context of behavior, the landlord's refusal is an example of__________.


What are the factors that influence conformity?

Factors that influence conformity include belonging to a collectivist rather than an individualistic society, the desire to be liked by other members of the group, low self esteem, social shyness, and lack of familiarity with the task.

Females are more likely than males to behave aggressively because males empathize with the victim.


The Asch study examined the effects of social facilitation.


The fundamental attribution error is the tendency to attribute others' behaviors to situations, not their dispositions.


Explain the gender differences in the selection of a romantic partner.

Females tend to look for males based upon a greater emphasis on traits such as professional status, consideration, dependability, kindness, and fondness for children. men tend to place a relatively greater emphasis on physical allure, cooking ability, and even thrift.

What is a fight-or-flight reaction? Explain its functions.

Fight-or-flight is the innate adaptive response to the perception of danger. It is used when faced with a threatening situation. Your body is able to determine wether fighting or fleeing is the best reaction to this threatening situation.

Which of the following best describes attitude?

It is an enduring mental representation of a person, place, or thing that typically evokes an emotional response and related behavior.

In terms of behavior, which of the following is true of prejudice?

Prejudice is connected with avoidance, aggression, and discrimination.

__________is a cognitively oriented learning theory in which observational learning and person variables such as values and expectancies play major roles in individual differences.

Social cognitive theory

Explain Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love in brief.

The three main topics are called passion, intimacy, and commitment.Infatuations is described as passion alone.Romantic love is intimacy and passion. Another group is liking. Liking is purely intimacy alone. Companion love is intimacy and commitment. Empty love is commitment alone. Finally, fatuous love is passion and commitment. consummate love is commitment, passion, and intimacy.

Psychological states such as anxiety and depression can impair the functioning of the immune system.


Which of the following is a difference between Type A people and Type B people?

Type A people are more likely to continue to strive for more and more as compared to Type B people.

To _________ is to interpret negative events as being disastrous or to "blow out of proportion."


Which of these factors does NOT contribute to aggressive behavior?


The group effect called__________is likely to lead the group to make more risky shifts in decision-making.


According to the general adaptation syndrome, the levels of endocrine and sympathetic activity in the _________ are lower than the levels in the alarm reaction but still higher than normal.

resistance stage

Which of the following factors increases the tendency to conform?

social shyness

From the__________, aggressive skills are mainly acquired by observation of other people acting aggressively.


According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, which of the following is true of passion?

It involves fascination (preoccupation with the loved one), sexual craving, and the desire for exclusiveness.

Which of the following is true of the attraction-similarity hypothesis?

It theorizes that reciprocity is a powerful determinant of attraction.

Briefly explain prejudice and discrimination.

Prejudice is a certain attitude towards a group that leads people to evaluate members of that group negatively. Whereas discrimination is hostile behavior directed against groups toward whom one is prejudiced.

Many health problems are affected by _________, such as attitudes, emotions, and behavior.

Psychological factors

Explain the various social decision schemes with examples.

The first scheme is the majority-wins scheme. In this scheme the group arrives at the decision that was initially supported by the majority. An example of this is like the presidential election. The second one is the truth-wins scheme. And example of this is I grew up deciding whether to use SAT scores in admitting her students to college with profit from information about whether the scores predict college success or were they on fairly discriminate against certain groups of people.And example of this is a group deciding whether to use SAT scores in admitting students to college with profit from information about whether the scores predict college success or whether they unfairly discriminate against certain groups of people. The third is the 2/3 majority scheme. And example of this is a jury. They tend to convict the defendants when 2/3 of the jury initially favors conviction. The first shift rule scheme is the last. In this scheme the group tends to shift to the opinion expressed by the first person that has a shift of opinion.

Sunny and Clara went for a lunch date, but Sunny could only stammer and stutter throughout the meal because he was nervous. Clara was deeply disappointed. Several weeks later, she decided to give Sunny a second chance. The next meeting passed without mishap and it was almost as if the first awkward meeting had never happened. Clara was so happy that she rewarded Sunny with a kiss. In terms of social perception, Clara's behavior is due to:

The recency effect

Prejudice involves stereotyping.


Ever since Mark and Tracy met each other at a party thrown by a mutual friend, they have been fascinated with each other. They care about each other deeply, and realize that they want a special relationship with each other for the rest of their lives. According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, their feelings are known as:

consummate love

Overtime work, assembly line labor, and exposure to conflicting demands can all contribute to__________.


Lisa is a single parent of three children. During the course of each week, she prepares meals, shops for grocery, and takes care of the household. She also has a demanding job that she does not like, but cannot quit as she is concerned about meeting her everyday expenses. Psychologists refer to these stresses as _____.

daily hassles

Jessie and her mother argue about Jessie's choice of friends and dates. Her mother thinks Jessie is stubborn and resistant. Jessie thinks her mother is bossy and controlling. In this scenario, Jessie and her mother make _________ about each other's behavior.​

dispositional attributions

Danny is reading a book in school. When he isn't looking, a girl steps on Danny's toe. The teacher, who observed this, believes the girl stepped on Danny's toe because she is malicious. In the context of social perception, the teacher is making a__________.


On a(n) _________ level, prejudice is associated with negative feelings such as fear, dislike, or hatred.​


According to the different kinds of social support,__________involves listening to people's problems and expressing feelings of sympathy, caring, understanding, and reassurance.


Prejudices act as cognitive filters through which people view the social world. People tend to think of people as "familiar" or "foreign," or "good" or "bad." Their feelings and reactions toward others may be biased by these perceptions. This source of prejudice is referred to as _____.​

information processing

Prejudices act as cognitive filters through which people view the social world. People tend to think of people as "familiar" or "foreign," or "good" or "bad." Their feelings and reactions toward others may be biased by these perceptions. This source of prejudice is referred to as__________.


Feeling lonely and being socially isolated are examples of__________.


Peter and Kirsten share a warm relationship and count on each other for emotional support. According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, this demonstrates__________.


After getting back from work, Greg is attempting to decide whether he should stay home or exercise at the gym. He wants to stay at home because he likes to relax, but he feels guilty about not getting enough exercise. He knows that if he goes to the gym, he will be glad that he is exercising but unhappy because he does not enjoy the activity. According to Neal E. Miller, this is an example of__________.


Michael's boss tells him to report to work at 4:00 a.m. the next day. Michael is not happy about arriving at work at such an unusual hour, yet he does as told. In the context of social influence, his behavior is an example of:

obedience to authority

According to the _____, a woman's appeal is more strongly connected with her age and health, both of which are markers of reproductive capacity.​

parental investment model

Max has been in the army for almost two years. He has gone through boot camp, learned drill, and now follows commands without hesitation. He may also risk his life when ordered to take part in a dangerous mission. In the context of obedience to authority, the process of making Max compliant is an example of _____.

the foot-in-the-door technique

__________assert that people's behavior is influenced by their values, by how they interpret situations, and by choice.

Cognitive psychologists

Deindividuation is the tendency to avoid helping other people in emergencies when other people are also present and apparently capable of helping.


According to the__________, a woman's appeal is more strongly connected with her age and health, both of which are markers of reproductive capacity.


According to Durlez and Stangor & Crandall, there is often social and economic__________between people of different races and religions.


What is Hans Selye's term for strain that is healthful?


Which of the following is true of stereotyping?

Stereotyping may lead people to view members of groups in a biased fashion.

According to the different types of social support, _________ involves helping people interpret, or "make sense of," what has happened to them.


People are said to _________ when they change their behavior to adhere to social norms.​


Carole seems to be incredibly healthy; she is able to resist illness despite being severely stressed. She fully involves herself in whatever she is doing. She believes that change is normal and that she has control over the course of her life. Psychologists would say that Carole is:

psychologically hardy.

Which of the following is a factor that contributes to attraction?


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