Psychology Chapter 15

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Carl Rogers

(1902-1987) - being genuine, empathetic, Empathetic: feeling what other people are feeling - putting yourself in other peoples shoes unconditional positive regard- as a parent, you love your child no matter what conditional pos regard- "I will be your friend if" - only love you if... you are a good person, you play a sport self-concept- how a person views themself if self-concept is positive, you tend to see the world positively If self-concept is negative, you see things more unhappy

reciprocal determinism

- personality is shaped with the interaction of behavior, environment, and thoughts Tv and violence


-"I" - tries to protect us in certain situations - means "I"; is the conscious; ego is what you could or can do; right now you could leave, you could fake sick, you could go to the bathroom; referee between id and superego; based on reality; ego develops from Id when you are born; some conscious, some unconcious


-"above the ego" - conscious mind; means above ego; comes about 4 or 5 years in life; develops from ego; based on morality - what you should do


-"it" totally unconscious; means "it"; all about pleasure; if your id was in control right now, you would get up and go home probably; doesn't matter if it is right or wrong; when you are born, you are all id; sexual and aggressive drives to please;

Raymond Cattel

16 personality techinique; Factor analysis -statistical approach - your either extrovert or introvert , like myers briggs, but had 1 instead of 4

Abraham Maslow

1908-1970)- studied healthy, creative people; hierarchy of needs: self-actualization-

Neo Freudians

Agreed w/ id, ego, superego, importance on uncon, shaping of per in childhood, anx and def mech. Different: agree with theory on id, ego, and superego w/ freud; agree with him on the unconscious, but not to freud's belief; believe that personality is shaped in childhood; agreed w/ anxiety and defense mechanisms; believed that the conscious role played a lot more then unconscious - unlike freud, also didn't agree with his sexual influence on everything - Eros- belief that you have sexual influence - libido - power behind eros - thanatos - description of destructive instinct; believed more in social impact


Biological Trait Theory-genetically influenced-1990 - extroversion-introversion, emotional stability-instability

Julian Rotter

Expenctancy Theory; Internal locus of control- External locus of control-

Personal Control

External - it's the outside forces, "theres no way I can get into med school" Internal - we can control our own fate; cope with stress a lot better, tend to do better at school

TAT-thematic apperception test

Henry Murray (1933)- 20 cards; you look at the card and tell a story; expressing inner feelings

Rorscach ink blot

Hermann Rorschach (1921)- you tell what it is; project test

The Big 5 Model

Openness to experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism (emot stable or instability)

Defense Mechanisms

Repression, Regression, Reaction Formation, projection, rationalization, displacement, Denial, intellectualization, identification, Sublimation

Carol Horney

SOCIAL tensions not sexual- o Basic anxiety - kids must overcome basic anxiety - fear of abandonment, helplessness, what can a child do to make their parents love them o Womb envy - if girls are jealous of penises, guys are jealous of giving birth

Positive Psychology

Seligman (learned helplessness with dogs) anything positive; if you look at cultures - democracy/philosophy was big; throughout time, cultures are going to do certain things in a positive way - communities come together, have great leaders;

Gordon Allport

Trait theory: 18,000 words to describe people - central and secondary traits


William Cullen Bryant - about death - he said thatanos is your destructive instinct


a lot of kids end up being frustrated with bodies, sexual tensions, urges, you don't want to act out on those in a bad way; freud says you are taking these urges and channeling into something more socially acceptable; instead of being sexually frustrated, you can go workout

Social Cognitive Approach

bandura is a social cognitive psych. Indiv and environment - different situations where we act different ways


banishes anxiety; arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories; trying to block something out; something traumatic: abusive situation, breakup,

spotlight effect

berry mantelow (cornell U does an experiment - someone walks in with a barry mantelow t shirt - thought is 50% will notice) - if you have a bad hair day, you will think everyone will notice, when in reality - we overestimate what people notice or think

Reaction formation

cause ego to unconsciously switch unacceptable impulses into their opposites; someone who is really neat usually turns really messy; telling someone you hate them when you actually love them


focus on inner capacities for growth and self-fulfillment; deals with inner conflicts; trying to be the best you can be; self growth


freud believed it was the god of love

Objective Testing

has a specific answer


how you deal with a conflict, you learn about it or become an expert about it; someone who is anorexic will learn everything there is to know about food

Terror Management theory

how you defend yourself versing anxiety; theory of death - how much your death anxiety increases; general term;


individuals characteristics - feeling, how you think, how you feel, how you act


justify; very common with any type of addiction; "im not the one with the problem, look at those people over there drinking they don't even know where they are"


leads people to disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others; a thief might think everyone else steals, so therefore they will steal;

Martin Seligman

learned helplessness

Psychosexual Stages

o Oral- 0 - 18; centers around the mouth; sucking, biting, chewing; how you are given the bottle or breast o anal - 18 - 36; demand for control - controlling person comes from the anal stage "anal" or anal retentive - someone who has to have something done a certain way; thinks there way is the right way o phallic - 3 - 6 years; coping with incestuous sexual feelings; pleasure zone is genitals - showing and touching themselves; running around naked

MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

objective test (specific answer) "I like tall guys?" true or false "I am tired in the morning?" true or false

Projective Testing

open ended answer


refuse to believe painful realities; that something has actually happened; if a child passes away, a parent might leave that room the same for an extended amount of time

Weak Superego

self-indulgent and remorseless


shift sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person, redirecting anger toward a safer outlet; you yell at child, child yells at friend, friend yells at...

Alfred Adler

sickly child - o Superiority v. inferiority: you strive for superiority and overcome inferior feelings; shapes you personality o Inferiority complex o Birth order - so much of personality is where you are born in your family - o Fictional finalism - people live by many ideas that have no relation to reality; fictional belief; finalism has to do with theology of it - influences our behavior; o Sibling rivalry - there is competition amongst brothers, sisters/


start to incorporate other people's values; prisoners of war; take on beliefs of capturer; brainwashing ; identifying with your captors

Carl Jung

studied w/ Freud. Jung told Freud about a dream and relat never the same; o Collective unconscious- shared memory that we might have: myths, images; exists in all people; o Archetypes (self, shadow, etc.); universal symbol, terms, or statements; could be ancient beliefs o Anima/animus - anima is feminine side, animus is masculine side

Self-serving bias

tendency for people to see themselves as average - tend to accept responsibilities for good stuff - if you get an a, then you think "I studied hard, I worked for this" but if you get an F, you tend to think "the teacher is bad, im just just not good in this subject"

Strong Superego

virtuous, yet guilt-ridden


wanted to explain people the way that they are; unconcious mind, psychosexual stages, and defense mechanisms - exploring the unconcious - first one to get the patient to lay down on a bed; dream analysis, free association, id, ego, superego


when we act like a very childlike person; sucking thumb first day of school at kindergarten; homesick at college and wet bed

Freudian Slip

when you say something by accident, but subconsciously meant it

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