Psychology Chapter 4

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Functions of Sleep

1. Recover from stress 2. Rejuvenates the body 3. Consolidates learning 4. Promotes infant brain development These are all functions of what?

Circadian Rythm

24-Hour sleep cycle based on the Earth's rotation


A specific medicine that's an example of an amphetamine/stimulant


A type of habit formed around the misuse of drugs Causes higher doses of the drug to achieve same effect


An altered state of conscious ness where people are highly suggestive and act as if they're in a trance

Psychoactive Substances

Another name for drugs, specifically drugs that distort reality.


Another name for stimulants

Non Rapid Eye Movement

Another name for the first four stages of sleep

Alpha Waves

As we start to wind down, our brain emits these types of waves

Alpha Waves

Brain wave that of cur during being awake They're low amplitude brain waves, Iinked to relaxation


CONSCIOUSLY choosing to not think about distracting ideas or uncomfortable things


Class of drug referred to as an addictive depressant used to relieve anxiety and reduce sleep


Class of drug that increases activity of the nervous system


Class of drug that lowers nervous system activity

Abstinence syndrome

Cluster of withdrawal symptoms that result from sudden decease in an addictive drug's level of usage

Sleep Terrors

Constant nightmares that occur during NREM sleep

Stages 3 and 4

Deep sleep disorders occur during these two stages of sleep


Distorted perceptions or hallucinations that occur days or weeks after LSD usage


Drug also known as weed.

Selective Attention

Focus on one's conscious as on a particular stimulus


Form of Consciousness Unavailable to awareness under most circumstances

Pre Conscious

Form of consciousness between of direct inner awareness and unconsciousness; middle man

Pre conscious

Form of consciousness. Not currently in awareness, but readily available, retrieving.

Transcendental Meditation

Form of meditation that concentrates on mantras and promotes relaxation

Mindfulness Meditation

Form of meditation that helps focus on the present and not hyper focus on problems

High frequency brain waves

Frequency of brain Waves associated with wakefulness

Low frequency brain waves

Frequency of brain waves associated with sleep


Group of drugs used to relieve pain and induce sleep


Group of drugs where the chemical acts on the opiate receptors of the brain, but AREN'T derived from the opium poppy


Group of narcotics derived from the optimized poppy. Provide euphoric rush and depress nervous system


Half of all adults suffer from this sleep disorder


Hallucinogen who's name is an acronym for its chemical structure


Hallucinogenic drug derived from the mescal cactus

Altered states of consciousness

Hypnosis, meditation, biofeedback are all examples of ...?

Sleep Paralysis

Inability to move during transition from wake to sleep


Instrument used to measure muscle tension

Direct Inner Awareness

Inward thinking, inner thoughts, (DIA)

Direct Inner Awareness

Knowledge of one's own thoughts, feelings, and memories without the use of sensory organs.


Knowledge of what's expected during the "trance state"


Lack of sleep can mainly lead to.....?


Many people self- medicate to deal with this.......


Neurotransmitter related to the activation synthesis model

8 hours

On average, how many hours should a human sleep?

Sigmund Freud

One of the main founders of Psychoanalysis

Substance Use Disorder

Problem characterized by loss of control over usage, social impairment, risky use, and tolerance and withdrawal symptoms


Psychoactive substance that causes hallucinations

Sigmund Freud

Psychologist who believed nearly all dreams had something to do with sex

Paradoxical Sleep

REM is also called this because the brain suggest a level of awareness similar to if you were awake

Cocktail Party Effect

Regarding selective attention, the effect where we can pick out speech of a single person across a room at a party.


Sensory awarenesss of the environment

Sleep Apnea

Sleep disorder where breathing stops during sleep


Sleep disorder where one falls asleep suddenly & irresistibly

Sleep Walking

Sleep disorder where one has unconsciously mobile while technically asleep


Sleep disorder where one urinates during sleep, usually occurs during deep sleep


Sleep disorder where there's difficulty falling asleep

Second hand Smoke

Smoke from tobacco products and exhalations of other people, passive smoking.

30 to 40 minutes

Stage 1 sleep lasts about this amount of time

Rapid Eye Movement

Stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movement. Linked to dreaming

Stage 3

Stage of sleep that starts emitting delta waves

Delta Waves

Strong, slow brain waves usually emitted during stage 4 sleep

Biofeedback Training

System that provides information about a bodily function in order to gain control over it

Non Conscious

The Bodily process that can't be experienced through sensory a awareness


The UNCONSCIOUS pushing back of anxiety- evoking ideas, impulses, or images from awareness


The acronym for the acid hallucinogen


The chemical compounds consistent of hydrogen and carbon


The most popular drug on high school and college campuses


The number of waves per second emitted by the brain


The strength of the brain waves


The strength or energy of brain waves is expressed in this

Role Theory

Theory that explains hypnotic events in terms of the person's ability to act as though they're hypnotized

Theta Waves

These slow brain waves, are being produced during stage one; hypnagogic state

Altered States of Consciousness

Trances and Hypnosis are forms of this kind of consciousness

Hypnagogic State

Transition from alpha waves to theta waves, where during this state, we can experience brief, but vivid dreams.


True or False? Insomnia can be caused by trying too hard to fall asleep


True or False? It's dangerous to waken a sleepwalker


True or False? The number of people who die from smoking-related causes is greater than the number lost to motor vehicle accidents, abuse of alcohol, and all other drugs, suicide, homicide and AIDS combined.


True or False? We act out forbidden fantasies in our dreams


True or False? You can be hypnotized against your will


True or False? You can teach a rat to raise or lower its heart rate


True or false? Coca-Cola once "added life" to its signature drink through the use of cocaine


True or false? Heroin was once used as a cure for addiction to morphine


True or false? Many health professionals calm down hyperactive children by giving them a stimulant


True or false? We sleep for 1/3rd of our lives


True or false? Women get drunk quicker than men

Activation Synthesis Model

View that dreams reflect activation of brain activity by the reticular formation and synthesis of this activity in a pattern


What people do when they meditate

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