Psychology Chapter 6 Multiple Choice

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Who proposed observational learning? (a) Ivan Pavlov (b) John Watson (c) Albert Bandura (d) B. F. Skinner

Albert Bandura

Four-year-old Emery was taken to the doctor for his immunization shot. Unfortunately, he learned to associate the painful shot with the long white coat of the doctor. Now he is afraid of the butcher (who wears a long white coat) and the druggist (who wears a long white coat). We would say which of the following is present? A. Extinction B. Stimulus generalization C. Garcia effect D. Stimulus discrimination


Which of the following is an unconditioned response? A. Praise for getting a good grade. B. Salivation at the sight of food. C. Fear of a dog after being bitten. D. Payment for a week's work.


what does a former neutral stimulus get paired with (associated) in higher oder conditioning? (a) conditioned response (b) conditioned stimulus (c) unconditioned stimulus (d) unconditioned response


In operant conditioning _____ weakens a repsonse while _____ increases a response. A. negative reinforcement // positive reinforcement B. positive reinforcement // punishment C. punishment // positive reinforcement D. punishment // negative reinforcement E. Both answers C and D F. Both answers A and B


Which of the following is an example of a reflex that occurs at some point in the development of a human being? a. child riding a bike b. teen socializing c. infant sucking on a nipple d. toddler walking

Infant sucking on nipple

Innate behaviors tht are triggered by a broader range of events such as aging and the change of seasons are known as: a. instincts b. learning c. reflexes d. associative learning


In Bandura's Bobo doll study, when the children who watched the aggressive model were placed in a room with the doll and other toys, they ________. a. ignored the doll b. played nicely with the doll c. played with tinker toys d. kicked and threw the doll

Kicked and threw the ball

The person who performs a behavior that serves as an example is called a ________. a. teacher b. model c. instructor d. coach


Which of the following is not an example of a primary reinforcer? a. food b. money c. water d. sex


________ is when you take away a pleasant stimulus to stop a behavior. a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. positive punishment d. negative punishment

Negative punishment

A stimulus that does not initially elicit a response in an organism is a(n) ________. a. unconditioned stimulus b. neutral stimulus c. conditioned stimulus d. unconditioned response

Neutral stimulus

Learning is best defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior that ________. a. is innate b. occurs as a result of experience c. is found only in humans d. occurs by observing others

Occurs as a result of experience

Rewarding successive approximations toward a target behavior is ________. a. shaping b. extinction c. positive reinforcement d. negative reinforcement


In Watson and Rayner's experiments, Little Albert was conditioned to fear a white rat, and then he began to be afraid of other furry white objects. This demonstrates ________. a. higher-order conditioning b. acquisition c. stimulus discrimination d. stimulus generalization

Stimulus generalization

Which is the correct order of steps in the modeling process? (a) attention, retention, reproduction, motivation (b) motivation, attention, reproduction, retention (c) attention, motivation, retention, reproduction (d) motivation, attention, retention, reproduction

attention, retention, reproduction, motivation

give an example of extinction in classical conditioning

ringing the bell, but giving no food and the dog will stop salivating

give an example of spontaneous recovery

-Imagine you strongly associate the smell of chalkboards with the agony of middle school detention -After years of encountering chalkboards, the smell of them no longer recalls the agony of detention (an example of extinction) - However, one day, after entering a new building for the first time, you suddenly catch a whiff of a chalkboard and the agony of detention returns

Spontaneous recovery occurs: A. Only after a conditioned response was extinguished. B. At the same time as the conditioned stimulus C. At the same time as the unconditioned stimulus. D. Immediately after a conditioned response occurs.


which of the following would be involved in the Garcia effect? (a) a hot dog (b) a snake (c) a hypodermic needle (d) an airplane (e) none of the above


Food, water, light stroking of the skin would be examples of: A. Secondary reinforcer B. Primary punishement C. Primary reinforcer D. Secondary punisher


Sylvia is given a quarter every time she makes her bed in the morning. What type of reinforcement would she be receiving? (a) Fixed ratio (b) Variable ratio (c) Continuous (d) Variable interval (e) Fixed interval


Which of the following is NOT an important feature of classical conditioning? A. Higher-Order Conditioning B. Stimulus Generalization C. Negative reinforcement D. Stimulus Discrimination E. Extinction


which of the following usually does not get conditioned in classical conditioning? (a) reflexes (b) emotions (c) voluntary behavior (like eating vegetables) (d) internal neurological processes )like addictions)


In Pavlov's work with dogs, the psychic secretions were ________. a. unconditioned responses b. conditioned responses c. unconditioned stimuli d. conditioned stimuli

Conditioned responses

Which of the following best describes negative reinforcement? A. Extinguishing a bad behavior. B. Being given timeout for inappropriate behavior. C. Receiving a something pleasant. D. Escaping from or avoiding something aversive.


Extinction occurs when ________. a. the conditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly without being paired with an unconditioned stimulus b. the unconditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly without being paired with a conditioned stimulus c. the neutral stimulus is presented repeatedly without being paired with an unconditioned stimulus d. the neutral stimulus is presented repeatedly without being paired with a conditioned stimulus

The conditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly without being paired with an unconditioned stimulus

An operant conditioning procedure in which successive approximations of a desired response are reinforced is known as shaping. True False


Slot machines reward gamblers with money according to which reinforcement schedule? a. fixed ratio b. variable ratio c. fixed interval d. variable interval

Variable ratio

In ________ the stimulus or experience occurs before the behavior and then gets paired with the behavior. a. associative learning b. observational learning c. operant conditioning d. classical conditioning

classical conditioning

Two forms of associative learning are ________ and ________. a. classical conditioning; operant conditioning b. classical conditioning; Pavlovian conditioning c. operant conditioning; observational learning d. operant conditioning; learning conditioning

classical conditioning; operant conditioning

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