Psychology Disorders Part 2 (NOTES FROM CLASS)

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schizoid personality disorder

A mental health condition in which a person has a lifelong pattern of indifference to others and social isolation.

schizotypal personality disorder

A mental health condition in which a person has trouble with relationships and disturbances in thought patterns, appearance, and behavior (people abducted by aliens)

histrionic personality disorder

A personality disorder that is marked by unstable emotions, low self-worth, and high desire to be noticed, "histrionic" means "dramatic or theatrical" People with HPD depend on the approval of others for their self-esteem and doesn't come from a true sense of self-esteem

Dependent Symptoms

Avoidance of personal responsibility, difficulty being alone, fear of abandonment and a sense of helplessness when relationships end, oversensitivity to criticism, pessimism and lack of self-confidence, trouble making everyday decisions, fearing rejection, needing repeated reassurance, can lead to isolation, alcohol and drug abuse

Schizotypal Symptoms

Can have odd beliefs and behaviors, disconnected from reality and usually do not hallucinate, do not have delusions May be very disturbed, ex. May also have unusual preoccupations and fears, such as being monitored by gov agencies Behave oddly & unusual beliefs (such as aliens), cling to these beliefs strongly that have difficulty forming and keeping close relationships Discomfort in social situations Inappropriate display of feelings No close friends Odd behavior and or appearance May have depression and paranoid personality disorder Odd beliefs, fantasies, preoccupations Odd speech

Schizophrenia Symptoms

Delusions- Strong, false, and irrational beliefs that have no basis on reality Hallucinations- When a person sees, hears, smells, tastes, or feels things that are not actually there Thought disorder- thinking illogically, having trouble organizing or communicating thoughts Movement disorder- a person who shows irregular body movement

Histrionic Symptoms

Desperate desire to be center of attention, interactions have inappropriate and sexually seductive or provocative behavior, display of rapidly-shifting and shallow expression of emotions, consistent of physical appearance to draw attention to self, speech is excessively lacking in detail, self-dramazitation, exaggerated expression of emotion, relationships are considered more intimate than they are

Paranoid Symptoms

Doubt the commitment, loyalty or trustworthiness of others, believing they are exploiting or deceiving them Be reluctant to confide in others or reveal personal information because they're afraid the info will be used against them Be unforgiving and hold grudges Be hypersensitive and take criticism poorly Persistent suspicions, without justified reason, partners unfaithful Cold and distant in relationships Not see their role in problems or conflicts, believing they are always right Have difficulty relaxing Hostile, stubborn, argumentative

OCD Symptoms

Fear of contamination or dirt Doubting and having difficulty tolerating uncertainty Needing things orderly and symmetrical Aggressive or horrific thoughts about losing control and harming yourself or others Unwanted thoughts, including aggression, or sexual or religious subjects Fear of being contaminated by touching objects others have touched Doubts that you've locked the door or turned off the stove Intense stress when objects aren't orderly or facing a certain way Images of driving your car into a crowd of people Thoughts about shouting obscenities or acting inappropriately in public Unpleasant sexual images Avoidance of situations that can trigger obsessions, such as shaking hands Washing and cleaning Checking Counting Orderliness Following a strict routine Demanding reassurance Hand-washing until your skin becomes raw Checking doors repeatedly to make sure they're locked Checking the stove repeatedly to make sure it's off Counting in certain patterns Silently repeating a prayer, word or phrase Arranging your canned goods to face the same way

borderline personality disorder

a condition characterized by difficulties in regulating emotion, people who have it feel emotions intensely for long periods of time, once called manic depression bc causes extreme emotional highs and lows

Schizophrenia personality disorder

a mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, behaves, and interprets reality, results in hallucinations, delusions, impaired thinking and behaving that impacts daily behavior, after person experiences psychosis (loss of contact with reality)

narcissistic personality disorder

a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance, need and seek too much attention, want people to admire them, lack ability to understand or care about the feelings of others, mask of extremely confident, not sure of their self-worth, upset by slightest criticisms (CEOS)

paranoid personality disorder

a mental health condition marked by a pattern of distrust and suspicion of others without reason to be suspicious. People with PPD are always on guard, believing that others are constantly trying to demean, harm, or threaten them. Do not think they are problematic, no delusions or hallucinations,

dissociative identity disorder

a mental health condition where people have two or more distinct personalities/alter, occurs as reaction to traumatic experiences, often during childhood

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions interfere with daily activities and cause significant distress.

dependent personality disorder

a type of anxious personality disorder, people with DPD often feel helpless, submissive, or incapable of taking care of themselves, trouble making simple decisions,

Schizoid Symptoms

appears aloof and detached avoids social activities that involve emotional intimacy with others does not want or enjoy close relationships, even with family members

avoidant personality disorder

characterized by social discomfort and avoidance of interpersonal contact, people with this disorder desire relationships with others but they cannot form them because they have a tremendous fear of the disapproval of others

Antisocial Symptoms

disregard for right and wrong, persistent lying or deceit to exploit others, arrogance (a sense of superiority and being extremely opinionated), recurring problems with the law, including criminal behavior and theft, impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead, lack of empathy for others and lack of remorse for harming others, unnecessary risk-taking, aggression

Avoidant Symptoms

extreme anxiety and fear, social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, sensitivity to criticism or rejection, avoids taking risks, intense fear or rejection, poor self-esteem, without treatment, a person with avoidant disorder can become isolated-physical abuse harm to self

Borderline Symptoms

frantic efforts to avoid being abandoned by friends and family, unstable personal relationships, distorted and warped self-image, impulsive behaviors, suicidal and self-harming behavior, periods of intense depression, anxiety lasting long hours, emptiness and dissociative feelings

Narcissistic Symptoms

have a reasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant excessive admiration feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment, be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important, be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty, or the perfect mate, relationships probs, work/school probs, drug/alcohol abuse

antisocial personality disorder

sociopathy, mental disorder, when a person always shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the feelings of others, tend to treat others harshly and show no guilt for their behavior, may lie, act impulsively, and have problems with drugs, can't fulfill roles (criminal behavior)

DID Symptoms

switches from identity to identity, feels the presence of 2 or more people living inside their head, each having its own name and characteristics, voice, expression, and mannerisms, a change in identity involves altered behaviors, emotions, thoughts, memories, and perceptions, may be observed by others or felt by that person, amnesia for everyday occasions, important personal info, and large portions of childhood or traumatic events

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