Psychology Exam 2

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A mental representation of the layout of one's environment is called a(n)

cognitive map

Jamal's brother often pretends to listen to what Jamal is saying when his brother is really focused elsewhere. When Jamal asks him, "What did I just say?" his brother can sometimes repeat Jamal's last few words. This MOST likely reflects his _____ memory.


A rat is allowed to explore a maze for several trails. On the last trail, he finds a piece of food at the end of the maze. On the following trial, his speed through the maze increases dramatically. This is an example of

latent learning

Explicit memory

memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and "declare" (declarative memory)

Dayton's Narcotics Anonymous sponsor advises him to avoid the people, places, and things associated with his drug use. These people, places, and things are BEST viewed as _____ within the framework of _____ conditioning.

conditioned stimuli; classical

the tendency to search for information that supports ones preconceptions is called the _______ bias


A lesion in this part of the brain would MOST likely result in a disruption of language

Broca's area

Example of positive reinforcement

Giving a treat to a dog for sitting on command

Neutral stimulus (NS)

In classical conditioning, a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning

Unconditioned response (UR)

In classical conditioning, an unlearned, naturally occurring response (such as salivation) to an unconditioned stimulus (US), (such as salivation when food is in the mouth)

Example of negative reinforcement

Take painkillers to end pain

classical conditioning

a learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired; a response that is at first elicited by the second stimulus is eventually elicited by the first stimulus alone.

A concept is

a mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, or people

Operant conditioning

a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher

A logical, methodical, step-by-step procedure for solving a problem is called a(n)


Respondent behavior is to as operant behavior as _______ is to ______

automatic; deliberate

Evolved tendencies for species to learn some behaviors more easily than others are called _____ constraints on learning.


When one is picturing a chart in a textbook and thinking about what a professor discussed about the topic in class, one is utilizing the _____ aspect of working memory.

central executive

When Lisa earns a perfect score on a(n) _____ test in history, she passes a _____ test of memory.

essay; recall

One major impediment to problem solving is _____, which is the inability to see a problem from a fresh perspective.


Tim remembers the exact moment he heard about the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Tim has a(n) _____ memory for this event.


Presenting an issue in a specific way that affects judgment and decision making is known as _____.


when attempting to persuade others it is best to focus on the positive rather than the negative. This is a characteristic of


Unconditioned stimulus (US)

in classical conditioning, a stimulus that unconditionally—naturally and automatically—triggers a response.

Six-year-old Fiona has no memory of a trip she took to the hospital when she was 2 years old, yet the rest of her family recalls what happened in vivid detail. Her inability to remember this event is known as _________ amnesia


The concept of _______ reflects a _______ contribution to learning

instinctive drift; biological

Benjamin Whorf's theory that language dictates the way humans think is known as the ________ hypothesis

linguistic determinism

Morris was sitting in the park one day and witnessed a robbery. When asked by a police officer to describe the young criminal, Morris recalled erroneously that the criminal was a teenager rather than an adult. Morris' experience BEST illustrates the _____ effect.


Which of these will one MOST likely store as an implicit memory

one's conditioned fear of guns

____________ refers to a biological predisposition to learn particular associations


Mrs. Alvarez cannot consciously recall how frequently she criticizes her children because it would cause her too much anxiety. Sigmund Freud would have suggested that her poor memory illustrates a defense mechanism called _____.


implicit memory

retention independent of conscious recollection (nondeclartive memory)

After Maya gave her friend the password to a protected website, the friend was able to remember it only long enough to type it into the password box. In this instance, the password was clearly stored in her ________ memory.

short term

Theo suffers from depression and is currently in treatment. His physician is using electroconvulsive therapy, which will affect his _____ memory.

short term

Several months after watching a science fiction movie about spaceship travel and alien abductions, Steve began to remember that he had been abducted by aliens and personally subjected to many of the horrors portrayed in the movie. His mistaken recall best illustrates _________ amnesia


The site where never cells communicate with one another by means of chemical messengers are called _________



the persistence of learning over time through the encoding, storage and retrieval of information


the view that psychology (1) should be an objective science that (2) studies behavior without reference to mental processes. Most research psychologists today agree with (1) but not with (2).

Behavior driven by rewards, rules, and responsibilities is to extrinsic motivation as behavior motivated by enjoyment, satisfaction, or challenge is to _______ motivation.


What does not apply to not the operant and conditional learning?

Involuntary responses to stimuli

Who experimented with classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

Which individual was NOT an early theorist in associative learning?

Sigmund Freud

The eminent psychologist _____ became known for shaping rat an pigeon behaviors by delivering rewards as the animals more closely approximated a desired behavior


___________ area controls language reception and is involved in language comprehension and accurate expression


Although one might wish that studying occurred automatically, successful studying, unfortunately, requires the attention and conscious work known ________ processing


in the process of retrieving a specific memory from a web of associations, a person needs to activate one of the strands that lead to it. This is known as __________


With respect to interference, ________ is to forward acting as ________ is to backward acting

proactive; retroactive

Academic performance on exams can be improved by visualizing effective studying. This type of imagery is called ________

process stimulation

A baby's ability yo comprehend speech is known as receptive language; his or her ability to speak words is known as _______ language


Memory retention

recall, recognition, relearning

Who argued for a classification of eight independent intelligence that include musical, spatial, and kinesthetic aptitudes

Howard Gardener

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