Psychology Exam #3

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REBT Network ( Rational -Emotional behavior therapy)

Ellis developed this as an alternative to traditional psychoanalysis -ABCD model


(burnout measure) an affective reaction to ongoing stress whose core content is gradual depletion over time of individuals energetic resources (exhaustion, fatigue etc) pg 284 1. emotional exhaustion 2. cynicisum 3. reduced efficancy


-"I cannot bear to be alone" -Being alone may be uncomfortable, undesirable and frustrating but manageable. -"I should never be cruel to my wife. I am a rotten person." -The word "never" doesn't allow for a flaw and there is an indictment based on a single incident. -"How terrible it is to be rejected!"

Causes of Workplace Burnout?

-Feeling underappreciated. -Time pressure for completion of projects. -Taking on more responsibilities than can be handled. -Bureaucracies, red tape, too many meetings and makework tasks. -Inadequate resources to do the required projects to meet standards. -Inadequate training and guidance for the required tasks. -Close supervisor monitoring. -Picky criticism and excessive work demands from supervisor. Too few compliments. -Lack of support from employer and work associates including interpersonal conflicts. -Perceived unfair treatment in compensation and advancement. -Client contact stressors.

Meta Analytic Study

-In a meta analysis of 14 randomized control trials, Lawlor and Hopker ( 2001) noted that exercise produced greater improvements in depressive symptoms compared to no treatment, with results similar to cognitive therapy. Studies with rats have indicated exercise changes the transport of serotonin, which is related to positive mood. Idea is that exercise works on the neural pathways antidepressant meds activate. There are immediate improvements in mood with strenuous exercise for regular exercisers. Success in competition helps. Flexibility decreases the likelihood of injury especially in aerobic and anaerobic exercise and is best attained thru slow and sustained stretching exercises. Yoga and Tai chi do this. When people acquire aerobic fitness, they increase amount of oxygen used during strenuous exercise and increase amount of blood pumped with each heartbeat. belived that wokring out releases peoples troubles meditation is also very effective improves moods

Vital Exhaustion

-outcome of work stress - concept that relates to burnout and involves a low energy state, sleep disturbance, extream fatigue, irritability, feelings of demoalization etc. associated with overtime, shift work, hectic work, and job strain -this then causes CHD (heart disease) risk.

ABCD Model

-select a situation that generated stressful emotions Activating event: What were the objective facts of the event? Try to avoid conjecture, or value judgments. Beliefs: Write down the self-talk, value judgments, assumptions, predictions and worries. Consequences: Write down the emotions you felt. Dispute and change the irrational self-talk. Next ask yourself, Is there any rational support and truth for this idea? " No." What evidence exists for the falseness of this idea? What is the worst thing that could happen to me if what I want to happen doesn't occur or if the what I do not want to happen does ?

4 Components in a Stressful Situation

1. preparation 2.confrontation w/ the stressor 3. coping with emotional arousal 4. reinforcing success think about confronting someone in a fight or going up in front of a class to present a speech stress coping: - expressive writing -self forgivness -humor -pets -music

Stressors that impact Job Satisfaction

Bullying Workplace discrimination Sexual harassment ** important Perception of Unfairness Emotion Work and Display Rules Pressures to act in ways inconsistent with one's emotions characterize emotional labor Role conflict and role ambiguity Qualitative and Quantitative overload Shift work Unethical behavior in the workplace Constant changes in technology Multitasking Physical demands of the job ( consider construction, mining, military). Travel ( e.g., sales and air travel and driving at odd hours in strange places). Role conflict and role ambiguity Employers playing favorites, providing unhelpful criticism, and expecting productivity levels without providing adequate resources. Personality based conflicts with coworkers Competition with younger workers Conflicts with unions. Unethical behavior in the workplace. Changes of various kinds that upset equilibrium: new supervisor, change in responsibilities, new procedures, reorganization and mergers etc.


Called "the stress hormone," cortisol influences, regulates or modulates many of the changes that occur in the body in response to stress including, but not limited to: Blood sugar (glucose) levels Fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism to maintain blood glucose (gluconeogenesis) Immune responses.

Stress Inoculation Training

Donald Meichenbaum argued in Cognitive Behavior Modification that a fear or anger response consists of heightened psycholocial arousal and thoughts that interpret a situation as dangerous, threatning and unfair. Apprasail of the danger, expected outcome and how you interpret your body's response creates emotions

Strain based pressures

Here, your "mind is at work" when you are at home or preoccupation with work leading to negative effects including irritabilty or distancing from family and friends

Reinforcing Success

I handled the situation. I did well. Next time I won't have to worry as much. I can relax away anxiety. It is possible not to be scared. My thoughts control my feelings.

Albert Ellis

Irrational thoughts or unrealistic self-talk are often responsible for emotions like anxiety and anger and ultimately associated psychological disorders. Rational Emotive Therapy was his approach: Much of the difficulty in uncovering irrational self-talk is its speed, automaticity, and often lack of complete awareness of them.

Interactive Effects of the Isostrain Model

Isistrain - job strain and social isolation


Obviously once we know the sources of job stress, we can address each concern. -Orientation and training programs -Workload management -Supportive workplace -Optimal job stimulation and challenges -Development of autonomy -Teaching coping skills -Observation of experienced workers -Participative decision making -Formative evaluations -Problem solving groups to handle difficult client problems, for example


Shermans notion of vigor: a positive psychological state charactorized by emotial engery, psychial strength, and coginitve liveliness.

Coping with emotional Arousal

Relax now. Just breathe deeply. There's an end to it. Keep my mind on the task at hand. I can keep this within limits I can handle. I am only afraid because I decided to be. I decide not to be. I have survived this and worse before. Being focused and doing what I have to do will lessen the fear. Reinforcing success I handled the situation. I did well.

Confronting the stressful situation

Stay organized. Take it step by step. Don't rush. I can do this and am doing it now. I can only do my best. Any tension I feel is a signal to use my coping exercises. If I don't think about fear, I won't be afraid. I can get help if I need it. If I get tense, I can relax. It is ok to make mistakes.

Refuting Irrational Ideas (some principles of Cognitive Therapy) (Albert Ellis)

The idea here is that much of the stress we experience is due to how we think about people and events and then draw conclusions that guide our behaviors and associated feelings.

Phases on coping with pain

There is nothing to worry about. I am going to be all right. I have succeeded with this before. What do I have to do? I know I can do each one of these tasks. It is easier once I get started.

Decision Latitude

a combination of skill discretion (learning new things, task variety, job creativity) AND decision authority ( freedome to make decisons, how to preform work)

Danish Bus Study

a study of Danish bus drivers found that workload as assesed by measuring intensity of traffic on various routes causes CHD (heart disease)

Progressive Relaxation

a technique for learning to monitor and control the state of muscular tension. It was developed by American physician Edmund Jacobson in the early 1920s.

being right

actively listen...remember that other people believe what tey are saying as strongly as you do yourself. there is not always one right answer ex. i do not care what you think; i would do it exactly the same way again

Mac Ewen

asked couples who lived together to complete a daily diary over several months to asses the impact of role overload role overload was related to anxiety and depression-- lead to anger and withdrawl from interactions

Recommendation for Moderate Physical Activity

brisk walking water areobics ballroom dancing tennis gardening we know it is a moderate activity when we are able to talk during the activity, but can't sing

Person Environmental Fit Model

by ( Edwards, Caplan & Harrison 1998) -states that stress occurs when there is a poor fit between the worker and the work enviroment. job maching-- it is very important to match to the right career!

Effort Reward Model (ERI)

by (Siegrist 1996) states that high-cost, low-grain work causes stress - proposes that a mismatch between high effort expended work and low rewards leads to distress and negative health outcomes this is because, when we give a lot to our work, we expect "reciprocity" in the way of high reward (money, status, esteem) When we experience imbalance, we experience distress. this loss of control threatens our sense of mastery (self efficany and the ableness to do something) which then causes a fear of being laid off etc. therefore... if the worked feels effort rewawrd balance is GOOD, then they won't feel stress.-

Low morale

can manifest itself clearly in a product of marginal quality and miscommunication


check out your assumptions. it is important to abandon the habit of comparing yourself to others ex. quite a few people here seem smarter than me

pressure demands ( causes for errors)

coupled with pressure and demands, you can get errors (incidents of rail iand highway accidents) Fatigue impairs concentration!!! this along with distraction can increase your vunderbilty to workplace accidents (getting in car accidents because of texting etc) traffic doesnt help, just adds stress and youre now late for work, rushed and disracted

Job Strain

decision latitude or low job control w/ high demands charctorizes high job strain Stress Model: Job Strain Model:

Job Burnout

defined as a syndrome consisting of symptoms of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment


defined as actions by people in their own self-interest without regard to the well being of others

Job demands (that cause stress and job strain)

defined by excessive work, conflicting demands, not enough time to complete work, working too fast and too ahrd


distinguished between challenge and hindrance stressors -challange stressors are associated with eustress (good stress) ie. overcoming a goal in riding


examine the odds ex. we have no seen eachother for two days, and i think the relationship is falling apart

global labeling

focusing on a single characteristic or behavior is not the whole picture ex. he was a loser from the first day he showed up here


found that mothers tended to be more emotionally and behaviorally withdrawn from their children on days when they reported heavier wordload or where interpersonal conflict occured at work (mothers in distress) similarly, relationship between fathers stresful interpersonal conflicts at work and expressions of anger to their children and greater use of discipline on the same day

Spill Over Hypothesis

generally suggests that work and nonwork experiences will have an effect on each other in a negative way ( may leave a person tired or too preoccupied to indulge in normal friendships, or household tasks

Cohen et. al (2006)

he found evidence that LOWER ses was associated with HIGHER basal levels of cortisol and epinephrine

Szanton et. al (2005)

he reviewed evidence that allostatic load assessed using induces of cardiovascular risk, adipose tissue deposition, glucose metabolisum, HPA axis functioning & SNS activity, is elevated in LOW ses groups compared to HIGH ses groups

Isostrain Model

hypothesizes that it is the combination of social isolation at work (without supportive coworkers or supervisors) plus job strain that is especially stressful and harmful to health This condition characterized those lower down in the civil service hierarchy


in Japan, known for death from overwork

Isometric exercise

is performed by contracting muscles against an immovable object; e.g.,pushing hard against a solid wall. The contraction of muscles produces gains in strength.

What was the "WhiteHall Study"

it was set up to study the social inequalities in health

Rystedet & Johanson

looked at urban bus drivers over 1.5 years and found that increased wokrlaod was strongly associated with a spillover of fatigue to home and leisure, problems unwinding at home, difficulties in coping in home demands and psychosomatic complaints

What are indicators of "Low SES (Socialeconomic Stress) Jobs?"

lower job control & fewer rewards adverse & stressful working conditions

Persons Questionnaire

measures stressful interpersonal relationships stessful life events were assesed over 12 mo period including the use of this questionnaire


more commonly known as adrenaline, is a hormone secreted by the medulla of the adrenal glands. Strong emotions such as fear or anger cause epinephrine to be released into the bloodstream, which causes an increase in heart rate, muscle strength, blood pressure, and sugar metabolism.

A few Causes of Work Place Strain

negative effects on employees sitting at their desk or small cubicle for long periods of time at the computer which then causes (visual problems, repetitive strain injuries that can cause neck, shoulder and lower back pain

Going Postal

nervously and impulsively showing lower tolerance towards others and displaced aggression various shades of violence can occur (going postal) --you may seem innapropirate emails

Stress Cognition, crossover or transmission

occurs when stress is experienced in one environment and affects others in another enviroment

Conceptual Educational Phase

one does a situational analysis of the presenting problem. Look at the thoughts, images, feelinsg, and behaviors that accompany and follow maladaptive problems, complaints and behaviors. The same event can produce in different people, different interpratations feelings and behaviors. ex. ppl with high test anxiety vs ppl with low test anxiety


quantify and examine evidence for your conclusion and vidence against it avoid using absolutes ex. ever since lisa, i have never trusted a redhead


question any rules or expectations that include the words, should or must. there are always expectations and special circumstances. your values are always important ex. you should never ask people personal questions

Recommendation for Vigorous Physical Activity

race walking, running swimming laps tennis jumping rope hiking we know it is vigorious activiy when we are only able to speak a few words and sometimes need to stop and catch our breath

Weinberg & Cooper

refer to the psychological contract which refers to unwriten expectations or obligations held by organizations and their empolyees fairness and trust is very important violations can result in not doing your assigned duties, wasting time, taking more sick leaves etc.

fallacy of change

remember that your happiness depends on the decisions you make. people resist when pressured ot change and may resent you ex. if you were willing to go to places where we can dance, we would have a better relationship

emotional reasoning

remember the importance of thoughts. feelings can lie ex. i feel depressed; life must be pointless

Anaerobic exercise

require short, intensive bursts of energy but no increased amount of oxygen use. Speed and endurance can be improved. An example would be short distance running.

Isotonic exercise:

requires contraction of muscles and movement of joints. Weight lifting and forms of calisthenics are illustrative. Muscle strength and endurance improve.

Aerobic exercise

requires dramatically increased oxygen consumption over and extended period of time; e.g., jogging, walking at a brisk pace, dancing, rope skipping, swimming, cycling.

Isokinetic exercise

requires special equipment that adjusts amount of resistance according to the amount of force applied. It is used to restore strength and endurance in people with muscle injuries.

Fallacy or fairness

say what you want or prefer ex. it isnt fair that you go out and have fun while i am stuck doing homework


shift focus, there is no need to magnify. Focus on coping strategies to deal with the problem ex. I could have enjoyed the picnic, expect that chicken was overcooked

Psychological Benefits to Psychical Activity

strengthens the heart and cardiovascular system reduces risk of CVD reduces body fat, less likeley to get diabeties live longer improves sleep self confidence etc.

Relationship between stress & hierarchy

stress INCREASED as one went DOWN on the civil serivce hierarchy


studies European pregnant women, full-time workers and found that 40% of those in jobs with HIGH mental workload gave birth prematuraley

Psychosomatic Symptoms

symptoms of the workplace strain that may include: - headaches, msucle tension (eye twitching), SNS activation, lack of appetite,, indigestion and altered breathing.

Civil Service Grade

the main measure of SES

Behavior based pressures

the manner of interaction with subordinates at work may be innapropriate in the family setting

The Job content Questionnaire

the most validated measure of work stress

Polarized Thinking

think in percentages humans are too complex to be reduced to dichtomous judgements ex. you are either with me or against me


treat all notions about people as hypotheses to be tested by asking the person or by seeking out evidence for and against the conclusion ex. she is always smiling, but i know she doesnt like me


where an insecure employee experiences pressure to be seen as the person who works the hardest by arriving earliest and leaving the latest this is not a gaurentee of higher productivity

Interrole Conflict

work-family conflict in which incompatible schedules and pressures are seen to arisen from family work roles.

Relationship between Top & Bottom of the Civil Service Hierarchy

workers at the TOP of the civil service hierarchy reported the LOWEST levels of job strain workers at the BOTTOM of the civil service hierachy reported the HIGHEST levels of job strain

Time based pressures

working long hours of frequent business trips away from home reduces oppurtunity to participate in family life

Control Fallacies

you are responsible for your choices and other people are responsible for theirs people are responsible for their failures if you are unhappy, it is because you chose to ex. you cannot fight the system


you are responsible to assert your needs. taking responsibility means accepting the consequences of your choices. blaming yourslef for another persons problems is a form of self aggrandizement ex. it is your fault we are always in the hole each month

heavens reward

your relationships, progress towards goals and care you give to people is important to you and should be intrinsically rewarding. you wouldnt want others doing things for you they wouldnt want to do ex. i have worked and raised these kids and look what thanks i get.

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